Newspaper Page Text
For Sale j Serome, Ida. Four Room Plastered House painted and good repair, with 4 Lots, all fenced and in fruit trees. MUST BE SOLD Price only - $1,200 SEE W. A. HEISS ! Jerome, Idaho. C. F. ANNETT &. SON, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, STATIONERY, ETC. West Main 8t. DR. E. D. PIPER Physician and Surgeon Office at Jerome Drug Store Jerome, Idaho Ross B. Haddock Jere C. Martin MARTIN A. HADDOCK ATTORNEYä AT LAW Idaho Jerome OR. J. F. SCHMERSHALL Over Jerome Drug Store Main Street Idaho Jerome Dr, LEON G. PHILLIPS DEXTLST Hours, 9 to 12—2 to 5 Gorman Bldg. Phone 80 W. R. FORBES Baggage, Express and Transfer PACKAGE DELIVERY Courteous Treatment Prompt Sendee. Leave orders at Tacha' s store Phone 45 Henry M. Hau. aoam B. Barclay BARCLAY &, HALL LAWYERS Practice in all State and Federal Courts Jerome, Idaho J. S. HARTSHORN LICENSED AUCTIONEER Idaho Jerome H. J. LINKE PLANING MILL Store Fixtures Store Fronts Window Frames Mower Sickles Ground on Short Notice. ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK At Ostrander Lumber Co. Yard H. T, PUGH stone; mason Stone Houses a Specially All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory Jerome, Idaho. Box 405. M. L. PARSONS The House Builder Jerome, Idaho Residence work a specialty. Contract ing, Designing, Cabinet Work. LAND OWNERS! Gehrmann Bros. make a specialty of converting undevel land into Alfalfa Meadows or Or chards at moderate contract prices. Box 324 •, , Jerome, Idaho. GO TO THE . WEST END POOL HALL and BARBER SHOP For Fair Treatment J. O. ADAMSON USING HIS HAMMER - ; A Knock at The Farmers Association Means a Blow at the Tract. Editor Times: The North Side New s, dated Sept. 14th, 1911, (rives a very lengthy article, written by a citizen of Jerome, which, from the tone of the article, was intended to be a direct "knock" at the Twin Falls North i Side Canal Tsens' Association. The Association referred to is composed of over 60u active land owners on the NiTrth Side tract, with three branches; one at Jerome, one at Wendell and one in the Shoe String district. The object of our association is for the mutual protection and lieneflt of every settler on this Great North Side tract, and will, before another year is past, de velop into a buying and selling corpora tion for the benefit of its members. The 2>s years that our association has been in existence'has seen a wonderful growth, and to-ilay it is one of the strongest or ganizations of farmers in the Northwest. At the time we organized, several who were most influential in organizing our association were men under the employ of the Twin Falls North Side I-and <x Water Co. At the close of our first season when our first shortage of water came, anil we felt it our duty to see to it that the Hand & Water Co. furnish that which we bought when we took hold of this land, several who were instrumental in helping us organize, dropped out, and became antagonistic toward our organization. To go into all the work of our associa tion and to enumerate all of the many things it has accomplished for the good of every settler on this tract would take too much time and space. However,»a little must be said about the work we accomplished, to bring the reader up to the present time and the subject of the article mentioned above. A great deal of time was spent the past spring and summer by our Board of Directors in bringing about a settlement for damages between the settlers and the Land & Water Co., for the loss of crops due to a shortage of water in the fall of 1910, the second year of the settlement of this tract. We felt sure that our troubles along this line were over, for we were assured of a continuous flow through this season, but, to our surprise, about the 20th of August we were in formed that we were facing another shortage of water. Alrout this time the Land & Water Co. went before the Slate Laud Board and Director before the State Land Board is the subject of the attack made against our association, by the w riter of the ar asked permission to segregate 14,000 acres of high land, to be watered from our present supply, and as this land was too high to come under the gravity sys tem, the water was to be pumped by power to come from the Great Shoshone power plant. Our association objected to this propo sition for one reason, and one reason only, and that was for three successive years our Water company had failed to supply sufficient water for irrigation pur poses with less