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NEGROES PLOTTED AGAINST WHITES CONTE&SIONS OBTAINED BY AN INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE SHOW MURDER PLANS. Startling Statement ia Made by Ar kanaan Said to Have Bean Picked Ae Firet Victim of Bleckt Lad by Negro Farmer. Helena, Ark A etateinetit lin» been ma de on the re. eut riot» by K. M, Allen, of the OoOimlttee of (honuHl by local officer» and Gover nor Itrmigh to Investigate lb« trouble, • barging Hiat the affair * .aI,la.-.l negio U|,r 1 ...| bv a negro who preyed ou "tile Ignorance and auiieraUtlMfi of a ra< » of children for monetary gain».'' *vi> 0 , aii' «a» an or •Mr Allen, who waa one of twenty one leading men marked for death, af ter hearing ronfeaatnna. einmlnlng elr ciilar* ami other evidence procured by «tala and military officer* in eon nee Hon with the work of Hie committee, | l«*ued a atalemeni lo explain what the committee bud found lo be llie alt- | ia Hon lending »bite men »ml upwMrti* of a llie killing of five f I I I core • »K roc* The present trouble with the g roe* In I'hilllpa county la not a race | It I* a lie riot, ais-ortbng to .Mr. Allen, deliberately planned Hutu rivet Ion of ! •be n egro es again»! the White«, direct ed by an organization known a* 111 «!**"' "I'rogreaaive Farmer* and llouaehold Union of America," eatnbll«lied for the purisme of banding negroes together for the killing of while | Thl* union wa» alarled by Kotiert Mill, a negro twenty nix year* old | of Winchester. Ark , who »aw in It an opportunity of making easy money, lie had been a farmer all hl» life, but lately bad been ismlug a» a "private detective doing work In llil* and all foreign eouiitrle* " Me atarted bin flr*l union work In April of Hit« year Hallo l*Mlge ' In May of thin year. He I old the darkle* Huit be «11 an agent af the government and because lbs •euatora ami representatives In Waali a pie. lo lie orgnnlced the uo age of ington were white men and In sym pathy with the while men of the south, It wa* lmp»*»|hle for the ne groes to get the rights that have been promised them for service In llie urmy »ml so the government Imd culled Into rxlstenc* ■ Hits organisation would he supported by the government In defense of the ■ white people ne. e**ar> for nil members uf llu- union lo arm tbemselve* In pre|>urntlim Ihe day when lh»y should lie called » lllcll • groe* against Ile lobt them It ws* tpon to attack Htrtr white oppressors. Men were charged (1.50 for entrance tee» aad women 50 rent* The ahigaii of the " la "1\e buttle for nur right» "H 'The laiiwword of all the tegruee wa» "We bave Juat begun ' hvery negro who Joined these bulges wa« given to umleratand that ultimate ly he would lie called upon to kill while people 1 for attack bail I »cell *et, but plan» bad not lieeu entirely |ierfecl«d. ami Hie »biHdlng of the officer* at Helena • •rough! on the laaurrecHim ahead of «chedulc riiquealloushly, the INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE OPEN* »«•»•on. Eipected to Better Relations Botvsreon Capital snd Labor. Washington HeprtweiitsHve* of tho public evinced ■ splrltevl desire for ■ctloo, rather than oratory, at the •qirnlug »••«»ion ou th-tuber U of Hie In duatrtal conference callevl by l'rc»l dent WItaon Apparently with the •leternilnnlto« of differentiating this conference from uisay similar gathering* held |u W ashington, tbo public's