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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
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'ki dihe pHsciin/<•( the ol ( year the snivel of lie m* n Filer. »1 1 fuel i <ned watch parti* « wore I ut two t.f the local < hot« lies. meeting« attracted many • o desired to seethe neiv veer ! h. red in. At midnight « hureb I ils were lolled, this b«iug lbs v unseemly noise to break the <laiid peace of the village my IikisI people attended gay Illations held at the Kugereoo -I an 1 the Elk's < lub in Twin rmic Hew Years Here olbirg of an unusual sort was pcrcsp'ibly "dr\ New The road« were di.t, the iber was dry, tear* were dried, . thronte werediy. it her elarted olf in true (.'at f iu style New Veers dm was in and sunny, and all the world tied par tic ul« I ly happy end «parous. is. <ra. The 1H20 Stockmen to Pocatello IT>CATELLl>, Dec, 21» l'./ce h I« making elaborate plans to the Mecca fur apuroxinmtely ' I representative« of the eight ling agricultural and bvi-ilock ■ciations which will uu-i t in it convention here between uary 12 and IT. Construction already been started on tern rary shelter at the city feed Is, south of town, to be used ;i sale and judging building, 1'ieseut reporta «how that there wdl be 41 shorthorns, It Here ; Is and DO Du roc Jerseys placed «ale during the convention «e are absolutely the be>t that hi lie produced by the tending eders. Speakers engaged to appear on program fur llun cunv<-utiou men of prominence In agrl- 1 oral and livestock circle« iu ell Is of the west « rent House« and Lend, Oud r* and Keouver Duel ArllciSS I our Want Ad columns 1 I *' % STEPHENS STEPHENS < • M « Before buying that new Automobile, these are five points which are essential; : * I he reputation of the company who manufacture the automobile. Beauty. Comfort. Safety. Reliability. « I f On these five points we invite your in spection of the Stephens "Salient" Six automobile. Filer Hardware Company Inc. STEPHENS That to SALIENT «riOaii STEPHENS In aCrlkinftf II ttw h •tti •* Oi ■ jiagr Mr, and Mrs Charles Fux who have been visiting it Frecpori. ||| t write that Iher left for "go. old Idaho" the latter perl i !)• embi-r They complain thaï they have been enduring len weather fur two weeks steady tor the pest week Is ebU to b* "l>oul town again p £ Drake, proprietor of tin Minimi Ucal Misa Gertrude Waiter is span 1 trig the holidays in Salt Lake Cite Paul Baer Sr who has been ill Drake Furniture s*>ra Is reeui «,u«i.g at l^ve Hot Springe. E W. Moore, father of MeioM Moore, is visiting herd Indeflulteli Mr. and Mrs. Moore were Ihm. threa months ego etteudlng tin* t win Fells county fair. Moores live el Lark, Utah. ! The A building permit was issued t*. the Meuuonite church nf Fikr to construct an addition tu the Chn« lam Science church of Twin Fell toCUSl $11150. The addition Will be used as e personage ' K"»ivel services to begin Nov The church wes purcheae : a -verel months ago by the Filn Manuonkte church people from tin Cbriatiaa scisece congregetion. MaiKONin ONVML Sunday School el 10 e. m. Sermon II ». m. Gbildraas meeting 6 p. m. Y. P. Meeting 7 p. m. Sermon 8;1A. Prayer meet log Wednesday 7. o'clock. ! j 1'J. S. Hondrich, Pastor 4 Cm Y< Sunday School 10 e. m. 8upl Karoeel Dexter, Evening Serrtee S;C0 p. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Prayer meeljng I p m Thur« * I day. K. W Wilder, Phetur ÏTMJ nu ta Ule nUn Filer cm Hairy U IitIM u «trend the hi# <>el-T«g«ther nie* (lug ut the Plier i weit lei (Tat Tocvdaj evtAii.K, Speeche«, iirogram and s leeS! *lt«r«. I - r Wilier & SIicarer's Dates Waller and hbearer announce tbs ilowiua list Of sales which will h« nducted or taken pan la by either us or bolh of them ; .'ouday. Jan. 12.—Paul Beer, sals, northwest Plier Jab It Idaho Blale Hwlne Breed rs A»«o. uilon Pacalallu Jau 1» Houlhsru Idaho Hereford liia«d«rs Association Pocatello Urui Jsn it Southern Idaho Hhntlhoru Hiveder« 1 «soclallob, Pocatello Jau 17 .Southeastern Idaho Short .«.rn Breeder« Aaaoctadon. Blackfuoi Jau 1» 20. n Twin Palls North: oid Huulh Hid« Shurthoru Breeders . saoc talion Jan 27 Model Pam)» •ale. Twin Palla Hsieford Jan 23 Waltef Brothers and A* ;>< teles H.-glstered Percheron horee lie. Twill Palls. Jau. 2d Shearer & Cunant, Farm .„i, aouthesai of nier. Jan 17.