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SUPPLEMENT The Lincoln County Times Jerome, Idaho, Thursday, August 10, 1911 Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners of Lincoln County, Idaho id' April Session, cil , iffiitii n«> Max dlli, l"tt 1 ".I Boar.: ; •ilnelll : cmi'.mie.l : . -ignal n.n ol >. \ Bai ••» a» , i . î I n-i rn t \., as î» petition lierebx appointed j -aid .list riel To (lx ,, , . (.led .I' d llp.M |.. t «. » Mug I (»'■ - î ..I mailer (d III. and 59 other- f>. <• I >-a I •!-. I let Upon I to 11 * * I due je- Hie *el 11 lull *d I lie .1 .1 < mix • a Ihr.! I - Bract I lie Boat L 1 .I at ion lim . -I ,i • IH'h I AU 11 ll.t. 11 oil t h. matter of Hi him-, upon t Pool Hl. I ol !l i bld» tie.I ll i ■ X M ot I ill.I I III t helela axx ar* a- per Id di V. ' lid 1 ti no !.. . 11 ..I * 1 A ,- ,-iiig work Ho ... c »aid c.e-tr-.e; m lid »aid xx ■ ! v-ent In h mix i.l ! xx ,i It,. »tip'-rx i-im x - I it It. -,. • X . ■•: mutter of the H.otract i.e ci. i , tlo- that Ho- W e. • ■ I lo 1 ' jtnr ( l .. Clem liax.- ■ I..-I loll ll 1 h - .leelll. .1 a Hi.-r.-tor. Inn. i»!. .: t II. H • ; ai »7 -.-d that «-a. h firm oro. II V I*|V ill. B"lid Hud depO'H ed III I met tor t h> <|UX.-I nee.-k I ,q.|.earing to •I. ix.- I.een ... .ml Brnlg. the it ot lierel.x ..deil Huit l I lie. "d • aid 1 pi -'let dial g. Hoot Hie I 1111 I c ug. Roll. M Balle, u I all..' H., el» »; I I aii'U Hoads, kes, I.. Hoad» I \ I.i'X sin.-ho: . l' i ,t . ..I l I. : . Count > to pel 1 O' I.alter id Ho c-ld i-l. a Highway to le km.xx n as I Hoad I It'll Id It Igl.XX ax ling I »ist net m Hill No. 1 An as -, re id » 1 * 1 1 . Ho r.l -aid petition and I'.'ll I- Mo del nie xx 1 1 e 11 11 • I district shall <li»lrn't. and Hud Hu due 'not ice t hereof hx lli III- III Hie ( r.lodlllg Said |M-o|ioscd allait he dix nled into xx it I. 8 ate accordance i.l-»cd l.x III. Ho.ll.I rex l.-W set June loth, an election prop"! a I ugh xx ax Clerk .1 gix »' • o hot, o.. »m d. 1 . III** Ull»' .md Hire. pul. di»t rid I I.e follow mg : highw ax election ine. met' ! lo-xx il : at the In ginning I'l'ccnici No. I south.M«| cornel Sei . 17 1. •' 8. li i miles I 8 . II. (7. E.. I hence east smii 11 xv >• -1 . orner : I hence 8 H. ice. 18 I north ahonl 7 miles If. K. to till' point xvhere the east Hoc ol -,.» Hum Se. 7 T. 5 8 , H. If. I rt' w.»l .'I'I.' ihg \\ ..... I Mix er lion., along south »nie ol Bug W to I lie soul liwesl corner > T. 5 8 H. 15 E. thence a Mixer ,1 Sec. 15 ■ III ll < . nnles !.. place ot beginning; precinct to he known as No. I. with voting place- at Ho school house on quarter of the «1 Sec. 35 T. 5 8 . H. 15 • Junes. H. N. Adair Beckett are appointed judges iTei'inct No. I. -aid • I , , sollt beast I'I ec III. tlir quarter and Ho> »i.llt lica»l IItill < i.'OI'g'' ; ot sal' ■ at a A Beginning l'r.'i ind .Vo, .»,• 7 I , ofSe point xvhere the east Him T. 5 8. ll. |6 I'., crosse» Big M north iihout • •orner *»! S«*r. 3** west 6 KlVer, thenre to the norlheasl i '1. i 8. H. 16 E„ miles lo Hie northwest Sec. 29 T. i s. It. 15 sou I h 5 miles to the Coiner (if Sec. 17 T. 5 8 . IL 15 E.. t hence easi about » miles I « • inli'i'serlion of the south Hue ol Bee. 10 T. 5 8 . H. 16 E. with Big nol '1 lieaslerlx I licnrc ol rorncr I hence E soul liwesl I he wood Rixer, (hence qitng said river ginning; said precinct lo he known lo place of be \. 1 'I ,i« I .au. I. ■ "I ' lo'.i»! quarl.M 1 q; *rl .1 u| Sei-. I - • Hi'1 \ Ms» 111 If.tiuloi (ill I), .»tap!»'-. tin] Ld. I lr:i \\ Iks arc dim- »in, I 1 11 .-1 XX Il ll Mil llig [.I ,, . l a 111 * li II*. Use I In ol , B. 1 . I. ) ; ',, ap| o' I'I i in. ! ; Beunmn at Ho a»l .-orner .d >e. , is j . . then.-, tim-lli 5 11 l.f :to I .j ' I. B. I-., then, e ■ . !.. lim I 11 XX . -I , - It til I hetie. lo Hie -.nil hxx ll rt -'•Irt.l it I .» - g 111 - i ' j IOVX n -xuli xoli g place lie N I Ho M B. I. I !• .1 \\ Hot,, ! .. it B. ll g ■- ..I -aid ; \.. , B.-gr-mog ol Se 1 to-!.. |. \x .-»1 t'l mile t 1 XM - -mil f 1 liellc.' ■ I A mile- !.. I to- nort h A 011 "- Ho llo-nie -mull li mite- 1" ,.| Se. H I d » a-l k mil»-» to llo t . I ■;_ | .-..nltixx.-sl i-i.nn-r I hence .■ col I.CI ol S»-c. 9 I. d | I |h.-lice »..nth .'1 mile - i.i to a»l I., • I.I See eM.XXe-t lh eorlle I . I them ■ ...illll.-a-t . I 1 - s 1! 15 I I lie ll*'. - .Id I'reelll.-I i,. lilac- beginning hi xx* P I.'. met lo V , v» 11 1 1 voting place at • "mine and W B K- !' .hag He L.,\x. ; and Hu-b H.nldoc^ olllled ' -al. I . -I'I met N< 5 Begin; I g a! He ■ Itl.'l Ne See. II'. I f. S corn.•! le!., xx est 8 mi'- t " He t: I Oi l llXX e»l col lie I . f I hi'IICe -Old ll I Hilda; x >d I f> 1 ll.XMl'Illp line I. Ho »miHlca»! col lier ..t sec. t; 1 le a -aid ol s. H. 1.5 I ll pla.-e ol t.egnmlng ; h.'iice .. !■ i . - t |,e known a- Bre ntl XI.ling I'Hice a iK- ranch i i " 11 -* ■ N. oil , ■ Mi , Hr... Hi 1 M ■ |>. .pial let .d I lie nort ll >. H I He 6 u i|u .ri.-; and \ I. M. Hi o. Item I ,1 .- aiqiointed u I. It H*.au I Msl riel J -aid I*i'.'Cin.'l No -• I III. pel ll n * I . lo 11• 112* - 1 1 . Hie nialter < .—I aldlsh a lllgliw lllglixxax he ktioxvn Insincl in a. • • and »'■*- June lut h. j .lax to hold an. election ■ -ncli proposed i a liighxvax < lis-— j a- Jeroiia I'l.rdain'e will Senat . I he 1 eg ... 1 I- atm, ol 1911 the Heard ex lew lui' Ne eu »aid petition HH L a» H to decide dl«l rid »hah I*.'Colne anil that III.' Clerk give due , lire ilieretd' hx Ihree publications, ,,, i),,. 1. 1 1 1 ... 1 1 . Coimtx Tun.» andjuay -aid pi Ul.I liighxvax .list i id »had xx lid he i tint. dix tiled into the following mn pi'.'i'ind », I ci- xx - il : Pi e.'ind - -hall he l.oun.l.».! de-cribe.l I In election. ! I and 111 the last! -allie a» . oi l*i ll'. 