Mrs. R. G. Wilson
... t r, n •„ • .
Mr. J. D. Reimers is building at
, h ,
splendid new hay barn on his ranch.
... , . ; I ! !«• *
Miss Lois Gaylord and Miss Agnes
I ., both of Payette, were enter
. . , , ,
tained to dinner at the W A. Cloud
,, , . . , .
home Saturday night.
Margaret Geisler entertained a few
friends at the J. C. Geisler home Fri
Those present were Vir
day ni^ht.
ginia Ady, Laura Hezeltine, Eva Wil
son, Clyde Mackinson, Walter Tackett
and Harry McConnell,
was spent in playing games. Lovely
refreshments were served.
Tr.e evening
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Hostetler and.
family, and Miss Maggie Beeghly were|
Punday dinner guests at the John
Ileehler home.
. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Garman and
family, and Mrs. Julia Pratt of Wei
sel, were Sunday visitors at the L. H.
Eby home.
Miss Bowers the sixth
: rade Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day of last week.
Mr. and M-rs. I. E. Dalzell took din
rer Sunday with F. E. Thompsons.
Charlie Carter, who attends the New
Plymouth school, visited here with his
uncle, Leonard Russel over Sunday.
IBs mother, Mrs. Ike Carter of Wei
visited the home from Saturday to
Miss Catherine Smith was
o"er Sunday from Ontario.
Mrs. Sadie Shank went to Emmett
Monday to visit with her son, - Ben.
Mr. H. It. Solterbcck 'c as been sick
the past week but is better now.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Peacock took
Sunday dinner with the A. Grames
family iii Ontario.
The quarantine was lifted at the
Reimer home last Thursday.
Mrs. Fred Roberts and two children
of North Powder, Ore., visited at the
Geo. Darr all home the past week.
Lou Ramey, Mr. and Mrs.
Sparks and Miss Goldie Wells
quarantined at Maneman's place with
They are all getting along
the flu.
very nicely.
Spelling matches seem to be all the
vogue at school. Last week three were
hold and the winners in the different
grades are as follows: Seventh, Har
ley Amick, first; second, a tie between
Fioyd Hostetler and Verle Engle.
Third grade,Karl Rains, first; Velma
Eldredge, second; fifth grade, Winona!a
Dcering, first; Lcland Bishop, second;
Wendell Corr.efix, thiid.
Floyd Croner of Baker, Ore., a dis
charged private from Camp Punston,
spent Sunday at the VanDerKar home
.A party was held at the S. A. D.
I'ardunn home Saturday night. Those
present v?ere Mr. and Mrs. D. D. F alk
ner, Mr. and Mrs. John Rar.ds, Lester
and Alvin Rands, Mrs. Louise Ward
arid family, D. T. Davis
and Ted
Mr. Kershner of Homedale, visited
the Wm. McConnell home.
D. D. Hunter, who was recently sick
with pneumonia, took a cold last week
which caused a relapse.
Frances ami Rosa were week end
visitors at home.
It is reported that Mrs. H. A. Waite
of Butte, Mont., who lived here during
summer, expects to be
the previous
back about the first of March.
The money collected by the soliciting
committee for Armenian and Syrian
relief amounted to some over $177.
Til this is to be added tlje $90 from
the Methodist Sunday school and $40
Be systematic in your savings;"it is the only way you
prepare yourself to grasp SUCCESS.
The experience of thousands of thrifty and prosperous
person* prove this. •
Your first step is the opening of a savings account
Start Your Account Today
Make Ooze Bank You* Bank
TleP^cltc}latioiial ^ank
Payette, Idaho.
$90 from the Sunday school fund of
. „ , , '
the Brethren church. The sum amounts
. ,
'to almost $400, $100 over our quota
» .„ A ., .
This makes a total of about $470 that
, „ ........
his been sent from this vicinity to re
lieve the Armenians,
The school received a letter from
the pupils' War Orphan. The letter,
translated, is as follows:
December 13, 1918.
My dear little friends:
It is in the name of my son, John
Ray, that you have had the good wish
to be the god-fathers and god-mothers
I wish to thank you
He is
* wr * te J0U '
far the * ift >' ou to hl ^ .
not yet large enough to write to you
himself, and I could not write because
I was obliged to separate myself to
eam money for my little one who was
separated from his mamma and from
his papa, dead on the field of honor.
