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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
Millinery r In Presenting Our Fall Millinery this season, we wish to sav that oiir connec tion of longstanding with one of the leading millinery houses in the country affords us an opportunity to give you the Latest and Most Up-to-date Merchandise ! The shapes are up-to-date, the work is tirsi class and the styles those that are in vogue. Let us show you w hat we have. The Line is Now on Display. * C. A. LOVE General IVIerc Hart dise Ik * T Xocal IFIcwô IRotcs I Get ready for the fair. Mr. and Mrs. O. II. spent the week end in Twin Falls. Williams Mrs. Bob Wilson spent the week-end in Twin Falls. George Orm and family spent the past week at Clear Lukes. Mrs. Jack Hiller returned Mon. day from a visit at Wendell. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Byrd went to Buhl Monday. Must of Filer circus at Twin Falls, M md-iy. Fred Munyon and Edwin John son plead guilty to beiug lonesome. School opened Monday with a large attendance. attended the « Rev. Deal returned Sunday from Methodist conference at Nampa. A. R. Moore is transacting' business at Jurbidge this week. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Otto an August 2'J. E. H. Snyder was a business visitor in Twin Flails Tuesday. A eon was born to Mr. and M,s. N. J. Pavy Monday. H. B. Walter returned Wednes day from a visit in Kansas. M rs. H. J. Hoffman of Kimberly was in Filer Wednesday. For Sale—Spud digger. W. S. McCleary See For Salé— Good horse and sad die. See E. E. Drake. Experience Teaçhos That I 'ï . 4 Ll ' k 1& at m I & jt J 1 ( Workshop Equipment V l ; in the home often saves repair ^ bills and other expense. The I £ ' man who is "handy with tools'* 1 can fix broken furniture or make new pieces during spare mo- [ (■ ments and improve the furnish- i - ing of the home. - C,0ur line of workshop équip- er 1 ment embraces all necessary ' tools, vices, etc., of best value. And we charge no more for them than they're fully worth. I ß * / ,r IL » V A jf. r Come and See Them We're "On the Square" With you CU U F > FILER. IDAHO Snyder Hardware 1 Sewing Wanted—Mrs. R. W. | Beached, North Street. •>uf For Sale- -Nearly ß-foot binder, new Dccriug Call I'Jl'J, Filer Mrs. Ia?<i Maddox visited here | Wednesday, Mrs. L. S. Robison was the guest of relatives in Twin Falls this week. Mrs. H. 11. WiUon was a visitor in Twin Falls Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. E. C. Peck of Buhl visited her mother, Mrs. John Walker, here Wednesday. A. S. II times returned Wednes d:\v from a visit with relatives in lo wa. Lightning Sunday afternoon put elc.-trie light wiies tint c f com Miss Marie Orm has accepted a iKisition w -1 ! I the h iler Mercantile mission temporarily. Co., Mr. and Mrs. Flarl Murray and son, Carl, are spending the week at ulld Salt Lake. A daughter was born to Mr and \lrs. Claude brown on I riday, August t- I, ,1 ... E R- Met lave left Saturday for Lit with friends at a tew days' \i» Salt La ice City. Misses Edith Williams Emma Eggleston spent the week i lend in Twin Falls. MiCKIE SAYS NOW OliSiN U M1NNIÏ, usa 4>uwr< is ft oonI van t kojimitt. whi •« ui tx 60 S T (UtlNItt M(N IN TO>NN s. CO>n' if » -sciv-1 : ' aoT \ BON1 HMI TO AONtaflit . IVt 6t6N Mtti %o < lonc That cvtaibovN WJnOVNS NA« / >(tAVA' nor tvtvcs BOON OOttMt i ''Js, ) ( TtUkDE 1 V ' \ VUlTH vM ~T & Send us vour ord-ir for player Costello Music House 14lf. For Sale—4hp, Finis gas engine in good condition. Filer. Miss Gladys Noggle left Tues-! day fur Twin Falls where she eu tered high school. John m.d Jim Penny and .be Mallory Sunday at Shoshone basin. