'■sissm > Closing Out Sale Having quit farming, I wil! sell at pub^c auction to the highest bidder at my farm 2 miles west and three miles south of Filer 4 ■ ■ ' Thursday, November 13 % Horses and Mules A Machinery - I Sorrel mare. 7 yrs. old, wt. 1500 Sorrel mare, II yrs. old, wt. 1500 Buy mare, 2 yrs. old, wt. 1100 «Suildle horse and saddle Colt six months old One span mules, wt 2 8 00 Black mule, »i yrs. old « .'J 1-4 Mandl wagon with box 3 1-4 Bain wagon with box 9,ft Deerinji binder Jenkins hay stacker T»vt> budcTtikes* 5-fl Deoring Moline'Bi-in. two way plow 12-in. walking plow Steel corrugator Disc (It) discs) with tontine truck Four row Monitor cultivator 12-Hole "rain, ill ill 22-fl. leyeler Three section harrow Two seated hack Blacksmith out (it Set work IntVness Farm truck wagon and rack GRANT SIX AI D) model 1917 • I A 'V.' rake c ' 3 Head Cattle I Jersey cow will freshen in Jan. Jersey cow giving - gal. of milk 2 Vr. oi l heifer, with 2 mo. caif i Sheep 6 Grade sheep $10 ami under, cash, over $lt), time until Oct. 1, J920, at 10 per cant, 5 per cent off for cash on sums over $10 Frce.LnrcTi at 11:00, Sale Immediately After TEEMS. JOHN RASTER, Owner GUY H. SHEARER, Cl. rk WALTER & SHEARER, Auctioneers _ m&mttæws www™ mmwvjsme ■ i i: a I 3 Having sold my fann and as 1 am leaving the country, I offer lor sale at my place 1 1-2 mi. north anti 1 mile we it of Filer on '( Friday, November 7th Cattle € Hogs and Horses "A ii 24 Sows, some with pig» by side spring gilts ' 5 Spring Boar» 20 Barrow», wt 1 Black Imp. IVrclieron Stallion, SHOW» Span of Gray marcs, 7 and 8 yrs. old, wt. 3200 Grey Filly, 3 vrs. old, wt. 1300 Bay (»elding, 5 vrs. old, wt. 1450 2 vi old B.i.v Filly, wt. 1 2 'h) P« lly Homestcn.l Doede, No. 338933, 1 yrs. old Josephine Doede, N«>. 29(1215. r> yrs. Pearl Svlve-l-r Part neiiea 2nd, No. 337.535, age 4 vr», 1 Heifer. 9 mo old, eligible to ri g. Hc>d Bull. Linke Buffalo Mercedes No. '251430, age 19 months 9 Month» old Dull, eligible to register Holstein grade cow. 3 yrs. old Black cow, tl yrs. old Black roan cm/. <1 yrs. old Red Heifer, 2 vrs. old, ju.-l fresh 3 Heifers, coming 2 yrs. .old 1 Heifer, 8 months old 3 Black bull calve». All cows have passed the Ü. S. gov ernment tuberculin test. > old 11»-». * ft Machinery (1 ft. McCormick Binder, good shape i Heavy Davenport wagon I Sludehaker wagon Lowdown Clover Leaf Manure Spreader lb tl McCortni« k mower 1 McCormick Hay rake IC-tnch 2 way John Deere plow 3-s< ction Harrow 1 McCormick spring D oth harrow. 1 Iron age potato planter Emerson i4-di»C drill I Porkupine Renovator Mohne I row Beet cultivator Steel corragalor 1 loeveler 1 Silo suitable for granary 1 Disc 1 Sip »cmper 1 Bi icusmith outfit 5 D< .7. Chickens Mi-«/!lu: 'ons articles tr»o numerous to mention. > $ Household Goods ■ 1 Monarch Range, good as new 1 Sellers kitchen Cabinet, new Big Refrigerator, new 2 Extension tables. 10 Dining chairs 2 Bedsteads, 3 mattresses 3 Springs 1 Davenport rouch, 1 Heater 1 Dresser, new Homo Cream Separator Electric 'Vadiing Mae hi lift Electric Iron 1 Vacuum washing mach ne 5 D >a. gin«» jar» .ked ufer.'ils. iris In mo I \ r % Big Stone jars. Di"he.s, r $l0 and under, cash, erei $10, time until OcL 1, 1920. at 10 per cent. 5 per cent off »or cash on sums over $ 10 TSKPIS: Free Lunch ai il:00, Sale Immediately After James N. Nelson, Owner i ■ S *5 GUY H. SHÇARER. Clerk WALTER &. SHEARER, Auctioneers mm —— l\ THE 1HSTHUT HM'RT Of the Fourth Judicial District of the Stute of Idaho, in and for Twin Fall» County. Alla- Su in Bio n it »' Sigglns. Auditor, as Tnis-ie* for Twin Kails County. Statu of Iduho. Plaintiff. va. Charles Suniniers, John E Har ruvton and Cephas D Welch. Defendants. The stau* of Idaho sends Oreeting to t harte» Summers. John E j ringtoa and Cephas 1) Welch, the. above named defendants: You are hereby notified that a com : plaint baa been filed against you il. :lie District Court of the Fourth Jn : diciul District of the Slate of Idaho j ui und tor Twin Falls County, by Hi« above named plaintiff, and you are hereby directed to appear and answer aid complaint wiUun twenty days 01 .he service of (his summons, if within said Judicial District, am within forty days If served else allere; and you are further uotifiei I liai unless you so appear and answer raid complaint wilhtn the time hereu specified, the plaintiff will take Judd meut against you as prayed in sain omplalnt. The nature of the cause of actiot illeged against you In said complain ,s lhat the County of Twin Stale of Idaho lias a lieu against tin Southeast (Juarter of Hie South wer Hu n ter (SK 1 , SW *, 1 Nineteen U«) Township Eleven (111 1 South, of Range Twenty (20l E VI., Twin Falls County. Idaho, jihe delimjuenl laxe» of Hie year IHln^ Hie sum of $3 82 with Interest s liar erve». Fall of Seel loi I fol a twelve per eent per annum, from Jan nary 8. 