delegate» de manded that sewalons be held night and day. If neceaaary, to e*l»bll»li a basis for bsrinouloua relation* between capital amt labor during the • bnurmal ec-ottoiiili- condition*. Mernard M llaruch of New \ ,>rk present of thvm* itolegul Flir^ th** the arfllr» at lh«* rotif*'rrnrr. W lift'll I* wm «ctlvi> In et me OMutiwml «I git i ft« mit In with rtsfit Wtlmm nut hl« frtn)u«*n( vUit« Im Ih# H hll« lloum* view of hi« clit Rioting la California. Five men. Including IS» ! ï; 9. Wood*, were «bot | Monday la the rioting consequent u|»in ' it»e attempt of the San Frani-tm-o ti»k 1 aad Terminal Hall» street ear traffic. t >» k land Me* Captain W' my* to r«**uu»* Aerial Race Aroused the World. New York ■ Tile Aero Club of Amer* ira aad the Aortal I • ue of America uplM.lnliuent id a age for the first •eetal derby arvMind Hw nurbl to be fcehi In HUH have annotMirvd the •veil km to are W• Ison's Gifts Abroad Lioted Art lag iq «. h th« prend «Hrevt Ion of the |Mre*ldeut Aim W'llwvn," Heeretary Tumulty Ua« I t'Utde publie • atniement .-oolalnlng as i itesntseit Hat of preaent* rvsetved by I ■ while In Kuropr Flotcbor May Succeed Pago Wa-longtnti Heport* tietfr -t in ,,f Rcial and diplomatie clrt-ie* that lieu ry I' Fletcher, ambassador to Mexico, •vill be Iraiiafermi to Koine, »mseed mg Thutuas Nelson l*ng«, who has nr- j signed. i Warn I ■. ■ ■ ex* tiiel ! SIMM SULKS ALONG HIVER SUC FIVE MILLION PEOPLE ARE AT POINT OF STARVATION IN EASTERN EUROPE Weak From Lack of Food and Tarror Stricken From War, Living in Davaatated Homaa, People are Partaking. New York. Tin* Hiver Itug. wlilrli ■ei-ved until recently a* a boundary of the HoNhevIk tlglitllig. la today a boun dary uf amvHied kind. It» .-ii » t•-rii «bore bouilli» on oui- aid*' lb«- hungriest and tbo mint diaeaasni. and tlie m»»i atrlekeu territory In Hie world. Five million people are at tin point of starvation ea»t of llie river Itug, aei ordlng to ligule» given out by the American Jewish Mellef eommtttde. Keil ' t ml American .leuleli relief agent*. A great number of tlietii arc Je«*, The war liua left t),mat, ta») dent and coiiipiled by the Ainerlrai 4 Iro»». "'"I »trlekwi Jew* In euHlern Kit population of Ne» York I a Number a* great » Hie entire 'll), utterly rope beipie«*, In many cu»e* alek. In even eu*e hungry and Uc|ieiidoiil. Ktial of Hie river Mug these people are living In ileva»lnled Imune». »lad* of old stable*, on ronfle»» plat form» built for refugee famille», a platform, in old freight cars, In hole» In tile ground, or under They are weak from ninny month* of nenil-alarvatluii, for they huve gone for live year* with Family 1 "I" ' 1 *N> out one »«piure meal, terror-stricken from the They e »till Their number Is being reduced every day by series of the most terrible epidemic* Hint ever swept uny World. •etlou of the *f. Typhus, eholeru und amullpox are all raging In Hie territory east of the river Mug. No eatliimle of the actual number of those «mitten with typliu» I'olund has yet been compiled, but It probably la greater than In Mlherlu. where lip* American Keil l 'ross found llNI.ISSI (uses. Idrt and malnutrition ure the two great causes nf the epidemic of dla All through I'olund mu y be found children of eight or ten year* old larger Hiuii youngsters half their ordinarily ure Two out nf Hirin' Infanta do nut survive tlielr first year life. The average child In the ter rllor) euil of Hie Hug