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LINCOLN COUNTY TTM£5 X» T. Ajoute Pit,., »ne— JEROME . . . IDAHO IDAHO STATE NEWS The CsJ/JweU Cemaer-: Ü O-fc »•-»* •*x.t Vt W V„«r< d»acrr.>t.T* yf ( ilr Tor. ora»/ The Lla-tota (Maty für !t to U he<d at Wendell, October 1 4 5, rsfS'.rit; irjcr.ey tans? al.-eady n*r»f-tH for the cam Jtiii Lova Ar-k. a g.rl of titr.i 12 year* of Kam. ai «et l.'.'tr. I; a flWMh. Cr.?er. Lot It gra-t-aiy rx to iad u*t •mf.cation wax ner.e- ary. . , „ K* tail it meat of a s.-.irt fa /ju,rr at fte state pe-i-entiary of Idaho t/ ; i? tie rice* of list ned for tc.Be % vm .iV. or* _ ... v . t.rr.r- at tie Nebraska fate pr.ton t recommended by Warden J W Hnrx.V, Mn A. C, Carpenter of GrangenUe died from ptoatatm poisoning ca -ed Ly eat.r.g canned tcimak/t A h.t band and xewen HtCe children In age* from 12 down to 1 year are left The 2-year-old eon of Ear! Du?, living near Payette, wan drowned ln a lateral of the Noble ditch. The lad wax out playing In the road near h t home and In some manner fell In the ditch. Mr» E, H Harriman and daughter and a party of friends will «per.d the summer at ft and Park. Idabo ttlry mliev. from Vel>jwstone National parc, from San arriving there At-r/xl *. Francisco. Fire originated from a smut ex plosion In a separator on the farm of William McCormick, resulted in the destruction x-f the ma chine and three stacks of wheat, talning about ÎS44 bushels. Lewiston, near con September 4 will be the greatest labor day in tbe history of Boise, ac cording to preliminary plans whl'b were laid at a special meeting of reteo tatlve* of tbe anions of that city. Twenly onions will Join In Ice celebra tion rep at Salmon, and will probably take place ti » Of*:Uà\iW, Ah'jui two yearn a%o Ijstnni count/ went dry by a majority of f.r, vttU-.H In a total vote of about 1.200 One firm at Riafby since February last has shipped no lea* than forty eight ears of potatoes to Greeley, c>i!o., •leveri of which went forward in one week. re-shipped from Greeley as the régulai Greeley produce Another election to vote on the lo cal option question Is being called for It. is said these potatoes are For tbe balance of this Irrigation non tbe amount of water Boise river, that will be allowed eaxli acre will be six-tenths miner's Inch. sea frorn the to of a This Is the purport of a decree rendered by Judge Davis In the district court at Bo se. Robert Stahl, a fireman on the Short Line, running between Glenns Ferry and Nampa, was drowned in tbe Snake river at. Glenns Ferry while In swim infng a number of other Stahl, who was a good swimmer, evidently taken with cramps. "he -herlif of Lincoln county made a big haul In the capture of Osr.-ar McGlnley and Kd Greenalead, horse rustlers who have been «ting In Idaho, Nevada and Colorado during the last few years will be returned to Colorado for triai men was noted opei The men The potato crop In tho neighborhood of Rigby will be the heaviest marketed throughout this section, an Increased acreage over anything ever attempted In the past was plant ed last »prlng, and the season has been such as to give promise of ft bumper crop. ever as Hetman Stuffelbeam, a prominent lilackfoot com missioners of Bingham county, had a narrow escape from drowning at tbe ferry crossing on the south fork of the Snake ever near llelse, when he run his automobile Into ten feet o r water. The plan to ptace an advalorern duty on wool Is not maxing a hit with Idaho growers, who frankly press their dl '.satisfaction with manner In which ex the tariff agitation is panning out for western Interests I the special session of the Bo sc Htfttestnan. n con^reKM, nay» Millon II Phillipa. assistant ager of tbe Italian mine at Leesburg, has been arrested at Pocatcito on the charge o liav,n< ahlucted the wife ol Chell Zerklll, a miner. man. It is alleged that, y. i k.ll » ns ctuci to his wife, that Philipps bought a ticket for Ijer tu Pocui lo sympathy for her being his only motive. imu A woman. Mis. W. H. Smith, has a contract for bu.filing a portion of tho northward