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Payette Enterprise ♦ PAYETTE. CANYON COUNTY, IDAHO, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1910. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR VOL. VI. NO. 13 PLAN BIG HOVER P rieii * Payette Land & Orchard Company Plan for Great Publicity—Special Representative Soon Leaves East to Take Up Work. for The Payette Land & Orchard ( ou. pany is planning for the greatest pub licity campaign ever put forth by a concern in this valley. Thousands of booklets and circulars descriptive of the fruit conditions in this have been issued by this concern and valley J Je distributed by their special representative, J. W. Roberts, who will leave within the next week for Omaha, Nebraska, where he open up an office to handle) the east ern end of the company's business. The tract of 720 acres owned by will the company at present is all good orchard land admirably located and advance the plan of operation of this company to the working class o£ people. Those who have heard of Payette valley and the wonderful yields of fruit here and the profit made per acre will undoubtedly be glad of an opportunity to secure a live or ten acre tract on the month tbat their literature is comprehensive in every particular and deals in facts only. Mr. Roberts while in east will not confine his work Omaha and Nebraska alone but will simply make that city and state htad qttarters and his work will take him into the Dakotas, Iowa, Illinois, Min nesota and -Missouri where he will the to ly payment plan and at terms will permit of their being able handle the proposition and some day to own an orchard and consequently an independent living in this valley.| The work of this company promises much to this vicinity. The company is composed of men who deal in facts and in a business like and fair ! coming minded manner and those into contact with them will appreci V. Patch, a I General L. ate this. prominent member of the company who lias a wide acquaintance in Ne toraslta. will also make a trip back there in the near future for the pur pose of advancing the proposition to the people of Nebraska ! company's ! Visit Payette Monday, April 4th.—^ An Entertainment. Worth Attending. UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB. Willamette University Glee Club to There is an agreeable surprise in Pay store for the music lovers of ette when the Willamette University at A', the night of April •1. Although this glee club does not go over the same ground every year, nevertheless when if does appear be Glee club presents its program the Y. M. C. fore a city's public after the absence of a year or so, it presents a pro gram original and strong in every respect. The Willamette University Glee club is composed of eighteen mem bers who during the last two years under the efficient direction of Fred the erick S. Mendenhall, Dean of College of Music, have attained very enviable standards as a singing or But while the club offers the best not ganization. in the musical line, it would without the put on a program -Customary farce and comic stunts so peculiar to Glee club entertainments. In this line the VV. U. Glee club unexcelled, relying upon Mr. Per Reigelnian. a reader and dramatic V s « ■ interpreter of the College of Oratory, who together with big Luke Rader of the College of Liberal Arts make a duo calculated to make even vine gar laugh. But by far the biggest number on Musical th« program will be the Comedy Sketch entitled, "The jah of India." The principals this sketch are Messrs. Beatty, Bloff. Reigeiman, Wann, and the balance of the club forming the Everywhere the club has appeared, "The Rajah of India" has made the hit of the evening and It has been the consensus of that for a good leading stunt, club offers anything better, if Ha in Schramm. chorus. opinion no as good. The program to be presented is a well-balanred and carefully select to ed one. and those who turn out hear the Willamette boys sing and a of pull off their stunts will make waste neither of their time nor their money. Tickets on sale at Y.M . C. A. and Compton's Drug store. WOULD ORGANIZE FAIR ASSOCIATION Payette Driving Club Taking Steps ta Organize for Annual Fair—Com mercial Club Will Be Asked Assist. to The Payette Driving Club which owns a fine site west of the city on which they have a good half mile track at a meeting last Saturday af lernoon dec j de d to try and organize a fair association., The club has from time to time been holding racing meets with varied success but the majority