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The Filer Record FILER, TWIN J'ALlJS COUNTY, IDAHO, Till KSDAV, J ANT'AKV 1, U20 SUBSCHHTION *i. VOL I. NO. 42 Big Mass Meeting of Farmers and Merchants : ; : Commercial Club Calls Assembly for Tuesdcy Night at I. O. O. F. Hall—Prominent Speaker to be Here t The board of directors of the Filer Cummer, la I club have issued lor a tilg mass meeting at the i O. F hall Tuesday night at T <J Every citizen of the Filer country Is invited and urged to be present. Tbete will be a speaker present from either Twin Falls or Buhl to ildress the meeting (here will be a "stunt" and a lunch will he provided at th ■ close •» can • 1 of (he meeting iTuiuineut Speaker Mayor C H. McQuown and P C Merideth of Buhl are lieing prevailed upon to address the gathering If it is impossible lo secure either one of these gentlemen, a well-known Twin Falls man will he here. J. M. Miirkel. president of the Filer Commercial club, will preside and promises a snappy program of much lotetest lo Filer people Membership Growing The Commercial club already has a membership of nearly seventy, with tl.e membership roll constantly in creasing All the present members are "Xpert ed lo be in attendance, and a general invitation is extended to prospective members, and all others inter, sled in the progress and development ol ini* section. A membtrshiu campaign will -lion ly be started to make the File - Com mercial club a representative organ,/ ation of the entire community. Infill ma I lo li Wanted is nluaûy recelviny for information about this The seci" , .ar> I «quests great section. I'eople all over Ihe Fail ed Slates are iulcreating ih.-ti -elves it: the progress of southern Idaho, supply Ihe.e per.-ons with information then, located here, and to leaefc To to get them the „ospel of the Filet country will he one of the missions of the Filer Commercial club chief concern of this organ at.on is conceived io he the solving of the pro Llcms of those of us already here, lo htms industries here, lo footer good load-, to provide public utilities. pr,> better transportation, to production of g- eater llowevei. the < •; cure Courage the crops aud pure bred st.Kk g-l bet market facilities, and finally to d anything legitimate to better the dations of the town, the country aud the community in general. Don't Miss Ihe Meeting It is hoped that a large crowd will attend the meeting Tue-.tay evening aud indicate a desire to unite (or at. influential Commercial club and a live wide awake town and ountry. ur cou Hundreds Clamor fo* En trance to Fire Sale I nder the direction of l-ee R .Haxel. the large sliick of Ihe Filer liepart meu- store, damaged by fire on the morning of December 4 was placed le Wednesday morning, and largejrre patronizing the big fire on sa crowds are I lieh gale - This well-known store, w owned by W W Taylor, underwent a serious loss about a month ago when fire supposed to have been caused by defective wiring, kept firemen f .for three hours in an endeavor to control the (lames Fire and water caused much damage lo the valuable department store stock, and au-J be closed awaiting Ihe in bu-y |he store to •urance inspector s sdjiunnfsn not until Wednesday moiu It .«a that the slock waa gotten Into ■ aTable shape permuting the matin at S M Ing •gement to open the d^lrs I« i. estimated that two hundred per 1 n were waiting outside the doors *° n . • sa |,. aned A snlM force of twenty-fl»c jwrson. had luckflv beet, provided to take care of the crowds After the d. 