— h K Cole, farm sale * ulhwesi Plier. Pereone desiring sale dales with 'j u Ul« Ke.ord Office _ Valter and Sheerer may phone them g otic y foh pi hlii.c vrin.N liapai liie-nl of the interior, U. S I .and tutti» at Halley, Idaho. De ember ». HH» Notice la hereby (Ivan that Cather ine A. Owens, of Uogeraon, Idah ». who. on November 27, iua le Mumaaleao Entry No. 0Z1U4, for >W*. W^BW'A. Hectlon 16. Town .hip 16 Huulh ItaiiKH 14 Kant, Bolne Meridian, lot« filed nolle« of Inleutloii to make Dual three-year proof, to ('«labilah rlaltii to the land above de ; rlhed In fore H K Pbwara. U S . omml..hmer, .1 Tain h. Idaho on the 32nd day of January, t»2H Claimant names as wUn*-«««« Alfred K Player, of Kox«i «on. Ida hu. Noy E ))■ avkelt. of Rogerson. Ida hu. .f 1» .lllalei W Holum Craven. Idaho John T Kuhelt«, of Twill Pall«, Idaho BEN K UftAY, Kexlaler II you waul to tell, buy or trade .and. Block, Auto*, »'arm Product«. Kumliur« or anythlux. luvesr a raw »ills lo a Kecord Want Ad. WANT AOS gf Ol H ft'AXT All 111 I t - J «-n cent» iMet Hue Hr*X Uimexli .ai «s JM tor »utiirin— t lo».i i *11L g itiltilauum ot tLx**« Urne \ • nul wie i ca»L Wt U aA on Itw-K »<to Or uni «éx word* U» il»« I ill* • liV • /fiiDul /sg OOOt Federal Farm Loins Lt-iig time loans st 5 1-2 per cent, Kuay payment plan, S.. • Dicker, next door to Farmern National Hank. Buhl. . I« If. Columbia Record« nt (be Divis Jewelry Shop i« watch repitring done |,y q (j Davis Jewler A one reel Fatty Arb tickle a i : ie Gem every Bsturikiv night, > eê Dr, Hess' Poultry ,n«kes hens lay. Oauruiilci-d Heem it Haoimsrquint. I'm a rea For Sale—Two heating stoves |ii«t as good A4 new, u«* d only one winter—half the price of new • mes. Ë. B. Riplev. and nine Fur Sale—iOO lb pigs month 'dd. L. Ki kpulrick. MIW For 8-»le —New Si > lerb.ikrr wagon. L. Kirkpatrick. For Sale—Indian Motorcycle a Phone HI2 '• I rgaill. Hear. W. A. 4tp. For Sale or Trade 10 acres, 3-4 mile east of Berger. Will ->ell •r tiadu for city (.roperti or small acreage. Albert Tayl r, Berger. I»st—Dec SI, 8 mile« north of car. Harry Filer, crank for Apper-on l.eave at Record office. Brandon.ÜD Hgnd.y 1 »ec vi.ilrer 28, „ ljcw| , er# b}lwMn Fi| .. r M £ C.'hureh and Maroe, a weed chain .it'iug a aoid l f tire. Finder will receive reward if returned to R II. McAtee, principal of Maroa «c hoots. For Sal# — Good 40 acre« cheap, j 1-2 mile west of Wendell. Big six room house and good out buildings. Uoÿd well and wind mill. All fenced and cru«« fenced and good orchard all imi>n>vedand the very beet of aoil. Eu «y terms. See D. F. Brennen. I I 2 miles «uuth of Filer, box 8. 2tp 11 FIRE, SMOKE AND WATER OF THE Filer Department Store IN p-e U- The whole stock is being sold at terrific prices Don't delay, but come at once and save big money on everything you buy. =5 cluse in, ail in cultivation, fuir h<"i«e nnd ^outbuildings, dm web, finally orchard, fenced und erod'd fenc 3üU per acre; For bale—10 icre-. cd Bargain Inquire I oil; terms. Dolls, Toys, y lie*, — b v them now at The Mpm;iii Drug ■'hop. c nuking nt boTie— chicken Roof Gerden Cafe. Cheaper than special Sunday our dinners, 00c. Books—1000 lulai c yrighta at The Modern D ig Shop. if . Special chick, n dinner Sunday at the It .f Gard -n Cafe, eoc. even If. For S.»le—80 res—being ti e ***t half of the i .«rthea.«; quarter th of Sections Town-, p il .« hi Ht* 1 *»* 14 east Boise Meridian, Six mile« south and one mile west of Buhl and only two Milo« off the Castleford, hard surface road Price $150.00 per acre ->.'500 to $5000, cash balai $100o mnualy. This 80 should • -ily bring $200 Real estate per *cre next fall. men take notice Uipley in I Tirnm ' : ! Filer, Idaho. Ars you remlu your r iglibor'« paper? Then «hi I in 22 for a sub scrlptlon to the K rd. . e <♦ ❖ May this be for you and yours a most Happy and Prospei ous New Year. ❖ V v ❖ X gL * *♦, *% r ❖ ❖ ❖ v % ❖ t %♦ ❖ ❖ L. R. MUSSER %♦ ♦♦♦ I Real Rstate and Insurance X r-5 pur Sile— 9\i2 nearly new. A. Shear, I Sixnnv rm r . Phone »'42. Mrs. V. , if For R ni or Sale—2 romn rou a block north of Nib'ey Channel al«o good limi-m and lot for »a!.-. . See Harry Roberson. Sale—Second hand stoch . Carter. Main Street ■It pd. one if. For Filer. ! Mrs. C. K For If-nt- One 2-room bon-. ; one 3-ruom hoti-e. clo-'e in, ?8 :t Frank Taylor. month e n b. For Sal-* — Round Dining room table and jmir bed springs. See VV . II. Sumner. North > For If-nt—T vn roun Imuae on \V. II. Sumner. T p ' p fid' ,8,i •* 11 ° é will duplicité it. street. Wanted — A piece of that broken I »avis, the Jeweler F,, r Sale—Durne-.lersev Boar. Gond ip ility. >20. Raymond Thomas, Boute 2' tf. Lost—Sorority pin, shape of R. I>eave at this office. Ellis. Rut [iV$t'e . » Rent T vo housekeeping Filer Hotel. For room ■.