extension of tho Northern railway. Tho concern which lias the contract for tho entire fifty eight miles from Emmett to Smith's Ferry, lias sub-let three grading to Mis. Smith. Idaho miles of Considerable interest is being tfeted In the bridge election to bo field In Canyon county on August 6 to koto bonds for three bridges Uio Payette river, the bridges being local«si at Frultland, How Plymouth • nd Letha, inan across A postal savings bank Is lo be opened at Boise August 28, under der« issued by the postmaster •rul. or gen department reports ■how that tho gross receipts of the The Bols,) office last year amounted to $78,1174 nnd Its International money I order business to 124.456. . SIGN PEACE TREATY FIRST PRAC" CAL STEP TO MAAS PEACE TAKES B V THREE GREAT HATIOSS. UAST so 5, Ln.ted State». Erjard t~d France P edge Th« r Honor to Sene All D » f -te» of the Future by Peaceful Method of Arc trat on. V.acir.r*ot —Tie rtcera. iui.tratlx« trea-y. 'ce first practical toward tie .ait. nt peate of tie world. wax »gned ai tie Wâ.te Hoc*«- oa Tt-.rvnx , As tie secreta/jr of slave appended * • **«***or# to one co^y. Mr. Bryce. t u.e fcr.n.n ambassador, t. r .« me <r.ier TSerwipoa tie cop e, were changed and tigned Mr Knox a-ta/ ned LU ex y.L^.r name to tie American copy of the tame general arbitra:. on treaty with France. a du plicate of wax at the tame time t.gned .n Farlx by if Jux^erand tee French Hutes, amnaxaador to the United The will now be tent to the senate for ratification. Witt a few scratches of the while a violent storm raged ax though the god of Itg his vac.thing trade one of the mo mentons chapter» of tbe world s hls tory was wr.tten. powerful of the worlds through their accredited pen w.thont war wax rco cm Three of the meat peoples, rep.-esenta Lves, me; and pledged the r sa/ red k , -' r -'/r to the settlement of all d.sputes that may for the future by the peaceful method of arbitration. Wheth er it be of money, of territory or of ta t onal honor that the differences may arise, the arbitrament of reason and not of tbe sword wax pledged to Its readjustment. INCREASE IN CONGRESSMEN. Congressional Reapportionment Bill j Bearing Initiative and Referendum Features Passes Senate. Washington,—Bearing an Initiative and referendum feature to safeguard again hi gerrymandering in a number j of f. ta tea the congressional reappor t onment bill passed the senate on Thursday. It fixr;s the future house membership at 41 »hen Arizona and New Mexico attain » tatehood—Instead of the present 251. The increase In tbe membership of the house; will mean an added expense to the country of approximately 1100, 000 a year. The salaries of the forty two new members will aggregate J315 - 000. Each will have at least one clerk •with two more at »l,5Db, which will add $63.000 to the total, .Mileage and other incidental expenses will further Increase the sum Under this decennial reapportlonment there is to be no reduction In the mem bership from any state. EXTEND WELCOME TO TOGO. Great Japanese Admiral, Hero of the Russo-Japanese War, on Visit to Land of the Free. New York.—The United States st midnight Thursday formally welcomed to Its shores Admiral Count Helbasbiro Togo of the Japanese empire and naval hero of the Runso-Japaneso war. Tbe welcome was given aboard the steamer Lusitania at quarantine by representatives of state, war and navy departments and a representative of Governor Dix. Ethel Wants Freedom. New York.—It became known Thursday night that Miss Ethel Barry more had filed papers in her contem plated suit for divorce against Rus sell Griswold Colt, and that service had been made upon Colt at his apart ments at the Yale club bore. Aviator Takes Tumble St. IxjuIs.—A viator Horace W. Kear ney of New York, while making a descent from a height of 500 feet, fell a biplane here Thursday even ing and was dangerously injured. The machine turned turtle Just before it stiuck and landed on top of the avia tor. Ho was taken out unconscious. ». 1 <1 Cuban Rebel Surrenders. Havana.