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WOMAN'S NERVES MADE STRONG By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Winona, Minn. — " I suffered for morn than a year from nervousness, and was so bad 1 could not rest at night— would lie awake and get so nervous I would have to get and" d ibe k nSSng tired would be all Lydia E.'pafkham's Vegetable Ccm pound and thought 1 would try iL My nervousness soon / - *N ♦ left Bio. I sleep well and feel fine in the morning and «ble to do my work. I igladly recom mend Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound to make weak nerves strong."—Mrs. Albert Sultze, 603 Olmstead St. Winona Minn. How often do we beer the expression among women, "1 am so nervous, 1 can not sleep," or "it teems as though 1 should fly." Such women should profit ty Mrs. Sultze's experience and givs this famous root and herb remedy. *ydia E. Pink ban. a Vegetable Coil pound, a trial. For forty years It has been overcom Ing such serious conditions as displace ments. inflammation, ulceration, trrogf ulantiea, periodic pains, backache, di» wem!; '^" rVOU8 J" ! women, and is now considered the nUuy dard remedy for such ailments. I ■ Not Warrm Enough to Ignite. "What ha>»e you there?" asked a curious frient. . "A package of old love letters," re plied the host. "Going to burn them?" "Yes. When I wrote these missives, they were -eo fervent I had an idea they might'be ignited by spontaneous combust lor, hut I think Til haw to use a match, after alL"—Howrtoa Post. SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS Totere » only one medicine that aeally Stands outi pre-eminent as a rnodicme for curable aiki.ents of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Race stands highest far the reason that il baa proven te be just the remedy needed in thourond* thousands of dietnessing cases. upon ffcramp-Itaot makes friends tela itexcild and immediate elïeot ü aeon It is a gentle. cause realized in most cases, healing vegetable compound. Start ■treatment at once. ■drug stones in bottles of two sizes, um and large. However, if you wish firs! to test 'this «rcat preparation send ten edit s rtc Kiluisr dt Co., Binghamton, N. V-, tor «ample kettle. When writing be am* and mention rthi* paper.—Adv. Fold .ai Its Sort. "Here are the hoys I» (he pantry eqnattblieg over the remuent of pi.." "Ah ' e regular piece «suifepeiioer' The li»;,t way to wear out a proaoh 4s to'keep your face up and your back down—atiJ buck the game hard. No woman ever awakens lier lus hand fron, his afternoon nap to -sli* him her dressmaker's bill. Gentry sont to market wlfl *«rt tm. one bushei of corn. . GOD ALONE KNOWS WHAT SHE SUFFERED! Gskicndci;, Wash.:—"I wish to teD in *ny -»wn about Dr Pr-roe'a mcdi SS^JS^Lrf ^ taÆk^th 1 vomiting. Nothing wouki stay on my stomach set all, not water*aa^Gad if Y V^J alone knu»* wbat I suffered, at'd along in June or July my j kidnevs bothered __. „. , J 15 - *? 1^ L^d tÄS hot had fc> go wty three cbiVhvj. wire omaU thm Fum'ly I got Dr . P*A Gaiden Mriioal Uscovery and took two bottlw an 4 fooay I have no stomach whatever ^-benev^ I M Ud I goandgrt the Fktet Pelleta or auctie of Dr. Fiera s roed, -mes and it always helps me 80«."