OCR Interpretation

The Filer record. (Filer, Idaho) 1919-1930, September 04, 1919, Image 8

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89055223/1919-09-04/ed-1/seq-8/

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M03 WD~ snd
Thr man of Ihn hour ia Glenn K.
I'luinh. (hr author of labors plan to
nationalize the railroads. A few day*
ago be wtia uk unknown to the man In
the street oh any chief In I'atagonla.
Ilia mi me la In the headlines now. anil
will »lay there a Iona time. The spot*
light ha» been thrust upon him with
drumall«- sudden nass. Ile I« u curpo*
ration lawyer «hu gained hta experl
e#w In lruiiK|iortutioti matter» In < 'hi
r*a W_
* JÊ9
Mr. I'luinh cling* ateadfnstly Io
(he assertion Ihnt the mlI rond unions
aim "to elltnliiate the motive of
operutlntl for profil und siihalltute th*
motive of operation for service," tt
which he adds the corollary that "It
men ns democracy In Industry, without
which democracy In politics la a mere
shell and sham."
Me live* with Ida family In Chevy
Chase having moved there from Chi*
Migo recently,when It hecalue apparent
that hla work at counsel for the four hrul Iter hoods would menu the direction
«I a I
"V* i
Mi* son is (k»r|«>rnl I'lumh of Ih Mi-ry II of tin- Kighty Third held arllllcry.
Ills wife la heart amt mail with hint in hta light,
The I'lumh plan has been Imh-tud by lit*- ".(ssi.msi organized railroad
employees of America, ami the Ann •• mi federn tIon of |.nl>or. approving Ih«
principle uf government ownership. Iw» Instructed its executive commute« to
cooperate with the oftirers of |tn- tnllruiid iidcroallolinls In their effort. It
• lx> lias been Imk.riM-d hy several farmer« organizations.
Concentration of the air nellvltlea
•f the Halted Mlule«. civilian, naval
and military, within the dins lion of a
Sing!« government agency, with mi
olhelal holding a place In the presi
dent'« cabinet at the head, I« fccotii
■waded hy the aprclal Ameiiewn avia
Ikm mlsalno. headed hy A««- taut Sec
retary of War lletiedlet Crowell, will« It
ha» been studying aircraft develop
au-ui la Kuro|ie.
The pro|s,«e«| départie -ml of avla
tioo. (he mission assert««! should he
charged with full responsibility for
-ptarlag and maintaining our country
lu the front rank among nations In
Ik* development and utilisation of air
craft for the national security and In
the advancement of civil aerial Irans
peHalloa and communication aria."
J ■
» ,
The r>-fs>rt of the mission, which
I« dl< tiled Inti üg
Ihm« isirts. dealing
with general organisai on. commercial
d- , elopflienl and lei'huleal develop* —
swat, la hasril on studies made In Fiigtnhd. France und Italy after conferences
wdh sir ministries «if the three governments, ranking army and navy coin
aumli-ra, and the foremost aircraft imniufat turers.
Milton Lake 'hits (Wpp mV . v«oyk
|i,Tfe, (mg Ihe m<„thin Hiihmiir-ne since
I MSI And while he was |a-rf«-clttig the
submarine for destruction he was also
evolving one for salvage. Today hla
plana are complete, and out tn l-otig
Island sound Ilea the submarine.
The device la apparently simple.
A raun ollspslhle steel lube permits the
salvers to have an operating base tut
the Hi»* of the ocean. A flight of
•lairs run down Hits lube. One end
of the tube Is attached to Ihe surface
vpmu'I uml the oilier to un nporutltig
» II'« l'ituT
Wüter ht* Ila«t tunk« art*
tf)Mr(liUtM) thnmgh<»ut II« lenKth
Huit Hie atrurture can he iiIkimh) In
«H|ullihr(uui with the water when reg<ljr
ftur «uh merge n«Hp.
Tmler perfectly fiormal miitlitlom

a mull enu walk duwru Ihcsc stab's to
the h«*d of the sen. lie cm. step from
lb* submarine uml walk lit perfec;
•afclv rind cumfirr. ..u th<- fl.M.r nf (he
Tkvrit la an alrlueked < hnml-.-r win. h e.iahlea a man I«» go out through
a duur I ui« .he sea. but whl.h prevents Ihe water from cnmlng In.
