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IKM AS TO FRONTIERS INTffcHITr OF BOUNDARY LINES RESOLVED UPON. RENNER IS TOLD BY ALLIES. he«»'«"** Cornell Ls*vss no Ooubt as i. it. Omwot to With Charge All Cl.uM. of TrMIji ARoctmg Territory. I'trim f H. Kart li«ni»«*r, fh«t Ana* triad rbanrtliiir rnrivwl a Irtfar friicn I he Miprvojr ruuiiHI Wwlnn# cta> iiM»rnh*g. •»*!*••» I by l*m»»irr 4*t«in pitivii H, rr»fihrmitiK th«* «!«*«• |«»t«*ti of III* •vprrmp msiMil In maintain liittfjfralljr iIh* territory of tto* Auatrlau rafwbtfcf mm iHIimkI |o tha trratjr nt Ml. Orf nils. 'The Mler refer* In (tie mmnnmUi irisitinn iiieanl the «** 1 »* rat tun fmm the AontrtdB refFtlhllr of Vof#|hrf|. Hulibarg, Tyrol ami Wealern llufttfary. au* I iln lartd the «unns of stx li move Ntriiu In any of llieae terrllort^a would luvulo rvsfnplete ilUltiteffratl«»»» of amt ikvlhij Ihe e«|tiiJihrtMM« of rentrai Ramph *1 de «dpreme roumil. ««Hiaefiueftlly. the letter aaya, wlahea lo leave no il'Milii rrgarding II» will lo maintain wlthoal « ha niff ail * I a a g e «« *.f r n**uf* alffHilng lerrllort • flou of Ana Iris'* requirement* for Hie relief of her that reading font romtttiofia, (lie ait prrme roum tl «le* i<I«m| that II would to* un « aaery to furutali relief to the a»iiM»tint of f7t> tSMt.taai at lra««|, to go forward ai the rale of 9* .WMXJÜ Memthly. Ihallef waa es|>reoae«l by Ihe Austrian delegaikm that Ihe tidal sum tiered ry would rea« I» $ Iftu. 01 *>/.*■» which Is the suMMinl I'tiatH ellor l(euus*r askeil ihe r* hi nr 11 to luaii lo Austria. The r«>unrt| hr uni a re|airt from the frrwh mtnlater of reruns!ruction with regard to Austria's needs. It was ataleit that measures had been »greed ui«»u for ihe remedying of the situs ttoll The eireutlon of these mesures, II was »»bird entailed the |uirtlrl|>s* I Ion of Ihe I'nlted Mtstea, whose sd* hr retire lo the agreement wga iwallMl FREBIDENT-B MIND IB OPEN Hm Net Decided on Rtturnlng of Railroad* ta Privat# Ownership. I'reahteiit Wilson* •ccincl la «till open on th« qurailoti of returning Ihe rallroaila In privai# con trat, Necretary Tumulty told a itelega tioa rt-preee tiling union labor and ihmii« faruiera' oegaolMlIon* which calleii at Ihe White Mouse »n Wmlneailay lo pfe •enl a letter aaklag the executive to itelay rHarn of the rond* for two W ashington n I'hlB woa the Mr.t auibort.atlr. ex pr-salon an Ihe .uhjevi which had to, m, .dmlni.lralion quarter a «tore the prealdeot Informed roogrvwo Is.I M. ( thai he plan...*) to rdtlnqul.1. federal eonttsd by January I n.a preside at Mr Tumulty »aid, would he |l«Ml la ffvt tbr «Inn* «if tha l»t»*»r nml finnrr r^irvarntAtiVM, who that a lair teat of government o|mra turn la pea retime should be given SUPERSTITION RECEIVE« JOLT. - ! of I Old War Id Wag* tn Ds*pit* Prsdla Mana af It* Oaatruetlan New Ter* Aatunlshuient wa* ex pr e saa d by th* *U|M.r*tItlow* when th« earth iBd not nuiiy lo an end on In .ember IT. The swilaous poettlon of the planets bad been writ |«r«e; sgenteal and soma n»*guhhMl per»o>* irrvni In witchcraft bad uvowm-aI when the major leaguer th# solar system forme«! themselves in mtalmol that at the pre«-t«e a «traMibl Uu«*, with M«*| Ju|4taf. M»r». V«*nt»M m l Marvury *»u j eer a# tbr »us and f'raatiM Ibr Mirth » had i lit*, ?