river has never tasted milk, even mother** milk Amer ican Hed ('man Investigators say Hull an abnormal number of children are born blind, because of Hie malnutrition of their mother« STRIKERS PREDICT COLLAPSE Both Side* -Prepare to ''Oig In" In the Steel Controversy. Pittsburg As Hie steel »trike enter* upon Ii » third week the union work ^ I era prepare, I to "dig lu" fur a siege, w bile »leid i'Oliipaiiie« arranged to make aaotlver attempt to »tart iq planta. A large number of men ■werial nilvertlnemeufa the cuuipuny have put forth lu efTort to get men back to »tart up ... the works ! i ,n, that huve been *u»|ictidcd »luce Hie Strike begun. Secretary William /., Foster of the national «trike committee »Hid he wa* coullileui that the com pan les would fall and that Hie rank* of the i»ed men would hold firm iirgnn CARDINAL MERCIER MMÈk f *-#*f d os V i w ■> - <Mf Cardinal Mtr-Cior, primal* of Bel B'om. photographed just after h* land od at New York. ■ Ms has com# to thank th* A-noricana for thoir aid to Bolglqm General Jadwtn Safe Mi • g Milter Gen of the A ■M-1 • on mi -«ion • u» re(Hirte*l Hie Hot \\ M»l||| 1*100 gar Jad in southern Kuiuda. »ho ki have been executed by ahevtkl. la well »ml on bl* according io a dispatch received tierv way home. Indiana Troop# to Quoit R.ot*. Iudlan»|i»h* l*. G rernor James Goodrich on Saturday ordered eleven eumpanle* of state mllltlu tv* Fast ! Chlragv and Gary, where rioting ; bruk«» cnit Saturday «• a n»ult at tt»*» ■trike of steel worker*. I 01 Conflicting Thoughts Np] EU» 'll N& m : f WHl h\ f ! s,\ \ Y AY' v r ■ I (WTHtß. WHfRf paes dadw keep M $M Pdiish f I r . ■V » V- !*}: I Xv Sow A V i o pm ' (Nth , Vv \ Wt f/i J Ü • "T - FRENCH CHAMBER TREATT SEVENTY.THREE ABSTAIN FROM VOTING AND FIFTYTHRCE VOTED AGAINST. ' 1 Second of Great Powers to Approve the Versailles Peace, Great Britain Having Already Ratified the Treaty. - Carl*. The i-humher of deputies on j Oetolier 'J ratified the German peace I treaty by j etity.three member* vole of :i73 to ÄS Il t>Mt II IlK-ll Sev from voting. Tlie eliainber Hielt look up the treat ies between France and the United Slates mid France ami Great llrltaln. The FrancieAinerlcan and KranCte ere ununltiioiisly Mrltl*li ratified A lolal of 501 vote« was eust for llie two treaties. ItiiHfleaHon of Hie German pence treaty by the French chamber of dep uties by the decisive vote of 373 to •'»'I may be considered us assuring the approval of the Versailles peace by the second of tlie great |M»vvers which lias voted upon It. Hreut Hrituln Inis alrendy by act of I rent les parliament ratified Hie treat.,« and the formal announcement of rutlflciiilon Is only awaiting the reitdpt of advlc that Australia, the last of Great llrltaln'* dominion* to uet upon It, lias registered Its approval. The approval of three of the great I si wer*. In addlHoii to that of Ger many, Is needed to put Hie treaty Into effect. There aeetus llkel.v to he a halt In Hie process of making the treaty ef fective, however, for aside front Great Hrituln and France, none of Ihe |»iw •r» whose assent would furnish the uecesaary third ratification appear likely of supplying ll *| Japan, It has been Indicated, will »all American action before passing ' " ,M '" ">• **<" »iihitlon of the Itnlluu parllumeut. It *eeuia probable, will tiefer Italian rat ifit'ulimi until Doc ember at least. willy. A notable feature of the vote hy the