OCR Interpretation

The Filer record. (Filer, Idaho) 1919-1930, October 09, 1919, Image 1

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89055223/1919-10-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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The Filer
Twin Falls Cou,
Xocal 1Rc\v6 IRotcs
Ray Dudley hag rented the C. L
tsmljjb term southwest of Berger.
Mc», N. A. Lawson and Mra. Win
fred McCay-Olaon motored to Twin
faMg Monday
Frank L.' Reed who haa been visit
tng the & A Mann home, left the first
part of the week for Rawlins. Wyo
Reservations can be made with E.
B Ripley for the Buhl Bruneau
Booster banquet which is to be held
by the Chamber of Commerce of the
enterprising town Monday evening
Mr. and Mrs Ed Kinney of Twin
FallJt spent the week end with the
Wilfred Olsons West of town.
Mias Audrey McCaw wHl shortly
leave for a few weeks' stay at the
McCaw-Jones ranch In the foothills
Postmaster W P. Shinn reports that
on a single day recently hts office
received 2100 pounds, or more than
u ton of mall order catalogues.
SupL W. T. Doyle, has »old bis
inte. esl in the D. P. Produce
company to bis partner, J, E.
Penny who will conduct the bus
iuess hereafter.
H. C. Forbes accompanied by hlâ
family left this week in their car for
Cheyenne, Wyo Mrs. Forbes went
ahead erf them on the train. From
Cheyenne, the party will proceed to.
T. D Smith, proprietor of the Plon
Fecd and Coal company, and lo
cal manager of the Continental Oil
company, was operated u.*>j.i by Ur.
r A Dwight at Twin Falls. Tuesday
for appendicitis and other complica
Great anxiety was felt over
his condition, but he is reported now
being well on the road to recovery
Miss Laura Hunt was united in
marriage last Saturday to J.
Moreland of Twin Falle,
laud Just recently returned (rom ser
vi«* overseas
nd is »bf community since last (all
»sp iT . 1 here from Beaver county. Ok
lahoma. The RBCORO extends con
Mr. More
The bride has resld
J, V. Blakely, w*U known here, at
Unded the county (air Inst week. Mr
Blakely ta now n resident of Lava Hot
Springs, and ta an ardent booster for
that famous resort, rfe has leased
the Riverside hotel at (hat place, and
has purchased property on
there are hundreds of springs.
The RECORD that he pro-1
to build a sanitarium.
The Rafale property consist
ing uf two hcres which lies north
of town 00 the »Ule highway was
. . . *J 7 ,A >, ra
•old l**t week for t -^ rs
Age an Porter of Ricbunund, Calif.
Mrs Porter ia an aunt of the
8«.ley brother*, proprietor» of
enniej orvivuc • y r
Ihe Filer Grocery company. L
A. Seeley will muke his home
with Mra. Porter on the newly ac
Mr, and Mr».
qlined property.
Bugadale will leave shortly fur
Caldwell where they will reside
oaar their son-in-law, Albert Lee,
arell known to local residents.
Carl Bias*, son of Mr. and Mrs
i ohn Blaas of Maroa has enrolled
k the Babe Auto and ^ n * cU ' r
School at Kansai City, Mo. He
will take ■ complete course in
Automobile Mechanics and d ractor
Engineering. He intends to get
plenty of practical expenence in
«•pair work, welding, vulcanizing
plenty of practical experience
«•pair work, welding, vulcanizing
lighting end aUrting,
Wttery and every other depart
ment of the automobile Industry.
quint of the hrm of Beem
^-Uemmerquist left >onday Morn
ing for Chicago. South Dsk.ita,
and "all point* east
the H*mmerquista will
Mr. and Mr*. Hurrv Hammer
H bile in
Ihe east
the markets for »pring
mercb*udi»e for their store here.
Xhey wer« accompanied by Mrs.
Arthur Beem
who will go to
- . ,
Peckbam, Colo, for a fortnights
visit with her pirants, Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Buck
Mrs Crump.
•od daugbtar. Manon, accumpatn
«i the party a« 'ar as Omaha Hr. m
there they *iH tbe *»•>'•
hnapiul at R.«.heeler, j
Bock will,
Umn. where Mr».
treatment for
Mr. and Mrs. .lohn l'
visiting ul
Culver, Oreifon, are
the home of Kev. and Mrs. ! . V, .
for Boise this week.