'rs had been opened, the store war fill-d with eager buvers compelling the tr.vnxgc meet to again clo*e the door« so that the first big crowd could be taken car? This operation was repeated thru-i At five o'clock Wednes still (Hied ot cat the day. day tTtaiif the store war with customers and more wr-e •vaa cutside the closed doors The Filer Department store Ore sale kxs attracted br Ur the larger crowd of merchandise baver* in the history of Filer. ias School SUrl* Monday—School »rill be resumed throughunl the count: jdonday morning after having beer recessed since VVi-dnesdity December ■ 24 Students and trackers have been a re« from th-lr school work and will return to their duties much refreshed from a pleasant holi > day vacation. Installation of Nasons and 0. E. S. j 1 The joint installation of Ine newly eh tied offitials tf the Filer chap >f the Order of East* rn Star and I ter.t be Mason.. Of*», look Jdaee here I Saturday e.enmg in Ihe Masonic hall, alter a delighttul banquet has been ] O* nI . • ' served the hundred guests pre cy the members of the «r. K S. in hon or of the Masons, ' orders Many members of the two cut of town were in attendance | evening, and the if Masonic hall was taxed to are of Ihe large crowd present The banquet was serterl in ihe 1 , rom wi u relay t opacity J take [ , ! 1 The hall was > O. F. dining hall, iecorafed links attorned the many (aides I ith flower», and candle S. in Past Worthy At eight o'clock the O K itallatioo look place. >.at roll Mrs. F. I". Uraves presiding Ida M Allen as mar.-haU The following recently elected of tiers were installed in an impres ,iv I« ceremony: a ith Mrs Worthy Matron, Geriruih* Matron. Timm; I earner cre treasurcr. kid itiez Vsmchile v.'orlhy Huron, D B. Meunier; s. ary, Carrie Spcmer; .a Datrts: Cita plain. l.ovi»a Vivseley. 'urshall. Matgarel Gourle;': organ Adah, l-.alielle I Hern we Waller: . oung; Hath. Isinua Weaver; FUther j si. vlallie llamiiierquist; Martha, (.race UcOinnis; Fleets. Star Ooyel : i. Maliel Penny: Semlnel. funni ess. while Maude I 'art ne y is assoc • to conductress Ward Albert j Gertrude Waller is . mdu.t ful l The O. E. S Installation was ..Wed by Ihe A F ti A M Installa ion which was equally as impres ive. Elmer E Haag, I ul Master presided in In Worshipful Mister. H I. T I. Ihisl W - r Jiip | istallin»; ine •armey; Junior Warden John John ■ t u * S< k ulor Dm<*od. John pilote ing; Heanier; Senior Warden. Dr unlor Iteacon Harry llaiiin,erqili»t ; Secretary. I>. E Chlptnkil: Treasurer. :. H Shearer; S'ewards. William t unie O J Childs: Tiler Rolland y oung. Nennonite Brethren Raise $440 for Armenia rhe sttb ' Suffering Armenia" was jjttt pot:rayed to the cngrcvstlop of ihe Meiiuunite Brethren chutch Sun nay morning by the pastor. Ht v E W \\.idee, The .niens.- uff-nttg hy rvat.ot. and atrocities committed by thelurkv beyond our coniprehen m. at curding to letters read to tit? congre their .-alien hy the pastor fr. :n was'„lurch missionaries on Ihe Held tv o orphan t.adside, me w,f. her bam -odenne un' dd a. .my r,- .. . 'arv -si an.; tuai.i naked, und tue otliei The sermon was brodght to a cioae by relating the unsightly in* .(lent ol toe missionaries as they wen on their wi-y to their compound, the; found isislersl laying by the I n.ken. llltle half starved orphan trying lo md her patient some coa -iteal from *n old old rusty iron ke-lle travelers had dis. arded who h ftr * ,rd "t" 1 in ,hi * , ' ,rn '" ,d down over 9441 in cash for their Th * p *, l(ir sa „ th „ brin,- the to , 4 j 0 fi ¥rin a- 1o[ (or-.fn mi r(hi )ft| , c ,, m The . u/tom ot tUe ccarrv eat.on J> to rive a free-will ofler.r" on th* last Sunday in each uoatte; to fer s'fn missions, says Rer:r,ad WdUor The congregation in tear moved s p cJmg the holidays a a gue»i of her old college Ocurley Ml-« Sadden Here-Mis 1 den. of San Mateo. Calif. Anita Sad Mis« Sudoen spent ihe urn tner vat».tion with Miss Oouriey here ûrc years ago and is imprer ed with the growth of the town and country since that time. She is at prr —nt touching nt a school near Ckerrt Creek Nevada, and will return to het duties pi the end of the week. »amity Dinner Dr and U F \ Dwight and (amity spent Chric-fns at the home of Dr. and Mrs W, H. ■Dwight in Twin Falls. Margaret I is -m . 