111. t lodge- .Jehu M . I'eV... and John , III. xotllig pi.o', at Mom W Is Voe farm lion».' * Brio.'ind .judge Alexander, and vv voting place in Le ILirt .-horn. 1 lii liner ; xx Jerolll. Marlin, I I •*I ».» ; xx il h 1 1 \ Hall. 4,0pp V. in.Ige», Eppcr Pl'.'C jncl and axx illi xoling place Wallet H 1 "i ;■ »lore. C.,| p.lah a; Inst I'll.'led for hid» for .. n- I i w agon l.'idge aero»» , I'.ixcr norHi «d ( î tor the construction bridge I j,, -. cud ai.x , rlI-. 1 111 g Bug W. u., and for lu.I» Little), ri '" ac r. .»» ,,| wagon fixer w lier,' d ''-'I'lVxMMldp « i * ; i ^ in «*n til»* in ihi^ I" hx owii'lii). Ini'' between 5 and 6 8 H I . E'- m'- 1 plans and »pccil ica Hon» office »aid lud» to I III» Board on .III 11 j.qt -aid Board ceserxes the] I I-, and all bids. right to r.'.iccl W'liercnpon i oni nis-ioimr» June 1st. I imding bond» ; mue. I business as may c llii» regular session. I SPI 7\*vMVN. any Hie Board Of Comity i until of re $29.00* I lakes a recess for Hie purpose ..incoln county's and »ncli other general or • up I'.r Chairman. \ VItest : II.MHIA' VV. ANDERSON. Clerk. 1 oiii-t i-<'ittli Hay ni April Session, I Jinn- I. 11*11. i.i .-i»livein-.l (.nr-uanl In ad Presciil . A. 1.. Speak o, , 1 .liait man. i.. i.. Net »un and 1 N Di.alush, läniinils'iuiier». and AA . Aii.I.;»oii, Cl.-rk. !.. In matt, r ..1 refunding Ein 829.000 j, doe xulutl'.l. „err ilneni. "In J ul ' 1 • I e *! I, by tamed iufjlsd d(«l imlm-d (.uLli-li—i .n it.«- Shoshone , 'I 1 ' I to- Coal d ill \ est (gated I lie ,| tl|. i ; ; I ail ompanx ax I (î -I rift i\\ el el I oi III. hel-el or. a •red I I r.-a.-urer No. : l-x, - 1 un.i ,.l lull . i . a i . » 1 er from " Ci i io- amount to l*i-i ri • -til ■ i ■ oy upon Hu -I met ell draw .. -ir; ant am .d Ho ta.- w at.-r stlll-ll..! •- 1 'xx it I -! 1 . d xx X- a .... „n.m.. l : i. s. s. lx la. I » »I i ■ N.. la - • • I . s s. It. ed. I'i |s 1 I ill ..( a - B . W . ... in g Ho- Hoard pro..den ir Hied the Old» in. • ;ti. t ie ..t .1. H. l orlie» ..I Caidwell. Idaho, 1 .unite Imdd » i :.;m .. -am bridge ui accordance wHI oil lia- II. 1 lie l.e-i hid III i -d a »pec-'A ■ he Clerk's , I» •. f ■ - Hud »aid md b he I a con lie l.x enlere,i into I ol-lie» A Co.. Iii.d.o. parly In I.milieu. II it the i| 1 i • 1111 .«• 1111 - I le hereof. Hie sum «d complet ioi surety taunt II I tie xx ; h . In -, I.H ,' \\ .I Mixer XX lie! ■ Inn S 17 I u.-r I.e' Mi l'll loxx ;.-lil) lid i-N - ,l .u 11 1 « - !''*i I . and 1! Ile I Hr unm. ,,j i He ia:.l a, appeal'll g hid of -»iioshmie, 1 • * ; 111 » ■. 