They expeel to
The third Quarlerlv nn
the Menooniie Brellien. In
church convened lu»t Sund:
which time a large crowd g •
to hear Rev. T. D. Walker r
m4>rn j„„ „Jdre
• Mt
• r-d
Kev. E. W. Wilder, i»:i- 1• • r
the church sa.vs that there
Htcad.v iie rea
church work during the ln-t ' r -''
months. The church \
hear a series of Revival u:
been a
this winter.
t |j e Reybroco
Rell Main, one of th
Roof Cardvt;».
Jack Collins of Bod
round boxing contest at t!
, r
: ie
Grover Beeni wa* luck- mm n>
a unique conieat coiidu. *
bnyder Hardware cot..,, u.v
week. A ne« *■> 1
Blast healer was displ .v i J ^
window toKetber with a sm i i
The highest bidder wuv l
rfirur lif" •*!
Loading tomorrow
Joel Main is considéré») a ' .
wonder" and has bt-»-ii pi
prowess In a forcible n . nn
belter than he was I
went to war. and is ■
this season with sonn 1 > f t
est opponents obtains
recieve the stove,
what tbe Hmonnl of tin.* I*i I
When llio ln>x was i>,»eii.' 1
day it was found that
senres of bidders, Grover
won tbe stove on a bid of ■ I » * -
Mr. Beem ia furnisltitii.' bi
on Yakima avenue int>>
in jjrei»arinrf to move bi
rr. the first of next m utb
the present occupant. l>r. au . M -.
T. L. Cartaey will lOov *.
o ut ot tbo|
DfED—Maxine 1-uu ?- •"
month-old daughter of Mr
V. A Allison died Fn-.L"
the Bovd hospital after
an operation (or (nlus-'v-.r
obstruction cf the bowels.
The iniant took ill
despite the efforts mai
life passed a wav before no- I
The funeral service was h.-l
urday from the home of the
parent* on North street,
being conducted by Rev J K
of the Baptist church Intern
made In the Odd Fellows
■j and
ve its
I H it
t to
n -
■ ■
Miss Brlttomarl Wolfe, cour.'v
perlntendent of schools
Tuesday that becau».' f
opening at Buhl on October u
l een decided to povtp • H
0 f Twin Falls Fount v s. h
aa aoci*tion until o
Tl e assocation which v
»** " T * r ' 1 «•' 1
having a Urge meeting on
• 01 -
.I !
!l ',j
October 1
n iiii li 4
Tbe Ladies Aid of the M
Church held a special lilt'd it
the church yesterday at
lime plans were formulated
big Harvest Home dinner »'
the society proposes to I
Fiidiy, October 31, Hal
A meeting 1* unt ... t
■ ■ ■
nex j Wednesday aft
Commif.ee» appoint >1 for
harvest dinner inc I ode: S *li
\( es< iames F. C. Grave«, th
( j e j ftr i 10 i a ,. Child«, Murray, t
Mo— , j; K)tchen ,
r jonm. chairman; Dining
... .. u r j c - | ( r
M rs.
^ Price.
ru» n
Vir». F. A. Dwight.
O. Walter
Oil. E
auctioneering firm of * ? t • • r
Shearer returned Satord.ir f
«j^ Wcé , ern Mitumal I.»
AsatKialion's Rim -ale *'
held in Denver Sept ■> 1 t»> ' 1
He reports a ai..*t sue •-»(
As an indication of th '
Walter showe.1 in tlie 1
booked seven
-nies in Colorado and I i ih" -r t
-ommg *e«!M>n. He al- >
UiConduct a alle f .. r t > f
the nationally known »t<
Toxas during the oaoiitb •'
^ yMU .
jj r Walter is pre- 1 !- ■ '
f win p a |U Giuntv Fair A •
^ bul ow i Q ^ u> the IVnver
unable to be in alt
at the fourth annual fair t •
u#l veek
A ' iU
F tir Closes Successfully Last Week!