of the^stockholders be lievf that could the usual matiiiei racing program be combined with an exhibit of the products of this sec tion once a year every fall that very successful fair could be Consequently at their meeting last Saturday a committee was appointed to bring the matter, before the com matinee a held mercia! club in the hopes that the dub would appoint a simi i ar com mittee to get out and see if suffic ient stock subscriptions could be secured to .warrant a re-organization of the club into a fair association. There is no section of this west that could contribute to an agricul tural display any better than this end of Payette Valley. This com bined with dome good racing would be a fine institution for Payette and the genpral expressions seem to be , n fftvor of thp fa , p associat i 011 . Thp a£SOclatIon aIso dectded t0 ho , d a two days racing nleet on Jul} and 5th and a eomnlUtee was ap pointpd to arrange for a nlce pro . gram f()r thes * two davs . Liberal pnrse8 w ,„ bp lulng up and the club will try and entertain Payette peo ple on these two. days in lieu of a celebration as it is generally under stood that Pe-'f.tte will, not celebrate this year. CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTES. T bp more than three hundred peo pro P* e who witnessed the Easter g ralu last Sunday night rendered by the little people of the Mission Band enjoyed one of the best treats feved in month. "I the church for many a G. S. O. Humbert, financial repre Eugene, Oregon, dropped in announced Sunday morning, spending ssntative of Eugene Bible University un the Sunday and Monday among jehureh people in the interest of the university. The Halis, mother and daughters mpmbers of thp congregation here, Ieft Wednesday afternoon for Salmon City, home. Mrs. Dodge, wife of the minister at Gooding, Idaho, herself an ordain ed minister, will spend next Sunday in Payette in the interest of the C. W. B. M. work of the state, will occupy the pulpit at the even ing service. and An enthusiastic and largely attend ed meeting of the Bible class meeting below town, .was held last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. H. training Gregory, The preparatory training class has been started under the care of Mrs. take little to M rs. The class Soule. Children desiring to advantage of this' splendid course of study will report Soule as soon, as possible. will meet once each week just) after school, and the work follows largely the outlines of the standard course, for only there is much hard work the students adding to the interest veil as the benefit of the course. ed the minister at Fruitland day night. as An unusually large audience greet Tues resl Please to report changes of dence. cases of sickness, new arriv als. or any need, to the minister at once. David Cary Peters, Minister. ! ment instinctively wants to own as kjnd thp CaJiyon Commercial has Qn 8a , p Saturdav j n their Spec )a , j- nderwPaP Sale, You know the kind of a garment j that a woman of taste and refine- j That's the soon as she sees it. Co. ■ ! gPRING WORK. t ploughed? yards any Do you want your lot Do you want your lawn or Have 5 r ou and alleys cleaned? other general work about that you have not the time to your piac do? If so I am prepared to do it in a first class and satisfactory manner. M. Phelan, both phones, Bank's barn. For Sale—Hay, early Ohio seed po tatoes, good séed oats.—A J. Shearer. ^ MARKET DAY SALE Large Amount of Stock and Ma chinery With Household Furniture Makes Big Listing for Next Sales Day—Merchants Contribute Odds and Ends from Their Stocks—Will be a Day of Bargains i#i Payette. the Wednesday, April 6th will be date on which the next public auc tion will be held in Payette by the Commercial club. Auctioneer J. M. Swanson informs the Enterprise that of Some stock and ma there is already a large amount stuff listed. -hinery, household goods and a great lea! of merchandise to be furnish* by the merchants. All to be s at the bidder's price. Last sales day was a great, cess and the coming one from all the : ndications promises to be far A better class of stuff is listed best. and arrangements have been perfect -,() whereby the sale will be handled the much more quickly than was irst one. There will be something Something you doing every minute, can buy at a bargain paying vhati you think it is worth. just If you have anything you want to dispose of at this sale all you have o do is see Auctioneer Swanson and The I .hi about this list it with him or if you have the time to list it bring it