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alle. dem dlle Is .Ml. I o||. |W I : lu || .11. -, ., dillldll.s: at I . due.'ll I... s Ab-, cl,and, application - filed by lio ' \ er 1 1 UMI I all« r 1 leih Imp ■ 1- ■ I . 1 ... in o l.y ' Ii. 'Ml. cllll-l.|e|'. I W a aller due de. O' (, I., - I he follow log red!, X mail. m- : I liqn uv "lin n!. , •j m block 30. r.oo.ling. jp-v 1 educed to $70". la 1 he mailer 01 1 lo p. ■, 11 iiioiislranee ol tli. l.lalmli ! jl.. (*., against a-s. s-iiieiil -am 1 •onsideleil, and, ai'. reducljoi - I ion >ya 1 littéral I ■ .'l.y denied. -aid In the mutter ol the order Uifore made on July Huh .-mg the improvement- upon loi- 1 1 1 , block ia. "oodiiig. from >1 $1.000, the Hoard l.cing 1 • i,. r adMseil, the -aid onlcr rescinded and the valuation . said impi'uveinents 1 - In-r.-1.\ troin -51.000 to 53,Ooo. lie] e and I- he > |.V the ; 1 : -ed The veil! led applicant - } ank 1 . I nsn* \ 1 ileo 1 , elk July 12th It'll, sulere.I. and. alter dlle de m In.- Hoard grant- llo- fob.'", . 1:1 id ions 111 valuation-: 19 f 0 s. Ha ge 10 I ! t> --ed al ■•MS.» m ,NAA ', ML 1 1, N >... N AA N AA 1 , Sec. 15 'd 'll. " "le • I T H At - . 52. 1 UO. AA lo i ">d llo •n 2 1 . 1911 régulai 1 1 Haï". AA g lev .Nation 1 Vrl. I ». 1 1 - & Mercb; - St! Hank, .lurid - 1 -id .1 ' 1 » a:. Slat" 1 AA . "id. 1 1 . ( • • ■ 1 11 . ' ■ ia Han . AS . . 1 . t>. c. 1 r.s pi me Slat. I'.auk, J Ccrliiicale.- ... J -■ -I ill • 1 au-, .1 I" Haim. .1(11" >!al. 1 1,1 • 1. j : v llfn dite-, .. )..-■ Nat 1 Ha ■ Juror- 1 ■ ii AA "lid.'i !. 1 - I. * ... \\ i t • .u \ni si a:« J' .. ne i - ,v .Ap i ci, ai. - > ■ 1 J ur.d- i "id. le i.. Hans . ",lu N: Celli cort«. cutes f u -t Nat t Court (a -lineal" id. Nat 1 ilank. >h- -In : ■ jo: t liank. <" . u ira!" Hill in .I ,y u - A\ di," b N . Col 1 Pi. AA i ,i . at. - I ', U Hansen, ues I ■ ' 'inomas Mi/. i.el't ili J... i . ; (."1 ill AA mu Durâtes I u (. !.. ,1 .McMahon. Juron- > des D, (. L. L. einiger. Jure - ».'-r: Hi c«U - I •. J .AH 1 ail. Ju rn - C." ulicati - 1>. C. W D. v redeubui gh, Jurors (-••ri uicate- I u •.. ii>. Min. Boll T< ■ phi'in Ho., llentai- and 1 oils. Ol .Coin (.( . Ab.-! i act ( .... Pi it. id u i on I -u; '.uc. , I. .lavco.v D A- - sessor, . J il. Av lit", b A A. 1 - 1 1 -or -. 1 . Z' la Pliy-. I .u i C. 1 . /."lb r. I K , b i AAx ,v V li. Kilim, I C. ( 7 . llayip's, Ic Furcht Justic I W. H. Keilv, I xp. 'cam I PITS. A. (., W .«il 7 I ainai J. Ki-img. supi, F arm, .. .... i ul,.. Irrigid ion Cm, > plies. Frank Clem. Drnyagt* am Dirt.. Chas, Edward-. AVitnc-- I Ii. i,. F. H. Hughes, llemslailing llol Air Plaid, Frank V. (ire. m . Drayage. 6. AV. Sinner, DnT >.■ t*. F„ Crabtree, Servies I ' p Pa \\ , ,.. 156.00 ... 11(1.00 ,5.5( I ' ',11. Fret A. Clark", Services 1 silent f. V 7 1 F r,,i I 'cp. Kxp. (i. Bliss, 1,1 2 « SIPTIi I.. A. 17, Ellis, Special Sheriff. F'Unn Bros. Team Hire. ' " Mtoshono PlunilCg & Heating M)., C. Il . 