The Filer m I HO, Till KSDAV, HECEMHER M, 1919 FILER. TWIN FALLS C< »UNf.l SUBSCRIPTION VOL 1, NO. 41 Noon Hour Hot Lunch Success in Local School mi Mk ^liidri the direction of il.- .««rg * at toi. instructor of the ngiii ;i<»d. In the local school* Ihr girls of th. class have set a pace in tbr noondu. * but lunch s)stern that is aUrm-Un» attention throughout this pari of th slate For the reasonable price of tei ceuts. an appetizing warm III mil i ■ervrd a hundred or wore pupils ner; day by the fifteen girls of the eight! grade, under Mrs Cation's supervi •torn The H !.. of C. bogy is shaft ere. when one learns tbut these sul.-ian Out meals are being regularly served 7 nd that the system is self supporting On Tuesday, for instance, the mem consisted of riced potatoes, drie. beef gravy, apple sauce, sandwiches and hot cocoa Kueh a meal is sub slanliai enough for anyone and lb. opportunity uf having it daily is be lug taken advanlage of h> coles o children that formerly brought theii lunch to school, by dozens of cblldrei living in town, and by the instructor, in the school. Most of the vegetable, butter, eggs milk and produce is purchased fron the students, and they are paid n-gu la I market puces for them or giver, meal tickets in exchange. A mea lickei good for a mouth coals only t At a recent shower held fur depart mint. eighty five quails of fruit wen donated Mrs..Pultun says that Mi and Mrs J P Buck recently donated a quantity of beans to the rluss. am that others have been generous ir thyir gifts. 4 he department is completely equip peg with fi'.tur« f..rmir'i n d by the high school and the gnl study elementary domestic science and sewing Half of them are in charge one week, and ihe ulhei hull take their luin the week following The girls make uof their own menu pian the meals, prepare the food and serve it They are given from 1115 in the morning until 1 no p m lo do all this anil be ready for liasses ' We are Cumulent tliai the noon ilgy hot lumh plan Increases Ihe ef latency of students folly fifty per cent. ' says Mrs. Patton in comment ing on her work. ' We had the equip meut, the hot lunch plan was needed, (he girls wanted the training, and we had the desire to demonstrate oui ability, so we started things off me first of the term and ekpect to con tinue the plan " ;• '.The girls of the class are Mary Me tviuley, Rosa Brennan. Della Rupp Dorothy Orm. Mildred Noh. Grace Detweiler. Merle Davis. Klva Aman, k-dgurinu Chandler. Ruth W'oolsey. Macil Been,an. Le.aia Lack. Irene Haneen. Opal and Thelma Williams. Laura Smith, and fkiroihy Ripley. As an example of ihe meals being served by the grade school domestic department the menu for the lust week is given sandwiches, peach satire, cocoa Tues àay: Riced potatoes, dried beef •^firuTV. apple sauce, cocoa, sand wicht*. Wednesday Triches, rice Monday: Beall soup. Apple sauce. sand Thursday: Fried ap tomatoes. sandwiches Creamed onions, sandwiches. pies. cream {•Friday ; riced potatoes, cocoa Shear Loses His Other Shirt by Fire Fire destroyed laundry valued atf loo ul the home of YY A Shear lust week when a three weeks' supply of linen and clothing Just delivered from the laundry «M ikafinrtsati) pi... up ' cn an electric cooking stove that had the current turned on The wall was ' threatened with lo.), had not the t. name; been dt-covered when they alightly damaged and the home was j The Shear home is undergoing ex tensive repair and the house and tdr : nuhifiga have bees badly disarranged during the boildisg' On «y 4 .Bccour,t of a «trike among i&o&dr7 workers at Twin Faiia. mar.y iocai were people sent ts ilttic laundry a» por-, sible. until ihe strike was sottieJ j Then the Shears sect a three uuppiy. and when the package of cican linen, ciothicg and famiir wash-, leg wa» returned, the bundle waaj carelessly ujk'S the itore. that apparettiy was roid. j The laundry was all turned wfccr. the dlacoTcry of the k>*» was made. and the Shear« are now ««fcinr re parttion from the lr.