Newspaper Page Text
8 w lieivupon ! ht* Hoard ..| F.qual i/.ali . adjourned wit ■!!•■. ami there;,poit Ihr Béant of .t> #i"i njel in regular '."ioi p-qlaiuiiig !.. fount} mailers. In Hie mailer of Ihr verified ap- | plica! ton of Limile Miller. a widow. a rfiiiici upon h.-aniu; iiiinil.ers :>711 3TIM. 'or Ihr year l!>lo. ihr Reuig IH11 \ advised. liu Auditor i htivih instnirlrd to draw .. war • pou Ihr leurrent Expense 'S ,00 III I :i\ llecrlp - If! . dll.. .Old I Hoard : I ! rani l uini in Ihr aniounl. of fa\t : o: '.tin l.innir >11 i■ ■ Tin' pelUloll ol 11. M. Iieiilon and , Others r i)ii> 'linn order the runs!rum. ; Ihr la w Line lh. Hoar.! 11 1 : life 1! 111! lahlr ponding an m\••-I igal ion | ihr allrgrd rundilidlts. TJir ii lou o| H H. I,airy a,lu IV others ;i' s i k lion tu drsignulr a- highway a IW roll S cl loll' dV n o 17 K. H, M. i. strip of lauu :.o f.-r; wie. begin ning at a point IV Ml > 1" V i • ■ curlier . * ! T.luS.h.viiK.H.M.. running low arils am inti läge ol ,M i ! 11 • • I. \\ - ai. lahle uulii I hence the Vil li pi » tlie ! '.'III" ! ! li lime. lu I he niattcr of : I • ipp.ira: lou Cd Kiiwiu Verhui'g liuiial payment l>\ cert in ii rods Heyhuni Bridge wen- under water lasen inli> Sslale Hoard appileniIon was ai.i ;.i pending iny-'ligatio Ibis .-•• \ iur and (.races upon the which lu- «lates and Were not considérai i.-i; l>\ the ■'! '!'!" ill'"! ' V I'll! pel c>! W i iiiin: I '» gins «nd 72 others - g lu Bo «ff.OUO.U" a i.ridue Lake. apprMpiiate Hi»- ol toward ilo* emiÿt riH*Uoii am-»» Snak» U ix •* a *.. luali»-. in ; ViSlMii» »»{' Gli..; sion Idali". w.t' ; .an» il ; i • } /. ii •Hit ia! 1 « liea«; Jerome - n-e; approx eu. TTo* uetuiMji . aiui olllel> asKJ open a roan »*;. under llie e ontraet Kalis .North Si»i» l Oompanx with !ii* mot»* pat*(icniari> • n. lb \\ ' l- -.1 1 lie .win ■ Water' ion inn* ; .ami ■■ l.lilluu I ■' nlc low.-; Commencing .ii i!.. corner on the eas?! -* i >• ..... i..n U - 1 ' T I K - i, ... .- j. vi , . , ' due west où tiiê hall-sèotloi 'line a distance ol one mile to th ■ guar tor corner <»n th.* \\.*s .*1 s;ud >»*o lion -. was roiisnn ivu .*> 1 1 ;.* Hnai*d ! and granted. i daims coni lulled on the Current Expense Fund: Edward Conroy, Constatne Fees, .. .. ... Etiward C.oni'»>. C.ou>iahh' Fees, 1 >isa!lowed ... . Chas J. Lisle, iiepuly. As 8. ü» Ses>o!' » .01 » H. B. Young. Wiliic: kale L. C. i. .M. Crandall. Contrael Burn. i i!i)H.»T it •J.IM County Barm. Claims continued on the i 8l8.H0 l.ulioi* llo.nis lii.001 .. 26.13 •».'Mi Koad . aiui Biiogc Fund: Charl.'s Gaulin.Lulior lî». •L !.. Witfci 1 h, : Rupert LJir. \ H.Kv, Co.. I.lim ber Roads. A. 1'. Bcxmcr. Labor li.. N'jidcx-Chanffi'l I.lir. I. im - iter Bridges. It appearing U. Hie li-.ard that Tax Collector's Cert il i.-al.- Side No. 19,for year UHj7, ■.i\m u |,j p, in Block 17. Rupert, hlalu. xv.i sued in crinr, imismii' li a's ;he taxes assessed ;tia.,,.ist -:ii.j pri.pel'lx for tile >ear 1907 «eiv p.ii.l in C. iv' ' .~ a8! " a > as ''' idenced l.\ receipt' Is 1^. Hnr.aet fit '"i,, J:! 10 . ••> »»HK-'k 17. struct,ed to eanetd''sa'id ciu'l tficai'ê as Io I lie property above described. In tlie mailer of a request from the business an appropriai ion from (he 1». h>>|.I ill ! men of W.-miell for •omily towards the expenses of the Lin coln Comity Pair to M- 1 '. i" Vi o" is prop riale s'ju'.'.u, 'mwar'lsll,'!'' e'xl penses of said fin Wbereupon the Board of C.mnlx CoimnissioriHrjj tuk»*s a r»M*t»s> until I September 11. 