—General Acevado, who en deavored to start a revolution at Reg 11a, surrendered Thursday afternoon at Santa Marla del Rosario, a short distance south of Havana brought here and placed to Jail. He was Five Perçons Drowned. Crystal Falls, Mich—Five of persens In John Holmes' seven launch drowned when It capsized Thursday In the Fence river. Holmes and one woman reached the shore. Moyer Re elected President. Butte, Mont.—Charles was re-elected president of the West ern Federation of Miners by a vote of 207 to 90, at the session of the convention Thursday afternoon. H. Moyer I | ! en h<,re Parly Thursday, when government weather bureau thermom eter registered a minimum of forty eight degrees Cold Day in Denver. Denver.—A thlrty-nlne-year weather record for August 3 was bro't. cold the Orders American Flag Down. London. Ont. —As the result of pro Afilermin tests from many citizens, Allcrmto Mitchell, chairman of the dccontl n ;omt •.-*«•« (ho London Old o;, s' associât 'on ordered down V-n'rl I et decor • Cf i - WAITING ~ " k ■< —. .-tlx. O % £ ■ * s .^>1 < • y * ~~aTX . -'41 : 1 If, : 'A J 4 t rn V • , - - V wr. '»*- ; t r 3 i v . 1- mû*i> ( . i r . i ■J* V /* i4M. iJ.^I SUIT A6AINST COIL COMBINE Govern meet Seek» to Railroad Compan es and Three Mining Concerna. Retira n Sx Columbus. O —Suit was filed by the United States government in the fed era] court here Friday against six rail road companies and three coal mining concern* Ci/arglng a combination in restraint of trade and asking that the combination be enjoined from uing business. cont-n The defendants named in the suit are ax follows: Lake Shore * Mich Southern railway, Chesapeake & H « kin s v »I!ey railroad, To! do A Oh.o Central railroad. Kana wha t Mich gan railroad. Zanesville i A «stern railroad. Sunday Creek Coal company, Continental Coal company, Kanawha & Hocking Coal L Coke company The government charges that the de fendant companies have formed ... . and entered into such combinations and consplcacles as to restrain trade and commerce, especially in the bitumi nous coal industry in several states. mHHI Deposed Pressent of Black Republic Follow, in Wake of Predecessor, Port au Prince . t -»eneral ï »» ton . °! 8 . * *" the wake of Nord I , mnni'y rn r , e o .,r erth ;T ln !be capRal in the r'. " ^ riinrinneni possession of Gen driven Int/ _ n ''i,h J ht ai r An Ä lV e r d rival fo t^ nr« ! F ' rn, '"\ a SÏÏtS M r,i U, Cuba ' minister SIMON LEAVES FOR KINGSTON. OUTLAW'S BODY PETRIFIED. Body of Man Hanged Thirty Years Ago it Well Preserved. Cheyenne, Wyo.—Three bodies were exhumed to this city by workmen ex whir-t. ich was hanged thirty years ago by the Cheyenne vigilance committee he having been one of the most noted out Jaws in this section. He had long been forgotten, the body having been burled in a rudely improvised cavating for a cellar, one of was in a perfect state of preservation, petrification even having set In. Th s was tho body of Charles Morgan, who grave. HITCHES WIFE UP WITH MULE. , ,, . M °; —A tele of almoBt credible cruelty was related to the Peace Missouri Farmei Charged With Almost Incredible Cruelty Toward His Wife. courtroom of Justice of the Courtney here Friday as tbe result of which Lafayette Choat, a farmer, was held to appear before the Clay county grand Jury to November on the charge of beating hl-s wife, whom he tied with a team of mules with which he harrowing a large field. His bond fixed at $2,000. was was Charges Secret Understanding. secret standing as to rebates apparently ists between the railroads and shippers, to the opinion of Harry E. Bells, a tariff rate expert of Philadel Washinglon—A under ex sugar phia. who appeared Friday before tho house sugar trust Investigating com mittee. Riots in Lisbon. Lisbon.—Several classes between troops and crowds streets of Lisbon Thursday night and early Friday morning. occurred in the Cavalry peatedly charged the mob and arrests were made. re many Rain Does Much Damage. Kansas City.