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Aman r - 1 1 mied Sunday from a visit wi.h relatives in Nebraska. —rolls. Buhl, Idaho. 7J *' Phene T. D Connor. Misses lairna Maurer and Elva man were Twin Falls visitors Monday. a Munyon Ä Son huv* opened « branch office at Buhl in the Herald building. Ed Noli returned Wednesday j from a visit with friends and re latives in Nebraska. Mrs. A. E. Anderson is the guest of friends in Twin Falls this week. ^j r _ 0 |,j Mrs. JakeMusser were the guests of relatives in i'wio Fulls Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Sierer and eon, Ted, were Twin falls visitors W ednetday. Little Virginia Snyder has been very ill the past week, but ii much Misses Anna aod Botb Harring ton return.-1 lo Mr tom ». Pocatello Saturday after two week and;spent at the Aldaffer home. Lost—Between Filer and the Sandme.ver place a crank fur Grant Six car. F'inder picas«' leave at this office. improved at this writing. T .... ... Mi-ses Lillian and Lucille Mur 1 'PU 1 ex 1 /. e J ravanl i helma Shear left Sunday for ( Men. Utah, where they will attend scIumiI. ; Wanted—Girl as office assistant, j one who means business and wants to learn to lie a dentist's assistant. Drs. Cartney A Newlrerry. Royal Society, Pacific and Art amo-embroidery package outfits in our art department. Costello's. I Itf A geologist, says a scientific pTjesr, thinks nothing of thousand venrs He'd be a bad one to lend money to. F'' r Sale—Pmclicallv new light Buhl Idaho. Stodobaker wagon at a Urgam. Just the thing for a school wagon l -^ec L. Kirki strick. Th» stale l»«>aH of parole will parole O. V. Allen, ftirmer Mate treasurer, who is d«'ing time for embezzlement. Rev. Deal has been returned to the pastorate of the Filer Method, ist church by action of the o*n- ; ference Rev i «eu I is sn tble pastor and bis return this year is appreciated. For Sale—100 acres in alfalfa seed (Gnmm* near Holh-ter; well improved; leaving state; *65. «ne third cash; leas than value of im Box 93. Huliieter, provementa. Idaho, A : PH ♦♦♦ i ♦Î* -s *T • : E& n v .♦» : ♦> ; V : /* X : V * ❖ tmsBSI ?» V ♦:* ❖ ❖ ». » » » V : ❖ v I Real School Shoes for Real Boys and Girls ❖ * M ♦ ♦. We know we can save \ ou mono on boys' and girls' shoes because oj the «(uality we olfer. Our shoes all have good soles nothing but the best leather. We ad vise the early purchase while the stuck is complete. V A : : V Childien's school shoes, blown lace .$*.50 . S 50 Sd.75 and 3 iw . a 50 .4 50 .. 5 00 .8.75 .. a oo . a. 75 .5.10 4 50 Klk bluchers . H C. Sluder . black calf luce. Mahogany luce . Block lace kid Hrown calf lace. black button .. brow u lace.. Girls' ♦ Misses* X *i« X. & X boy.' t bluik lace X X X X X ï A complete line ol boys' and girls' School Hose, brown, black, while —F oliow the crowd to - - — - - , 25c to 50c ❖ : i Filer Mercantile Company E A MANN, Manager. Filer, Idaho V .*♦ «J««J« *1**1* «J« \**1* ♦,« *1**1**1**1*****1**** «Î* *** «|* »I* *1**1**l**l**l* * SHAVING LOTION/^ after fàL: hnvin.■ V^v v %y^ÉV^A N-TOX /■ éf.