<» (urn. , 'b- «.-.I u« <>(be* four w Bve solar pa roe to the front •f the Bur would be wrecked. huff Thaft* Arm Uoaavarad Y * I Smm Yuri •ufKrtmt h *»»«trt at Ira of all |a»liimiM*«i «ho HÉ •*•• ft ha to ab4od harqlara la »at tbofia la ttfuobtjrtt atwl Maah«t III of lea of that is ta y« ct Attorney ha baa aam>unc«Mi I -ets la af Brook ! y V*» ftttwmrg Mom«. Ml b| th# K*r >*« hm «Mti'.*f wit »%>« K »«•* ft li'swwb dttalia that l*rti Beete«. te tbly. wilt arrive In N«mm Mfdii|ai»M by Mtur%Iii^ lu (ha «fila whMl they awn her Alarve-st Ri 4MMtl pert - tr-eMtatsd by II •hex Ik I that boat it« iNrrstans bad ancml the BrlU.h gam«* w P anted denial of the ra ie Itu in Hot- I ■ : uf t.WD •*« «wad» by • »r tfftr* on WnliM Ray* far Fr*a| Raw Seat CWsetaroi Chari«« year* old, a farmer living Kal-rm wa* In Cleveland *f k'r«| j ! J-bnsoa. nn ; •>« We«ln day with a reaerxed aaat ttefcat • as I ta be In Ihe front row whea the world rotas- to an rad F*«( I« Ovwv'ewdsd. a as Farts —It la uset'-w ask for an aiMirtmrnt at lean than iMU francs year, hotue banters are iofunro-d by one of the Isrgest ranting agendas In Tarts, which warns people to »-ay a wav from Farta. HIGH PRICE FIGHT ENTERS NEW PHASE STEPS SEINO TAKEN BY THE GOVERNMENT TO CURB RIS ING COST OF. CLOTHING. c ont, „net of Concerned in the Production and Solo of Ing Apparat Called ta In January. j W ashlngton Rtr|M Ul chc- k III« rl.ln* l»n . „I riVUllap WtU !>«• 'll-. «us-w-d pi a Boafarenr* heru mrljr In January of (M-rmni. Inirrmiwl In the pr«Mlij<'flun of w«-tiring fr« ihê> pro« tu« rr of raw iu«r«*rlul* f«* ihr « ofiaumrr of (hr flni*h««il |#ru«lu«'f. Thr «-ailing of lh«* con ft* run««* hum ann«*uiM-r«l ofi J*rc*«*mhrr Ml by Aaalaf. | uni Atfurnry lirurral Kljfjf, who aahl j In mlillllofi f«> affn-lliiK •»inl.-a In pprmtlon. If hu» |»laniir«t lo ! |»r«»vhlr for fh«* pro<1 un hm of atundunl j quality clotfi anil gurmnita f«#r »uh* at that. »'«Ul » r«BM mahle price as an linliii •■uienl I check cvlravuguuc o I lo Ihe public I In purchasing. Rugae »Ilona for lh#* Confririto* «'Milia from pr«Mlu«rra of wtoirlng ami a nftitinHlro of a*>v« > iil«*rn la h«*tng f « InMrii. Ihr prraonnrl of which will apparel, | d after Ihe < lirlslici.cs hnl IdajTA -rite Arnulgnmulcil <'lathing unions will he represented In Ihe con ferente Mr Mgg »Ulli It was generally agree.I among producers Hint one es Bentisl for reducing the cost lug was lo have f cloth snufucturerH de- I (ties, mean I log the t.V|>e of clothing plirclmsuhle I by the average man. vole their plants lo nee Koine clothing manufacturers were j .aid lo believe lin t men » hiiIIh now selling for «.V> retail, could be »old at j a profil for «Vil If an arrangement worked out between mills, I manufacturera and retailers, whereby a certain percentage of huslneas could | he devoted 'to gisst* of standard ipml ity in he turned out In quantity. "There la no Intention lo design a I 'Uniform' for Ihe public," Mr. Ft