—Rains wh'ch fallen to southwest Missouri, eastern Kansas, and northern Okla homa during the past week have done damage estimated at more than million dollars. have south one Skyscrapers Flooded. Chicago —By the breaking of a th'r the court ty-eix inch water main, house, one of the principal hotels nnd adjoining skyscrapers received a floo tog on Friday that did thousands of dollars' ' damage PRESIDENT SIMON TAKES FLIGnT FROM CAPITAL. SEEKING REFUGE ON CRUISER. : Web Attacks Deposed Leader as He W« Seeking Place cf Sifety, Five People Being Killed and President's Daughter Hurt. Pon 4Q Pr ; n Hayti -The revola t ; 0n :n Hanl tri umpued Pres. dent Antoine S.mon Red the capital ° n Wednesday and took reluze on -«ard lhe KayUen cruiser Seven teenth of Décembre, ftrmerlv the yacht American. him are h;s wjie and ci.ldren and a number of his foliuwers On ali sides tbe capital Is invested uy followers of General rirmin. one of the revolutionary leaders. The city itself is in the hands of a committee of order, safety and there is do general dis President S;mon left the paiace af ter he had been in.ormed that one of the revolutionary party, com n2ic -' e ^ L>y General Beralte, had de Ior ^ays in 1 which to secure the safety of the city As the deposed president an i Lis part v s-ää: being lulled during the nghting. wn,.e (be old general s daughter was wound ed ' altb0 - , sh Simon himself escaped injured. Among those with Simon, who will accom bany h.m into exile are General Monplaisir, minister of war, and Min of the interior Sylvain. The COmrDilUe o' public safety. which is in charge of the capital. Is made up of persons prominent la the i republic. -, t - of the city. Washington park, where it wrecked the tent used by women bath ers «. number of girls and young ^ ^ * l " e tlme tof n Wh ° W6re DOt enrneshed 1 even woril shXbv tuddenW t Exposed f" variou. sta-e. o f attire and f U • •omen Bathers Victim, of Storm. Denver.—A windstorm which swirl ed through Denver Wednesday after noon did no general damage, but It caused dismay in one part Washington u nature. Leishman Acceptable to Germany. ^ Berlin,—Germany has accepted John G. A. Leishman the United Sûtes at Berlin. Emper as embassador of William, immediately on receiving the proposal of Washington, graphed his reply to the foreign of flee from the grand duchy of Meck lenburg, where he Is touring, 'the action taken Is almost unprecedented in promptness. or tele Youth Murders His Father. Chicago.—Joseph Vacek, years old, naa confessed that be shot and killed his father, a wealthy con tractor, early Friday, and then sought to blacken the memory of the dead man by means of a note pinned to the clothing of tho corpse. Jr., 17 "Black hand" He Is said to have slain his father after a demand for alter the elder Vacck had reprimand ed him for not money and ed him for not working. Miner Killed In Nevada. „t p ,„ . _ at the Ringer mine, thirty-six miles hto rth Bfo ° f ^ er wm " am La " y l08t his life, and William Hughes, a miner who attempted to rescue him Goldfield, Nev.—Overcome by pow der fumes, while descending the shaft and also was pectcd to live. overcome, Is not ep Smoot to Visit Hawaii. Washington.—Senator fcmoot has accepted an Invitation to visit Hawaii with a congressiona, party which pro poses sailing from San Francisco on t-e "Sierra' September 2 and remain ing In the Islands until October 5. Bones Found in Maine Identified. Havana. The brnes found In the ward rrom of the biM'e hln Maine •! o « ' I ALLEGED PLOT TO POISOM CHILDREN I TWO MEN AND A WOMAN AC CUSED OF ATTEMPT TO KILL CHILDREN OF ENEMIES. Feud Pesu't* from Libel Su.t. Chewing Gum Sprnkled With Strychnine Being P aced Where It Was Ex pected Little Ones Would Get It. Ftritoa. Mo—What county authort tea bel ere lotea i îo* for the whole sale jo.zoning of children has been Lnearthed at Concord, in Ca.'Ioway county, and as a result two men and a woman were arrested there Sunday by order of tie prosecuting attorney and brought to Fulton to be arraigned The ferrons arrested are L. O. Boyd, a .Anna Boyd. Tbe ch-ldren »hose lives were en dangered belong to families »hose members terrified In a slander suit re cently brought by