11 • i - .Hfi.iiii, to l.mld said 1 .ridg. in ac , ,. dal ce xx il i speed ical lolls lift . |. am; I H. Cf" lier» ol Mir MINI and - office. p an» on I il. being the best hid made, il i» her. ir.ler.'fl Ilia! »aid hid he and 1 » 1 m re|.x a.'c pl.u ami a contrar: *■ 1 1 - l.x j, ini,, iietxx.'e i . H and E. ti ol shi.-limie.Idaho.(.art i> » • '.rot her» ol 1 lie fit'»! pa' • omit X County, luaho part, said• t. cordance plan» hei'eol, and . »um .md : In i »oar«! I .in***»h « »1 .1 •III»hI'*-l«*IH*î ^ l»arl > •.'end ) the he lutill in ac -|..'cj| ton» and the • nrreul XX 11 11 mux m file and made a part surely timid in I he |.e I il.'d herein of said bridge entered into till |..r ... a» per conlrad . , with tin- -aid Lincoln (oimlx, to el S' Claims continued I Xpellsf I'Ylllll l-'rank C en Coal • onrl Hon-' I'189-V. J \| ( ; i - ; 111 U. I ! I '- lioale , „ , ; , ntl |;i, lu v I s I OS'.*.8.5 the Claims con'nine. I und: ell "Ul Bridge Erl Ainliu-im. 8376.50 \\ Hoad t a ll m rts 8 . 8 ll. ,..oh. \ |. w ing Hoad» I ' xx». I . ( xv 8. 8» : 11 Uli. Haid Lahor s S Itl.lM' 8 Shan.'I'. Labor Hoads, \\ licr. iipoi Ho Board of Count ' lake» a rccc»» md n •'""*• 19. for Ho pur)...», of_ Iran» . iuiiu»»ion. r» -mb general or ..roe 1( g business a» may conic up |, j M> i'ngnlar session. sj( . |lt .,, v I, SPK'MX.M'VN. \| t »»st ■ ( '.hainnan sj ' ,', n || MIMA W. \VDEU8'>N C.lerk i I Fifteenth llav of April Session. June 19. 1911. Board convened pursuant lo ad lournment. Present, A. L. Speak man Chairman, C. (7. Nelson and C N. Dibitush, Commissioners, and Harrv W. Anderson, Clerk. s In tin- matter ol the petition to open roa.i bet vxeen Sections 1 ainJ !I T. 6 8 . it. 15 li. which was nre sented lo the Board ul their Jan uary session, alter viewing condi I ions ol proposed road, it is hereby ordered ibal road simll lie opened as follows, to-xxil: Beginning at the school house corner in the Northeast corner ul the Southeast tjuarier .it tin- Southeast narler ni Section 5 S. H. 15 E.: I hence south three-fourt It,» <j! a mile lo Hie quarter corner on Hie -eelion line between Sections 1 and a I . <i >, it, |5 K.; thence east one 0 f u mile on country road: Hi.nice ».. ulli one-half of a mile on bel XX eell j be west id Hie Southwest I I . 6 >. It. 15 ;tr, 'i. Hie fort) i tu« and easi hull (Jm.rlel ol S.-CilM 1 ... Hi- nee -out h oio- mite ti.rlx Inn- bel XX eel I tile east on the i marier \x .•» hail 'I to- smii lisx. »I , -am section 1 and Hie ea-t and ..| Hie Nor 1 lixx.-sl niu-.r r. li s. H. 15 E.; XX' e » t lia 1er o| Seel loll 1^' fnrUier u I lier- I ll. .ling. 1 tm ma illai ill. ol i d oil. 1 ) 1 .ll claim» ■ O 1 .incoil, rigid —.d — \*. ; .Unix a aimig tie XM - lo .1 I.) 111.- , ! i . lo sold llXXe»l Uliarl.-I o] .'> s. H, 15 1... and Hod ,1. 1.. Beckett >ii of (me I lollur. I • i to- .-. ip. il.-; aim» to Lincoln .mux 1 t),. I 1 , Norlhwe»! unarlol s.-clioii I ,• < j. j* j „j U ,] i-jjihi oi wa> I.e O j.•.