Newspaper Page Text
Wendell Proposes Bridge Across RiOer North Filer Will GiVe Filer Direct Road to North Side by Way of Clarke's Grade--Small Expendi ture InVolOed m A Hu it, bridge to span Snake river two am one half miles weit of Clark nrade twelve miles north«' I of Filer is Iv-e proposed by tin- Wendell ColtiU iat club, and t. "ling in Itresi . Hie <V,mmeretal etuli of the north aide town in considering the fra: tilily of a drive to secure the opening of the i-iad south of that town lead lug to tlie proposed bridge and grade. Vpyt a mile cut-off between Filer and Wehi I il, v.ould he elieeted and lb- site of the proposed bridge is on Ui ret t i "iih amt south line ». Ii Wi n It is estimated deit .iinl Gooding. that a ,ix per <ent grade can he built on the north side of the eaiiyuu ai an appie . i in. lie io»! of » 2 .. 1 OO. .-ml the Niagara Springs Orchard company, if which I preaeutativc Jam» II Mays of Sah- Luke is owner, »ill guarantee nearly half or this num if tile order in secured to build the bridge. The Wendell Irrigaiionisl say«;: It i- thought the bridge should be built hy the two counties Join! i>, and uould not cost to exceed eight thousand dollars, as this is probably the narrowest point on the liver, the exact length brhlgi required being 140 feet. J lie : rude is already built on lie fcouili ide. and only needs the It IS f ' bridge to make is u eful. said tin; commissioners of Twin Fali county are ready t<> appro j;ri >•< eye lis If the cost of the Li... will appropriait; th. . it • : » ihe general opinion tiiat all thal is needed to sei lire the open ing ol this road is to r*-l to; i-lher and to ike a big pull for il. . C ii.!- * uni. r in 11 i.t Committees have been appoint ed tc meet with Ihe eomiuer ial of Twin F'alls, F'ilei. Buhl end tF-oding. aud luten st those poi'i. in tho project if jm able. 'lie toad Is already graded to the rhn and w ill be hard urfai ed by M udell highway district to within two miles of the rim rock. club ... . , . . It , well known tha a l.r.dg. acros the river north ol 1 r has long I 11 desired, and ll c the opin ion of many that Twin Falls county. the F iler and Buhl Highway districts, j and 1 lie towns of F'ller and Buhl will I do all in their power to co-operate with the north side to stimulate In- i teresi in the proposed plan and s<*cun- ; neediil appropriate ms for financing the building of the bridge and grade. There is at present a grade on the not IF side of tin} canyon ul the point pupi .n d for the building of a tn-w grade bur It I» only leuipoi ry and unsuitei to the demands that will le 1 Clark's grade on the one 01 made upon it. south ole of the < an yon the h t i-iades in Hit- • lion and it would r' lUlre very lllth- » x}• udilure to nril it 1 nlted for the trav»l IkuiiiiI to come if a bridge uein- the rile at this tmint i« construcli"! Tho cite of the proposed bridge Is In tic I 'till Highway dlstrh t. but I *ald th it Buhl Is deslroe of tin bridge, a - it would make a four or live mib mi off between thal town and I i 1 Wendell, and divert trafic B in tin Clear Lakes bridge, whirh route unsatisfactory on account of The Arthur grade on the soetb aide of the canyon would rve the ''■hbl territory The bridge »ould be bn the John Dalquc t pr"i -tv an ' It is -it Mr Daiquist ha ca-red to donate >• neces- r> r iit ■ • 1 it is pointed out that the heavv traffic 1,-tween the North and South very ■and aide- Justify tbe erection of a bridge! auch a* Hie one proposed at some in tnrmrdiate point between Clear loiki and Blue I-ikes, and that the I'fP posed bridge would tie loratiul on thc|" i-u available point of ihe chan pel between the two present bridges With s hnrd ïorfa'ed rosd connecting with the top of the grade on