French chamber »a* the majority of :tiu for ratification. The opiMisl tioD lo various clauses of Hie ilncii eut which »as voiced In the lairlhv metitary debate largely melted away » lien tin* time for a vote arrived and Premier Clemenceau scored (tie big gest imilorlty of Ills career. Gryssr Spouts 300 Fest High. Illlo, T. I A party i)f five promi nent men returned here with a report of the finding of Hie Mnuiiu I.on lava «trenn I, hlcli now I* flowing iiudlmlu l«ln«l thirty miles to Hie «eu. The men • |»irt.* 4 that the, gut within a mile of the fissure on Mailini Liai slope. erupHolt. inatetl that the geyser of lava I« ;k»< feel high and :*»! feet In dlam Vitai I They e feel above the llfill et er. Teacher* Voto to Form Union. I ten vet High «. hiVel teacher* here Ve' voted b form a labor union and initiate »Mb the A merleau Federation of There are 335 leaf hers In Following the t'ortv tw o - feuetier* iHtiver high nwellug l-hinvl. al*oit »•PR. signed au application for «X iy M *'III Alaska Mm# Promoter« Pinchad. Kwlernl K. SdtiUt kl'lHUN HH • *« ») k| » 4 * r ^ «r \c \<wk IMH.-tmeoita t the TJrau» ln*f Hi Ala«! flv. tile OV»*|i ! Frbla: • liargrng thi ling ill invoIVlBg SO« 1 •<*• Bethlehem Operative* Called Out. I for i»rgtiii at » me,-ttng here S.itRrvl„y orvibr«! - "* ,h ** " f 'k* Itetbleheul Steel eompany, to heourne effective Monday umntlng . I uatlooal committee lag iron and *l«.*<l workers Return of Wireless Advocated Washington. Chairman Green the house merchaut marine eiwnmlttee. introduced a resolution Saturday dl reeling the immediate return to ibetr owner» of antvi#»«« station^ now trolled by the navy, of coo FÄLL AMENDMENTS MEET WITH DEFEAT TREATY ADVOCATES ELATED AT QUICK DECISIVE ACTION OF SENATE Thirty au Changea Submitted by New Mexico Senator Swept And* by Majority of F rom Hi to 28. of Fort;#five Proposed . Washington. The senate on October - *wi-pt aside fu qtiiek' succeksfon tlilr-o tj'-«lx of thV' fqrfv-tive iiiiiendments Whleh hull'been written Into the doeiF "'eut by the foreign 'relation» commit*' tee. i . Thi' • -mailest majority ■ recorded against any of Hie committee ftrojsv ils was 15, and the largest was 2K; All of Hie noetidfheuts considered hail been tnlroducCd hy Senator Fait, Re publican, New Mexico, und ' Were rte ' signed tn curtail American participa Moo In Kitropean settlements result ing from the war. lif rfi# nine amendment* yet to tic aided on, six relate to the Shantung section, two propose lo eipnillze vot ing Imwer in llie ' league "of nation», and one would llhllt American repre sentation on rhe reparations com I i'll*» ■ion. In the absence nf definite agree ment fur disposition-*of tliese propo sals, senuje lender*- thought that debate might run on for several before another rolleall Is taken. Throughout Hin' voting rhe torn erait presented a st.lfd friMl against" the amendments, -except for Sèmttnf* Gor* of,Okliihiuini and Thomas of t'nln radix .Seventeen HepbldfeartK* on Other hand, IJned up against .Hie committee pro|NiMvl to he .•onsbl'ered,'. und most of them »leod M'ltlt l>einocrats on all succeeding rnlbaU*. Muny of them annisini'iMl rhoy \Vere reservat Ion» which they »elleved would, cover, tb« same.ground without dangering the treaty. . WILL BRING BODIES HOME. American Soldiers Burled Outside France to be Returned to U. S. Washington.- Rodle* of «II Ameri can soldier* Internst in ttermatiy. IM eiiiin. Italy. Great Krltaln. 