-M«3. G. M. I'kffküä, 2o{^, 3. "Afker suffixing pa*.', feeling nervoua, dizzy, weak and drag»*! down by weak Besses of myew—my wees sunken, black eirejee and pale checke- -I was restored to health by the Favorite Prescription at Dr. Pierae.'' fiu write many women. Changed too ia looks, fa- after taking Dr. Pier*» j Faaurite Pm script ion the akin hecomo. clem; the eytebrighter, the *£Ä P eeB M in tablete' or liquid. It'a a womaa's b«R temi>enu,ce tonic, made from wid routa. general ■ mM "CURED OF EAD - MOOD. RfOMACH, UDNET AND NERV4GS TR0U»L£5'' Seattle, Wash.:—"I «-»s in a run-down condition. Had bad stomach trouble, kidney trouble and suffered from nervous»«». I took three bottles of Dr. Pierer'a Golden Merited Discovery and a few butties of D» Pierce » Favorite Prescription *s»d waa oncapietelv cured and have never beat tick a day since."—MitB. Mart Hs min b. «7 27th Are, __ FRECKLES glTSSSäSs Baby Coughs no mi, tmrmml «Hh * jtt nedy tbaC I ) WÊ0 ■ 9 W I til ! ! j TO DEVELOP SWINE INDUSTRY 'J ' U ~ of Goc * Purebred Breedln B Stock I I i < Préparée By the United States Depart ir.ent of Agriculture.) Will Always Make Improvement In Quality. A better development ot the swine industry can be brought about by fol lowieg Ihe suggestions given below: ■„ nunlitv and uni. , ' I 0 \ nt . " q 7 fortuity through the use of good, puro hrp '' 1 breeding stock, especially sires, Encouragement of swine shows and exhibits, swine judging, pig-club work, community breeding and similar activi _, of feeder and stocker hogs redistributed from tnar ket centers for additional feeding. Effective supervision of the manofac ture and distribution In Interstate oom merce of antl-hog-cholera seruas and linn to insure the purity and potency . . , ^ those products. Immunization of valuable swtne, es peclally breeding stock, against hog : .- i Good Type of Brood Sow With H«r Family. cholera. Immunization of market hogs nt an age depeiidla.g on local condi tions ; also the Imiaunlzatlor. of swim Introduced Into a herd where all the animals have been vaccinated. Suppression of tuberculosis In hogs by eradicating that disease from cattle which the bogs follow, and also from dairy cows whose milk Is fed to hogs ns skim mltk, whey, or In other form. Control of Internal mid external parasites oo bogs through use of san itary pracaarioos, suitable disinfect ants, ami general cure. Sanitary bowsing mid careful stud ies of feeding far the purpose of mak ing gains conducive to producing pork nt a low net erest. Improved methods of slaughtering hogs and curing for home use. Research lo anima! genetics as a basis for practical breeding. Farrowing of fall pigs In northern states not later than October 3. Raising tv* litters *f pigs a year from matured sows in wont heim states, and also In non hern states under fa vorable condition* off care und hous ing. a Continuons feeding *wd breeding ex periments, accompanied by prompt an nouncement and publication af note worthy result*. ^ Compilation of atnltsMcs an* meat Inspection data g»«vsrn!ng tramber, weight, dress cl perceacage, ami other useful Information regarding park pro ! du '-"" n and PROVIDE WATER FOR HORSES j _ k 0 "! 0 ' ^ Ti ?~ " *°" Too Often tor Hard-Working Farm Animal«. | *' 1 " freely requires a large amount of . Wa,vr ' A l,.skVpo„n.. animal doing 77! m ^ f dl7 i Ôn ' a * If twice a dav is often enough ta water in cool weather when the anl mnI * * rP ldlp , p^p, fnur w fi .. I t(m „ a rta „ no; foo of!e „ fi , r hand . , . ' __, .. ' , or I " u,p ■ •"* ■Still thb- Is largely s iiinffer of liab R *o long as work is regular, fere. little whether watering Is done j befere or afer feeqing so long as the be teflltl ha*a* if. It Is not likely that he wtl take loo much, hut If he la <Je prtvedqf It for too long a period he ^ more than Is goc! for him. j >v,v«ye»v.v»yv.v.v.v«v.v»v >f..