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WTOS W) .'/.-«rnn U\ ] FALL'S CHARGES AGAINST CARRANZA A fr •I il I iun requesting President withdraw moduli loo of noil sever diplomatic rein linn been Introduced full (Hep.), New Mexico, of Ilm svoul« committee U 1U. C'iirr» I loft« by He null cbalrnuiii in irti charged wilh no Investigation of Ilia »I.- xi tlnq It II »1 I a iff Senator Kali, eiiiiiusxjr, (he coo* icrnl to New York and llie general In Hun Francisco "ihm ilte Mi-xti sut, lie gel roi.stilaie have heed sm 10 ■ » m ignited to the dto (rllmtloQ of imUliKvik pro|>««gMf)i|ti ami Iha* 9ht( IlHN hfflt dODD Wltll lilt* and eon*«*nt of V<*uiiNtl«ii)o know let Cnt-nui i-nnlor Fall's rei lutlon follow«: ulvrd by the aenal«. the hoiinu "It. k of presriitatlves coiieurrlng. That the action taken by the depart men I of slat* in ference to Ibe pending con* B ilweeli this governnicnt and B f Mexico abotild be trover the g> liment appro», d, mid fur I her, that the president of the foiled Hlatea be, and he la withdraw from Venuatlano Carranza the recognition, accorded him by the Culled Slniea as president of the republic of b I Heat e, ' herd of M'» ■ und to sc » ,* r* nil diplomatic relations now existing between this go»* rmim-nl and the pretended governnienl of Carranza." i J. W. ALEXANDER TO SUCCEED REDFIELD JnNhun Willi* Ah-xfiriflnp of (talla 1 I In. Mo., who nurcF-ml« Wllllmn C. !(♦*<! I rt*lll MM I ecrelary of commerce,* haa to resign his seat in congress tu lake the position. He was horn In ClniTnnutl January 22. IS,'." In 1ST" lie was from Chrlatlan college, In IM72 he moved to Galla tin and In 1M75 he was admitted to the bar. Almnat Immediately he entered public life, serving as public adminis trator. member of tbe hoard of educa tion, mayor and »tale legislator. He resigned us judge of the Seventh Mis souri district to take Ills seat In the I > icrn<) uat«*i| Ml**<»url. f Æ.Z. "«•v , :'■■■ i » .Sixtieth congress. He was mimed hy I'resldeti* WM- I son us huusa member of the fatted States commission to the International ! conference on safely of life at sea, and »as selected by the commission to chairman. The conference »vus lu ses slon In lamdon from November, lout. In February, 1014, lie married the atuugntct of the late Judge Samuel A, Itlchurdsuii In February, 1H7H, and Ida wife and aeve.i children four son# und three daughters are living. He was elected to the Sixty llrsl, Hlxiy-aeeund. Sixty third. Sixty-fourth. Sixty fifth and Sixty sixth congresses. □it SENATOR M'CORMICK'S BUDGET PLAN Senator MHhtrutlek of Itllnula will intriHliice ■ billiget bill at this session '»« He attacks the Hood hill nf r . ? He *uys his hill tliffers from that of Mr i has I, chiefly, In placing the budget I» as (unity / 'Mil uiidvr (he *#*< rvl m ry uf H«» In iimtlfT «Irlt'lly « will offi^vr hidI of trn* rt«« MTV », Dm 1 neous fimetlons. such as administration of pul .11 ■ tidings and public health service, wn>l In eni|Miwerlng the Midget •■srenu |o reduce departimmtal appro prlallou estima H "My bill, "is not tin ham "t i t , / •aid Mena lor Met'nrmlek, rk nf one man. Its from the hands of ICH ; It embodies (a of students of pub ad finance like (tec lent Nicholas Mûr it ml ♦ : M It ,3r I tie uih rvtsry ray Hut ex (Vnigrt Hess, Frei >r leiwdea. until) K Hmhi. til t>*»9 fr»nh«*r «llvlil» it 7 r»>sp«n •tblllty for ll»e ntiMclal policy of the I as the UsmnI bill must If It lo:o make the se of expendlli president publ became law. My hill seeks to lary of tbe treasury a true Out nee ortlcer. surveying the llebl as wrt.", »« that of revenue. The (Staal hilt would make the aly the ums« overburdened «lecutlv« In the world, ht» Bl own vr Tb< my« the Hood TUI, which places Ibe bureau <»f the tonlgts I