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**++**+&&&><&*****+****+**< % Mystery Tied I with Red Tape The time ha-Im jr pn cd when a l ank was aur rounded with - > b b m vestry au 1 red tape that customer» fed ; ■ e>-e every time they went to the bank to tnuMtct business. Today, the |»*««ive LNS11111 II )S - io d to give 'er vice cheerfully and as a Hi MM '**> Dl' I V rather than ua a favor. At least, th.i' I* (oiw this bunk regards it. Perhaps that (-.<•« «• of the gou.1 reusona why many refer (<> this Link 1 "mv l ink,'' based on the spirit of friwndlio«'** md m i '-ration they encounter when ever they cell. Perhaps, 1 <m>, it is another re »«an why people like to save where ih« -v Ihn », they are welcome, end where, in addilioo, limy know their money is abso lutely safe. Whether you wish to op< n a saving or checking account, or wish I 'tr i . i t business in one of the other dapartiie-nt of this bank, .you wilt appreciate this spirit of friendliness which we believe is good business. * V ❖ bank is a FRIENDLY ? t First National Bank of Filer i O X < » Interest paid on time deposits Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent. .5 X 4 <jfa>T s cC' THL UNIVERSAL C AH The Ford Coupe, with its perman ent tup, big sliding windows, generous seating capacity, splendid upholster ing, is surely the ideal, as.well as the must practical and profitable, motor car lor traveling salesmen, physicians, •tockmen, etc. It means quick trans portation withont fatigue. It'means comfortable transportation regardless of weather conditions. It means good lung service at the minimum of experts. Wise to give us your.Torder now. Price f. o. b. Detroit, $650, the filer auto co. ❖ ? f<v, 4 ❖ V 4 The W hole family Benefits by ih* me of checks on this bank instead of cur rency for paving hills. They prevent all questions ss to how the money was spent and they show ceipts for its payment. I hey also prevent much uaele« spending. < >ne thinks tw ice before spend ing once, when a check lias to be drawn. More happiness and nuire money are the results of their use. re * FARMERS' AND MERCHANTS BANK * IILEK. IDAHO o II H «CHILDMAN. Preside" l « A MIL Alt. A O M APLANI» X c «ailler Vice-K two. O Meabrn I fdmd Krunrt Sylt« ■ Let us print your butter wrappers. ' :b* only (1: IT I-rente between pants 4 and trousers Is tlie price. Everything seems to be below stand ard these days except prices. If rimât b** n*iui'rubrr*ii you do not Luvt to If ■ ifuu Co act ilk« ooa. Our war was short, but It was no Cheap one. tt'e want the best there la. Thanks to the leugue of nations, ws are now Indeed "citizens of lbs world." Incidentally, what has become of the fellow wbo funnel iy gut his hair shingled? With gru(Shoppers, locusts and bol shevik), It looks as If It would be a bus) summer. There's ho use lo stifle the German thing over there If It Is to be per mitted to exist here. With flour, hinter amt simp at their present altitude the fl-ipj'ii-k qualities at a delleaey for gourmets. If an auto owner «lures not ruu alow because be hasn't a 1'tlll license plate, he'll gel arrested fur speeding. In the general reconstruction after the war the hyphen Is put la the same class as the extinct dodo. These are the limes that bore men's Boult If something "liup«>sslble" does not happen at least once a week. Uace«iotiiii also demands seif-deter mluuiion. Is this the modem version of (be ceb-brated "Macedonian cry?" I >»•(«. rtation of boishevlst propagate dists Is go«si for the ileportlug country, but It Is pretty hard on their dt-stlun flou. Perhaps farmers would have leas trouble obtaining labor by offering a car Instead of a horse for driving pur poses. The bull weevil and the brown-tailed moth seem to be tlie only pests In (be country that are keeping quiet this season. Hpeaking of league «irafts, it appears that the failed state» u going to be ••signed to a Job In tils outlleld In the near East. No doubt many of the boya back from tbe battles are too tender-heart ed to kill a chicken fur tbe home coming feast I What to do with the surplus pork Is auld (o be an American problem. Why not try fre«]ing it to (he consumer at a reu»niable price? Various effort* are made to explain exactly »hut bolshevism la. Judge«) by itu result* it needs a very great I deal of explanation. In the absence of tboee airplane« General Castro wants us to send, ha might try bunting Villa with u couple of good coou «log*. Wilhelm lluheuzollern told the truth when he *ald he would have no nonsense from America after the war. He ha* had none yet. The trainer who turns a Husalao peasant Into a oublier cniioot as yet be sure which way he will tight when the education It completed. rnconvlnclng Is the theory of the doctor who thinks Inlluenxa Is due to wearing (ini much clothing. Klu was particularly severe Id Tahiti. It la lu the glory of American man hood that there was more rush to Join the navy when there wns actual dan gvr than now In time* of peace. Encounter* between smuggler air •hips and police planes will make won derful reading should the dime novel be revived for future generations. Fashion ht beginning to wonder whether there Is uol something wrong about the role that makes evening at tira cost nior* the less there la of It. In other