■ t wide upon each »nr ,,I it,., tml x line, a.. Count x I» ti'-rel.x instructed to » follow », right ol xxax All feet xvi. le along 1 lie .d Ho East Hall rl.-r ol section XX e- ; »(.le Sunt hxx e»| ,; s H. 1-5 1 . togelher xx it h i o xxax io f.-.-l xxide aim. g between We, i Hail ,.l llo rigid am. V 1 lofllex ' -.•ein m tm* road ; B.egmning at the . • i ii i i 1 1 . >i i I.- S.- 1 -iion» I c quarter , and t..-\\ 1 1 E.; I hence a mile to north the I It. 1. 1. 1 hrce-fourlhs ol Nmi lo-ii»; , (Jnart .1 "I I he ot See) |..| 35 'I . -.ii-ii.-i- id llo Southeast ' Smithe.i-i (Juaro-i , «g i: tÎ. .»ant ' l l.-t - t ».hi.-! 50 t , e! XX Ole. 1 .. ■ I I he ma: I .- 1 - «d I io- contract I . H. i rut lier», u n .. n nig. aero»- l.d \\ ,n i\, xx In- ■ -aid fix er inn between :..xx , » I li. 17 1 \\ t »hip- 5 .. t he tat i "1 -am ).ari n » 11 . ■ heil i .olid xx llhin I he speei ' w mg that xxitli J. , :,-|.x oi-dereu Dial coni i act I.-- cancelled ami eleu into ■ ml r.mi li' . I.united, ol I "ih"- A ' i , , well. Idaho. » to 1.1 i ti.) . accordance xxith plan , . ll!.' n Ho- Clerk » tin fii.uo la- tiled for the c"in . the -mu bridge ■ d in a - m-xx »ur.'lx l.oli.i in d 1 ice. am: n ol s con ion ol said bringe t . liter. .. into tin- . 1 ; .1. II. a Company. Limited, .uni l.iiicohi County. a- pm pi between I lo- |.|. d ol ,1. IL I eitle» A • oil . '.a|dxvell. Idaho. siAoo.oo securmi by surely Company, for const met ion .d a steel bridge Bug W .'.I.I Mix er Ilea; • \\ a- 111 \ est Igate.l and said P. u j legal m form, is hereby ap prox ed. I i ! X . I. milieu, ol m Ho sum ol Ho- American • '«dug. I.ond ! . lie o\ el pel il ion of John Hedricks and ..thcr» to open public road xxa» and »aid pétition gratil .petting id road as lolloxx ». Beginning ai I lie quart er ! corner on (be cast line I . 8 8. H. If> E.: thence in . onsnlerc.t ,. t..- xx il : »cd n >ecl lot' 2 1er ' mining xx. si I«. the quarter section . 'ncr ol the west line of *ald ^,. ( 11 « .i. ..- ahox. 1 ue»cnoeu )n*t it granted on condition Huit 1 »ant mad he made xx n limit I • '.omit\. : .eing expense .d W H. Stmth and a public quarter section o'u llo west line of Section >, H. 18 L. t hence running . -I to I li. quarter »cd Ion ca-l line o! »aid •red and it I» hereby hearing and ad Ion ' I hn pel ll l. Miher.- lo establish , ginning at the road .'"lier I . 6 •orner , ■d ion, ■ .-ll Hie w as rolisi. .•te.i that (mil ■ r !.. set for July An, 1911. I'll.' petition "I John 1 lol.gia» and t. appoint f red .1 Mai »halt in-tic el ill. Pea.', ol II lll-iiai» said m-i.lci ai and appoint ,t Hillsdale' 1 i md w a» I cd ,1 Marshall 1» Justice ot Hie I'cace hereby B cemd. I Heal loll ol I* C Mac Wallm» upon : Tor in computing special school District No. 36 under 5 it* fully advised » hereby ..1 Hu- xcilllco ap t a\ ix in elpt No 1910. tin*! Hie being Board Homily Treasurer an lipri/i'd to transi. •!' •»chool I list riel No. 36 to Currenl lx pense Fund ot 1911. ami Hie \u liereby anlluu'i/ed lo draw si; 75 .on from • .ntor is a warrant in favor of said parlies j Hie Current Expense bum 4 .q (911 in the ammml of >o....uo upon The official iH.n.i of W , J. Ki»ling .