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1 RAIL ACM SAYS CALAMITY FACES THE >4 AT ION IF CONGRESS DELAYS LEGISLATION. Advices Colleague* That He Has Good Reason to Believe President Will Return Roads to Owners Even Without Solon'a Action. VV nsblngt.-n Senator Cummin* <>f Iowa, chairman of the aenule lut«« alale eooitneree eoimutltee, told (he aenato on Monday be hail good leaaon to believe the preatdenl Intended to tarry out the I brant be made last 1 *»- readier tu return Ibe rr.troada to Ibe nailers on January I, Iti'ju, regardle of wbelber congre .* had by Hint lime IHikMsI adequate railroad legislation Mach an action by Hie president. Senator • II III III Ins declared, would f • eu'll In "a b 11 * 111 la I <al.istr.pb- lie dec'.areit the alt ns lion he pr«*i MM *eil within a abort time to naive to sidetrack Ibe peace treaty In the bo|M- of gelling (be rallfond bill «-■■acted at Ibe present session of con S** - meaning that "I have good rmv-m to Ih-IIi-v* that Uu- president ba* not change»! Ida pur pose tu return th« railroads on Janu ary I," «aid Meiiator Cutniullcs. "Nor Would anyone criticise the president With much neverlly, breanse We It »•■<1 ample opportunity to prepare pro railroad legislation. Mill It wilt bring a eHiumlly front which we can •wraps If the roads are returned Ithont adequate legislation. You will It la •fore this pet It-- w a financial catastrophe. MF bound en du-. Willi to pass •»-'»ton end* the leglalatton we think I* .. > to III«* union." JARSIOOt SWEPT BY FIRE. Early Morning Blase Destroys Portion of Nevada Camp, Falla, Twtn Ma bo lle|Hirla »ere received here Monday of Ibe dextrin tie* by fir* of practically the entire business dial lift of Jarhldge, Nev. The fire t» remitted to hava originated In the Slice«-»» bar at 3 o'clock Monday Fifteen l.u»ln««» house« and >td to have been dt» •frayed, the loss being estimated at Bhout FMliXSI ; morning rastdcnci Most tif the place» destroyed were former •Mm», now operating na raft establish tuent* All were of franit drink and p<«d and morning heu»es • .»•ei met ion Cbddran Help In Mercy Werk. Washington - How faithfully Amerl school children did their hit IA Ml w lnn itg the war I» re» cm list in want tin- final a<. until log of the war cou» pM of ibe American lied l'r< •ho»s that during the twenty months end'ng February % tael, member* ol the Junior Red Cnm pnatuced 15, w hieb ognl-1 oglh for alt gward .. .1 wr I'-v.s. .a,I »{«Ml «trvtiirih U «hown 77J.IIT3I relief a value of IKU33.MÖ. a tenth of the total Red t'raas cb posluctlon of these nea-essRIes leie« to an aggregate This wna over 4M National Guard Plan* Lagging. Washington Only '.it per cent of the total authorised strength of *»<• national guard lui» been roleed. accord tng to reports to the war detairtnient fram Mill* extended federal luted The lew of the national lowed hy the co Hon sir« for the am» the pr™. ■c old« M Put* Ben an Rip* Olive* A» n rvsit at (*nnl««n. i ddu. re at IhtraR. Ike »tale dab « dill f»ve> fl» I** ai lihi hm% ug ng the Hearing #1 Wet Petition Pesti ened Chh-wgn The ti n pet flint linn pond Th«t|rl AUtmpi (• Tr« Wh* t autln»« IT \r- . ■I ti -k l«*l Ii n fleet ipsi latÿKe Navy \C, , Tokio - Mi y In a ta» vied « lg Ibe ravt» sett mg «II» t* Io I Ik» uIrmit« It P «I Westo ijr it* showing Honer War Heroes Part» Notwlllurtaudlng the snnsr uod reM weather, report* reaching Pari* fram the pra» tare» *ay lange crowd* attended the ewrenuuile« held Katuistoy to boo or those who die»! on the balllefletd. Pro-war Rat* Bill Adopted. Washington.