< 1 ll/C CT (\ru lUHTCC S ! LlVt OlUOn niUlCO ^ R_ _ _ fi •A. hard-working horse or mule inreqt It nut If an animal gels water as often a* ♦ ♦ V Better negluot the rteo'a feed and water than hi* exercise. The mule has aiany points to com mend him as a farm wort animal. a Soon after beginning to eat colt* ad 11 want water and a little aal L la titer feed. a • • When foaling, the mare should hove a box stall or pasture lot where ah» can be oil to herself. No man ever succeeds In botidlng up a great herd of cattle without good Dtttoret. wUhont rich grass lands. MDDYSEVEHNOF FAIRY TALC l in é/\fory ûrahajri Bonner LITTLE RED LIZARDS. ; things." "It's very funny," said the Utile red I lizard to bis companion as they both ! crawled along a walk which led from : a house to the street, "but people really don't know how to appreciate "I know what you mean." said the second little red lizard whose name was Lizzie. The Brat little red llaard was named Lionel, which his mother bad thought was a very beautiful name. "Yes, I know what yon mena." Lizzie said again. "And what Is more, I agree with yviu. People don't know how to appreciate things. Now here there Is a nice cool day. tl's not too cool. It's not such a »lay as there will be after a time. "In fart. It Is rather *n unusual au turns day, or fall day. or whatever you want To call It." "Pm not partlculivr whether It Is called an autumn day or a fall day," said Lionel. "So continue." "And," continued Lizzie, "It Is a rainy day. That Is liest of all. The streets are wet, the grass Is wet. there ts a dellckms dampness everywhere." "Yea," said Lionel, "and people never ■apeak of There being a delicious damp ness over everything. There again they are so foolish. They don't think dampness Is delicious. We fully ap preciate-a day like this, when we cun crawl rtlnng and when everything Is nlee end wet. We don't care for other days like we do for these days," "Life Is very fanny," said Unit. "Life and people both. Now when I say that 1 mean life Is funny I mean that there are so many amusing thing* happening all the time. •'For Instance, while I was sitting on this walk or rather sprawling on this walk I heard the people talking on the porch. Not only dM they talk against the dampness met groniliTe be cause It wn* raining but they toWsnCh curious stories." "Will you tell them to mT* said Lionel. "Part of the time we wore on the walk In front of the house 1 was I 'i, mi - 4» È 0 :! öS»? I -> i« i i? I* Of **\ Agree With You." thinking of a talk I hml had only tin* Other «lay when tt was rulny with Leopold Lizard." "Yes," said Lizzie. "Well, of conrso they were talking about the weather to begin with and a« a matter of fact they spoke alxyut it every once In awhile ail the time ami they ended off talking about It. too. j "One of them saw me and sjsike of how funny It was w»- came «im ami seemed to enjoy such days. "Rut they told auch ourlons srorlc«. One of tliem told h«w a child had dreamed of hats and had wakene.1 op | n the middle ..f the night -quite frigid 80 many people who think every one : ened by her dream. Just Imagine bow foollsli flint wns. Gra.-kins, there nn : must be Just ns they arc. I' hc-ird that bnls were harmful. I "And the child was esjwvtelly fright partli-ulnrly cross I.«.king." " A, " , ,0 ' d ,lH ' 7' T ' ,l ' :e, ' n • s,e mwr - " ian «■» 0, ?' r animals in pniisirtlon I« tjwir size. meaning that considering tbeir size ... -*Tn.-i. 'hev talked of hutterfliea wte. n ^ ] K „ut th. ir wings when ' fh# v , un , r!wl a[ld ,. f th . j ,b '* y m ' 1 *' wl,h * ,1 ' 1 1 ,lw ' p 1 They ^k» of caten.lll»n. who ' r,,ukl *'*** 0tt,lr h ^ d * " n "«• '- r ~ and make a»»«»/!