Th* board of governors *? th*
Aero Out, at A merit-* have awarded
Ihv gold medal uf Ih* elwb to llenr
Admiral Bradley A. »lake. V M. N..
rvilevst fur hla Invention of Ihe lor
p* «to plane, pntenied an Jnty Kt IHI3.
» Met. was u sed effectively «luring the
•sr. Aiiuuuneem.'nl ia als» ntade uf
r«s-e«pi of a teller from Ada. Irai
»tskr » b k says, among ether Ih Bgs:
'Tn be awanled the gold medal
a# the Aero Utah >tf America ia au
home* that ia esrepllunai. beeal
•din* uf the At« .-tub Is exeeptlon*
But though the standing »f I be
Aero club U high, the effective work
«hieb M carvtad «n thrragtioul Ht*
war ts not fatly appreciated by lb*
nation for liar reai

that lia work
«cial. and therefore not reco*
lllnl off»« tally.
"Uk* many another unrccognlteit
■geacy. b»wev cr, **• lull
ten. and profound
advance scout of scons
nc was po
Arilug aa th*
progress the Aero club «uniInc- ly gave Informa
Hon to Ihe country of ihe i«o«alNllilea of naval and military aeronautic«. In
aisled that those i*Malhllltlrw be utlltaeil. and deiuauicd that cungresa appro
print* au«h sums uf numey as wuuln enable the guv e rumen I i)e|«rlmeuls to
utilize (bus* possibilities completely and In Ume.
"Koarniuus appropriations were then nu.de, but as cougresa delayed mak
log them until after we had actually entered the war, the appropriation*
raiue too late to permit America., aerouuulica tu du as much effective work
•a it otherwise could In winning U."
Admiral Flake conclude« hy iwiyiug a titbut* to (bo patrlotlam and Intel
llg«*nc* of the prcaa In ulr matters.
Kor ev
II« th h«<i fl* Ot
never warr'd with
tugg'd with danger and
a«îon nor no tie hi to
h .
TD« airand to
m of hi« worihi
A ne» design for nn old product Is
pcclnlly In fooil.
quite worth while.
Camouflaged Kidneys,
Skin und clean (cut
ting OUI (he «Idle) four
or five liiinh or pigs'
kidneys; eut Inti entes
and fry In oil or butter
quickly ;
silver of garlic. It
III III Ke nhoill live in In
.Ills! before inking up mid a ta
hlesp,sinful of vlrn-gitr; let It boll up
and serve on lonsi.
Rabbit Saute.—Ch
Tut Into n frying pun with)
ttihlcN(HH»iifuls euch of <diopped
uiioii and dripping«; eook gently until
hrown. Cover with three cupful« of
stock, add a dozen small onions, a hit
ii and cut up a
mbhll dri'dge vilh flt.iir and «pH Ilk le
h II h salt
of buy leaf, blade of imiee, six mush
room stem* mol
rngon vinegar.
Ill tender.
riihhli mid strain the slock
f tar* J
Cook one hour, or un- |
Itcinove the onions mid
• ul half
IHiinid of hum In strips nod eook III
a frying pun with the caps of the |
mushrooms. Add twelve ripe ollv
• I
imitai y I ml rabbit and the strained
Itrliig to the boiling point mid :
I'm the rabbit In lhe |
( a philter.
season highly.
arrange mush
rooms olives, hum and onions In piles
around ihe ruhl.lt mid pour the sauce
over all.
Mock Roast Chicken.—Take one
pi.onil of the shin of veal, two outg'es
of salt pork, one tahlewpoonfnl of ebiqe
P«*d onion; mix thoroughly with on«
ami one-half lens|iooiifuls of salt, pep
per mid one half cupful of milk. I.lne
a mold with twaethlrds of ihe mixture,
Fill one cupful of bread crumbs and
one cupful of milk In a saucepan and
stir over ihe lire inilll inlck. Add one
leaspounfiil of suit, a Utile pepper mid
one leastsHinfiil of poultry dressing.
with two teiis|uH>nfilts of chop|ieil on
ions. Mix well and put In the center
of the mold. Cover with the remain- I
log veal mixture and strips of salt 1
linke half an hour; Invert Ihe
mold on a pan. surround with six p<>- j
tallies cut In strip*, mid roast until |
the (lot a toes are tender, hasting fre- I
quently with the gravy In Ihe pan.