41 Shoshone Plumh'g Ä Healing C^Bnedne«^ I'ts allovvtd, ...••••• • • • Warrh Drug Store. I'k*»lV Sheriff'. 59.5 J. H Kenapy. Witness Fees 22" Western Fleet tie Co., Phone Bracket. . Shoshom Light &• Water Co., 8p unites. R. W. Swope, Drayage. .. .. Bytns-Vork Co., Supplies C. i 3.88 .. 13.35 4.00 164.75 H. '! Evans, H allowed, i« •1111 aim • pan- .lull. Di 37.5(> llo d'a iTerly a-ure \ ed. report And, lu, 11 vv . * \ — II. II.'ll W li and 'I . dp..,. ! I nd onion i. •'"elm. 1 ». "I J.d\ ■ I • y* I y >(*»iim. mil I i ■.. i Ken: I y. I C .)<iI- - -In ill W a JI , '. 11. Lock"... \\ And. i-on, l.y W M i.ckgl'oW e| • Supplie- . J. Hedinoi 1 .a.,,: Supplies . r. 'it »O.On ■ H. 1 ivcr. I i-puly . J. A. HI.."man, Ji.puly .A- sessor. ... \——1 w any I"'"*! ' "lln - s, speakman. expenses c. "inn I-ii. ner. .. i"..,:, claim.« . ..niini.ed >.n it., li. ad a... i ,, i"u. J mul : .. ' " ' !.. II. Law -ne. Labor Moans. H. 1 , h M1 g .5 All,Oil Colverts. . . 1313.KU N Inlalu-h. i-rejgi., Cul verts ■ . . . 2 1 111.70 i he ■uniiial I inaneial Slalemeiit "I Ho County Auditor lor the l i — ■d yar ending April 3 . Hdi, Aarilllled and 1 - hereby approved. I lie IhiII.I . d ! .. H. ilughe- VVll ll Ii- .National Surely -nrely 111 III, 1 . 1 - h ami u as "inp.iny 5 His:.,.« 1 1 , Ihe -mn ol install e C". U" H 1. 1 . - plant in - mm. '.I and app.'.-ve In Ihe matt .1 ol o i.-kim; lor to Hoard, ,.1'ei 111 v 1 —! 1 g „ ; '**i s >d y i to d oughlv, ■ lo lli" d "oil s< il ii tat " ' tlm 1 I hut ,v Ihe lor • .ai mn AA 0", Hoard Julv 2 i fluid.'iidIi Hay .«I Julv M—mu. lie •I" I' l.d . m J uiy 21 li 1911 I ..) Hoard ol Kipiad/ai mp n- immvving pa ; : i- - \A ill!" .Ald.-c. . ! i lu- day and ; K".d"l 111 -V Hurd ■ 15. 1.1. 17 1 . >lu -l,. • .d ;.. in - Ho -i,. . llaii-ep. " me . Hik. . 1 » - • » - i,i, AA If . ( i J a I, Hoard ol Km.. ^ Ulitli 1 * a. rn. 1e r. up. li c '.ommis-.• . 1 , 1911. .I 31. Hi (he mallei Ni. is year 1895 iseO'.i t I lav sale mi. cal i i ein Coiin'y J : h. 1W9, upon Ulllll l i. Ill.'l I - I right J. 11. High m -e — 01 V lUVes! Iga'lell ol'dtd li j .or l.i\ ti- iij'jM-arÿ hug .nimmt >■> .»' aller .Audi" j 1 - h . ■ I said . i .y .da Id el the e: lax ■I" a -I.(ki auilitoi - i">. It appeal il g !< !.. Heal .! 1 hat He >\A 1-4 NJ l-i Sec. 1( >. H. 19 ! .. H. AI .had ben on ih. I t hia- county, Treasurer are in r. f.y instructed lo aiist. i Irom School District No. Cun . i i T xp.-n-" J und ol 1911 ; It, -urn el s>. m ami the Auditor i- luidlod i ant m laver ,1 the owner ol -aid ; double •■ --IH' :it book ii,<1 ■>>»,! tile Auditor 37 tl . !"d tu drav. a vv al - I i-i and, lin IVn Falls North Side 1 -and and AA . « . i:i the aiiimiul a that > car ■ tic Jl i.pp. all! g I a\ Sal" I a . Ne. 91 COV "I I! A. 1 Mill. ' upert in H ■ v a - 1 -sllc !.. V. c <'V" i '- d I ■; Il I- il h rn,ncnl. au I did. lb" Alf i ruclcd In lu hereby in— i i, ate. that I ...aru II app.