1911. fur Hie pur pose of 1,ransiictnig siieh g.-ueral or continued business as may come up before this regular session. .'■hairmaii. A. !.. SPEAK.MAN, Attest : j 1 I Th ® Ha PPy Wa y- j There is always a best way of to Ing everything if It -be hut to boll an: egg. Manners ale the happy wavs of doir.g things, each one a stroke of, genius or o love now repeated and batdened into usage They form a' least a rich varnish with which tlie | routine of life is washed and Hs de tails adorned. H.VIUIA \V. AMlElkSON. Gleck. If they arc superficial we are the dewdrops whl- ii give such a depth to the raornln meadows j Manners are very comm, cahh men them from end, other 1 I When 1 have a subje. t in hand I •tudy it profoundly Uav aud niglit It is before me. I explore it in alMts ; bearings My mind becomes pervad Hamilton's Genius. Men give me credit o. genius. All the genius I have lies just In this— ti,e °, ffor L w,,ipi1 y peopie are p eased to call ° a** n ,i. UB J* 8 th * fruit and thought. Alexander I •f labor Hamilton How Like a Hen. How Hk, a hen 'twould make one feel on. who Invent«, we mean- I To think he'd made an airship, and fln.t It a submarine! : Off the Banks ; By Charles D*ly Douglas | - an c\.;r P, n.a;» •e.le» reminiscence ' s.c.l ...t i. connected with a •ii; • v i.sum off (hr Newfound and bank> noli I owned a yacht and as «reposed the trip to my . ■ ' .1 flu ally In flndins ;.o acre Willing and axiou« to -■lids. I ha plcntv I : " itnpary nie I chose a round do*eti ho I kne I choice had the try l iai til liions to make s :cl «puits. ! n^i* A .appier sai' from any port carried on this oc music, story-telling .mr Pi part y never sc than the yacht S'Pg , casion. 1 and pin;- i ■i hen « : table th- hilari ,li " 1 ra,!,, ' r a ■' rh '' banks w :■ «mart Rid"- h: • o "ere perfect!;, as little aupre'e any other misfortun : a mied up the hours and net .luitu d Mo \ve!t-sprc:d was renewed We ' ihle passage to fr. ; : : ■ at rah ~ and air and crow r-. i'jh : . and ». had mdotvo? di sa s'or as of Th - winds at ias- tulhd î h<=* sea r.d :hc captain report b.viid be oflf the fishing grounds the t-cxi morning I well re g tra: • d that member the rr.lio ttii'd mirth and fun W > got out our tackle and overhauled it in order to bo fully ready for the o' tha' nig! » sport; and when that " as finit. . with the cross-fire of jokes and er cheer th.^t accompanied it. we niad merr. with &ons ator\ and oth quips till far into rhe morning, went to sl--ep it wa? with nation« of the coni When w Mie highest anti ms sport "Good weather I hop\ captain?** **as the cry th r sa' tod the latter .as he app* ared at th breaakfast table next morning . .. for tl weal he; at l»iVbtn as We ran '.ink abt» ■ diy. ^ht y to g-, t out of it till th** we about th- last up hmv at tV. here we it d clear, hov : 1 expected to find ■a«on of the year: I hope •In ng the mo; a it V g Somewhat disappnh telligence \ nt or deck ed at this In ' but little, and then 1 thought 1 had seen foes ! ■• m different quarters of the ; " nr, 'l but never had ! witnessed any thiue !ike th!S - Tlu> air was C<>! ' J - raw and heavy with moisture, :>nd thv ^ f° ***** *^ at we coll,d harril " see the leusth of th " yacht. A servant wa ® sent below »or shawls and cloaks, an( ^ %v ° sar aft. shivering in our wraps, and feeling as gloomy as was natural under the