1 - ■ Interesting Wedding of Pop j ular Young Couple A very pretty tun.« wedding took place at hif-t. mam on Christmas da} j *t the home of Mr and Mrs. D K ; hlpinan alien their only .laugklr. j Ida Belle »ns united in marriage li liant O. Fuget. sun of Mr and Mrs. John facet, of Twin Kails At the appointed hour the Voulu .'tuple took their places at if the large living room which was bunked with ferns and flowers, a huge r«ell suspending overhead The mar nage nies were read try the He» } John Chandler of the Bapiisl Church j 'of Filer. Only the immediate families of Ihe end one bride and gru.m witnessed the .ere after which a four course din uer was served The dcoraliun* of the dining room were ihe Christmas J ^ _... „ , I red and green with li large 1 colors, basket of red roses as a centerpiece for the table. The young couple left un Ihe after -» Sale tacke City, aud ! dill be at home Jaunary ls( at Ihe j ■toon train for vluuyuo rooms. The bride attended the local school» j end is a graduate of the Twin Falls! She has been ent I tin sinews college ployed with the Filer llaidware corn y j n y The groom I» a salesman wllh Ihe | teller Auto company and is a promt pent memln-r of Ihe Filer post of the ^ Ixgion hllu In war servie* member of ihe 92nd llatUmA j „li,pan) of ihe Aviation service The many friends of the bride and I to ham of thc' lie was a I iruutti are pleas Marriage of these estimable young ixsiple and Join with the Record In alshiug them much success and good furlune j I ! Ford vs. 0. S. L. An unknown driver of a ord c*r narrowly averted Instant death last Tuesday noon at the grade crossing Ihe highway at the northwest cor when Ihe westbound •u train just grated the sob passenger >f the car and upset it. hut with no injuries to either car or driver -cv--^ ev ideally |Bci uniolu ii,| i_ did not see train Hivtir it was al must upon him. I«it turned the car parallel with the tracks and turned s»»n an emlmukmenl The ira.u was stopped and the engin«-. sn«t gremen went lo the as.sislan.— of I ,he motorist When they had righted! , ,he car it was found that Ihe drlvei « The conductor and i was uninjured were realty with a stretcher and Ural aid treatment, but ! their services were not in—ded baggageman Legion to Meet Monday The first meeting of the new year'rink American .if (he kiler post uf the will I* held as usual M the the I.egiOU fttsl Monday ol the month at Next Monday evening. Jan All members ul visiting members ol 'city hall I nary 5 is (he date lae Filer P»l he I eg«, n and prospective member, ar e urged tu be present and take part ( ' u the important business to come b» ! f„re the post. Many matters »K« ' the Interests of ex mm j •«'b lare matenalishig every day and de maud consideration up«.n the part ol .he individual members of HI« r post j • Disband Filer Chapter A R C At a meeting of Ihe ex«"ci»tlve boàrd ! held lie. ember IS it wa* voted lo di» band Filer Branch tTuipler, American This move will make lo lled t'nss difference with Ihe memberships in the Red Crows, each one who ha* paid the i.iemberahtp due* member of the Red Cross and Ike an uuxl Hull Call will etoidu. ted r a-U '~ r "'"T run m 1 * * . * or »' ** *>» M U a (or DCS» Bring Your O'd Clothes Mrs A A Timm secretary °t tk* Home service section of the Red Cross which organ nation U in charge of the jflcai charity work states that the*» ,, , u jj frn , netd (or old clothicf some of Ihe poorer tamalie« of f.jer and vicinity She requests tbx: fT eryone who can possibly spire cld tjching. shoes and children s g»r meals bring tkem to the Timm home 1oT a se la thh cotnmtBiabie and asc -»«ary work, _ ... ' Ts We*-A marriage license has, been Issued u> Arthur Krogstradt X of BaJrer City, Oregon, and Etb?. Fresh, il of Filer r.r 2500PersonsDelighted by Community Program Oder Half Ton Candy and Nuts to Thousand Kid dies on Christm is EOe.