words, as M. Clemenceau pula It. the American tourist was so easy the I'rench cannot be blamed for ltouktiig all Americana were million alle«. ■'The Truth About Kusxla" la more familiar In (he headlines than any where else. In fact, there Is a grow ing suspicion that there la no such thing. King George and Oueeu Mary may visit America, and we shall consider It no fracture of royal enqueue if they crane their necks looking at the akyaerspers. German Imperialists are said to b* "waiting for tbe storm lo blow over." However. In blowing over It douhtlaaa will blow away the last vestige« of Imperialism. Tbe conscientious oh)« clora may preserve ihelr normal a 11, «tele undis turbed hereafter owing to the heroic and efficient work dime by the con scientious lighters. Hlmtenburg has admitted that he urged « truce tu «vert ■ German sur render, thus disposing of the notion (bat he was prompted by a lender hearte«l desire to avoid lolllclln« rnmf •sors punishment on the allies. NORTH FILER NEWS. W, H. iValtnra of Mar« I Tuesday to transact business at American Falls. Mrs A. E. Ebler uni children who have been visiting at the Louie of her parents Mi. und Mrs. S. G. Delhi of Maroa left Tuesday for her home at Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. August Brem spent Saturday afternoon at Sbo shoue Falls. Miss Velma Vioing left Sunday for Boise where she will attend school. Mrs. Sandmeyer and daughter, May, and Mrs. W. H. Walter» <l>ent Sunday at the S. Deihl home. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson, who have been visiting at the left ere homes of August Bremers and S. G. Deihl, left Tuesday for their home at North Platte, Nebr. Donald Spencer spent Sunday at Twin Falls visiting friends. Quite a number in the north Filer district are harvesting beans this week. Mrs. Connor of Oklahoma is visiting bur tons, Rudy and Lee, I of Filer this week, Harold Morland who just cently arrived from overseas is a guest at the E T. Crosno home. re Mrs. N. S. Pyle and little daughter, Elsie, returned home Wednesday from Twin Falls where she was called by the illness of her mother. -o Request To Clean Up. Governor Davia has issued a proclamation requesting all prop I erty owners to clean up their _ premises as a precautionary measure against tires. -o METHODIST ANNOUNCEMENTS. All are Welcome. under the superinteodency of L. 10 a. m. Sunday the Bible school Otto. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Rev. D. L. Graybill will con evening duct the morning and services. C. E. Deal, Pastor. BATTIS! CHURCH. 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11a. m. Sermon by Rev. Ennis. 7:30 p. m. Song Service. 8. p. m. Evening Worship. 8. p. m. Thursday evening week ly prayer meeting. All without a church home are I cordially invited to these services. Maro« Church Note«. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Church service« at U. a. m S. R. Welty, Pastor. evangelical church. Sunday School 10. a. m. in charge of W. T. Kalbfleisch. Preaching II a. m. followed by G. W. Plummer, Pastor. MENNONITE CHURCH. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Sermon II a. ra. Childrens meeting 7 p. m. V. P. Meeting 7:30. Sermon 8:15. Midweek Sermon. NONONITC ItmttDI Car fallt) Inie ul M toet Sunday School ID a. m. Supt Earnest Dexter. Evening Service 7 30 p. m Preaching H;( 0 p. m. All are welcome. E. W. Wilder, Pastor. I PURE Natural Ice 80 c per cwt. Wagon on street every Saturday afternoon and night. B. P. KIRKPATRICK. J. I that house. bungalo, garage, barn, or anything, come * n aiJ 'l let us give you some practical ideas and sug gestions that will save you money. You may rind it to your advantage to X» ( 'ome in and and tested, all the time. see your cream sampled, weighed Highest Market Price and a sciure deal IDA M. BLAKESLEE Opposite Gem State Lumber Co. i mm -—f—■■■mi i- ~ ~ hm Before You Build] i See Us FTrst Hughes Lumber Co < A HOME YARD FOR HOME PEOPLE ASK TO SEE OUR NEW PLAN HOOK OK MODERN HOMES US The People's Market. . Quality Stealcs A good piece of steak is always in order, you want a porter house, sirloin, club, tender loin, Hank or round steak you will rind vv meet your every requirement, and the people of this community know that our market stands for the best quality in meats of all kinds. If e can We Sell NATURAL ICE. Taylor & Maurer, P rops. N What Shall I Get for Dinner How many times have you asked yourself this question f Day after day, week after week, it is a problem that is constantly confronting you. If you were to stock your shelves with a good assortment of canned goods, you would always have something on hand that your folks would like. Canned Meats—Canned Vegetables, Canned I* ruits -\\ e h ive them in all the best known brands at pi Des that will please you. attention. telephone orders given prompt Filer Grocery Company. J — We Want to See You Now / Abaut tint Carpenter wvk. Talk it mr with HB A DQUARTERS AT NIBLC V CHANNEL LUMBER YARD It nay be ta your inter«! te CONTRACTORS BINGMAN & SMITH, jyjONuiviEisnrs.. I bay direct 1rs« tbe «uam« and can famish ch*ifit staoes m any dwijt af ytsr awn selecHan at lawer prie«. sbtw teu wbat i bare. Let me Filer PAUL. BEER Idaha Farm and City Loans Easy Terms No Commission F. C. Graves Filer, Idaho