Newspaper Page Text
The Filer Record i — FILER. TWIN FALI-S IMHM V. IDAHO, Till RSDAY. DECEMBER I», ll»ltl SUBSCRIPTION j.',u VOL I, NO. COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE AND SANTA CLADS FOR TBECHILDREN WEDNESDAY EVE CANAL VOTING SYSTEM ✓ At Mtetii; Hort SiturJiy Pr»p«; Le,i A:ti«i U Determine Apparent Discrepancy i At a meeting held lu the Filer Hu rai high school last Salunlay attei noau atleudcd by about one liuudreo laud owners and paiyous ot the Tw.n . rau» Tamil company. it *as decide*, lo iiiBlitute proctediiiKH to de« lare U 1 -^v > legal Ihe recent T 1-alls tana. in election and lo lest the rlghi company oi land owners of the Twin FalU tract to vote in canal company elei lions, regardless of whether or not jlock lias been transferred to them Jr upon turlher Investigation jhowu that the alleged irregulurltle. ^oOSlitute a cause ul action. It is said that the meeting wa: called by the friends and supported ov D. F Uetweller. who, according u ll.e announced report of Ihe election was defeated last week for a seat oi the board of directors of Ihe iana tempany. L. (J. Hill presided and briefly stated the purpose of the meeting Elmer Annin was chosen secretaiy. D. ,F. Uetweller wi explain the situation, us he stands It. which confronts the farm ers'of the Filer district, welled dwelt at considerable upCm the subject, explaining how In had visited the several Sections oi Ihe tract and found great discrepan tics in lue aim nnt of water furnish it h cal led upon It under Mr Del length kit to Hie diltc-ieiil sect urns. Mr. DeXweilar was then asked to explain the results of Hie recent election held In Twin Falls for mem bfcrs of Hie eaiml hoard, and to what circumstances lie atlrihuled the re-j suit upon which Hie allegation is founded that more votes were cast He slated that in rechne king the vete it was found that :io;!9 more voies were cast than could be ac counted for. it an could he accounted for. A motion was made ami carried lo employ Mr. T. K. Haikman to look In to the matter and it he found the sit nation as stated, lu commence pro ceedings to contest the election. Mr Hackman explained the law in the case, showing that the slock should be voted by the hona-fide owner of By an unanimous ris the acreage. ing vote Mr Hackman was instructed to proceed at once. On motion the «hair appointed F P. DeKlotz. Ernest Dexter and K Puisun us a committee of three lu to collect make all arrangements funds to push the case. It is said that possession has been at obtained of the ballots hv ihe torney for the complainants. Walters Return From East Col. E O. Walter and H B. Walker recuiued the first of the week from a H.p that took them lo the big Inter national Slock Show at Chicago, to Ohio, and to other middle western points The Walters stale that the show in Chicago this season was Ihe largest Jf . In its history, and that Hi.- livestock exhibits on display there were a mar \«i to the slo* kman'e eyes While in the east. Colonel Waltei listed sales in three states and say: be was compelled to refuse anolhei in Ohio, which would come al a time that would Interfere with other dale. here He attended a meeting of the f en heron Horse Breeders' associa tion uf America, and a hanqutl of the Shorthorn Breeders' association at the Congress Hotel ' « Home Service Extended ♦ Sir* A, A. exc:ut. r* »ecr* tary ot tte Home Service ecrHcn of the Red Cress, states that following a visit to Twin rails of ôiiss Wiser field worker tor the state of Idaho the it has been decided to extend heme service to civilian as well as tc ex-service men's homes, in commun ities like Filer, that have no estab lished associated charitable organ! taxions. This means In fact that Filer, ar weii as Kimteriy. Hollister. Hansen and other smaller places in tfcr coaa