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t Payette Enterprise PAYETTE. PAYETTE COUNTY, IDAHO THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1919 No. 2. VOL, XV ONE DOLLAR AND ONE-HALF A YEAR JED GROSS HEGEiVtS APPEAL / The local Red Cross are in receipt oi a request Horn Washington, Ü. C„ which we give below and which should receive the attention of the people who can afford to give. another urgent appeal FUR hLFUGEE GARMENTS. From Washington. D. C. have been asked by the De-i t oieign Relief whetb-l er the worum who have been pro-j ducing such a remarkable quantl.yi of surgi al dr.ssings and hospital sup: plies and garments for the last year can produce in the next sixty day.s a coji iderabie addi ional tity of réfugié garments, answered that w-e our experience of the last a half that the women '4? 1 » " parTm-nt of We have'the believed froni| year and would fe-, from! abroad ! a . they have respendtd to the cail for help from the Army and Navy ln ! spond to the cry for help their sisters and brothers winning the war." "We w v/ieli egain to call your at- to tim fact that in this new ] : tention producticn order, as well as In the!* production of Ml your back ordeers!» Tlie garments that wai essence. to the other side in the nex*|tbeir of 1 sixty days may be the nivans saving thousands of lives. that cannrt be s"nt within thstjrrau time will arrive too late to help cut this winter. ! "Cive tluse refugee garments pAa don** over all other ord-^ er«'ti:at you may have." I I iJun to attend at Payette at I I Garmen-a FARM BUREAU DAY,. Saturday, January 11th. "Y". PROGRAM. Cora Show, Exhibit of White, Yellow, Pop and Sweet Corn. Clover S c ed Production, George Farm Bureau Teamwork, F. Will-! Agent Leader.! Bring your neighbor to this feast cf good things planned for, 1919. You can't afford to mlsm hearing thes° men from Cunyrn Ccme at Obendorff. of Farma. iatns, Boise, County Repport of the County Agent. "Pr«fc! irs of 1919." as chosen ty delegates election of Farm Bureau] Officers. how th y succeeded. Ada countRs who come to te'l l ' s how tbey euc'feded. Come at o'clock.0 Free lunch at noon. Phone your neighbor now. W R PALltrEf, 11 County Agent. \ BILE I a n 1 Last Sunday afternoon, Dr. I. R-j u « •J driving his new Overland, Wocdv and Lester Sewell with a big National Roadster came together at the four corners near the Burt Venable home with disai .rpus results to the outos one hurt. The Doctor vva 3 east 13th street and bot p 4r, ■north 011 het.. is crossing first avenue South, struck square in the center by Wv 11 v lio was driving from the wi Mr th cars wore running at a fair will the side curtains up and ne ther saw tho approaching cars un t', they w* re within a few feet. The Doctor's car was thrown clear around, landing against tho curb with such force that a chunk of cement was broken from the curb, the right side of tho car was smashed in and one wheel demolished. Mr. Sewell's car was somewhat damaged in the front end. Mrs. Sewell and the baby were in the car at the time, and it was very fortunate that no one was hurt. Sewell was carrying accident insur ance on his car, which will cover the damage done to both cars. ,r: « r Mr Church of God. Mid-week Prayer and Praise service V/cdnesda 10 A. M. 7:30 P. M. Sermon subjects: ''Home ward Bound by Airship." Evening, '.'Clocks Turned Back." Sunday school , 7 P. M. Preaching, 11 A. M. and and a h For Sale:— Good Heater y splendid Copprrdad range, geed [ new, 1 fine office desk. Mre, T. F. Athus*. as ■' s": I Storage.—Plan now to build a suit able gtorage for that bumper fruit! : crep that we expect next fall. Plan now, and build next June. If desir -1 able this office will get a government -storage expert here in the spring to discuss plans. worth of clover seed a few weeks a S 0 ' A successful grower in Canyon coun ty is Mr. Geo. Obendorff and he will be at the Farm Bureau meeting Sat to tell us how he does it. ** Clover Seed Production.