'Luxemburg' and northern lta**la »III'he returm»! to the I'uttivt Stoics a»- Mvisi n< iii* ossary tnin«|>ortatiea can he arranged. CHARLES JASPER GLIDDEN [Zl ,Y f -'-N'' 'Jk ; *< .V g <81 M *f l»-,H.|tWst I mm A*' aik! > /. ' 9. mill Charles Jasper Ol.dtfen, Rnaivclhr. automobilst. domiT of th* Dfvdden rrt>r phy for automobile •touring o«d th* Glidden efbeten-» teephy for a.-r:»» touring, -h.v* eecorved. h>* kiKjvaro* from th* avlatiow. corps of th» Ho wm cornea,sstqyv cd Prat beirtcnant. June 12* II1J, arg captain February n*v. t*. 1*1 El I Russ bfaideht Taking Poison. Lan» Cheiuisf shop* at Arrhim^ P WR «t». "I, veiling po'«,m ' tw many ' young »•«-_ *!»•>»«• haying with the -*prvsW lBtwnthi»l of kilting them selves rathqr than faH into-the Ih'.n.fs of the U rfgho v ikl. - •* ' ? Senate Approve« Banking Bill. i Washington. -The senate has (mtm-.L efl the house bill inereaslng tbo amount national hank* vwiii cti.i on bill» wf lading »•»! slglit ilrnGs from ■ 10 to JT. tier cent of aad surplus .a.- .- . . RAIL STRIKE BROUGHT TO CLOSE AS A RESULT OF COMPROMISE. Men Agree to Return to Work Pend ing Negotiationa of the Wage Statue Under Guarantee of Settlement by October 31. London.—A truce «a.» negotiated on Sunday in Hie gréaient industrial struggle in the history of Hrituln »hen Premier Lloyd George and Andrew Monur Ina», for the government, reach •••I a comproiiilse »Ith the railway men'* iinluii and the intermediary reprexentutive* at a conference it No. Io Ikiwiiiiig street. The men agreed to return to work forthwith, pending negotiation* of the »tut« Mat Hr- under the guarantee that there «'HI Jlie a settlement by October 31. and conditionally upon the govern mi-nt'k guitritnti-e that there «iU lie up. rgdu.eliou III wage* before Septem ber 30, l'eu. {Ile jneu received llie additional iKUnrantee from the government that uo railway worker* are to receive h— I ban. ai»iiil Sl'J .'iti weekly instead oT about SH-in paid before llie «ur. IÇ* long us llie COM of living is not le— limn 110 lief cent above llie pre-war I i level. /rjii* agja-eiiienl staves off tlie great , cpt jaidu»trial i^-IkI.s tin- Hritish nation lia* ever known—tlie worst crisis of j i^ny time,, except war, in the past cen- | tury. ■**" ' . 'l lie goverpnient has yielded to Hie I strikers' Itisjstencc hy guaranteeing to Kj.'U' tip »a. - llie run men yielded by returning to 1 , , -, • i, 1 in , ML^bii 'l.r I.f'o " U, '''' S . • iv 1 " • I Hi i n bigoi: a lo IS 1s ou y .ostponed until tin . ml | .f th!* month, but the Mltunlion I-sm h hnf ! Is^ believed an agreement I« likely by That time. In which case the | controversy frill he delayed a whole.,, j lioih sides were mobilizing Hie en- ! tlre nation for the bitterest trades union struggle known to thl* Kngllsh l speaking race*. All Mritisli union | Imd prepared to meet Tuesday to de j ilare a general strike and the govern- J ment was marshalling a citizens' army | und all civic authorities at the same time holding hack of these the armed rim days strength of the country. WILSÖN ON WAY TO HEALTH. President's Condition Cause Ervcrouagement. Washington. —The favorable trend af /'resident Wilson's condition contin ue*, and there I* every reason to be lieve, that he Is on the road to re covery.' ' ^.TJn* president wanted to go to work Sunday, iinii. 