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T LINCOLN COUNTY TIMES IMblldaat every Thur-tay at Jerome, Idalio, »V Kdil< I,. T. Ai.i Hll.l I», Subscription, $2.00 per year Kilter*-«! »* imm-oikS rift*» matter Hurt'll •*. i|i«> ptM*t oltttf ut JefoiiH*. Mulio, un.l.-r lit« of March :i, l«7v. it ul Just received. New stock of jewelry at Jerome Drco Co. \V. L. Miller who recently underwent operation in a hospital at Boise, re an turned home on Tuesday. Mr. Frank Saladay, living 4 miles irthwest of town has commenced the erection of a commodious residence. ii , , . Sage brush torch««, tin- only thing (or| burning brush. Gel them ul Archer's Tin Shop. W. S. Kuhn and parly dropis-d into Jerome for a short tune Tuesday, enro.iu to tiie Salmon River tract. If it is something you want in sheet I metal, and can't find it, go to Archer's Tin Shop. Special attention paid to all orders—large or »mall. Miss Huntington lias taken charge of the dining mom at the Jerome and it will hereafter la- conducted |s-ndeut of tiie hotel. Mr. M. V. Wolf, tin- contractor, has just returned from Mackey, where lie lias been superintending tiie erection of a new Catholic church. Hotel. inde For a nice simsilli skin use our eerti lied complexion soap. North Situ; Phakm \l v. M. W. lauigahungh, was a giu-st of K. G. Gauss over Sunday. Mr. L. is now located in Copperfield On-., hut it Isa safe ls-t In- will ultimately Ixvome u permanent resident of Jerome. C. U. Gallentiiie, after »|>eiidiiig a week hen-, departed for Boise Sunday. He was aivonipunied hy Mr. G. B. Hawlsvker, who s|>nt a few days at the Capital The Jerome Concert Band other of the series of (s-pular dune Saturday evening, which was quite well attended, and a merry time enjoyed hy gave all lust all. H. C. Ashley, one of the prosperous hankers of Tulsa. Okla., and a half bro ther of Mr. H. A. Zink of tliis place, arrived Saturday, and will s|s-nd a few wivks the guest of the latter. Engineer Robinson, of the (l. S. I-, aironipanii-il hy a (-arty of friends, who were enroilte over the new line with a motor cur, t-s-k siipix-r hen- Sun-lay evening. A few select (arms and acreage tracts at a sacrilice if taken at -m-v. titulars, ms- Hardwick A Company. A very pleasant party eom|»-»ed of Fred and Mahle Carlton, Rud. Gritlith and sister ami Mr. Fnvnian ami sister s|s-nt a few days the first of tiie week at tiie Thousand Springs. Mr. Burroughs, of Danville, 111., a brother-in-law of W. K. Wragg, arrived the first of the week, on a visit to the family of the latter, and secondly to en vestigate some --( tiie opportunities of fen» I lien-. For par Mrs. A. 'V. Schillingt-m, mother of IL N. Schillingti-n, proprietor of the Jerome lodging Rotel, was a passenger on tiie new (). S, L. train from Hilpert, Monday, ami will visit witli lier son here l--r a short time. Dr. M. J Bcistcl, Physician ami Sur Office, First National Bank build Residence, three blocks south of Telephone, 7*1. neon, ing. land office. F. W. Hasting of the Wendell district, was over to Jerome last week, enthusi astic as ever over conditions on the vner in tract. Mr. II is a heavy land the vicinity of Wendell, and is well pleased with results obtained tints far tills year. Mr. Johnston Lind, living south-west of town, while harvesting last week, ac cidently had a straw thrust up ins n-is trils, which has since given him consider able trouble, as lie is frequently attacked with hemorrhages, which it is found quite difficult to stop. The ladies of the Baptist Society will tender a reception to Rev. and Mrs. Packard, at the church parlors next Monday evening, Aug. 14th. eating program is being prepared, an« the publie is most cordially invited to attend. Get your Jewelry at the Jerome Drug Co. New stock just received. An inter Maj. Munson, of the U. S. regular army, who is now stationed at Ft. Ix-av enworth, Kann., lias lieen a visitor on the tract the past week, brother-in-law of .Mr Ralph Schncelock. anil is the possessor dell. The Maj. is a -( land near Wen R. B. Chamliers -if Arapahoe Neh. who is representing a large seed honst« of Den ver, was the guest of Wm. Zahn and family Tuesday. He is very favorably impressed with this section and w as much surprised at the work that lias