—One grow ler in this county sold nearly $5000 I. w-eevil threaten to drive you out ; 0 f alfalfa then this topic may ir.ear. j dollars to you. At the "Y" building Satuiday 11 A. M. Returned Soldier >. Wherever ; ; b j c we w dsh to give our returned (soldier boys first chance at desirable eniJ j oyment . W ork must be found for them—many of whom have fam The Farm Bureau office will be 1 les ' . r eadquarters. for all labor inquiries. thi. service is appreciated by farm cr * and merchants they may send membership dollar to Farm Bu eau treasurer Mr. John Hill, and b plan for bettering ranch pros -lerity and farm life, Sparrows.—Now is the time to start ,-pcrations to poison English spar- ; 10ws that are eating so much grain 1 land the chicken's feed. Bait then-]by for a week until you get your who! ' bunch of 500 coming at cue time Dojlt this br. ing where it will not bothered by the chickens. A flat roof; good. Use whole or cracked whea: this L- brat to poison them. Bait J then- this next week and get ready fo- ! the poison mixture wh ch we wril'i I , .. .. . ... n.en ion m.x n< n ' Pa nrolled as believing in the Farm Bu '"v | _ . a7inua [ arnl aF ' , u ' . meeting 13 held ba.ur ay, January Hth* at the Payette "T bunding Fayetje coun.j is * 1T farm]George Obendorff of Parma, and our CW n Senator Ross Mason cf New Ply ,- lou t'-. This will be a real feast cf and^bettcr methods of cron and stock im> Improvement, better reads, labor cor Tlie com and seed show will ery man :n ed. Imported speakers 1 Mr I'. L. Williams of Boise, s ! t r ol, etc. be an added feature. Program opens ;r.t 11 A. M. and runs to 3:30. This jis the most important teamwork meet j ing of the year for Payette county ] ranchers. Come early, i Seed Corn.—Who grows the best seed corn in the county and what does it yield? At the Corn Show Satur day you can see the best corn and can learn what it yielded. Show opens I at 11 A. M. Rabbits.—Next week we will take ! up plans for wholesale poisoning o I jackrabbits. Ranchers on the Ore r* on slope should get busy also as it is too late for successful drives. Only a small portion would be gotten by a| drive as they run into badger holes only during the breeding season which is now on. County wide team -1 work at poisoning is the only feasible plan. Better Roads.—The incoming coun ... . . • * , ty officials are definitely interested in better roads for Payette county.]^ At the "Y" budding Saturday our new Senator, Ross Mason, will offer a leg -1 'slative plan that will improve our roads 100 per cent. Hear this plan at the Farm Bureau meeting Satur day. won the Teamwork.—Teamwork war. And teamwork will solve our ranch problems. Tho state and coun ty and the government cooperate in furnishing a county agent. Their iperation is dependant upon your will to maintain a farm bureau, co ingness each member contributing $ 1.00 per year. This membership money aids to naintain the office. The Government considers farm bureau membership! the first essentia, among ranchers as 'ndicative of their willingness to co ipcrate. Any man may belong. Your J ., ,, „ f „ om .villmgness and a dollar aids the team .vork necessary if real farm bureau vork is accomplished. A big program wHl bo adopted Saturday at the an-j nual meeting;. THE COUNTY AGENT. Holtein phone 283* Wanted: Baby calves, and Durhams preferred. 2«S » N.? LETTER FROM. I advantage of it to ^ heen oe « j 1Jear Howard: Deec. 3, 1918 Received your letter a few day* ago and as I got thiu work this ev j an hour and a half ear.y | a going ^ take | write a few letters. Now that I can write more fully what I bave been doing since I have been over here I can perhaps make a little more inter«- et. ng letter than usual. We sailed from Hoboken on July 18 on the George Washington, a large liner that was formerly a Ger man boat. She is quite a large vessel, 725 feet long and has remodeled into a transport and can carry a large number of men. Our ship was the flagship of the convoy 'which consisted of 13 transports, one - pos-jerusier and three torpedo boat de jstroyers. Nine days out we were met by 13 more destroyers