Newspaper Page Text
-— . A V ♦„ V Chronology of the Year 1919 ♦ \ \ « .* ? Ä S V m 1 2—President Wilson arrived in between go*, eminent forces and the 8 part «team» broke out In Berlin, the latter captured the 8pandau arsenal. Jan. 7—President Wilson returned lo Paris. Berlin rioters forced Gen. Harries lo haul down the American flag. Ebert faction on lop In Berlin after se vere street fighting. Jan. 2—Independent socialists set up new government in Berlin. Jan. lo— Republic proclaimed In Luxem burg. but suppressed at once by the French. Jan. 11—Socialist republic proclaimed In Bremen Count Karolyl made president of Hun garian republic. *♦ ♦ ♦ i ♦ »I A Compiled by E. W. PICKARD ♦ ♦I*X*XOX*a*»I*»X*X*1*X*X*X* WAR AND PEACE Jan. Italy. British landed troops In Riga, la bau and Windau to combat the bolshevikl. Jan. 3— President Wilson received In Rome. Hoover made head of international re lief organization. Poles in full possession of Posen. Jan 4— New öerblan-CToatlan -Sloven© government formed at Belgrade. Bolsnevlkl captured Riga. Jan. 2—Civil vu Jan. 12—Supreme council of peace con gres» held Its first meeting in Paria Sparta, ans defeated in Berlin. Spar Lacan» gained control of Constance. Baden. Jan. 12—Many Spartaoans executed in Berlin. Jan 15—Grand Duchess Marie of Lux emburg abdicated and was succeeded by her sister Charlotte. Jan. 16— Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Lux emburg killed in Berlin. Jan Petrograd and bolshevik! began retreat eastward from Ksthonia. Armistice grunted Germany extended one month. Jan 18—Interallied peace congress for mally opened. Jan. 12—Bolshevists captured Kiev. Polish coalition cabinet formed by Pa derewsk i. German elections resulted generally fa vorably to Hi© majority socialists. Jan 9*—W bite Russia proclaimed its union with the Russian soviet republic. Jan 22— Allied supreme council asked Russian factions to send representative to conference at the Princes' islands. Sea of Marmora. Jan. 25— American troops forced to re treat from Shenkursk. northern Russia. Peace League of Nations. Czechs captured Oderburg from the Poles. Jan 26— President Wilson visited the Chateau Thierry and Reims regions. Feb. 1—Plan of giving German colonies to allied countries as mandatories of League of Nations adopted by supreme council Feb. 4— Fighting between Cxechs and Poles stopped by order of supreme council. Americans defeated bolshevik! at Vista v ka. northern Russia. German government troops bombarded Bremen and ejected the Spartacans. 6 — German national assembly opened In Weimar. Feb. 8— Russian anarchists evacuated Vilna, Feb. 2—Polish constitutional assembly met In Warsaw. Feb 11—Friederlch Ebert elected dent of German republic and Bcheidernann made premier. Feb. 12-Republican revolt In R«>umanla. King Ferdinand slightly wounded. Feb. 13—Draft of League of Nations 'ounter-revolutlon broke out In ferenc© adopted plan for F'eb f »re»t itlipp plan completed and adopted by commis alon. Gen. Denlklne's anti-bolshevlk army •«ached the Caspian after heating big soviet army and taking 31.006 prisoners. Feb. 15—President Wilson sailed for home. Feb. 16— Germais accepted new terms for renewal of armistice, under protest. Feb 12— Premier Clemenceau shot In shoulder by an anarchist Governments of Siberia Archangel and Southern Russia formally rejected the V reposai for conference at Princes' islands. Feb 21—Premier Kurt Eisner and sev eral other members of the Bavarian gov ernment assassinated. Fel» 21— President Wilson landed In Bos ton and spoke in behalf of League of Na tions plan March 5—President Wilson sailed for 1 Arts. Mar -h 2—Many Spartacans summarily ei — -uteri in Berlin after Moody battles March 13—President Wilson landed in F'ioce March V*— Ukrainians captured Lemberg from Poles March 22—Count Karolyl, head of pro visional government of Hungary, signed, and new government proclaimed solidarity and armed alliance with the Russian soviet government Mar< h 25— British secretary of War ed Egypt was in a vlr Church »'.I anno late of insurrection tuai March : f t*ier German cities April 1- Several hundreds killed In strike r1«'ts In F'runkfort. April I—Soviet, government In Munkh An tanas Smetonas elected president of Lithuanian republic. T—Ukrainian soviet troops captured General strikes and fatal riots established Ap Odessa General strike In Magdeburg, followed by riots. April 9 —Government troops regained»«s'on of Magdeburg and FTssen. April ja—Geneva. Switzerland, chosen as Seat of League of Nations. American engineers reached Murmansk. April 15—Oen. Haller's Polish divisions left F'rance for Poland. April '6—Ubau seized by German troops and Lettish provisional government over thrown. April IT—First bolshevik army, on the Pripet surrendered to Ukrainians. April iv—Sol«Jlers' council took control of Vienna. April 12—Reds put to rout In Vienna April 20— Evacuation of Sebastopol by allies announced. April a—Victory loan campaign opened In U a Ukrainians fo«>k Kiev from bolshevik! April 24 -President Wilson declare»! Italy could not have Flume, and th© Italian delegates abandoned the peace confer en ce* Mexico declared It would not recognize the Monme doctrine, and withdrew U« minister to France. April 28— League of Nations covenant unanimously adopted by peace confer er, oe April 2» \>r»a Tles. Aprii —Pe«'© coun«'!! derided dispute •ver Klau-CTxau tn Japan's favor. May 3- Most of Munich taken by gov ernment troops Mav 4— Wilson. Lloyd George and Cle nen«'eau Invited Italy to return to conference, promising to give her after two rears. 