Annual County Exposition Makes
Remarkable Showing Despite
Rain; Avlatior Flies Daily
Annual Twin
successful roC
iiurday night at Ike local
-eaplte the Inclement
r came to a
fair ■'n und»
liich lor a tune
■ ; the mposition
Er Ihe standiaJtnt of exhibit*.
jaili» and variety of entsr
ia ail that could
and Ih
be di-.i
,d tke hopes
:he fair
if the «en'lnient* express
in inendaace ta any ert
1!rBt> .
and : .azed the throng* with hi*
, ::iK # ud h*z»rdou* exploit*.
i *rtli carnival prov*d lt*elf
a a reputable amds*ment af
dih« WWKi display of Hro
r'nday eveplp* brought a
1 who were Sellght*(J w!t k
feainr* wleajy pfrvld
! he racing program
.tad desire* of Ik# mo»t
of such »port. Aviator
only pleased bat delight
the Dei
to be a
tract! in
great <
this anrprU#
ed b> the : ma^t-ment
Well Managed
j M Markel. secretary of the (air
(ae»or!. n who has been busy (or
the Ism tv.elv* months preparing tke
ground "tiding*, and providing *11
Uie to necessary for Ihe presen
: at ion r-f j successful oabibHIou da
»erv. :>«!* credit Mr the iuana.r
" f ^ lr «uh*eiL?k-like »roc«.
* „ „ hnuwn th . s th.
ia , .,1 (*c* a thii E« r -
, tll . ,i.i ih* • '»> »<»b«hev
a|one rained „„ Monday, Tue*
Joy w n(iday an j even ou Ttur*
JaT ' Tï „ j av being entry day only a
.. U
' endamis
^ôwwMhi' full racla« rarpi>»I uAd
• as e»rr:ed uUI
airplane program
"Twin Falls" day. »
rain became so moessant
postpincd. with the
that H would be cou
gh «ill Saturday nigh*,
which V as done Thur«4»V •« '»
le "Bel.. d*y. b*t It *>s* III ro*U,>
1 ! snd "Twin Fnlla" d*y
was so dan»F that Ua alr
A not fly ou that date, but
ore it an mad* up for on
i n« days Friday was th*
if the (air. It being "Ohll
,* wbPB »II tkie school chil
Ir a .ounly wee« adihlltptf f(TV
trf the entire county urev*
the occadoa. Ten thou*
passed through the gales
: drigglir-K
mt wa«
siiDou' > ii- nt
pnut-d ti'r
Î The
' tills W
the sa
big d
The sv!
closed I
jnd p«^
on this day
The 1 n vgj company pulled tfcoir
Psiordoy raoroing,
exhibit« hod be«« («Weg
away -be preceding oftertioon, all
of wh b tn.ligated against a large ut
tendnnee Saturday
1 ill hoik Ladles
belle Ladles of the county
The C
rondurt 1 'he large dining rooms on
th# gi • :• and report maJiin* flnmn
ilthdjugli W#r# iw| M
a* last year
All concession* apparently
und seemed to aupply the de
<* 'he thousands who sought
to sp*-r ! -'lelr money.
l ocal 1'eople Fly
Ln< « ! i-e « 1 » who wir» ItirUMl«
»nough fly In tb* »irplaaa with
Warr- ■ u-e. aviator, inclnd*#E A
Mann. t.< i"-iger of tbe Flier Mercsn
tile company; A 8 Henson manager
ra Springs Orchard com
' W Hamp and Emil Sommer
ne was n.aklug flight* tn
Twin I.- . on Monday carrying (ta*
a ti.Kh»» oceurred
ked Ika Mg P'S"- wKk .
o* th<
Th# m
The Chautauqua
uumbvr pf tb» Ellison
.u'suqu* took plara *1 the!
church here tasl nl«hi
When T ..-n ( orwln* delighted an ap
. . jdo t.ee With kta reper
Itxtloni Sketch*» stuf l*v
, naI1<>nt
Marshal Louta Mertlns
: st and educator will rv*d
'> Done." snd The Gold
' )» i End *
evenings of est»na;n
T ■*
h cc ia
rnef. t
It Ca
• -w tigit U# Çhte**s Tris
• ^vminmom feature
•r. Saturday e»wa:bg
A Mills speak* an
■ mb* ehaaiMdud which
-* af snd * half *«• aad
MUsfaeUoa that X3f
dl»v a
ti» l ere a
rard ap for »«asoa tick»»«
xea ha** esaraa
rxaaetaJ tugge*» trf tk« kl
iher w sotte M*«« that
1 ty patroaus this wonky
....Those who are hacking
to ir. h*B**nqua this »ea»oa
a l Wood. E B Ripley EE
Hushes 0 K Trakt. K
-kf Masser Dr Frank a
w Cio R W Gager C
j C Reicher» Per«.