Mrs. Boyd against Dr. W. B Ellis, a prominent physl clM of Concord. Mrs Boyd asked for f!S 000, alleging that Dr. Ellis had defamed her character. The jury brought In a verdict for the defendant, Jefferson Woods was named in the farmer; tls wife. Mrs. and Jefferson Woods, horse dealer. suit. the The first alleged attempt on lives of the children was made sev era! weeks ago »hen a package of chewing gum was found in the yard of Edward McPheeters, a nephew Judge Robert McPheeters of Fulton, Less than a week ago another package of of gum was placed near the gate of the McPheeters home, child of the family was in the act of placing a piece of the gum in its mouth and when an older member of the fam:!y interfered the gum sent to a chemist, who discovered that it was profusely sprinkled with strychnine Twice since then pack ages of gum have been placed near the McPheeters home and each A 3-year old wa* of them was found to con'a n strychnine. Pressure Being B-cught to Bear. Washington —Pressure brought to bear on the senate In favor of the arbitration treaties the United States and Great Britain and the United States and being is : P OI -iy h l' h a;-par- nt at the pri s- r f tiB « to , fcar of tr " H-r.a*e that *° m * 01 lt f treat ' ' t:,ea be endangered by the new ä* Th! ' " Dmner in Honor of To S° between France " a=hir.c'toc,—Japan's great sea Bgbter. Admiral Togo, was the guest 0 „ hoaor Saturday nitht at the most b.-'mant state dinner given by Presl Taft this year. Among the orb I tr in this magnificent assem Ma/e were officers of the cabine-, i members of congress, wno serve on 'ommitlees of foreign affairs, army end naval officers and many civil func tionaries. r~ arrow Escape of Steamer ,,, Th0 Anc * Jor Wo« s-cimer Columbia, which collided with an lcet 'erg on August 2. reached New York Sunday from Glasgow- under her own steam. Many yards of canvas covered the hole made In her bow by the lceberg> but her °'T' rpr « tbfi dln ' a -'e »as entirely above tne Jh ^ V' L ' aCPi '* Pnt or ' currf ' (1 ° K f oundland. Hurricane Docs Damage. St. Joseph, Mo.—A wild which for a brief time storm attained a ve locity of forty miles an hour. Sunday Sunday night did great damage small towns north of here. to several , It was followed by an electric and thunder storm, accompanied by a heavy rain fall. Reserve Fleet to be Formed. Washington.—Next spring there be a concentration at the : navy yard of a formidable fleet battleships to he known as the At lantic reserve fleet, wnicn will be kept ready for action on twenty-four hours' will Philadelphia of an autopsy con bone growing about th. , reV ! ale<l a organ was partly encased * olh T , h ° Hlade was normal The cau"e growth could not be explained.' notice. Strange Cause of Death. Terre Haute. Ind.—Ove Blade dloa suddenly Sunday and ducted by Coroner Kills Broth.. , ,,. J, Brother of H. s Sweetheart. bt - Louis—Albert O. Butler of Mm ® W °" d ' Mo " a »uburb of St Louis'o , Sunday returned alter au ausr ne« nt a year and In a quarrel his ®2 hfl ! rt ' S brother, Eugene Walsh shot and killed tbe latter - Gave Life for Girl San Diego— Ceell n k porter on u San nie» KarDerB ' carried out to day at J newspaper VT* sea and drowned Sun a Jolla, seven miles from rescuing Dorothy Grew 12 urew. 12 to he ern 11 ycar, old T years old, ac bore, after years old. | Thou B lT^rTi--Z St Louis-wi n , P ' y ' with tw„ ' , Whlle Paying • h - to - IS i*nd profit "Iv '■ chum. Hen "atally - -cne •'1. R00SE ' ,ELT 0EFENDS * CTI0N Former Prêt dent Shoulder« Retpo*. tibilitv for Merger of Ternetsea Company In Steel Trust. New York—"! with It distinctly understood that I acted purely on my I mn initiative and that the retpontl hility for the act wax solely mine -If the same situation should (ace •ne au am. 1 would do exactly what 1 lid then " These declarations were made Sat Jrday by Theodore Uoosevelt in the nest unprecedented event in Ameri ■an history. The only living ex prt* I dent of the United otates gave utter inc<? bcfjre a congressional 'om mit tee in the course of an exjHan