8urren*!er of Hungarian soviet govern ment announced. Mav 4—Complete peace treaty adopted by allied »Jelegates. Great BritsUn recognised Independence of Fir land. Chinera cabinet instructed Chinese dele gates not to sign peace treaty. May 7—Peace treaty bande»! to German delegates. I? 9 r^'ognlzc.i government of Finland 14— Austrian peace delegate© ar German peace envoys reached pear* F'iurr.e rived et St. Gannett». May U —Creek troope occupied Smyrna after flghtin«. ^ ,y 1(1- New anti-comm un tvt govern ment of Haneary »et up at A mad Mav i»— Britlah »hlpa deieated bolabevtk fleet tn Gulf of Finland Mav II—German delegate* «1 elon of time to May » lo rep!) May 30— Germany'» reply to peace term» ' Mar'ï- Brltleh warship, defeated bol ar evfk fleet In the Baltic. 3un * ' Rhine republic proclaimed rio;.« cille» with Ur. H.n, A. Lxi'ion »I lu head June 3—Peace lerrus presented lo Au» tria'* delegates. June 4—U S. Senate adopted r asking hearing by peace «congress for 'lr. • lr*fl%nd' representatives i Ik—Allies' reply to (Jennan coun rer-pioposal» and Anal draft of treaty . *»arled to Hermans and seven days al ! them to sign. | Ik—President Wilson visited the | s of Belgium. Kusruin vu uiaers Oleg and Slava sunk | by British warships. i June 12- Italian cabinet resigned, being refused a vote of confidente June 2 -German government dec ied to •**" P« 4 • treaty add the Schelde mann I cabinet resigned. June 21—t.ustav Bauer formed new Oer m * n ca ^ net - _ .. c bur rend «-red German warships at bcapa Flow nearly all sunk by their crews Frances- . » Nlttl made premier of Italy June 22—German national assembly vat ed to sign treaty. Allies refused any fur ther modification of terms. June 23—German government officially agreed to sign the treaty. June 25—Bloody noting In Berlin and Hamburg. June -J—Allies rejected appeal against dfsmern.terment of Turkey. June Ä— Peace treaty with Germany signed at Versailles, only the Chines « del egates refusing to sign. Warfare >«tween Germans and Poles ceased. June 22— President Wilson sailed from J France July 8— President Wilson arrived at New York on George Washington July 2—German national assembly rati fied i*e*>'e treaty by vote of 3U8 lo 115. July !•>—Official notification of ratlflca lion of peace treaty by German assembly given peace conference at Versailles July 11—Trade between United Slates and Germany ordered resumed by state department at Washington. July 12—Enver Pasha, Talaat Bey and Djemal Pasha, leaders of Turkish gov ernment during war. condemned to death by Turkish court martial y 14—Victory parade In Parts marked file day. Jul Bast • July If—Great victory parade In I^ondon. July 3v—Completed text of treaty with Austria handed to delegates from Vienna. 'Terror troops'* reported in control of Budapest. Bela Kun ousted. July 21—British house of commons passed peace treaty and Anglo-French pact. July 2f—President Wilson sent Franco American treaty to the senate July 31—Polish parliament ratified treaty with Germany Aug. 1—Socialists seized control In H gar)' and Bela Kun and his communist government fled Ang. 4— Roumanian troops entered Bu da pest. Aug. 6—Austrian delegates made coun ter peace proposals. Socialist government of Hungary over thrown and Archduke Joseph put in power as governor, supported by entente. Aug stroyed at battle '.7—Four bolshevist vessels sunk by British fleet in Gulf of Finland. Bolshevik! driven out of Odessa by Deni ktne. Aug 22—Archduke Joseph resigned as head of Hungarian government. Aug. 25—Two U. S. from IT. 8. to Silesia. Sept. 1—General home. Martial law in Munich. j regiments ordered j Pershing sailed for i 1 Sept. 2—Final pea*e terms handed to i Austria. Sept. 3—Supreme council ordered Rou- . 10—Six bolshevik battalions de the Dvina. of mamans to quit Hungary and restore loot, Sept. 6—Austrian national assembly vot ed to sign peace trealv, under prçtest. Supreme council awarded Spitzbergen : lo Norway. j Sept. JO—Dr. Karl Renner signed the ; peace treaty for Austria. Peace treaty reported lo U. 8. senate with suggested amendments and reserve lions. 4 Sept. 12—Bolshevikl announced capture Kolchak's southern army, 45.000 men. D'Annunzio at head of Italian tro«>ps seized Hume; other troops, ordered to disarm his men. mutinied. 8ept. 16—China decreed separate peace with Germany. Sept. 12—Peace treaty handed to Bulge rlan «Jelegates. 