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112 Millieis^ used last year~^ to KILL COLDS HILL'S ;<1 £^QUININ CASCARA Standard cold rcmsd; for 20 opiate*—breaks up a cold ta p » J 4a j fails >4 n K Money back i with Mr HtlTa picture k At AU Drws 5ferM Mrs. Coutts' Strange Belief. In 1 obtins they tell this animal ghost story. A member id the fstuous hank itig house of Coutts Was extremely fond of a tame i-ohin tliat came and feit out of bis hand The bird died be fore the hanker did. hut Mr«. Coutts. »ho afterward mai rid the duke of 1 lewMishire. hekl that the bird appear ed at the window of the room Mr. Coutts had occupied, and when she was dying she 1 ►egged to be taken to the room la question so that she might again see the phantom robin. Mrs. t'outts. however, uluays believed that the apparition was her husband In bird orm. I A SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS There is only one medicine that really stands ont pre-eminent at a medicine for curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stand* the highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousand« upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp Root makes friends quickly be cause its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gentle, hezlmg vegetable compound. Start treatment at once, drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi um and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton. N. V., for a sample bottle. When wri'ing be sure and mention this paper.—Adv. Sold at all Client Was Somewhat Peeved. The visitor to the lawyer's office stood in amazement. "I any, old man!" he exclaimed. "Whatever lias happened to you? Had a motor smash, or what?" The lawyer shook his head wearily as tie gingerly touched his bruised and bandaged fais 1 . "No. Tou remember that ease the other day when I defended a tnun charged with assault? Well, I made a strong plea for him on the. ground that he wus » fool rather that! a criminal." "Yes ; hot--" "1 did It s*i well that he was aixinit ted. and he waited for me outside the •surrt." *. r • :r GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER. Constipation Invites other troubles which come speedily unless quickly checked and overcome by fïreen's Augum Flower which Is a gentle laxa tlTe. regulate* digestion both in stomarh and Intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canaL stimulates the liver to secrete) the bTle and Impurities from the blood, It Is a sovereign remedy used in many thousands ef households all over the clvilUed world for more than half a century hy those who have suffered with In digestion, nervous dyspepsia.; sluggish Bver. coming up of food, pal pltatton, constipation and other In testlnal troubles. Sold hy druggists and dealers everywhere. Try a bottle. take no suherltute.—Adv. Concerning Egge. It Is thought by naturalists that the eggs of «torai'sllc hens of the pres.Mii day are larger and heavier hy nearly a third Ihati those of the hens of the ancient«. Kggs differ a g.Msl deal In weight, the a vers go weight heftig about live »«now. A good egg Is made v up of ten |>arts shell and sixty parts r « hit. and thirty part* voik. The whit of an egg contains SI |>er cent w der. TT*e shell contains nbmt 'J ! (er ccnl aalmal matter ami 1 |»'r cent j of the (Joiephales of lime ami mag | nesla. tlie rest consisting of carUroate | ..f lime and blackhead* Cuticura for Pimply Paces. To remove pimp) ft stuea' them with I'uticura tdntmenL Wash off in Ave minutes with Cuti cura Soap and hot water. Once clear keep your akla clear by using them for dally tollet purpoees IHro't fall to Id rlu.le Cutlmra Talcum—Adv. Empty loclosure. "I'm in a terrible frame of mind." "Not aw unusual case." murmured ■'All frame and no (*c Mia C:. lure ' Noaieg In. The X ray is now helm, need to re veal te wH-nlist* th»- Inner *erret« of plant »«rwetnre ft* Sort. "Has the dramatic «tar on hand?" "Ye«, and It A«s her like a g!