already been accomplished here. One of the fine mures belonging to Ralph Wallace, unfortunately broke one of her legs the first of the week, hy get ting her fool caught between planks while standing in tiie barn. Grinder reduced the fracture and put Die animal in a sling in the hopes of saving it« life. some Dr. Mr-. Kay Miller, of Pocatello «"'-i of Hu. j'r,., yesterday. is the arriving family, A complete nqs.rt of the otlicial pro cee-hugx of the hoard of County Commis 7.. wil1 found in supplement form with this inane. Mr. .1. T Wyekoff. of Mamhall,Okla., a "'•I' 1 "" -f C. I*. Wyckofl of this place, arrived the first of the over condition» here. Kepmentative Smith of Wendell, who is also officiating as deputy food in •lor, was in Jerome last week, wvek. to look H|l rru finir. inn the sanitary condition of various hotel» and restaurants. our Miss Myrtle Richmond arrived Tiies Mr. If. K. holds a day -ui a visit to her I'ncle, Richmond. Miss Richmond position as assistant principal in the University and Denver, Colo., spend her summer vacation here. will K. M. Sweeney, of Galesburg Ill who has lauded interests on the ' " trad, upfiearance lust Sat pul in Ids genial unlay, ex|s-ctiiig to remain a short time, Mr. Sw i-m-y makes perhsiic-al visits here, and each visit witnesses much pro gn-ss along tin- line of dcvelopement. W lien you want soup call lor our tilled complexion brand, skin smooth. er It keep North Si ul Pharmacy, the Mr. Kgun, manager of the department -if tlu* Kxcelsor Stove Works of tpiiney, 111., with headquarters at Denver, was looking after business in terests here tin- first of tin- week. Mr. Kgnn is very favorably impressed with tliis section of Idaho and considers its prospects as very flattering. western Mr. 1*. B. Bacus, of Marshal, Okla., s|s-nt the lirst of the week with friends Mr. B is a veterinary surgeon, aid is seeking a location in Southern hen-. Mali i. Ih- is most favorably impressed with this section, hut as Jerome already has an elllcieiil veterinary, he will look elsewhere for a permanent location. A dollar's worth of protection may Is the means of putting $!(«» into your l-s-kct alter tin- lire. Sis- Hardwick A Company for your lire insurance. Mrs. T. H. and children, of Petersburg, Texas, daughter and grand children of Thomas Jaycox, arrived in JcronicjSunday for a month's visit with hoinefolks. They were accompanied hy Mr. le-ssi-rs' mother. Mr. (ss-ls to come later and accompany them Rosser Rosser ex h-une. Mr. W. R. Young and son of Cliicago, s|s-nt a few -lays lien- last week. Young is iH-rsonally interested financial ly in the development ranch, and so pleased was lie with the progress aln-a-ly made on tlu- rancli, un der the su|s-rvi»ion of Mr. Whitehead,and the general conditions over the tract, that la- at once opened negotiations for a adjoining the Man-ha. Mr. J. IV. Cldland living northwest of town, brought to our office the first of tin- week a small branch taken from a goosel-crry hush planted in tiie spring of Mr. of tin- Man-ha 1810, which liad over 100 Is-rries on it, Tliis is the second crop this year, as the same hush yielded a good crop earlier in tin- season. Mr Clellund is also ex perimenting with alfalfa see-1, and left a hunch of alfalfa, that is heavily laden with seed pockets. la-ave repair work on watches, clocks, etc., at Jerome Ditto Co. W. L. Keyset and family, s|s*nt a few days last week in the Wtiod River Coun try in the vicinity of the Magic dam. Mr. K. says the fishing is fine, and to verify the statement they returned with 33 fine trout, some of which we had the pleasure uf sampling. Several of the number measured 17 inches in length und were caught hy Mrs. K. ami lier little daughter. Our thanks are there fore due the whole family for a most lucious meal. The Arcadia Valley people have organ ize-! a Sunday school to lx- known as tiie Arcadia Bilde school. The organization ix-rfected July 23rd, and Sunday was sch-N'l is held every Sunday at 4 p. m. in what is known ns Robinson'» shack. It hii|»-d that this may prove the nucleus for the formation of a church later on. Rev. Koffend, i Next Sunday at 2 p. in. of Wendell, will preach at tliis same place, and a general invitation is extend ed to all Mr. A. W. Baum, Secretary