circumstances. One of us produced some cigars which passed around and lighted, and under the influence of the weed, more companionable, and even began to propose small bets as to the hour the unwelcome fog would lift we grew w ere The captain -now came aft. and asked m> if there was anything like i a fog-bell among the rubbish in the forward hold. I told him there was one 1 remembered one fog. night i in the Grecian Archipelago when it sounded dolefully all night over my head and prevented my sleeping, and that the company the next morning had voted the thing a nuisance, and directed it to be taken down Here it had never been hung since . . .. .. . np af oncP sal(I ,hp captain, as he, turned away "L is probably an over ' precaution, as we are far out of the steamer-'rack. and there's not. wind enough to give headway to anything with sails But we'll set the thing going, for perfect safety. Ho. there, forward! Hoist up the big bell from ! he !; o!<1 ' a,ul hanK U on ,hn ' f,xture the mast I be "We'll have it put up and set it go H- turned away to see that his or der? were executed, and at that in | stant our doom fell upon us. without a cry. a noise, or any warning what ! ever to herald It ThH 8 rea ' »>»«" bow of one of the st " a '"'- r -; a PP''a r ®d as suddenly as ,h011gl ' sh, ' ha<i rlsf ' n from f h* sea or ^ scenrted from ,hfl I str,,rk 118 amidships with a crash that cleft thr little yacht completely In skies, and 'wain The two halves of the ill fated vel rose up fore and aft. and she set tled amidships. ves I heard a shriek—a prolonged cry j of horror and despair, mingled 1 the rush of the water and the puffing I of smoke as the steamer's engine was j reversed. I was conscious of a tre mendous shock, a blow, and a great black mass gliding above me and 1 was conscious ol nothing further un til I woke to life in the saloon of the steamer, lying on a sola, with a crowd ot sympathetic gentlemen and | ladies about me, applying restoratives and chafing my hands •ith Except a few bruises 1 was n.„ 1 iured in bodv, and was walking the j deck of the steamer soon after with such mingled feeling- v thankiuines« for my own escape and bitte gHe, •»«•*»,« -.«• -ZiK 1 no ,^ lrds '"«•- ••"•• d - 8 '' ril '" I I have been awakened in the dead of night from a peaceful slumber to h"*! ,hH r "°' <,vel "". r llHad bl!,zi, '* >n " .* "^ , of . 1 ! i,ve bp " n hl,rlort ; , v ° traln , of ' a, s <i '!" " H B,ee P ««u by a ra,e »- «h« « >» me »t re et nianiac , the ba) , grazing Uly bul n ' ,tbln B b ' s ever happened to tbat seemed to fall so suddenly I mysteriously, like the swift hand ot doom Itself, as that dreadful off the Newfoundland banks cheek; me s< tragedy I Th T "' r " Cl * ° f the pl PP iD « c Wck Is " ow b,)in K enacted in many an |g cu lator ** ** : ^ v - wm® - .. ' V- L. Vi-4A : >>s. p Mf^rr • C N* Jbmepinmr cT-huo/mi ' 1 y Ii 1 i ■ V' L ' vw: Î .ip-^ / ••V, j ^ M O'J •// / Vi.j ■TVv ''d' ' ~ v -fj \\ X ♦ •• • nd r " "* IV _ t»> . La!; a fum d • o' d. 9\ *:non* etj il -n s■•»ir.-'ptn* P-M r. l -Hu :« y y I.Sii; - ■ i»'i wiad er plain in b*». ■lui-.-kl»' - h.t -ay i de .-*1 x!y I.ak ! • * • d.v. 'r ? si dn In 1- s P-s> .l^cid.'d r.f ? wintf*h *Co s it's f > d'n' b-.t *'z r dn •7 :* S'il; id^r-lak a w;:«jv-h Al-f.s out In d-' bn vr. en ettl.-d a ■ . s nr i unepin' pie ti TH' » », foolin' -»ut erni»'»n ^p r*ur. si py f«V d- b!o» n n- b Son.