—Santa Ar riOes by Automobils , ftrtn ,|y orgami l.luh and the lituti • . l( r*tini.. ted that j aril. Ipjtrd la Filer's l.n it> I'kr.admi tue inletse> lu re ( brtsl The affair war nm i J t .ter CJ ■ nktina a l.y Urn ; . j L r. ugh the> of tec com . . ^ , bl|arr „ &j||U aflïrJ (1|1 «.p.sioi, t | the west, on Ihe hood of an auiomu . . . -re. to the accompaniment of sleigh Preceding his arriva 1 , the en I wo lo from .«Its tumbled student tardy of I». al whool. »ang a Chrisma- carul Wider the leadership of Mre The program started with y j iJohnson -I thi (• unh grade invocation by the Ite» I' E Ileal The third and an . hur. h pupils I hen I.1 risl&sas sung and were heartily en jo f cl i-ang UUB ,|j- chrl j ir eff. rts of this community to pro ni . |nM ,„ r Ihe benefit of the child rtB J M Market president of Ihe Filer „mener. at club, made a short ad in whi. h he outlined the corn las tree id''a, and uf Ir «ids an apprécia led Christmas tree When he announced that there had on provided lufi bags of candy ud nul», and that Santa Claus was ihc.ut to arrive there was visible éd lea. e of sut prise and appre.-iatHm uu he part of the huge gathering There was more than cnourb candy nuts for every child there, aud ihe remainder was passed out to the parents, but not before every child ■•I d lull) and y« uth bad Iwea the re* ■ pients of Santa's generally. Santa snd pet sotlally presented the gifts (her.- wa* not a hlti h iu the entire the i ad leeeu pi. giatu. Kx.-epUng (or muddy road* ei.nine was ideal. Straw Iiread over » wide area >ar rounding the tree, so Gist the mud did aoi in 'crlere with the program The tree i huge «edar, s«. urci la th. Snake ' i»cr .anvon was gayly liRhusl and; decorated, and preseiped a pleasing a| penrume lo the holulay throng From the success of this first com mutiny Christmas program It Is evi j, nt that this will be an annual af fair In Filer Snpf E K Hays of th« Filer Kural high school was perhaps r sponsible fur suggi'sliug Ihe plan) h« re, Clans were already under way the high schcul for some n sm It program, when (he enterprise was taken up by the Commercial and t arried ihr. ugh so sucecss fully A O .sturer uf th* t'ummercial club reports that a total if l.'TS Ï5 was to the . brislinas tree fund by residents of Filer and vicinity The expense* of .he affair totaled l?»T»3 T» J M Market, president of the inter« ial rluh. belongs Hier 11 bief c r.'-dil (or making Ibis Yuletide -iileriaiament the Hiur«* that It was ! the He soil« ite«i imwt uf Ihe funds, di rt «led Ihe whole enierpnse. and was r>-ponsihle in a great meavure fur Ihe Merest and enihutiasm namlestevi oy (hr conunilii INSURANCE HEN MEET fletevtlly iirxaaur.1 t «-Uissi Ins fr. . 1 «. iii f .db*w lug llauqucl at tkr i;,«r»ssi . ,.g -t,eh ' >11 s r» «st • I fuli I f* iH ' r »urani« agents of Um section lyit ter» pertaining to tk* work of fl» di-<-ue*sd The rt.ny followed a banquet at Die 1 At m iti fall tk« u»< aaao* ■1 JlUUl enbvn arm« fail; It is th«* pUn of »he nrg-.n'rattCB to tr.trr*« i;fe untererm« rs in live Twin in the development of of lion are E 1 r rttam their work and in the «duration | the people In th« needs of life tueur • ace. er« of ike asnoc Marsh. Off R ri * ■■ E v j c T nuBP * j A W T i Ixrb<rt j „n» Hsrtx-v D J Dowen! r ^ vf. -Jirttc J a. Oalllher. I* C r»n>.