I thank you with all my heart, my dear
little ones, that your papas have come
here also to fight for our dear France,
for the right and liberty that will
Thanks to all
come to us again soon,
of you for the good year with which
| ^ have overv , helmed the widows and
orphang We are syportcd by your aid
'| an( | your ^sources to save our dear
! country; also, tomorrow, the 14th of
December, we are, with all our hearts,
j going to hail your president, and in
name of all our France we will
v "Long Live Wilson, live America,
live France." •
I herewith join my address.
88 Rue Riquet, Paris.
18th Arondisment.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Silkett returned
from Yakima, Wash., last week, where
they visited a niece, Mrs. Silkett, Mrs.
Silbers. A bzrother of Mrs. Silkett,
Mr- Wm. Cook and family of Nebras
are'kn, were visiting the home too. They
report having had a fine trip and hav
; ing a very enjoyable time visiting old
Nebraska friends and neighbors.
i At the Yeoman lodge meeting in
1 Payette Saturday night a children's
j contest was held. All were given a
j thrift stamp,
medal given by the lodge headquar
: tors.
very good meeting at the home of
Mrs. Hazeltine last Thursday. Christ
ian citizenship was the subject. Next
j months' meeting will be a Frances
j Willard memorial service. v
! Walker leader, Mrs. M.
David Krost won a
The Frances Willard W. C. T. U. had
Mrs. Bessie
M. Hurst
A. H. McConnell has purchased a
ten horse power engine for his hay
He is baling about 70 tons of
hay this week for M. B. Sherman.
Mr. M. B. Jolly who underwent an
ration last week at the Ontario]
hospital, is getting along nicely.
son Harry Jolly and wife, of Trenton,
Mo arrived last week because of Mr.
Jolly's serious condition. I
The volunteer class of the Methodist !
feed" and 1
Sunday school will have a ,
a idly social evening Friday night of
this week, in the Epworth hall. Sup
pe- will be sdrved promptly at 7
o'clock. Everyone who is, or has been,
or would be, a member of this class
cordially invited to be present. j
Mr. S. C. Clark of Payette, one of
sylvania avenue.
at 1
the best blacksmiths in the northwest,
has opened the Silkett shop on Penn
Mrs. Chas. Stephens entertained to!
<1 nner last Monday evening in honor
of Mr. Stephens' birthday.
Mr. S. E. Canatser and Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Canatser made a business trip to
Melba, Thursday.
Last week when Mr. J. T. Wayne
was driving from Whitley Bottom his
horse became frightened, running
away. Mr. Wayne was most fortunate
in escaping with only several painful
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hezeltine and
their guests, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ed
ir.gton, of Clarkeston, Wash, were din
ner guests at the J. A. Bates home
Kallona Hardin was a Sunday guest
at the M. A. Smith home.
Mrs. Kingsbury held a quilting bee
last Thursday. The following ladies
were present:
Bishop, Maxfield, Linck, Anderson,
Peacock and Thode.
Mrs. Otto Deihm gave a dinner Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Tussing, Mr.
and Mrs. C. I. Tussing and family were
Mrs. C. I. Tussing gave a dinner
Monday night in honor of her son
Franklin's sixth birthday. Mr . and
Mesdames Brown,
Mrs. A. Hansel and little son Bobby,
Miss Mamie Bayer and Miss Elsie
Bayer were present.
Word has been received that Clin
ton Jones, a brother to Mrs. Burtch,
who has been in service in France, is
recovering at Camp Dodge, Iowa, He
received two shell wounds, one his
right arm and the other in his left
hand. At present he cannot use his
right arm.- He expects to be sent
home soon.
The prayer meetings wall be con
tinued during the week at the Baptist
Mrs. Elizabeth Ewing and George
Ewing of Letha visited friends here
F riday.
Rev. Burtch filled the pulpit at the
Baptist church at New Plymouth Sun
day morning.
Miss Margaret Moore of Twin Falls,
visited friends in this vicinity during
the past week.
Miss Fern Brubaker spent the week
end with Anna Geisler.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Krost took Sun
day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
Wayne in Payette.