Dried itiindirooiiis may he sonkeil
several hours In cold water, (hen used i
In sane«,« us the fresh. I'ook until ten- i
der In Ihe water In whleh they are |
soaked und »ave It for flavor for soups
and sauces« •
Faith, ahsolute. uncomjucroh!c faith.
I* on* or the essential rone
of the great secrets uf
tallse that ops
.-«ess or failure Willi him.
nut tlspeiul upon
rh. of a • <iI o
Him I« reasonable In cost. a|.|s'llzlng
enough to h.- nt 11
mid not tun much work
I«. prepare.
Seasoned Clbb.g.
With Meat, -fut a m^
ilium sized cahlu.ee Ini..
hi.lv. ■« ami ho It stand
m. hour in cold water to
remove lt.se.-i». If an,.
. . .
lut«» n put
•llcetl onion. It slli-e or iw.. ..f hacn
mul caik together tinlll ihe Imi-on mol
onion are frle«l A.KI the cabbage, an,I
water to eov.*r season with -nil and
■ lli«r«furv
aui'c««« Wr inuat
rarrlr« h'n •

idli Um«
«SMik uni II Ihe eiilrhnge I» nearly ten
«(«•r. Ad«l a few well-washed frank
forts ami let them l«dl n few iiihint• *
Nerve th«' «-ahluige n.Mitlj arrang«sl In ,
halves will, the sausag.'s
er he (op,
tin.* Cooked In Chicken Stock
t'«aik rice until maily lemler In water
then a.hl enough ehh'ken stock In
son well and finish cooking
ns a vegetable.
S.wve I
Celtag* Cheese and Psanut Salad.—
Mix a half eupl'ul of |>enums, whl«-h
have been shell«'«! and put through the
meat i-l»-p|(er, using the eoar»e eul'er.
with a cupful of s. asonetl i-otlnge
eheeae Make int.» hails with a s|»*>n
and serve on lettuce
Stramrd Oat Bread.
I« of rvdle.1 iwts. ground ; ore cupful {
Mix two evil
of «avril Hour, two ami a half t«a.sp,ai.i
fuis of talking powtler ami two Ira
•l-onful. of salt Add two cupfuls of
milk, two <-ggs. two lahles|HMthfuls of I
melted short «ai Ing and one fourth cup
ful of corn sirup Stenm In baking
1 * 0 « .1er ran« two hours or Isake In
greases) inulH.i pens.
Rhubarb PI*. Take one ami one
half rupfuls of «'hi-piaal rhuharh. one
cupful of sugar, one tahl«'s|K«inful of
fto«ir and a half 'it salt ;
mix with two tahlespoontuls of vralt'r
and ixavk until thoroughly hot ami Ihe
rhuharii ••••srly soft. t\«>t ami add two
egg yolka. turn Into a (de tin limit
with (rood pastry and hake In a hot
oven a. Nrst thou alowly until the till
ing Is thick Oner with a morlngp*>,
using the whili
fuis uf pow«l<'re«l sugar,
quartern • • marshmalloua over the top
amt hro"
and two taid>*sp«M>n
Add a few
*Tt» not In little« of youth we train
Tlie governor who r»o«l »>*• wie« and
Ai;d temper with the «terrine«* of the
j Thought» motherly, and meek ae
Wiedom doth live with children
r<»un«| Imr knee«.
of aiiccenaful sponge
the bolting of the egg»
mill the c«re not to lone
the a I r iticoi-|Hiriite<l
»hen stirring In the
llmir. Then the "linking
oven judgment never
eonies to some women fn
th, coin of their live
Kitte lliiljgilis Wig
cukes |, In
ia unreasonable
to suppose nil women
' gifted In being g<Msl cooks hn It would
It Is
»•x|H*ot Hum to ho Hinsicht um or
Ih f inMc the niitjoriiy of worn
en nr»* hy iieee«Mlfy liousekcepers, it
do**s not follow that they are by thaï
necessity doing the work for which
they are especially qualified,
1 he t
In llic-ie days of thin cream which
i-ogen w ill Ih*
to whip, a solution called vis
useful, width may he
at home and kept Indefinitely If
well stoppered. Take five ounces of
sugar mid dissolve In ten ounces of
.water. Add six ounces of cold water
to tw
ounces of quicklime mid let It
gradually slake; (hen strain through a
tii», sl**v **. to remove nnsluked parti
Combine the two liquids mid
t«huke occasionally for two hours. In
itiree hours set the mixture aside to
s.*ttle, then siphon or pour off the clear
Store In small bottles tightly
corked, ns the liquid absorbs carbonic
m id from Ihe air, tints darkening the
color and reducing Ihe strength. Keep
either In a dark bottle or wrap the
bottle In dark paper,
of n teaspoonful
three-fourths of a
well chilled.