1817; dud that the plaintif) in behalf of said Twin hall County, is demanding for »aid (mounts, plus 125 00 attorney's fie Hid cost of bull, Including $1.00 dr Cursed for abstract of Hile, and (liai i decree be entered ordering the sab I of Hie premises herein described foi I lie purpose of sstlstylng the amount ; of Hie Judgment so obtained Witness my hand and seal of / aid District Court this 22nd day of Octo ber. 1919 i (SEAL) C. C. SIOOINS, Clerk FRANK L STEPHAN, Attorney for Plaintiff, Residing ai Twin Falls. Idaho. l\ THE lUHTHIIT ( til KT Of Hie Fourth Judicial District of the Slate of Idaho, in ami (or Twin Fulls County. • Allas Hum limns c C. Siggtn». Auditor, a» Trustee RIIIIIIHIHIIIilllllllHIIIIIIIIIIillllHIHHHIliliiiillllllllH.IHIHIIIIIllllltllllllllllllllllMmillllllllinillllllllllllllllllillllllllilltin f I rt ■ S K* « : t "Gee! But that'» good codec." Î: * V. Wk C ai n£ : Ç : t'. I m .V r— '7 » - t I For Breakfast I I : Good coffee and g t*. ? * » : When You V S K Cut the Can ] 4 I ' K>.,ÿ) 'Z g CorreC li I r A VACUUM PACKED ■ r « li I _ __ wuumiiiiinrai!niti::i:i:r:nii::r r uiRiRr :::r:r'tmirgr'm'v *rrn:a^ianramHiniiffmmiininft* I for Twin Fulls County. State» of Idaho Plaintiff, ■ V Josephine Muorei.chcr, Deiendant. The Sluie of Idaho'sends Greeting* o Josephine -Muorseher, the above lamed defendant. You a:*» li«*r "*> «Miifu tl ibat a e l .mil 1ms * Hied uc.ii. i yon il Ihu H drift i ni I of the Fourth lad trial District ot the Stale of Ida lo, in and tor Twin Kulls County, hy lie above named plaintiff, unit mswer ml euinpluini within twenty you and re heteby din led to appear lays of Hie service of Hus iiiuuums 1 served within .-.aid Judicial Dis riel, uud within forty days If served ■ 1 st*where; and you aie further noti-1 l 24 wiih interest at twelve «er cent per annum, from January 8 flu !H 7 lor the delinquent taxes ot the < iu iMiT. in the um oi $7,42 w uh i.leifhi at twelve per cent per an ...... from January H, Itl*. ami Mr he delluquenl luxe» tor the year litis h (he sum ot $8 76 wiih Inioreat at per annum from Juu vvelve |ier cen nary 13. 191» And plaintiff lout a' itn against Lot Four ill or Mention «ineiuen 1 1 » * Township Eleven (lllj "Hill, of Range Seventeen (17) B. It M . Twin Falls County. Idaho, tor ho delinquent luxes u( Hie year I'JHi. it tliq suin of $3 4M. with Inlereat at 12 per cent per annum from January I y 17: lor Hie delinquent luxes of he year 1917. In Hie sum of $2 «7, with Inleresl Ml 12 per cent per an 'inm Iruni Jangary 14. 1919. and fur be delinquent luxes of the year l«Di. ii the Hum of $3 4U with intermit nl 2 per cent per unnum from January 3. 1818. and Hint Hie plaintiff In lui! I of said Twin Falls ('mini y Is said for IvtnaudiUK imounls, plus $25(111 allorney'a fees ml com k oi mill, including fl on di» iiiru'd for abslrm l of tide and dial judgminl I decree he entered ordering the sale d (ho premise» herein doacrlbod for he purpose of satisfying the amount ol the Judgment so obtained Witness my hand amt seal of said —*• District Court thl» 23rd day of Octo tior 131«. I SEAL) 'A C« C. SI0QIN3, Clerk. FRANK L. STEPHAN, Attorney for Plaintiff, Residing at Twin Falls. Idaho. -o , , ArdllStlCC Dfi V A UOlldSV * ' Tlit> American Legion bus suggested (hat Novemlxsr 11 bo set a|Ntrt as a holiday in honor of the signing of tbArmistice, a year ngo. W. Davis says he is g lad to comply I | In a proclamation, Governor 1 ». with this suggestion and re<|ue«l. and has designated Tuesday Nov - ember 11, 1919 as Armistice day I and has firoclaimed it "a holiday t |,ruoul the state to be observed by the people in a spirit of thank 1 fulness and joy and prayer that Divine Providence may continue I victol 1 C», to guide our nation to right?« us "As the story of the LibertV Bell brings to each generation df American* tcelinga of gralitu.lo, pride mid joy, no will history give to futuie generations the »tory of t| , e S|| j uf tbe Hralillt ice . HI November 11, 1918. That out burst of joy ua recorded thruoul . i that the laud may never he repeated, but us long as time shall last every American on the anniversary of triumphant day will pay grateful, 'joyful tribute to the Great World War. Your Roll Call Button is your distinguished service cross. To he a Red Cross member costs you less than 2 cent* a week. I Thirty thousand soldiers are still in hospitals. Don't forget them—.JOIN. This is everybody's Red Cross— that means YOU. If you believe in making child ren happy join the Red Cross, ■