Treasurer of the S«-ttlcr's Reclaiming & 0|s-rating Co., who is absent on a trip investigating the potato market, is also evidently speculating in the matrimonial murk«'!, as report stales that on next Tuesday, the 15th, lie w ill lea-1 to the altar one of San Francisco's lair -laugh return to and Mr. Banni expect« t* tern. Jerome with his bride about Septemlier the Grenzebaek 1st, and will occupy residence. Mr. K. L. Hammond* chief clerk under Engineer Bickel at the Und ('«». office, Ik- was taken to Boise recently to ttnder •ration for un ahscssof the mas w go an opt m toid hone, has been in a very precarious condition the past week, due to compli cations arising us a result of the o|ieration. Advices received here last evening diente that all hope is abandoned for his recovery, ami the end is likely to' come at any time. His parents. Mr. and Mm. A. t'. Hammond, of Payette are him at the hospital. with For Sale or Tra«fe. White I-oar for A full-blood Chester sale or trade. Freu Roberts, Windy Glen Ranch. Taken to Boiae 'Ir. Kd. füll whose frequent attacks of illness have been recently noted, was removed to Boise last Friilay, to under ffo an opt-ration for an acute attack of null stones, which wan successfully |st fonned Saturday morning. Mr Gill him hiH'ii suffering from this malady for the paat 10 or 12 year», having la*en able to olitain only temporary relief, ami ilia rei'ent attack» made it iinfiemtive that an ojieratioii lie jierformed. A letter received hy friends here from Mr. (dll, »täte» that while the operation was that makes the condition of Mr. Gill qutie alarming. successful, complications have set in Better Satisfied Than liver Mr. Geo. B. llawli •kcr returned yes terday from a trip through the Boise val ley, in company with Mr. C. I). Gallen tine. These gentlemen an- giving the orchard question in this section much consideration, and already have a large acreage of trees planted, and this trip was made for the expressed purpose of studying the conditions of the fruit indus try in that section. 'They visited several orchards, among which was me coru|ioH '•d of I year old cherry trees from which was picked this season fron 20 to 30 gal lons of cherries from each tree. A 4<i acre prune orchard was visited which is owned hy a German, w ho lias liccome iiidc|H-ndciit from tin- revenue derived from tliis orchard. As to the general lay of the land, Messrs. Gullentine and H aw ls-cker I Kith express their preference to our home section, giving several reasons for the same. Mr, Gallentine's senti im-nts were forcibly expressed, when in parting with Mr. Hawla-cker at Gooding lie said, "Go hack to Jerome and work < ieorge. go to We have the liest land on the North Side trad of any in Southern Idaho." George feels the same way and will go to work with a new vigor. t he Melon Outlook. Mr. A. F. Wood, Manager of the Pay ette Valley Melon Growers' Ass'n., was in town Tuesday, and, in company with Mr. Juyeox, tiie secretary of tiie Aas'n. In-re, went over a portion of tiie melon acreage in this section, and wan much surprised at tiie condition of the crop. He says that while we are about ten days later than the Payette country, he feels confident that tliis years crop can lx* dis|>oBcd of to good advantage. At a meeting of the lioard of directors of tin- association held later, it was agreed to work in conjunction with the Payette organization tliis year, as they already have a market established, and while our melons will lx- shipped as a Jerome pis-duct, it is thought that more satisfactory returns can Is- obtained with tins arrangement, than hy attempting to handle tin- crop here independent of any other organization. All wlio have melon* planted are quested to attend the meeting of the Canal I'scrs Ass'n., Saturday afternoon of this week. rc Fall Rye North Soie Warehocsk A Cox. Co. Tiie village trustees met last Thurs day evening and the session proved quite an interesting one. The side walk matter was discussed at some length, and a motion to proceed with tin- work was lost, trustee Busse voting in the negative. Nothing further was done in the matter of granting tiie fran chise asked, as the committee wished for more time in which to consider the While there