AliOD be was making of one of Lu official acts. That act was h.s official sanction of the absorption of the Tea ecssee Coal and Iron company by the United States Steel corporation at thie »Jlicitalion of two of the highest officers of that giant combine. "If 1 had withheld my consent I it net doubt that the sleel corporatioa would not have purchased me Tenses see Coal and Iron company," declared the ex-president when a question oa that point was put squarely to him by Representative Bartlett of Georgia, a member of the congressional commit tee that Is Investigating steel and which for ten days has been holding hearings in New York for the six-cial purjoso of developing all the facts ccnnected with the absorption by the of its only great rival In the tr United Slates. contrary, as the m.i iority of the committee declares, u. inti-trust law. t -ued in Kitsap county Saturday for Le arrest of Linda B irfleld Ha/zard known as "the starvation doc or." ou f-aa information charging murder the spirit and letter of the Sherman STARVED PATIENTS TO DEATH _ -rave Charges Made Against Seattle Woman Who It Known as "the Starvation Doctor." Seattle. Wash—A warrant was iS in the first degree Mrs Hnzzard Is accused of starving o death M;ss (Taire Williamson. » ealthy English woman, aged thirty Several of Mrs. two. HazzarJ's pa tients are said to have starved them -elves to death, notably l ewis K Ra icr. formerly deputy w. .*♦.* to Mr- tiazzt-d and thr* i»rtor Lone Bandit Hold, Up Passenge Salt ! rke c:tv- \ lone ban M- he'd up a Salt Uake bound HaZr train j Saturday n ght. comp« Hing one of his ' victims to search the others <n the ar. One of the e* 'o j - hi, rude trentm-n» and grip- si -l'h the bandit, boTng sUghUy^onnd ed and two other pav en cent shot but , not seriously Injured, before the h state treasurer, a prominent j md Frank S Su-iLhard ittorney of Seattle. , JÎ the estate r role paer.enger succeeded in throwing the bandit from the moving train lack Mays, at;'*;! ?.<] an automnhitr» , I . ,n,or,M ° pa.ror. has tif^n arrc-.'tcd. (harmed with tho holdup, v.h.n was ono of n» the boldest pieces of work in the hi*. I lory of the ! I ! west. I Dismembered Body of Woman Found. Denver. Colo.—Scattered for er of a mile along a lonely mountain I riilrh twelve miles north of h Hsmembered body of ound Saturday by a ranchman, whose mention was first attracted by a worn ms shoe, from which protruded the ■tones of the foot, little doubt that the Jercd about a year ago. a qunr ere. the a woman was There seems lo be woman was mur Will Study Moroccan Problem. note Paris —A semi-official that the French says government will study deeply the solutions of the Mororc controversy between France nnd Ger many proposed during the last «nlion between Major Von L_ Unechter, the German foreign seer<> iary, and Jules Cambon, the French ambassador U» Germany, at Berlin. ■ it, conver K Iderlea Simon Must Live Among Enemies. Kingston. Jamaica —General An lolne Simon, the deposod president of Haytl. with his family aud suite, rived here Saturday Mearner Prinz Der Nederlanden Many : Hayfens sent In exile by him wit nf " BSCtl ,ho debarkation In an ngy 1 ),°°!' r Ut no dern onptrat!on, owing to 0^,-"ons. occurred, ar on the Dutch Supports Initiative and Referendum. Washington.—Under the political E > rf ' tPm »hlch has been bnllt up In this countr y- government la not truly rot. rcEPntatlv « »nd will not bo until bave the power to make It so Bai '' Scn< ' ,tor Bourne of Oregon f. p0,,e s ' ntu rday In favor of the 'VT; re ^ ndu m and recall provisions or the Arizona constitution tho who i ii 1 1 1 it Peruvians Beat Colombi ^''Y-y 1 " 11 --According to nd vices re ^ a bntt,e W,1H fo "«bt be ans. to. i />" Arabian nnd Peruvian troops !K, . ucta ' a la rgo unorganized ter ritory to Colombia, and the Colom blans were defeated. Earthquake, Rain and Hall. „ X '°° C,ty - The «"usual comhlnn ? ° f 0,1 Par *bquako shock nnd rain and hall storm Tho shock one, hut the storm was terrific, oral ho'-ses were wrecked occurred here was u sl'ght Sr v Saturday.