^«t» P \v Mr Roberts W n «i j V Ba ler W C Pendrid _ D C. . " _ LjV" "• c ' . Draybeai F. O. BMdan. and t.. v. », D treasu ■rr. Th*>«w prooeat at the meeting last "hiplrv, J O Bark laut Falls T .i es to Con tinue Present Palicies Th • T w in Falls Times w ill on Ilnur Us preset rdteswl and hast ness policies «• curding lu a dec laiun rea. tied at a meeting of (he stock holde of I hoi puhuea lion held In the odd Fellows hail at Twin Falls, Saturday The stockholders are aaid to have endorsed th* Independent attitude of me» an. I de« I .red that even If Ihr paper s»s entirely stripped of ad vertisements its pu bln atn.u would he continued Uf (he list of IK stockholders uf Ihe company. It was seen hy Ihe pub lished notice calling the meeting that ln I of (he Times owners are residents of Flier An executive committee I for the slo.klu.ldrr » was appointed tu main t tain Ihe new spultet and to look after Ihe general policies lo be pursued A committee tu look after the ad verlisiug department to Aiul out why certain advertisers withdrew patiunagr and lu lake steps to pro vide sultsMe advertising In lien of that withdrawn and lo determine Ihe class of advertising to be accepted A circulation commit lee »(■erate with (he rtrcwlaliun depart will co ment of the paper In an endeavor tu in. rvase its rircutallon I. G Hill of Filer vice president of Ihe Times company, presided at the meeting was chosen secretary Ftmer Aman also of Filer Tktt i**r«oi>ii«l of lb# Mwrti com , M illee# is as follows: Executive J M Jayne O F Ikel ailler O G Zuck Ktmer Aman. I. U |||||, I) M Heaton, general manager Advertising (• U Za< k I> F Uet-. weiler. Peter Kritsun Emil St robes k i irculatkm Eimer Aaua. IX O Zuck. J M is»«» Milton Uuna E F Cedar helm J C A Ulli» I »«forge W Hays B F M. Kherson Hath Frank Wo«uiiuit Can't AMTHriite Waters J I-1fS w v fused to sec««*» lu th# r«st >*st »f I. M llcrg and II U lusuis to | lor (root tb« Twin Fails «'dual ram saisi» to ns - « yes' -rday rs* utitia* ay in «irK/ igt for »»M« « l.iclk H*rf «MU tbitlMA e l < »f* it«4 trou« Hoi k Or* »à Iwdft« appropr llils-« k ai»« lid that he did net oa . ... spp .... r-k ■ ... Ilot I—n*,.i and It««» UJ any vtttrx 1 his de« latou is in Ua B with the on» .nil) has-ts't down l-y l sotrwl J. .'«s liettrirh at IP.Me Iter* and IvantuO mi cl suit in th* Jisllldl court . shmg that Ikt canal rempeny Ihe tuBsigt of uf Und "* ' « .* iu.;t, ni in July rar ed I« .n •*tiun gee* |ere* the high I, d'l In 'h* Hsu « reulvit-l 1) i*m by pumping th« water (ram th« Igk Bn* cwnwl T io siltd th« cuu « allow th «tu I«. pay U.k tbui water a lb* .«liai d.>«r*t»g by ■rn p a ny Hock C'r»«k v»at«i l«.Co the low tin. *IMtl «>«1 »*« rua t» dd#l fe*r (to* ^irniatr». » m imtiidfi) r»>« mUlfk thé piiUitirff At «P appu It was un Hu« req«««' Ikai tb« follow lug Vn<«l lodge IVebcswk fin-Ur >e*4«/«(a> la allow Ih« I t « ami tefuæa Iv ra on Ike ground and Th» .»cri refus. uf »>e4e tosln« . u.phvU.1 on appiu aii«m is I at sad da«« •I » t'pr c , h „ mmm gn aalt B«. »sflklmi M »Sülls ri« po ntiff* lo »nv rtl««f ot t« ^ l h^ > »ai«r «I Rock Crawk skk , ^at pu .«.lefts cladb tn havs appro pr . lt *d *r«>ut,)oc' to suck appropria. (U>a M d^az tb* pi .uv tiffs are tiiultf to enn da mn any p ft of Ik« 4#(#n4 alii r to u## tk# «am# ■-anal »1 the pur The complaint shown that ike defend- | »nt !» a pabRc wnrlee corporation th> .ul tV« scaler Oowtng into Rock Crank »I the points of intended dv.eroton W -rater that wav originally diverted ( r<)CB rnak* F.!