-aril" 1 ay Sale ( • . Ip! >\V l*-i ST . .'(> I . H. AH. i , ,r 1909. c.y.u i; c 1 - , sec. 32 1.9'. in error, ina-p I lor -a'. , , ., 'The following claims against Hie Current Expense Fluid ap(ieanng the Au.lllor is , re pat \ idenccd by N". nisi 1 ff" I , ,,\ ' "i 869 tile A 11 - ."II/. iP> u etor's Heceipt hier i- hereby -aol ce, I if leal.'. he incorr. cl inslruclcd to rduni same 1 >r correction: Jacob K. Henkle. Edward Conroy. , n . 1 ■"■'* hereby BonstahU* . 15.00 Fees, . F.dward I ees, . , . M ' Mm'.-lud. salary Co. ,,, „ smith.' Conslaoie Fees, J; ^ ,', m kliu. Justice Fees ( n smilli I'.onstnhl « 1 1 * '"ndahle Kxp. W. ». 'ft ; 1 11 t Const aide Conroy. 25.00' •i.iilii, uct on the t' 01 'reid 850 00 ' ' 9.( HI 1.00 10 ' 1(1 25 70 I p' «1 1 00 ' " " ' - «00 i ees. . V'redenhurgh. Conklin, J. D. AA F'ees, ... I'. N. Au,-I in 0 001 . Chas. F, Annetl. Acting Cor oner.. Jutui >. H. 11. Hyatt, 1 ; - 1 1 ' 11 H.uulv 10-13-iu.' !.. AA, W alker. Court Certif icat i;. I . il. M. liuru-ude, K \I.*• 11 *. — 93.50 'H a-- <\ I'rudlmiiiiiie. 1111 o*t* J.30 1 'Mt .<■- >U|.I. II. le Hall II W plemenl - H. Jolie- Just. ■,'O.lHI >;.(Ki arm, M 1 ail, la,ai d J j|-. I;, ft.ahv ys !.. hv. i do. 7 !.. .> \ - .-I. ' '.In - lu! dus. ' : 1 11 11 1 - - 170. ..mins l.'j.od -1 .do . ••l'on, salary Hoard ll.-alih .25.00 1 K. .N-. sop, Mdary Commis -n. .-r .175.UO ' . u. Nelson. Expense,« Commis r .. 65.75 1 . I .Nelson. Freight Cul I.. '-peakui.m. .* il ■ iH Ii . ... Spe.i km an. >. 1 •./ Hoar 20.1" H. Sjieahman. I xpen-e C 11111 - I ».Oh i i.00 ( 4.00 4.00 l.Od , ,, , , 4.00 \. M craint.le. Judge Election i.00 . Hiirger, Judge Klection I. I dlmlm. 1 Jerk Liedmn m. J. I!.ell. Clerk Klection W H K.-ily. Judge Klection e|'l . 23.03 Arthur 'll Judge unpson Hlectmn . Il N. Adair, Judge Klertion g.- Beckett,Judge Klection A --Hi 4aiidolph.JudgeI7lection II. II. Al.'.Alahuii. Judge Klection I.iki f.H.I .j"kinsoii. Judge Klection J.AA .Hoiierlson, Judge Klection ■ il. H. Jell 1JW Um i .00 4.00 1 . W mill -on. Judge 171 eel ion f. I,. Hi l.oo : 1 ii• 1 « I, ..I•-r171 lon i.uo lion 1. ■<*< h. . 1 m c. - O, Hud Ju., Lie i .1 >' 1 ion. AA c: mu •I I. ll AA \ >: 1 .• "lion I'r. I -' J Udg" L ' mn . I "cUnn I Udg- J7 .-.M I 1 ' .'. I . -c I, III- : I'.dge i.00 1.( K ) i .00 AA I .. V. - Hun,". Ala: IIP. .1-l.i .1 ion. AI AA A. H'd". Judge Klection i. 1 ■ • *-lel'k Kl-ctloll lie" I M , 1. AI -I" J laig.- Klee) loi: ,. •. I ■ ' l"Ii Waited' li. • ■i p. Judg. K '■ i.. id i.lKJ AA K. Hit.--, J dge Km.dmm i.a.-li. -, Judg. Ki-.di. H.haei . Judge Klection. I AA Hunter. Judg" Klection, um T. 11. i.uodiiig. Judg. I. A. Ib.wlei. Judg. ■ n 1 1 *Wli c r *— ■ •xamui" appl "V ed : aim Ad- : I 1 1 e-Mn: ,N. Hi I . A Oak"- in-tri," No. 19. 