—The ronferanee report on the bill roat«,<rtng the pre-war rafo nmklug power* of the Interstate com m err«- commission was adopted by the senate Tb« nu-aeure now goes to the president. ! DIRECT ACTION MAI Ei COAL STRIKE INJUNCTIONS WILL BE SO'vdHT AGAINST STRIKE LEATLHS IN BITUMINOUS GEGIONS. Unter upuloue Operator* Who Take Advantaoa of Present Crisis to Rsim Price* are to ba Oaalt Jlth by th* Government. Washington.---The (ovrriiiiienl lias Setnriiilnml upon 'Mlmet action ' to ••ml the coni atrlke Ity carrying lie fight to avert a fuel famine Into the bull vlilual elates affected by the walkout. Injiiioltuiix similar to Unit obtained al lnillana|Milla, reelraInina the nation al representative* ..f the mine workera from stiika aettvtlle* will bo sought by Hie attorney general against bn al leader* and agltalors In Hie blttltnlnuua region* Involved In the strike. Altor ney General l'aimer lias addressed a telegram to all the l olled Slates die trlel attorneys in me country to re port IminedlMief y any action "by two nr more per«*«»" to earry forward the atrlke 'I bese reports will In* made (be Imsla of the new Injunction suits planned by Ibe attorney geueral. Cognizance of unscrupulous opera tors and dealer* who lake the pr.-wul I crlala as an opiatrlnnlly to profiteer la taken In the attorney general's tele gram. They are not to I.,* spared he declare» war price* of coni have been restored and tbe-y are to be rigidly ob served, hie Instruction rend labor doe» not contemplate any gen era I atrlke nor aympathelle »trike be f It» repugnance against the artlon of the federal government In saeklng an Injunction al Indianapolis I Ml I he coal »trike it learned authoritatively Malurday the American Federation of labor cause DRIVgR SHOT IN THE BACK, Pershing's Former Chauffeur Victim of Tragedy In New Mexleo | El Pa««. Tex*. Four men «,.<1 four •.. are being held, charged with murder, at l as t'rucex, jj f„ rty . five ...lie. north of Kl P««o. in cut.»«« tint» with tha ilealh of John T Hutch- ! Inga of Alnita-gordo, N, M . elud and fntalli wounded nhlle pilot ins a.tom. le m the FI Paso I'hoem, cruos country race near Lau Bfh. N. M sixteen mile. we.t of here. Hutching, wax .hot It. the hack, « I bullet pM«trnilng the automobile Mat | and lodging near Ilia base of lil» »plue. , III. motor car w M traveling forty five miles an hour al the Hum. Oliver Lae, Hutching'* mechanician, said he hail heard mix »lad». at ' f ho was • Halloween party, including tw?wo men are .trad as « rywnlt of u crash between a Pennsylvania raitraad train Merrymaker* Killed at Creasing. I'hii.otclphla Fourteen member* of anil a large motor (ruck which w*a bringing tblrly-alx masqueraders fram an evening parly at Hllllngaport, to ttielr home* here. ... . Ashes Thrown on Waters. Avalon. Manta ratatina, fal.-Thc *uhe* of the tale W, V. tkmehm of Y,,,k . .. wvrv UkftiWM on th« waves twelve miles from Avalon. Sunday, by I faptain Ut-orge C. Farnawxirth, bis former boatman, WILLIAM Z. FOSTER j f i E s _ . § f i Ï I r k " t 0 v 3 William X Poeter, secretary in name *«d Reid marshal in tact *f th* Heel strike F ester Me born in T «unton. Mm. of tnglteh. IMoh and Scotch Stood H* ha* written much on trad* unioniem. polilical economy. pr***nl day eenditien* and their remedie*. end *»m(i*r eubject*. Cemmendent Take* Hta Life. Anuapuli*. M»l l.teuteoant Colonel t»anran Elliott, commandant of eailets al Ht John * rtdlege. this city, com mute«: suicide Sonda.» h» htm «elf la the head, lit twwlth for nome Han-. «hooting III- had tws-n la Tramway Men Vets p Strike. I»enver.