Mr and Mrs. James Bates and
daughter, Nona, and Mrs. Dermont,
were present at an oyster supper giv
en at the C. J. Coon home Saturday
Sunday Mr. Harry Beckwith tele
phoned up here from Weiser saying
that his little daughter, Vera, had the
flu and that he wanted a teacher to
take his place while he was quaran
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Eldredge spent
Sunday at the Grant Fisher home.
James Deal received word that his
brother William, who has been here all
last summer, passed away Sunday
night about five o'clock,
friends extend sympathy to the be
reaved ones.
Dora Tackett went to Hot Lake,
His!Ore., to visit with her aunt, Miss Jen
nie Walker. She will also visit th<
Rev. Walker home at Union, Ore.
Mr. Joel Bayer is having a well
drilled on his place.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor, Henry
Heckes and family, N. W. Hezeltim
and family, and Mr. and Mrs. L. C
Fdgington of Clarkston, Wash., spen
Tuesday evening at the home of Frank
Eva Smith entertained Stella Tay
'cr to dinner Sunday.
Ilcxie Goss, who lives at LaGrande,
Ore., and Miss Ada Colt, were mar
ried about Christmas.
Mr. and Mts. S. A. Gor.'.am, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Bohannon and Mr. and Mrs.
Zane Schubert were entertained at
the? L. M. Brown home Sunday.
FOR SALE: An X-Ray incubator,
glass top; can watch your eggs hatch
—A. R. Albee, phone 61-J.
FOR SALE: 3 pure bred
Leghorn Cockrele. Phone 30.
Pottery the Oldest Art.
Pottery is the oldest, the longest and
most widely diffused of all human arts.
Its history, if recorded, would be as
old as the history of man; its record
ed history begins with the building of
the tower of Babel. The oldest pot
tery known Is Egyptian, but every peo
ple, civilized or barbarian, has prac
ticed the art in one or another form.
All study In every department of art
begins at a period not long after the
Mosaic deluge, but pottery Is the
earliest of nil forms of art.
Conserve Enthusiasm.
Are you a boy or girl who become«
very enthusiastic about some nice
thing you want to do? Be careful not
to be so enthusiastic in starting a new
undertaking that you have no energy
left for carrying It through to com
pletion. Enthusiasm Is an important
factor In success, but It must be a
steady flow, and not burst forth like
some of the geysers which send a
spout of wnter skyward, and then are
quiet for 24 hours.—Exchange.
Mr. Henry Williams of Meridian
and Mr. White of Boise were up the
valley Wednesday and Thursday look
ing over the John Little ranch with a
view to purchase. Mr. White returned
tc Boise and brought Mrs. White over
Sunday to look at the ranch. Mr. Wil
liams recently bought the H. Gregory
land and will have a family on it in
the spring.
Mr. and Mirs. Thornton and Mrs.
Opal Nickols were visitors at the C. A.
Cun-in home last week.
Mrs. Harry Williams recently visit
ed her brother, C. A. Currin and fam
Bom, at the Daugherty ranch on
Big Willow January 9th, to Mrs.
Floyd Blurton, a daughter. Papa is in
France but word received recently
tells the family that they will hear
from him soon in the U. S. We are
pleased to state that Mrs. Blurton and
baby are doing nicely.
Miss Lela and Alta Roe were Sun
day visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Newbury.
Mr. Thomas Windle has a fine new
auto just out of Wallings paint shop.
This is the work of an artist and
should be examined, for the finish is
sure complete.
W. R. Shrimp was tailing on his
many friends in the valley Sunday.
George Van Buren visited at the
John Elam home Sunday.
Mrs. Jasper Roe and little daughter
were Sunday evening guests at the
Shrimp home.
Word was received that Mrs. Ellis
Hartley passed away at her home at
Council, from pneumonia following
the flu. The kindest of sympathy from
a host of friends goes out to Ellis
Hartley and the children in this their
sad hour. There are three little ones
left with the father and her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and brother and
sister at Council.
Milam Davis has his neat little
bungalow nearly completed. Mr. Wal
ters was called home to Fnutland by
the illness of his wife. As soon as
weather conditions will permit the
family will move into the new house
on the Davis ranch.