< new play * V ßß «ri» Morning "s KeepVour Eyes CfH C. la . a r -"f. e - n nder tfie lïlistletoe m ASS m ( tj V wm £ V ♦ ' 9 5 CK /a I , —•/?. \ cpcaopc I * J b Z> > > * 7/1 Yi 4 ^ ^ 3V t « 5 m »V. »! t tHK Christmas tree has come J down to ue from times be * yond recorded history. Near ly all peoples have their leg ends which tell of II» be ginning. Nobody these days bothers much about its or Igln, tor the Christ mas tree Is one of those things which seems to ex pi it In Itself—or not to need any explanation. But why the mistletoe, that In wwi many homee—certainly no home where ! there are young |>eople is without at least one bunch advantageously hung , —is as much of the Christmag scheme an the tree Itself? And uhy Is It per feotly proper and quite the thing—to kiss under the mistletoe? Why. the mistletoe Is dedicated to lo-e and kissing, of course. Is a sign | of love among civilized nation*. Tins j must he so. for there Is a perfi-ctly satisfactory legend In Scandinavian mythology that telle all about It. Once upon a time there was a god named Baldur, who had charge of the sunshine and all the bright and beau tiful things that sunshine help» to rnuke. His father and mother. Woden and Frlgga. for whom Wednesday and Friday are named, were very proud of their yellow-haired boy : for he was so handsome and good natured that i everybody loved hlm. K very body? Well, not quite. There was one dark god named Lokl. who had care of (Ire and all the terrible things It does und this Lokl hated Baldur bitterly. For. In the spring, you know, the people all left the hearth Öre« that Lokl look ed after, ami went out to rejoice be cause Baldur had brought back the glorious sun. And for this Lokl hated Baldur more and more each year, and longed to hurt him io some dreadful It seemed, however, that Haidar could never he injured or made raiser When he grew up he married which means "Blossom" In able. Nnnnn. Kugllsh. and every day he looked hap pler than liefere. But one morning he awoke greatly troubled ; he had dreamed of dying! What could It j mean—this dream of death to the god I of joy? And the next night I« came \ «gain, and the next, and the next > 11 « father and mother were so wor | that they could not sleep, and at Fength his father. Woden, went far down into the land of night to talk , with the evil ones there and And out «hat they Intend«! to do to hie hoy. And what do you suppose he found? to the land of darkness, and one sent was prepared for Baldur! Almost wild with sorrow. Woden hurried buck with the *orrowf*il message to Ids A table se< for those who must come j wife. j Y^ennwhllo. however. Frlgga had been thinking and thinking, and Just Woden entered e!ie gave him the Joyful news that she had hit upon the very plan to save their son. And the p'im* Well, it wa* this: they should send out messen g er s all over the \* prld and aak everything—the tree«,, the rocks, the mountain«, the animal», ihe wafer», twerythlng—to promise (ever lo harm their Baldur Woden was delighted with Frlgga'« So the messenger« went out ad a« .dan. wer the world and asked everything promise never to harm Holder tnd all the world seemed to think it «a» a Ane plan, for everything gl«. llv rn h - gave the promise never, never, never the yellow-haired god of »un »hir * re. everything In all the aorld Inst one thing. Ti e ytomlaed xtlstletoe that hung the great o«k • lit vntetde Valhalla the home of the goda. • as feeling out «•roger arrived. of sorts when the mea '* too never k*ne Behlnr. Ihe hine'" an Id the mes- g»v. never, never god of * "Why «hotiM I mak l«e?