than 20,000 acres under cultivation, when they were supposed to have an abundance for 150,000 acres in our segregation, and we felt that they should demonstrate beyond a question of doubt that tiiey'had^sufficieut water for the land now in their segregation before they were allowed to put an additional burden on our present supply of water. This objection, made by our Board of tide mentioned above, and after quoting at some length from the contract between the Land & Water Co. and the State of Idaho, and also from a recent decision of the Supreme court in the case of the State of Idaho and H. T. West, vs. the Twin Falls Land & Water Co., and the Co., stating was necessary for him to make these quotations because those taking the most active part in the opposition of putting this 14,000 acres under cultivation were not familiar with these two documents. I wish to thank the writer for his offer to lend his copy of these documents for the officers of our association to read, but I wish also to state that perhaps others interested in the welfare of this tract have taken time to inform them selves on matters pertaining to all serious questions relating to our section of Lin coln county. The w riter at the close of the quota tions made from the State contract, gives the following: "But in no case shall water rights or shares he dedicated to any lands afore mentioned, or sold beyond the carrying capacity of the canal, or in excess of the appropriation of water thereof." I wish to quote the following from the writers' article: "This appropriation of water and the carrying capacity of the canals are given at some length in the contract and are approved by the State." I will agree with the w'riter absolutely, in that the size and carrying capacity of our canals are specified in the State con tract and are approved by the State, but wish to state further that our canals built on the ground, are NOT accepted by the v State, and I wish to refer the writer to the report made by Engineer Blake to the State Land Board and ac cepted by that body, as to whether not some of our canals are built accord ing to specifications as to their carrying capacity as set forth in the state contract. Because portions of our canals are NOT built according to specifications, and be j or cause our reservoirs «re not reservoirs until they will hold water is the reason wc are opposed to an .c, litional burden on our water supply. and we propose to oppose any such movement until these 1 defects are remedied. Before making our objections to the State Land Board we told Mr. MacWat- j tcre that if he would sign a statement ! saying that they had plenty of water for ilds 14 , 000 acres without putting an ad-' ditional burden on our present supply. we would withdraw our objection and would lie glad to sec this land in cultiva- : tion. Tins lie alieolutely refused to do, j and at the meeting of the Land Board. ■ Attorney Hayes told the Board that they did not intend to sign a statement that the settlers could sue th'e company on, admitting that they could not deliver the goods and would lie in for a law suit should they sign any such statement. Toward the last of the article in the . , „ , . , . please tell us how it will keep water in | our ditches during the month of August when we need - it most? News, the writer tries to paint a flowery picture of the Benefits to lie derived from a land opening liere, brought about by the sale of this land, and I will agree that it no doubt would lx- a big boon for our real estate men. but will some one In closing I wish to say - to the writer of the article tliat although he may keep on knocking, and may, with several ! other citizens, be instrumental in secur ■,,i, I : mg a lot of tax figure- trom the Und A Mater Co. regarding the settlements : between the company anil our members last spring, and, bv causing them to lx ,, hirl'. r c— .I, In . I Spkvkmvn * ' ' . j I Fair Ogden Ltah, Sept. 22-30 Reduced rates via Oregon Short Line. 1 Tickets on sale from Utah points. Sept. - ... . . ... . - , ■ c n -i 22nd. to 30th„ inclusive: from all other > [mints except in Montana, Sept. 21st. to Limit of See agents for j 1 l j j . ,. ... . . An ordinance providing for the issuing of municipal coupon bonds, of the | INTER-MOUNTAIN FOUR STATE 26th., limited to Oct. 3rd. Utah tickets, Oct, 1st. rates and further particulars. Ordinance No. 32. , T -,, , • ., I Villageof Jerome, Idaho, for the pur ; pose of providing funds for the im -1 provenant, equipment and mamten-, ance of lands for the use of pub he • parks within the corporate limits, for the purchase and redemption ot ; the outstanding indebtedness, to pro- : vide for the grading paving con s ruction and laying out of streets and al.eys, to provide for submitting the S3Ufln< i e r, 0 1 SU i , b0ndS a vote of the qualified electors who taxpayers of said \ i.lage; to pro vide lor the calling of a special elec ZZI Z and < , de? ^ nat ' rl KP rov ' 3 - ions made to pay interest thereon, n««mJnfVhfJ?nf lnklng fu ' ld ^ the payment thereof. R ' .