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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
Beat the Rent Bill Kv«ry du v/rent climbs higher and lh* problem of renting become# mure diffi cult. 'There is but one real solution to this problem—build u home and be your own landlord. We have a wide knowl edge ot the building game and will be glad to advise you aa to location, plan«, materials, finishings, turnishments, costs, equipments, architects, contractors, «te. Nibley-Channel Lumber Go. J. M. PENNY, Mgr. Phone 16 Filar. Ma. $300 to 91000 LOST! on my last sala. Resolved That M UN VON 6c SON auction my n«zt mJ«. We get the highfst prices for either registered or grade stock. WE KNOW HOW. Munyon & Son. The REAL AUCTIONEERS Rasldsnca phsna 161 Offloa phona 63* — -- I Snyder Hardware FILER. IDAHO ,e ! >*L lie # i> Y Does This Saving Look Good to You? : \ Fuel b high —here Is a way to fain economy and a perfectly heated home, save the gas half of the coal w aw ed by all iifhaf stoves, with the fuel «aviiy no* Cute'» Original Mot Bast •IS I 4 TUB UNIVEISAl CAR To the business men. retail or wholesale; to the menufacturer; to the commie «km men; to the trucking company, the Ford Model T One To« Track makes ell the merit« off the original an irresistible appeal because it haa in its Ford car: the wonderful Ford Model T Motor, the «ta p*»iH»i>d« Vanadium steal chaasia, and the manganese bronw worm-drive. A »**""g*y both track that not true. I eervea satisfactorily and last« In service. If the demand for Ford Truck* wouldn't be*so ooastaotly on the will be pleased to take your order for one or more Ford Trucks, will aea that you get reasonably prompt delivery, and will ghre you aa altar servi ce that insure« the constant service off the Track. But don't In promptly,' » We t too loaf. Oct your onto Filer Ante Company tk • M' f X » p: ;!• Public Sal««. Munyon A Son a Hopkins an nounves Um following »ales and Oct. 9 J. E Barker, Buhl. , . , ., I*-... Oct. 11 Kld.y e Bam. Oct. 1 JJ S. P. Elliot. Oct. 14 Ellia, Caslleford. Oct 15 Welly a Son. Caatleford. Per. Bred Poland China Sale i\ mp .. Uct. if j MV. o. UeAy, Buhl Oct. 17 Ellie Farm. Oct. 18 Kudy'e Barn. Oct. *0 Buhl. Oct. 2» Dan Whaley. Oct. Î8 Armstrong'«. Thla popular firm conducted a big •ale Tuaaday for A (t. Berry and C A. Marab anurh of Buhl YeaUnlay they bad a large and aucceaeful «alu for A E Kllee near Buhl, und today they are eelltng for J. II Barker west of that town Munyon and Sons and Hopkins have made arrangement» with The HECOHU wberby parties de «ring sales can phone or call at our office and reserve dates. Women Wanted For handpicking boana. Long Jobo and good poy to otoody worker«. Filer Seed Co. All J PROFESSIONAL AND I BUSINESS CARDS 0. P. PRODUCE CO, Turkey* young, fat 20c. will pay caah for all product a F. 0. ANDERSON * Blaokunithing, * . Horseshoeing, Plow Work • rujkn. Idaho • ••sssss»»*».».»... ASHER B. WII.SON uwm Ft*sliss la All Courts. OlM* MsUousl Buuk Buildisg. Da»* ra*»» se. Rssidsn«» oss« TWIN w AJ4A IDAHO. Dr. L V. Hawkins, OitesptJuc Physician Office HOURS; full end I lu i. «y by «a* PlaM M W oods U u I I d I da Booze for a Dollar j, h. Bwsim, «t« eUimed Flier as! bis aridr«*». U in ike county jail un der bonde of |6uo, after haring been twl ° ^ , J "' *' F M Breeheer», euperlutendent of the «tat» coaetebulary. for having offered an officer of the law a cream pitcher ful1 ot wbukey for an inelgniflcant I do !'" r bUI - J 'V * owaim. when the Pllerlte pour #<i out a tfrlna tor hlrneelf from his trnety flask, and then offered to selljj^ ' ,,wn w,,ol •" l, ** • <h>Hsr «■ »fc°« —~ Alleged 1 hieve« —— (.'barged anth robbing the cnocea " lon conducted by R. A. Brown ofj Buhl 111 ,h * f,lr around» here laut wcek ' Shares William», aged 20. Rob • !r, Ha 'l e r- »*«<1 >*. "nd John Morrl« a * td 42 - were lod «« d In the county ?•** Sa,urd »y The three were help •"« wl,tl *ke Benihsrdl shows and are bUegcd to have bad In their posses- 1 * lün " 1,r " e »" ÜU «H of choice con- j fecljona. Mr. Brown operated one of the booths underneath the the booths underneath the grand stand. At one lime be was a brake man on the O. 8. L. branch. The suspected wen were released Tuesday. 