lent, merely transfers the existing amt amorphous >f (he treasury In asartuhllng lit or In lb« oi e uf the p fu limâtes to this hutlgel burvaii, of »hl. It the vitality will depend upon tbe energy, the llnaiielal skill ami the >1 attention at the president. Pec ] HARRIS: CONSUL GENERAL IN RUSSIA r" K. I. Harrt« of Bock Island. Ill. •»»nsul general for the I'nlled States o Km sata. Is having lots of expertene»« xlays. ae»*x>rdln< to re|M»rta fro»» the La ml of Cha»»o. But t hen he's beet xavlng such experiences for the las* twenty years in I'bcie Hama tvasulai service. He was appointed to his prr» enl p-wt In BUS, Li th< F n ug oo a trulix he has In*»vied all over Siberia stove the« » ir** .. He arrived la ihitsk November 19 of last year and * -1 tbe ac eessioo of the present Kolchak gov ernment to OMttrol uf Si her ii - 1 I train. Ill* "disert» - !" is bigger than tbe I'm He has a staff St sie*. J Bl)*t •I'tttiKh*! i>w m«n> ihou< 'ends »»f n Ur. Harris' »luttes have set Iota many t;vety plx»-r- He «w 0» yean In Tutsey wit ness luttons »« hieb ke|d that »»»miry .tt violent turtnolt He Hgale the ms,as ere» »•( Anuenlstis by Turk, tt .Vliipu. II«- im« -.r»e.i man': the Balkan >u o L I •»> t.r.- .e t five and »«oehitf year* he woe at Stockholm. Then he joined the staff of a Ne» York book ami went to l(»i«eja to 1917. rvaehing l'etn>gr«d when tlte revoiuH»*o was oo. Consul General Harris I» an American «»liege graduate who finished V» •du-.-itH.ui with live years at lleidaiberg il him the DMrib - •nl t«> luve* SOFT COAL MINERS BACK AT WORK AFTER STRIKE w. &. • » * '■*9m % $7'. k.m rr rtf y ■Æu' mbs - £ '< J t ■-na • : / W 1 L r rw I m t. *s5 'z* ■ I M ■<+ . w Wsm* •H. .. ? p. ■ • Hofl coal minera In the pit getting out the mition s fuel after the strike that caused so much suffering anil loss. PLANE THAT MADE FLIGHT FROM ENGLAND TO AUSTRALIA iHJi . ■ \y .*> . £ l i 1 1 / / / I u \ *■• \ > I \ ■* ■ : P « *m / *30 m ■ C \ : f' ■ ■■I lV,t ' ock ,,,M record-making flight across the Atlantic, The Vickers-Vlmy ltolls bomber In which (Tiptaln Itoss and his crew of three safely made the $00,000 prize (light from England to Australia. The plane Is almost 'dentlcal In construction with the one used hy Captain Sir John b>* 1 ART WORKS MADE FROM FLOUR SACKS | | | ■ ' ( — 1 If ; t > 'W » Hi I I ; El 5 t : 7 > jj r*# » 1 Is » J Kßtel .rx: W* 4 m® ï,4f es, >*' • J V 4 i * ! ? A IB c i i X I ■ ; - « MS: «a. i «9 t ****1Pm -s v^ . rtfllTfJI ! 5 I It is dltfleult to believe that these three gorgeous works of art were orlgltmlly ordinary (lour sack*, such us ar»» seen on the floor. Yet they are the works of Belgian artists »»ho create»! them In aid of the Belgian relief, und they are on exhibition In a Fifth avenue gallery In New York. _ TOWN THAT LORD LEVERHULME BUILT » rfl l ] ■ SJ wT i 11 I'liT 1 * t . I j ■3 M V S B ■ H & . -a n ¥ o h -y. j \W » e,"< fi Jr «•vxxtly of Lord l.everhutme. head »»f a famous i ipprijprtste thl« view of IVrt Sunlight, the beau- I »»ell the contented employ»»» of the soap king's * T |m*t* ««•t«m X»*»|«prr r»'« h£v.a. -. The arri' KUgtlsb «»s»p Bful little village »»herein »I fa» («try. ml In A inert MOVING LINCOLN MONUMENT i f V • l VI ¥ ; I ■ « a u i [l--! j I : , L : * Vs f A i . ■ aim I j This monument to Lincoln, erected j In IbdP by popular subscription in I Washington, has been declare»! ont of ! I harmony with the remodeled District i>f Columbia courthouse, before which It stands. By authority of congress. ; thersfforv. It I. helng moved to a *** near the brxuid Potomac. Unfortunate Toads, Science has at last provtsl by experi ments why It Is that so many petritle») ! j toa<ls have b»-en 'onnd inihed<le»l In ! stone or their remains in lump ; coal. The toads. It seems, have a habit of