r Ran irr- E O Waiter
Gar dner. EL •
R Drake. O. J Child*
-cd tl
tra-tlus -
G e D» F
H H. .'chiMmap
ft Lo ' :
consequent damage totaling I.' 1 * 1 " St
John Sk.oner •» a passenger at the
Um« Tts machine was Just rising.
being only a few feet iff tbs ground
Wk*n one plane struck a tree nosing
tSa airship down Both «mgs were
heoki-n ihe nropellar «as smashed bu!
neither pilot nor passenger «ere ap
preciably injured The machine will
be out of commission lor some Jilt e
Exhibit« 1 nparalleled
The exhibits in every department
except I-.'* that of poultry, was Urge
SSil complete
were a revelation to the people of
it seems to by *n ad
mit ted fact that this county «te* su
CMsfnlly will the older stock rais
ing section* of the country lows nev
er exhibited "etter swine
. "
to. manager of thaï department, «aid
The stock exhibits
the county.
that practically the same K-nirie*
at th* Idaho Hiale
•rgyf gulf her* «« at th* Idaho Hiale
fill held In Boisa ton day* ag i From
an exhibit of only three hogs tn this
department three rears ago to ISO
bog* of every breed this year. Is a re
markable showing In the opinion of
Mr. Otto
Th* Junior Farmer* building was
drawing card to those interested it,
the aaccess of lb* n**I genevullon
of farmers and stockmen
Prof I
stsl* bwreae of animal husbandry of
ficiated la the Judging uf swine and,
The horse ami cattle display were
particularly complete, and elicited ng
little cwwneni frupi th«»« '• • Fi
nition to Intelligently Judge (he type,
ihjwa here.
Exhibits In the Women's halt, hous
ing fancy work snd tanned fruit and
vegetables were a marvel to the
thousands of people who viewed this
Th# farm product* building wa* BU
*4 will, every eoavcivahla fruit end
vegetable grown ou the Twin Fmll*
tract. The choicOM varieties of sp
pie*, pcachea. pears, melons grapes
potato**, pumpkin*, onion* beans,
grasses, wheat, oats, and every other
legume and flora placed In th* ark
was on the exhibit stands exceeding
ip point o; quality, vgrtetr »pd nm
lly similar esbttdts shown nl previous
(air* here
Many varletie* of farm tractor*,
heating and lighting plants, thresh
ers. Implement» pumps washing ma-j
chines and labor-oavlog convenience*
for (4* (*rPl S»d hpin* attracted In
terested prospective purchaser*
' !
Of especial Interest was Ihe Red
Cross booths, the Canadian exhibit
th* wool display, and the extensive j
showing made by the laiveralty of
j da ho
Mr% A A Tl?no * f lh# * h)Cal •
home »#r#tc# »#ctiun of th# Arairlriu
Red Cross conducted a much appro
elated bvoth. where all literature per
taimng to allotment*. Insurance, ira*-;
el pay and clothing was obtained by
many ei soldiers and sallqfl
Mr* Id« M Ait*« «onduried a Red j
Croa* booth where first aid could be
given as well as any Inforniaiion con j
earning th* Intricate workings of th«
American R*d t r..«s
Had the weather been better thg
Fourth Annual fair woq(d have *1
traded even |rç % u» erowd. hot th.s
W *■'! wo doom be el.-m.-ed U
taccoedlug years by having Soptem
No School N«xt Week
T 3 re will be no «bool n*x» week
an account of the Touchers
tule which will be held *1 Twia F» ta
begmulng the Uth About »even bun
drib! lb»vkers from all over 8o*.herw
Idaho will b* IB attendance Th.s
«»fbertng promtaew to be the best that
b*. e»*r been held ta th.s par» •'( «»■ •
«tat - S.*» very n»rfed sp.*kers will
u pre-eat laciuding such me* •• Dr
Er, A Bryvi n*f of *d
gatMaA* -
!•} »rvaidekt •< the CtlTsr.itr
liai a. Dr Charte« R Frazier pre»;.,
drat af tb» ItUha Trcho-4 in»«---of
tat« Xia. Ethel £ RedUeid *t*t* •»
*rtom *> railed Slat*« bu
MB»»«*a ■ B _ B