*uranee company Mr*. L C. Peck of Buhl risiting her mother and father, r. and Mrs. L. S. 0 ;t >, during u* wmws t iler Club Champions Hon> ored at Pocatello • bamplon dub uieui-] ,'csuiello during llie vgeek of J.iuuaiy .2, where they will compete tundreds of cither boys and girls from til over the slate for honors in their Those going from Five young lers trout vork. will join twelve other wlunersja run the rest of the county and go Filer iu llie Farm Hureau mes of work. Filer will will be Margaret Cliiisleeu y'lola Diehl. FI tie Noh, John Hollo mut», and Ted Slerer A. I. O'Reilly, county club leader. Is busy completing the program lor tak ng Twin Falls champion boys und •iris to Focaiello where they will be! he guests of the business men of Pocatello who ure honoring tln-m for Seventeen he work they have done I these young champions will leave I'win Falls un the evening of Jan lary Hi aud return on the 17tR. The Members of Ihe party will be. Ted herer. who won the .bam pion ship in he pig judging; Katherine laiguii who won iu llie sow anil litter clast; Alto Walton, who won in the pure ued gilt class; .hum pion gardner of .'iola Diehn. champion Red worker; Margaret t'haeteen. • hump mi sewer in the Ural year; liora Williams, champion sewer in the sec .ini year; Myrtle Moyen, champion sewer ill the third year; John Holil ban. champion In-un bread Donald Met'lam. champion sugar beet .luvv. r; t ail River. champiotF corn] grower; Curl Klver. chuinpion Wiunifred Oliver, champion Milo Davis, champion potato grower; Cecil Childs, champ-1 loo calf raiser, and Flfie Noh. chum Mui gat el ICequa. the the ciMinty: Cross baker. corn grower; «beep rfiiser. pion canner. The program for these young peo ple while In P«»'atellu, iu addition to a series of entertainments, will con sist of three days of extensive train ing to the lines of work that they have been following undei the di reel leadership of eyperts In these over Ihe slate for honors in their lines of work The plan of Ihe farm hnrfitii» throughout the state Is to make the prizes Utat the hoys and girls win of as much edui'ationu! character us pos sible and for Dial reason this trip is the championship prize in each line of work. Mi Wilfred McKay <11 en ive a reading from Nathaniel Willis. Hi titled. "The luiper'' followed by ( hr,si mas hells' by Longfelow at a meeting of (he ( all,oil. Women's Mrs. Olsen on Program members of the league were league on Ihursday afternoon at th. home of Mrs Harry Hazel in Iwuf F alls. After a brief business session Ihe entertainment program was ten dered Mrs. Charles Hart n-ad a paper on "Christmas Times." Piano selec tions wer« rendere«! by Mis* Dorothy Roy and Mrs J E Byers Twenty live present Train Service Resumed to th. t .id tunning .« he.i.iie last Thursday after a brief period of oner Trains to and from Filer went back atlon curtailment, due to the miner s e i r {g e which brought about a need tor economy in the tun-urn pi ion of f ut> | The re.uu'.piion of running put the east bound ^ re 5-22 o'clock bock on leguiar (im<> tn 4 j a> morning leaving train. Tbi* aftern.sin ibe 4 t»2 train will lie operated Curtailed ser vice on the Rogerson branch was unabunaoned with the resumption of old conditions the curtailment cricr. Making up of mails has gene back to the system in operation prior to ; The marrtaire of Dr. ETe*yn Hanra to Mr. John DeKiotz wax »oictanized j n Salt Lake on Thursday December 11 Both bride and groom arc w«.. known here, the former haring prre need her prrfc«ioti here ! i «m. time, while the grocm has lived ne*r inter for many years. The m&ay Hanaa—DeAJatz rS'^«iïr^ and Mr* DeKiou. and join with th R«»rd in vriahfg the m wc cesi cr.d ;SS°3ASr»SÏ. ' I 1 Tu«"«!»» evening. January •. **» he tUie art by the board ol direct. > 1 » u( Mir Klirr < «oi, ne re la I c'llib *1 iiirtuni brld by them Monti«) «ight Commercit) Club Will January 6th m t he inbl Fellows ball has been . ureil lor the big get-together ipeel i.g of farmers aud business men. re ireslimenta and smokes are gültig to Wjjh •tag and an outside apeakcr-agiU be I bile to outline some of the pa*alb|t wilhjitie* of a ■ ..luioeri iat club and show snappy enierlainiueul will b tojed; I he provided, a detinue progrg : other what has been accomplished to wnc The campaign