1 " . . H , I .aw -h". Id-! ijfl N-21. ; Pd No. 2 1 . AA AA AA 1 1 -1 i •ul mu. am i ;. w • AA \A , Lata : )(. cl-. )(■ pan-. M I J . A. Aij\ >r Hoau .il .(h •Ulk"-. Halm; 16,1 HI a a. li. I C, Jl. AA . n. Hula r Uoaos. 2.1 HI Il- I laid" ip. Haf.oi ll .1 di: K. Haw. I .hör Head-. . , i.apor Hoa.: i , , p , , U .ape 1 . I .a. Pd ,H' . K ''clung. Labor Hoad-, ll. AI Sli A It.,.»' .■ ion. Labo: H au Hab. r Hoa" Miaw . ■ Hump.-c 1 AA . t a, , 1 - I Hid-. ; ■( Dcd J M ■>' .t I ll, dory Pond be I - i • (l(K) \v v (aimpa; : n m AA in, wife mat n pprov eu. Tl," pel Pi. -i, A I. Ibd'i of i u I,. * a ,i-kii,u f .' ner mini.d,l i -d Jeroc id appi "\ Precinct was "\ ed. mu H T. Su 1 pile, -king that Tile p,dltlop and nine oilnu Itnard declare Ih" following i wil: "Bopnrnii Nm l h and Soi ||,, ns 3 ,-, - a pul.lie higliwav - p. '".I road t" point on Ih" >V b.'lw.'en S,c and 36. 1. 5 S. It. 15 F. H. Al. 80 rods north l l .tie S..ul!, Fa-1 ■ti..n 35. Ihen. e ni the CO,'tier 1 1 1 >:,!., ".'ist two mites sti'clion line i a point Sect P - d " 1 : '2 1 ■' > H 'e I B. M. vvtip ii "f Ihe soil'll - sa,d sec ion 31. ,x 339 inclusive is as point is HO rods nocl t corner of llp'dre in a N'ortlo ,>t",ly direelim lu g conneetion with the present (.," .Inig-Shoslione lUiaiT . was Hu Board approved. , Bridges Nos. 'X upon tn,'tr secono segregation imill by the ISvin Falls North Side l and and Water Co.., were duly ae the Commissioners , - , 1 ''O ' 1 . ■ . , Coimtv bridges. The petition of F. C. Young and 18 o'liers asking for the following pro posed road, lo-vvit: "Leaving the sect ion line between Sect ions and 36 T. 6 S. IK 18 K. B. M.. al a point about 30 rods sooth oT the (Northwest corner of Section running in a southeasterly direc 34 35. m a Hie Idaho is; then running souill ai a point u;, rod- -ouih id he North - .■oruer of Seelion ;j:,. " a- by H< - iid a|>|>roveii. •■I'l" ; >rn g 'o III. laiard Inal . I as hum I.' h Side I.,mil .\ W idol et. dore I .Ill \ a loll .dung (lie rlllial 111 IIIniidion Co. il t m I u t id i ■ < — in.- tin- canal. lie section till. \\ I ■ - I I : I - III. I will I I. l.y man.I ai I •I J ' I th* 1 !••• •i/m. I. ;n mj ■ ( >. u j I. \ TJ I: I I he pel ll ion o) . Iliicl.cock and 10 others pray 'lo Hoard to create a herd dl-i rn : under I to law pa-yd i" Ihe Idaho Legislature of l!Hj7 und! embracing the' territory in Lincoln County more particularly described as lull.)"- Io-wit: Commencing: at .1, a point where the .Malad Hiver crosse - the Hange line between Hange- Ki and 1 i Last boise Meri «nun. Hience up liie .Malad Hiver to wii.-r, the Alidad Huer flows under it..- main line ol the Oregon Short, Lin- i a dread, thence west along it,. (iiegon short Lirn railroad to . where the Oregon Short Line rail roa.l ( loss, s the line between Sec I lien- . and ä, T. 5 S. H. 13 E. ; i I norlli lo the Section corner; ( led weep Seclmns 33. 