- rr - ■ • up in d- crick -en. mah soul! >h is: in' line p»l S.-n- : • ghir. 'in d- south win'. •' win*eh Is d* : 1- ter up mighty low, Tin en g Shei ni.v Kn d- m. honey-d Whils* d- so en. mlsteh, I kin see 1« too. ' glory drippin* sw»et w;d ni win* loafin' s today * .a-iaughin'—lip •un' de c< tvts 1. > Son,-pin' hit up en en: am. Otherwise Normal. Lardon me. he said bending for ward and speaking to the young wom an in the seat facing him. nie if I seem to be staring an impolite manner tel! me I have an affection of sclerotic nerve that may give others the Impression that 1 am looking at them." . T , . . ... train rolled on ' fo ^aze .-'eadfastly at he r his evel| d would droop Sometimes a flicker of a smii- . »bout his lips ,\r last she asked "Is it your sclerotic nerve that affected' "Ves." ,he scl?ro,i '' "Pardon a' you in* My physicians i ne He con'inued Somcime* kno ' Tigly. r *Pt ii only un he answered readily ■ Ah " s!ie said, with a sigh of re lief. "I had formed the impre«s!on | that the rest of your nerve wa affected " __ Knew Him of Old I çj I ! j I R I a "Here is an article In the paper" observed Mrs, FiJJlt. "on th» 'Greatest Robber in Modern Times'" Ah" commented Mr pi hi, the i-ernan making his soring nouncement»" P * J ' Is 1 '-- Her Sacrifice. "1 have given un »min» h dur ng 1 . nt " said Mits Hn , f b . f * nana * A t « r' ml s I !-v~;^Tw szau'S. cr. sacrifice to your conscience." "Well." she said, as her conscience put on a few extra twinges, "to be honest about it. I never did like f I an ban Smith (in the background. -Your Bister always shows good taste in hsr bats. anas Sagacious Sister. Brown (also In the background)— x, i*ss£** «Tir-*- *■» - -«■ i yj A HER EXTRAVAGANCE CLVRA DEACON B i I: . art i -o.ik hrr •> i .• daily :lul ions gltc.-r of piste glass b> meat'« >1 which ihr depaiiaiem at.ire o Impies« h-> passer by loitered no matr.-i ho» llrrd «he waa to ga ' • and a dm I re Hue mot n : t •> .«hr »ent pis 'tie ci» 'hr ■ 1 . iv had ehang'd ti'gh' IV M'na 'his Mina >o ch •l! ' ill* \\ O .v .»rit OVr' tb!n«i and t ii i t î*h-' pr**.»- ,, vly mun( l»« Uu'k 2n»i ip ch«»rtt* bur&ii!i8 In hosier% tti.i •hli ' Wn!« k: oiN DMie lîollars h x\ permits at** ini portant s im.ccr had begun to III» NM :.i s Kor •'»'k .».»< s :it»gnph*T ■■Lorrly' l hern most Mina though' « as 'he rtgh' before her beautiful dress -li had v -r h'ack tai seen — » S i hi 1 ac\;.ecl«Wl Mina bad always hoped soma dre'S like She h- ' 1 her loealh peering for M.rc tills legend: dov n ti- Tw enty tune I> mlgh- us well have been Min« though' ver (h.n black silk l*ts twinkling on It hi day to lie able to this ■nr the "Market which do' $ r:gh>. \> hen she wen' , k the b'ack gc.wn u as silli In Sh. weir home thinking alumt tt. Horn- or Mina was a litt!" new house on a new street, w h re sh ' lived with her uncle and aunt Th v u re old, «nd »ere trying to pay for their house, lud half of wha' Mlm arned went o them each Ramr.h.v rogj. hi 'he face of 'his the $21» dress was âlioge.h r absurd for Mina Yet that tugh.' h-> dreamed ahou' 1' \ \ morning the gown was s til in th" Indow and the n> xi morning .md Cl. n \ night Mtpa suddenly thought the m:gh< as weil take a eh s- r took h. r beanti *n lt Miss v i! gow n -XpHf il! * d » »man •h ir:*u - aand ne du •V couldn't h.t. .j .-oci.i I for ar.% dinner Via i*4 o'* h dauci h^arT i-5*t.*red or J :m look It th*» qmil rr i-ß & i J/. U n V*\ L - y' y. / < * - th f r , : k ,'T '• » \ v v l • M -ygr.