~ asked the laistl« e «o.-b a priwa Christinas Trees ■ Vermont might ho called the "Green Cee" State, ae well as "Green Motyn min.- Anyway, the annual ah!|ro»ent of Christmas trees to the city market «ever ljon.onn trm*. Vermont farm .ra receive »boat *)nri/**i T>,.- tree« are consigne«! In carl.rod lot« to commission merchants In the • large rltiee—New York. Philadelphia, j HrcInters- and the larger title« of the •* V>I we »> ft; I » O-HtiOj o « r lvS?e v w - o 7 8 NT iXL mm V >1 C3\ «1 W -3 Vv L V y i J ( i " ,4 •r K/7V ft I I« 7 n m o ' 5* Æ c <r - i o # At So ihe messe nger told alMiut Baldur's i dream and W.slen's visit to the land : °f night and the plan to save Baldur, "I will not promise." said the inlstle "Cornel Promise!" said the meaeo Ker. "All the world I» promising." j toe. And he didn't. In spite of all the messenger could say. j But who eared? What could any ! thing so frail as the mistletoe do to harm Baldur? Ills refusal was for l! gotten In the ge.-ernl rejoicing over j the fact that all the world had protn ! hsed never to harm Baldur. \ And the rejoicing was great. And j »hen the rejoicing was at Its height the gods. Just for a lark, begun to throw things at Baldur, knowing noth i Ing could hurt him. What fun they did One would throw . rock, an \ other a spear, another a hall of Are and two or three getting together would hurl a whole tree trunk, but as soon a» anything drew near him. It leopcd to one «Ide or the other, have! and refused to rirtke lilm. Now. wasn't that wonderful ? one day. a* the young gods were shouting over the way they couldn't | hit him. an old woman, «eelrig Frlgga ct her spinning wheel, asked what the laughter and noise were about, "Oh." answered Frlgga. proudly. "the god» are amusing themselves try mg to hurt my hoy ; hut they can Dev er do It. for all things have prom 1 «ed never to harm him." j "la that ao?" exclaimed the old "Everything?" woman, •Te», everything In the world except th»* little mistletoe, who of course rvejldn't hurt anybody." "Well. am glad to hear It." «aid th" .»Id woman a« abe turned away. Tlx old woman wa* Lobt In die gutee! He hurried straight to the ntd oak ctimtws! up. and mi a p!."e of mis I let be. and. running to bl« dark den. tara«* I (he slender bit of vine hy mag le Into* long, sharp qror Theti. with he rushed to «here the evil weapon the g>«l« were playing. C* «t 'll •tion' nr over M» Ev e . tbe fun exre|.t Ibildur's blind brother, p«*?« mo«t of I|p îw*n fr»» m Mlckicao. \VUf(.n**fi hy I**»«? Ktrl tfw la nnffy mvH off imhi r «! . --ed and Med and Me-, ■re«, and other bun l>tiad!«1. the larrtrot tree« going la a handle by them die« holding from two to 12 trees The farmers receive from S to lfi cent» »piece for trees; the ultimate cop sum er par« all the way from 50 cent* to HO. to W* 1 bundle*, and average* L200 tree* to the car The Ar tree 1* the standard variety. _ laich carlo* d contain« 50 | llmlur. who wa» «.