3i. 27. 28; thence we-t lo the section cor ii.r between Section« land 27 I. 5 S. It. and 34, 30. 20, 12 K.; thence north to tween Sections 22, 23. Ii T. r. s, H. 12 F7.: the section corner be-j and 15 thence west to line between Lincoln thence south ■n Lin Couutie- to the the Snake Hiver the 11 unity and l.irnoj. Counties; along Ihe county line hetvv .".in und Llmore ri mock above :heiice along the rimroek id tin- Hiv.r Canyon and 111 an eu-Ie.'lv and Cany on ; utheasterly reclion o the point of beginning.: .Ami a;,, reas it being the opinion of If - Howd that a majority ol <!nidified electors are desirous I'. ..ling the aforesaid territory I Imrd distri.T and September ; b t • d it . lllh. 1911 at 10 He Coonly Court House has been irv-d . 1 - I Ii«' I inn- and place for bear- , at . ( lock a. Ill.. ■Ml muer-, and at that t mm | he HE aid place any person or persons t may -Imw cause, if any there be, ! v.liy -aid petition should not granted and -aid district he created] an.; III. Clerk i- hereby instructed i'-.> give due notice thereof. ; . • : 1 .mn ,d (j.'opge Harvey ami ol li'.-r- praying the 'Board to "..instruct a bridge across a coulee 1 -bip lim- between Hie S17 1-1 "f SW 1-4 Sec. 31. i . 3 S. H. ... K H. .Ai „ and tie M 7 1 -, ,\W ... , 1 ; < ) t 2(. E. li. -AI. AVU- laid on the table pending an' l-i > my -Mgatni hv Ove:-.■> r M. H. Jobn-on. ' : I be P-Ution ol J. W . U Connell liie ic ut ion "I Koni- Orilk a- Justice fi-'cmct was approved. : Ol and ..'lieds a-king lor the coiisllUc Lon ol a bridge aero-- the North Mde High 1 -1 : in.* ditch at., .. point -aid ditch was t>y smali " hel '• the line between S. It. 17 -ec'lion .-".dien.- 27 .uni 3i I . 1., 1 M. d he Hoard d"i,led. 1 lie p.-ulmii ol !.. 1-. Dentier and •ther citizens ol Hillsdale Precinct a-king lei ivye ornlg. - -iluate on Lateral Urn- ou' ol Mam Cana) be W".li Sections 10 and 11 and 1! mu 1 1 . I" S.H. 19 K..ah a the Board ■ ... i -• , cille" !,el Ween »'I nous 1) and 2. were by gi anted. 1'lie petition of J. 1>. i urchl and otliers asking lor the construction "1 a fill on a road one mile north 1 Oooding at the corner of the VAA l-i SAA I-I See. 29 T. 5 S. H. !7 !.. B. M. isnereby granted. The petition of Homer H. Ford d others asking for the opening el . cad commencing at the d Ihe SK l-i of I •(■ I Il"I 1. 7 >. H. 15 B. M.. tu." hail'-; JUIUliPg "asl ,'11 II" U 'll mil. - i rn. I In inch hid ny i .. ccrtitica'e. unvnt be '1 i Me, i . Jem Acting i a , ) A!, Powell, s.rvici 9.50 . 2 7> .00 lle; ■., H. al d Coimiu . .. 53 . 01 , -I"Ml', . M( Call u Surgical AA ork 20".00 H.-P. .Abi'alia, Surgieal AAnrk Hal pep». ! ilaVVcd, . . ■ , Alph nisus Hospital. Med ici,I Care Paupers. , ,...■(. i e. Nut'l Hank. Court 150.00 .. 151.00 . .