the north aide, leading into Gpoding. much of tour-t travel Into the Saw-tooth ttry would go orer this reute. Tim 50« acres of orchard in the can yon northwest of Filer bring a larze ;e of the residents of both into th» narrow canyon every season to P r ™' nr npple«. Chemie« rutnm*** of^rÄ.. . .. , ... n n- T in 2tvc!"'"nd ' ira»«pôr»a*ior' fa ili.e* _ J ' _ . , _ ,, „ f ° r P ZS,r TÔf SSomk Ï 5P ^°cnlT to thp rroi^rs bit *'* r ° ' numlK . r ,' 0( cer p, p i a noon that Idab pe * perron ,F.r Nonh and South -id peach and d fruit. cm pa« Bind portar. to th. cr at southf m parti n * h m z , 31 !ä U ',a« of pao^lfitnlth ££ "„w empt^ S ^ river ular -pot for thrir fruit near l lark's grade, while opposite H C; > Kpnii cun cling of huu died of natural ,-p-' pouiiug ou. of tin- i.inyen wall. the Mays! i . n -ii. Iteie I-, Im.ili.! da; tlsh hatched lor nonuui river ; ?.. in r. , rauehe -, of . h:..d eolH|i. . >. \V It 'ill '. the Ml a era Spring- Orchard company. John Guurby. lie - Klli n. or Charles Arthur ranch." Ktl William» and John from iiutiii rolls other ! hatchery »Fere numb :• - » trout arc purposes, j -N'lagar.i sprint's limber down the j is another beautiful piece ol eial In the canyon arc In he Cry-I :l ilcil the fruit Kpriugs Or Duiquist, a ate smaller holdings I 1 , 111 s rlalii thai tie- I ih-r High way district will liulld a urfuced roail in the top ol * lari.'a oh . and ils pointed out I hat a» h.-r ■ ont rihuted I some $500 In the building of thal 1 splendid grade several years Igo II»«- j value of good transport.'.lion facilities . out of the canyon were appreciated 1 then. To r>'i|i'/.e tlio lull value of th ; I 1 x|M-mliture then made il Is-eomes ap parent that linking up » 1 II 1 the North side over this satin- grade would In; not only wise hut economical. Woman's Club Wednesday The Filer Woman's Club »ill hold tile next reguLir meeting Wednesday, Novi tuber HJ. Mrs. M. J Sweeh-y", president of Federated clubs rile an address, sud Mrs. W. II Dwight of Twin Fall. . Mrs H. J. Weaver and Mrs L. H. Grown on tlm program for number* . The host 1 sses for tie- day are Mondaine* Mos lev. Canne y. Noggle at.d Mins Gifford Ali members of the Rural Clubs are invited to this meeting, as the State i'renident has a message for all club ate wHI 1 men The Filer Woman's Club greatly :j.| recialed the u-ldr s given li> J. L vlarkel. of Hie 7'.In falls < ounty 1 air at ,,ie l:t ' 1 '"''etiiig, his suhje'-l t ., , • Th. Woman club ...,d the , Fait 'I.I ... » men of |.'jmr w ill j -nd much time and energy durinK (he coming yi»r 1 inleresl In the county lair exhibits an j attractions. promote j Idaho Apples in Demand Idaho apple" are the cream of them -ul ertlsetnent in , all, according lo an the ■' ' 11 ' ' Hltiludelphia North American, a lualio in justly famed in the east for i her luscious apples and dealers say they bring extremely ill..Ii price*. An nd In ihe »bore-named paper urges all 1 httv appli s to those who expect to <•!,. live the ones from Idaho. Oregon or Washington. The apple* from these vl A es are advertisement in snb- iance and every one should sefei t the "ri<l of 11 per quality, reads the red Jona ; thans from these sla' There I« no quesliou. eastern deal ; ! j ers Fay', that wrstein apple , equalled in flavor, bejuty and luscious are 1111 Legioners Have Big Meeting j n i an i Smoker — a — At « g|iecial mretinjf of the American Le^itm hei I in I fie Cit.v evening, fifty f the »even' y five member» were |ire«etit. Joel enjoyed h feel mid -.1 »moke at the || ,|| Thtirslav 1 the local po-t . brought I e fore the inetiBf, in ,,f Taylor cafe Many mutter* of vital liit«re-t to tie-hc-il lai-t wa cludinir plan» lookinsr f- rward to club rnoa)«. consideration pending legislation lb seme« m> n * Cobgres^. and pai Ucipaii.