upon the support of men either in or just out of war service I» now open ty harp an ofilciai organiration to look after the poor the needy and th. destitute T"he great service that hereto free fcar only been given to homes dependent to all. and it may be depended upon that Filer's want* in this regard is in competent bands. ,1r ; a " d " r P s ; G - s T e , rRe ' turn to filer in Winter "There i» no seitlon in ihr country as this. ' salil U. Stimula is good domu>. upon his return from south •rn California where he ami Mrs I ionimer have been spending the win with Ihe Filer colony at Lons er. Beach However the Sommers hemselves in the coast city and meat, o return later on They have pur bused a tine home at Kong Beach enjoyed md anticipate returning later on i'hey plan on having a big closing oui iale in Ihe course of the next iwo oi get hree months, and one of the reason: for Mr. Sommer's return was l als slock in prime condition for this sale. Mr. Sommers is inclined to think hut he made a mistake when he soli iis SO acre farm, adjoining Filer in he south, for »40.000 in IBs opinioi and is going to he still higher. Those who have noted Mr. Sommer's prog • ess us a farmer and investor will In in-lined lo place great credence li Bs opoiBons. "There are only' two classes of pen pie in southern California," said Mr ionimer, humorously, ire there and have money, and thus who are trying to get it! .1rs. ire at present in California toiilil return in ihe spring. 1 ho: e wh. Mr juin Foul Sommer and family, wh* will u* . snd Mfm. D. Persell Dies Sudden ly Tuesday Evening , ell. uged S2. f IBs dang In er. Mrs. I'ynilna ilf, here at 11:11« Tuesday Mr. i from Bloomington, Nein- . bought Hie long trip taxed Hie aged : icnlleman's vitality. Tin* limerai : will In- held troin The deuth of William Denman Her 1 'curred at Hie home Met evening Hercell arrived here Oei einher ml It is Metmonite Ihe Brethren in fhrial church ;■> soon as Ai.rd regal ding the arrival of rela Ives rcai lies here. Dei-eased was horn April IS Kein in ky, - n Bourbon county, was married lu isf.y lo Jemima D*id hildren ■ -on To ibis union were horn Ills wife years ago near here, and three child ren have preceded him in death. Mr Hercell was a veteran of the Civil nine died i welvo .»ar. lie having served in Hie union lie has been a army seven months oemher of Hie Mennonile Brethren having hurch for twenty-five yea if een convened thirty years ago ai Smltl lie Melcllf school house in ounly. Kansas At the age of forty I lie came to Kansas from Indiana From there he View. Washington, ami after removed to .Mountain living here for four years he came to Filet He leaves lo mourn his loss, beside; Ins countless friends, four sons, tw< i td 8 ^ ^Ülî rfl and sixteen great grand inun Watch Ihe Record Grow ; . j In order to lake rare of its In i leasing patronage the Be* ol d own era have been compelled to set ure ! more space lo bouse Its plant The floor spare of the Record •ftice will he increased one Hurd, by vn artangeroent with II li Munyon WhCTfh» - the r ar hall of the Mon .on offices will now become a pari f the Record office The partition now separating Ho wo rooms is being removed and h) glowing ■ Hi. he end of Ihe week this newspapet will find itself in more iciramodiouf • nd much needed quarters Filer School Notes The »eninr domestic »cicncc git le nave a xraffl.? luncheon Tuesday to A price of 2-' cents per plate wa« charged, menu cnn<-i«ted of a wnfflo, Imller ihe high «chord, I and srrup. eaumtre and coffee. Those partaking evidently liked it for many came after the w-cond The money taken in plate. amounted to $20 75. and after ail expense« were paid f"> 20 remnin ^ If you want to tell, buy or trade Land ' g toc jj Auto*. Farm Product* - crtl uurc or anything. Invest a few