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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
One-Third off on all Our MILLINERY • ••• • •• • BIG SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM LET US SHOW YOU OUR LINE WILLIAMS Ä EGGLESTON Nail door to Modern I »rug Miop Walter & Shearer, AUCTIONEERS Where We Lead Others Follow" Filer, Idaho ■m* ' Announcement #• • • •• We wish to announce to the people ot Hier and community that we have taken over the business of the Peoples Market. We have had many years experience in the butcher business ami shall endeavor to jjivo our patrons the same satisfaction you have had in the past. We respectfully solicit your patronage. Fowler & Ackerly, P r °ps* * ❖❖❖ * * * * * * *** ************ •: A 2 •I* 1 here are many little tricks em ployed by uood meat buyers in judging quality, and we are per fectly willing to share these secrets. W« buy only Iho boot, but wo wont you to know right at tho time of your purchooo that you 2 * 2 : t X X k X >ro gottlng whot you wont. Lot Uo Show You o Fow Slmplo Too to. TRY THIS MARKET 2 The Filer Neat Market. ? : ; - + + 4 + Î. : 'Ms, »:* : : y 2 r $ ?. 2 2 2 » t \ ^ \ ^ WE HAVE HONEY ON HAND t 1° help tide VOU over anv temporsrilv embarrass- ^ mg period Our facilities tust now in this respect ^ are unusiullv good. You will find our charge reason- A 1 Y Y 1 able when compared with the service rendered. SAFETY SERVICE SILENCE 2 2 FARMERS' AND MERCHANTS BANK 2 nui uuo II H üciiillman. President W A HIICAK A O MADLANI*. Caaliler Vice- Free NsoWfi r*4ml I mm SyOto Naroa Itéras Roosevelt program was held on October 31 »nd Hft.v cents was raised fur the memorial fund. The Six dollars I he first regular written ex amination was held October 30 31. Examination« will be held every two months. School is being effected by the fall moving, have entered this week >cveral new pupils The boy. and girl, basket trail ti-ams have purchased a new Spauh ding ball. Any grade schools having learns tire invited to cor respond with tt II. Me A lee con-! earning games. T. J. Sharp and family are preparing to move to Misa .uri. A. Junes will Curry this week L. move near F. W. Dalton had a aale Tuea day and is moving Articles concerning the Mnron wi.iners in the farm bureau club work, and the organisation of the district as a community center will be found on the front page. Ladies Aid The Ladies Aid society of the M. K. Church will hol I their regular monthly meeting We ines day, November 12. the afternoon will be Mesdames Mayes, Childs and Hchildman, fSec.v, Mrs. M. J. Goode Hostesses for The M. K ladies announces that $I7W.55 was cleared on the supper. Thanksgiving November 27 In his proclamation setting. Thursday November 27 as Thanks giving Day, Governor D. W. Davis recommends that the people; of the state, giving up their j ordinary occupations for that day, assembled in their several plate of worship and in their homes and ( render thanks to God fur the blessings which have been vouch saved them. ' j . 0 sais. 1 he cultivation of a spirit of genuine gratitude gives that I bleaa.nga which have come to us. j and faithfully meet the sacred | duties which they impose. | Edison Recital : : T ? Filer seldom has the opportunity of hearing two opera stars singing right here in our midst to the accompaniment of the Edison . I eerie«* orchestra, but many local people enjoyed the privilege lust week. I. The Edison recital held at the M. K. Church Saturday thru the efforts of F. E. evening Drake. proprietor of Filer's Exclusive Furniture House, was a distinct success, and afforded .a unique evening's entertainment to a large and appreciative audience of music lovere. The art of Mme. Oddelte lot hontenay. a soprano of rare charm, possessing a voice of ex 1 ... .. , ceptional quality, was equalled only by the re creation of this «elf «III* voice, made possible by Mr. Edison's phonograph with a soul. The artist sang in unison with the "re creations" made at the Edison labratones. At tunes «hen she w.m'd dose her lips, or when the room was darkened her hearer* could hardly beleive *he ^d 'eased singing, so natural were the tones emanating f the Edison instrument. Chartes Young, a young violinist proved equally as interesting wuh his violin. ' 1MD Mr Entertain Bickeiors Mr and Mn». Enrl Murray rnlorUinoxl for several lonely i bachelors at their home east of towu, Sunday. ,eluded, Earl Ora and Fred Mun-{ yon, and Edwin Johnson. The gue»ts in-, Ffotice to Odd Fellows To the membeis of Filer Lodge No. 125. I. O. Ü. Fr You arc hereby notified that the regular annual election of l ru( , lee « of the Filer Lodge No. 125. I O. O. F. will be held at Filer, Idaho, at 7 o'clock P. M Nov. lit, 1010. All proxies must be in the to 7 o'clock Secretary uu or before P. M Nov. 19. 