-n mi *,h e Arm » ice day celebration. I Newberry, who -erved .ieuterntnt m the Me.i a, , , . cor ** -of l, " ! * rmv * * nmi ® lb< . pool i-h.Mt 1 ui. —_ of th#* Birthday - Irb the guesta of Mr* George Patton, at 11 .* rattrn borne re« of to r. Tu. Tho-» p'- M-c ;h* Mesdames Fisher. DuQucsne, Shinn, T iiord Li. lonte Young B. m. L. M. Cedarholm. Patton and Misr Der -y Teiford. d*; Armistice Day Murders In cites Local Post •t F uit Commonder, American Legion Ccntralia, Washington. We are grieved and indignant to of the Armistice Day mur der:;. and of the brutal assault up cm our flag. Americanism and Con stituted Government. If you need men or financée to combat and bur.g to justice our common ene mu », call on Filer Post 47. CEORGE REYNOLDS, I y*t Commander. -♦ in the foregoing terse telegram, the Filer Cost of the American Legion -,CIced Us opinion on the horrible crlnn coni lulled ut Cetilralia. Wash tiglon, Tuesday, when pemons, said to lie member* of the Industrial Workers of the World .fired upon and killed four members of the American Legion, wounding several oilier», ull of them were limn hing In an Ar Kv pressions of horror were evl den -d throughout the town and coun Legion uiisi no Ihiy parade at that place, t> word spread of the attack men were unanimous In condemning Tuesday night am! yesterday as the ittack of the I ,W. W.. hut were also full of lirais« of the attitude as sunn-d hy the ( 'entra Ran Legioncra in prott-etiug the jail containing the 1 . VV. W. from the mob, declurlng this was an exeniplifiratioti of the organl /alion's lielief In stumling for law ami order at ull times Schools and Business Houses Closed Armistice Day A „ FU ,. r _ un Tuesday, eelehraied |h) , :tnnK .,. rsary th) . Klenll( „ ,, t Armistice between the Allies uud Cen tral powers on November 11, 1918. ill rough a proclamation of th« gover nor, I uesduy was a holiday through nul Ilm -täte, and Ihe day was tilting 1 > < ommenioraled over Hie eiilir« slal with impressive programs. Frarticnlly every place of buniuess In F'ller, In c | u ji„ K> | )4 i,k» > jpug »tores, depart n)( f|( ware and grocery »tores, |, ar |„ r s h 0 pn, pool halls, officiai, meal millK „ Sj and olll ,. r m.slness pla- .-s . , , ur entire day Tues day. Al.iny Io« ai people, im lading 1 I 1 « en tin- membership of the Filer Host of jibe American Legion attended the celebration in Twin F'alls. staged by the Legion post of that place. Other* went hunting; at many homes, friends land neighbor» were entertained at diner, and more than one home In this community was saddened hy the poignant reminder of the lo«* of loved one« who died for their country in the war cmllng a year ago. The schools of the community and entire county were closed In tribute to ending of Hie war. The Filer Rural hi»•' ■bool was rinsed from Friday lo Wednesday of till» week Repair work wa* needed on the heating plain so advantage wa* taken of the usual Katurday and Sunday recess together with Monday and Armistice day to ek make ihe needed repairs. It Is an nounced Ihat session» will lie held al Ihe high si bool Saturday of Ibis we to m >ke up for the time lost on Mon da/ A ide from the censution of Hte or ditiary daily pursuit». Ihe only feature of ilo* day ill File« was a football of which will he found in another pail of th.- paper Wrestling Match—Buhl» Hetroff and George Nelson, two of ti/i nation'» roughest and !a»ie»t WT< Jh rs will tussle to a finish at the Stum» Aniufctueiit Hall In Buhl. Tue» day. Nov. I, at 8 oclock. An a pr liminary, l^-nny :;nel«on, a local pugi ii t and Ray < oppenbarger, will en dc&vor to settle their dlflerences Iu their e< ond battle, the winner to be tnvtrhcd with Voung Leonard Tbanha '' v;r 1*7- in an eicht-round battle in the receip contest* ataeed a' Buhl cante! get the decision over Howard ia > match that went for two hour«! without a fall, while r op penbarger ^ hooor * OTer Sn * l * on Th» Ragsdale property north of teer, wa» recently »old by Ita new owner. Mr» Ago,-, Porter, to John ( kber, of Boh« for a constat ration of |3.