« when they were re«t- j Ing or swlngiag and they thought that j was very queer "But to roe the queer thing I* that the people should talk about such i things. Why shouldn't bullerflle* have their way of talking Just a. peo pie have? ^ | "No muon at all why they should not." said Lionel. "Well." said Llzzl l. 'Tm glad we'r» ened because she sa Id one «if the bats scolded tier In la-r dnum awd that the hat was a middle-aged hat «vbo waa "How absurd." said Lionet. J They « td It j «Utes of that same size. "That Isn't so funny. or «omething very curious. To uie It j I* more curious that they should ttdnk | tt *e queer, because I think [»«siple do a g«»«! deal of eating themselves and thw *'* n,,f ln the v1 ' theta to talk alK.ut the way other ere*twrea eat ! 1 I 1 I I j pose everyone think* other wsy. from ( l( their own are queer. For here I an. j , talking about people being queer I*- j rause they think other creature* are j gueer. And Pm doing the same thin# fo la ay tboughu. tool"_ Ire, sensible and not queer, though I sup , tmOYe SCOUTS (Conducted by National Council ot the Boy Scout* ot America.) EVER ON "BAD INDIAN" HUNT? The boys of Jamestown, N. Y„ were In camp this season on Chautauqua lake, at Sylvan park, and It was de termined to hold an Indian hunt. The camp director was appointed the "Bud Indian," who. with four other* had made a successful raid on the camp. On an appointed morning he and his four followers started out at ten o'clock to hide somewhere In the vt clulty. They were to be given three hours' headway. At one o'clock five scouting parties, each headed by a Brat class Seoul, started out from camp to bring In the "Bad Indian" and his followers. One of the conditions of the huai was that these Indians should And a place to camp, and must build a Brv and keep It burning until six o'clock In the evening, unless they were soon er found by a scouting party. The fleeing "Redskins" located a camp site and masked It on three sides one of the conditions being that It should be open on the fourth In plain view of all who might happen to pass that way. Then they cut the wood for the day's requirement—not long sticks, hut alsiut eight Inches In length; and a regular Indian fire was built. Another condition of the hunt was that the Indians should not leave the place which they selected us their camp. Twit must stay there until stx lu the afternoon. During the day one scouting party passed within 29 feet of ihe "Rad In dian" camp, and on the open side of their fire, but so Intent wore they on •what was In front of them and so clev erly was the camp laid out that they did not see the "Indians." ALL SCOUTS KNOW THE KNOTS. V j P» 'MM ,1 M Jr When He Can Put the Right Hitch " ftj ci rtr yy*P " V Æ < t-Æ té J* .' «g on Anything He it Preparing for HI* Future at a Grown-Up. i SCOUTS HAVE A MODEL CAMP. Glen Bverman, commenting on the big scont encampment nt Cloudcroft, Tex., said some fine things about thi scouts who attended fhla reraarkahle I celling up time ns well ns regular eat i Ing und drilling hour*. Th«*r«* «««»»'! "Wp had a mH form golng-to-h«*d and "" had Jews, t'nthollc. and Prate« apis. The son of a millionaire *„d the . . . . . . _ . . ..... ,, ' r _ r " \' n ,T,*Zâ îheTmv ^ w^«t^ LÏ, New Tort, has not given a defin i» the New Tort Telegraph a* to wheth irr ^ WfmU makf . pob , u . , ptM . ar . sura m the abbreviated knlckerhock ftn lt ^ rlDg y. fba pr1n ^ ,, f w „,„ bar4( , n4U , ,, w< , which he Mid; "I wish again to con n *-• njcl» - fight during Ihe entire erica tup . and every lad behaved himself like a man. We had boys from Texas, j New Mexico. Arizono. t'alifornla and Maine. camping party tipped the scale* at 299 (Kiunds. «hile many of the youths weighed between (59 and HO t>oun<ls. "The entire encampment was. I be ||p VP f f,,. most sticre^sful "ver he!