$ 36.40 â.it"! AA 'hereupon the Hoard lock a (■•■>.- until Alonday. July 31. 1911. .. 167.15 Hoad 1 ciTHicalcs. ., Claims cQuiinue and Bridge Fund; AA'celcr l.utnia i' Co.. I. umher .1 .dm Keel.-, he >n | | M , p ,,;,,., 1 ,,f Commissioners cl 1 Kincoln County convened thU day to a.i'jinirnmcnl, Present ; A. !.. Speakman. Chairman. ('.. (7. ifteeidh Day of July Session. July 31st, 1911. Nelson and C. N. Dilalush. Com i'ussjoncrs. and Harry AA . Ander son, Clerk; In Hie matter of the equalization i of the assessment roll, this being last dav allowed h\ law for'M parties to' he heard the Board. being fully advised in the promises. I.'fliers that the following raises he and the same hereby are made: final and the Auditor is instructed te place the following raises upon tl,. the assessment roll: J. P. Hidgway, Acreage A-173. Jerome, imp. raised from $550 to . Thos, Jaycux, Acreage .. .. $850 A-181, 7501 Jerome, Imp. raised $560 to. >ui Harney ,\<>hle. Lut I Aci-ag 1 Jerome 1 mp. rai irom •t-aU iu.. !■ luyd .Norman. A-1«: A-185 1 A III Jerome troin 5 2')d to .. i ■ . (-• I al-ei, i.ol Jeron : dl. Kd I. Imp. i W A. »'li. 1j* J- .1 . --i, Jen in. Imp. ra A-2 . . ip. 1 ai-ed from - Jot) 1). K. Minis. Kol- 1 Jerome it) lo.. . H.a. 17, inn. Horn . 300 1 i'lii-ed D. Carlton, id 3, Idk. Jerome, Imp. s J,J d to. J. it. Lius, Lot 11, Hik. 22, Jt rouie, imp. raised from $25d to. iC. S. Hs.nh, Lot 11. Blk, 26. Je rome, imp. raised from 5150 to. ueiiry Hlielun, Heyouin, Lot 1, luk. 44, Beyhurn f ixtures, Je rouie, Imp. raised from $100 to. Jay Brewer, 17. 1'iii * Iroiii iUU 41 X 1 1 I .. 2-jO 2 00 Lot 11, Hlk. 30, ! Jerome, imp. raised from $300 to . Mary H. .Napton, Jail. Ii. Hlk. 4.2, Jerome, Imp. raised from to. Alary B. Napton, Lot 10, Hlk. '2, Jerome. Imp. raised Horn 700 to.. . 4IXJ ( 375 -H 5i. Neilsoii, Lot 12. Hik. 59, .,.. 1000 i Imp. raised Horn ... '>-g . s. .Neil-on, J,oi HJ, Hlk. 59, Imp. raised from .. .. 250 i jerome, 5150 to Jerome, 5150 to . di-'*Jias. 11. Chapin, Truste.-. Twin halls, Hot- 5 and 6. Hlk. oO. Jerome Imp. raised from $450 to. IL. L. Lee, Lot 11. i Jerome, Imp. raise OH J.ot 7. Hlk. raised ly me. Imp. to.. .. . Hertha T erringt on, L-d 15. Bik. 02. Jerome. Imp. raised from •5 iâi 1 to.. . J. (lormun. Lot 10. Hlk 02. Je rome, Imp. raised from 5300 .1 - '. dll , . . . 1 i.N.Mj 450 to J. A. Armstrong. Lot 20. Hlk Jerome, Imp. rai-ed Irorn , *i£' 0 u ,o 1 • . v !'*• lla y J -ol 1. Hik. 5o f 011 **. lln H- rai-.-d lr<dn 52 "u ,. ,0 „ v ", •; •• l ,* t - Kartzke. Lot 2 . Hlk. 5". Jerome. Imp. rai-.d irom *'■&} w à, " r V. 'mi-' « * , ' I».'',ft. Lot .. Hi-. 5 Jerome, Imp. rai-.-d •53ou to. J. W. Handv. Lot H. Hlk. so. Jerome, Imp. raised from •5 400 to. H. S. Frazier. Lots 1 5. Hlk 81. Jerome, Imp. raised Irorn ... 450 Je .. i 50 350 Irom . 4c0 ,. 