«ca Mrs. Porter who It an aunt of L A and Otto Seeley will move back to Filer, and with her nephew L. A Seeley, will occupy the latter - * com in the Munyon addition, no-. occnp'-d br Vfiniam Zentx. and Dm, y First to Exceed Quota in County Says Swim • Junta« Shinn. Chairman Koojfsii Memorial Association for i'iler. This acknowledges receipt of your remittance which makes the Filer total «167 so This makes Filer Ilia only com inanity thus fur to report Its full i quota. Thanking you, and congratulât lug Filer upon its leadership In ! this couiniendnhle move, I am Very iruly. ARTIII II l.. SWIM, Coiiniy Chairman. • Additional Locals 1 I W It. Hurst I» building an fildMIon j to his property on North street re i cently acquired from Frank Mae*. I J"'*" Kanter, who I» holding big I dosing nut sale on Id* farm rive miles j south went of town Malay has atarted the building of a modern seven-room ! Victor i'ease is erecting u live-room residence on hi* property on North 11 e. home at Clover. Harold Moore, »bo is employed at Beem and llsiuiuerquisl took the Mon day evening train for 1'ucaiello. where he planned to visit over Armistice day Mary I*ukfonl will U» in ill** great play **!>:.<ldy I «on# I»***? " n\ ih«« ! Gem Theatre next Tburnday and Frl day evenings. Nov 2n and 21. It Is estimated by local denier» 1 I 1.11 iu Hie neighborhood of twenty more j cars of coal will I« needed to sup I ply ihe demand of the Filer territory j j I his winter. i building a substantial addition resident-« properly . p ar i of lowu. W .A. Shearer, vive president of the Farmer» and Merchant, hank Is I 10 his 'Ue south Wc.' and Horterfied, tacke» ; Gariison and Henstiak. gun ids, .Sheldon nml Khane j berget, ends; and Vochem. Ilert*. | Twin F'alls: Tucker, center; liecker King und Ktearns In the back field. Kuhstltutea are Hobertn..,. ami Bl. e The First Church of Christ, Helen •Id Its church Miss Fid llh William» has taken j charge of Ih« Nelson Ith ks 1 ream sin Hon formerly operated hy Mrs Ward Blakealee. Mr. und Mr«, lilakesleu are making preparation (o go to Kan Berdlnlo, California. **at In Twin F'alls ha* building ami lots at No » Third avenue east lo Hie Menaolte church! Ä"U"^Tr*S: K. H Fra m is and II Boyd are the new proprietor* of the pool b ill own ed and operated hy 1,. L. Walker, for Ihe past three year* Messrs F'rain I» ! and Boyd arc from Twin Fall« and | look |HisHe««lon of the hiislness Mon day. Mr Walker inlends lo «lay rlglit here in F'ller. He «peak« highly of hi* pleasant business 1 areer here and I ,h - r - -• P'-«- ,,k - ">'■ 1 «uni 1 y To Ir» H»t of "Filer people at <oi lege", the Record this Week add* the name of luira Muto-er daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Musser. member of the freshman el«*» at the Wa«hlngt<Hi Stale Il I» asked that the name* local people attending college, aside from those already pulili«he<l. tie re ported to Ihi» office She I» a ollege a, I'ullltiat. • f of Special lecturer* and revival mi»-t li'tc* will tie held cacti evening from November 19 lo lu »1 Hie Mdinonite liutih. iu charge of the Ret D II Bender, president of the He ton Cot . 