8ept. 22—Italians ousted from Trau by American marines, who turned town over lo Jugo-Slavs. Sept. 27—Peace conference ordered ultl .rial urn lo O f man y on evacuation of Lithuania by Von der Goltz' troops. 1 Oct. 1 —Italians and Serbs fought In 8oa 1 Dvinsk lo Germany on evacuation of - *'on der Gaits' troops. Oct. 1 —Italians and Serbs fought in 8pa lato; 2U0 killed. Russian northwestern army began of fensive against botshevlkL Oct. 2— Kail amendments to peace treaty rejected by the senate. French chamber of deputies ratified | peace treaty and treaties with America and Oreat Britain. Oct- 2— Bolshevikl evacuated after great defeat. Peace treaties ratified by Italy by royal | decree. Oct. 8—Germans and Russians attacked 1 Riga. , Oct. 10—King George signed British rat- | ificalion of German treaty. j Oct. 11—Part of Riga taken by Russo- ; German force and Lett« landed at Ubau r counter-attack. France ratified the Germa Oct. 13—league of Nations officially brought into being. Oct. 15—General Deniklne announced cap treatv ture of Orel and other victories over bol- i shevikl. Oct. 18—Russian northwest army took Pskov and Tsarskoe Selo. J Oct, IT—Kronstadt taken by British fleet. Oct. 23—Bolshevikl recaptured Tsarskoe S©1«» and Kraanoe 8elo from White army. Oct. 25— Reverras for Denikin© and Kol chak reported. Oct. 38— Whit© army resumed advamra on Petrograd •, Nov. 3— Bolshevikl recaptured Gatchina ttfrum Yudenltch Nov. 7—Lodge preamble to treaty ratifi • d by senate. 4> to 40. Supreme council ordered Roumanian i troops out of Hungary at once. x Nov. 13—Senate adopted reservation to i Art!« )© X of league cox Nov. 14— D'Annunzio raized Zara. Dal- 1 matia. . Nov. 15—Ten drastD reservations to f treaty adopted by senate General Yudenltch retreated to Est ho- j nlan border and resigned command of f Russian Northwest army. Bolshevists captured Omsk. Nov. 12—Senate rejected ratification of j treaty with and without reservations Nov. 31—Lerttsh troops captured Mitau from German-Russ army Nov. 27-Treaty of peace with Bulgaria signed Dec. 7-Russian bolshevikl offered terms of peace lo Eethonla, Dec *—Supreme council warned Ger many that allies would denounce armis tice If p r o to c o l were not signed Dec 12—Bolshevikl raptured Kharkov. Denlkme's base in southern Russia Dec 14—Agreement reached by England. . Franc* and Italy that Italy shall have f FTume; l>*Annunxlo to hand city over to l regulars Dec 17—Bolshevikl announced capture ' of Kleff and Kuplanak. 1 Dec. 18—German delegates declared Ger- i , ! I 14 not deliver the ««>.«» tons of m«ny f harbor and dock material demanded In reparation for sinking of Interned war- ; •hips at 8» ape Flow Objections by D^Anounzie's bio- ked the turning over of Flu Italian regular» I »avid IJoyd George announced the al- j he© would make peace with Turkey wit fe lting l«.'*nger for America. • I 1 1 g to Urn DOMESTIC Jan J— Michigan legislature ratified pro hiba ton constitutional Jan. T— legislature© of Ohio. Oklahoma prohibit on miment ard Colorado ratified amendment Supreme court declared constitutional the act forbidding shipment of liquor into 4rj territory. 2—Berger. Knot. Germer. Engdahl and Tucker Social lots, convicted tn Chi 1,10 of tadlt»>n and d.e .>«ity Tennestac 1 tie tv end Maine lecietaturee 1 ralifted prohlMtlon amendment Jan. »—"eat Vtrcmia ratifted prohibé- i , i t ratifted i Attorney General Gregory reelgned. ef fective March A Jan. 14— Prohibition amend by IIHnota. Alabama. Arkanaaa. Gnllfor- I Bin. Indiana. Kanaaa and North Carolina. Jan IS—Iowa. Utah. Colorado, Oregon and New Hampablre ratifted dry amend ment Jan amendment, majority necessary, > onnng foiioweu. 14— Nebraska ratified probation m making th« three-fourths and Missouri and Porty sit I W W 't convicted of con- I sp.rai ywin Sacramento. Cal Jan IT Wisconsin and Minnesota mil- j fled prohibition amendment. ! Jan a—Nevada ratified prohibition antendment. ; Jan a»-State department pro« lalme l . ratification of prohibition amendment and Jan. 14. nco. aa dale when it Is * j 1 || V © *• ©h r»—Suffrage a rar nd men l beat©n In senate by one vo. F©b. Ik—Berger d.ihl and Tucker' socialists, sentenced to «j years' imprisonment for violating ee p;ouage act. Feb 3—New revenu« law signed by president, went Into effect F'sh 2*— H C Wallace Tacoma, ap pointed ambassador A. Mitchell Palmer made attorney era j March 1—Norman Hapgood made minls i trr Denmark March 3-Victory loan bill passed by m ■ Kruse. Germer. adjourned sine die. March 4—Congr April 7 Thomas Nelson Pag©, anu dor to Italy, resigns i. April 16— Hugh Gibson appointed flrs; 17. 8 Minister lo Poland. salon of congress opened Glllett elected speaker j Fred.rick 0111.11 elected .pecker of nett 1 hoUM M .y 3b—1'realdent'1 cabled mea tajtc read to cunjcre.