- ~ • ; ;. • ; 11 • ; - 11 . i, - 11 1 "1 Hie County 1'nor Farm i» Iie.'elix approved. xvlmr.■ i;|>ii the Board adjourned until in. loinorroxx. !.. 8 PE.AK.MAN. A. î .liairomii. At;. -I : il \t; 1 > Y \\ \ N I dits m in . Clerk . s gn»»d sixteenth liny of April session. June ad. 1911. Board eoiix en.-.! pursiianl to a.I 'uiiri n. 1 it. Hr.-s.-id : C. î .. Nelson '.. N. Itilaliisb. Commissioners and Harry W. Anderson, Clerk. •anxassed Hie returns •ailed June lu. loi 1 . establish a Hoad I list riel to he - Shoshone II Igh Wax Dl» amir.iiinr.- x\ il h -. 1 .- Bill a- l.x i he Legisla te, . ■ toil, and l! u that ..lee — ioi \\as held pursuant l< ami. there Th.- Board • I Ho eleetlull .poll Ille I let il II ill lo High wax Statur . ona t.iA x ol..- iOISI -lien. II iglixx ax 11 1 -I nr; . X..t-» !■: -• 'sto.»Ilium High i I|-l I let No." Ho 111 II.II II -1 i x l.f - being 87 in taxor of "Shoshone Highway Hist riet Ve». therefor.*. ' net m N. . 12 \\ a '• ! I In- promises afot e-aid. ordered, adju.lg.-d ami ox reason .. it i» lierebx i re.j Hod Hie following terri liounded and described as xx-. to-xvil: Commencing on the mut y lim- running Ijetw.-eii Blaine and Lincoln counties at tin- north corner of Section 5. township .»until, range 10 east, running Iheiu-e »ouHi along the section line Ho- southwest corner of section -L*. toMu^hip o ?outli. rangt* 16 east; thence east to Hie northeast corner of section 3. toxviiship , south. (range 17 east, llo-nre soutli to Ule southwest corner of section 11 . 7 south, rang.- 17 east: ' we-; , toxxnslup thence east on Hie s.—tion line to ;Ho- »mit lo ast corner of section Id. township 7 -onth. range 18 east. Meridian: thence north to Boise . tlie northeast corner of section 3. township 7 .»outh. range 18 east: lieitci- east lo the southeast cor rtion 33. toxxvis.iip <*> south, range is east: thence north along the section lim- t. xvhere said line xx i 1 1 1 the xx.-I hank of Big Wood Riv.-r in township »oii'h. range 18 east. L. M.: thence in a northerly direct ion along I lie »I hank of said Big Wood Rixer I Mixer in it li the boundary line Ihelxxeen Blaine and Lincoln Coun ti.-»; t lienee xx est along said hound tier of • : '. • ». -.-1 » ■ 'el'sCels XX . . where »aid Big N\ Blaiin- and the point of I.e-. helxveei ary line Counties t< ■/i ' tug; comprising to K 5 inciusixe. Toxvnslii), 3 S. H. 1 to s le. 17 inciusixe. 29 inclusive. 32 to 36 inclusive. Sectjon Secl lolls Section» 2o I» Sect ions Township 3 8 . H. 17 K. Sections 1 to 36 inclusive. 