g g Bald, "and the aliindnrd gixal* under mnalderallon would be standard In ] quality rather than In pattern." con hi he BTR ANGLE H BORICH EXECUTED. ! Murdtror of Woman Pacoo Firing Bquad at Utah Priaon. Knit Lake « 'tty oa he planned the murder of Velum Atkin, nil*« Velma tireen, John ttorlch went hi* death k'rlihty morning at the ! ti *tata prison in expiation of the crime. After Imtening lo Ihe reading of the death warnnt, he uroee. corniced Id* *•"*"' , . h " •' ,r . r " , " r *" ,"«**•. , * ' n * ,h * f,rl "" .. . . . '«» '"**>• th * '">"X »'• 1 "*.ta.daoaoua with the crnck of I , * l *' A«'< «•nhiiK tu hla In* thr mi. mul» !m* Ik I II«m| Id th«* Mumm«*r ci met I •• •*** •*« »*• • "> Me «ml w.m her affection» and I '»iifc'rfvMt«*«l It» li«*r that «h«* allow him to I ht»v«» h«r Ilf«* li»Miir*Ht. ThU hum «Inna ATTEMPT ON LIFE OF FRENCH. Lard Ll*ut*nant at Ireland I* Plrad A determined hut unsn<' ttempl was made Thursday l.mtc VlacoMit Trench. i.»nt *«n«l |Im» twu |m*»«*«| nn Mr iin«I .Mr* Jut»»» ilrwn lli* a«i»nlttv«l tiuvtnif th«>Msl)t <»f tin* inunlur t*«*furu br |»«i 1 « t th»« Ilf«« I ti «ti mu««* |»r%*mluiii. On September III he |wrsuaded her *" " 11 ^ * 1, " , *" fma-le and near I hut town Itorhh ch*.k.s| th** woman to death j I Upon F ram Ambush (»yhlin cessfnl to a»»i , -i of Ireland The attach evidently ha< I re full, orgy Walls J twsMl •>■«1 at a *pot in a twr Hith ram» H tmti r»«a«l h«w ht-«ll(»ME h. iMtlHlf dm* of thr at* Ird »ml a iMh* ha»iffnir »»f (hr in wm not |»v »H»d hnltnj %ft«'«ro Hm hand Vlscotl Fren.-h in (are.I «lia-< away K| hl« hral wild ««h«k| la iiwn |k»triU! «ithU* 1 Ihr Grand Oporo OlrMlw Dssd cleofoni» Cm run* of the Chi >ltr.t at a hospita heart tllsease af chi« I. <n Mg'- Kpera c«u»|>any. ' on Peeeiuber I», of j >-r a fHe « >-« S « Itl i»|i IMHW «*f (HtftltUMAll pinliii »M h*rt* K« Itarf «'mi I her I IMS. In Km. , yeors I-arm« lb Ihr e ind fir«' «Inger -f rode in bas m ku Th ing urob-r Ma -k und Mary Carle '--a (Wo \nuhr hi* B«rg*r R* alactad to Congrau IWM«| |st was re rL'-t-'-l to c the Fifth Wise". ng «lef stah. Itepulilleu.i candt-lute. t-y 4SI • Yl 'tor IW-rcvi IktM-ia m< I n dtstHct «M. Thor •d Henry H l<—leu mining as a fust«a. day. h * j ' j j ' Catabrated Aviator Killed. Rouen, Frwnce —Captain Sir John | Ah-ocfc, the first aviator to make nonstop airplahe night act*-»» the .A (antic, died here Thursday a result of IrJ'irV« lie nvriief when hi* plane Ml Wedn*'*«lny. af»ern-mn ! Telling the Story of His Life i\% r /X rt 7/M s % \\v ini 1 \ « rvn A : [ ! il ,/j V El w $ * J» * V i y% c* Mt \ t: I t fw & I -V - I , JC V" M Ml, 1 I ^ \\\ t t \ «i 'V t. v A 11 A jjy (* « > Is There a Santa Claus ? «j a a or LidJJlC ixflJUiir Of m A CXXI York Journalist Affirming «1 Little Girl's Belief ' I | j NK of the Ducat ihlng* ever written about Christum* wm* s tlm .editorial printed 20 year* ago by the New York Sun In I answer to the ca ruant appeal of a little I Naw York girl to be told whether Kama Claus really exist*. It* uuthor. ' t rank IV Church, wan an accomplished ! Journalist ami wrote much ou many j «object*, but hla fame will rest chiefly : on this beautiful setting forth of an j eternal truth. With Pr. Clement Clarke M.scre'a "A Truro St Nlchol«*." i II I» «me «if the great daaalcg of the [ | Chris'urn* season The answer to the eternal question "* printed In the Sun f«dlow* : j { I ! 