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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
Extra BARG/ NS for the WEEK bargains for you in some what piece goods we have in order to make room tor our large stock ot winter goods. Please note these Bargains. Below you will hud >ome I line we have decided to cut nit OUTING FLANNEL—good heavy Unnit It lasts noly HEAVY »HINTING — • splendid valut at 12',e while It laata CALICO—Our antlra stock of good cal loo while It laata for. 8« PERCALE —Our antlra atoch of a »Mt MO yartfa rtflular valut 1* «onto flannel 12^6 valut now whlla '> h to etooo It out now only PERCALE"* e«*d valuo at 10c to 7c ciooo out at only OiNCHAW-a good valuo at 12 ^ ylnfc. «Hack, blue, chock, plain, pink apodal at anly TABLE LINON— Bluo and Whlta check, Pink and Whlta check, bloaehod, 8®°«* value at 80c now at 9 C un~ OOOO OUTING— whüt it l«*U at Ac only Shirts values op to $1.00 now 63c Shirts values up lo 60c now 39c Mens work and dress Shoes your choice $195 Childrens School Shoes values $1.60 and $1.7 ;j now $1.25 Childrens School Shoes values $1.35 and $1.50 now 95c Ladies Shoes values $2.75 and $3.00 now $1.95 Come in and »ee for yourtelf. This it juat a few prices. Remember our GROCERY Stock »»complete and will be glad to serve you. we Gorham Merc. Co ■ 999 I JANOS are NOT given away | sold extremely ow prices by But are % * H H y WHY? Decaux hs sells Direct from the Makers to the Users and will have no e urnto/s expense for you to share. H. Ill will give suitable OF MANY MAKES; term» uu <<•< old stock, 4 *tc. in exchange. Will h ive « storage room hi Hendrickson s building, Payette, and Pioncc ,* I: uk i 7 New Plymouth if ycu w»sh - i io» drop.him a card at either place before you buy an instrument. «TATE FAIR HÎ October Conference Rates Via Oregon Short Line. Tickets on •ale from l'tah stations north of Og «.0* • a»" cw-tnhnr tat to 5th inclusive, I for Hals ■ l a 33 13 >n*s displa; See Mr a. Coi % w before buying. We < * o plcatc you u price •tyle and quality. le and g Jun partie LES Old Stan At the GOLDEIv J iV 'J l i » Just in ' -i ... The very latest // ped(~'oss^hoe ► ( \ // 1 S - styles / / You will like the still shorter effects, the new ti,,,, ami the rich tones of the leather. The per fect taste of each Red Cross style and the extremely short appearance they give your foot, make them strikingly attractive. Corne in and get style and comfort, get both. You may select anv style you wish and wear it in perfect comfort. Tanned by the special Ked Cross process, the Red Cross shoe bends with your foot. It is this that makes it so easy Our customers always say "How I ice The Red Croaa Tanning Proceaa Th« Of4:it »ff •>.!« it r . t •dé» «m4I in huffy the »»4 t»«yn Tkii I« why ordinary ikuct It* I ko I tad h«»vf, why th«f duw tom feat. JU R«d Cro •»«»cd by I ipttiml pro mt/ that tab«» li e M onth» ftm c It dottbUi »ben i»aw. Look 9 oa thu Tkad® Ma** »'-«ht ; . t*i>nif-/ p tl.a Iraf'.ff lilt to walk in. with I had tried this shoe before". ■ - £5» pU Come in and let us fit you. Oxford» $3.50 and $4. High Shoes $4 and $5. m i It bends with your foot IT PAYS TO TRADE AT RUSSELL'S RUSSELL DEPARTMENT STORE ONE PRICE TO ALL WE SELL FOR CASH -a ta Favottc Enterprise. 'SuucoMor to I'ayetle Vallay Kinerprlw ) ISSUED EVERT THURSDAY WELLS S BROWN, Owners. T. J. Inwi, iditor and fublishcr. nmltur Alignât 21, Kn(«r«<) I9U7, m t the p >®lofTU® Ät Pay«U«, Idaho, undvv (he Aei ol UoniniM of Ma r "h il, 1H72 1HUR8ÜAY, SKIT 30 1900. lio thins, to (-louai- tin- world, The man Udulle.thl hi. kind; for l«l him luce whir' vay h® will. On® half I® y«t behlud happening In The council Thlugs are surely Payette this winter, first gets busy with a city park and a sewerage system. This is pleas Ing to the citizens of Payette and makes them think that Payette is going to take her place as one of the leading cities of Southern Idaho. Now comes the Payette Valley rail road with the welcome announcement that it will extend its line from New Plymouth to Emmett und this also is a piece of information that Is pleas ing not only to the citizens of Pay ette hut to the entire valley. It means the cementing of Payette Val ley bringing Emmett. New Plymouth. Fruitland and Payette In closer touch The natural avenue of trade is up and down the Payette river and when the valley is traversed Its en tire length by the Payette Valley .Railroad Improvement will surely go