8 . H. 18 E. 'IVwi.sliip 3 •lim » f.. 7, 8 . 17. 18. 19. 2". 29. ;;»» 31. 3J. At. 28. All ol sections -i. 9. 16 ,13. hing »onth and west ! ot Big W I Mixer. 8 . H. If. E. I to 5 inciusixe. 8 to 17 inciusixe. 1 'oxx 11 »1 . j j • 4 Sect toils 8 ect ions Sections 20 lo 29 inclusive. Section» 3A to 36 inciusixe. ly.xxnslii). 7 Section» S. H. 17 E. 1 lo 36 inclusive. 18 E. Township » 8 .. H. Sect ion» 5 and 6. Section» 7 lo 9 inciusixe. Sections 16 to 21 inclusive. Section» 28 I«. 33 inciusixe. i. lo. 15. King All of sections 3, -mil h and xx'esl ol V-tig Wood Hixt* ... H. 16 E. 5 inclusive. lY.wnslilp 5 l Sect lolls I lo 17 inclusive. A0 to 21* iucln-ixe. 36 inclusive. Seel iollS Sect lolls Sections 3A t. s t. K. Township 5 8 I to Township 5 ed ions e.'Hons 18 to AI inclu-ixe. 28 lo 33 inciusixe. 3f. inclU'ixe. 8 H. 18 E. 9 mciusixe. Sect me i to .'I'd ions H. 16 E. 1 • vv tish l). 6 8 , I to ' .. inclusive. S te 17 inclusive. Ao to 29 inclusive. Sect lolls ■c ions •étions . >,'1 ions 3A le 36 inclusive. S( 'IVwnsbip 6 8 . It. 1 . E. Sections 1 lo 36 inciusixe. Toxviiship 6 8 .. H 18 E. 9 inclusive. Sect ions Sect ions Sections 28 lo 33 inciusixe. •i to 16 to 21 inciusixe. • 8.. H. 17 E. Township 7 8 ,'Cl ions t, 2. I L 12 j Township 7 8 .. R. 18 E. Sections 3 to H* inclusive; under the name of Shoshone High w ax District, is duly organized as District under the name a Highway prox i.i.-.l by Senate •aring in tin- 8 es SlaU- of liiaho idor.»aid as Bill No. 120. ;i| sion Laws of the for the year 1011 . I lie Board caiixussed the returns of the election eall.-d June in. 1911, upon the petition lo Highway Hoad lust riet to lie knoxxu a.- * »coding Highway iJistricl, in accordance xxitli Senate Mi hj î he Ll gistat ore of find that the election \\ a- bebi pursuant to statute, and, establish a Bill No. I op as pa; 1911. and ;ast "Oooci and 194 ■tioouiiig Highway Dis majoritx of votes favor of ' < ioo.liug HI»;, n i Yes." therefore. o| the premises aforesaid *r*!*• r**d, adiudgeij and following terri Hide 1. eilig A79 votes mg 11 ighxx a> 1 nsl net A »■» votes cast 1 1 - 11*1 No." Hie asl being S5 it, Higlixx ax -, ox reason U 1 - llel-ell.X declared that llo* i io ut n h - * and fo-xx it : northxxesl corner s.. It. 1 i K.. running »,J u t f, 7 niile- lo Ho »ou i liwesl cor de»ellh.'d iS buy. foil.>xx - , the Commencing at Sec. 27, t hence E . . H. 1 i i>7 T. : o' ol See J | j',., » •> mil.-- to lo iiortb S. H. 14 to Hie d see. 3A T. C ■ asl K miles 10 id see. 33 T. K..theme north 3 miles of see. 16 lienee XX e » t Cl.rilel of see. thence south 7 .im.-» w I corner . I • 11 XX ••» » B. 1. I thence •orn IM ji».» t),,. js | d ,,orili 11 mile f ,j s,.,. an ) j. s. H. 10 E.. 11 ■ «- 1 , » - » - w.-i lo miles to pi; ot jmumninr- .