an egg-beater as usual,
Use one-fourth
of the vlseogen to
cupful of «Team,
Stir well, then heat with
Kitchen Bouquet. Th«* browning
used for grpvles and various sauces
may he made at home. I'ut a cupful
of sugar In an Iron frying pan over
the fire. Stir and shake until It turns
» dark brown. Add a half-cupful-of
alter, a «'love of gnrlle, one
chopped onion, six whole cloves, a
| H i||| nK
teaspoon fui of salt, a dash of tabasco
sauce and n snltspoonful of black pep
Simmer twenty mlnut«'S. strain
Fse a teaspoonful
to flavor mid color any meat sauce.
l, ( ,t f |,. f„ r
A part of what we might terra the
optimist's philosophy Is: It you can
menti a situation mend It; If you can't
mend II, forget II Is It a good
philosophy or Is It foolishness?
If (he (IIhIii's in whl«-h lee creajp or
frozen dishes are served art 1 chilled In
the refrigerator Ihe prob
lem of melting lees Is
practically solved.
Sulnds. too. should he
servtsl on cold plates to
' '* " l ' t "'
J! h ,IUb 7
l'==i| ..
I CT ,> *' hU ' ,,hI "* l* 1 *
^■Ml jlj shaped piece«, cutting
, " w ,,f ,h -
u "; s *; rv,> "■ «*» I"«»«
1 r '^ ,H U ... . . the
T** ' , "" tvr '**"? "" »'•
wl "
" l, '" nwm of h " ,,,,r f,,rm ln
I in* mam.
A h"«»"'.» "f «hile sauce
u,> " ,n *«" ,,r three tiny»
,f k * ,n ,h " ehest,
Kl " ur '>"• k*™ »lft«sl several
«lays should always !«• reslfletl when
tvady to us«*. If a cupful of flour Is
cnll«sl for tn a re«-l|ie do mil dip the
into th»» flour, fiut till It tightly
will, a -.(Mam All r»«-t.«*s In the imsl
ern hooKs « 0.11 for levW measurements
ol all Ingmlleiits.
Sweet milk may be soured tnstant
'y »St milling two teaspoon fills of vin«*
gar to a cupful of iiitlk.
D*** M '' un * r« , el|«' serves six |««ip|w
snipi.v. Hv «•utllng down the ingrcll
•«> halv*«s or ihlnls It suits the
needs of a small family. If fortunate
■•■tough to have a large one double the
ainoun s.
In making Frc«i«-h «trewslng u-> half
lemon juice ami half vinegar or «lll.it»
I**" vln*'gur with ««trr or fruit juUv
using lhn«> times as i-i.i<'h oil us acid
dc -slng Is to put all Ihe Ingredient*
A <>Mivenl«-nl way of making th»
a frv.lt tar nn«l shake until It
thickens nml lh«'C it I* rvaily to as«
at any time with a few preliminary
shak«'«. «ml will keet» imh-flnllely In i
>^s«i plu«a<.
in mot.liug g.'lidln nilxturcs the
ehllttng may N' hasten.il by haring at
ham) a dripping p«n fllle.1 with
cracke.1 l«s> Info which the molds may
h«' set. A little aalt sprinkle.) on the
Ice quIi'kixM the rhlltlng.
Ik« m*. wash mushrooms hut brush
with B hutt«*r brush to clean them. I's*
the t«i-t1ncs <iw«k,e«1 In a little waf«*r
nml «Iralneil as flavor b«r sauces. The
flavor la In Ihe liquor, so the peelings
may he thrown away.