°f d f n T . i y r m a 'v n n n an( Board of Trustees of the \ illage of _ h.i r -, Village o? Jero m l So b"ts° U cd in nSl/SÄ nn r V U 1 m OU3a ?'i f 1 $ - r3 ' (KK, > Dol ars, the proceeds thereof tobe used for the purpose of grading paving, con struction anddaymg out of streets and alleys in said village vinf 0 ,' i h , at r.?o U ?? n s b . n>a f :l ! d mi n^n?,lt J nf >I Twn T a h h on'a«n,l I8 f «9 nnm the amount of Two Thousand ($-.000) Dollars, the proceeds thereof to be used for the improvement, equipment and Jtftiaintenance of lands for the use- of public parks within the corporate limits ° f Æ e \ ,I1 W «f . .. ..STvsih In coupon bonds of the fn ,,d t Kl ll „ rlr ah0 ' bel88UeC '<VÄ) Ä .t î,Ôc"d. Th .""' i , to be used for the purpose of the pur chase and redemption of outstanding indebtedness of said Village, which in debtedness consists of outstanding war rants, numbered, dated, amount and funds drawn on, as follows: are GENERAL FUND. Date April 10th, 1911 May 2nd, 1911 June 7th, 1911 Amount $ 1.00 No. 274 277 3.43 279 19.60 80.00 80.00 30.00 280 281 J-3 2*3 2.30 286 .40 2S7 5.65 ■J'9 8.8S 290 7.26 291 115.90 35.00 July 6th, 1911 294 3.60 296 115.00 296 4.60 297 1.80 39« 80.00 299 Aug. 1st, 1911 4.50 ;a»< 30.00 80.00 10.92 16.65 301 302 3i i:; 3ol .76 .".o', 3.60 306 August 29th, 1911 307 HIGHWAY FUND. Sept. 7th, 1910 Sept. 21st, 1910 Oct. 5th, 1910 Oct. 19th, 1910 108.00 187.16 96 494.84 o.; -.20 97 25.92 15.05 14.48 98 99 100 2.60 101 1 . 0.7 102 1.08 103 1.08 104 2.43 106 7.86 190 3.08 107 Oct. 21st, 1910 2.70 106 4.05 106 8.24 no 8.10 111 12.96 26.38 10.53 112 Nov. 16th, 1910 113 114 5.40 116 2.86 116 8.97 117 it 10.00 ' 15.7f. 18.67 1U.25 2.05 1.35 : Dec. 7th, 1910 118 119 120 121 122 123 5.40, 6.3 j 20.63 i 4 32 < 17.2« j 64 821 2.70 34,8« 125.62 18.90 28.75 ! Jan. 4th. 1911 March 22nd. 1911 April 5th, 1911 124 116 (27 128 j—* jyj 126 132 J133 ^ 137 138 ^ April 18th, 1911 May 2nd, 1911 4 135 .55 95.30 16.20 12.50 67.001 67.501 22.50 : 80.001 20.30 i 35.001 30.00 84.40 2.25 10.00 147 Aug. 16th, 1911 126.00 Sec. 4. That said coupon bonds as designated is Section One hereof be divided in denominations of One Thoti sand ($1,000) Dollars each, to be known and numbered as Nos. One (1), Two (2). Three (3), Four (4), and Five (5), to be due and payable on the First day of July, 1931, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding Six per centum per 284 Gen. 285 " 288 " July 6th, 1911 Aug. 1st, 1911 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 annum . SEC. 5. That said coupon bonds as designated in Section Two hereof, be divided into denominations of One Thou sapd ( | 1>0Ü0) Dollars each, to be known and num bered as Nos. Six (6) and. Seven (7), to be aue and payable on the First day of July, 1931, and to bear in torest at a rate not exceeding Six per .. "" d '»'-"J* AJ'kv,' rirtî 7|, k '"S able on the First day of July, 1931, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding Six per centum per annum. Sec. 7. That the interest on all of said bonds be payable semi-annually on the First days of January and July of each > e!ir . and be evidenced by coupons at-, tached thereto, one coupon for the untof each semi-annual installment 0 f interest. Sec. 8. That such bonds and interest coupons shall become due and payable at the office of the village treasurer, or at such banking houseor Trust company in the city of New York as may be des ignated by the Trustees of said Village, at the option of the holder or buyer tbereo f Sec. 9. Thatsuchbondsshallbere deemable at the pleasure of said Vil [ a g e a t any time after the expiration i of ten yea / s fn>m the date of Nuance. ; and ea ,^ h jf red eemed. must bê 1 redeelr ,ed in the order it is numbered, g EC 10 That for the purpose of payment of principal and interest of : a fr said l)0 nds and interest hereby auth orized> the re shall be levied a direct annua i ta x upon all the taxable property j ir > the VillagLof Jerome. Idaho, su f-, fi c j en t to produce the following sums f or following years, to-wit: For paoh of th 8 ( / yeara 1911 to 1931i both inclusive, the sum of Six Hundred ($600) Dollars, or as much thereof as! n,8 y be necessary for the payment of all interest on said bonds. For each of the years 1911 to 1931, bot [, inclusive, the sum of Five Hun dred ($500) Dollars, to create a sinking! "said bonds'"' l ° meCt PrinCipa ' That a special election of the qualified e | ectors who 8re taxpayers of the said village of Jerorpe, I<?aho. shall be ami the Bame ig hereby ordered held on tht Second day of October. 