for mem berg -lari about ihe first of llie year, and will a high figure lias beeil set as til« i ou 1 New no mi.ers are being added every day, und u . Oinm. iidabh» gplrit ot co operatn.u bun so far been » J hihfled bv the clttzeus of Ihe com in unity to help promote the vuter | j ; ; prim The committee took up the matter financial obligations at Monday I night's meeting aud weui on record ] 1 ' bills against tbe .. » •» "•'»''e.i that statements be ren to the trvAMirer proni|illy, h* a«* favorm* the |mmi|*r iiayiumt of All clilh will) The club is s«>liciti.ns ot ■ hat oldigallona ahull lie met ilispal. h establishing a reputation of financial m rit y and to this end will pay every legllupate obligation regularly • oui rat ted for. j Additional Local R. A. Reynolds, manager of the 1 Filer Hardware company returned last week from a business trip throughout the middle weal He visit e,l at Chicago, and Perry. 111.. Ml Punt Duluth. Minneapolis. There is no com t I parts,,it he says lietweeu bushiest conditions in the east and prosperity and thriving commercial activity of the west. j Students from nearby college» home Mr Reynolds pur,-bused stock, impie,, lent* slid me, chut,dise fin next season's business. f„ r holidays include Philip Buck and Albert Iteichrrs. from the Uul the of is line verrliy of Idaho; Vira sud F J Diehl from la,gar. Agricultural college. Ho ! lau, I and Raymond Draves from the Oregon Agricultural college. Lillian and l.ucll|e Murray from Sacred Heart academy at Ogden Both of the Filer schools closed for the holidays Wednesday afternon. and , classes will nob In, levanted until Ihe lllsl Monday aller New Years which is January & Jdany of Ihe sludents [and teochprs will visit in other parts a ,he • 1 ** r '**« »»»• '" ll r "*' "b for ,h * balance of by j terfh at t who has been past two weeks morning for Long where she will join who went to the coast ten days ago b) automobile K T Hanriuieyer. of Huhl who owns and opejate* the well known th. , f-cUl flv# VHt of Hull| was transacting business here Friday Mr» A Osborne, visiting here for the ^ left Thursday Heath. Calif her husband Dr R S Armes is visiting In Min nesota Vernie U an yon returned here Fri day ftoui Rexburg. where he has been spending th* fall Mrs W. W Humphrey, national organizer fot the Ladies of the O A R and Dr Jane Shank visited tb* s Filer circle of the U A R Thursday afternoon of K. »V (ruifer, vrbo hut been eui ployed in tbe Remolds brothers store at Ca-iletord is speeding ibu Filer Mercantile r> . , Company bave been compelled to i holidays bere Rosine»* the To take care of their i icrpaaibg add more flour »pace t » their business home. A balcony ex ; th»ir mwiii« ., m „ Pn i. an m#ir jfinwinjf ol cnfrciian j dise. Mrs C. J. Gambrel gr.d Ft p, j f Cklifnmia tr ni unten, «m imit. gr r t Rl nere . m •O'' ay. >ir Oimi rn and fnn. Harley, will arrive goon, tending the entire lerurtb of ihe store ba* Ju« been 1 ac# a. John laiil: I ttUUtlny rvrileliai rtl t Oll uVtlHk wtlil (tarif «UoKlilri. .VlAKlia ImH'MM# U.» •ride of Mlllou i.o*riii«iiu A »I*. « «rvicf wan hHd connlAtliiff of «* hym »Ult All Mehl I * ' * dfilwriNl ley III# Kc vV K IlaiiiK'itfelrit who - o |M»rf.*r nan ul d unie I was served The newly married couple (uesi a rill leave on Ibeir honey moon tri| bis weMt visiting relulives aud | fiends In Nehrusku I'pon ibeir re urn they will make Ibeir wllh 1 he p,trellis of Ihe bride Mr Ider J nann having rented Ihe lailz ranch I ' Trinity t.utherun church was th< ! «eene ot auuther pretty wedding Sun lay evening at !