— -l( ••» ir' / «K.ii* 1 * /i m ■ > » i ilMMl Presently Her Head Fell Back Again*» the Cushion* Ity o' ■ fi ni. i a. its just Wouldn't you I!k, W I! make any a t-ra your size, you se" to try i' on? lion without charge—' Il the »ihd Mina cocgvntvd to *ry on the gown It flti* h! perfectly and Miss Myers and th * fitter u*n' into rapTuree ov»r the effect ■he scarcely dared to look young adlance in *he glas« &« If she food in th realization of all tempted beyond promised to rail for the d-e*« th»- n*»xt night and pay for It As for Mina at her She felt prescii. , of 'he her dreams and. h-r streng, h she She went home In a dream morning she drew 129 out of th Ings '.Vhen she did 'hat abe b.gun sober up from her intoxication »29 made a big hole In her little fund She was rather miserable all day Her heart was very heavy as sh, paid over her money and took 'he big gray paste board box which «he dared not have sent to the house lest Aunt J11 discover ! Next SHV to That all When ah« reacheu home Aunt Ju was In the back yard gossiping neighbor, and she was able to «lair, with her burden rrr of her closet, where she knew Aunt Ju would not be apt to see It Th. n she bathed h»r face and hand* and went down to supper Hut Rh» could not eat And so overcharg»d with was she that she suddenly began to pr, ** eT,,1 - v ' ir,1 ' lrt "P ,r > '"ftrs 1 Mi K "° UU T »akus *>*ve!" ,-g. c ' almed *"«•» Ju, half rising from her »T Hn,i ' Ur,,n « ar7 ° ss *' h ' >r -Icce. « - Bllt Mlna collId was £ed and goto pad with a get up uneecn Hhe «million Hho said guessed she'd better Once In bed she cried Her conscience oppressed her She had wasted $2a of hard-earned, hard-saved money for a dress she would never have a chance to wear She did no» a ' al " the n.x, three ' There came a Sunday when Uncle Jf*"' #ol, ® ,t f d , tha loan of a neighbor's i iR= jt =5 ,It was hot August w^sther. nn «h* look the ho* tbal held her dress down (9 »ü* ^«r.tX mil <»p**n«Nl ^ # h*r** Ttii# ......I ll«* i trill . .:• < :*- k ,# Ml.! cif! jiîieti u tir tff«*r • «h** ulrntr*»!. i •% •■! i.i-r i all.I >i,il at,*utu ... .i::i> lu 1 « gll' i raaiftj li«l it be ifi .ii :u •* * : jn fb-» .|lr*S•: ri. f ui ritio'A it vi can.. <i oo*» u* joy rpcun«'II**l li**r r «» hfp lh** !l • wl'h tu The pi *•»&*•: ."♦* -ht t®if \ \ »V Ig.lll* ' r rri* -v aii-> tod immsI iia.l strut' 'd to trip she sat do» U be Hut her he: lean's o lot. :hr iiilrioi *i'h i lunik l h • piei lire h I he 1*: scutl;. hrr Itie emilnuu. T!ie She w* nt ip eyes a, i e often. v mi: tor th.iu h- :> i»k head 'ell buck .glllls dlf ngot io »ui.',. mirror bo 'k fril iront her hand. •riibl» by Silo v. as ae ak> n m. a 1 hrn i h ii.d d/. ■ I lo-r by th* ik h I unit! her rye» Uld 1 : be 0lU>* sho iid' i and sh. tl.'« .pen ^ ir l**d She - mu ih- : n o i fttraM m* loiigHd tu a svoniiti ::i a U;m«>tu> "MitiH* Mina and (iO Ki cry !i. lake and the babi » sh '.tying the doctor j»ei S g. U" ' got ii - colic She lairH pu! ''I V oui ol 'ha chair "Hurry' Hun' 1 ve g..o to go right back to the baby has aw'iil sick Mina, without aioiipliu to ih'.r.k, caugiu up the train of tier gown'and ran Hr Killen Uve.l round the corner and he was it.. do,'or within lut tueillati) r«'ach I >h. doctor,' she pan', «1 Mrs Mc Guires baby is slek \nd then she paused, for the ui ui who had swung round In the doctor's revolving chair from the doctor'« desk wa- not 'lie doctor himself, but a younger '■(ter looking man who star-.t in ment al this charming «.'