and on the evening of July 30 we reached Brest f ra nce. rke aext mornin 8 w e marched out I to Fort Pontigan, an old stamping ground of Napolean's. It i* surround ed by a large stone wall and near the niaia entrance is another email 1 gate on inside leading into a small -1 er inclosure which contains a large] store house set in the midst of 1 garden. This I presume is where old | Bony used to live. In tha main in closure ther are numerous low roof-' „a stoae buildings that were the barracks which are now being used American troops cs well as wood en barracks they have built there | serves as a rest camp before pro-j belgressing on to the front. 1 We stayed 'here three days and; then boarded a train for "Nevers'.j though we didn't know it tin». We W€rP loaded into horse care 40 men '° a car which was labelled on the! joutside, "cheveaux 8" Homme* j which is 8 horses or 40 men. j We passed through a good many ; large towns a grea t many smallj j towns and villages and among them '"-(was Toms. We reached Nevers in I th " afternocn of the aeeond day only! to find we wer* needed at Dijion so ] we | ai< j OV( , r t bere until midnight an<] 1 made some "real coffee'' over a fire in the yards. The follow'ng eve-] ning we reached Dijion In the midstj of a soaking rain. The b auty part,'-® of it was that about he if of us left our raincoats in our barrack bags instead of surplus kits andjns couldn't get at them so wie reaped all the ben fits of the shower. We German used 28 j slept that night in an old Mill and bakery which is warehouse rnd bakery by ü. S. ba-j,. kers. The next day we marched out. ' to the bakery camp and set up tents.: We baked only one week, being on guard most of the time and also, doing some stevedore work of which I think I wrote you about. We werej there a few weeks and then came, up here where we have ben baking j steady. We are about a mile from Is-Sur-Tille and also npar Marcily. j The bakery here is the largest in j France and claimed to be the l ar &'i jest in the world under one roof j We turned out 780 000 lbs. yesterdav , runwing normal. Th* bakery is B, 'two buildings econected by a corer-' led walk and consists of S batterie* cfj the! .,7 double ovems each. Most of k , s don{1 by machinery now t ho] ^ ^ WM most]y hand work .: geveral field bakeries are eet r outside and we were baking out side until the laßt two week*. We are still on 12 hr. shifts but told today they would start 8 I will up w*> were hour shifts tomorrow and have charge of one shift in the sponge room, (details now so as news for next time. I think 1 will not give any more to have a little Thanksgiving day brought forth roast chicken, fruit cake and pump kin pie (camoflauged carrots! and it was certainly appreciated by us. We worked as usual but I didn"t that for we could hardly have mind had ZZo'ZnTX ' raining again this week J Z and we have DUl 18 ral,,Pr co,u 1 . expectIng MO w. The t»nt ropes w „ re covere d with frost nearly all, d ^. 1 ' I I think I will have to clo»e for thlsj tlnri as It is nearly supper time and . C- _ j *r ümivWr Baker Co J v. a°p. O.t« I certainly have a over he»'». ' SEEMS TO OE Pengueux, France,! Dec 8 '18 ' '"* * frV^celnfhaonv w" " Breft France and duV in ianded in Brest, France, and put ma 'few days in a rest camp a few miles out of that place. From Brest we took a train to Perigueux and we are now try and you should see the trains. One of these engines could run a race :n the fire box of one of our old en «fines. But they get along just the j) ear Uncle Will:— fixing up a new base hospital for tr.o; wounded. This sure is a great coun same, We see quite a few of the boys fror, .he front but suppose we will se. ,nore in a few days as we will b 2 b le to handle them then, When you get this let the folk know for maybe some of the letters wa ll be lost. Am feeling fine and holding m;. Qwn an j 23 pounds heavier than wher. I left home. Let me hear from you folks once ir a while. Yours, A. E. F., via. New T ork. , PVT. FAY C. WELLS rtlllPf" flT ||H|f*|" lip Ulllfel Ul nrv I inP nrPIOlIf* U||| Il U nM lK | I ULIUL IILUIUIlU . . Sheriff Elect, J. T- Jefxnes, ha» re signed his office as chief of police o the city of Payette, and the same took on Monday evening. Afte. Base Hospital No. 95, A. P. 0. 