Tvrentv-nino hundred Red Cm«? seals were sold nt the rural hijrh »chool in two days. j in a Record Want Ad I Buy Ecd Crues Citri»!ma» Seals. hllr commercial HOLIDAY AFFAIR—CANDY Real Santa Claua Will Bi of Filer and Vicinity Filer is going to liait a log t'i and Santa I ( dually Christina» Tree. laus IS going to be here with a trial Filer .or every child m lb« whole ouutry ! li.K aie under way by A'luh to make thin ihe j .''der I omniums me of ilie most pleasant events of be whole year not only for Ihe child j ru but tin everyone who appreciates he spirit of Christinas and finds eu lOjrment in seeing others made happy School Started Ides The plan originated at the Filer iural high school by Snpl lays, and when it was broached ul he meeting of the fuminercial clul .londay night It met with instant nun I E K .ullieiliale response. Tuesday evening Ihe board of di I eel or s met named Ihe various coni Iiillees. loliibleled I lie plans fur lilt uuj by Wednesday nooi og event learly flfOO liad In-ell cuntrlbuted h) • cal residents, henl on seeing him Ireds of kiddies made happy on Hi* nigh) In-lore Christman'' Tu He In Open The plans call for the erection a he intersection of Main street mu i'ukimu avenue of a litige Christina* lee lo he electrically lighted will i large slur at Ihe pinnacle. Bunli s due to urrive early in Hie evening 1 (here will he a short program of u ew appropriate Christmas sung. j 1 veil hy Ihe sehool children. I'resi lent J M. Marke! of Ihe Comments lull will give the signal after a few .voids of explanation, suit then al he children from Filer, nnd Maro» uid Washington, and Curry, and l'**p 'ar Hill, and Kim wood, and t'edsi ' Hruw and Clover and all the districts * the surrounding country are ex .tried to greet Santa Claus person ally and will lie presented miuiy and I nuts mil goodies Free lu ■ | ; ■ I Ul ( IBIdreli As ui-iiul Santa's gifts will lie free j snd wholeheartedly given to all the children There are no exceptions ell will receive epusl amounts, and no favors will he shown hy Hie genial Old Man who yearly tries to make all BENEFIT FOR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. IS PLANNED In. J. W. T»«ier Ttftlktr With Oiler ; I Sdfferen in Receit Fir* Winkl I Mrs J W Tanner, who incurred Auut Wirtky Cuw f*re 1 h - vy ,,nan " m * "*** " ,r , Ahlch destroyed Ihe stock of the F.let ! Department store, located in Ihe Tan .-■«r block. 1» heading a movement lo I Bug« two big benefit perfurman* •» j or ihe Filer Volunteer Fire depart 1 .nenl 1 j i of the Filer Mrs Tanner Is being materially .at ked in this commendable plan l*> »V W. yaylor, owner j Department store Ihe Filer Hiuim j icy. and the First National Hank ail J *1 whom underwent losses during the j lisastrous fire uf two weeks ago xk. that beat U r.-,»lrrd the S itpartir.'nt building to keep the ha»: n Stable condition and thei cbemt al. ar* Mreiy n.edtd for ike ap It n« piunntid to kIv« benefit» >D Muik al ll*«* Ur-in rtir.tirr A l*i «4 pluili) |»Ih> will I»» luirii«* a«1dt«l (»iiuiM »ill *»*• iated ■ ala will la uni on the program und •old al a dollar each It la propoved o turn Ihe proceeds over lo the hi al fire department for Iho pur* ha»« :f needed equipment auch as coats -leliriets, lire fighting apparatus snd nher necessary paraphernalia K Is _ paratus The date of the tig benefit i w!tl . probably be set so soon os the wea her moderate» for a large crowd I: j xpected to attend Nail Your Packages Now Dimlnlsbed train eervlce will great iy interfere with the prompt dellrtr/I of Christmas parcels and patron* ar: ! urged to mail their parcels early Aitho extra help and extra car s?r xice Is being u.ed now and mor* will j be added later, yet the enormra« : volume cf Christmas business will | make the prompt delivery of r.ii packages Impossible. Mall your per . cel* now. Don't delay. cldb sponsors big FOR CHILDREN Here to Entertain all Children .is Filer's Gur te I i good hoy and girls happy. Most of in. t lunches oi tiler and .11 «lu* way vicinity ii uni(> 4*l»i » :».