in. auctioneer will sell it for you. Another good feature -ale is the fact that there is always v crowd looking for perhaps just •vhat vou have If you have an ar-, Mcle listed and your neighbors are to here and see it you can sell it Mm or trade it to him and withdraw the : t from the sale by notifying auctioneer at the time you dispose of t. It is a trader's day when to Payette 1o ev buy I Many of the merchants in Payette | some splendid special ryone comes nd sell or trade. are offering aduceinents to tntdr patrons on this ' t iio day and the sale is not -ame inly place where you will find bar mins. Everv business house in Pa >''j °tte will have something to offer at a bargain price on this date. Arrangements have been made for 'he ea«ing houses to have on special moderate dinners on this day at The Payette band will give the street and nrices. a concert at noon on also in the evening. Don't forget the date, Wednesday. \pril 6th and if you have anything to for bargains come 'o Payette on that date. STARTS GARAGE IN WEISER. proprietor of the Pratt Uito Company with a garage in Pay ette is branching out In business to 'he extent of putting in a fin* garage C. E. Pratt He has made arrange ra Weiser, ments for the erection of a fine building in that city and just completed will put in a fine He has arranged for j as soon as now stock of autos. the assistance of a well known, auto expert from Denver who is the way to assist Mr. Pratt the handling of the business he now enjoying and enlarging This movement does not mean that in on is upon. but Mr. Pratt is leaving Payette simply-that he is enlarging his busi IK'SS. DRISCOLL WINS MEDAL SENIOR CLASS HOLDS CUP in At the inter-class contest held the Elite opera house last Friday ev ening Tom Driscoll, a member of the Senior .lass won the Woodward med al for the best individual effort qnd Scott Braillard won second. The Senior class qf this yean, represented this occasion were County Superin tendent Miss Mabel Carleton, Supt. G. W. Gould, of Weiser and Supt. the by Driscoll and Brainar-d wop Rowe cup. This is the fourth year that the cup has been won by graduating class. The judges the for Strong of New Plymouth. The Rowe Senior Cup was presented to the class by Supt. Carleton and Dr. J. C. Woodward presented to Mr. Dris was coll the medal. The program interspersed with selections by the Girls' Glee club which were pleasing numbers, Enquire at this office. For Sale—Thoroughbred Silver Lac ed Wyandotte eggs at $1 per fifteen, printed Get your butter wrappers at this office^ Œ1L ,'IATIONAL INCREASES CAPITALIZATION Growth of Business Such as to War^ rant Substantial Increase in Stock of This Local Financial Concern— increase Approved at Washington and Stock All Known Local Men. Taken by Well _ Thursday last the Payette Nation al Bank received a telegram the officials at Washington. D. C., from capital stock from The increase in approving of their application to in crease their $50,000 to $75,000. the capitalization was made necessary by the continued and almost phenoni which enal growth of this concern /from the day its doors first opened .for business seven years ago has had steady and substantial growth along '"all lines. The new stock issued to cover the increase has already been taken by and some of the most substantial best known busini-sa men in thia ciy ; adding to the bank's stockholders a j number of influential men of good business standing. The bank lately built a new vault which is steel lined throughout and equipped with an up-to-date electric|^ burglar alarm and is contemplating some other changes in their bu | ld ' ' ing to facilitate the work o the UI " ' n '. ' < 1 ?° 1 f '. U K the south wall of the pr. sent or r UPied , ,1 L then to them frontage on .wo good streets. The present entrance i on Boise street and the new door to be provided will open on Main street going to the postoffice. The growth of anv citv's financial with concerns is always in accord the material progress of its peopl ' and the fact that the Payette Na by tional bank is growing almost leaps and bounds says more plainly ; than words that Payette as a whole : s indeed a prosperous city, al^of his productions have enjoyed j •l'« 1 any of his plays go west of the Ohio ; aE0 THE BELLE OF JAPAN. • producer ; of "The Belle of Jdpan," (he Japan pse nove i ty success, which will b j seen at the opera house Monday Ap-, jj 4 bas j or t he past twenty cou fj ned hjmself to the E 3 st Mr. Wm. Wamsher, the ye«r ; where prosperous runs. Very seldom j d bp f„n y r . alize) the importance of I j I river. It was not until about a year nopt e Mr. Wamsher in "That fast theatrical venture, an interview recently stated, the west and northwest were becoming the centre of theatrical ae Mr. Wamsher has manag tivities. pd 8 » pb attractions as the "Tender foot." "The Forbidden Land." "Peg By from Paris." and has managed such stars as Wilton Lackayo, Ed ward Harrigan and nu me reus others, equally as well known. The "Belle of Japan" should be a has this rare treat as Mr. Wamsher spared no expense in making production one of his best and classes it second to none. efforts pLAY FIRST GAME ON NEXT SATURDAY - The Payette High School team will play the first game of the base ball season on next Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, crossing bats on this oeca Col sion with the team from the lege of Idaho. The team has been putting in some hard practice work and is showing up fine while 8a ™ e report comes from the ^forward to^a nice snappv UmP same a b «t the Payette High r °o did nqt put up a good article of balk The line-up or .he Payette team ; will be as follows: Darnell, catcher, j Culver, pitcher: 1st base. D. Darnell ; j 2nd base - R Darnell: 3rd base. Km nison. and Shake: short stop. Burns; "elders. Kinnison. Shafer and Chap the Cald man. A man who was afraid of thunder crawled into a hollow log as a place of safety during a thunder storm, the rain The thunder rolled and poured down in torrents, and old log began to swell up till poor fellow was wedged in so tight the the his All that he could not get out. past sins began passing before him. , Suddenly he remembered he hadn't paid his newspaper subscription, and he felt so small that he was able i back right ouL . COAL WILL BE SCARCE NEXT WINTER Representative of Leading Coal Com pany Visits Payette to Arrange for Early Winter Supply With Lo cal Agents. Harry H. Kurtz, representing the Kemmerer and Gunn Queally companies visited Payette of this week for the purpose of con ferring with the local agents. Wells ear ] y Coal Tuesday & Maule of this city for an winter supply of coal for their trons. pa In speaking of the coal situ ation ,be gentleman said, ''The sec *' on ,bat our m * nes *upply with coal is settling up so rapidly that when winter sets in we are totally unable to supply the demands made upon our equipment. The Indications all point to it being much the same dur ing the winter weather this coming winter as It was last winter for this reason we are (aking spec ial pains to urge all our agents get their patrons to lay in as great fall. and to I a supply as possible In early During the summer and early lhe demand upon our mines is not $p severe and consequently we have more time to devote to screening and taking care of the output with fall , ;l bpUpr gradp P Uian ln lhp winter when we are crowded and have ihoUBands Qf ordenj from dlffprpnt communities asking us to fill orders - ^ onpp ^ they are entirely out of fap '- When this 8 <»te °f affairs is and wp afp dai]y geU , ng who * srams ™ m 0111 agents importun " lg us to shi P at °" ce we nalurally | ,n an attempt "> * Pt to tbpm 118 ,a8t as P° 8Blblp »«-gleet some of the |OUtput more than wheu we havd am „ P ' ,,me - BIG DEAL IN OREGON. I a f . The first of this week a firm Minneapolis capitalists took an ilion on the land in Oregon op at of their purchase. The settling up of th)s | arge tract ol |„ Ild py(;ll '.hough across the Snake river means groa i d ,, a i t o Payette and Southern Idaho es with a large company sett t!ing up (hat tract with homeseekers across the river from Payette known the Oregon Military Road Company's One hundred thousand M and ars were paid down on the option and that amount would signify the intention of the corporation to dol once proceed with the improvement j will be necessary for a great pub n lieity to Eastern Oregon and South ern Idaho. Many people will of course come to look over the propo sition offered and who will of them at least come to Payette and seeing Payette Valley the results are We will get our share. some | certaln DOCTOR LOCATES AT FRUITLAND arrived The first of this week T. L. Har Canada. rison of Toronto, in Fruitland and lias decide to locate W U 1 jin that hustling little city and open an office for the practice of medicine. Mr. Harrison is a gradu ate of Toronto University of Toronto, Canada, and conies to Fruitland with several years of successful practice t n Canada where bo has been follow ing his profession. The Dr. is much impressed with Payette Valley and feels that the