< liu o'clock whet j vtiss Ameile Taemert he. aloe Ihr I .ride of Km!! l'ersigehl precisely ai i he hour sppoltiled for llie nisiriag. he 'soft si ruins from s famlliui March were sounded mid Ihe bridât jurty hegan iu enirjt into the church Die I wo brl.lesiiiuids were Ihe bride's ister. Miss Fslber' Thai-inert, and vIIms Fimlu d. b nieder Messrs Th I I j I I .it I le Arnold, son of Mr and Mi | ! I'haemerl suit Paul Haesemeyer act d us groomsmen. After a short ud tress delivered by Ihe pastor of thi hlirch. llie Rev W F lialiuenfeldl the ceremony was performed. Trlu ty choir also rendered a houar of the couple. lection In ! Herman Schroeder, was brought from j the Hohl Délierai hospital where he . had lo undergo an operation for up j ,» Ills I Herman Martens is on Ihe sick list 1 lie had bis louai!» removed Iasi Moll lèverai cases of smalllail consist lag of a light form have sprung u„ ta •ho- enmn,unity. In,l all that wrr. af n U i r ,j „m, n» same have fully re .lay ,-overed KtDtrm vim I nder a special ruling Issued re cruiiy by the Bureau of War Risk •'"•'»ranee Washingjou D t'.. all for lid lers, sail.,,- und , narine» Oovernment inaiirsnca ha» bate in er , w hose lapsed or tuen canceled may until Decriuhar . 11 , HOk. within which to re,I,slate their insiirau, e. h y pay ,,,. Mit l,- premiums on ] iiig only tw the amount <•( liisui.uue they wish to J reinstate The nly oilier condition imposed is ll,at ihe insured shall now tie in aa ...d health a. he wa. when d.. charged from ihe servi« , or a. h. I , ... was when ihe grace period nf his in . , so r«re expired .whichever lath. !.. e. dale», and «hall io »late In hi» I »plication „ « j Immediate advanlage of line liberal . prorislon should he taken by (boss ! til I ere sled In ibe mailer of set wring Ilfs insurance protection he who till quo kl) acts wisely No time as good ! ; ! as now Make Ihe . he, k or money order pay able lo (he Treasurer of Ihe ITuited Kiatea and mail It. with your uppii canon for reinstatement, to Premium B*'Rpl '-lection Bureau of War Risk Insurance. Washington. D C Stiles Stradley Mies iJorie Allies, daughter of _ . „ . 1 Mr* < E Mie» of .win hall« arid H«rrv MnuileVs A<*n ot Mr ,r,c * ^ tra ^ ,ev " were rmrii-d Wedne-dir at ™ arM d v>e1 ' 1 * nw * " t ocaieUo J#e wc^dmjy . was performed at ibe Micelins Ronje, •hmilton ltd with the Re*. Mr. the mecbintcal department nf tbe , • optical cnmphlty mt Twin rail*. Mr. gtrhitrjr onlr recently re turned fmm g Inn* period nf in Fron,-* JI» w .a in tb service in Fmnce He wns in tbe nrmr of occupation and was a member of tbe Marine, ,,f tho M * thod,rt Ept^npcl * hupr *> '»Œci«tin*. TlMbridt Ihu b^en employed in I - -j RnrfW liiiasions lie Is Dr Iliff tuna settlement to the use of and turtles to fend off the expected .aids of wurrtug Indians umo He had served through Ihe war of rebellion »»a*T*»iS enlisted in Ohio at the age «l*'een and fought III stkly engage He was ,,f that ty|ie of ex men is " oU, '* r ,hr rM " " f ,h ' **■"' ,or br " v " **+ "•"'•W l"«neer. and The '"thor Mr Dilllian gives just credit ihs stamina of Hume men who went from the one hull le lo preserve the i union to the oilier buttle of upbuild [ tug its newer territories. Kays Mr Dilllian the Kim ky Mountain Civilising agen civs will lmt he fllivd. because there IS III, Meed of aimtl»ar of his kind Them was a distinct place for the surt of work he did; he was the mat, lie did it well ■ His niche In to do it And this work of lir Illff It was imbaltve It IhiOi lasplraitnnai and look a strong mai, to keep up with hink as he covered III« rough terri tnry of his missions visiting them all and carrying to Ihem stimulus sud When the menace of poly Con rage jtainy hail to tie downed the plucky doctor was In a position to lead the " . . hl * •*> T Ihs principle from the human vleinent . . ' ' . ' ss to hold many »Innig friendships , lh . whl , ^ „„ „„ , )ppon , Hl)1 The story of. Dr 111« Is full of In , ld . nI r ,. d (jmii an Mr run a writer who expatiale at any lenglb Rome parts of lit* hook a[l more of direct interest to III. M hers of his ctiui.h Ilian U» others, be cause the ob>*< t of hi writing seems lo have bseii {parti) a service lo the members an«l mlsslotiai lex of the Methodist Episcopal j i uich. to whom the volume .s d ..l , p The woi !. quota'Ion of In dress ot dediialion mouuinent erected In IMH in the, Mount Olive cemeter) at Halt |j|ie| City and also an uddi contains a complete lllffs splendid ad of ihe grand army spoken by Dr OKI,tan over the glare of his friend when in tbs spring of lhlk that tv«* came to Its clow * w * , Both are luterestiom ik»unienls well; ,,*^, 0 »d with oh^eAtfieois of patrioi ;»u< ai*j dwiMU/o io bu m au it y Ths book is stasii aud of less than - w PM»* I* •* aol too churchy and R0 , ,^. c d r a Wn but a struighUor wsrd È { Kory 0 f a .struightforwurd ,Ht and worth t-y A«atern«r » time root .cl net« *«fl — F C K. x>^ and Mr* D A. Sfciao to *«0!