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LINCOLN COUNTY TIMES hiblifhtxl ovory TlnirMuj ait Jpi-oiii*. Idaho. hv Rditor id Propr, !.. T. Al.KXANURR. $2.00 per year Subscription, I ..■I •imla-lu-s matter March a, i»n, ul the txwl oflteeat Jerome. Idaho, under the act u( March :i. is;«. Knien» "SHONE MIST.'' The Never Fail. Razor Strop. Deputy Sheriff Chapman, of Shoshone was a Jerome visitor Saturday. The Never Fail. Guaranteed for life. W. B. Wheeler of Wendell s|x'iU eral days in Jerome this week. The Richmond Mere. Co. is headquart ers for outing flannels and komona cloth. Hr. K. D. Piper is spending a few days at Boise this week on a business errand. sev Mr. C. K. Carver and family were Jiagerman visitors lust week. Mr. Byron Smith is convalescent from an attack of typhoid fever. R. !.. Pence Jr. lias been attending to business matters in Gooding (lie past w cek, Mrs. Ëd Robinson leaves today for an extend«! visit with relatives at Marys ville Kansas. "I w ill say this much." If you get the habit of going to Archen Tin Shop, you will save money. Mrs. Jno. C. Spangler of Oak Creek, Colo. arriv«l Wednesday fora visit witli C. E. Palmer and family. A classy line of new dress goods at Richmond's. J. R. Wrugg is reported on tho sick list, suffering from a mild attack of fe ver. Make arrangements with the Jerome Fruit and Produce Co. for your wiuler supply of fruit. Mrs. Quay le, mother of Mrs. W. 11. Sturgee, was taken to the hospital at Boise the first of the w«*k for treatment. J. A. Armstrong has improved his residence properly on west Main street Ky the addition of two spacious porcltes. Get an Allen Portable Bath outfit of W. A. Cross, Agt. Jerome. Mr. Fred Carlton left Monday for Utah to assist his uncle during the peach har vest and to lx- present on "Peach Day" at Brigham City, Sept. 21st. District Court convened at Shoshone on Monday. There is quite a large calan dur, but many of the eases are small civil ones. Get a Rexall school tablet of the Jerome Drug Co, "The Ix-st 6c tablet in town." Messrs. K. W. Brough, Ed Hchroedcr and Norman Annett were Boise passen gers last Sunday. Mr. Annett will do service on the K«leral Jury. E. A. McClellan, left last w«-k on an extended visit with friends at Rockford, Wash., expecting to lx* absent until the holidays. A few select farms and acreage tracts at a sacrifice if taken at once. For par ticulars, see Hardwick A Company. Jas. Kersey upon his return from Utah, brought six gixxl milch cows which he w ill oiler for sale. See him if you are in terested. la-ave your order for jieaches, plums, with the Jerome Fruit Deliveries made daily. Mrs. B. Dietendorf depart«! last w«>k for a visit with her sister at St. Joe, Mo. Ben says there is much pleasanter things in this world than ranch life without a woman around. Miss Daisy Seigel, who has I icon s| tend ing a portion of the summer in the vicin |H»arn or Kra|M** an»! Product* (îo. ity of Soldier, lias returned to Jerome and is again the guest of lier sister, Mrs. S. D, McClellan. In addition to fixing the tax levy for stab 1 and county purposes the county j commissioners at their meeting last week, tix«l the road poll lax at $4.00 the same us last year. The Jerome fruit ami produce Co. is located in the Camas building. Call no* and nee them and coniraot for your win ter apples. In a letter received from M. G. Hren nan, formerly proprietor of the Jerome Hotel, lie states that lie is now engaged in tin* restaurant business at Emmett ami is doing nicely. The Jerome Milling A Elevator Co. haw the honor of receiving the first car load shipment over the new Oregon Short Line, having received a car load of flour from their Twin Falls mills last w«>k. Fail Strop at either hardware store or of W. A. Cross, Agent, Get tlie Never Jerome. Miss Bertha Speakman has accepted a position as sales lady with the Richmond She suce«»!» Miss Btvcher, a commercial Mere. Co. who gix*s east fo take up course. Mi«* Speakman will lx 1 glad to meet hor many friends at any and all > times. A dollar's worth of protection may lx 1 the means of putting $100 into your