-..mi.rising -il - 11. 1 -1 H. 15 : li.- »..o' 1 11 - -i »I or it.. >-r 1 t hence .-a»! I. H. 15 corner »if s. H. if. E.. thence - !.. ttie not neast cor oilllo.-a.-t H. 11 E. JV.iwnsli i ) i 1 sections 25. AO. A7. 3i. 35, 30. Townstiip * Sections : s.. H. 15 E. 25 to 30 mclu-ixe. s„ H. 10 E. Toxviiship 1 s.-elii. i.» ;to and HI. H E. H iiiclnsixe. Township 5 S.. H. 1 to to to 15 inclusive. aa te 27 mciusixe. HA to 30 inclusive. Seel |||||. Seel ii.ll» Sect loll» Seel loll» , 15 E. Township 5 s.. H 1 to if. im-iusixe. ». unm H. 16 K. ». 7. IS. IP. o0. 31. Township 5 ; S-H'l lolls I . Toxx'iisiiip 6 : S et lo. - S. ei mn» Se i -1 jon Se.'liull» • li'Xxnslnp o S.. H. 1 to At mrlnsixe. As to 33 inciusixe. H. li E. 5 inclusive, s to 17 mciusixe. A' to 29 inclusive. 30 inclusive. 1 to A to 15 E. Seri loll » Si ' lolls loxvnsliM 0 >.. H. 0. 7. is; If. K. S.-CI "Ils • ioo.liug Highway organized as under the name under the liante is duly 1 »I»! net t- provide! by senate Bill appearing in Hie Session f Idaho foi the i I list I let. luglixvay afore»aid i No. 120. 1 .axx - ot Hie 81 at . x.-ar 1911. ■a: X a»»e. Hie I'el UI'IIS The Board I o| the election called June ID. 1911, to cslaldish a Higli upon pet It loi Hoad Id»'.rid lo Pc ktioxxni as way idstrnl. m ac Bill No. 120 at ure of .lerome Highway cordance with Senate passed L.x the i.egi» 1911 and find that the election was held pursuant lo statute, and. there (ulus no x ot es east "Jerome High v\ ax 1 list riel Yes." and 371 votes ■ ast "Jerome Highxvay lusinct No,' tile majority ot xote» being 305 in Jerome Highway 1 »is— 1 1 in No." therefor. . h> reason of llo premises aforesaid, n is here udereii. adjudged and declared m âne* with Scot ion 6 •! Senate Bill N. 120, Hud said pro I >l»l riel did a» fax i r ol h\ of posed Jerome Highway uji-x and all proceedings the organization of said void. ; : not c; T. gar., to district »lu. 1 1 I'I In the of the Hietnch Herd I *istrid. this being the day -, f.., i n;, loarinc upon said pro lust rid. the Board, Herd l , hearing parties interested for ».■.I district, the hearing u| on said proposed Herd I'istrict until Hie July session. rim r.lerk i» heivhx instructed to ,,!\erti»e for bids upon steam heat ing plant for the Court House. ac cording to ohms ami spent ical ion* posed after an., against said pro) decided to continue file, bids li be opened July 10, 1911. at 10 a. in., am! to be accom panied by a certitie.l cliecK for 5 per rent of mell" amounts. continued on the Current on Claims Expense Fund: K. M. Crandall, County Boor Farm. Bnig. Ln in Inn* lo.. Loal 6 ouri >87.50. Esluiiate No. 2, 5.23.15. W celer House Board adjourned Whereupon the sine »lie. Signed C. N DILAU Ml. Signeil'i f7. C. NEI.SU.N. v 11 e»i ■ commissioners. Signed' BABB Y W. ANDF.R780N.