'this constituted another ejic<uiraging' signs. Lie asked Admiral tiriiysuh wh't the news of the day vvus, then rfsjuesteil |>erml*sion to send for ' twô of the White House steno graphers tor he might start in eatehlng dp Ri ht» work. Mut the doctor re minded him that it was Sunday, and ii,. , .. . the president aeipneseed in the doc ___ ... , , j tor s request that he remain quiet. < „ I . . the prashlent* uppi'tlte I» .rev j dig and he steeps better that, fm -ome , Mme. which causes Ins physicians to ex,s-#s* Hopes for an earlv recover, *° Such ai li the. first Hie fur en , NEGROES PLANNED UPRISING. Confession of Captured Black Indi • cates Widespread Plot. * Iteleha,' Ark.—Jhtnd* of negroes mnty, of whleh this •fty Is the seat of government, had • tanned a Beneral sbiugbter of white ;k«»ple In Hits liacidity on .Monday. ••ordlng to member- of the . enmiittee 1 of seven appointed by civil Ho* wirli the uate-i it in -duitherii I'hlllll ac atithorl j I'mmmceil Sun of •overnor hartes Itrough. vv> «fay that eonfessim, the raptured negro* r made by some of and other thing* [ Hitchcock it Hopeful. -. \\ iisbinglnn. tor llltchroek. i who Is leading the fight for ratitleu Mon of thv* peaiV tout, y( naöona lit llie sen ,;., d.i l.-ired. in a -tatement i*-..ed Ihr.. ugh the W,,-l 1 q- oil bureau of tin- I z'te to for.. (■L'**A'3h that the developments of the ,wrrk in the fsirtleularl.v «ntlsfa >."*• ,b *' *feut y ratifii*! vvltlMOit anvend Lmeat# or reservation*. and league 1 ■ t*'* hjive who ÇÜilaiJeJpl m. 1. - I'Tiaoe toade n bad l-iml. ■thcr anny offT'Vr* «er»* inhin«! Aviator Killed in Plane Cnsh. Fifteen minute* after vj j otnmnroler of lauvgley TIHiL Virginia. I mil i..v killeil In landing at Hie Rn«tt--ton a .»t ion field nenr h S-] • lav g s«vl three Riot Orgacfrer Jailed. , ' jjfttl«, JUx-k. Ark -Headquarter* at I \VJpch'è?ter. Ark. of the secret organ ! of negro.-* held resporndWe fvw thp R ain , y..-e riots, were raided Sa , lhlltiv „„q t>r \ K p onpU ari l(f . i gaKIaàr of the Beglwen. was arrwted l-*-. I - r,,*, |„j ury to Ald President. BrnttoR.—John Murrell, mall dispatrb- ! ^ South Station, risked possible injury when he str'pped the federal <wpr*-s.* tn Wushlngt-iQ to ex|»edite the delivery of a package of medicine for' l President Wilson, For Birthdays — Little thin g a muhe life worth living. ^ »ilver cup for the baby a remem • brance for mother , aie ter or sweet * heart. A gift from our atore ta prized much ia beautiful; laeta long Our reasonable prtcea eaae the way. BOYD PARK MAKERS OF JEWELRY — 1 uur uux cm »0 MAIN SIUII Typewriters j All makes Rented, Repa Write for priées 97.50 ired. Sold, to SIOO. Uuh Office and School Supply 52 W. 2nd South, Salt Laite City. Utah " whole GET KNOWLEDGE OF COUNTRY Japanese School Children Go on Out ing* as Part of Their System of Education. Tn Japan, beyond all other ind*, the orld goes outing. Wherever tlie traveler »anders lie meed* crowd* )C of people on the highways, Frederick Starr »rite*. These people fail Into three well marked classe*. Every»her« one sees school children on excursion. There limy be half a dozen with on# tearlier or tliere may lie hundred* with thoir teachers. They are out to view ,,ie l»nd«cape, to see place* famous In the national history, to visit the t of old legends, to nxnmlne In detail the various processes of art Industries. It Is considered as Important « part of the school curriculum that the children .. . . . ** 1 K lat ,hpy ghou,d know