6ch., K. C. Newell. Twin Lulls. Lot to.. . ion. 81. Jerome. Imp. i-ed from 5'joo To.450 Twin Falls North Side Hiac- 1 inenl (X... Ix.ts 1. 2. Hlk. 83. Jerome Imp. raised from >1250 to . H.-riry Overt.urg. Lot ll Hlk. 53. Jerome Imp. raised from -5150 to .. 'll. Hill. Lot 13, Hlk. S3. Jm-unm. Imp. raised from > 150 ;•• H. M. Huggins lyd- 15 16 Hlk. 83. Jerome. Imp. raised from >1(1.HI tl 12 . 1..IHI . 750 1250 150 . 551. J. W. Lawrence, 8.T Jerome. Imp. raised Irom 575 to. 1 rum. I.aund C..„ Exit . 83, Jerome. Imp. from 520c to , Jus. Kersey, Jerome, imp. *150 to .. H A.C; S6 Jot : aj>* . . 3ih< Hot 29, H.k. 56. ; ■ cm , 250 .Hlk, 1 rom ■ "U, l.i'- 31 "'. •me. lipp. rni->•< s' a i I. U. ! JrPOI ! et- 1 lmp. i '. 'Hi Optfi - ti - p L 1 Short • 250 alpll M oo IV. Imp. I (.. Heed, loi- i 2 3 Hik. loo. Jerome. Imp. raised from -25(1 lo.. -- I pd" me i.'O rati. I -I 9 , 10k. bid Imp. I. from Sesä lo . . .'.. AA . H. Slurgis. Lo! 3. ! • rome, lmp. rais. « 101) 101 . lo.. K D. Nims. Jerome, Imp. $250 to .. I.ienen Hik. ltd. Jerome, Imp. raised from $30t> lo .. . A'. K. $kadden, Lot 2 . Hik l"2. Jerome, Imp. .>:!'„( to.. . I. Hobinson I.ol 7. H.k 10 .' Jerome Imp. i ; -ed H orn Lot ; Hlk. 101. from raised . 400 Acheiibat i, Lots ; .. li.X' from i-od ion •'u 1 ■ Fuller, Lot 16. Itlk. lo2 'ki > l ni T ' Ff'Ui ^o .' 11 4"-■ ■■ •' 8 . Lcmay. '-. 7 5 . 100 " Hot 6. HIk. P>9. fiom i Jl If mp. !,^ 10 }«' ■ I' (., Uorboth, Lot t Blk. 118, Jerome. Imp. raised from N. WoHe. Lots 10, I Blk. [21 Jerome. Imp. raised from , r-}*' to.. . - - — - A. Heashy. I-ol 12 Blk Ll. . In'l*. raised from .. .. .. .. .. .... 4o0 A. W. Alps Lot 16. Blk. 1—. $250 n to.. " np '. , . Sed .. f :° m 350 ,J \V. Lawrence, Lots 13, 14. 15 Hlk. 133. Jerome Imp. raised frnni SiO ' 1 to.. . 200 .... 300 . .. 7IK' .. 3o0 1 . A. ll ii.-lty, 1 aA 3, Ulk. 140, . Jerome, Imp. raised • to. Iroui . . dad i.ols 1», 16, Hik, Imp. raised from dad Id..m.-., d. Id, 11, - .joudliiy, imp. iron. - .00 to . .. »u(J .ois J, Id, Hik. aiseu Irom imp .. 300 ..-it, cois ii. l, ciA. u irom ... ;ivj j . ni. ij. ii. j. 11, I-, Id A. 1 . 11 . 1 ., In . Imp. raised iron. . -j) ; ti, id a 1«, imp. raised troin .300 J , u J. f urcht, Lots 13, 1 i, 10 lOOdmg, imp. 10, iron, ïio.j lo .. .. Z'JO Cha-. Hulbert. Lots 11, 12, H.a. ■i.j. loo. uiig imp. raiseu from .... 30(J j(j to .. I.M. ou he en, W 1-2 i-U-10, J2U ..Lies, raised from gOtiOO to «.rid .Mrs. Jennie Lolanu, Lot 3, 5 s-10, 40 acres, raised from 5000 to . 3"f0 C. W . foison, MVi SW Vt 11-5 10, »0 acres, raised from $1000 . .. 12>J0 Towle Kanu Co., -NVg MKV4 2-0 17, Imp. raised from $200 lo JOd Jj. c. .MacWallers, Lot 20, Ulk. to . . J7. ooouing, raised from $140<J . lOoO to i-. H. Ooouing, Lots 13-15, Hlk. 21. Ciooding, raised from $10, . .. 