(Conducted by Nation*! Council of th«
Boy Scout« of America )
The training which la being Impart*
eil to youngaterx tn acont klmkl la of
the Hurt that tor y he brought into
piny at any hour or minute In the
dully routine of boy life.
Seoul Morgan C'oyte of Troop No. 1
and Hcoot George IVtrie of Troop No.
3. both of Ridgefield I'nrk. N. J„
j pitched their lent near New liridge j
along the Hackensack river. Having !
Mflatted their a|i|M'tlti>M the scoot* '
"turned In" for the night. Scout ,
Coyle on a wakening saw opposite Ida
face a «mail, thick bundle, a roll,
Very quickly he realized that It was
a venomous snake of the copperhead I
variety, and Inatliictlvely he thrust I
I hla ami upward to protect his head
J ami neck.
Me had not done ho too <|iil«*kly. how
i ever, for the reptll«» had sprung for* ;
I ward, burying It« furies deep Info the
j protecting arm. witlnlrawing a* quirk
j ly and wriggling off Into the shrub- .
j bery along the river hank,
Young Coyle awakened hl« com*
! P M,,l " n ' 1 '" 1 Improvised a tourn
iquet from his linndkereldef and u
small stick, iteullzlng that the wound
was not flowing freely enough he eat
Into nod around the bite until it bled
Emptying the contents of a cart
ridge Into tile break in his flesh, he
applied flame to the powder and with
stood file temporary pain. It was lat
er determined that he had success
fully offset the possibility of a fatal
result through Ids commendable pres
ence of mind. He had burnt all trace
of poison completely from his arm
mid in a few days was again hack
at his Job. none the worse for hla
Scout Frederick Nelson of Dubuque
Iowa, aged 15, Is deserving of a place
on the highest honor roll of Scoufdora
and efforts are being made to have
his name placed there.
Frederick, who was visiting at Fair
field, Iowa, one day heard the screams
of a child coming from the direction
of the river where he had been swim
ming. Without hesitation, he plungiMl
In again and rescued little Rerntcc
Derry, aged I), who had been bathing
and got beyond her depth.
The child had gone down for th»
hA-Yd time, but the scout dived, brought
her to the surface and then, asslsteil
by a couple of other lads, brought her
to shore anti resuscitated her.
The first that was known In Du
buque of the lad's brave deed was a
letter to the scout executive from the
girl's mother, praising the hoy and
suggesting that the scout council re
ward him. It Is thought he will
given a medal.
Did you call. O fair Columbia.
ntln yoH
Far and wide the*summons sounded.
We are here your wish to heed.
F«e us. gentle mother. u«e ua.
In the way that you think b<*«t
heart« feel lighter
DM .J '
Nothin* rankes
Than to serve at yonr belies.
Father«, brother«, um- le«, grandslres
Paid In full thair debt to you. ,
Tell us. loving mother. teM us.
What I« there a boy ran do?
He can't go to fight your battles
O'er the wide sens' whitening foam
flut he'll grow and be a soldier
Art! protect you here at home
You still need the heart thvt's loyal.
Ton still ne«*d the helping hand.
All unlte.l in one band
We can guard the precious banner
That our brothers died to save.
And a «on*« unselfish devotion
We can give as heroes gave
—Josephine M lubricant. In New York
a million brother«.
National headmtartera warn the
hoy scouts that umler the national de
fl'nse act It Is unlawful for soiut*
or scout offielals to wear any part of
the army uniform. Insignia or equip
ment fhst Is not definitely Hsf«*d as
the official uniform. Insignia or equip
ment of the Boy Shsmts of America.
The violation of this a.'l Is punishable
by a h.'Mvy fine and Imprisonment.
The aulhorltl.-s have explain««! that
by wearing any of the following thlnga
a aeont Is violating the array reorgan
isation law umler which he has the
right to wear his hoy seo.il uniform :
Army lull cords, collar Insignia. In
elu<llng Y. 8. letters; erosse.1 sah«Ts.
crasse. I rifles, etc.; cap»—congress
gives us pemllwinn to wear only the
campaign hata; Sam Brawn belts—
these are worn only hy officers over
Rules regarding the "swat Ihe fly"
campaign which hoy scouts and girls
of school age are comlm'tlng In Joplin,
Mo., have N'en N-oied by J. Silas
(Jraveile. scout executive. Hereafter
flies are to t»e taken to the off! ce of
Meut. It. 8. Sayers at Ihe chamber of
commerce and weighed, the amount he
Ing accredit«*«! for one «vf the priira
During th«* school week, count was
kept of the flies s« att.il. hut no ch«*«!.
