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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
* :TZr.-xr-j Nt'W SPRING GOODS Coining in Just Received Our New Spring Silks All New Patterns—Come in and See Them •/usf Arrived a nice new lot of Spring Ginghams and New White Goods We have a new line of Ladies House Dresses and Aprons Come in and Look Them Over Bring us your grocery orders . Our stock is complete We can fill them. Gorham Merc. Co You can always find bargains at our store Hard Wood Kit hen Cabinets $ 21.00 $31.00 $35.50 $48.75 $17.50 to $30.00 $ 12.40 $ 14.25 $ 16.80 $22.40 ( ) se 11 u ii i. ii «t « <> » Hard Wood Dining Tables Library Tables, Hard Wood .( << << « <• . < If you have second hand goods t Come and see us DON'T WORRY ST0 .Œ 3. W. V.ird cl 11 ARRIVAL Of TRAINS JAN. 1«t, 191 No. 18—1:27 a. m. No. 17—2:45 a. Wbul Teiltest cnl Iguuzn tes Brazil in. on tin No. 8£—7:40 a. m. No. 86—8 : 4.5 m. No. 4—10: 10 a. m. No. 6 j —6:10 p. m. No. 19—9 15 wh sep. i r Arge Thi itlna ■ precii ges is .'e ovei !10 feci *' th the river pin b K)i, that ot Nh; ear, T to cataract Is 1:5,1 ' ;t two and I. g 1C7 feet ;t wide, or i 1 1, .if times ns wide ns p. m. No. 6—9: 26 p. in. P. V. L«»v» ! mated that 1OO.000, ■' <>v*t Niagara gives the 877—7:4f. Ar. 378—-2:46 p. m. terN a. m. tons. FOR RUNT: 8 room mod rn bo hot,« Good loc» tlon.—1. W. ' enw r , 284-r5. FOR S ALE- 30 tone »'nid alfa fa Hej. 2 mile- e; nth ol ml I n r3. ti Inuild bent ling be' !' r minute ; a a 130; n four mi adult's ■hi aged person's t dr le Z bva x! tvi 1 ':. 0 0 r may haie 'fu'd f«r th' L r fr-r] 1-JP V World. STRAYED One small two year old Jersey er, branded F on L:ft hip. Notify E. Hill. STRAYED One black pig with red weight about 75 pounds. Notify I Powell at Moss Mercantile Store. Taken up at the Hurd ranch miles east of Payette, one yearling steer. Color, brindle; no brand. Owner '•an have same by paying feed bill for this ad. F. A. Boyer. Strayed Away. One red 2-year-old heifer with on legs, SK joined, with bar under neath, with right ear undercropped. Notify this office or James McGreevv. ■dice to Taxpayers in Road District No. 1. There will be a meeting at the Chap ' r house on Monday night, January . 101!) at 7:00 o'clock, for the purpose of selecting a road supervisor and " iv«s the advisability of levying ial road tax. B. F. SUPLEE, arrant Call., State of Idaho. 1 cc is horeby given that on and I r Jan. 28, 1919, I will pay, tentation, ail registered General 'und warrants against the State 0 :nho up to and including No. 47745.1 b re JOHN W. EAGLESON, State Treasurer. C. A. Groves. Span of marcs, 5 and 8 years old, " i; h about 3500, sound and gentle. n foal to Ton Percheron l-orse. Priced! "■asonablc. Address, W. R. Gresham, F. D. 2, New Plymouth, Idaho. Holtein phone 283 For Sale. Wanted : Baby calves, and Durhams preferred. he polished by Poet's Many ; pnei must nil!. ualitles. intercourse with the world 'udiis of tnste; one to whom In negligence, refinement a science, n a nature.—Disraeli. as with For Sale. A rood, genuine family cow. Milk her and test the milk before buying. T. F. Pugh, telephone 289-J2. For lessons in music and telegraphy call at No. 531 Sixth Street Phone 49R. Satisfaction guaranteed. I ffW d2±L Ü Lii I Women Suffering ; from the various forms of ailments peculiar to their sex, have found permanent relief through Chiropratie adjustments. 1 invite yon to call at my office and investigate. Learn more about this Science. Do not listen to knockers; there are lots of them; but remember, the truth will hammer, tion. survive even in Jspite of the No charge for consulta Telephone for appointment; DR. W. ß. SIMS Chiropractor Crighton Blk. Payette, Ida Yep! I've Had the Flu. the ' Garlic'' grip i've heard about i-as imaiiy put my health to rout. „ - leaped upon me unawares -*J.d now I'm j.orced to slay up stairs; Also in bed. t ache and pain in every place, r ve had four spaàms in my face, My ears are quite convulsive too, 1 guess vith life I'm almost through. . I'm nearly dead. The doctor poked and pummeled me; I moan and groan in agony. 1 have to live on malted hay; Can't go the the cabaret. Life's a blank, fever four hundred and two; My head feels life an oyster stew. A barrel of water is one good drink Hut it nearly put me on the blink. Must be a tank. One minute I'm in Heaven's vale, The next, my guide has a forked tail, Along the banks of the brimstone sea Where other imps are awaiting me In numbers without end. I am nearly ready for harp and rings, Or hoofs and horns and sundry things go; Perhaps above, perhaps below; My future life to spend. No other ailment that I know With this blamed thing would stand a show. Heif Sam It is a cheat, darned hard to beat. I'xc had small pox, and the mumps, Till | Ddls and bunions and sundry bumps this thin's got my Nanny. My eyes are filled with pearly dew, Around my gills I'm deepest blue. Mj hair has turned from brown to twe and gray; My nose is wearing fast away, By process quite erosive. Whene're I am compelled to sneeze I nearly bust my B. V. D.'s. Compared with it, naught else is fit To be a high explosive. I've weathered all these aches and chills By taking forty different kinds of pills. Now I must take a "shot" of netro carbolenza. 'Twill leave me stiff and lame and sore But nothing can "faze" me any more, For I've had the dog gone Spanish influenza. to —Ed. C. Shellworth. Dedicated to my fellow sufferers. a For Sale:—* Driving horse, safe fo ladies and cildren. Phone 283J5. N. M. Jensen. 