► unhappy because he could not «» that he «eldoro »mll ed, and almost never laughed. "Why don't you play?" asked Lokl. i "How can a blind god play?" an swered Hoditr. sorrowfully. Lokl laughed loudly. "Why. I'll show you how." be «aid. "Stand here and throw this spear with : all your might " Hodur took the m>ear. aimed It as I-nkl directed, and hnrled It with all ' (»«wer of hla strong arm. It hla* through the air; It rtn *2|* , 'l? r ' ,l,e *' mI of fell dead ! The forgotten little thing, the mistletoe, hll< * ** B ' Ml Silently his Issty was put upon hla ship, and nil was made ready for «end Ing the veeeel «u£ » was the custom among tl e g'"l" Then came Nnnna. hla wife, to «ee him for Ihe la«t time; hut when «he »aw the t*enu Hful yellow hair about the white face «be could not l>ear the sight, and fell d.-ad I »«-Hide him. And « 0 , side hy »Ide. they lay ut««i the grent Ship n* It »«« «et aAre and Aonted out Into the And of evening«, when »»"» ocean, the «un I» going down, you ?«ror»*lf Bnldur'e «bip «till burning In ! the dl»tnnt weet. But all hature refuwd to he com fort«! ; It mourned «0 bitterly that | llela restored Baldur to life at Kaeter time ao I list eun»hlne came bark to j I the world. pot the mistletoe on Its j good todiav lor the god* decreed that ) forever an.l f.brever II should he Frig- * ga'» «acred plant and evermore steroid stand for frlendehlp ami love. cover to Mo I But that I»»kl might never have j do with the mistletoe, the _ god« declared that It muet never coroe down to hie kingdom, the earth and anything • an to this .lay It rrow* far up In the and »t Chrl«tmastlde te bung above «»nr brada III the hou >«f friendship »»wj love, and Chrietmae I» »he time of peace and good will— j And »)(>■" the mlstlel.H' I» the sign I« «HWiipiete artflwrot the od-l rreen I. :i..b with Ite waxen white 10 horn why berriea maud In Nt twi nr+ tn rmr d#» York henna* «f tMf J ft«f. WM* many rlaloi that ( frajrnnt the annu«l harvesting of so many j will soon deforest (be slate, other» deny It. pointing out that tree» young tbe buyer» cuttAne their work mostly to hock I■».lure* where there t» * large arrvmd growth of tree« and nu meroua "eentba." The greatest work hae always gone J hand In hand wifi the most ferr-ro* J aiora! purpose.—$UU.oj I er'"■ "TO Tempi« in the Town of Chufu. Shan tun®. Honor« Memory of Gr««t Ch,n.« Ph,.«opK«r marks""home OF In the little town of ffcufu in Slian tuuK mi th«* i«|M»t where I'm» fuel in* Ived ami taught bl« ülocdpto«. In tbe happy outdoor fashion of other an •lent philosopher», under a plum tree. •land» hl» leu«|»le. a «real pink-and itaruet bordered with Mue tnd grt-cu and violet and gold. II« >rt low nKifo. tin* yellow wutfd lo < «*»» furl U» ami royalty, iwtlnj «a» Ihr hAßdmMUM dra^iiHurved pillar* in the t*tti|rttv and wrrhwt along •»>' W®* of tiny anima la whoa** aym X» I lain oq|) a ftitiolngiit* could «*x|4alti. *ut whim«* gmicxjur rharm to »»t •rn eye* goe* <»<*thu otff Mter. und» on a gtvat t«*rrarv bordtPfod *y tii|ile l»ahimrud«*ft mnwl Into vaa ** of nut lit!«* flowrr*. «weflillni h> .»uirtvrd lui' h triple slalrrases rtwblaaaod with ■lioctil ves and im>re dragon«. anil In* Tort It streiche« a vast limited with cedar» and etidiksetl b> duk walls. I'Irtk walls, old nilur*. I elle» roofs! These ulunys to Con lucius. Kor Ihl» temple la only the pnllern of Confuelau temples through all China In which Inceu I men burned to the sage by 78 genera II il.