We Wish You A Merry Christinas And Happy New Year You have ov erlooked a name on your list of friends. Let us suggest—A nice handkerchief, nice pair of gloves, mittens, cap or hat. Hand painted china. Dresser scarf, Sleeve holders, suspenders or supporters. Many nice little articles that any one apprei iate. ill Groceries Always Ready C. A. LOVE General Merchandise -«s Warmest Christmas Wishes This is Just a Little Greeting But it Carries a »J THANK YOU u for Your Business During ihe Past Year We w.int to extend our sincere thanks for the part you have pleyed in 366 III our success you days of prosperity in 1 d 120. Beem & Hammerquist ■— X '£ i. CHRISTMAS : : t 4 4 414 A : X J* jf '♦* '•* $' f % J f ; f ********** ***** : *:♦ : : GREETINGS : : : 4T4 : 414 ************* ♦» 4.4 V : * ; ❖ v 4 «♦« Our bi^est ô£ô».k is good will of our custom and we sincerely value the business you have given us. May your Christmas be merry and the New Year bigger, better and busier than ever before A > : 414 : V 4 : ers : ❖ ; ❖ *♦* ♦» V ❖ l ❖ ❖ v ♦ ♦> <♦ «*• *♦« *♦* ,% * «*« »*• :>J* * * ❖ ❖ * * ❖ 4 474 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ : v ♦ * ❖ Filer Pharmacy ❖ ❖ 4% *************** ***** ***+ *** =» Filer Rural lifk ScM Notes The senior and freshman classe» , The departments of Physic* and agriculture have roceived some very tine eijuipmeut this week. in the Domestic Science de|*uri I " ! meut have been giving a »ene* The girls have done | all the »hopping and handled the bill, theuiaelve*. « »n Tuesday lh two cl.a~» gava aChnaluiaa I*«' : to tbe school U. u *" ; Science room was decoraleil with) I until cutis holly wreath» and a Cnr Puis at ree Ihe.v served ci earned chicken ! escailoped potatoes, hut biscuit». J cranberry jell.v, pickles, Christmas pudding with whipped cream, mints and a Christmas cak< with candle-. Coffee. The high school is preparing .**i\es" to I a play **A Fair of giveu tally in January. Supt and Mrs. F F Hayt leav* '-aturday morniug for Uoi»e where W II atteiu 1 Superintendent Hays the Idaho State 1 eacher's Associât This meeting will be ftdlow ion. ed by a special conference oil New ! Vear's day of all siiperiuteiideni iu tbe slate w ;th the Cummissionei of Fducalioiis Dr. F A B'yan Miss l.uella KepharJl left Wed uesday for Goiidiug where she will • pend the nuliJa.v » with her si»lei Mrs. F L. Sullsou. Jonas left A'bioi Mr. and Mrs K V VVednesduy morumg f e administei ed, aud the Holy Communion We hope It will be celebrated. tbe greatest occasiou *o far iu the history of our Church. Sunday evening there will be union service at 7 o'clock al wb.i h service Kev. Chandler will tel. the great co-operative movement of the churches, present all at all services. Don't fail to be A cordial welcome to C. E Deal, pastor -«* Sunday at tbe Methodist Cburi h mi a great occ*»ion I bre« larj." »erv ice* were held Kev. I li Haudeuachield wa* a*, hi» be»t In tbe morning the door* of the church than thirty læople united with the In tbe evening about opened aud more » I • church. thirty five more united with the church, making a total of at re than fifty-fiv«. Rev. Handenachield came with out u.v stipulation as to pense, but a free-will i-ffering w*a takr*n amounting U> *nd he left Monday afternoon for hi* home in LoaAnjrele*. feeling that Filer ia one of tbe be«t «pots in the world. He left a boat of friend« behind him who will t-e delighted to aoe him come tbi* wav again. Considering tbe bid weather with which the meeting contended at the begenning the sucre»* of the meeting i«'phen mural. * services will be held in *'t 1 er chur. he« aid the go*»d w< rk * • well begun will beenrr ed forward during tbe coming mnnt.i«. reeom Oth r Will C.nteit Electio n -- • I hat many illegal vota* war# i at the recent election uf Twin F til* Canal company board of „ t |, e aH.-gatn.ii made in 1 to the judge of rn» pet I lion ad liesse. the local district court for au in-j of the election proceed ^ |mmei Frmnk l>e . KtoU> Knckw.u, L. ti. Hill, |„„d (ieorge F Evan» plaintiff*, . _, with the 1 win halls Canal com pthv. a corporation; Claud« Brown I II. Harker, K A. Kennedy, Ivan li Lincoln and l'hnile -.1 igatluu tug*. Coiner, defendant*, lue iud.»id-; imU muned in the complaint wi re elei ted to .nid have ••-en regU'-<1\ •ewted as mcml*er* ol the d rat ionite of the cantil company. I he further chum is made that in ill! appro*nna'elv Tô.POO illegal voles wete cast nt the election.. Director Brown, Marker, Kennedv ■m l Lincoln participating in lha tami'lil of these It I*alleged that votes were made by person* not legally entitled to >ote either iu iht.iiu or by proxy. It i* claimed dial all vote* were counted with out regald for the validity of ownership. The petition also alleged that there were approximately 3UÜU more vole* cast than accounted for on the tally sheet*. Summing up the petitioner* a»k 'lie court to declare the election null and Void and to unter a new •lection, or **such other relief as u i old* w ith light and justice, the court is also petitioned to i-u-iie an injunction restraining Dilector* Brown, liatker. Lincoln a 1 1 Kennedy from acting inotticia! opacity on the canal company b tard. ■ The petition is the outgrowth uf the defeat of D F l*etwviler for re election to the i anal board Mr Delweiler. who whs a member of the old board, protested against the I «organization <-f the present Christmas i ,j * ' * Greetings y -j Sfl f l Desiring to thank our many patrons for the big volume o during the year 191^, we wish to add that continuation of their f business accorded ns \\ e hope to merit a patronage by {giving constantly increasing attention to all demands made upon us for any thing ai.d ever> thing in our particular me of business. 1 4 Filer Mercantile Co. K: A. MANN, Manager r « held here at Later a meetiljg '*« which Attorney Hack nan ' «dared he could raiae an i>»ue that would be a basis for suit A direct re»ult uf thi* un-etiug 1 » the *uit tiled Tuesday. No action petition by Judge Babcock. was laken on tbe ttouta Tuesday. * ilh fri#nd * **** II. H SchilJium, wbo ha* l»eeu Kel Main, well-known prize tighter. 1 « »pending the holidays iu the south on business teltirned mm I Holiday Headquarters ) À F O K — Bakery (jioods Pastries Candies 1 Soft Drinks ■j Lunches Confection* r Careful attention given Party Dinner Orders. Give us your special orders for cakes, pics and pastry ) * ; ' 4 I ) <£ ; Confectionery * . Clark was boat u Piuocbl* club at the home of aud Mr*. Arthur Schulten, S day evening, it being hi* birth v coman-rulion. A big Cbri-t » pie with holiday favor* w feature of the pally. The g incluited Mesdames Doyle, I' l Shatiuer, Duerig, Beauier, St hi dieu, and Mi«* Miliii Me**r*. Doyle, Patton, Dn Heamer, aud Schölten. M. B Constance Hill, daughter Mr. and .Vira. L. hi. Hill, is »p ing the Christmas season with i>areut* living north of i> Miss Hill has been attei. school IU Mols*