-Æ Y tîon lie a 1s, smooths and coin forts the must del ica te skin. A |>ositive anti septic with a delightful, mild __fragrance, compounded I pure ingredients. / I ? I % % y| fc>] Try u leittle on our, money hark guarantee. gjBünre you vx|M>rienca the jfT southing effect of this "• / delightful lot ion Vi.u v.lll ^ ^ Osshty «ï The Modern Drug Shop Courtes) Servir« Mrs O. L Dudley and diiugbter. ... , ,, I Margaretle. and Mrs II. J W envoi " ere ***** " l L . 1, 1 ° FT 11 * C '' ; ,) " me ttl r».n tails, D. .1. Kune arrived in l-tler Friday fmm I^aredo, Mont . and will make his home here. Ile i» the father of Mrs. W. A Shear and Mrs. A. Ü Mad Und. It is e*|<en»ive to maintain a team of horse *. an automobile or affinity. In fact, we can't think of anything worth having, just now. that is note*pensive. un Mr and Mrs. Arthur il ilin ol Twin Fulls were visitors lit the I N Criswell home Monday mO T uesdav. eveniD(< for • visit in Kan-:.« I uosduv They left Munyon A Son conduct** I » g ncral subs at Hurhl la-t '■atuidav vra* n good «ne The« w ,|| conduct apouibcr ul Buhl Saturday of this week, Mrs C B Lindsey, who hue •■ecn visiting at the L K Dillmg him home for the | «st «eek re turned to bor b«.me ul Twin lulls S.turdsy. Peaches - Good quality Eiberta peaches for sale now in orchard—$100 per box. _ , „ f t*Tf, and on* mil® west In c: ny#n. firing boxes. Jo in b'. Gour ley. Four miles north of A ♦*» ♦*« «J« «*♦ »*• «J» sjuj A •r* : : 5 V *> X .*♦ * # V X : t M : t : • • i ■fv Ï To make it interesting for the school children we are uoin^ to ^ive away some attractive prizes. Come ii^and ask about them. We carry a fnil line of School Supplie« Tablets, Inks, Pencils, Pens, Rulers, Fountain Pens, etc. V V t ? « V ♦*« 1 V A •> * : : x % X 2 T ♦ ♦ Filer Pharmacy : ? *» «*♦ ♦**«*• «JoJoJ* «J* «J* «J* A *** ♦♦♦ «J» »*♦ «*• ♦*. A «*♦ Mrs. J. W Smith and children, sister of Mrs. James bever, re turned to their home ut Ontario, CVlifoinia, Monday after a seven weeks vi-it here. Goode and family left Saturday for a tiip to Gui >r Hot Springs, returning Monday evening. Thei ie(sirt a very pleasant trip. Dr. Dwight Ttvl family and Dr. J O. Noggle left for Oklalioma '-alurduv to -up -ï intend the de lelopment of -m no ml pro|>«rties. He expects to be gone until No i ember. A few »boner* of ruin this week relieved the dry situ « 1 ion consider it.l\ and biought about a coolness ii the ulmn-phcic that caused the ..«•oplf l<> -it up ani re tu«- m her mil in. thcr winter is coming on i iM-ce und ihr* ice man i« soon lo ■e pul in the discard «hile we uler to l he c< »I fusil Jut sfcicd aider Moaft meat sf Filer Hotel MRS. M. MEYER Dining Room Service. Special Sunday Dinners ( One Mock north of Flier Hardware Give us a call f L. I.. Williams and family ar> mod here from Orange, California l'uesday, and will make this their home. Mr- A illianu is a sister : of ( ). C. Felton. Mrs, George Price and children of Milton, Oregon, arrived hire t ie-duy to visit a week at the F. C. Grave- home. Mrs. Price is a sister of Mrs. Graves. Rev. Dial ant daughter, Mm Irma, left Tuesday fur Michigan, Misa l>eal will »tudy music in the end and Rev. Deal will s|iend a few weeks with relatives anil old friends. AI Holmes, who has just return ed from a visit with relatives in lows, says that until he ma ( e the trip i*a*>l be did not r«$ali£e how cluup land i- here, l^md in Iowa is selling st |300 to $500 an «er« sud is not worth half as much as and hare.