1919. F,ler L °^ 6 l44 * 1 ° ° F By L. D, Allen, Secy. Frank Blanchard was in Twin Fulls several days the first of the week closing up his business affairs before leaving with his family fur California, where they will spend the winter. Mr». K A. Itafam returned Tue*d»y from * mix week»* vlmt with her par ent». Mr. and Mr» K W Crump, of Ceckham. Colo. E. A Mann has disposed of his | fine residence property on tb< j east side of Vakima evenue to | Karl Murray, O. L. Dudley lust week purchas ed fiom D. K, Abel, the property the property known as the "Mur ray farm' miles southeast of Filer. three and one-half Reward— A ill pay liberal re ward for return of new overcoat * < ' st l * ,e American legion dance. Filer, Oct. 31. Henry E. Isun mers, Publisher. Filer Record. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Wilson Tuesday. Col. E. O. Walter went to Caldwell Inst week where be con ducted a registered Poluud-China bug sale fur A. L. Wilson and son. A 9 month old animal top ped the sale at $400, and the first leM * le " c * averR 9 0( l 4 *'22. For Sale—40 acres, close in, all in cultivation, fair house and outbuildings, deep well, ftmily orchard, fenced and crossed fenc ed. Bargain, terms. Inquire this office, $300 |>er acre; Why rent, get you a home. 80 acres of good land only 7 miles from Wendell. 1-4 of a mile from school, improved farms on three L*., 20 acres cleared, only $»5 #n >cr8 with paid up water, $1500 wj „ , win „ jt) eRsy term , oa ^ balance B. M. Price. Wendell, PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS j l I . I * Honesty is a food thin* heraus« • 1 * W Uuursa a better chance of sue- • « • ARTHUR E. ANDERSON * cess In today's business. " . Insurance That Insures Insurance of All Kinds • nuBJt, IDAHO • * FILER AUTO COMPANY • * J. 0 RIECHERS. Prop. • * Dealers in Ford Can • and Automobile Supplies * ASHER n. WILSON LAWYER Practice 1« All Courts. Pint National Back tiuildiss otic« Phon« 11 « K««ui«n<« SM« TWIN PAU-S. IDAHO | Dr. L W. Hawkins, Osteopathic Physician orner nouas « u < 1... 1 u «. -, 1. ,, n#M 94 'Lxvi* HulMinf riLI K II* V • F 0 ANDERSON BUcksmithin^, Horseshoeing, Plow Work * FILER. IDAHO Taxidermist. I am ready to take care of your needs in all kinds of taxidermy Idaho—Jake Schlund, tarerdimist. work. Write or see me at Filer. 8S4f. ♦> I Bring Us 2 2 t: — 2 : 2 : ♦> l : «> : V : t : your seed wheat to clean. Don't wait until spring. 2 r t V ❖ ♦ ♦ A : : ♦> v : u V : : : t The Filer EleOato V ♦: r «7 T i i PHJNE 38 ♦> *1* *1* »*♦ *Z******* *•* *** *♦*****♦**♦**♦' *■« Beat the Rent Bill Every day rent climbs higher and the problem of renting becomes more diffi cult. There is but one real solution to this problem—build a home and be your own landlord. We have a wide knowl edge of the building game and will be glad to advise you as to location, plans, materials, finishings, furnishments, costs, equipments, architects, contractors, etc. Nibley-CKannel Lumber Co J. M. PENNY, Mgr. Phone 15 Filer. Ida. l Filer Hotel Jast opened under manage ment of MRS. M. MEYER Dining Room Service. Special Sunday Dinners Give us a call One block north of Filer Hardware 1 NOW IS THE TIME TO CONSIDER -"THE HOME INSIDE" A last ng al'-yenr-round indoor pleasure tan be acquired by the addition of A Sun Parlor ^1 Will Biing Sunny Southern California Climate Into Any Home in Idaho •h'* fresh, alluring Springtime Climate cat) lie had all the year around, right here at ti A LITTLE LUMBER AND A FEW WINDOWS WILL DO IT ome No improvement« you can m ike will be nearer ami dearer during the h ng winter days Sun Porch. than a I on will find it a place of corof.»r f , contentment It is the most practical, convenient and helpful addition you can make. During the summer months you Jean substitute S» leenad tt ind iws for Glass and bring the all-out do n into your home. and harmony. You tan make it an all year-round . uting without discomfort«, I he wonderful improvements in the outer arch itectural lines, the added comfort inside and the small cost will surprise y». u. Boise Payette Lumber Co FILER. IDAHO