arltw- metlc, grammar or history. The? ar* J ' out tor k" hour, a day, » week, or a «'•««« Period. When I first visited MlyaJIma I met a group of 40 jehool b( „ s . two ,„ 1|( . hnrg who ha(J rendy , HO W( ^ ka on the|r curslon and had seen many interesting thing, on their way to the exprsvltlon Fukuoka. In the southern Island*. The night before they had been trav ellujf until after midnight and n..» they had before them a Journey »hieb would keep them up until the earlr hour* of the morning; although they were so tired that they could hardly »Und they were full of enthusiastic anticipation for the experiences that lay ahead. The Japaneae are very eene» should see things and become acquaint ed with nature, with national history and with practical source* of wearth I wise In making these excursions an j Important feature of their school «>•* tem. , .. „ . The dally life of the Serbian I* *n bl ,, . .... j to be full of superstition. He is su < . .. . . perstltlou* about the manner In which j b , riKP , , be mon)1 wh „ , flr8t m ^ ts hu slgllt . b * w he , Dd WR8t|ps #nd wbom what food he eats and the rime and manner of serving throughout the en tire day. whether the whether dogs bark much, if frogs croak or the wind blows. Again, spe cial notice Is taken of the kind of rain that falls, thunder, how stars shine. IT the moon has a halo. If It shiney through a cloud, etc., etc. FOR S AI. K—We have in this vi cinity a high-grade piano, also latest *° model player-piano, used but in per fect condition, practically new. which we nil! sell at an attractive figure ami on practically their own terms, to responsible parties, rather than ship bock Write today to Consolidated Music Co.. 13 to 111 Kust First South f Sf„ Suit Lake City, Utah. SEES SIGNS IN EVERYTHING Average Serbian Superat tious to a Degree That to Weaternera Seema Almost Incomprehensible. Attention Is also paid to cocks crow in time. 1 for disease and death, The "Evil Eye" la alone accountable Tlie Serh-.m believes that for eaeh malady that j flesh I* heir to God has given a rein believe» that for each pain there Is a heeling herb. He believe*. 4 [ ,n witches—beautlfut young maiden* who emne forth from the dew and are nourished In a uiysterioti* inminta n. They meet In the branches of tree* and ar# mo»t dangerous at supper Tn Argentina a common household 1 g*,, „ , ma „ , rni0(lm(> co nhlrh I* only about 15 Inehe* ! Armadillo as a Pet. 1 ors - r>ei tor Rergner say* that when it roll* Itself Into a hall Its unarmnred leg* .If*-, appear Into the shell and «h» head oftvves It «ecurely. The animal cannot straighten out' Its body. It ha* a singular 'ripping gait upon the ftp« of i wo which the claws are longer -bin the ■ '»her*. Children play with it I 'tig It ahont like a hall Y :i v rotl -• It run <>n a hoard In order to enjoy p* j fvtnny gall. ll i* quit# harmless, tame, ami eats out of the children'« hand».-— Scientific American or ; *•»» y.r* Ch.neoe Wheelbarrows. o»i>ra freight and m-yro P» ssenger* ,re transported in Ch.nn ^ * h * *»>«"L>«tTow than hy any otte r •»«* method. The wheelbarrow here fWon that aaed hy -is. in th ' f**t »hat the »heel t s «. t h # «enter, and thus *upi».rt* praerIcntir «»p «»tire hmd. whi e tbe h An « »*»npopted in by n strap rr r,-|,e °" r ahouider* of the man » ho r T' r »te* It. As « revelr. th» vh—-I l ' ,mw «iHiiie in China »ill tr* -poet nearly a half tou uo hi« vehicle. J I