raau of educaup* Dr Brr.a • Mar
pretidett of the K:s*v ooli«*« Pitta
botfh Pa . Dr W H Çxro» ^rs oi
th« «ate noroai i « «»pur »
Kk*"» P» J W Scarsoa. of Man-lwell
hat tin Kacaas acJ other» of tai.oa
ai rvpaiat;«
■, — —. -» ■ —
We »r ib to exprt»# •«» *p»rre«a
«<?« '• A# rro»»r «»* Al* oommanity
fcr , ,t *' r ^*^**1.^ J.™
tng». and (or tke taxer act» of tytt
ir^T »bown g» darin* tbe sickaee«
and death of out Unie daqehror —
aE d Mr* e a a; t»xn md ta»- i
Mr a«d Mra Ç. A, Al-ta« «M «■
End Tract
Attracts Interest
G. Sommer Ranch
Sold for $40,000
Land Draw lag Tuesday Will B<* E.çhty Acre
Attended by Kx:ij Pilentei
Farm Adjcixang
Town on Sooth Sells Tuesday
The land drawing of tbs Idaho Tana,
project which
pince at Bu 1. Tunesday. Is etl-it tag
much inter-*-' among local residents
Many are man: 'ng id he nt tke draw
Ing and will fake »heir chance* with
the hundreds that are pouring
sonthem Idnho in Ihe hopes of te
ce B j tome of this »suable prop-:
nod evervtl ,ng 1» ready for the
big opening and subsequent develop
ment of Ihe projet
This is a Cl rev Act project
slsling of AM darre*, located It
mil#« south and «lx mil»'« w#«t of Bvhi
b#tv##n Ih# Tw»n Pull» and th# Bfn»
{t le In thy west end
ne*u t ran*,
of Twin Falls reuaiv
The land la all stak—l so entlslng
la ease. Roods are built on each aoc
tbvo line bridges and culverts are all
Those «hu have examined the pro
Ihdt pendent School District Nam
Ject declare It to he the most complele
In point of coastrnrtlon that haa ever
been offered under the Carey
The selling price wl|J be |125
per acre; »25 do«R. no more pay
ment* <4i Ihe principal (or three
; ^ r T . ar lor
A complete description o( |he
snd the drawing It. to be found on
I'agc tag g( mis pap-r.
ten years
Gr*de School Note»
bet Four
Board of Oireclors C. A. Love
chairman: John Fenny, clerk; Win
Raw*, treasurer. Win Higginholhnm.
John Re hoi 10 «. Jacob Mn«ser
Liât of Teachers W T Uoyel. su
perlut'-ndeut ; Mrs. Georg* Potto«. Sth
grade, enrollment 1£; Urn J F John
s'on. 7th grade «erollntoM «« Mr*
Fred Weoil erle, <ih grade enrolImenl
2»; Mias Ruth KUU. (th grade, en
loi Intent 3«, MU* O.nrude Walter.
4th grad*, enrollment 3C Mise Mae
Wolle. 3pi grade, enrollment 3g, Mrs.
Florence Uuerlg 2nd grade, enroll,
ment 40, Mr* W T Uoyel, lot grade
enrollment 3S.
This enrollment Is ihe report of
week ending September 2d. There are
It entered this week bringing the
total enrollment up to 3&H
The eighth grade girl* study démet
tic science (rom II 16 to 12. Urgin
ning this «reek they servo lam b to
tbe other rhildre« for lb rents A
• ho Eg* «arm lunch at noon
w mor , llk# work th# aftrr
Robbers Caught
Jobuoun, self-cnnfe-.-t.ql army dc
priera and robber* of th« Filer î
11. H Wilson, alia* Frank 1
Hadd, and Carl Olson alia* Earl
. . , , ,
p wtotfice 'tttd the Snyder Hard
ware couipony, who escaped
. . , , ,
\> adneodu.v tiiifhl f rum Lh« county
'jgdatTwin Fulls after assailing
. skanS ll..ffai*n and
dodging a fusillai« of shut« bred
at thatD by Mr» A N NpragJ-.
wife of the sheriff, wer« captured;
Saturday night at V'tle, Oregon, j
Capture of tK: fugitive* wav
mad« by H. Lee Nue, ehenff of
Malheur county, « >re . and bw
dcputie* alrout une» fruo» Vain
Nu rraisUme •» "O red. |
breaking the point Twin Falls
u „ ? , , ., ,
*tul«n a Hufunubite at Jerome.
which they latvr left at Weiser,
where they . Pi.rcq.t 1 it.-1 another
tie fugitives are al -'gel to have
lure# have been . ff rud bf owner#
Reward- for their cap
both car». The fl-Aj reward.
uffered by ,henif S.iraga* of ibis
county «»b ba pail to the sheriff
uf Malheur cownty.