2t2. 1 FOR SALE: Cheap ' Four Harn68s f i nyins Shutt,e Rag carpet Iooln - Ft)r partic " ,ars cal1 or ^dress Sam W. Lil , Payett°, Idaho. Fhone 245-w. tf CARD OF- THANKS. We take this means of express ng our sincere thanks to the many 'friends who. so kindly rendered fc ^ pir assistance during the sick nes , 8 anc ^ death of our dear Wife ; fln< ' Mot her. j ■ 1 J. K. ' OWARD and Family. Spanish Sulphur Deposits. In the province of Murcia, Spain, there nr e a number of sulphur depos One of the most Important of ils. thern Is that of La Suratn de Lorca, nenr the town of Lorca, the bed of which extends over a length of ten kilometers and a width of one to two kilometers. Using Plaster of Pari*. If you wish to use plaster of paris for filling cracks In walls, mix with v,ne E nr Instead of water, then It be hnriJle ' J like cat . It's Here-Come In-See it « I K 3 É ?A I n U //• pi u & i w 3 i not 'ftfj x-- : äüg „iîfSSÇi rtSaH SS53fiS»e»MK»!i s* -■ Ai mm * The New Type "Z Fairbanks-Morse FARM ENGINE M Economical — Simple Substantial Light Weight Fool-proof Construction Gun Barrel Cylinder Bore _ Leak-proof Compression — Complete with Built-in Magneto MORE THAN RATED POWER AND A WONDER AT THE PRICE WOOD & SPAULDING Officials Trap Peculators Who Nefariously Into the Cash Drawer. Id their surveillance and apprehen sion of suspected persons government secret officers often find it necessary to "mark the money" handled by such persons. There are various methods of so marking the national currency, one of the most novel of which Is piu-prick. The note to be marked Is, say, $5 silver certificate bearing the vig nette of an Indian chief in full galia of feathers and trappings and presenting a full-face view. With the aid of a pin the secret service man makes two punctures In the bill rectly In the pupils of the Indian's eyes. To the casual and sometimes even critical inspector of the note these pin-pricks are invisible, raised to the light, however, the bill will distinctly reveal tl^em. The markings are complicated by the following process ; The pinpoint applied in the "twist" of the large figure 5 of the two upper comers of the note. These tiny twists do not appear on the "necks" of the two fig ures 5 that are ou both sides of the bottom of the note. The note Is now pierced again, this time at the ends of the scrolls on each side of the word "five" in the lower center of the bill. The marking is now complete. In secret It Is exhibited to one or more persons for purposes of Identification and Is then placed In the till or money drawer to which the suspected person has access. It is said that the pln-prlcks will re main perfect for some time. When such bills are produced in court and their markings are explained under oath conviction is practically certain. —Literary Digest. RED; EMBLEM OF DOMINATION Ha» From Time Immemorial Been Sig nificant of High Authority—Blue Called Cloak of Hoaveip Of all bright colors red is the favor ite among primitive peoples. It cites to violence in flags and uniforms. Red is the emblem of domination In politics and religion. The cardinal and the doctor of divinity have their red robes. On the other hand, red has replaced green in one respect as a restful color. At great state functions out of doors In India, such as a durbar, red umbrel las are preferred to green tlve sunshade. Blue has a minor influence. Curious enough, it appears only to affect the cat in the same way that red affects other animals. Humanity has a respect for blue, which is the cloak of heaven. legends and fairy tales It is the good little boy, destined to achieve success in life and marry a prlncqu, who is described as clothed In blue, while a red blouse serves for the bad boy. ex as an effec Dip CHOICE GROCERIES Every effort on our part is directed toward supply ing good things to eat and to maintaining pleasa nt relations with all tomers. Our variety ot the best family staple s is always la rge enough to satisfy he desire of the most cr tical bayer both quality and price. our cus in Our Phone is 258 The CANYON COM! CO. Barley Long Known to "Man. Barley was originally a wild grass of western Asia. It Is believed to be the most ancient cultivated vegetable food of mankind Three varieties ot the grain have been found in the pre historic lake dwellings of Switzerland, dating back to the Stone Ago. Swift-Running Animals. The swiftest dog in the world, the borzoi, or Ilusslnn wet-hound, lias oio de record runs that show 75 feet In a second, while the gazelle has shown mensured speed of more than 10 feet a second, which would give It a speed of 4,500*feet In a minute If the pace could be kept up. Electrics. New York Is estimated to have 2,500 commercial electric vehicles, Chicago 1.050, and Philadelphia 150. liberty bonds The First National Bank ha* made arrangementa to open a BOND DE POSIT ACCOUNT, on certificate plan by means of which absolute aecurity is furnished without w sh to deposit their Liberty BondB. The depositor will have the security as though he deposited same amount In currency, thus elim inating ail risk by losing or Un ft. t-ring in your bonds and learn qf the plan. cost to all who same the FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Payette, Idaho. M. F. Albert, Cashier. FOR SALE: AlfSfa Hay.— Potitz, phone 282-J Hen y t3. For Sale. Dry apple wodd sawed stove length $8.00 per cord at ranch or $10.00 dr hvered. George Windle.