is no apparent op same. jsisitioii to granting the franchises the trustees are determined to guard the interests of tin* citizens of the town in and will demand some the matter, changes in tiie question of rates, which they deem is to the interests of the town in general, for hearing again next Tuesday evening The matter will come up Church Announcements. PRESBYTERIAN' CHCBCH. Sabbath school, 10 o'clock. Graded lessons and classes for all ages J. A. Armstrong, Supt. Preaching, II, o'chx-k. Sermon theme: Jerome." "l!ow to help Open air Union services at 7:30 sharp. Rev. W. J. D-xlge will speak. CHRIST AIN SCIENCE. Services held every Sunday morning at 10:45 o'clock at Hales Hall, on main street. niiiiHTiAN rnritrii Worship will l*' conducted at 11a. Unii--n services at "The hy tiie Pastor. m. the street, dilBjact, S. p. in. Wonders of the Bible. on In a letter received by W. A. Peters of this place from his brother at Matlock, "We finished lowa, the latter says: threshing Friilay. It took us one day Our hurley went 2 bushels to We seeded 80 bushels on 40 tliis year, the acre. and got 80 bushels back, lull what got hack is not as good as w hat we seeded. Our oats went 18 bushels to the acre." When compared with some of the letters published in these columns recently as to results obtained here, fur ther comment it unnecessary. acres we A sjxH'iai train was run over the Oregon Short Line through here last Friday, consisting of the private Manager together with baggage car, coaches and observation ear. The train bore several of General ear Bancroft, of Salt Lake City, officials of the roatl who were making a tour of inspection. SCHOOL MATTF.RS The Board has an Interesting Session Over the Location of School Houses. The proposition of the school hoard to establish school houses in various local ities in the district, i» not meeting with tlie unanimity among the fanners that it was thought it would. The principal aim of the hoard in e»tahli»)iing these various schools was for the purpose of eliminating the long hauls that are now necessary to bring some of the smaller children to the town school. At tiie meeting of the hoard last Fri day evening, this opposition manifested itself quite prominently, when the Isiard had up the question of schools for the benefit of the patrons north and east of town. An erroneous impression seems to prevail among some to the effect that it is the intention to establish the old fashioned country school. Such how ever, is not the intention of the hoard. The establishment of outside schools is simply an enlargement of the school sys tem as carried on in town, and the man agement of these outlying schools would Is? under the direction of the superinten dent of the tow n schools, witli the same class of teachers, and the work would he precisely the same. It lias liecn demonstrated since the erection of the new building, that insuf ficient room will be provided for all scholars should the present system tie carried out, which of course would ne cessitate tiie establishment of ward schools in town. To better accomodate tiie smaller children from the country, it was deemed advisable to locate these ward schools in centrally located districts, where probably tiie first eight grades would Is- taught, the same as if a ward school was instituted in town. Petitions and remonstrances were both received, and a large representation ot the farmers north and east were present on Friilay evening to voice their senti ment», and after a lengthy discussion of tiie matter, the question was laid over until the next regular meeting of tiie board. Mr. Hoskins presented a petition from several patrons asking that a school house be built on tiie corner of section 1, in township 9, representing that from 25 to :!0 scholars would be accomodated. On motion it was ordered by the board that a building be erected as requested. Tiie recommendation of the committee on the location of the building live miles west of town, on the 'Vended road, was also accepted, and the same ordered to Is- built. The location of the buildings north and east of town will come up for discussion again at the meeting tomorrow evening. A committee from tiie Civic Club ap peared txdore tiie Ixiard, asking permis