future outlook for the little city of Fruitland is Buch as to warrant his remaining permanently. a line of fresh brick, llmburger, and iraported Swiss cheese at the - PORTIA CLUB HAS INTERESTING MEETING _ Thp legislative committee of the Portla club had charge of the pro gram i ast Monday evening Marchs 28th at tbe meeting held at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Burns at 8 p. m The special subjects of the evening were, "The Property Rights of Wo Enterprise Meat Market. men," and "Community Property." The two subjects were very ably handled by Lawyers Riebeling and hour Kenward after which a half was passed in asking and answering questions. A piano solo by Mr. Robert Burns, a vocal solo by Mrs. Hamilton and a vocal duett by Mrs. M. F. Albert and Dr. Burns were enjoyed by the com pany. Delicious refreshments served by the committee completed a most en tojjoyable and interesting meeting far. 'he club LOCAL NEWS E. C. S Braillard returned Sun day from hls business trip to Wash-1 itigton, D. C. the and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Johnson Fruitland spent Sunday with parents of Mrs. Johnson. Mr. Mrs. W., A. Ayers, of Payette. of J. Mannemann arrived last Thurs oar day from Carroll, Iowa, with a o( emigrant movables for the Manne mann ranch, on, thd bench. > Fred Dotterman of Breeda, Iowa, arrived in Payette Valley the latter pa rt 0 f lust week to take charge of the Schapman ranch on the bench, Friday evening of this week Pay ette Chapter Royal Arch Masons will hold a special meeting for the pur pose of working in the M. E. gree. de The first of this week L. Z. Tay lor, living on the bench disposed of Mr. Carson of Pocatello for a eon sidération of $2500. f he hack ten acres of his farm to a Born on Tuesday March 29th Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beach, a •' fine Mrs. Beach is a daughter oil W. here to son. IC. Carlton, of Washoe and is from Oregon on a visit with parents. her Wm - Mo ° mlp returned from a bus i,,ess ,r| P 10 Salt D akp all(1 Holat> last Monday. Mrs. McOmie and the children are visiting with friends and relatives in Lehigh, Utah, until such,apy ,ime a8 Mr ' Mc ° mle dpcldps on a permanent location. Lauer were called suddenly to l- akp on Tuesday evening of week by the sad news that mother who has been quite ill somo lime: in that city could not pos J. A. Lauer. Edwin Lauer and M. Salt this their for sibly live more, than a few days long er. Bert McIntyre returned last Sun day from a trip, into Oregon In com pany with Henry McWilliams look ing after horses. Mr. McWilliams did not return but went on into the Tlie Payette Valley Real Estate agency closed a deal the latter part of land on the bench for Mrs. A. Wood to L. P. Hiatt. The land is raw land and Mr. Hiatt will this sprint begin its improvement by seeding the most of it to alfalfa. Deschutes country looking for more animals. Mr. McIntyre brought back with him a fine saddle animal. f last week selling fifty acres W. C. Hurd who has been in Kan sas City taking a course in a veteri nary college returned home for the vacation the latter part of last week. school again | He expects to return to in the early fall. Mr. Hurd is much pleased wj£U the work and disposition those regarding knowing the horse will not question hlq mak ing good in hia chosen line. George W. Mutch who was former for ly in business in Payette but lbe last two years lias been located was a Pay week. •'I *» Huntington, Oregon, ette visitor Monday of this Mutch was returning from a Mi- in K Bone there with the family for the purpose of attendinß hls fattier s Bolden wedding. visit to his father in Manitoba, hav Mayor Coughanour received Tuesday of this week a fine lot of o(1 pa i n tings which he was! fortunate t0 pr0CI n- e while ln Portland recent j y T be p | c tures are ten or twelve on In number and consist of fine forest and woodland scenes all remarkably true to nature and taken as a whole are as fine a collection of paintings Marshal Henshaw has a force »> p » at work with the new road grader grading up From, street which w ni be improved from the railroad trackg lo the clty limits. After the bas bepn W0 „ rol , nded up H iB . lntpntion8 of the residents ol that | as on» would wish to see. of street to have the city council or ganize an improvement district for them and several streets will be gra' eled and put in first class shape. I i Drs. Woodward & Woodward are j fitting up the large residene property in the east portion of the city as a hospital. It is an ideal place f0I . such an institution. Plenty of shade J for six or eight patients, furniture and other fixtures been ordered and are expected in a and water with ample room to care , Adequate have few days. Sale _ Two cboice CO rner lot. in Phvette cheap. Inquire of Payette, Enterprise. » \ OPPOSES BONO ISSUE. Payette. Idaho, March 29,1910. Editor Payette Enterprise, Dear Sir:—I ; your attention, aij through you to locus the thought oL the public n re to call to upon, the matter oil the proposed voting of 'tor the purpose of making ad ditio »i tq the West* Side. School^ Build 'l he vote upon this improtant Question will be determined at the Central School Building on Sautrday, April 2nd, between 1:00 mg. p. m. and I would urge that THIS BOND ISSUE BE DEFEATED, lhe following briefly stated (lj Full public knowledge of the proposed vote has not been had: No tices were posted in three 7:00 p. m. for reasons: — public One of these places was the telephone pole near the ..'..cS. Payette At this writing this National Bank, notice is illegible, this improtant matter was not print ed in the papers of the city. The money ($12,000.00) voted by the people must be used for the purposes stated in the Official notice f. ( 2 ) if notices posted upon the telephone poles. That this would be a very unwise use of the money I believe may be demon strated. matter may be Intelligently discussed a » d understood. This action would .lot defeat (he, final success of a bond issue. A new vote may be had time when two thirds of Board may decide to submit question to the people. (3) No more money should be In vested in the present school lugs, at least no great amount money should be so invested. What we need is entirely new. modern, ar tistic structures. so remodel the present buildings to make them what they should be without the expenditure of more mon ey than it would require to build new buildings WHICH SHALL BE RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING. Further time should given m the 1 people in order that the be at the the build of It is impossible to as (4) The new building should be located In either the NORTHEAST OR THE SOUTHEAST sections the city. The West Side has ONE school building. the Southeast have NONE, sectiqna have many children and development of the city must eventually proceed in these directions There are qhildren who come the Northeast a distance of mile?. of The Northeast and These now from foil r (5) At present no money should be utifized for "additions." Let have NEW BUILDINGS if any. Let us t *' em bp ffne ' fit ' aud falr - Lp » ,hem be ,our room u » it8 or eight room ,In,ts - but the sections which have no school facilities be eared for. and let the locations be determined by the demands determined by the expansion and growth of the city. Very .truly, J. C. WOODWARD. A PLEASANT EVENT. A pleasant event was that of the dinner tendered by Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Hurd on last Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Melcher Walters. of Kansas City and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hurd, who have just returned from the same eiyt where Mr. Hurd has been attending a veterinary college. Mr. Walters is a brother of Mrs. F. F. Hurd whom she has riW seen for twenty-eight years and the occasion was indeed a pleasant one for al present. Those enjoying the hospi tality of the Hurd home were Mr and Mrs. Melcher Walters. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hurd, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Hurd. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hurd and son. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hurd. Mr. an<| Mrs. R. B. Hurd, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hurd, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rain ey, and C. H. Dewell. There wer - four generations of the Hurd family at this gathering and the reunion waa lndped a happy everit . _ J There's a big difference in under wtar. It's the difference between a d good painting and a blotch—the du mad ference between bread well and a batch that fails. That's the difference you natura y feel you 8ee ,he bpa »"ful muslin under when th" garments on sale Saturday at Canyon Commercial Co. Store. Mats. letter Fruit per For Sale—Alfalfa hay dolivc in stack, also white Ohio ar.J ruit Gein State .Mountain seed potaioes.—A. B jokesman Twice Review all for ey. Ind. phone 15-1 8 . Lrrth of readino ^ com _ n these pap ers. close in well stocked, good etf A bargain. Address F. O. boj 4 FOR SALE—10 acre chioksr i w