pocket sfter the lire. Xjlf. Jno. \V. Morton, one of the sub stantial merchant» of Mdimtainhome, was in town yesterday attending to Mr. Morton is quite See Hardwick A some business mattem, an extensive property holder in the vi cinity of Hagenuan, ix'ing tlie owner of the famous Buckeye Ranch at that place "SHONE MIST." Mrs. O. 7,. Bulkhead returned Sun day from an extend«! visit with relaliws aud friends at Armstrong, Iowa, Ihc Methodist Ladies will give a 25^ supper in Tachas old store building Wednesday, Sept. 27th from 5.30 until all are served. on We me now reudy to show you the linest line of ladies, misses and childrens coats ever shown in Jerome. Richmond Merc. Co. Ihe I-adies of Wendell are planning to meet with the Ladies of the several towns of Lincoln County ,0ct. 5th, the third day of the Fair. Reception from 2 to 5 at Rest Room. I-adieu, let us all make a sptvial effort to attend, * Order your ehieken for Sunday dinner from the Jerome Produce Co. Mr. .las. Kersey and family returned the first of the week from Salt laike City, where the former has been under treat ment for several weeks, to state that Mr. proved, and reports recreation considering the circumstances under which he went. We are pleased Kersey m much im most delightful Get your school supplies of the Jerome Hrug Ho. They carry the best line. Mr. R. J. Coals of Wendell was in town Tuesday looking over the situation relative to establishing a branch of his jewelry business here. He has made arrangements, however to visit Jerome every Tuesday for the present and can be found at the North Side Pharmacy. Mr. Coals is an experienced and prac tical optician and jeweler, and guaran tees all work left in his care. Dr. M. J. Beistel, Physician and Sur geon. Office, First National Bank build ing. Residence, three blocks south of land office. Telephone. 76. The plans aud specifications for u sew- j age disposal plant for the school house here as proposed hy A. B. Hlevens, have heenapproved by the proper slate officials and work will at oucc lie commenced on the erection of the same. Mr. Stevens informs us that Ids plans for a similar plant, though on somewhat different principles, have liecu accepted hy the Wendell school district. Carey Act ComtutMiioner, Shawhan spent several days last week investigat ing conditions on the North Hide tract. As n|«»'ial agent for the land hoard it is his duty to closely investigate all Carey Act propositions, aud make a report of the same to the board. Mr. Shawlian was most favorably impress«! with the general ap|x'aranee of the country bore, ! and judging from bis conversation, he is i a fair minded man who will report con- ! We i dirions us he actually finds them, acknow ledge u very pleasant call aud en joy«) a very interesting talk with him. Potatoes. We are in the market for Spuds. Nohth SiDt Warkhoi sb a Com. Co. The Village trustees met iu regular ses- sion Tuesday evening witli Trustee Busse in the chair in the absence of Gauss and Pence. The reading of the minutes of previous meetings were read and ap- proved. Reports were received from the sidewalk and other standing committees. A draft of ao ordinance granting a fran- chise to tlie Beaver River Power Co., for furnishing electricity for heat, light and |siwcr purposes, was presented and on motion was referred to tire franchise com- mittee for examination and considera- tion. Officer Oott was given orders to push the collection of the road (Kill tax and report to the trust« 1 « all delinquents ami tinsse refusing to pay. Several mi- nor questions were discuss«! after which an adjournment was taken. -•- Fall Rye North Side Warkhoche A Com. Co. Jerome has lieen honored the past week with a visit from most of the dig natariea of the state. On Thun*.lay and Friday j^t, Senator Shawhan who ii H , a t e Garry Act Commissioner was look ly left town when Lieut. Gov, Sweetser roll«! in with his auto -from his farm at Burley, enroule to Boise, and the break ing of his machine necessitated a longer visit than was anticipated. Monday morning a special train brought Att'y. Gen. MeDougal and