« I Mav 2i-Houta adopted woman .uffra«e con.titutional rreolutlon , May îî-I>r. Lynn Harold Hou«h elected pr. rident of North wintern unlver.lty Jun. Î-Anarchiat plot to de.troy home. 1 of law .nfonemeni om. uia in el«ht ta.t ern eitle, attempta.1 Two peraona kille.1. June 4—Smati- adopted woman suffrage conntiUitlonal amendment reaolutlon. June i-|-.wtma«er üen.ral Burltaon ■urrendered ojerutlon of tele«raph and telephone ay.iem. to the companies. , June 10—1^- »tatet urea of luinota. Wla- ! eonatn and Ml. hl«an ratltted woman auf- I frac, mmendnientf Än July L-Martlme emergency prohibition | law wertt Into effect *11— Federn * C | rade comml.Hon re- j porte«! to FresiiWnt that pa eke rs plunnsd complete control of sit foodstuffs 1 July 12—1'resldent Wilson v«u>o«l agrl- j .April S—Postmaster General Burl©sor. dirf^-ted return of cable companies to pH vat© ownership May 2. April 9>~ Plot to kill many prominent Americans with mailed bombs une«»v©re«l May 1—May day riots in many cltlea May 7-President called extra session of congress for May If i May If- Special cultural bill l*e. a use of Its uroviston r© p ahr.g daylight saving law Julv 13—President A C Townlcy and Joseph «îlllart of Non par tisan league of North Dakota found guilty by Jury at Jackson. Minn., of conspiracy lo leach disloyalty. ; July 21—Race riots In Washington, four persons killed July 27-Hare riots In Chicago: two killed, many hurt. Julv 38—Chicago race war spread. Ä in ail were killed and hundreds hurt. Julv 3ô— State troops in action to quell Chicago race riots July 31—Government relinquished con trol of the telegraph and telephone sys tem# Aug l—Congress repealed dayllghl-sav ing law Aug 6—President Wilson ordered civil and criminal proceedings against the "Big Five** packers. Aug f— President Wilson addressed con- , grr-aa on high cost of living. | 14— Henry Ford won libel suit against Chicago Tribune, with nominal damages 1 Aug 15— President Wilson vetoed the daylight-saving repeal act Aug. 20— Daylight-saving repeal bill passed over president's veto. a. Mitchell I k almer confirmed by senate as Ü 8. attorney general Sept. 2—Bill to make Pershing genera) for life passed by congress. Aug. Sept. 3—President Wilson started on speaking tour of country. Sept. 4—Pershing nominated general and confirmed by senate. Sept. 5— Secretary of Commerce Redfleld resigned, effective Oct. 31. Prohibition enf«>rcemenl bill passed by senate. Sept. 6—Charles M Galloway resigned as federal civil service commissioner, and attacked Postmaster General Burleson Sept. 7—Great fake stock swindle plot bared by arrests in Chicago. Five hundred convict« at Pontiac. III., revolted and kUIed a guard Sept 8—General Pershing landed at New York and was given great reception and commissioned general for life Sept 2—Cardinal Mercier of Belg landed at New York. Sept 12—Col. J D. Bell. Brooklyn, elect ed cvmmander-ln-chief of the O. A. K. Sept IS Thanks of congress given to General Pershing 8«*pt 36—President Wilson*» trip ende«J by his illness Sept, at—Great mob in Omaha lynched ( negro prisoner, fought police, net fire to courthouse and almost killed Mayor FT. P Smith, sador to Belgium - - - gr-»es killed In race aar at Elaine. Ark >*t. 2—King and queen of th© Belgians Sept. 32— Brand Whitlock mode smbas Oct I—F'lve white men and eleven ne tv*t. 2—King and q landed In New York Oct. 2i>— International trade conference >rer.«^3 In Atlantic City. Oct. 27— President Wilson vetoed proM bit top enforcement bill and house re pa«»ed It. Oct 7*—Senate passed prohibition forcement bill over president's veto and It be !«me law Farmer*« national congress opened In Haser«tow n. Md. Oct 31—Secretary of Comme ne Redfleld retired from the cabinet Nov 4— Repubtl Massachusep*. N and Democrat* Mnryland and Mississippi Ohio. Nov 7—Hundreds of Reds arrested by federal agents all over country. Nov H—K. W W memtwrs fired Into {*Amer1cmn legion parade at Gentralta. Wash killing four ex-eoldiers, one of munierers lynched. Prince of Wales arrived fn Washington President Wilson left his b«r«1 for first won election In d Kentucky Jersev. York In Ne : • Nov. 12— FYanklln D*Df1©r elected n« llonal commander of American legion %* ov l5-8ecretary of the Treastary Car- f ter Glas» appointed V. 8 set Virginia Nov 22-U __ j^r ( 12—flenate sdjoumed Nov. If-Hmi S Senator Newberry of Michigan and 134 others Indicted for election fm I« l— Regular session of congress opened, Dec. , ... - . announced his candidacy for presidency Ibc. 12— V 8 Supreme court upheld «tltuUooallty of war-time prohibit! * Dec. 14—Senator Harding. «Jtolo. nounced his candidacy U 2--President Wilson's message r«*»«i to ron gr soe. ('onfrewnun J W Alexander of Mis souri made secretary of commerce Dec 12—Republican national committee set the convention for June f In Chicago Dec. 11—Dr. H A. Garfield resigned es fuel admînistrator IS—Senator Johnson. California. Republican nomination for presidency l «ec. 17— füg parksrs ogres to gMb* tlnue all their side lines. fVc IP-Victor Berger, ceorlrted flodal 1er ted to congress from Fifth Wie n constn district INDUSTRIAL Jon 2—Great strike of marine workers of New York begu.n Bloody battles bet troop« in Bus . Nee arbitration by war labor board Jan. 13—General strike