1 I pu««e, and thus prominently, the com | munirathm below. IIHIa rn«w4s SSV ih-rs is ' L ic. su* If you *** .'i' 'ÎT ! * un J* * •" I-tea»*» » " t' -'I- I» lh ^ „ Bat *■>«•,., V t fl* JI N i a <>' Il 4N ! ON - V»B W*at Ninsyy nrst Btr»«t • "We take pleasure In answering af expressing at the | time «>ur gr*-at gratification that j **' fnl'hful author la nuud>er«»l nmoug | th«> friends of the Sun # FdlH»r I im »Iaht mrt old »«» »»nt» \ Un> ' * ,"V !, " ° * »xe. They j 7". ,h * y **■ *"* hlnk that nothing run he whl.-h U. rod [ ysihte by their little minds. , Virginia. wh«>lher they he fh this I i All lain« m»n% or xrvat un I » I rr« », *rr Mtiln. »•' of ours man la a no-re it. In his Inlellect. ns com -- boundless world about l-nn»t with ti him. ti me«' • *|sibte >1 by the Intelligence -Ing the wh«de truth gr nrot kro "Yes. Virginia, there I» a * as cert I ml dev oil Hlge. 1» llr »« Wtat, »»»«t i «*i •q«f ■*'«. BRITISH MOSLEMS PROTEST -_ Hold Oay of Fa.ting Over Threat- ,n J •red Leas af Turk Sultsn-e Rawer, i in Imita observed a day for prayer snd fasting ss a protest a g» lust the threaten«»! dismemberment of Tttrkey j and the removal «»f the holy places of [ Islam from the Ottoman caliphs «»>n- [ ixol. In Bombay business was virtu- ! Bombay. Rrtttsb Imita •mtnnnltlea In numerttus centers | Mahomme I j you know that they abound and give I to your life Its highest beauty and Joy. j Ala*' Mow dreary would he the world If there were no Kauta Claus ! It would he as dreary as If there were uo Vlr ! •»* n **"- There would In* no childlike faith then, no is.etry, no romanee. to make tolerable this existence. We " h,,a| d h « Vt ' enjoyment except III sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood tills the world would j he extinguished, "Not believe In Santa Claim! You might ns well not believe In'fairies! You might get your pupn to hire men to WHtch In all the chimneys on Christ mas eve to catch Santa Claus, but even If they did not see Santa Claus com Ing down, what would that prove? No body sees Sauta Claus, but that Is no sign that there I* no Suutn Claus. The moat real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can s« - e. Phi you ever *«>«• fairies dancing on the lawn? of course not: but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can cmicelve or Imagine all the won ders that are unseen and unseeable I» the world. "You may tear apart tl.e baby's nit tie and see what makes the noise !n lall the Strtmgest men that ever lived. eouhl tear apart. t>nly faith, fancy. F or,r F- h,v P. ronmm-e. «-an push a«ld. ' ncfaln and \i.-w and picture the su|n-rnal beauty ami glorr Imyotid. I« f * * ^ ^ IU n. Io il 11 I ' world there la mulling else real ale! ; abiding. able, hut there Is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man. iter even the iitil'etl strength of -N. Rant. Oau,: Thank Oml he ll»ea and he i vea forever. A thousand j yroijo fr, >m m ,« Virginia nay It* times ; m«» years from now he o , |BW mil ^ , llM | ,he heart ..f chIM I hcHMl.