1*44* «ad Hibk lukxil of Ksn mss. sud Hlkhyfi J A. ««f I .a The Rev Hcndetiih. pa«tor of the church an Samuel aounceg that the whole oiuuiunity I« invited to attend thege meeting» Announcement* were received here here this week by friend* and relative» telling of the «arrival of a baby boy at the home »I Mr. and Mr; William j done, who wa* Miax «mm. Steve... -daughter of r r. s .even, and i, Malcdor" , in Chicago Mrs. Male well known here, having lived In Filer for many year* She wa* a mernbar of the graduating clan of TC of the filer High school The Malone. are now ih+ parents of two boy«. Th- G*a Sute Lumber company are making extensive alterations on their big lumber shed which extend* cro** the enure back portion of th« lumberyard A fireproof wall la be »bout th. structure. Red Cross Roll Call Big Success Here S63 Members Enroll Last WereA, Making 12 Per Cent Gain Over Last Year--Mrs. Ida M. Allen is Chairman Mrs. Olsen Presents "The Young Mrs. Winthrope I > _- ! . . At the Gem theatre tomorrow night I Friday l "I lie fount; Mr». Winlhrop" Hu- play so »ueeessfully priMluci-d .at ! the Laveriug theatre In Twin Falls | hint eWdnei day evening wjll be given i """" ' " *•* l! al l,,t> j large Twin Falls uudh-nce 1 Mrs Wilfred .NtuKiiy-Olaen, of Filer the director uud producer, \t lin will also he In charge of Hie play » presen tation here was prevailed upon to bring (ha caste here to give Filer a I treat In pleasing home talent enter j As nearly as laisaible the ** m '' "'»he settings will lx- used, lie - get her »illi the Identical between the nnmh :< OIndy» Non-tl». » Filet gli in Ih caste n I» pos 1 sihle that the high school orchestra will ntlpply the munir for the occasion. More tlinn Mid people saw the piny in " Twin Fulls, many of them paying 12 for the opportunity . The price» an nouni'ed for here are 75 rents. Raleigh Drake, local Yelloist will play, slid there will be u musical num ber or two, aside from the orchestra selections Many In this community • ,n * plnnnlBR l<> uvail th»*m « lv» of . .ppottunlty of neelng on Friday .-veiling the r.-lilts nltained hy Mrs t Ilsen*» directing, who Is well know 11 ! < j j ! j : m a reader a d Instructor also, Must Avoid Recurrence of Influenza Epidemic FI K. Lau bn ugh. M D. Chief Bureau of HuUic Health Service. Department, of Hubltc Welfare, Bols»', nays: If we nre not to have "Flu" you must observe the followlug: 1. Consider »II told* 1 >s "Flu •oidi: " 2. Complelr Isolation of palli-nla with "Flu cold»." 3. Keep away Iront tlioso with 4 Make th«.fellow who Insist* he lust has a "Sliidit cold" cough Into his handkerchief. 5. Wash your hands frequently nml don't put them to your lips or mouth. ii Gargles have little or no merit »nd wash the protective secretion* fr " ni **"' throat. cuaipettxl. Otto Wins Many Premiums at Lewiston Stock Show one third of the motiHV tiffereii in Winning tliirly mie place«, anil t lie danse* in whirl, he Duroc . ferse V L. S. Otto, breeder of Registered pure bred - » me, III ll — I ic i I il nfrjdimtch toîthe Re urd todav, tel'a wi'll-know n 'mal of his aivecpiiiif sucre a in the Eleventh Annual Northwest Liv atm It Show in -ca on thin week a ioewistop, Idaho. Mr. Otto left for l/ew'i-ton 1 P®47W y prixc-wiuii tik' herd, where w j,|, fjftget, head of his of the he colite»! ed with -nine best breeder* in the nation, in the I'lf'ent l e alt ek show in the northwest. That this l.-cnl breeder I'll» made a «at onal reputation for hiuiadf I' evidenced . .. .... liv ttif I cm.I t - ». hi . I ! it Li W 1 -1 " t. thi* week Only three of hi* ununal* did i.ot win nioncv. At the Idaho State fair, ( RDi « herd won thirty place» and at the Twin Fall« county fair, here this . . *** ' K ,,,, t »>' Orat filaci!» eleven ( Htn hu« bi i n bnr every year. Seventy five • «rload* of cuttle, borne», sheep, and -w n > wer- tria ... ... - . , «'•ib.tK* at the . pemntf of the «how, and premium« offered to p.ul jHUOOJ. A leadiliff feature , crthwcal natn.nal