794 ; turning in his star to the city Mr Jefferies took the west bound pa; serger for Raker, Oregon, to be gon ceTEra , days 0I1 business and p'.easur. Mr Jefferies has serv ed as chief o. Uce for nearly two ye ars and dur ; , filled the duties o , n? . ' ' _ satisfae-i " s °* ,c ^ * n a " lan " 1r ' e: j "t_~, or Y 10 t " e P eo P' e , a ' 6 ' e ns, !,e€n on * ne ' e ' e! v '^ everyone, anr the best of our knowie ge .eavre' h:s office without the ill feeling o. < ringle citizen. He will take his sect sheiff of Payette on next Mon-; day, where his duties as peace officer Till be extended over a little larger territory and will without a question make a record in that office equal to he one j. c ba s just resigned, WAYNE IS are pleased to announce that Wayne Keith who underwent an oper a *ion some time ago at a hoscitaJte: g 0 j se j s getting along very ~ VH 1 ■». DÖING FINE CALLED ID Mrs. J. R. Brown left for land, Oregon, Tuesday evening from M r^ti m which stated come at oncfV Po in! response to a message Mae Anderson formerly Mae Hutc :inson A few days before Mre. Erown had received a letter from her sist Mrs. Lawrence Hutchinson saj„»| that Lawrence was very sick, at once wired to know if help .JL needed, and the above message *^s th> reply. When Mrs. Brow® arrived ^ with the Flu,, but getuA' along fairly weil as a trained rM was . ... ._ _ . Jl In attendance.! Vf - 4 is 00 REWARD , the I will glT« $5.00 rejard to t person giving inform#«» Hading to the arrest and conv&'on of the Party who on last September, stoke my whTtT^ b rind le greyhound. _ J ! '/ I John Hutchinson who underwenf aa operation Christmas morning for a very bad case of appendicitis, and who it was thought could not re lcOVer ' *» COIUiider€d Wel1 tht a *° r ® C ° V€ry For several da} ' 6 lt was CQn2i{ iered by the attending physician and others califd in cJun-Z'f c u, that his case was hop-less but' his determination to get well and - CLIFFORD BAKER ON HI 8 : i WAY HOME FROM FRANCE. I Mrs. Hattie Shafer, is in weilst of j a letter from her son Cliifo.d. stat ing he would start for U* S. A., De-jorai cember 24th. He should by this time be landed in New yerk. Mr. Baker j is a member of the Sunset Division! land has seen some of the worst close attention by do tors and nurae will pull him through. i , part of the fighting. J. F. Orr, Division Manager for the Idaho Power Co., h ?s sold his 80 acre ranch cm Payett^O.-egon Slope to Thomas Heslup. The deal] was closed by Mrs. Heslup a few days before Mr. Heslup returned fron the training camp, they have taken possession and are now living In th c i new home. ! Miss Alice Perry, w --0 f-r o\er four, iyears has been cur effic.tnt Line-! type operator, has resi.n.d her po s * t ' cn 00 accou nt cf somewhat im~; paired health. We regret v.ry muchLany her leaving as she has teen a main is stay in the Enterpriie fo ce. She .has always taken a great :D j j ujg affairs of this office and has done'her werk pleaianty and ac |curately. The gotd wishes of the I Hnterprisut go with her as she MISS PERRY RESIGNS. I ; ■ (leaves our employ and the time she has spent with us will be memb^red with a great deg-ee °f pleasantness. W*> have tempore al T arrangements made for : : a few b ouis alter t-. h _ baby bcy y te body w as tQ p ayftîe and slipped to Cakiw-"!' ; f or burial beside two children who: proceeded her a few years Mrs. Murray was 43 years of age and has made friends wi h all who will grieve at re doing the work dome ty Miss P c rry, unt 1 ■ a perminent operator can be secured. DIED Mrs. Anna Murray, wife of j Murray, died at ber boue ons mi'e west of Payett", Wednesday marning, b r th of a brought!far, her jknew her and j sudden departure in this life. The husband with the infant babe will, have the sympathy of a large cir cle of