tn Lima and Callao. Peru. Jan. 31—Great strike it England. Scot land and Ireland. Feb 4—Building Trad«* Enapleyers' is latlon declared a lockout In New York. striker* and * »-» York strike ended pend u g J F'eb 4—General «trike la Seattle to sup l®rt Sink In» *nlpt>oI;ders loti 1»— Seattle Keneral strike ckOed oft March t—Marina worker, et New Ter« struck again April ii New England telephone work, ers «rack April JA-New England phone strike tattled May 1 « Clttcn gO milk driver» «ruck. May »-Great general »Inka la W . illk wagon dnr May 14—< *h Icago on tbelr sink© May 24-General strike called Edmonton. Canada. Coigory and M«y 82—General sink# in Tororus I June »—Toronto strike called off June 2—Commercial telegraphers' union j members In southeast struck, ! June »—Detroit «armen sir""k June hk-Gcneral strike of t«l**rtph op ; eraturs started. . June 22—«Jumpers re elected president of A. P of U M j June 22— A. K of L declared for 44-hour •reek for all crafts and IT. k employ •«* July is— Buikitng Employers' association of Chicago locked out 5».(W» employe of «'arpenter*' strike Postyti street uar rum on strike July a —Strike of Atlantic coast snip 1 w««rkers ended July 3—Chicago surface and elevated car men struck. July 31 — Police of l»sdon and English provinces «ailed on strike, bat few re j .« : G Aug 1—Chicago street car strike ended by compromise Railroad shop Aug 6- Brook er» struck. Fourteen railroad unions demanded In creased wages Aug 7—Actors on strike in .New York Aug 12—Actors' strike spread to Chi I Aug J«—Railway shopmen a committee rejected lTr»ident Wkkaoa s offer and or- j dered vot. on «trike by th. men AU» »-Ha/lilo rout rmilway men voied to call off .trike Sept (—Actor, won their «trtha workers of U. 8 «truck, lyn Rapid Transit work by »trike. Aug 25 - President Wilson granted 4 emt an hour raise to railway shopmen and issued explanatory statement to pub llc - calling for industrial trues. Aug 14— Railway shopmen voted to re turn I« work Aug. 21—Pacific coast railways tied up Sept »-Three .trtker. killed in Hot. , In Hammond, Ind. fmomied patte« of Boalon .truck Sept !.. State tra>p. railed to Boaton j 1 »even peraona killed In Hol. I Steel worker, committee caHed atrlke for September a aaaln.t United State. ?lt©©l corporsilon. liept. I» < 'arpentera' atrlk. tn iTllca»o -«rttkt ended by vtctory for «n">" Sept ——Oreat atrlk. of ateel work.m , Two killed and tavaral hurt In I ! Hot. In I1ttabur«n re«lon I 8»Pi r BHtlah railway men atruek ^p. B-B.Hke he.un In Bethlehem a.ta | *" r,t o °ct 1—Uirkout and strike In printing j Tade In New Vork. many publication. I <uipftnd<d Oct 5— Ä©rious strlk© riots In Gary. Ind Î j British rail workers' strtk« ©nded by j . j Oct *y— I* ederal troop© sent lo Gary and martial law proclaimed in Gary. East i m ' ,d In,1 iana Hartem Industrial ronferenr. opened in »«»■ » t ington. ; 'W. lb—Nsw York harbor tied up by strikes 14—Nation-wide strike of soft coal miners ordered for Nov. 1 <>cl - Ib-Nsw Y'ork harbor workers strike relied off. ^ ° rt 22-Labor bloc withdrew from In dustrisl conference because Its resolution on Collective bargaining was rejected 1 Î4— Industrial conference diswtlved. Miners rejected a« offer* of compro mira • Oct. 2S—International congress of work- | ln * women opened In Washington, In «f^ r 2£. llonAl Ubor corf * r#no * <>*»•"«<* ' n Washington. <^ct. 31 Government obtained injunction against the coal strike Nov. l-8trlke of soft coal miners be , , . . . _ j Nov 8—Federal Judge Anderson orders«! j j ! 1 min * leaders to call off strike by Nov. 11. **°V- ll—Miners* union officials canceled • trt *5 order ^ov 23—New York printers voted to abandon strike • Nov. ..—Government s efforts to end COÂÏ strike by negotiation failed miners rejecting offer of 14 per cent increase In w oges , . 7 , V time <^al order renewed by ruel Administrator Gar Held, Industrial conference opened tn » ssfiltigton. _ DM 1—O^ntftl strike In Home. • Milan ; Floren««. Italy, *wc s—Fuel Director Qarfleld issued drastic orders for conservation of coal. Dec. Compromise offer from Preel » n .* " iison presented to miners' off! .. ... . . _ Dec. 1A- Miners accepted President Wll sons offer of 14 per wage increase and com mission to determine scale and conditions for future, and called off their strike. I>sc. ll l/indnn tailoring contractors garment worker« struck. India FOREIGN . Jan, 32— Royalist revolution broke out | In Portugal Jan Jl--The Irish parliament met in | IHiblin and proclaim#«! the independence of Ireland Jan. 32— Portuguese royalists defeated In several battles IT- Portuguese government so rebellion was ended 12- Wireless telephony Feb nmi need roralj March Ushed between ''anadt and Ireland April 13—Open rebellion In the Pu nab, «•tab- 1 June !3- fierions anarchist riots in Zu rich. 8w1»*erland July 1—Groat food riots in Forll. Italy. July 2—King F'.