«. The New Itepuhllr. Difference in Spanking« j Harriet Ann. nearly three, I» the - «randdaughtrr of Kdwln S tlarkshurg. She lives next door and. going to see her grandfather she an hVf of lount'rd Joyously : •Tv» bwfi HjMinkifl " < ini nt If it flier wan nil »> «»i|n»iI»> i'M <wld : "Oh. did your mother »punk you?" To which Harriet Aim replied 'No; *1 wa* mv father al »imnk'-d lin -»wasn't that unfortunate?" Iiutbui «poil» News. Quai bed . "Would yon say tSuil»pur I» a credit to his home towur "j'hl* |»ppl* tl> hl» nmtlr tO^Atl IllUftl think so. wh>r "Thry don't »«■eni nhle lo orgnlilu' n rwejitlon mmsilllei' without mak Ing (iadspur .halmiau, altluKigh ihm um, lo- I—a..».- he I. the only men In I 'hlggcrvIII.- who owns a »Ilk hut and •I long tall si .sen."—Birmingham Age Herald. "Cold In the Mead" is sn scute »tue » •>! Neeei v eisrvn. Per er» »ut.J«l to frequent c«dde in Ih* heed" will had that the "■ IIAU.'B CATARRH Ml-lllUkk »111 build up the Hyetetn cl»»n»e Uie Blood i end render them tree lieble to colds Kepeeted »tterks of A>*ke Ceterth tn»y j teed to Chronic Ceterrh . HAfl'ICATARKH MEDICINE tern*; en tnternary end set* throuen th» Iiu«>d on Ih* Mtn oui Surfer»« of the System. All I>rurg1»t* TV' Teetlmonlele free DU) On for any rtM of rfttftrrh inftl HAIU.'B CATARRH MEDICINE wW not C "k J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. •on» who Queer Queriet. you iIm* '.MinIiimII«*ii» *»f Murk Anthonyf ** Hhknl « Indy *»f • t»«- «H«*rfc In a tNMik Which rvinîml» u« «f • <HMf| pat to >n altendent of the lllirary : Where -an I find Kh«ike«|.eun» » Taming of Ihe I'rvuf " The questioner wu» a husky I.Hiking Hmp mid may have been .toll of a hunch of oarsmen.— Ihmlon Trmincripl Ihe ! complacently i mn » to Maihsrs El „, ,mP °7* . C'aSTORIA. that famous old remedy infants and children, and are that ft Hla Wat Différent Itolihy and hl» »l*ter were with ».>up and th.dr mother, mindful of their table imuuier*' reitmrked ; •Now remember, dear», your » Is _ tittle boat and must tie unhmded from the side." "Huh. mine la a ear ferry ami un liqtd« the end," rejoined Bohhg serve.1 It.-an. the Signature of In Cse for Over HU Years, Cbil.lrt-n Cry for Fletcher'* Caatoria Dodging Danger T notice that trani|*e avoid my "«Hi a.-ount of y.ror rbur?' ..lit of II "I place, think l!'a on pie." wife'» Probably. Talrir my lihaiwnd ha» taken to walking In hl« a!«ep." •The high «or fare«, i «up|» In-d.-cp Iwroti Fortunately for . ■ «kin Is Intart* worn on Ihe lie SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY BRINGS SURE RELIEF Fcr ytn .eare GOLD MEDAL Hear ' »uffrrmz hoioeu tty to ml betend bind. »7 kidaey. in-#* biedd* r mad et.woach Inal .* « ■aT'ali 2 T 1 WI nieer'-l wlik tk» am aw «r» ' ((j ^ U| , 1W | « »»»krb»d hy lea (HI has e ry or (»as. re to Vsltb d.eesee. Th (til argr roust il , porte 1 1 erganai bed, be, as a* tb»y fJU-t r blood, aolea they do ÀroaedL roust W *«l and pwr fr th» tk»»r walk y«u »»» WeariBCM. «îeepleeroie.s. nerrou». nee«, dearwodeney. ba-ka-h*. stomach trouble, twins ta tb* r.ta* aad luwer abdomen, grave!. rbeomaUaro, ariatb-# and lumbago all nrD „T?*' n ot j££Y,* with your kJdoey G(»LD MEDAL lie* rivro IM Cajroule« are the remedy Coughs Crow Better i-rr zz'iJz: PI SO S CH» IN | 111 O 11 1 1HO I ITC I fVUlHAn 0 Lilt j Mrs. Godden Tells How It j i p> rMn< |()t, O. —"I wa* passing through y,. cn oc*J period of Ufa, born? forty* an yean of age and had all Iba «ymp tom* melden t to that change — boat Aaah ee. nervouaaeaa, and May be Passed in Safety and Comfort. j » 1 j j down condition, w» it we« h«rd for me to do Lydia E. V égalable Com pound we* recom mended to me u the be»t remedy for my trouble«, which it «urely proved tobe. 1 feel better »r.d r in every way *inee taking it. annoying «rmptoma hevedtaap