1 A - T WANT ADS UUB WANT Ab RATE#-Too nul, L*r Has Aral lossrtkm. and be par Has for outaseuasBl lAssrtioos, with » fl^ifi l Ui LUI l Ail vsat sn cub. » book oo I hin ad». Oouat .lx • to Um Uim »two sumimlla« mm. BIÖ CLOSING OUT SALE Sampson Brothers, will hold a big farm ale a their ranch the State Highway, three-fourths ot a mile east of Hansen, Thurs day, October 16. Twenty bead of heavy horse#, four bead of mules, cattle and sheep will be offered. For Sele—At a sacrifice;*!) acres of land i miles from Twin Falls; no seapage; all in blue grass and white clover; 9135 per »ere. Also 22 head fine young beifera moat all be fresh in apring. Bargain on and eaay term». Sae Dr. Wyly, Twin Falla, Ida. Tal. $96. 28tf. For corn and atoek food. The Filer Elevatoi*. ( Royal Society, Pacific and Art amo embroidery package outfit* ur art department. Coetello's, 1. Idaho. in pi Bub lltf For Sala —3 Registered bull* and aoven ahoala. Ü1. J. Macaw. LOST — Wednesday, between Filer and Twin Fails a dark vest. ; Finder return to A. Ë. Anderson. For Sale—at retonable price four Registered Poland China Boara of service sise, Frank De Klotz, Filer. ■ 1 For Sele—Pinctically new light Sludebeker wagon at a bargain. «k« » school wagon Sea L. Kirkpatrick. BIG CLOSING OUT SALE Sampson Brothers, will bold a big farm sale at their ranch gn the State Highway, thiee-fourths of e mile east of Haiyeo, Thursday October 16, 1 |anty bead of heavy horses, fou/Vheed of mule», c .tile and sheep will be offered. Latest sung bit* and big assort ment of teaching music. Send us your ordars, Costello Music House. Buhl, Idaho. Sewing Wanted—lire. R. W. Beechell, North Street. D. P. Produce pays more cash for all produce. Full cream eheeee for tala by Ida M. Blakeslce Banquet Better Butter—fine* creamery butter—at Ida M. Blake 27lf Musical Merchandise of all kinds. Mail orders fillsd prompt ly. Costello's Buhl. For those who butcher their own most—Corn end stock food. Tuo Filer Elevator, Wanted—To sell 7$ acres im proved land 9 and 1.3 milee west of Weouell depot. S5 acres in alfalfa, 25 acres sweet clover. 5 acres cultivated. Price right if told at once. R. L. Wilkins 29-2t. 1 Lost—22 calibre rifle barrel. Finder please notify Frank Taylor. For Sele—Good residence prop * arty in Filar. See £. A. Mann For Sele—Choice reaidence let, dose in. See Ida M. Blakes lee. Utf iltf 27 tf slee'*» Â ♦% V H» *♦* À t V «?♦ X X X o X X $ V «?♦ JT ♦ «J* X J t Real Service ❖ «te ; There are many little tricks em ployed by good meat buyers in judging quality, and we are per fectly willing to share these secrets. We buy only the best, but we want you to know right at the time of your purchase that you «re getting what you want. Let Us Show You a Few Simple Tests. TRY THIS MARKET ❖ * ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ : ♦ ♦ V A ♦♦♦ A ; r *♦ \ > ^ ❖ A A : « ♦ ► ❖ The Filer Neat Market. ❖ ♦> <♦ ? ❖ ♦> eJee$eeJ*«jKj*-eJ««J» »J« *^^X*~ , i**»**t*****t*'**********t**m l *** K* *** *♦' '< « r L Filer Hotel Jaxt opened under manage ment of MRS. K. MEYER Dining Room Service. Special Sunday Dinners Give us avia 11 One block north of Filer Hardware Vet, <• Walter & Shearer, AUCTIONEERS "Where We Lead Others Follow' Filer, Idaho * The People's Market. A Quality £ »teaks A good piece of steak is alv/ays in order. If you want a porter house, sirloin, club, tender loin, Hank or round steak you will rind we can meet your every requirement, and the people of this community know tha t out market stands for the best quality in meats of all kinds. We Sell i, , Taylor & Maurer, P rops. What Shall I Get for Dinner H ow many times have yourself this question? a problem that i» constantly confronting you. If you were to stock your shelves with a good assortment of canned good*, something on hand that your folks would like. Canned Meats— Canned Vegetables, Canne,! Fruits—We hive them in all th a best kne wo brands at Telephone order» given prompt you asked Day after dii.v, week a'ter week, it is Wpuld always have yxiu price« that will please you. attention Filer Grocery Company. We Want to See You Now Aheat that Caryeater warL It may bt ta )e«r ta CONTRACTORS Talk it mr BINGMAN & SMITH, wkk > HI A DQU ANTE RS AT NIBLEY C» IANNEL LUMBER YARD