crawling Into tiny crevices In the , ,,f stone or wood or coal, as the cas», rnav j be. while they are »fill young. From j time to time the» emerge to get ford. hut as they can live for a year without It. they sometimes stay In tbe hole too j long ami grow too large to emerge. If they gel plenty of air they will live f,, r i » t»velvenM»ntb or so. but If the erevf»-e ' close« up. they die sooner. In other »wds. they can live without food, hut they »-annot exist without air. Beginning of Rubber Industry As early as the beginning of th* seventeenth century the ipteil rubber to waterproof their Honks hut It was not until the eighteenth »»ntury that the rubber industry be Spnalarxls I H "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE M Look at tongue! Remove poison» from stomach, liver and towels. «• 5 m & z l ■SI ■y /> ■* Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child Is having the best and most harm less laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Fnll\_ directions for child's dose on each bot*^" tie. Give It without fear. Mother! You must say "California." —Adv. Ungallant. I bad my tiny niece out for a stroll the oilier day. She caught sight of a little chap on the steps of a house and she slowed up and kept gazing at him. ; I film My told her to hurry up or the little boy would take 1er In his house ( to live. The young chap, overhearing me. said : "Oh, no. I won't ; we've got two of 'em now."—Exchange. LONG FACES "Cascarets" for Liver and Bowels bring back Smiles Turn tl.e "Kill-joys out—the head ache. hlllousness. Indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and misery-making gases —turn them out tonight and keep them out with Cascarets. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels, or an upset slonmeh. Mon't put in another day of distress. Cascarets cleanse your stomach; remove the sour, fermenting food ; take the excess bile from your liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poison In the bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret tonight straightens you out by morning. They work while you sleep.—Adv. No Accounting for Tastes. "Hid you ever fall in lo»-e with a bareback rider In a circus when you »»•ere a boy?" "No." replied Mr. Griinpkln. 'TT'O ple used to say I was n queer boy. I passed up flic bareback rider and the lovely trapeze performers in their pink nml white tights to worship at the shrine of a snake charmer of mature years."—Birmingham Age-Herald. ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin—say Bayer - #• A âm** fH (a Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" In a "Bayer pjekage." containing prop- . er directions for Colds. Pain, Head ache. Neuralgia. Lumbago, and Rheu matism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mono aceticacldester of Sullcylioacid.—Adv. H^-M.ybe I did. hot you seem to ft , rifet that laws ^ Bo<t.,n Trnns.-rlpf Especially That Kind. She (complalnlngly)—You said be fore our marriage That my every wish was your taw. -A , **Cofd In the Head" B aa «cute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Per m^ n îv.r h iSL a . r * to frequent "»»Ids H » -r 7'o r, r," 11 that the use of h!oa L .l CATARRH MEDICINE will .sw d Jl P ^ th * f 7 *"™- Cleanse the Blood and render them less liable Repeated attacks o C Acute ... fronte Catarrh. -J 1 :MEDICINE Is tak «■ the r-»' œ ' Sr ' T e»tlmonlals free. H.xblb C AT a K RH^MEDICINE^wIU ' l!5t to colds. Catarrh may cura. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Logical Conclusion, strike ide.M "Tiu "Well T' "Seems to he making a hit." tyfll/PWE •»«* Morrtnrf. MiLY^r^L Strong, Hmattky f ' £>»*, If they Tire. Itch, Smart or Bum. if Sore. Y01ID 5 TlUted - Inflamed or c FIP Granulated, use Murine