«i i l«i t tt «.* I'cUd a and h«f i;l aiulitii» < 1 ( .a.uNllilaiKl 4 hriatlUu oi ilie st hoolt However, some churches and schools will hold programs hut will hues them on a different night, or else af 1 er Hie lug Community i'hristtiiss Will in Tree prog ■ am Big I'repuralluus Hundreds of pounds of candy and mis are being barga ued tor at nine of Simla's heudiiuarters in lier, and many uien-hauta are either tonal ing t urtaiu amoiiuta or supply-| ng (lie goodies at cost Scores bulbs will a-1 liminale the linge tree and yards o lecoralion.-i are going lo be used, as well us iju.inl il ics of tinsel and olhei let-oral ions. i So thaï no one i hi Id will he envious •I any other there will lie no person I gills lusiowed during the evening kiepling III one already meniloned l,,N iM a ..munlly preposition and 1,1 . . . " ' l ..-.lei ... make this « log .uc. e„ fur in- child., i. The children will h.v. he ugh. nt way Wednesday night md they will he guests of the com anility and of the Filer Commercial is engineering Hi« log if electric veryom lull. •reject which t <> Hi lit ii nit > (kiBiIIiuI* h 1'olilrlhulfOIIS to help defray the Il r y expense of Hie alfalr are iccepletl hv Hie C*ilnmer uB club and may be luiido tu au) of the conimlllee. Those in charge of the affair are: (leorge l.coimrd, Karl Munyon and John I'enny. (oinmlttee on tree K Müsse r. Krank Hall. A W IIIW lM*|||g WihhI. II 1 Drover llavls. Harry Wi.hlalh, W T <'miaul. Mrs. A A. Timm. Mrs J. K i ole. H I. I learner, and I. U Mill, linama 1 1 tin in lit ee. Decoration*. T. Dove I I'ublicity, J M Merkel The pioprmn will he in charge of both of the public s- bools, of which K K I Inv • und W T. Doyel are eu p< riaieudeulH DENOUNCE ENEMY ALIENS I. W. W. AND RADICALS Abhkiii Lrewn P«l Plia Ptraaarat ntft IWICC 1 Pltatl*** Put Hu 76 Weaken A majority of the seventy six mem hers of Ihe Filer Host of Ihe Amen • an la-gton n.el In spe. lal ineellug al aud Hie city hull Tuesday evening adopted r« oluilons < ailing for th* at rest imprit **nment and deportation ,*f all I W W », alien «OeuBrs Hoi -bevistk ai*.in tunic and other cue a.lew of the nation, flag and ot the American legion. The governor of Ihe stele was (uui mended for hie action lu ridding this »late of Ihe rade si element, and Hi« uiuider» loiiuuliied ai Centralia. Wash on Armistice day wer« de j iiouni ed ;ts ,* i nine against ll.e flag lu Hie abecn-e nt I'u.-i t'oifiiosndei | r.e I;•) n Bd», the vice command •f Juneau Hhinn Ol . upled Hie ebair B.*in militer.i of vital interest wer« skin up ai Mie Tuesday nighi uie«i uc among Hum being Hie new home .or Hi. I.u al post, parti* ipalmn Ihe l '.* 11 * 1 . 11111 !: y Helati-uienl of xiid a meBitiership drive The by law » were .hanged *o that the rerulai m ci.nri .1 ibe r, -at wUi ' ald thUd 4 cndan of the month Th. Chrl.t-! , a , night dnn e to ho ».aged ai *«T , , r rde. tv th. iorai po .1 In 4 hr list MIMA IM*«, rt war risk lusuialic« ryrrtr. scs to be a big holiday affair »cd the whole community la Invited u be there, <1 to the p -t constantly, nnd It «* j plalrly e-tdent that th. [legf'-n here is a strong organization f ex-service men Many new members ere being add American : ( ) WilBam M. Zemz. veteran prfnur and fermer ed'tor of thv Recvrd. nd -nly assisted tn "getting out" tht ilUccid laid week, but after this paper had gone to pres*, be jumped over f 8ubi to B«sl.t the Buhl Herald fore: in gettine their monster iS-pag Christmas «Jitlcn Into th. mail*. Mr :'ertz is now helping Postmaster X. P Shinn take care of the Chtlat rua* rush In the local office. Col. Munyon Here on Busi ness from South Col. II. U. kiui,)on, no.. of Mini «ih, t'oUtornia. rviurniHt rinu.iiuv runt , ills . .h» » ItluinrtH ...»it. bi« i* iuvi ai i ii she* erectluu >J«I l»US IA«*»» blvski Li. à h fiAt» und lo link« .