sBWone the mei were being held
yo-itv rail at Cald
in the L . -i j»H at Kjua .
m Monday they again ad
^„jpiedto make their -scape by
«wing »he b«s of the entrance
«peon g upon the inner corridor
,»( t fee pri-»i«. When discovered
they had »wed thro fire bars of
their «eu
tn-ir ea
The privroeru were brought Ir
r_. n P-iL, Tue.-Eir tn 11 vi t tbeir
* n f " 1 ue ' T * await tneir
,f—Çi j B ih* district court. 1
The m»r re
Sommer adjoin
was sold Tu
of iTaeu, Ill
153# an aert
* |T * h'*'«' 1
b- will hold a i
for a
n-r will not
nn u
,B reality »he fai
sist of a full -.«hl,
due* not cai
•re*. Approx
mately four a
Sommer two j
High School dtstr
»n wrfi
*******d n * w ! ***> •
Mr HnmAcrv and f
V e
Filer 14 vears
Washington. T
grow from a lour
eea Ft!
'*** Mgebriuh to a !r.b
these «ears (be land hs- st-adlfv
»I» ««*> worth of Im
creased In val
provements have been pi
oi> th# pi*
and Mr Sommer has r
»ear m th
i-ighay Th<
I arm Is p. r
crops «eery
l*fF* cemen' barn •>■ i
haps (he best in (Ms vicinity.
"This Is 'he hevr land' bargain f>
,h * ««*«»«▼•" ***'• " r
'fmmenttng on the dl-t
vnlaabie pr -
*i> mimer >Q
sal of his
The Sommers' are
their future plan*
undecided as t
wtf 'hey «Hl reiuJiu het
American Legion
Meeting Monday
The tentative Filer p»r-l of th* Am '
lean l^egion were gi
of the Twm Falls poet
ft Monday * 14*11
at n smok ■ ■
and entertainment
soul» temple at that pi »» e
A doaen or more fro»
• pond».! to the IBVltatWJB
a moot let.-resting me
Twin Fnlts pM
LnVenw* rollier stite adjotaut f
nance officer of the orgaau»'''»»
n«r# r
anil reiKa
In* with I)
Hh<at*tU> *p>kg *t tMchw»t ng.
lining (k Furpoinr. Vf w» L-umra.
He lent great * o«-i.uragft»' nt U> tf
cstahilshn • ft of a I»» '
groused much Interest its
Plans are being m*
Iran Legion day cel
si Plier. I»« •
ig tkow* In
id# fw an Amcr
Irpstlus <■« No
tan lid sttewds-f
Pun- 1»
M.irc t!
veinber II
the nn-ofing Monds
was served after
placed trf the d!»t"
h form
oervtre nsen In tl
huila Three truu
pheum clf'Ult
gkmltes. with a sn.
was »aid Ui I» m
th* Or-,
in II
Board Served With
Writ of Mandate
The VI
f !r * o*d««»i>
th* nyo»**ik>
the (own
against t!
,( nan
" r ' ■'
dato by Judge
in district
rovldcd tor
by 1
»a a
r 06
to th# auti
,,rti<nrw d<
Two popular local young people
M>«4 iVLa Lyon, an l N ">ie \ > 1
Fisher were wed ah i'.urU-y on
We-lnewlay uf Us. w«-»«k.
not uoespecUf«!, the marriage came
• • to their
as a plea- .nt *ur|
many friend»
Tbe bride iv t ie »laugl.ter of
Mrs Eff.e Lv- , > 1 h.« b. n
employât in .be odke* «>f Dr*, r.
and M. J. Goode for
A. Dwight and M. J. Goode for
some time.
Mr. Fisher is tb«* eldest son of
jj r ac ,j >j r . j. a , \ r . . r -,
al present is With th Oar . S*, i
company b :-* rp '■
ont of tbe service last spring after
serving will» the 147 Machine Gun
company 41st Divisi» u fur a'tno-t
eighteen noothw.
that ba serve; *n tr.e M«\ »
border with the old C npany tv
V>* « ? «vaJ.it - of the
Filer High aebut ., clase of
while :b „ bride graduated frvtoi
^ Simpson (Kan*.) lltg;» »cho-1.
Thîy shall perh.«;« rapide, ia th •
Mr». J. D. F>W i^o^y .«
,. ,
■ "J" kECÜRD iu.n» in widiin «
1 " e KLLAJXtl' joins m
there young peuple muca luccc^s
u .

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