—Trainman employe«l by the Ivnver Tramway <»>int>auy. at a meet >*>g Sunday, voted to strike as soon a* authority to do so rau be secure»! j trom national union official« la P«trv>l t. Dt Conflicting Thoughts ' A ; f f. ; I* » \ r "T» A \ ». ' u p VI" \ * rtrth er. W I TAKE M At PU 'iïjjlfè TO itHOOL ,A'i. 1 f | • I I | L— ._ I u. |V à IL % COURT ORDERS MEN TO STAY ' ON THE JOB, BUT FAILS TO PREVENT WALKOUT. STRUGGLE IS OR IN SOFT GOAL CENTER 1 Labor Laders Osnounc* Court's Action as Violation of Constitutional Rights and Declare Men are More Determined to Win. j [ Indianapolis. The strike of the bl luminous miners went Into effect Frl day night, October 31. In face of a court order forbidding the strike. An order wax issued hy Federal ./litige A. B. Anderson of the United Stale* district court of liidlutm for bidding the walkout u restraining or tier to atop engineering of the strike *'■' un * 011 lewder*. No "Inst word or •» «>••' member* of the T"'! ""I''. '*« *'™' U ' « »" »»«.r.I or officer» of the organlxa "" ,l •»''*> *"dled grimly when ,hto w " *' rou " ht ,ü Ü te " " '•».« "vlollltlttn of .mu «« »• ' M \\ 0 " lHr i ni ™ wlt " ^ «»« «1.1. prr Jl ' plI, ' ,M " ,ut ** w, * uIU ^ l,l, >«' , F I'reMdeut ..per* of tho American ^•l-rallon of Lahor, «Ith Vice Presl a * nt """ Uorr,g ' * nro ' to Hon. The prlnelpnl lentlerx In the miners' union met th«V courts action with tle I Palmer against the govern ment'* action In suing out the Injunc tion. and predicted '>,at It could "only D''"*" ,n ' "•'« Ul * ,url,ll " { . . " l,U ' h bo e " n t ,u AiloPl»»*! Om*nil 1 *ii 1 in«*r otnpha«ls<Hl j *° **>e labor leader* Huit the govern «"•wf* Injunction was In no wise an In trtngemviit of the working man's right to strike, but that It was a lawful pro c«»s against a calamity to tho country. ,, . . , ........ , , He pointed out Hint the lujuiuilon had flir r>v ,. rlum . nt f)>( . b1| B111 | for . . . ■ acting In rounict with their »hir****« ' ' . „ , " *.*** *•"** "!'* T , rlt L , î! ÜIZ eS'TnllHiMmMtw ra de.Il'wRh'l.H * r H»miw m» tuai wmi in who disregard Its iiumdutes. Untied Miates tr.».ps begun arriving of the mining district* ready to lake part In keeping order and pro se miners who wished to lie at work. The extent and full troop movements were ■at It was apparent that as acting ou a rked-mt plan to be ready • iiutborili ■rve<| by federal deputy ma e uaiquut to Hie .situation. In lectlng t c of (he UM hi HOI Ihi* It flM* IlM-Hl Of ra dulls FAVORS SMALLER PEACE ARMY General Perching Save 300.000 Men Can FIR th* Bill. Wastiington tUxaentlng In main liiiporiunt ras|»-.-ts from Hie program »I by the war department ami the general ntuff. Uenerul P««r«h iug lobt the mllitury commit Iny tliut JUUMi n hy vvduiuurv «>nll»tiuenl. hotiM la- the outside figura ISSOI gre»s F its id erad for n standing army. He fnvorv»! univerMl military rrntn Ing to provide an em«*rg«>t*c> reserve. l * ul «•'. -ught general edacntltuml w..rk t«ry discipline "ooraewhat relaxed. 'be system Would he In romp «tumid !•«• combined with It and mill so I ... harmony with «ton» - ratio In-ntiillon« lle fixed six mouths as the training ported. Silver Coin* Reduced. VleiUs* City A new silver coinage for MexUs» of a p*-so containing twelve grama of «liver to provided fur In a de»-ree slgtnsl Ocf»»ber JS* at QMe tar«» hy l*ra»ideot Carranza, and which will he published hera. Redfield Retire* from Cabinet Vt »«hlugton.—William 0. K»slfield mi Friday retlrad as svs-retary of ctuu merre after serving for six amt a half year* as a iuemt»er of Pres trient WII m>n'a cabinet. He will return to his home in Brooklyn. TO PACT REJECTED LAST OF FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE PROPOSALS DIS POSED OF BY SENATE. Fortyeix Proposed Amendments Hav ing Been Disposed of, Final Action Upon Pact May Be Had in Near Future. Washington.