|nnmnu«*I of Italy is«ue»1 J decree that profiteers will he fin**d $3.W and imprisoned and g»v»ds < *>*>|1s< «ted July !1 — Resignation of Viscount Ishll as Jar*ne»e aml«»aa«P>r to United fftutes announced by government at Tokyo July 23—Doctor Peaeoa inaugurate pres ident of Brasil Aug 2-Antonio Almeida elected presi dent of Portugal Aug 2—About » killed In food riots In Chemnitz, Germany Aug IDKiiih of PerHa fled his country. President Tinoco of i*<sti Rica fled Ba tista 'Julrv* look Ihf office. • • VH Ml I irey made British Aug ambassador to AmeHca. Aug 12— 8upi>re«elon of 8inn F'eine County Clare. Ireland, caused much fight ing Sept. 3-Honduras revolutionists forced President Bertrand to flee the country Klrjum SMdebara appointed Japanese ambassador to IT ni tad States Sept 36- Luxemburg voted to retain Grand Durbeee Charlotte as ruler Oct. 7—Norway adopted prohibition, ex e and beer, by plebiscite ! Duchess Charlotte of (n f reptlng w Nov 4 —O rand ( Luxemburg married to Prf Bourbon Parma Nov 15 - Lady As tor üMÉIff «ff British s Feh« of C filament Radicals routed In French elec tkas Nov. 24—British government proclaimed ppresra »n of fllnn Fein and like organ izations throughout Ireland Dec. 12- Aesasoln© attempted to kill Vis count French, lord lieutenant of 1rs load. MEXICO April 14- General Blanquet. revolutionist leader, killed tn fight Msy 22 V 1 11Lstas prorlalwied revolution ary gov -mount with <j©n F elipe An• gels# as provisional president Jun© 14— Villa fore©« began an attack on Juarez Jun© 1> -Several A men an© In Fl Paw» having bee« killed or wounded by shots from VUHstos. American troops c r oe e s d to Jaares and attacked the Villa forvea June 14 American troop© routed VUUs ■ res and ret July 4-Armed Mezi< ana attacked and r*e»1 to El Rood robbed boatload of American sailors near Tkapn Aug. M-British charge ordered from k«iKo by Carranza. • «• An w r i fsn array axîatars by Mexican bandits. lered Mexi- o in hel l for rm Aug 12—U. fl trvope pursuit of bandits Aug 21 -Carrsn«a demanded withdraws of V 8 fused f roopm and President Wlleog re Punitive «Spedition killed four has Aug 84—Pursuit of Mexican bandit* by V. fl troop« abandoned Aug 22 Complete victory of Carranza * * ir «1» • iTesident iTarroaae In address to ro* greet defended Mexico aesfrri ac cusations denoun* ed I^raguo of Nation« and defied Monroe Doctrine. flept S—C I. «rtriT ,vIAlor »bot by Mex ican, ntar Ltrta). T*( Sept b S4,xt.'*n (ni,nim»i pr"1* ,','d ■ »vtatnra firm, over Mei*ca led to L'nlTed Statm tn rantore order (n Meilen - r « «M Mexican rstisl f*rga n'xatu>n» Nov 3— Zapatista« surrendered to gov ernment f«»rc Kov '^ General A age)*«. Villa** ('hlef old« rap* wired Nov fl-tl 8 requested Immédiats re l©*»© of 4"'>nguiar Agent Jenkins, arrszted at p-ioM« <>n charge of complicity with band lis who kidnaped him Nov 24- Me«reacted the 17 8 re •1'iest for the release of Jenkins. G©n Felipe Angeles executed. Nor. JD—décréta ry Lansing sent re joinder to Mexico's defiant note. rep«tal Inc must for JonkIns' release flee 4—t'onsuiar Agent Jenkins released on bnlL Dm to leave Mevl Dec, ik- M« Jen LI snd against hi j i—President Wilson asked serial« ! ir matter to I Iro rep ted »ft F 0 that his r s l s a e*d to drop the pr<*. vedloga was ■ hvsrd by AERONAUTICS ri# first Tnrk Aprfl 12-Capt K r White nor stop flight from Ch »«-ago to N rvlft between Cl Mevsiand established American naval planes J May IS—Air mail Asorr* May 12—Hawker and Grieve started air plane flight from Newfoundland to Ire land landed .*n water 1.2» miles out and were picked up by steamer May 24—Lieutenant Roget made nonstop flight from Parts to Kendra. M 1.138 miles May 27— U 8 navy plane NC4 flew from the A lores to Lisbon thus completing th© first transatlantic flight Air mall service bet 8«-JU«rUo<J .l«rte<l . M»> S—Adjutant ratal., rrtaeh ,1 ' u ' f — 1 «»«M «■» allilud. Uay JB-NC« left Mat»«, «oop^l twice *«d arrived at Pt>mouth hnatand neat day. | Jun. |4.|i^apt j„ h n Alrarh and IJ.uL AHhor t\ Brown of Knaland made «rat nonHr^> ni«ht fc-r.wa Allante from New Foundfand to Ir.Und In Vlckara-Mmy ^ ^ h«»urs 13 mlnut©s July >—Brltlah dlrlalhla RJ4 atartad J'T ram July *—BJ4 reached Mln.ola, L. I . <om. plotln« Irin In M» hour. July O-RHIIah HJ4 tailed from cago and May 12—Thr started transatlantic flight from N©W- • fou niil and May 17—American naval plans NC4 reached the Ai«»rfs: SH lande«! on water. , «•rew rescued NCI landed led- S4 mils» and reached Poota Delga«la. ' I « .if-r n Paris and 1 MineoU LI on return trip lo «rollend ^uly tt-BHtlta^dlH^hW .fe« yH eta at fnilham. En»land. from Mineola. I. I . having made homeward voyage In ■« M minute. Sept. Jt-Holsnd Rohifs mw«i# worin s altltud# record. SMM fe©t. from Mlnsols ^ Oft. 8-fiart te^aMt m«Q startad from f r *^* co F* 0 killed at Halt Lak© City and on© at D© p»>att N T *~T' 3ur1h •' r ***°» killed tn coaat-te toaat race. <>ct to-Fifth aviator killed «ut 11— I.leu t B w Via > nerd won east lo wee. part of airplane race fV( IV-Two more conteetaoia In trana continental rare killed In Utah clTTTd wtaner U if irar'ê ' nîmentâl'Ta" ■* <U ' T'v Fapt It?