pearwi. " — Mr». M GoooSN. «25 Na poleon St.. Fremont, Ohio. Ruch annoying eympton» aa heat As* bra, nervouanaaa. backache, bead »che. irritability and ** th> bhiaa," may be speedily overcome and the »yatem realored to normal condition* by thi* famous root and herb remedy Lydia K. Link ham * Vegetable Compound. If any comphraUoo« present them selves write the Linkham Medicine Co , Lynn. Maaa . for suggestions how overcome them. The result of forty yrsrs eiperience Is at your servie« and your letter held in strict couhdeoc*. mf worn. Ptnkhfta'» -v:^r - [ | j ) i j ri : -r. E an 1 lo BAD BREATH i Often Caused by Acid-Stomach II. • r«n •njrfttto with ammath. mho U . «nt ty bolrhin« baft hearllMtra «h4 fron. lti<li|»aOuii • n> I hi«« bet « bft4 broftt b * All «*«•• ftium.rh It.«.»« 4* r ft Ukftft« •— «bl»« — IrltlM K ATONIC, lb* •»•i4ftrfft ronxilf .» pioftftftnt iftfttl you o»t lib» ft bit of , h> , n>al , tut«, Cm mLowk « , M« ftaftkih ■ •tout f«r »» lb«« • ft4y. bnaf »• ««"» MATOS. N Ihftket th* «•n.ft( h > ft »H. rtftftl ft »4 *<*»»• fort • bU Try *« ***»1*4 » »ifts'b ftmwtalftft ll«f (turn IHftftft ftlo.xftrb mUtftr l< lb* brwftib borft br«a( ftft4 y ,r ft It i*«4ft «• »* f • mm* Mftlftftrlhftllft, rrb»ftm«ilft*ft. ftriftii» •. h**ri «ronblft. •»> •» kdOaMM. b»ftslft«'b*ft. Ift h •• M • • n4 r •»> *r «if lb« HMinftrb '' *|r«ln»ft *Mb ftft4 r*y *11 t lr*4 «ml in I ill., n* **f It IlfttUftft UrbOw •ft»ft |.r t«kft-ft • bo Ut chron». tftgfttwtlam ftf* mftlftm obi «I«, • ftb«»tl»ftlnft «if oft* • 4«M To« b»*.« I b* b*lf> <b*t BATONIC „ , w»n » >.-» Jo»», bee mb k»ll.r |.u erlll feel ee >oon r«« i-.«i« lekie« ih>. ».rH.i.i •iom, > .> nn«li Oet M« roe. Own» leSer »e«r imhi if ree ft ftlkft «re ee. (»»ties as Sow »»4 ft bl« >• M* «III nmt ftftiiftftft4 »' ftfb TOR TÔtlR ACID STOMACR (Lf) f Cuhcura Soap Ideal for the Complex»« ^»any? ur * j PATENTS FRECHES gSâSâaiSB «JRlftftiftft. '.Wftiàibpftft, W N Aal« Lake City, Ne. M-1V1*. Oll Bor.rg Shale Bede In Wee« Kx|muT« n««ert that steroid our «al well« run dry In the fat nr* there I« plenty »f |H-lroleum to Im> had from Ika oll-l<earing «lisle Inh In the Itnckjr I A recent »urvey af tfea of ('olorB.k> alone reveroled a mountain». aisle »hale l>«-d id •««•'»») 1 barrel« Ueing a Wrench, A monkey-wrench «hould »ever he drawn backward from the Jaw«, ae thi» tibov eine til Im likely to hand iba The wrench «liould always iro j bar. pulled toward the Jaws. Mean Thing! — "Jack called on I eriM-Mi »I 10 . 1 —'Tee, he told flaedaft K.II 1 I 1 I day a me he he«! aws- tl|b*e t«* kill," J Kv. »Ing Tn Wri|d A Limit. "I «Mi I you like hie breezy lure, hut l'd like It better If he tldn't r»er' Mew av A mar throw* hlm«.-if at a w shrvw« her ■t feet .owl a wot»« 1 yw* ar.d Take three dey, Ik* beehn* '«l eoake into the celle aaj kniag of the kafoey* and dri».« e. t I h» troieeti«. V« Ufe anq health »4 aureiy fotlow. W ben y «er normal r.f-r be»# mterol t»*U»iw tr eatm. a t f 1 r a while to keep y curer If in evteii tc -0 end prevrat a retura of the a.»» ease, are In»*pa» !e -f GOLD M.-i Uz Y'uwr dl rbrerfuRy r»ftit»d f»«r lYur.'l we't until ywu ; fgbtir-z Start tekiag 1 lise ri» 10 Oil Ce,»«ul»* fttnUHft m.rory If you are bat aatlafled * 'b reeult« But he • re to get the origin*! Imported GOLD UKDAL acd ac apt ao enbetitatea In three eivea . fc isiid 1 -erkagvw. At all drag atorea. today FARkEiTS HAIR BALSAM 7-W jftl nr— CftlftT «M Fa-.iH.AT F Bo Orar * t-a FRCORN8 -2JÜ HIND ,, . a** psi - v.ftU» VO tftft tftik e« «Nr K«. >r «hü or »• In» cfta»iaftj werftdw -.«* ft.