'*f >«n of the victims made
A Complete Jewelry Store
Known for Service
Famous for Quality
Easy Prices
Business Courses
Stenography Bookkeeping
Dictaphone Typewriting
Civil Service Posting Machine
h D. S. Business College
Salt Lake City, Utah
Day and Evening AU the Year
All nakn Rented, Repaired, Sold.
Wri»e for prices -g7.50 to SlOO.
Utah Office and School Supply
32 W. 2nd South. Salt Lake City. Utah
If you want big Hxjwlfam
barber trade Many small
town» need barbers; good opportuoeae» open
r ifteg Barbera Id army bare
food as olllev r» com mi» 'Kin
in f» w week». Calf or write Moler Barber
College, Cl 8. West Temple St.. Salt Lake City.
Oet prepare«!
Hunter Spent Weary Months in Jun
gles to Prove That the Species
Really Existed.
It seems Incredible, but there exist
hippopotami that do not exceed 30
Inches In height. For a long while no
body believed that there were any
pygmy hippos In IJheria. The uatlves
Insisted that the Hippopotamus I-lb
eriensls lived deep In the forests; but
that was another reason why explorers
and hunters shook Ihelr heads In In
credulity. Tile hipiiopotumiis lives
along the rivers, they said, and this
talk about pygmies of this species In
the forests Is nonsense.
Nevertheless a pygmy hippo was
caught as far hack as 1S73. and
brought fniin Africa to the zoological
gardens In Ihihlln. it might have con
vinced the world, only it arrived In a
dying condition, and perished before
It could he exhibited. After that, peo
ple took to doubting It again, and
considered the one worded specimen
as a freak. Rut Carl Hagenhack. the
famous animal man. made up Ids mind,
at last, that the pygmy hippo could
he, and should be. introduced to man.
He sent an Intrepid hunter, Sehoro
burgk, after If. and Sebotnburgk. after
speullng a year and a half In the jun
gle, reappeared with three pygmy
beasts, two of which were at once
brought to the New York zoo and
placed on exhibition.—New York Her
Well to Remember That Executive«, at
a Rule, Have Little Tima
to Watte.
Month talk or brain-talk
kind do you chiefly use during a busi
ness call or conference? "1 can't see
half ns ninny men ns I could s«"e or as
I should like to see during the day
because my cnllent, once they get In
to see me. waste my time with incon
sequential talk." said « busy execu
tive recently, ''«'onseq-jently, my sec
retary Is under Instruction to admit
only such persons as she thinks I must
If you make a business call know
(«•forehand what you are going to
present and howr. Don't waste time
In nonessentlnls and trivialities. Fix
th* objective of your talk before you
It may he a yes-or no decision ;
It may be a promise merely to consider
your proposition ; It may be the fixing
of a specific date when you ran go Info
the matter In detail.
Whatever your
objective la, work toward It
Idly as you can; and when you have
reached It pick up your hat and say
"ttotHl-hy." This Is one of the surest
ways uf making a favorable Impres
sion.— Face Stmlent.
as rap
Camouflage Would Save Ship.
A submarine can spot a ship five V
miles away, estimate tta course, sub
merge and later Intercept IL But this
ship might have a keel painted «fly
feet «town Its side and the actual keel
blocked out.
Thla would give II the
appearance ( >f traveling tn a course
that was quite «>ff the actual
The calculations of the submarine
would he quite wrong and Ihe ship
would not be Intercepted at all. It
would he saved by the deception of Its
Oiling MachmesL
Many women oH their n»g machines
frequently and carefully, as they
ahoul«!. hot they forget to put a big
drap «vf oil once a month in each end
o* the treadle. The machine runs with
one-third the expenditure of effort If
this ts regularly done.
Glass Becks Now in Use.
A novel idea of building mnatrac
11°" which has been Introduced In some
Kurapesn cities ta the use of glass
bricks for eertaln parts of the outer

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