friends in his sad hour hour! ! I of affliction. WILL ME THE _ ______ Önin OF CFFICE u 1 On nf;-t Monday the new county of it ficers will all take the oath of office ! to serve the , Vo r*i begin their duties |nhle of Pavette cocnty. iF*t,-ost confidence in the entire .lot who are to deal out justice to th<-' IK* , ,, Wople of our new county. If there I* one in the bunch that does not us an administration that we may be ] jVièssess the best of qual'fications. w-e, ■ don't know it. Let us lend them our| to gJVe -.oral support, and help them proud of. ATTENTION YEOMEN. Once mere the Yeomen will enipt to hold the * , Chr's , n:as Fes-] rival". Tuesday. Jant-arv 14, is the! date Children who are to take I at P a rt please be ready. Mrs O E. Rhoads. Corsp. Evangelical Church. g() fer ^ npw known t u ere wi n b ^ preaching service Sun ^ * u . pp,n ' ; ^ *" present plans n emigre ; will be notified. Let us all read Psalm | 0no ; p CAPL ruf.GGEKERG. Minister Mr. Kay received word tb's week from Clay Center Kansas of the death or his nephew caused from 1 wounded severely and one killed in] JJ*»" Personal and Local Mention Hr. and Mrs. Frack Korup and: Hans Korup and faöuiy were down (from Weiser Sundaj^JL-. guests at the 'Carl Korup home. Mrs. \V. F. Crochford received word Wednesday announcing the death of a sister, Mrs. J. C. Mac not of Winnepeg Canada. Mr. ana Mrs. Leo Ballenger and Miss Margaret McPherson were Sun-j , 6 , . . ,. ä *' a I1Ve ° clo< £ d " 1 " er . thehome of Mr ' "" Mr5 F ' E - Seley. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wicklund of Kittle Willow Valley have recent y moved into their new bungo.ow ^ "* nöw Uvü * at hoB » * the pnper style. Attorney John H. Norris was west-hound passenger last Saturday =v«-ning bound for Portland and. s^v otner points on matters ot le »ni importance. • xeil Fitch returned to Goat Island iuesdaj evening after a two weeks furlough at home, he was sick aP most all the time and got to few of his friends. a • see Fnm £he box ^ ar Wiws in the ^ of the 0nLar;o ^ overj^ C10S£ . „ . j l0re ass - stlng m ^ Cr0Sa j I work than Payette. C. T. Curry, a former express op .rator at this place is again back on the job. Mr. Curry has moved hi lamiiy back from Logan, L tan, when. ne has been for several years. FOR SALB: —MO feet of 4 inch wood pipe.—J. F.* ORR. There is one businese in Payette ;aat nas been having a mighty gooo business without a^vcr.icMg, e^P-o the last two weeks, and thatjàent the County Treaisurtr s ofâce. Herold Prtaiei of Eugene, Oregon,] arrived in Palette a few days ago 2J. : ■ ana spent a few days vrêiting am-ng; nis Payette frienns. Prestel family getting a,on g fine and doing well. He report* trouble. Colonel Patek writes send'ng his before.'regards to the Enterprise from Spain. ig e also mentions a trip across Franc in an Automobile. for E. A Blair is now prepared the hot weather next summer. Last week he filled his ice house with a fine quality of Re about 12 inches It is seldom we get ice in this locality as good a* that. The people of Payette are now rejoicing over the fact * that during ]the last year the City lowered the the continued cold water pipes, s PCll would have frozen prac.Ral.y it is sc all the pipes in town, as we have heard of but' little W» presume the ; c < 5^3 as jf be might be out ;; t tie pleasure trip, Cel. is attending some kind of busi ness for Uncle Sam, but it rather on & The City of Emmett has made an appeal to the p°opla» of Payette for help in taking care of their They report over tnflu 200 "nza cases. aewn with the des^ase and almost to get doctors and nurses. they have closed their school* have discharged the teachers for U term. The two-vear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Newell, living badly scalded PearCP bousp ' was . la * "V*** a kettle of hot water from ^ ^ ^ ^ bad]y burned over th» neck, left arm and Dr. I. R. Woodward was i™* mediately called and render'd medical aid and it is be'ieTCd c b 5 ij ^jii recover without any 6 »rlou*j,.] results. 