- The forty »lx amend ments attached to the peace treaty passed Into history on October L*l>. when the last survivor, a proposal hy Senator Moses, Republican, New Hampshire, to revise the voting strength In the league of nations, was defeated In the Semite, 17 to 30. The senate then U|iaet two more proposed textual changes brought In hy Individual senators. One, present ed by Senator Sherman, Kepuhllcan, Illinois, ami proposing to wrlje Into the treaty preamble a reference to tile deity, was laid on the table hy u vote of 57 to »7. fite other, sponsored by Senator Jo'usHin, Republican, Califor nia, ns a new solution for voting in equality In the league, was killed, 43 to 35. Before odjournment, however, the proposal to hasten final action hud been brought up against an obstacle which seemed likely to prevent fur ther progress for several day*. A determined group of senator* will a ouch a fight to eliminate the labor Motion, opening n debate which will last, leaders expect, for a week. The buttle i* expected to be the more spir ited because It I* regarded as holding out whatever hope remains of writing any amendments Into the treaty. Nine Republican* Joined the Demo crats In overthrowing tho .Moses amendment, which provided that none of the British dominions shou'd vote In any league controversy dlrectiy af fecting any one of them. Three Dem ocrats voted with the Republican* sup porting It. - wil „ M Suceumh . Wrt. EMa Whecfer Wilcox Succumbs •* En fl , a nd Home, Sew Haven, t'otin.—Mrs. Ella \\ li**>I ' « " lU-o*. nu.tmr am» ,s»iess. died at ' ,w ' w »«« ^, n m f or mxdc iiioiuIih, IuivImjz hml h nervous collapse while engaged In war „.„.t Kngland. | | FAMOUS WRITER CALLED. DR, HARRY A. GARFIELD T» i V / 1 M ■ H « " Ÿ o' hat been Or. Harry A. Garfield, who recalled to hi* poeition at fuel admm ietrator, in th* government'* fight againet the coat «trike. Witness Held fbr Conspiracy. (Tilcttgo.—On a charge of "consplr lag to violate postal law»." I*anl W. Hyde *>f I'hlcago. a wlfne«« in the I"au Motor trial, was held to a grand Jury by Federal Judge lumdla. The bond« were fixed at »tikOOa Horn Guilty of Dynamiting. Fra«lcricton. N. B.—Warner Horn was found guilty on the charge that he dynamite«! the Canadian end of the international bridge al St. Croix. N. IV, February ", UM?» The Jury was out «Mily thirteen minutes. WHOLESALE BUTCHERY OF A HELPLESS PEOPLE CHARGED BY VISITOR TO AMERICA. Declares That Armenians Are at the Mercy of Turks and Tartars, Who Murder Men and Carry off Women to Slavery. .NVw York. I'pon Ida arrival here, Minin Scvalxy. representative in the I nited Srat. s of the Armenian nation al delegation, asserted that "the be trayal of Armenia constitutes the most cowardly act In the initials of history." "The condition in Armenia continues to be precarious." he said. "The Ar men lano are »tili at the mercy of the Turks and Tartars without any effec tive protection from the allied powers, except It be In southern Armenia, bor dering the Mediterranean, where there are French anil British troops. Turkey Is taking advantage of the present rivalry of the powers us she has been doing for the lust one hun dred years, to give the finishing touch to her policy of Armenian Christian extermination. England does not want to act, hy reason, It seems, of her In dian policy. "There are already In this country representatives of the Armenian re- ) public of the trans-Caucasus, and the plenipotentiary of the Armenian na tional delegation of Paris, who have corne to state their case to the govern- ! ment of the United State* and to con- j gress. their presence among us | become a symbol of arousing the pub lic to a truer sense of Its duties toward