« JmBh Ti.mpT.ted airplane «i,ht from to Port lar Wl I>«c All j? r rkpt. W aS**SrnKh im xh t nS?' m tm !>©c 12-4 apt. Sir John Alcork. first j ! .... . „ .... _ . transatlantic nonstop flyer, killed by acd dent tn France SPORTS - ton title defeating Maur^me F'eb 12— He Ore won three-cuahion title from Kieckhefer May 3—Can ne fax won thrae-cushioo title from De Oro May 31 — India/iapdla j*» mile auto ra«*a won t>y Wilcox in a Peuge«Jt Three men killed June 7—Michigan won Western Intercol legiate «'onference athletic meet. June 13—Walter Hagen won national open golf championship iv 4—Dempsey knocked out Willard third round, winning heavyweight champion ebkp July 25 Jim Barnes retained Western open golf championship July 32-Ganadlen open golf champion ship w i . » -a r r ord for 73 holes Aug 13— V 8 W'çjghf of Buffalo, S T . won amateur champicnehip at single tar gets and Nick Arie of Msnard. Tex . the title at double« Aug 15-0 W. I .« »rimer, Tro grand AmeHran handicap at J . Iw>uglas FTdgar of Atlanta, •trokea. new competitive rsc a O . won icago Aug IS—Davidson Herron. Pittsburgh, won national amateur • Aug Fisk. IV Kalb. nr. golf championship »hnaton. flan F'ran* d inn ship »Nattonai Mrs Perry tern Hepl 4— William M T cts*'o, won natUmal tennis >ham Sept 14—Cincinnati Reds won league pennant. "'T r~ C ? t T lr0 .. WMU BO " "°" ' 15,. _.... K 1 arorld e (Vt P 3 William Hoppe retain«! It ! kalk l , Noi Ch î*?K 0 ?* , i'7nnef»« won three nue h So *. f * maB ,hr ** <n " h ' ^5 »7j7w.r-tr of Jlllnota -on foor Wilde of F.ngland In klllwaukee | L. ^ IT fîrtanle.r w.n, pnnkot blllieM . hem.. of I n"-<1 *•»'»• Im.- r Harvarde ..-.-otlve 'MM<A of the l»oard of rontr«.»! eppr«ive*l new I mitte* from which Walter 1 ball clwmo Dec. 2—Ji football Camp wss omitted I j DISASTERS Jan. 1—27« British sailor» drowned when boat was wr©« K©d n IT 8 r Htorn<> army transport North MB a# Fir s Mood. Jan. 11-21 kill© I to New York Ceatral Byron. N T Jan. 12- F*ren« it at©am*r Chapral «unk | la bf rolls of Mcrnlna, id lost April 2— Hundred persons killed by tor nadoes tn Texas. Oklahoma and Arken Pacific nr« « : r ■ » » w by m j April 28—f^orge section of Yokohama de- j stroyed by fire Fieri hquaks in Sen Salvador l r,lt k»ee of life and property May >► Kalul volcano. Java. In erup I Um. 15.«» persons killed, May — Stromboli eruption many lives lost. Jun© 5—Mlo© explosion at WJlk©«barr© killed «I Jun© fiJ-Mo?* than 50 perrams ktli©d oy tornado at Fergus Fails. Minn June 32-Vlcrhlo. Italy, ruined by earth quake US killed July I—IT M Navy dirigible exploded near Baltimore, injuring 7Î. July 2—Allan line s'.eamehip Grampian eg Iceberg uff Cape Race, two killed. caused ' vo Ina no, Mit, In «tro two Injured July 21 - Dirigible bedooa caught fir« Chicago and fell through roof of bank: 13 persons killed. SI injured Aug. 15 Italian cru>*er Basilicata blown ap near Tewflk. blocking 8«iea «anal Japanese transport foundered. 112 lost Sept 12— Hurricaa© «tld iras» age In southern Florufa and < ube Sept 14—Hundreds kilted and Unmea Uauic by hurrlcaae on Tema« Gulf coeat Ip wrs. k flail Oct. 21 !:ve© 1 >»t In st ■■B MMflk Dec 17—Ferty-three kflWd In a mm un Bon plant v i plosion at W Oemiaay. Pteetny *r blew up. U at liuakMo near Dover. N. J. NECROLOGY Jan l— I>ev»d Lubin. petron ©f egricul lur©. in R«*fne J«n 3—John E William« trial arbitrator, at 8tr©ef«>r. Ill J«n 4—4*ol Tbe^r* Ro«ra©\«it. «I Oy* stsr Bey, N. Y Jan 4-M«J Gen J Franklin Bell. U 8 A. In N*w York _ Jao. 2-Rsv Dr. fl. J. McFberram. '1er gy man and educator, at LaarreacevlUe. | Ni _ __ .. I Jon. W-Roswell M Flsld, author, at Morristown, N J Jan 12 -81r Charte« Wyodham. British *' Î x John Meson. American actor W. J onahan. prominent Catholic lay man. In ChW 13- Dr Honet Fletcher dietetics In i '>penhagen. It K -irii.-i Alves preeideat &• r » ele*'t of Hr ml Jan it-frtM« John. youa«eet kin» of EnjkUnd Jan »-Kortner V. I Senator Oeorce T. Oliver at Pntahurch. Jan *N-<~on»r ttam«n Edward Bobbin* ot Groeneborg. Pa. Jan. It —Kear Admiral F. E. Chadwick. U. ft. N . retired Jan. » — Nat C. Good win, artor. John T M ilken, oil and nine macnate. at St. I-oula Keb t— Xavier Leroux. Freoch operatic eetapMer. or Feb 3—Prof E. C Pickering. director of Harvard obeerraiory Feb. 5— Rudolf Aronson, light opera c«xn powr and Feb 2 producer, to New York. Bcas.e Abbott, operatic prima 1 Feb I*—Sir Wilfrid Laurier, former pre rr Feb. It O sa. Baron Y. Fukuabima, noted Japanese soldier. M ir> Walksr. pioneer suf fr.nçict in Washington. W. P. Borland. ct>n^re souri, in France Feb 24—Julian «tory. An. -rirai» artist Feb 27—Former IT. S» Sei.ator Q. s from Mb munds of V«rmcr' nmrta. Canadian *rt iai. March 3—Charles E. Van l-oan. IMT. W. It Burt, lumber magnate, at Hagt of Or*g March J James Wltheycombe. governor March Hilary A. Herbert* former sec retary of th© navy . .. . ■ - .. __ J ./.g nLfcr g Vg-*?^ * 1 * 1tr 1 8 M * on * l> X, — d -ira»o . ,- M 22T * h.d Croa. Sur.loa mim Jkne jietano. K.d t-rua*« ^'taetar.