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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
» $6S PER ACRE; 1 «I I Lays Fine , Good Soil , No Rock dardpan, Plenty of Water. or A Real Investment Opportunity is Knocking W, nr« opening up the Marshal tract, 110 mile» ruth ut Salt J.uke City, 640 milrv from Lot Angele». Water veil he delivered on this tract tin» tall. Price We tirmly believe this within $65 per acre, and till advance $100 per, acre Will make three trips weekly. , 3 years. C ume. h t ut tell you about thu big opportunity. I Ripley and Timm • a 00 Farmers' Grain and Milling Company THE RED ELEVATOR Btan$ Gram S»9d* Tmn » Sack» CUaning Coal Grinding Residence Phone 283 Phone 28 O. J. CHILDS, Manager We Wish You a New Year a % 4 Jas . McMo/ion Sal*» Manag*r I »T a ï h»j; ■ *r w * O «> Filer, Idaho J -m ■ i f Trji:i Servi je Resuned un ver fr-. (ri Ust »erk H. , niai |i4W eager Mtrvlce ou ib Dreg fl 'I ni Lia» WtU b« resumed •I« an ■ h arty two week« of ci Hu. i'l < a -al by a .b -nage ot fuel or ihn coal utrlke ha» re uet iou to (bu ex tout that ilr ni li f!l< \. Ill be rail -red to i final ju ! Hlu •« u tufting i i'Vfcd tip Ittlo •k «lu Ihere tuts been Mil boa'll i.u i'«cb w.«y dully thi .ugb filter wiih ui« Itogereoa branch oper riling only ihre« (lui«» a week Dally » ill bo rasuuind to ltjgdr«nti •I I r ail» branch will again a two train» a day ■-»• I • V R My morning train for the it will iisak« II» u mal Irlp Thur» i, mil i, leaving tbla city at 5 it T afunooi train, leaving w |jj .lay ui ft -r* for • • ursit «( 4 (12 p rod also be rr, COVfHIHI • \ m i a ini • - .i h»: n i ii uf » trim I LEASES)» A g, .any article» are written «very duv on luduatrlal aud lluaudal ..i Ulevenient», but they relate largely « accompli, .burent» In which only i. 1 .. i ««teil „aid a prominent U do. 1 t you de», r I he -he an in o n a 1 ion iliai .. iy produda inufaclurlug appllancea to uiiiello ! i lie tim v.nfk uf wnman something i liât idlinln.ire» a purl of lb« di udgery o hou*. hold dull»», than you would be pci forming a r«ul aervlce ladle» " We ha. given ltd» atatement a gi c*l d»ai of Ibougbl, and a» a re e printing the following ■ ult we [ il lid« rite «île nt of the electric vacuum cleaner coiiiilbuted more toward the j piearrvulliin of health than auy la the puaaagu of tbe - I I .re Food aud Ilrug Act, for It baa nnvuMiiri nine i. .'omplirl .nl the primary object of ridding tli.jumtnda of vurlou ■ gerne; lia. I braed rug» carpet», mal upholdery uuuj of the j log pll •••» In i .id • lie un ill'* 1 ..ill 1 r coutil I . 11 . 01 . . I» well known to the medical frater nlty ami until (he vacuum cleaner müde It» appearance there did not ■.• to he j»ny aatUfaclory or efll •'ill ineun» of ridding the houae uf b iclerlu mid dl»»u»e breeding >ianlfe»ily carpela could uot he tukeu j IIP und cleaned dally aud rug» could «I heal be nhuken and beaten only very Infrequent occasions. The clean • I however, will do the work quick ly and efltclently every day labor I run I., ut to removing the dual breeding germa I» reduced to the miulmum. and tbe work ot »ecurlng -unitary home», Irmtead of being • matter nf cmi»iderable labor, ha» he roine a duty of genuine pleasure. The annual death toll Kuriua. "Ii I he as a conse quence of dl ieaae breeding germ» In lb* h.'lne - appalling, and but Utile »ns accomplished In Improving »aui I arjr condition» until the VRCUUIli < i rin#« i WH* hivvntftd In many hum«« Un» «lut Of IRK« WM* Ml lowed tu MC *' u in u lit 1 1 «, and II I* not sti'Miige that > la f »."ni v pliv sii-inn was a cou »tant »i-iitiii With the removul of this du»! und It» teap .earanee effectually bar " ii'd hv the u»« of thu vacuum cleaner an era of hetler health and greater longevity began al once. Al first physician« and aoclai work er» were aver»» the un lo recommending •if vacuum