<* In the Southwest." IRVIN COBB A SCOUT OFFICIAL So far a* can tie ascertained, Irvin era which form so distinctive • part of every boy scoot » attire. WHAT THE SCOUTS OO. fcittulale the Veteran*' Cadet band and the boy scouts on their splendid psrade." When the scout* of Bristol, P».. . irri ^ that fha town was to have -welcome Home" parade In honor they apeedlly . ftad lbrtr „^^g p|. n » and saw |{ , hat tbey wera on ^ y* -when boy. cam« home." ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Namo "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin—say Bayer I pm I ' Insist on "B'syer Tablet* of Aspirin" In a "Bayer package." containing prop er directions for Headache, Cold*. Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Uheu | mat ism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin taxes of 11! tablets cost few cents. Aspirin Is trade | mark of Bayer Manufactura of Mono acetlcacldester of Sallcyllcacld.—Adv. j Youth Is Wise. I A Republican Judge Imd Just lacked ; h very heavy Bne oo a small offender, I Of course he suspended the Hue. hut the high school hoy* who hud been [ present at the trial of liieir companion ( did not pay an? attention to that They i were deploring the whole affair, and the fact that one of their number hud Im-cii convicted, when the ten-year-old brother of one of them »-poke up: "What could you ex peel ?" he said scornfully. "Don't yon fellows remem ber how John marched In the Demo cratic parade T" YOUR COLD IS EASED AFTER THE FIRST DOSE "Papa's Cold Compound" th*n breaks up a cold In a few hours Relief comes Instantly. A dose taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends alt the grippe misery. Tlie very first dose clogged up nostrils and the air pass ages in Ihe head, stops nose running, relieves the headache, dullness, fever Ishnesa, sneezing, soreness and »Uff ness. t»i»t*ns your Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Clear your congested head! Nothing else In the world gives such prompt relief us 'Tape'* Cold Compound," which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It act* with out assistance, taste* nice, contain* no quinine—Insist upon Pape's !—Adv. Still Looking. "And so you are not married yet?" asked a girl's friend. "No," was the reply, "Engaged ?" i ''No." "What's the nmtt<T?" "Well, papa says my husband must I«* a keen and experienced man, of ' good health and good habits; mamma says he must he frugal, industrious and attentive; and I say he must be handsome, dashing, talented and rich. We are still looking for him." C.'onnty- «a, ° h *°* 1 JC " I' rill *h J Cheney makes oath that he I* seal.»» pj.rtnar uf the (Irin ot I-' J Cheney /V Co. don.« bualnraa in Ihe City ot To led.. Cunrny and Male atoreaald. and that • aid mm will iv«y Die au„, of ONK IIUN tail-LAKS for any . ua.* of I'uiarrh I ha. cannot be cured by the ua« of ii Al.l.'S CAT A It It 11 MK.IilCINU. r HANK J CHENKY. Sworn to before in« «ml subaertbsd In • rOre,mb.r. (Scan A W. fjlenaon. Notary Public. HAM/b ' ATAItUH MEldCINK Is tak. f" lPL*'V.' , 1 lly . ""J 1 "irooKh the Blood OH till .NÎ tji Ml i« Hill flit tl f»f the K> * W. J - ' 5rCo Totodo^OHIO F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. 