S«retary Gifford in the capacity of members of the land board, who spent the day looking over portions of the tract. Surely we have had honor enough for one week. : over matters here, and lie hud hare mg Canteluupc Pickles At the earnest request of several of the ladies of Jerome, this recipe is contribut ed hy Mrs. W. P. Rice. Ptvl and slice melons not quite ripe; weigh, and place over night in water just pleasantly salty. Then boil until tender iu clear water, to which lias been udded a piece of alum the size of a hazel Place in a flour sack and drain nut. thoroughly and throw water away. To pounds of fruit make a syrup of seven three pounds of sugar and one quart of cider vinegar. Add a small bag of ground cinnamon and whole cloves, about 1 heaping teaspoon of each. Boil ami pour over tlie melons. The next (lay pour off the syrup, scald aud return to pickles, repeal in two or three days. These will keep in open jars. Mrs. W. P. Rice. For Sale Hot Blast hearing stove in lirsl-elu»» Box 476, Jerome, condition, $9.00. Cows (or Jonathan The fur me ni of Jonathan Valley do not go ul things with a irreal hlan* of trump ets, lint they gel there with the Rood« just the name. Acting on a proportion made to them by the Sterling Hairy Pro ducta Co., of Twin Kalla, they have or dered one hundred cows which will lie delivered to them about the lirai of the month or a little later. These cows will lx- purchased by Mr. Voting, of the Sterling Co. in Iowa, who is competent to judge a cow, and the herd will conaiat entirely of thorough bred Holsteins. They will lx 1 delivered to the farmers on very liberal terms, a «mail per cent lieing paid down, the balance to lie paid from the cream product delivered to the company at Twin Kalla, ami only a por tion of the returns from this product be ing deducted each month, leaving the farmer a monthly cash revenue. We congratulate our valley farmers on this enterprise, and credit must also la; given the company for the liberality shown that has made it (xiasihle to bring about this condition. The cream will lx; shipped from the Coppdale station. We under stand overtures of a like nature have been made to other farinera on the tract, which are under consideration. We have always agi tat«! the dairy problem to our farmers, and it is a pleasure to know that a way has been opened to them to bring about this condition. Tor Sale A full blooded 2 year old Jersey bull. Ed. H. Whenn. Similes south-2 miles east of Jerome, Idaho. Harvest Party and Dance At ameetingof the Good Thought Club on Tuesday afternoon the question of j providing a revenue for the maintenance of the Farmers Exhibit room on Main St. was discussed and it was decided to hold a Harvest party and dance at the Amusement Hall on Saturday evening Sept. 30th. This will he strictly an old time affair, and the ladies are expected to wear their sun bonnets ami calico dresses, while, the gentlemen dare not appear in anything hut their ranch clothes. Barn dances, Virginia Reels, Quadrilles, and other old time dances w ill make up the program and plenty of amusements will he pro vidwl for those who do not dance. Tickets have been placed at- 75 cents 1 per couple, and as the proe«*ds w ill lx 1 used to maintain an exhibit that we all l *k»' kremt pride in, a large attendance is anticipai«!. Remember, Saturday even m 8 •''•'l 1 *- 11 at Amusement hall, and ^ sure and don't buy any new clothes for ihe event. Fmr View Bargains The prunes are going last at Far View. If yon exjieet to put up any fruit for tho winter it had better lx- now. Only French prunes left. Small fr«; stone se«lling peaches now ready at 1 cent per lb. 1'ure bred Toulouse g«-sc $7.50 per trio. Honey $3.50 jter case. All apples ! 2 centa pci lb. . Woodmen Entertain Jerome Camp No. 6304, M. W. A., royally entertained their friends last Friday evening, upon the occasion of the visit here of J. O. Davis, National !