20000 \V . H. Kelly. Lots 13, 1 i, Hlk. 15. (.kooding raised from 51000 10 .Jddd i . Jl. Oooding, Lots 1-0. Hlk. 000 to .. On Crooduig, laiseo from $1300 lo.15o0 • 0 . f. Hall, Mock linplemeuls, vv 1 ndell raised Irorn 551-HJ lo 10'Jd La ion Bros, slock implements ^ Hardware, Wendell, rais . 1 -'S J ed U'OUl 5500 10 .. Weinberg A Son, Stock Mdse., from $1450 .15)0 AA "..del,. : .used ! O J. L. Arki . sin Slock Mdse., Ooodmg .used IrOlll 522J*- 1 LO JlTAl Slock Haugb implement Co., Shoshone, rais .. 21 JOO Hope II l II's, "d Im u 5150) lo i ugh Hardware Co., Hardware, Shoshone irom 51501) to. '.A . ii. Haugli Shoshone, Stock raised JduO ,. slock Drugs, iai-ed from 51ödd tj.Jd tj.Jd \\ . U. buugb, Furniture A i ix tures, (Drug Storej raised irom 55UU to .laOO Stockgrowers Merc. Co.. Slock Alo-e.. Sbosbone, raised Irom .... l20*Jd Mock 550Pflj to. Hedruon Hardware Co., Mdse.. M'osliune, raised from 54600 to . Slarrb's Drug Store, .... 6500 Stock . hosbone, raised irom .3U00 Uiiv- r Nicely Hot *. Hik 3, Siio suoue. Imp. raised from $1500 Drugs >2000 to . J.jou tU . . >ii>. ï.. "W. Horton. lx>ts 11, 1-, Blk. Shoshone, Imp. raised from 5IUU to Tied AA. Oooding. Lots p L 10 ft. 01 Lot 16, i Shoshone. Imp. raised , .. 5u0 17. 18, H Irom 5J00 to Frank i. Lei; 15. 19. 20, Hlk. 4, -ne, . . Imp. raised Irom 5100 Disney, N 30 ft. of slio . 20J le M L. AV . Horton. Lots 14. 15 Hik il. Shoshone, imp. raised ' .. a; . i Tv. Horton, Lots 17. 15, Hik 11 lie in 53(8' to .. .. J . Hurbiclge, Lots Shoshone. Imp. 650 hosbone, Imp. raised .. 4Ù0 7, 8, Hlk. raised 1 1. lam $500 to .. .. ,\. j. Newman. Lots 11-16.' Hlk. , : sbosbone Hup raised Irom .... 1800 . .. ¥900 to .. • C. Newman, Lots 1-5. Hik 2 i>. Shoshone, Imp. raised from > 11(00 lo. . 1300 lets 17-20. LuedlUg. > I . 11 : "-l .d;. . Hup. rais . . . 5(> ) $3(50 to • from ! . 1 -order 1-,. Hlk 38 rai-ed from . 500 Lot ( i U SNA D. V AA > AA . kd, k Machinery 3()(.K| .1 "-.SI lila , . l i l-, (1 1800 >t m impicii . \A iaic;: raised M.p 100 rom Stock mis- .1 .. .. 1200 35 ll. k. 12. from . 500 1 A\ . '). e.I , uu li. 17. 1 a tub. North f la i- 7, s. 9. lo. H ■ . A r. (■•■!.burgh. 25x120 ft. 7. 8 , 9 10 Hik. 12, from . .. 300 AA 9 t ots •slip-; !li I'd > 1 (K' to . .. rais- ,i 2' vf-'a : i. in Lots 12, Shoshone, ;. $100 to .. 1 J Hrennan 7. 8, 9. to Blk. 300 ; . Lots 7. 8. F. T Disney ; 9 . 1 ", Lots 5. 6 . Hlk 12. -lion.', imp. raised from l,o 1*0 . .. 100» ock Mdse.. Ovni $3000 AA hi', r A 1SCO liHX' , T ,.„ Mî,«- assnm « fn as , A- jr- ,''? v a, pit was ; • ' *v • - m a f( 0r ,jue delibera ifim» »ranis the following reduc lions fn vIlualion^NEVt, 31, f5 2 ' F N B s ec- 32 T. 5 S. R. 15 E. B. -[■• a scssrd at $ 8 , 200 , 'educed tc $ 1 . 200 . 15. 16 Imp. .. .. 650 Pur.iuin -N I'urdum, 1 -ois 17 Hlk. 3. Shoshone, raised from 8550 to 1-6. Blk. 14. • Imp. raised from Lots C. Hansen. «400 lo .. .. --. 500 ■rified application of Mrs. filed hy the considered,