1 J Mo. Some men woul»l rather go to jail than hustle for n living, 1 j CASTOR« » ■ ?SeKontrntfl^PIuiin>r«chn ■ , • i ✓ 7 * 4 lC For Infant« and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Boars tho Signature CASTORS : - h i va- r . •a in* ftUJILUW I ALCOHOL-3 PCH CEKT. I AVe^clabHr paratioslifAi similntii»4Uicrood byBr^uU tint! the Swnuukt and 11-»^ * i* IS fiS 1 i|i ! LU rîîrWÎ Tliorrbj- IVomohni Ditfoti* I»«'* I ü Qwetful nctiand licttCoeU» Opium. Morphin« n« Not Nah« otîc j rri |. j nciOu-r tv J ' Mineral \lh A H of : - j y uU/tcXlffLUftHMK & Ma iromm afs 4àe AhelprulBrnedyfrf ïîÆü Constipation and burr hot* wSfluj and fcvrrishnr'* and * I LossorSLEEB resutlin i Os-rrfrnt* tel In Mr* Smd Use r For Over Thirty Years fat-Stei* h jgy i I«g Cnwaca Cttte** NEW YORK CASTMIA ÏE Rod Copy of Wrapper. Refused Insurance Mr. Dunning Left Service in Bad Shape, But Doan's Soon Corrected His Trouble. Geo. Dunning, ex Chief RuaUwmia Mate of tli<? S. Navy, 470 Medford St,, Somerville, Max., aaya: "Kvory bit of trouble 1 Buffered from my kid ney* vu a reault of exnoaure at im. 1 waa retired practically an invalid. § My kidney« became more irregular all the time and aome mglita 1 »a« forved to get up every half hour. The kidney aecretiuna burned like tire and were tilled with brick duat-like •ediment. My joint* •welled and were mliamcd. 1 couldn't bend over to lace m to be I 1 ahoea and bad 1 1 p e d up and Klght after lay retirement down, from service I tried to get insured, but wat turned down beraurr of kidney trouble. 1 beg*n taking Doom's A id neg 1'iltt and wed aiiteiti lioxea. By that time every aign of kidney trouble left me and my back was like iron; not an ache or pain left. I tried for insurance again and waa declared a good n«k. I give Dotin'i Ki'lney Pi lit credit for nutting mein perfect health." äuhscrtbed and sworn lo before r.f OEOROE L. DOHERTY. Salary Rub He. Cat Doaa'i at Aar Star*. 80c a Baa HIDNtT PILLS FOSTER MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. DOAN'S BELCHING Caused by Acid-Stomach I Tar» L«( «ATONIC, *h« iiumtrh r*m«dy. giv- , ! from dtaffuai In# l»#hhiiig. ; tiullf••tlon. bloated. |aNy •«»mach, dyspep sia. heart Lain and other itomarh mleerie» They ere ell cauaed by Arial hiumorh from which about »ln« people out of le» aulfer ln »ne way or enothrr. On* writ lo wb lie fore I u»«d r. ATONIC. I could not • at a bite without belching It right up, eu ur and bitter. 1 her« nut had » bit o( trouble alnre Ihe flnt tablet.** At illlona without knowing It. They ere week **4 • King have poor dlgeetlun. t»>dlaa unprop • rij nourlebea ellhoucb Ikw may eat heert II y Ureve disorder« ere likely to follow If an ecld elomech le neglected. t'|rrh<»eia of Ihe liver, tnteetlnei rongeetlnn. geetrltUw Mttrrl .r ibe i> 11 mm er» tall • few of the meny alimenta often cauaed by Ar Id -Ht unter h. A aufferve from Catarrh of the ttomecll of II yeere' etendlng writes "I hed ceterrk uf the etomerh for 11 long yeere end I never found anythin* lo do lief until I used end 1 do to wonderful you quick relief food-repeat In*. a« fol victim« of any aooa—j XAToNIC it temporar j iVÄ* tV'leXu'TiVTrMSLUlS matoCTo a be without U.'* If you art »ot f«elln* quite right- lack u<b b»u»r you will f«*l la Hill aee huw • very w»jr. A( «II «trug «tore« - a big bm for Ur MM Four money bark If you nr« not •• liehest FATONIC fcP(FOR YÔ0R AmvBTOMACK)' j Whij Bald So Young Rub Dandruff and Itching with Culicura Ointment I ) Si .Skwpa* With Cal »cars gL-M'.s es*. r»~» V !2) DON'T CUT OUT A SfaOC Boll, Ca DWfl .. . -! MOCK OT HllPSltlS WI DU1 0IUB j FOR . - I I . , «duc« them and leave no blemUhcw ' Dora bo. bl». trr or , rrmor * *isif. ««d horw eta b« •otkto. >2 $0abolll«delivered. AtlSOKItlNF.. JR.. So auaU*4, tk. lalmml ♦<># kdU hfutse« totrs l«(ln*«t Vinr«m Vite Allay, ra. JStateSL!'T ***" yiM, of yrij.f.r. w ill oil yu. A BSOPBINE , '»Afl htt« «((y a V Ml nb<luiaM#« an«. II yva wnu. W.F.TOUkO.P O.F., 110 W.ll.Sprtn««.ia Maaa. W. N. U.. Salt Lake City, No. 4S-1S1t.