cleaners for the reason that my activity in this direc tion would likely be considered dnpalgn effort In behalf of the «facturera; bul »Ine» it hae become mi axiom that "a well kept home is impossible without a vacuum clean er." as a man •ncluloglate do not hesitate to Nui ..i.:. carpels i." kept free of Insects lecuiuitiun.l them _... __, . , genua from the rugs and carpets the wail Mtl«! llflMsI «•»rin« by th* but mattresses davenports YMtuum . eun.'l •"id upholstery of »II kinds can be ■ i. ilntalued iu a cleanly condition and free from pests Moreovsr. the ( leaning of a room Ihr. v» i, cleaner I» not attend tai , luu.t of . 1,1 at which under !> former methods saturated everything and and furnltur* Many ho » today are run on prm- j ctptea equally as scientific a* those ! which govern the office of a succeea : ful manufacturing inatitution Every thing I» In tt < place and the work la | Cm I v. -I, a precision and neat |mb mat Ind» have laid out the detaita and • ery util, - ha« a purpose It would be lm !».*«. t •• to keep the home in were It not for the »cuutu gleaner—Payette this u.oderu i Enterprise condi Ion Cut Priced Vest $24.50 » >t other articles In pr>v Th* best I Fee, uttr * retail ..f five of I'hlcaeo » lead r*a Kilday fixed a fair ' clothing A man s »ult for «34 S*. they tl I« M »4 n«*in* cl A n«*wt! buy (NK* •*« v»t*»rt#r twill «ml tu ot Iht $-'l SO milt, rtpurttsl * * two .Uv» «fort, thaf II imultl n»t be done could id he reported they offered me n cut ist reduced to »a« one place where prie# vttt I Are you rsadtng your nalghbor's paper' 1 Theu send In it fur a tub ». rlptton to th* Record UE - - - Bohl Herald Cflristmas Edition 1 i Following (be cu.iorn established for * number of year», tbe Bpefial Christas » K lit Ion or Tbe Bubl Herald appeared laut week two week» before cunetuiao »o *» to give wdverUaer» aud shoppers tbe full benefit of (be i Christmas announcement» tbe large»! edition ever published lb Bubl. a» well la la T win Kalla court tr. tbe inonuter edition containing I twenty-eight page« Thlt . Tbl» uumtwr contain» }u»t the Ucu HuU P«oPH «*nt to know I"" 1 ,h * Bu i* friend» and relativ«» "back boil!,'' want I» know. Tbla j give» more up to date Infor : «»«Hon about the Bubl country titan i "»O' literature ever publlabed II I» i a» authentic aa can be obtained. 1 The of i hi»» ( hrUtrn*« nuiubfci of Mi« Hei I ii due* lo H all rr* its large measure lo (be co-operation of tboae who willingly gave out the ■ information Dial made It poselble. and wiiu contributed ibe »piendld - articles ou rhe »pedal topic» ; Kill or tboae Hurry deserves eapeclal U,r for tbi. »piendld edition of the Herald 111» I regular weekly edition which tuln» »Ixtecn page» in Itself a credit lü ,ha t ' ubll,h " M - bul ,bH * ,J "' ou * ur >^ ,, *" d ' U .nt) and will do much uot only to reveal the resource» uf the Bubl country but (be whole Twin Kall» trad a» well con ■ Header» and aub»rrlbera ot the Record may expect an editiou »imitai tu last week'» Buhl Herald at the clave of 1Ü2U Cot Stuff ( By Dock Tanner) Kloua people »hunt their burden» upon the laird. The real of ua lug oui» around with u». and wbeu they ge| i realer theu we can bear all we hu to do la to »(and on the bridge at midnight A wild matt ha» been caught in the fur .