sion to hold a house warming at the new school house, the proceeds to lie used in buying pictures for tiie school. The matter was referred to a committee, with power to act. P. K. Kartzke presented a bid for tiie building of sidewalks around tiie new school house, and tiie work was ordered done. The lioard will meet in regular session again Friilay evening. For Sale Cheap Good piano and household furniture, or would lake good work horse or spring wagon in exchange. W. C. Brittan, Jerome. Surprises our own Citizens Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson have been residents of Jerome for some time, Mr. J. owning two farms in this section which lie is developing. Sunday last Mrs. Jacobson was persuaded to take a drive through the country, which, while living in Jerome all tliis time, was the first trip she had taken through the sur rounding country for two years, and she could hardly believe the sights that met lier gaze. While always a booster for Southern Idaho, she says she never rea lized what changes could be brought about in so short a time, and sin* re turned to town more enthusiastic than ever, and it is safe to predict that lier visits to the country will become more frequent hereafter. Binder (or Sale. A McCormick Binder in first-class condition for sale cheap, or will trade W. T. Veazie. Jerome, Ida. A (ire at the new school building last Friday, promised serious results for a few momenta. Workmen were busy waxing the floor, and in wanning the wax on a gasolene stove,- a can oi wax exploded, catching tire from the gasoline flame and spreading over the floor. Jim Reams was covered with the burn ing wax, and ins clothing caught fire, for stock. Mr. burning him quite severely. Tiie flames were extinguished however, after doing some damage to the interior finish of the room. Elsewhere will lx« found an announce ment of the Shoshone Falls Hotel, a most ideal place to spend a vacation of a week Locate«! at one of the most or more. scenic points in tin* Northwest, and with only a few gives our citizens and their eastern friends an opportunity to spend a few days in a hours drive from Jerome, most pleasant manner, and at a very moderate price. As Mr. Spangler says; "Tiie people of Jerome need a vacation, and the best w ay to toll them is through the column of the Times." To make room for our immense stock of Fall & Winter Dry Goods, Suits, Cloaks and Novelties, Which will be shipped us Sept. 1st, we will place our entire stock of Dry Goods on sale Saturday, August 12th, For 30 days, at One-Fifth off. 20 per cent Discount with many Greater Bargains in Odds and Ends At Less than Cost, to close out. Don't overlook this sale This is a Cash Bargain Salefor you Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries. Satisfaction or Money back At RICHMOND'S ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Sterling Butter Made from Pasturized Cream and Put Up Under Strict Sanitary Regulations. When Wanting a Delicious Dish, insist on having Sterling Ice Cream MANUFACTURED BY THE Dairy Products Comp'y, Twin Falls, Idaho. Wm. Waoneb, President Howard W. Finch, Vice-President -I. P. Ridgway, Secretary North Side Warehouse & Commission Co., Ltd. -DEALERS IN. BUGGIES, WAGONS, I IMPLEMENTS, WIND MILLS, GASOLINE ENGINES Everything in the Line of FARM MACHINERY HAY, GRAIN, FEED, COAL AND SEEDS Custom Grinding and Chop Feeds Leave Orders for Coal, Feed and Seeds at our new Main Street Office. Warehouse Phone, (»9 Main Street office Phone, 89 J. H. JOSEPHSON A. ANDERSON North Side Construction Co. General Contractors Room 6, First National Bank Building, JEROME. IDAHO Everybody! Listen! Yesterday is Dead. To-morrow you can't Figure on. TO-DAY is the day to do those little repair jobs that you have wanted to do so long. Repair Your Home, Stable, Corral, Fence, anything that needs repairing, and let us furnish you the Right Material At the Right Price. Perhaps you are ready to build a new home, barn or something—if so, we are glad to know it, and will appreciate a call from you and will he glad to talk it over and give figures Ostrander Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone 72. BILL O'BRIEN. Local Manager, The Times Can Do Your Job Work Neatly and Quickly