«.II iff M Munyou •lia week pul chilli the business ■ tosh lying between the U I* ITo~ I .Hiding Upon who - tic « LuilUm* nidi iM»' Kannma A>i » La a in • aiu ..* i oulvniplalea , block at s later dale . ! indem a Col Munyou has bei nine au en ■uthern full .huslsatie hosier for forma, hoi still mainiulns that south -• rin Idaho I» ihe idare In which the jin binon, can make money Not being ! used to low li-mperaiures. i Munyou Idaho .ou hi! our coinpululilely cold v eal her n<*l altogether pleasurable dy hied himself hack to and li.» all what U Sommer call» ihe land ol ihe rich and of ihose -eking ulhet people's money." u| . oullltMll t - 4 |„o rU i,. Munyon b,ought a handful of rose, and flow r<iw|1 u ^ m 11WU property, uf ....rlo,t,v ^ accustomed lutaily are eu joying themselves, and lliat his son l*oy. is much ImprovVd in heallh Ills Fred, who only rec ently joined Ile repolis Iles I h soil IBs parents at l/ms*Bes<h Is aileud iug lieald's bus|iie*|« pls.e To make his friends in Filer fesl envious of those enjoying Ihe udvaii j j j : college si that ti. to z em weather. New Jewelry Store Estab lished in Filer by Davis A li llavls of Bluckfoot will own and conduct Hi* new enterprise which'll.« was opened lo Hie public this week Unable lo find a mure suitable lucu , lion. Mr llavls him been compelled te j open his business in Ihe Beeiu und I Hsmuirt'iiuisl hullding two doors east The Dsvis Jewelry and Musli- Mhop I» Hie name ot Filer s newest him! i uess concern lUte holiday trade Hie flxiuree are ol 'ueceseity only teiiipmaiy, hut Mi Davie gives assurance that he will uf Ike Modem long Shop lu order to he aide lo lake care uf April Orel In a now location which he hope» to have. I* FB«r'» new Jeweler has bad much ex perlene« in this business, be having done bench work for flfl»«ii years Ur. Havis will tiling IBs family here •• • uoU "• • Uu, " , • •»«'•■w* oe«« C«u< #ru will b« («»und in iAtio(li«r ®* lh * •**"' Filer Grocery Sold J T t'alsy ot Bui ley I» Ihe new uwuel ot the Flln Oroceiy c-ompaii) fomi«rl> wued and operated hy Otto Th» deal and I-, A Seeley closed the leel uf ibe week whereby was the new owuei took Immediate pov session The Filer tiro* **ry company wa established in HH Î by Munyon Hr»» abd was sold by tliein In Ihe »priny. „/ jsyj to Beelry Br *lb«la, who have voudiicTed this I* , ular gimery sl .r plan* fur their future end expies until now The 1 «leys have made no dell.BH ■ desire lo remain in Filer j'• VlornU» Hi. 2ïud. will -au« * rl,f lo d»**f un unwary taxpayer ' hfa.ncL I. not maintain«. D »»"«««cy r.n.t a .lx p«r cent. ""''.It^tU^ut Vo * alternativ, but Saturday. D.c«hB>< r :o I. the la.t Belter Pay Your Taxes j whii h ad i A change In th* law. vantes lb* date of delinquency from tb* first Monday In January lo the fount Monday in Dei em loir which I day for paying tax*, without the .lx ! f. Monday »rill b« Checks mailed Saturday i per cent penalty too lat. wtsl b. accepted, though they may artr# at th. collector', office later The ilx per cent penalty should be- ; to dtsccurag* tard Ines, on lh* part of the tar payer* a. It tnoana fit added to entry floo of Use. A ( further penalty of on. per cent, as Interest, for each month of delta- I How VUtncy. added if necessary rver. It Is ftar*d that lh* chang« In | aw which sets th« date ahead may I The called I ~atch many u.