Home Service work of the Red
Cross includes all work fqr returned
soldiers, information on insurance,
compensation, vocational training.
Helps them adjust themselves to
civil life.
Every man is urged to retain his
insurance. If soldiers policy is in
force he is entitled to benefits, if
totally and permanently disabled ir
respective of discharge
Phonei 91R or 142W.
Force of Compressed Air.
The effects of air resistance are
well known in the twelve and one
half mue Simplon tunnel, where an
exceptionally high amount of energy
is required for running the electric j
trains. The tunnel, which is fifteen i
feet wide and eighteen feet high,
with a sectional area of two hundred ]
and fifty square feet, has a ventilât- j
Ing current of 3.530 cubic feet of air
per second, maintained by two large |
blast fans at the Brig end and two,
exhaust fans at Iselle. Trains going
with this current encounter less re
sistance than in open air up to fifteen '
and a half miles an hour, but at|a
higher speeds or in the opposite direc- j
tton the resistance is much greater ;
than outside. Coasting by gravity;
down the seven per one thousand ;
maximum gradient, a train, even go- j
ing with the current, cannot exceed j
thirty-five miles per hour on account j
of the braking by the air. I
tell you," said the polite commanding ;
general to the lady asking for Infor
mntion to which she was not entitled. ;
The important thing in military cen
aorship Is to know just where and
In our Civil
One Way to Get a Pass.
"Madam, if I didn't know I would
when to draw the line.
war the colonel of a Pennsylvania reg
iment went to Secretary Stanton to
ask for a pass for an old man to visit
his dying son after a battle. The pass
was gruffly refused. Whereupon the
applicant said to the secretary, "My
name Is Dwight, colonel of the 149th
regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers.
You catidismissme frnmtheservlce
if you like, but I am going to tell you
here and now what I think of you."
which the colonel proceeded to do In
language not fit to print
He got the pass.
Taught English to Use Thimble*
Thimbles seem to have been intro
dueed into England as articles of com
mon use by a man named John Loft
Ing, who came over from Holland at
the end of the seventeenth century and
thimble factory at Isling
established a
The word thimble is said to be de
rived from the Scotch thummel or
thembbnll, a sort of shield.—SL Louis
Uncle Eben.
"IT yon stop to think bofo' you
ipeok," said Uncle Eben, "de chances
are you'll discover you Uldu* have
auffln' wuf teiltn', nohow."
Mrs. E. F. Lattig entertained the L.
S. U. last Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Thornton went î
to Ontario Sunday to visit at the Wal- ;
ker home.
Don' forget to attend the road meet
ing at the Chapter house next Monday
Mrs. Whittier-Thresher and children
have been seriously ill with pneumonia
but are now improving.
Miss Hill of Crystal spent the week
end with Miss Carruthers in the ad
joining school district.
Mr. Nute Draper has gone to Hunt
ington to look for employment. Mrs.
Draper is staying with her parents
rear Crystal.
Press Jimmerson is building a large
sleeping porch on the west side of his
Miles Cannon is preparing to move
to Boise to take up his duties as di -1
rector of farm markets.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Wisdom of Sand |
Hollow will live on the Cannon farm !
this year.
Jim Hillerman who has been visit
ing in Missouri, expects to return toj
Idaho next week.
Mrs. Press Jimmerson is expecting
hpr sister and niece from North Da
kota. They come to Idaho seeking
Mrs. Clapp has returned from Port
land, where she has been visiting her
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Harland expect
to move bock to the farm in time tc
begin spring work.
E. F. Lattig received a letter from
the commanding officer of Co. C. 3rd
Training Battalion, Signal Corps,
Camp Meade, Md., saying that Geo.
N. Lattig would receive his discharge
in a few day's.
Estate of Richard Tooey, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given by the un
dersigned Administratrix of the
estate of Richard Tooey, deceased,
the creditors of and all persons hav
ing claims agaainst the said
ceased, to exhibit them with
necessary vouchers,
»months after
of this notice, to the said Adminis
tratrix at her office in the
Court House in the County of Pay
eile, State of Idaho, this being the
place fixed for the transaction of
within four
the first publication
the business of said estate.
Dated January 6th, 1919.