^ta ^Fraata. ■JP™" " s ^ • , ru!îî e Vî»tarEw N lltatnhotham of »-Harlow N. Hi»tni>ott>am VaMm* . . h'r»rrH ( ( WZ Beed ...tarn C- maaaata . Drt . K. T mr e Kir.try oaceant and taertta*ao»idi2^, atBHchbmEncUad! ,p T ' „ 1 »-.t.22..! Ton, .,., n A . An2i2\TT"*rl * W** mSL. Amertta. a N©w York Mar- h 14—Roger A. Pryor. In N March 17 New York. March 22-Henry M Blossom, musical writer, tn New Y'ork. March Ä- Fr©»| H. Hall. tUf sn jour nalist. in Chicago Georgs Fort, assistant rr«—surer of the Ü 8 April 2—2*. W Wool worth « nglnai live and ten «rant stores Lew Shaw, famous billiard i layer. April 2-Sidney Draw, Arosr'c York. Kenyon Cog. noted artist ui . «.n r.| of *l*b April |J—Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearet. la bar Teveland Cady noted >. « •>, « ., n • w l 1 5*^ Admiral ChliMCtf Thom \1 -~'h J JUtna of fh'tsburgh. Helen Hyd© Amer, an arust w tv*«! i 11,., , ■ m fhirsw May iT.,;, n .ral Zeivra. «.-president of * . v v w o'2L «a n,_, - w " p rw, „„ Î-. ' IWUJ »' 1, * r V, , L c T* r - v ..... nt s ' •*»"' Mina . ..mmaader In chief of . Th»»»*»». Junm ,4> F,,rm * r v • H*naior John C. Mpoontfr of Wtscorndk June U-fOTtMT i*or.gre©«radn Jam©« A. Tawn«y of Minnesota. June 14 W**4«n OroaamltH, British ac tor and artist. Ernest faster, governor of Washington. July f—Pr Anna ll«>wanl v©l©rm« •uffragtat. at MovUn Fa Ex « onertaanua Utnuil Wjr Qulgg. la N©sr York July 2—John Fox. Jr... noniist. at Big Htona Gap, Va. Julv 13—Dr W. Max Mutlftf. oriental!©«, profesanr of Egyptology at Cnlv©rslty of Pennsylvania. Chari©« Rock. English actor Alt*ert Vlck©f» England's greatest man ve «ran theatrL v >. k ufacturer of steel products and airplanes, at Kastbourn# July 22- Hlr Edward II Wold©«. not©d BHttah financier Gsorgs H Primross. famose minstrel Jslr H U Vsrm W Noyes. Chicago and philanthropise manufac July 25 Elias Oreenebaura, noted Chica go banker, aged f? July K Sir Edward J. Peynter. presi dent of Royal a«-ademy July 22 George A. Storey, famous point er. In London. Aug I— Osrer Hammers*©!«, opera Im presario. in Ne : N. flarben. American au thor J K. rOsO Addlrks. ! Via ware flnan rer Invent > ati Aug 2—Ralph Blok «lack, American a r Au» M-Frta tarie* I .art an. r.'.r.. paakar. at Mtlwaukw _ Barow Invemlrtte at <1lae««w *"* Bo,h ^ premie» o* »*-t't V F M Dohle, famoue «lira» o t harne« hnre-a, at Loa Ancal-a ^Admiral Baron ItertafoM of 135 no, -' rr,m!n " l * w - Aug 2- Ruggiero l eoncavallo. composer. at Ro Prof Knot Haeckel, at Jena Carnegie, at Iabol àdn Aug M 4 »S $, f'tjn^an C Roe« famous eworde wrtatler. In Baltimore . h>bt , ui'. Mell former president ^Ine Worker» l<i • «viva. rtoie] Belgian operatic r 1 9riwm * ^ singer f. Russian au Beaupre former >r tn Colombia, ta Chicago »rgreasniAft J B Thompson, New York lrm< Wpt 13—K^eoald Andr thor Sept 11 Arthur M IT U. *fc©pt P 8hiints. SEpTY 'hartes I. Freer, capita list end f Detroit. irn of Minneapolis, big T Adelina Pattt at Pen yeas, *hlef Justice H. W. Bond of n |i î c prleet and army chaplain, at Chl Patrlck Egan, pioneer oonouse loi •. 8 art Wash! ■ • Wale«, Kept 22 mm M » Rev vati m » ■ f: j ep .ago bept. h«»me ruler snd fo' In New York 22—Dr Nathaniel t. Rublakam. no*e»1 lecturer Oct. 1—Chari«*« W »a*nuu s plainsman and hunter, at Tupelta. V«. «'Mi# n Chicago H uff* •> *> Jones. 2-Rt Rev J C. Sags. E pi s c opa l « >ct bishop of flalVns. ICa I w Derlei Ft Towner, noted evangelist. Lungwood. Mo. O-i 4— Philip WL McMIBan. owner De troll Free Pr Ot T« Henry Mill« Ald«n. editor Har pet's Magasine Don Ricardo Palma, noted Peru vlan author Alfred f*eakln. former premier of Aus tralia Oct 2—Dr of Illinois at Oct 14 H dmaa Law, noted aviator, at Greenville fl C. Bishop P J Garrtgaa of Catholic dio af fl Oc* li ver V fl M-. ffl iftrt IV-Viscount Astor. is Um4»m. Oct 32 * 'ount V. March! dl Caler©. Ital r ta V fl. A if T Ringling. cirrus earner. Cyril H pklns of University Abs «U «r. s Otjr Iowa p-ar Admiral Rlchardaaa Cto ! V « at Dover. N J Oct. 25 Mr Erne st Water low. noted Brit •h t*mi i * t 1U Ella Wheeler Wilcox, poet and eutror Nov chief uf G Sov I— Even t independent sorftollac« »-W R. Wert noted statistician, New York. Nov ll -Cardinal vm Hartmann, ink* t>B«boo of f'ologoe Nov. 12—Ttmmas g Martin. V 8 rana ? Coi j D. MhL eoMMMk la u la flsnaar eneasaAea reotler ntoa Mac lay. American naval Edgar 8 - ■ rlon T Hug* Haase, hood of German Nov. tor tro» Virginia. Noe. 12— Ma) llearv L. fo-inder of Boston Symphony orchestra. Nov IF-Flo^mki Const anti n*, «o» Ibis nlsil dramatic tenor S- Counts*« Pri Tom Thumb», at MVldieb*»ro Mass Dec. 3— Henry C Ft«ck. steel magnate. 1« New York Dec. 2- Julian A Idea Weir. A merles a artist. In New York Dec. 12—glr John Jacksoo. f !»h dvU engineer Dec. 17-Dr. William H. Hopkins, vet eran educator, to Chicago. Luigi mica. Italy*« foremost grand opera librettist. In Rom«. Dec 12— Horatio W. Parker. Americas com poser. Dec. 12— Cleo fonte Cam panic l. director «4 Chicago Opera company. Magri iMrsu Nov Bnt-