«• Hirer for the organization, who deliver«! a most interesting talk U|X)n the history of the order ami the work they were ac complishing. Mr. Davis cited to the wonderful growth of this order, which in the course of a few years has attain«) a luetulxxship of over two aud one half million, a record which has been unsur passed by any like organization. Mr. Davis was accompanied by Deputy Head Consul W. H. Tyer, who also ■poke briefly on rite objects and aims of the order, both addresses being listen«! to with mark«! attention by those pres ent. After the spe«'hinaking tables were spread, and a sumptuous luncheon was serv«l hy the memitera of tho local lodge, Ute remainder of the evening lieing s.x>nt in a social way. A New Jeweler and Optician Mr. R. J. Coats, an experienced jew - eler and optician, who is now local«! at Wendell, will he at the North Side Phar macy on Tuesday of euelt week. Mr. Coals is a practical man and all work left in his care 1 w ill receive careful and prompt attention and lx> strictly guaran teed. They Come and Go. Monday morning a sptvial train over the Idaho Southern brought a delegation of State I .and Board memlvrs eomi>os«i of Ally. Geni. McDougall and Secretary Gifford to—that is we mean the North Side Tract, for the town saw very little -of them. They were met hy a se livted delegation from among our buxi ne«» men at Gooding and upon arrival here conveyances were awaiting them and they were spirit«! to the country and kept there until time for the departure of the evening train, our citizen delegation in the capacity of a Ixxly guard, escorting them safely hack to Gooding, the dele gation returning to Jerome ou a special train later iu the evening, with the se cret of the mysterious mission closely seal«! on their li|>s. Taken Up 2 red cows, 1 Hjxilt«! and 1 brindlo, mark on left ear, at my rancit 6 miles north and 1 mile west of Jerome. E. W, Stoix. Social Events Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Annett, assisted by their daughter, Miss Amalia, of Chi cago, very delightfully entertained a large company of friends at Hale's Hall last .Saturday evening. Hanging was the feature of the evening, prominence being given to a German, which was lead by i Miss Annett and greatly enjoy«) by all : participating. Tho favors shown were ! flowers, a most profuse display being bank«! upon a large table, while the hall was tastefully decorated with various specimens, the sweet peas and asters pie dominating. Several unique and laugh aide features were indulged in by the com pany during the evening under the dir ections of Miss Annett, and a most pleas ant time enjoyed hy those whose for tune it was to attend. Miss Blanche Forbes entertained a large party of her young friends at a Chop Suey supper last Friday evening, the novelty of this occasion being much enjoyed by all who participated. Genu ine chop suey was served, with rice and Japan tea, many comments being ex press«! as to the flavor of the former. The room was tastefully decorated, and a very enjoyable evening was spent with games and other amusements. The gentlemen members of the Bridge Whist Club were entertained by -their wives at the home of Mrs. H. B. Haw» Ixx-ker last Thursday evening, event also chronicled the tenth wedding anniversary,of Mr. and Mrs. Hawbecker and a right merry time was enjoyed, the rattling of tinware mingling with the laughter of the assembled guests. Tin School Opens Our new and handsome school building was dedicat«! Monday morning with the opening of the fall term of school, with the following assignment of eflicem teachers : W. M. Massey, Hupt. —History. S. L. liughell. Prin. High School — Mathematics and Science. Miss Ix-ona l-eib, Assistant.