round U P futurity for swine with «C500 Mi : superintendent >>f the swine de partment of the I win Kall« county in total prize* for »wine of all Filer went "over th« top" again In the Med Cross Moll Call conducted bore last Week under the able man »«eluent of Mrs. Ida »VI. Allen. A total of M3 member». »Ith tliaL many dollar» aubacrlbed In the Flier district | H the report of Mr». Ida A , Vn ,| ialnimi , of Koll M. This Is an increase or 59 member* or 12 per cent morn'than waa enrolled in a similar drive lust year. The Intensive drive In thin com munlty waa not lUrtM until the mU dh- of the llic six district» of the Filer territory week, hut tile response lu Tlio headquarters of the local com min,.,, | n ||„. (-Jry n it || |„ , j,.. fir-t Nalloual Hank building lb | n thl* district ». and whole licartedly i peaks eloquently of the American Hed Cross und for the service* it has rendered ami I* rendering at noun- and a Frond. jwas generous given, und regard held here for the conducted by Mrs Allen from that point, amt that the campaign was ihorouglily and pain takingly ii.mdh 1 H evidenced by the results achieved The report of Flier Hraneh Aim-ri can Red Cri town: un given hy Mr*. Id 1 . Allen, chairman of if. n..n 1 for 1920. glv.-n by distrlctn in as fid M Filer Rolteltom: Mm. A A. Timm. .Mrs K K. Hayes. Mm. W. A. Shearer, Mrs. Clyde Hawkins, Mrs O. A Mad ,, r K ,,, |yn Misse» M. garet Gourley, Ilse« Je i'hlpmaii, charlotte Clark. ship» 315. Clover Auxiliary Mrs. chairman. Rollet torn : ke, Mr. Lierman. Mu row Hr of essor R H. Chairman, Ilia nrd Brown, j Washington Chairmen luwiuard, Mrs Ruby fieklotX, I*uvis, Mildred Rlruud ml. Iduheli« Mamie-r Dannenfelt. Ilermun Item Mamljaraliipa 4*. McAlee. Solicit or» : Mrs. John , Mrs. Loomis llrown. Mr», Leon MetiilH'rshlpH Ull. R- Mr». R. rt. Solicitor»: Mrs. K F. Cedarholm, Misses Myrtle Ilyl, Onih Memberships Amies, Geurv id Fit town Kolidtnrs : Musser, Kltuu I mud. Poplar chairman. Total for llraju h d Mis««« Mary Memberahipa LI. Helen ■ Hill Miss Kla , M'-iiiIh f-lilp, 2 ti M3. Football Team Defeated The F'ller Rural High Krliool team was defeated by the second team of the Twin Fulls high school by of 4M lo 0 III a w< II atlemied game at the falriground* here Armistice Day. The line up was as follow a; Miisely, full luck; Williamson, left half, Mogesoii, right half; Aman, qnnr terL.u k, Drake, right end; Diehl, right tackle. Dlelii. right guard; Cole, ren ter; Knil'li. left guard, Blackburn, left tackle; Almut, left end; Kubetituti 1 , Rutter. Dobbs. »core Merchant Mann Makes Plans For Poland Pigs 1 V. A maiiagi-r of the Filer Mercantile company announce» thal I* about to enter Ihe pure hr. J attack raising I »usine»» Mr Mann re |«-ently purchased ih»' Brown farm e of town »ml now ant pro|«i»e» til slock hi* tain Ii w IHi pur»- blooded Hoiatid < 'hin I mg Mann I* un old limer al th • ; mode a of ine in Kansas He pot ol Hie best of the Jane • N Nelson herd at the latter'» bag ■ring out suie last week, and la I» pig gum» breedilig « cba .*1 Hire I . f K un- as an animat •« to Import from Kale a» an anitt. .1 * UJ be superior tc anythin* b«r Clothing Badly Needed by Local Red Cross * < alive s»n retary of the department. T*"'"' *«« » big box on th.- front pwr, ' b of Timm hoB,e *° wrcrt ** thus« much needed clothing, in ma no one is home. Clean, warm, gar Tbe Home Service Section Of the Red ('rota, are desirous of being sup plied with used garments suited f . r near by the needy of this community. It is asked that all garments such us boys' and children's shoes, and crvrr ■ oats, children's clothing and 4re#»>-s be left with Mr*. A. A. Timm, ex "enta of any de r ription are desire.; and will bo appreciated by screrxl poor famti.^a here.