.or What s Mil this?" h" dem Hide ' -hri; Ling, sudd»' v »r of h»»r hare n<vk and in « md h»»r ti «II inn dr i:i' *r»*d oh* ti tl, . in > ia And • ni n» \.T sh>.' did ■in l • • n : ■ -iid m dlfin. vase, hat •nd * »him*.4 :: her before sin III ont t »! rio» lt»s.r iiert*: Wait' knov» h t \ *-* tt. sh. » .X T! ; lin ëtild hr ibdU-ly 'l they II v h-r You'll Tlu v walk-.! ba<k Mc(inir»*'s Mina ver; scion?» hat It i-> rjult»» unusual ft>r a vouug woman •<> appear in evening dress if !w. » o'clock in 'h aft* noun. H.t Th»* n • a ! • •»! sf'iiufil neither to ik»H. • M*»r the dr ts .is rui a- he could Mrs Midruire th- squirming baby in her arms "Oh. doctor.'' h — said bad off—** And Th» la with * he doctor, M'na Defnl you.' So Mtiia weir in. and tor th»* space of half an hour th»* ^rav- new doe*or k* pt her hus>. :»»r îtr Th** baby içr* w wors** Mrs MetJuiie Ins* her wl*. tlrely. and acted as badly as any dis* iraoTed Irish woman ma> ac* under surii elrcumsran»* s Wh*»ti at asT the 'o^erher to Mrs. sihmr .nd »• »n ith i ii n i* * riniiing out w rithing t»l .*• fa« - * d h*that Mlu.i » 'oiuo Maybe we'll ••li paroxysms censed und fh»* npdl.-lne wrt^ T U lie taking effe»" Mrs \lc am. to h rs* ! ' and the first thing she noticed was MlnaV dr*-* "Well, now." «he *h id. li'; : ria' - g. and ain't n. doctor Just h-autiful? look like you wa.s dress-d lot a party or a weddin' I 11.1 n't knot You you hail BUfh grand clothcF. • i\ »!• at you wcarin* 'em Lefor»*." "And you Mina She lold : ii—n: I uevi r HI a*, in " said II.-V": # °; she value to earing the dress at that time new dodo lis • end and watched tie- as he llst'-m-d >o'b tic he th* day Th.. Mid ROlllet hing se- uie-d to grow ln his (a.n that would have pleased an> woman to s**e Ar soon a« they would let h**r. Mina flew home and got out of lh» dresh and Into a «hin waist thinking and wondering about had Chin* in black Hh*- sat what hen M : a M» i*ulre .. napp«i:t»<l. "Mi iinui'i. come and th- .-hlldreu she .aid, "and the baby s p.-a — r ul I >1, but he's, a grand doc'or asieej a young fellow Ju»- gtar'lng in you know, and old In him in -harg mli ol Killer. *► took And th»- ua> b< ad I'm >0.. an old iimirled u .' d«ar. and I ran j .-nd rb*«e, ttfti 11 kt- a br>ok Twa. loy. ..t hr*t alghl Mina and the dres. did it a fine dress It Is beautiful in ll You'll make ac elegant bride for *he young doctor, mv dear " And Mina did Its And you looked f °; •- — offer recruit* such Inducement« those set forth In the Times .,1 teniher 26 IK.n Tl.o». w ill!,,*; . «dn the light dragoons me Inform'd ihal bora«* in the four pay and privilege* are «qua! t »'* '-«••'*«" » ">.pee,ed r;,: 1 Allurement* for Recruit, Mr llaldaic S, p ' as tin*» tiM»iint*-o on th* finest oriel, with »up«*rt. **lc»th Int; aii*i the richoHf Arrout^r r»t h; * in y ou arc every del) „ your admired by th< 'air. together with the .(ini,,, « "'Hur swll. he.i to a binon, . brushing wlt.fa a rich heiress, thp " l " ia,lon * r "lj' envlabh * ira h ,f ' Young men out of employ " 1 *' nl or otherwise niienrufortnlile; T, '* , re Is a tide In the affairs of mo* whl, 'h. 'f 'aken at th.- flood, leads to ^^^^0^ "LY x> "^ n '?: i ;"^ i ; P ' ,,X nd ° n you ar* nf blow or render and de . a magazine article -] •ays the man with the thick eyeglass ... Uiat th. sclent...,, are Z germs of hog cholera from plgi.n* •• Tve always argued that the Chi nese exclusion law should strictly enforced. 