*r »I Ji th«D two sous Do* A»rI*fiC ot BiLlriga Mont ur* spend * hoUlaT* at th* hom« of Doc , f , pArvVtM Mr k0(1 Mrt w Dr. Sfaina and Family here . S&ica Doctor Shinn is a dentist, and ta ! pr,c:« m,• bt. profeion, a. BiJRur• , * * *»" TTjlj* * h ^perhap, riait h«r« for 's.*»,' At Filer's flrat Community Christ. t'hrlnnm 1 res program, held md children were expo. I be present and receive ui'ts L UI Santa Claus aa be sped through his port mu of Idaho A half ton of cauily ami nula bail I'U provided for the uuiulon thru I. gt'iieroailji t.r residents ol Filer in.l \n lmt) • nah. eve a thorn ed ti who subscribed i.'M iu The big tree was secured nuke river canyon north of town and was brought t Huge pint form was erected at the in erseciion of Vakiuia avenue amt Main si reals, and the tree Tuesday and Wednesday, n readiness for thiutu's nrrlval liristinas eve In ilia town last week v was .lee. ruled as Io Im ou A huge bright star glittered from lie topmost bronchas of the slum tiering green cheered and the spe. la. la mis who to Ihe Ifee. the scores of per appreciated what it meant children. J M Market, president ,,f ihe menial club, wwa schedule* I ilia prog nun at alter which a short program "* given by Hie local schools cotn starr • lock sharp, was lo seven HMfltl I II Ills I'U in TO fïïTTTT Till HIT It NHUIIH Keeping Iu mind ihs true slgnm aiice of Ch rot mas aud what it la ilia,-in.imilon of we stioul.i tu etu ■ rely happy liver the privilege of he ilig able lo bestow i|mim each other. Merry Cbilainioa'' shnul.l not he our heat wishes m empty phi axe Hell I us we tear It It Imilld he given with a of aiucer f mile, and u rim; that .ueri lness and liappt ■ would make fat heart. When we fiVe g,f|. nur loved ..lies and frti ads this y~ur Id ns not give hern just because It Is cUst ■uury and liah.iu .,1 enuue you ainceroly deair* I a remembrai,, e, and t stunt,at rvtd« teem Dive them tn> heatov. exhibit au!> re ot your i .instant . Accept ynur r ft:• in the same n, ,n accept then, as Inbul • „I pi n e slid Her less admiration affe. Hon. lovi regard wish.-» in ihe same manner I they »re given, and again to accept tho I'hrliitmas with.«« of this A< « ept t'hrt.' I mas t which we .'. k yon merry ■ill« ere merry newspaper and • or your cutiilnu. d happiuesu pioaperlty i'hrlslmas. with all that term itu pHeu as to universal lellowship, houn leous unsrifielinesH and renewed rm ognitiun of lin ... to C i„ 11 * uall v lu-i I.-, It,an lo ,. i, e I» As you have pit' into uiiylliing lha< Oui of the Intereii you have taken In thi« I inch will you gel out of It . ** ^ Ipuhlldier and editor paper, we hope you ha' equal personal pleasure der! v eil an Y'our ap talion has made lb,a papers la pr And likewise In that same spirit which makes Christmas time what ,l Is. wa lake this opportunity of ex pressing our thanks to the bitsine - men of it, I'oDiiniinily, and of territory Within which this paper ctr culaiea. for their cordial to operation (he In practical ways which has made It pi esllde for us regularly to present < ur l>e»t efforts to the community in i creditable manner, May the kindly glow of this holiday season color life for you aud your* ... ._ _ ihn. u .-bout I he louilng year William Zeatz Goes Cast the Record left ou Sunday eveoinjr there several weeks ujro. After dispoaiug of tbia newspaper to .__ w lb ® pr ^ rit o ; Mr •• Mf * ZeOU purcimoed (be Taylor regtaunnl, and gold (bat business to Harold William M /null, ex editor of for St JtHM-pb, Mo., wber« be will join big family who preceded li nt „m-t-ncr of enterinir the mer 1 . ' _ aintilebuaine»«. However, AenU avefg tbat he wi „ rHurn Kller Moore only • few week» ago He baa been assisting \V. P. Shi nr, in tbe ponnlfice during tie Cbristmti rur*b, and now goes e*«t with tb»* ^ «g Mr , T .u Conu.r. »P«. -» 1 ^ «»«T» her« at th« Conner hom* «Mt at town. Mr. Whit* left Mon WsMssrsat Ed Whtt« of Colfax. Wank-, a bro-