5 - de ' Mrs. Emmett Brubaker and chil dren arrived in Payette from Morenci. Arizona, last week to stay permanent >'• 3dto in the spring as soon as the •roads and the weather is fit. After experimenting with other places for several years they have decided Pay -•tte the best after all. Th people of ''ayette will welcome this family imong them again. Emmett will drive through in his! ** ** Ï and 60 far in January ba* been real winter weather the temperature registering around zero every night. It , g rathPr bard on (he coal' but the fruit grower should re joke. It will freeze out many pests 'that live through during a mild . , . ,1 winter. It is also benefictal to all crops to hare the ground troren. Everything indicates a bump r crop for 1919. and it wil all find of a r*«4r «t tool H**" «ça»«*«* The Royal Neighbors meeting- at the h< Kirkendall Frixlay j 10th, at 7:30. All *° he pn ?nt. a former Pay wecA announch which occurred W'edÂéa, from Portland Mr a few weeks visit wi_. relatives at>d friends. She is certainiy a comp guest among a host of t whom »>«1 Saturday even ng far -hicago where he will en. er a school 1er young m n. He will return tc Fayette in tr.e Spring and a ' f st ,Lc: D aIld H - IJr * £t ' k Lo •• ia the care ot a ^rge bun-h of cattie ' n range. a rne c ng, Ja urged Harry Olsby of D :té .n and & of Mrs. C. O. Gri Fri Mrs. Frank Case arrived in Payet:e wet Is, she has known from childhood. Richard Hogue was an east bound Dr, and Mrs. A. JL Pocatello arrived in pay day-even. ng to spend a reUtives and frfr |go to Boise Sunday even! Doctor will adend a m< tisj re the the State Dental Board oi member. is a Clarence Hink ej, who has had three ycais txptr.enee in auto mecaaniiai work, a now employed at the Payette Modem Mrs. Kay and sister received the sad news th-s morning of a relative being killed in acticu, also an ac count of the death of two Kansas friends caused from Imiuenva. G. L. H.ckey, g of transportât trip to Payette the latter -u . of .veek and visited fora * ...... a ■upe d of a rirnan lines of Omah 2 , j. M. Barrett home. ■s. H: a thejmicghter of Mrs. E re:? been here visiting for sei she returned with her k; :t who nas eeks; aid Sun day evening. Mr. H. E. Duns er for the P. 4- I. N. tor at the Bennett h wa a .turday on evening. The executive cor Payette Commercial < week and appointed posed of J. F. Orr a ard to draft a new set of by-laws which would permit the dude the entire county, ant is the Payette County ( Club. We believe this to n the right direction. Psy< covers a small territory a. no reason why we should n together. Industry in the county is good for us a !. Mrs. Storche, returned from Camp Funstor Tuesday. Mrs. Stonekockcr ha visiting her son at camp and othrr relatives nearby for the last three months. Claude has mai record while at earn if the last a :omnutlee com E. C. S. Brain ch in own rciat he a step u OT ii Claude last quite a a mo discovered a artist. Shortly aft - camp his ability as a n arriv ât orcycle rider .'signed he was to the position of dis patcher from Camp Funston to Fort He has also and other P* ' unperformed some wonderful stunts 'bis wheel for the- amusement of the boys in camp. NOTICE account of change of time 'the Tayette Banks in conformity with tinw gchedules of banls in other lo tbejj-jjjtjgs will open at 9 a. m. and ie at 3 ; oo p. m. First National Bank. By M F. Albert, Cashi'r Payette National Pack, By C. E. Larson, Cashier. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Bible School U A. M. Come and bring the familv. The Scripture In junction to parents is "Train up a child n the way it should old it will not depart from it." Morning services 11 A. M. with communion and sermon. Come and and win it is ^ Christian worship, Also bring an offering for the Ar tnenian re!ier - work . Progressive proeram. \oung people are invited to th» Endeavor Society. , - s at r. j " ' > Christian Endeavor at 6 P. M. New officers have been electee!, and we hope to begin the new year with a / / Tho invitation 's t*> v»u. A. J. ADAMS* Mi