*payers unaware. .ounty commiteioners have special attention to the change of dare and expressed a desire that everyone ihould undeistand the situation thor oughly. MARKEL IS PRESIDENT £ Of COMMERCIAL CLUB Sixty CkuUr Menton Orginat to Pu ; note Welfare of Tova and C»un try- Start^Neakenhip The Filer ('oniinerclal t'luh s us 1 permstietill) organized at an elilhui ikalli Hireling held In the city hail, Monday evening with Ibe election ' J M Muikttl, pruNkluiil; Junuu Shinn, »**en»Uiry, und O. Madiunu, irmaiLTtir. * Hiwm with K B*orge 1-voiiaril. and U ham will conatiluie Ihe hoard of Bi rectors. Many mailers of public inter* were discussed at the Monday nigh meeting and Ihe need of u comm *'lsl oi gall ma I ion was deemed in (->*ry for Ihe ad» mi cement of the town A representative gi up and country of Filer mg und ilizeus alleiidetl the lin-i veral pi otiillieiit farm . t oi Iho community were Ihvre All • pressed a willingness lo -n any liiuiuiur possible to {ilia welfare of ilie community .SKI) Member« Xnw co-ope rin promo j The clnh was organised with un In i Hal membership of sixty m-nB-ei. und plans were laid lo Inaugurate . iiivinbeiship campaign Dial will .. . I )■ ihs club's rosier ihe name of every eiligen lu ihe community who wish*» ut lit en 1 1* > himself wliti an ory-atu /ui Ion that has for ils purpose Hoy -•dring i. Hm vlial problems ol Hie whole Filer country, li is planned to divide the town mid country iui• - wards, in which rosi .lents id these dlsll.cls w ill he sol - - isd for li . inhere hip by io. -iillli-cni a residing la such words. Mark* ! i »1res "Kijr " J M Marke), who v..*. cl.airman of Ihe tempos ., iin.inlkalloti, furiiod lyo w bin Hie commercial il nt» was laum In d. maile th • opening (address of ll..- eieiBng mid onlin* d plan- in - de. und il. Ores . a counuuull> . iBzallon In Ih lo calily lie suggesi sary lo mnk | U « i«" day s d Hub II v .is i*nuei n« pi -i* ol ou.t dull ptane iwn of Hue M Hi.. Iuig > expense in *1 not be lim it red .< -.*1 Him a unn.-d o* ».ml... 11 * n of i-llt eus could do much to promote ll*» cublk- enterprises con locally < <ui HOinlni II. » section ( «un ally I tirl-lms» ire. At the Uggesllon of Nypl K i Hays of Ihe Filer Kural **■ li***d ilhe waller of a community I'hriainms i Bee was presenled. slid Hie boar*! t ' dirsi lots ware in**iruiieel to form** late plans * have au* h a prop*milu*u hare next week. H »«»nia I i be Ilie consensu» of eplnh.j that Hie Filer ('ommi-rcUl i 'tub i- destined lo perform cotmirm live oeiiice in title locality If tin* sllltude exhibited mi tar la any crlt ertilu, big ihluga may be looked for (hat will redound I» the benefit o' | »very farmer, husinc«» man and r-*» t hient uf this great country. Reservists Nay Drill I Orgo Izalloii of the Bis* live imv *1 r«M*i V« force In eai h naval dlslio-t, with provision fur peilmltcal drill and ll. »Hm I mu. wilt be lagried by iHidrlil collllllaudanls Ulidei slrui tloiis frein Ihe bureau of m Hon announced Thurmluy, Heu-u.i <1 «> the navy department. U (oil D I' With each district organized into a -Hgade composed of battalions, df Batons and aet Hoiih liMMled through ut Hie illslrirl. every effort will be Hade, it was aald. to preserve ami __ _ ... ^ batch luilude William Ut-u. A Information from Ihe command ^ Qf ^ T ^ flnh N(lval dl<lr! , , I*"»«« «"» denmt. addres. and c into other Information hiillil up Ihe efnrietiry of Ibe o:i'.,..i dion rei rulted during ihe war I/msI men who belong I» Ihe I'nl led Hlnle» Naval Reserve Force, wh* iw are on inactive duly, and com Nurtaugh Boys Buy Pig L. 8 Otto on Wednesday shipped Murtau , h cJub on „ ... ».. . - . . hU a re? T ' ^ v hard of Duroc-Jereey swine. T ar.luuil "Idaho King." Is well kn > u,lon *' breeders of registered he a0< * * he purchase Illustrates »lability of th. pig club at Mart«« ' >!r Otto has supplied this organ '-hui with several animals from hej-d. ao when the boys met Tuv c.fjrhl to* decide on th# purchase another animal, they unhesitatio chose th* Otto lire. -