*»(* of MUaourt who doea not know hla nume and nays be never beard of Kaiaer BUI. It generally work» out the utber way—It. la after they know tbe Kai»ei- that they get wild. The Democrat» have lowered the tariff on paper and pulp so reading matter la cheaper, hut maintain a »(iff tariff on tobacco.' Correct. Une! a nece»»ity. and Ibe other la well, bleaaed If we know what It I» a darned nul»aiice. mostly. Who'* got match? We heave a »lgh a» on It» »kyward way Bp go»» the price of meat. Uuui our three square meal» a day Are mostly shredded wheat iu gn up to date pinch we have to whip our cou.cleiice Into subml»»loti. Better make » »mall nolae of your own than u big eebu of »omebody else There »re a lot of men stalking around In sheep'* clothing who are only sheep When Columbus waded ashore and stepped on something substantial, he •xclaimed "This must be tbe United Slate»." Th» money maker find* pleasure In getting; the miser in the mere pos session; tbe rest of us In what it will buy Dodgast It' We wish we could get our silken shroud and floral wreaths and cloistered song service before the funeral If we can not hear the rustle of angel wings, why not be content with the rustle of silks swished around by our earthly angels? Klug Oeorg» of Kngland opened parll»ineti( the other day with much eclat. You can't open anything worth while In this country with one klug It lakes two Jucks or better Tbe Sulluu of Hulu an American citlaen, has three hundred wives and twice that many concubines, yet when statesman from I'tali shows up with a paltry half doseu much adoo la made of M The prodigal son returned to his father'* house, which »«« »here he ■ bar* etraynl from lb* Father » house you better hike back, or when the general roll I» called you'll be eating huska. ail right If you are prodigal and Ufa|#AP £ CIlasMp't ftatar wilier a jncarer s vues Waiter aud Shearer announce the f»ila*lQS Hat of sale* which will be sooducted or uken part In by either on* or both of them Jau —7 Baut Beer, Farm Sale, northwest of Eller Jan IS— Idaho State Swine Breed ers Association Pocatello. It Southern Idaho Hereford Breeders Association. Pocatello. Jan I* Southern Idaho Shorthorn Hi seder* Ax«« iatlon Pocatello Jan 17 Southeastern Idaho Short horn Breeders Association. Blackfoot Jan. IS, Ï». tl—Twin Kail* North nB '' South Side Shorthorn Breeders Aaaovlatton Jan 11 M'»W Karma Hereford sale. Twin Kells J»» M- Walter Brothers and As- j KeglHlered I'ercharon horse «ale Twin Kalla Jan SS Shearer A Coneat. Farm Sal* southeast of Filer. Jaa. 17 —L. K Ole, farm southwest Filer sal*, j Persons desiring sals datts with W'altsr and Shsarar may pbont '.bate | to th* Record attic* ï TO THE EARNERS AND BUSINESS MEN OF FILER AND VICINITY <>** : v . 7 - { « i « * < « X ♦ > 4 > Ai the cloee of the Veer draws near, the Officers end Directors of this Bonk desire to express their thanks for your generous patronage throughout the past year and to extend to you all our most cordial Greetings of the Season. This Bank, one of the Oldest and Strongest banks in the Twin Falls - County, is Your Bank, and stands ready and willing at all times to assist you in your banking problems and re quirements. We always have a liberal supply of funds which we are always glad to loon out to the citizens of this community at a reasonable rate. If you are not already one of our de positors Start the New Year right by opening an account with us now and avail yourself of the support of a STRONG, AGGRESSIVE AND CON SERVATIVE BANK *% < / Z x * 7 V Y V *5* ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ : j ! Ï ♦It : t X' > : : X X t *2» S r * »> : f . v j *% ! L ! I 4 *?* : : First National Bank of Filer t Interest paid on time deposit« Safe Deposit Boxes For Kent. t s r GREETINGS OF - THE SEASON ARE EXPRESSED TO ALL BY: Nibley-GKannel Lumber Go. J. M. PENNY, Mgr. Phon« 18 Filer. Ida. I CLUB JARBER SHOP C. L. SMITH, Proprietor. Will be pleased to meet my old friends and customers at my new location 'at the Club Billiard and Cigar Store. Your business appreciated. f We Build Anything Home*, Barns, Garages, Sheds, Pens. Granaries, Big jobs, or Small Jobs—It will pay you to Talk it mr BINGMAN & SMITH, CONTRACTORS with headquarters at nislby channel lumrer yard Walter & Shearer, ♦ AUCTIONEERS 'Where Wo Load Others Follow" Filer, Idaho Farm and City Loans Easy Terms No Commission, F. C. Graves Filer, Idaho