this deserving nation which has a ) claim upon American, and which the latter truly acknowledges. "I would like to add one word. There are about two hundred thousand Ar menian girls ami women sequestered by the Turks and other barbarians, and not u single Turk has us yet been hanged for the wholesale butcheries of these Innocent and defenseless Armen ians, whereas German officers are be ing haled before military tribunals in France for having violated the laws 0 f r I j j Government Working for Mediation Washington. The government Is ; hopeful of bringing the bituminous coal strike to a speedy termination and the miners' leaders to accept Presl- i dent Wilson's proposal for the appoint- [ nient of a commission to settle the I ; STILL HOPE FOR SETTLEMENT. and Expects Early Agreement. Is aiding negotiation* which may lead dispute between the miners and opera tor*. president of the In such a consummation the govern ment Is declared to have the co-opera tion of Samuel (Jumpers, president of the American Federation of Labor, and Warren S, Stone. Brotherhood of Railroad Engineers. Dying Motorman Saves Passenger*. Kdgewater, N. J.—A dying motor man's last act was to apply the brakes to his car lest It coast down a prccl pilotis Incline on the Hudson Palisades Thrown amt kill thirty passengers, from their nits by Hie sudden stop ping of the car. the passengers found the motorman, Alexander Kabb, dead from heart The cur bail stopped on the edge of the precipice. Reeerve of Veterans Advocated. Washington.—A volunteer force of officers and men who served in the j great war. so organized as to preserve | war-time designations of units, proposed to the military committees | of congress on Saturday hy General j Pershing ns the Imsls fo~ a penimm-nt ; I e to be maintained In future by j universal servie«. la Prohibition Causing Radicalism? New York.— Prohibition is largely responsible for the "alarming increase" j «>f radicalism in the United States, iic «»■nling to a statement by the Asaoclu tlon to National Prohibition. This charge. It was asserted. Is founded on an "lnv«>sHgaHon of conditions in eleven w«-stern states." Yudenitch Army Still Advancing. Helsingfors The latest r.t»irts fram the army of General Yndeniteh d«s-h«ra that he is steadily advancing on the entire front before Petrograd and the ootittk his right flank twing fully prat«H-t«»l as the rasnlt of the progress made by the BMImIum '' j Would B«n Near Beer. Newark. N. J.—The Liquor l nseociatto« has vntnl to ask to discontinue the manufa<-«nra of "m*nr luvr,'' declaring It "an oufrag to ask <1e<'cut |»H»ple to drink it" -r> hrev Military Control »n Wyoming. Ckfjfnar. Brigadier (•encrai Lett- i A. lYmra. couWHOKter of Fort ; D. A. Russell. Saturday i»su«sl a l >r *"^ lama I km assuming "military ismtrcd j of the state of Wyoming because of «»* o«*" 1 miners' «trike. tlon lu honor of Ute «nqnsrvir s htrth 1 Bomb Explosion in Japanese Capital. T«>kl«.—A bomb was exploded »>ut aide the foreign office here Hatnrdny 1 N«> fatalities resulted tram the explo J slon. which coincide») with a célébra day. INFLUENZA^ starts with a Cold I Kill tho Cold. At the firat H ILL'S sneeze take CASÇARA^QUININE Standard cold remedy for 20 year* a —in tablet form— «aie, «are, o# opiate#—breaks up a cold in 20 hour»-— relieve» gr p in 3 day» Money back if it fail». The k genuine box has a Red ^top with Mr. HiU'a m f picture. At All Drug Sturm» j ^ B-l I \/lLv I I LL Bbale New». W« make a specialty of foil [ , , ..... . Dynamiting bile out of your syte tem with calomel and other sickening purgatives Is all wrong. Salts, Oil, am) Cathartic Waters act by flooding the bowels with the