— I-anguuge and Literature. — ». G. W. Burroughs, 7th and 8th grades. Mrs. K. W. Archer, 6th grade. Miss Dora Summerville, 4th and 5th grades. Miss Cora Hall, Jrd and 4th grades. Miss Mabel Ditfendafer, 2nd grade. Miss Minnie Boone 1st grade. Miss Hansen, South School. Mrs. J. R. Spencer, West School. Carl Reiterman, North School. Î The total enrollment of all the schools is 625, of which number, 36 are high school scholars. With commodious quarters and heller facilities at hand for accomplishing the work mapixsl out, the coming year is looked forward to as being one of the most successful in the history of the dis trict. For Trode One saddle horse, single or double driver, for small saddle pony or large work horse. Call or address John D. Haight, Jerome, Ida. ■ . For Sale Cheap Hot Blast Heating Stove, good as new. E. E. Feb. The Premium Family We believe that Jno. T. Graham of this place can hold the honorary distinc tion of having the largest family of child ren on the North Side tract. They were present at the old settlers picnic last week accompanied by ten bright and intelli gent looking sons and daughters that they may well feel proud of. ham mov«l here from Pennsylvania aud is one of our substantial and prosperous fanners, and Ids large family, while a source of much comfort to him, has been of untold assistance in his work of devel oping his land. Mr. Gra Attention Farmers A special meeting of the Jerome branch of the North Side Canal Users Ass'n, will lie held Saturday Sept., 30th at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing elficeris for the ensuing year, and for the selection of four uiembers of the hoard of directors of the general association. All members are urgently request«! to he present. J. W. O'CoNNEU.. Secretary Church Announcements. CHRISTIAN Mrs. S. M. Dodge will give an expo sition of John V Sunday at 11 a.m. At 7.45 the Pastor will preach upon lessons from Daniel. M. K. ciirncu Rkv. W.m.E. Whitlock, Pastor. Services held in the store room on north side oast Main St,, formerly Tacha store. "Quarterly Conference Business Session Saturday evening the 23rd at which Rev. H. G. Parker, District Superintendent, will preside. This is an important ses sion to plan for the coming Conference year, present. Dr. Parker will preach on Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Kpworth League at 7 o'clock. All are invited to these services. Call«l session of the l-adies Aid Society on Thursday afternoon 23rd at the home of Mrs. W. G. Thomas Let all olficers and stewards lx To The Public! -In selecting your Fall and Winter Suit or Overcoat, WHV ACCEPT a Ready Made garment, when WE can supply your wants from one of the Largest and best 1 adoring establishments in the country. IVith a Guarantee of Qualify With a Guarantee of Fit. and save you a snug little sum of money over a "Hand-Me-Down" that you get at a Ready Made Clothing Store. Also Ladies or Misses' Suit or Coat Finest line of Samples of the Latest Weaves and Styles. Investigate RICHMOND You may save Jerome Fruit &, Produce Comp'y Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Fruits Produce Office in Camas Block AH Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention JEROME, IDAHO MAPLE ST. FENCE WIRE We have just received two car loads of the popular ELWOOD, AMERICAN ROYAL Rabbit-Proof and Hog-Tight Fencing ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED j All Sizes of Galvanized Steel Irrigating Tubes | Frazer-Moore Comp'y Heavy &, Shelf Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Etc. JEROME, IDAHO Special Attention to any and all requirements, large and small, has been a hobby with us ever since we commenced business. Our large and evenly balanced stocks, maintained the year around, should demand your attention when in the market for anything in the building line. Pay us a visit and allow us the pleasure of show you our stock and talking matters over. Everything for Everybody Remember, we are the Pioneers. Ostrander Lumber Co., Ltd. BILL O'BRIEN, Local Manager, West End Main Street. Phone 72. For Sale Or Trade TWO-HORSE Electric Motor Good as New Some Good Duroc Sows, Ready to Farrow. 3 or 4 Good Cows, GIVING MILK. C. K. THOMAS 1 mile south, mile west Twin Falls. Ida. Box 623. The Times Can Do Your Job Work Neatly and Quickly Always Pleased lo Show Samples and Quote Prices. A. W. ARPS, The Old Reliable Tin Shop Just East of the North Side Livery, Makes a Sp«'ialty of Metal Irrigating Tubes, METAL FLUMING and all kinds of SHEET METAL WORK All Orders (liven Prompt Attention. Jerome Livery Co. Livery and Feed Stables. Ice Transfer Transfer Work of all kinds Promptly Phone 7 1. handled. I