** j Changed Hi* Mind. you te j ! lhd-1 I and Oeor j were going skating? Marjorie—So we wore, hut when h« I ba-l m* hat trlmme.! with mis tlrto* b* •«k»'d nn* to go fur a walk •"» •« • .n the pnr. „at market* being chwd. At a great meet- ; * ot ■ resolutl embodying their anxiety over the f situation. wns adopt- j I ! yenrs j ago Charte» M->shy. now a U»ml Jewel-1 er. extended creillt to a negro, then n his employ, for a ring which the negro wished Hts Intentions All Right. Rateavllle, Ark—Thlrtvslx to give to his bride. 8ocn ! afterwnr«l Air. M 'shy moved to «me town and the negro to another, an-1 . mi I i t \ Mfa<Eliristma; ürffti z>m 1 / / / t \iwt, %9.Uour be maruf AnD^our griefs be few. ÇÂr"' IS ^ J rat / / rmn £ f « ,Av .«. 4 ^0 vTTOv rs, -' 7 - ' j Ô \ ' In fi \ j ! H I fj / • T AGAIN THAT CHRIBTMAB I'.'KsrKNT » d Ar« you sure that she la ns Ing to gtve you something* Quit« rm sur«. u rnl!«-«l «*?•• me wtsbrd on today and t h a » she had one of tWr -s a l| ps per aarviog traya ' <* i •s ( -N. ; -he negro did not pay for the ring This wert the negro -aroe to Rates f«-r»»l vine, rim tel up Mr to pny for the werliltnc r-ng ' which hla wife had heen «Tearing for ! thirty-atx year». Moahy and of Mb. Moahy refused to accept the iMiwry, but instea«! gave ! the negro another ring as a reward for his gotxl ioP-nthms. Of the twenty mid million which comprise Ireland nearly one-seT enth are barren, f^ing mountain turf bog or marsh. acre» I j TO BE RESTRICTED I -BIG FIVE" HAVE AGREED TO AT ONCE DISPOSE OF ALL THEIR ' * SIDE LINES All Interests Save Those Directly AI. lied With Meat Packing Are to be Disposed of.—Result of Com promise With Government r I Wi«biB(l«u. — Th« goveraiju-iit anti-trust suit Hgalu*t the great .n--»i puckers, begun at Pre«i«l*-at Wilson •» direction laut summer a« part «f the yg Halit on the high «-»at nt living, im« li««n <'i»iii|iruinis«.(l un<l«r an agree meut by which th« packen will con- * fine themselves hereafter to the m«ar •* anil provision business. An Injunction decree to which ihe.. puc kers liuvc acceeded, will ti • eotereil in th« f«il«ral courts to ai.ike the - agreement binding. lender its term« the Ula five—Swift, Armour. Morris. Wilson and Cudahy—have agreed divorce tliclr meat packing industr from other commerc ial activities and . to sell their holdings in public stock yards and their interests in st<s-k>ard . railroads, terminals, market newspap- . ers and similar "side lines." Two years ure given lo comply with Ihe decree, which affect* elglity-seven. corporations and forty-nine individ uals. "In general," said Attorney lîenei-sl . I'almer's official announcement, "tills, decree prevents the defendants from I exercising any further control over ihe I marketing of livestock. it forever I prevents them from any control over the retailing of meat products "It eliminates them from the field of meut substitutes, with the exception of eggs, butter, poultry