First Jan. 9, last Jan. 23.
'John D. Reimers, Plaintiff vs Aug
ust Truelsen, Henry Truelsen, Peter
Albert, Trustee in Bankruptcy in
Matter of Truelsen Brothers,
ust Truelsen & Henry
Jr d»-; ct sale ani decree of foreclos
ase _ out of the. District
ü , u ' rt ^ thQ 7th 'judicial District,
3tate o£ Idaho ^ ^d tx the Coun
Payette on the 27th day of De
s th ^ aboVe ent itled
action"'wiber^A*Jolm" D. .Reimers,
action, w e em o £ .
-he above-named plamtitf, obU-ned
decree against Truelsen Brother,
defendants, on the 27th day of Le
cember, 1918, which said decree was,
cm the 27th day of Decembr, 1918,
reecorded in Judgment Book one of
sa ^ Court, at page 116, I am com
man ded to sell all that certain
^ piece Qr parcel ^ i au d situated
dn the County of Payette, State of;
Idaho, and bounded and
Bankrupts;-# M. F. Albert, Defend
ed as follows, to-wit:
All that portion o£ the North-west ,
ter o{ the Narth . € ast quarter of
Xownshlp s North, Range
t _ _
and being situated east of the center
line of the main canal of the r arm
5 west of the Boise MeruÜÄH, lying
ers' Co-Operative
pany* Ditch, containing 15,64 acres
mor<? qt i eS s. Subject to all d'tch
and road rights of way as now
(gtjag. Also less a tract of land ]
measur j ag ld o east and west ;
aa<£ 200 feet north and south, situa- ;
Lgd ^ the Xortb . east corner of the
^ lbed Uact> be , d b y E.
B. Sargent or lus ass lg ns, ta 6 etl « r
with the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances thereto belonging |
or in anywise appertaining; all
Payette County, State of Idaho.
the 8th day of February, 1919 a
j 1 o clock p. m. of that day, in
of the Court House ta the City ;
Payette, County of Pajette, 1 will, in
obedience to said order of sale and
decree of foreclosure, sell the above
I described property, or so
j berea f as may be necessary to sat- :
isfy plaintiffs decree with interest
thereon and costs, to the highest
bidder for cash lawful money of the
United Statp«.
Dated January 15 A. D. 1919.
First Pub., Jan. 16.
Last Pub., Fab. 6.
11 I
A Barrier to the
Wood Pile anfi Coal Seattle
You can us« less
increase ibe warmth and «Comfort in your home
Great Western Duplex
d — or less coal—and
The veryiest woodsnScoal heater ever made.
Oblong fire chamber—w&od easily put throafhlar^e
end door. Duplex fcake Has almost solid surface for
bomin^woodi when reversed, has open bars for bunt
in^ coal. Perfect fire control—easy to keep fire at
ni^ht. Hot Blast tube in crater directs warmed air
over fire—burning all ÿa^es, increasing heat with less
feel consumption.RemovaBle nickel;handsome, grace
ful lines. Inspect it to-|ay.
c VoldjyBy
Price $15.00 to $45.00
S 5 V
Honey Cases, Bee Hives
If you are going to build get our pi ices
; c make a bargalll dea l. Paid
equipment for hand
U P aler - b 4 . ,
ling fruit, 1 mi e rom
and Apple propos!
tion in Idaho at a bargain for quick'6
turn must be sold, this Is y°nr
3—160 acre tracts to exchange for.
J . »oil improved
Payette poperty are well p
1 mile from two stations an 1
best of soil to trade for dl'ersi
Bed or fruit tracts. Your opportuni
ty to get a paying investment and
turn your orchard that you have
I been kicking aboql so long.
[urmsLod fifty room b»
Fin* weU
hotel in the town, prosperou» com
munity, to trade for Payette out
the thing
tel. in City of 2000 peopte,
! d' property. Just
for cn* waning good hotel
A E. WOOD, Manager.
Good Explanation.
Bob ls attending the kindergarten. A
[ one of the children asked why it was
i that men take their huts off and worn
leave theirs on. The teacher vS |
p ] a | ned that it was a custom, but tk
didn't seem to satisfy Bob. who tf
"j know; because men are nice
filrls are nicer." /