digestive juices which are vital to the stomach. Cascaretc are different. They act an a tonic te the bowel muscles, which Is the only sensible way to relieve a bilious at tack, a sour, acid stomach, or consti pated bowels. There Is no griping or Inconvenience. You naturally return to regularity and cheerfulness. Cas car, 'ts cost very little and they work y° u sleep. Adv. Bend for sample copy Uinta Basin Oil aoO y port of dlscorerle« in oil »hale and mineral» I» tho Uinta, B*atu. the irr** tent undeveloped o« b*alu in the world* Si .00 per jear for New». Uinta Oil tod Shale News, Carter, Wy» Fish Made Newfoundland Famous. Newfoundland Is the place where cod IWer oil comes from and transat lantic planes go from. But, In the re cent excitement over transocean flights, the cod liver oil and the codtish that furnish It have been nearly forgotten by most of us. Newfoundland has the greatest cod fisheries In the world. The annual catch Is estimated at 2,500,0(1)) quintals —a quintal being one-twentieth of a ton. * One-half of -tills catch Is exported, and Its value I« about $6,000,000. Most of the cod Is dried before It Is ex ported. Nearly all people In Newfoundland live by working for some branch of the codfish business. — Popular great Science Monthly. BIFF! Stop jolting Liver tnd Bowel» with violent drugs, but take "Cascarets. p > Overshadowed. I An Indirect plea for the dignified I but plain pulpit setting of former years comes from the London Nation, which tells ahont a worthy Scotsman who was n member of n great church. AF ; though the building was Imposingly op j nnmented and the atmosphere revereo ! tla), he did not enjoy the services. "But." asked a friend, "what do yo* I 1 find to dislike In the service?" I | 'The pastor Is fine mon, but he cries *<x> freely when he preaches. Too SCO «mental, ye ken." "And maybe ye wodna be sentiraenF al." the friend retorted, "when ye got up In sae fine a place with sae little ye could say." 'Til tell ye, the Scotsman replied. STRENGTHENS KIDNEYS— PURIFIES BLOOD You can't expert weak kidneys to filter the acids and poisons out of your system unless they vre given a little help Don't allow them ts become d iseas e« when a little attention now will vent it. Don't try to cheat nature. As soon as you commence to hsv« hackaehes, feel nervous ge l tired. GET BUSY. These are usual y warning* that your kidneys are n it working properly. I)o not delay a minute. Go after the cause of your ailments or you mny Ër.4 yourself ia the grip of an incurable dis ease. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil cap aim's will give almost immediate relief from kidney troubles. GOLD MED AL Haarlem Oil Capsules will de the work. They are the pure original Haarb-m Oil Capsules imported direct frt>m the laboratories in Haarlem. Hol land. Ask your druggist for GOLD MEDAL and accept no suhstitutea. Look for the nanie GOLD MEDAL oa every box. Three sixes, sealed package». Money refunded if they do not quickly help you —Adv pre 7^ V *■/> Outside Help. "Personally. 1 don't believe grocer* ev«-r put sand In their sugar. ' "They don't have to around here." answered old Mr. Puttcrby. "What with autytnoblies an' one thing an' another xtppin' thraugh Chiggersvtlle from sunup to dark, all a groceryroan'* got to do to to leave the cover off hi* sugar barret an' let It accumulate."— Birmingham Age-Herald. "t fafant^or Adult. At ad A German ItalianlztHl to a devil la carnate,—Turkish Spy. N«wer «wap autos with a bird «tie chrats himself at solitaire. Cyua. U they Tire, Itch, Smart or .Burn, if Sofa I rritated. Inflamed or Granulated, use Maria» often. Sooth—. Itefreahea Safe fcr Write kw «MS FM^Rtak Ca,