1911. at the! village hall in said village, at which thf ' < j U( ' sti on of issuing bonds as herein provided will be submitted, and notice thereof wi |, be published for Thirty davs in Tbp North Side News nod i he Lincoln County Times, newspapers published in said Village of Jerome, Idaho. Pa83ed b the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Jerome. " 29th "W •'»■1 Attest: ' Chairman, pj F r upp fsEALl' ' L J Clerk. First pub Aug 31; last pub Sept 28. Treces 'Propejly Qraded MV measure our grades from the bud on budded stock, and in apple grafts from where the hud leaves the scion. Many times you'll find in buying grafts the seller will measure from the union. That makes a difference of an en tire grade in many instances, which means a difference of from 2 to 3c a tree. Not only done give you the full height, hut we also give you a proper caliper, for we have the quantity quality of trees to do all this, your good money and your good will both look good to us. Place your order now while our as Wehave the finest and biggest block of trees we have ever grown and we can and will take care of youç business prop erly. Our stock is properly grown by men who know how. It is thoroughly matured before dig ging, and when it reaches your hands it is in proper condition for planting, for we know, how to dig and pack trees, so they will reach our customers in the best of condition. That's worth everything to the planter, for when he lias paid his good money for trees and spent time and money on the ground, it's results he's-after. Drop us a line if you're interested. and ant) sortment of varieties is full. Washington Nursery Com'py. TOPPEN ISM .'WASH. We can use salesmen in a number of good fields. W rite for our prosi tion; P R KARTZKE. Vice Pres C. F. MASSEY AsST.'.CASHirn X S FRAZER. PRES W L HUYETTE CASHIER r Q s pt * try Ÿ o Jin. m X ro. -o Q A Jh V z 79 V ro. o A foj o o -o * fo. v; ip 29 * % <b O o o % It z A o n < [FARM ER S CLOTHIERS 2 m Va -4 in * /*» Y * 4 <s> & o O <fl * O « o .1' t 0 <v T O V «fc A O « O o A o K x £ |W o O' *9 j U C C E s ary 2 , ieoa. Notice! —Safety Deposit Boxes to rent at a very minimal charge. Established J «.< Qem State Lumber Co. ALL KINDS OF Building Material LINCOLN PAINT GEORGE T. KISEIING, Aftrent Are We Going out of Business? NO! NO ! NO ! We offer a Liberal Cash Discount on any goods taken from the stock we have on hand, consisting of Mitchel Farm Wagons. Staver Buggies. Case Walking and Sulky Plows. Moline Riding & Walking Plows. Sanders Disc Plows. Hoosier Grain Drills, Champion Potato Planters. Hoover Potato Diggers, Slip Scrapers. Utah Lay-Off Machines. Case Disc Harrows. Mitchel Spring Wagons. Farm Trucks. Moline Disc Plows. Monitor Crain Drills. Evans Potato Planters. Fresno Scrapers. Shuart Land Graders. Lyons Corrugators. Clark Cut-Away Harrows. Case Cultivators. Champion Binders. Deering Binders. Deering Mowers. Fleming Overshot Stackers. Fleming Buck Rakes. Jackson Hay Forks. Star Wind Mills. Fuller & Johnson Engines. Champion Fanning Mills. Single and Doubletrees. Plow Shares. Champion Mowers. Champion Rakes. Deering Rakes. Binding Twine. Fleming Swing Stackers. Hay Slings. Steel Cable and Pulleys. Meyers Pumps. Stover Engines. Iowa Cream Separators. Eveners and Hard Wood. Electric Laundry Machinery. Come and look over our stock, and if you do not have the cash will consider grain or produce at the prevailing market price Very truly yours, North Side Warehouse & Commission Co. LIMITEID. Hay, Grain, Seed, Coal, Produce and Commission. Nibiey-Channel L'br Co. DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath, Shingles, And all kinds of Building Material. If you are contemplating building a House, Barn. Shed need of Building Material of any kind, we will be pleased to furnish you estimates. or are in V. K. SKADDEN, M'gr, Jerome, Idaho