11 A Yellow Peril. 'T uotlcad In he more .. . . "AY" Ihe man with Ur- straggly wblakera-Chicago Post OT* ... /. ET sbv WILBUR D NE^T CKor UnndaRcKoiyDav.s 4M s i y 3 /A c* (■: sr I ■ H > .ke-S ; 1 r " r ) ri» -V I Tin mei Tin •h »ly >l»v^ hiv* rom#"' 'Hi v* h»» p»*nnrMl h«»|çli»t* that * •!! •• t» hf -h;-' l*y I-MIK i ti n» foraiKJlh! T' « In 'h. hh <• tp-.s that **/»rlv burnt* *th Tl> ■i > full .»f Jt.l H It î r Rhltt Tb ■ • grccit. ■' ug •1 r h r ha IN. i *111 m !»*• -r-.m Th. Ma ! h » w P» *! P M ; '<î t •»Th* I.. . * * v the And l th hr. - [m 1.» und Th I» '« n 1 i hat And * ' * * î » > b^ A f"C ■ I cop;»-: ut t-r ' ri;u* nd le-holv Ik O. Is* ♦ ti A •• •.p ::i T» > r- Is •f Htidh In t ' : - —ry i.f !» i Ful •h- ptjffjjt •» in 1 1 * An«! {•• • un i hot It :r. tyI mi Th*-! :i»HHIt tl. <• "tnirif b« B- . ■I'.t'.y -4* 111* whol» 1 * I»' if ;»(••• How « » «a i* [% *.t ..f tl. Tho |»*«V.-, »I r!\ elly a ■ ; • p I a I *• f h - • tng To t. t *■••.". grow H« J >*•' i • si». *• ' Unif Mg P* >ple i«1 '.'.IfJA of urk' How now «•!»(>« b« inerr\ h. o it n::* . upon his -• -»Ml with To thl' of h 11 tr «h-lvei that f 1 • ' ! » f g .1 • • i i»< Woe tt ! g.f(g now «ire •Tl.*» .»•iHncholv .*. *. blit« un hour f .i w I»*f rv # corn*»'* -4J «rs« tl;. i*.. Th *mr*l pi., wtfh o 1" blow 4 fill fel. (, B I I uintii« fo Tt. »nd th. 'î !f* not > * 1 m( »Uy» Hut, nr*» brothf rti the - î.J. r u* ••In dripping frrjm Muiic. 1 late Mr Siutkespenre said « »C • Do music in hi* soul by concord of • ■lue man who h.t* tie v-d • et soundB In Ills day and Mme Mr Sl,ake^|M.«r.. wa* doubtlcMB rijçhr ShakeHf)» ai campaign band Mr h**ai«l m never •N< bannered ug llri «•or net pluyers filled with t n ba and ever rolled through th«* nt r©et« of Mr. Shakespeare* town playing by nii , of i h n inti while th. banners exhorted the terrified i,ear«i« to vote for the people a friend Sa rd ne ir ctustry, Th- sardine Industry give* employ oirr" In the Hpanlsli port of Vigo to l.i.uoc.i people, of whom k.nofl are wom en The wag.-» of (he men range Irons 80 cent, to $ J * day and of the women from 2f. to .1:, cent. The value of the preserved sardines exported lost year «as 82.208.S00 Very Pro«y. Plot Brand'r Matthews of Colony bla. in one of his brilliant addresses i£ïïïï draro " •" d an proflatc dramat 1st: He It whh I mu Mtiro, who lu hi* » 01 ' th on being ask»d In examina tion wlmt Shakespeare meant by the phrn*« 1 f€*ply '«»•riiioiJF It) HtOtlf»«,' wrote» la ** t««*n panslLK by h Ton may ]«arn the dale-; tornhstime. name and Hi* "1 birth and death of the de paried one, and ulao. script'. n. from the In moral lesson life Walking along a road. yon may see from tlie n.lles'i.iies the number of mile* to the nearest towns and thus acquire geographical Information » valuable or her fr«» rr bfi« Heaps of Stones by the roadside Indicate that repairs are to take inculcate place, and so a lesson In neatness. 1 " Mirrors Used to Reflect In continental Street. towns one frequently I»' 1 « 1 ' a mirror at the side ot a window I 110 Placed that people In Die he , , ,, 1 m ine down th. th '"' ln ,h * ÏÏ* of Kn^uh 1 ' English room may view up or In some bygone perl street architecture It »as customary to bay almost all 'he w ndowg at U*ajil wnoiigh Pccnpam* of the houses to look along the streets - Craftsman to enable the