- « r and although ones J uss-d and tker. allow «d to Had its way : ek tl-s defendant fU to j ■jptrrw c pemo of f#«v«jrlif mck Wtltk une it upon tbo kwr.ds of its stock hcldera and la no «rant coaid ttvs rlaJntUfs «trn th*ir wnmr into Uio low j iin, canal =ivd pump tks th. main eanat many miles ovbo.n the rKtm - wh ,„ „ pa » ta the to* Uns . otto Rock C has the right wkirnsver it take »»id -ral• r oat of Hock Creek an t « oat of ! Another Yuletide Season Passes Christmas day la Kiler itu »mesa was suspea-fed an van Ht of INW the town was toiH fur the mu* « rbarrh servo. • **rr hH«J. «ftU K||« rn irrt Aidaient tiunoji tiV wbl> pub l •Uy here •iÄÄfP ft( K 'T' .rjT'SX* iltOflrr» tkfUpM Ibr (hr Ampr u an Ugion root K«rt|rT. ■ Uh «lu wrl) Al to b«f« bceü x •y broc and Chrtstm I alienism of II most of the residents of the town at. reported hundr , h) unir» and it la of turkey « and chi enc were con Fifty per cent of the hum turned had private Christinas tree presents ever before were given this year Uuu Merchants reported a u »hing hit I nrws the last few days pre.-e.ln Christmas and Filer »lores were . provided lo lake care of the demat, Several store-, r ported the biggest day's business : , ■Mir history, the .lay before Chf slocks held out well, there was plenty of candy and nn and frails aud table deilreeves ac t made upon them Grocery mas Ihe porrhai '» were generous The type of presents given and i ,.*(,*j here this year were for i most part of a substantial . Kara. t. Money currency. War Savings turn and checks were given extensiv - laical dealers In phonographs, gra nolas. and viceroiss say that scor of these machines were delivered homes In town and country Kecetpt of mails and iki reels p> packages at the lissl pvvMoflire broke ai records h malls averaged a motor liwk load, aud Ike peak uf lint Christ vous malls raiue •toy when lift* nail irre re- . .>■ .! .m the n.sui Ira heavy ( y,rl»lma« Fur about one hundred Filer n. it was Un-ir lint chn-ima. •;,*( u home fur on» tf two were the nt< a .a christnuxa wt I The v r<*. » jj |i liftifti • I Kk** ho4l«ft4> « previous Franc», ou th - sea. spent Anvritx recalled lh .Christmas speat in th* (reu. heu, ta war Free., H bill» I under eon a. «st Mvph as. in non» phi. h w« ■ flu, to gad the it selves fu»rm li ai I the v hri-.u present (hat m n It was not a «.hiii - Chris' vs a* pie Vic saow of a ( . w melted anil th ? Tb# *1 r — may iMihl hl« r f»>i ►» tèrai rti thrîT h :hf |rvtt(r«t uf all in Hakes Goad Guarantee Frank Breeean Id. believes in t h it time ago. bd I il of his frier vsnising gvlher with went sk ■ r _ . ,. kf ed after *< vol horn low tine cm < Frank I« empl In ike O barber »hup. and has been work bard all summer and fail tin skating expedition him his "roll ' con* r rarriMl wl ing .«( 14« As you may imagine. Frank k the 14« and didn I know where Bud It." Christosas was tsualng « his ska* shialng business va» l ve |u»l sad sitk the loos of his Frank d.n .'t ha,* what rail the Cbristma* spirit., ksl be w.t. cheerful. ad voeed be wonld #ai mure money 1 —» >« week be was prevailed *p-i to place (he fulluwiug Record eanl IJ 1 ST Between titer and ike I line canal, billhook containing earned ike me shining shoes »ml apprec li » re t m Sal «rds» Waid lulu Ihe Itaranl uf u. e w tk. blllhonk containing Ike 9 4« a mi , i( la turreacy Frank Brennan E I omen morning t' straight war jubilant gjuiwn rancher resMlm* I» Ik* Fv»r tut ud It trier to Hill district and kad toten rkxu vahkinf (br vast t4 Mis ot . tk* papers for Frank's ad Had not appeared a* wonld knv* adv. Usod the discovery Frank la congratulating klm* f tk#i kU pocket book iw too n4 by huont a main a« Mr UAOUtrr T< ijfiiifitr I# a turn In being able to make Frai happy as tk* former »ma ta recover tug kit lost snvtngv An interesting part of the aCaT was. that whea ike Hivcord placed "f sraat ad. it was guaranteed to knr : results, ike under landing being, tfc there would bo bo charge should Uvs pocket book tall to be discovered This Is perhaps the Br-t lavtxn lauer unk nearly aa muck saltsf.. where n newspaper actually gu xnteed a return of 940 Mpoa the in vestment of a lew cents la n ws . tested in Record want ads that tfc tuumgemect felt IHUo histtancy 'making such a contract. ad. but sock confidence Is being mat'