and cheese, which . ure left for future consideration amt action; und hence, the price of meal j is within Ihe control of the people I themselves. It places the conduct of . these aggregations of capital immedi ately under the eye of a federal court . with reference to their business pra. I tlces. "But. greater than all, it establishes tin» principle that no group of men. no matter how powerful, can ever s! tempt to control the fcssl L-ihle of the American |icople or any one of tlu» necessities or component port» of it "The department of justice, having In mind the necessities und Interest* of the whole American people in 1 I 1 I» ; critical reconstruction |s"rlod. feel*, thiit by insisting ujwtr this mirrender . on the part of packing interests it bus accomplished more for Ihe American people than could have been hoped for as the result of a long drawn out legal Carlisle B?<.k in Priaon. Uawllns, celebrated train bandit, on Thursday was returned to the Wyoming slate penitentiary after n period of liberty extending Ing his escape from that institution in November. Poring the time that Car lisle wns nt liberty he held up a Colon Pacific train and was finally, shot aqd. captured fw< week* ago by the slier iff who w:t* pursuing Inin Wyo -William I 'arlisle ♦*r oaveral WMkx fotl«»w Radical* Get Stiff Sentsec«*. Kansas City.—Federal Judge J. C Polhx-k .in Tuesday passed sentence on twenty-seven members of th" Indus trial Workers of tlm World found guilty by a Jury In the federal district ; court of Kansu* City. Kan .of mnapir J acy against the government The *en lences rangisl from three to nine year* In the federal penitentiary »• l*v«en wor-b. Economy It the WatcrHfO»*d Wnslrnttni» .\!l c«*n«*ral tppr»q>rî nt'un** for will tn* parad du ••In ri< , «t»r h»ri« , o trftli Mrri«*f»*st ^« 4 •»my.*' «'T«*upt th«* «f«*pHrT. man! nr. I rh«* |H»r»M'«»u*i. »N» »»'it I i>f whlili ,*»»•*» t««««* than f«»r ^h»« pmumtS year. Maj»»r?ty Imilrr M*»n«l«*n. 'A v«»u» ini;. t«'.d th«* !««••,. Kr *»n Thurad* whdö th«» fii-it nrtf«T* d«»r«*h*in y Mît of thi* awlon «*«< hronph* tip. Women Denied Place on Jury. Is*s Angeles. Twelve men. all bnf two past th<> meridian *«f life j sworn in Th'irsdaj to try Harry S _ j New on the charge that c murdered' «w«w»t heart. I»«f per I Freda I.«-*»er. his j July. Neither sfnte nor defer J mitteil women In pass the perempf ( chalh-nre*. although I pass«»I for .-ause. »rofil wrrr -t Four Killed in Rail C'a»h Va —Four |ert»y kill«»! and efght other* in probahly fatally. In the » Barf -1 thirty five mile* w-»«»t tvar end of the tn-'n by th.- Norfolk A AVe* R-sin. ■d. A Western . I er .f hi r.i Robfced of $20.000 in Garr>x Wellington. Kan.—Two mask«» stitmd the Jtovelry st.vre of K F R-««-. er Thursday nlrtf. r-nvered Mr R«*. r ■ * revotrer* ntnf es«-» pc4 wi d'anxwxts, s»td to he valued *t arty *20000. Montenegrins Fight the Sert»». Farts.—Fighting hy the'"n*'^r n pev>ple agnin*t »he Serhian "••"rtpat-.m ocenrred around Ceftli tween IV ren-her 1 nn«l 12. It I* «letlared in ai 'fflc'ul «»unniunlcntl«Hi from 'h» for. ■'Ign ruini'-cr «-f MontetH-gno ■■