on much faster. It gives to Emmett au opportunity to a greater degree to develop the Immense lumbering business of her section and gives to all westbound trafic a direct out let through Payette. The day that I«* $ IP \x It «! IPw YOUR EYES TROUBLE YOU and yet you put off from day to day the wearing of glasses Its up to you of course—to decide what you may do; but let us suggest your coming to without delay, and having your eyes examined by our Special Scientific Method. We guarantee satisfaction or us return your money. W. F. Strother JEWELER and OPTICIAN. We do Expert Watch Re pairing. ; link* Emmett, New Plymouth, Fruit land and Payette together with bet ter transportation facilities will be an epoch making date in this val ley and should be an occasion for rejoicing and celebration. _ BUSY FRUITLANO ITEMS j A good many ranchers are putting up their third cutting of hay. Mr. Henry Eagleston has returned from the Deschutes country. L. H. Rich, wife and son Charley and -Mr. and Mrs. Nelson returned ! from Seattle the past week. Trixie, the three year old daughter ! of Mr. Will McConnell Is quite sick j with typhoid. i Clyde Frazier returned Wednesday from Forest drove. Ore., where he has been visiting for some time. Last week Ira Henderson sold his ten acre ranch for $o,2r-0 to tirant Fisher. move to Nebraska. Grover Stuart left last week for Nyssa, Ore., where he has work for the fall. B. F. Tussing made a business trip to Caldwell last week returning home Saturday. The dedication at the Baptist church last Sunday afternoon and evening was largely attended. Rev. D. D. Cook, of Spokane, preaching the dedicatory sermon. Special mu-1 sic from Payette and Fruitland was i rendered. A debt of nearly $1,0001 was lifted by the generous congrega tion. In the evening Rev. Hohler, who is to be Plymouth's future pas-1 tor, preached the sermon. Endeavor was held at 7:30 at the church. It was a union meeting. Inson was leader. There was also special music. Mr. Henderson expects to Mr. L. Mack Mr. E. A. Blair will soon complete a small house which is being built in the south part of his orchard. It be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Theron M end) Some of the Fruitland Militia boys are In Boise drilling In Company I. The Htngter's are doing nicely at this writing, although one case has been pretty serious. We are informed that Martha Bar nard who packed fruit at the Fruit land packing house, is ill with ty phoid at Emmett. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Melcher are back from their honeymoon trip to Seattle. The new store which is built at Fruitland is progressing rap vill being idly. Mrs. E. A. Blair has been quite sick this week. Cal Myers will soon move his dry goods Into one of the Zeller buildings This week the Cartiefix hotel was sold to Mr. Stewart east of the Huti Mr. Carneftx is thinking ter ranch, of building a two story brick hotel Mr. and Mrs. Royston and their son Carl, also Robert Miller returned from Seattle last week. fine winter seed wheat— Extra Enquire of A. E. Wood. :t~* Downs line of Wool Square Blankets. They are elegant. Octoer Conference Rates Via Oregon Short Line. Tickets on sale from Idaho. Wyoming and Ore gon points, October 1st to th5 in clusive; agents for rates and further partic ulars. 36tf limit October 15th. See 3St2-3 I laaaafSM [Keep Posted On our merchandise and our me thods. We appreciate your business and will always make it a point to merit it by lair and honorable dealings I NEW FALL GOODS Arriving Every Day Always ask for our Premium Trading Stamps. They are free and bring you valuable premiums. Canyon Commercial Co J CCC FLOUR Chase & Sanborne's Coffee BEST ON EARTH 7 mo ,tL i— w ' ß 7 Select You Fall Shits Early yfc Madam—Select them now—there never j J. was a better time, for we are showing thVW 1 new models right from the hands of thdr ® world's best makers of Women's Shoes. We are showing tlie choice styles—all blooming with the newest and best Fall Fea tures. i • id M. ■m vsL < /• -J ttl & There are Street Shnas—Shoes for Stormy days—Shoes for House and Dress Occasions—New Colored Top of Cravenette Cloth—New Per forations—New Last* and Toes— New Stout Tops. Etc. $2.50 to $5.00 N" ; V Luck or chance never enters into a shoe transaction here. Then our splendid Shoe Service always insures a right shoe and a right tit for every woman that comes here for her shoes. n JOHN W. SUR, The Shoe Man.