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HL FILER RECORD A S IN'IXCI'RVPBNT l*KV* sl'Al'KU l'f Bl,l»lll:u AT ITI.KK. IHAIIO JINKAl II. SUIN' N. Ki. itou HKM tV K LA MM Kill*, ITmlihikh HUBSCRIi'TlON UATLH .. .$2.00 ... 1,00 .0» One Year .. Si* Mon tlu Mingle üopy ■foO«4 rit»« «u»H«r it lie« f «I l'ilwr Miho. March SI, Itltf. iirfriiijt to promet* »la of arary hiitlmal« huai tint In Ih* community Bai uni la arnl coo-J >r<! will pine* wtiM(«rrr |q pu »o liHftfr any mriilltlon. nr brhljc»- **n> CD« Im(W<MI|| strife un y ui«n of the Record as an il in Its Hr lo be Its cardinal basis of me. a bigger and drive f< lo If Ml Ihal the 1» vue here was) I, nur creed, nor anything (hut of assisting to of th« Mj JU'ig plillg the Infer.-. Filer ' .« amp y J right!] In Oise with which Iged I* Ju. III« re* have Isvii met. I . ■!,. Urcord three! f J beeil, and our) bsen I ! . Irculalloi has igu Us prar II» ftlze was doubled doubled verttsliig support lias been [ RboU)«l l»UVt »iihiH'i'ipIliili lint bun We ho|w Hie sails rsllfvlng been mutual, and Ihal •I will continue lo morll ii..» * p Ijs.-i* support and subor rlhers will and confidence. r harbinger« ...... I. for community bilghl j Every ihU lit mrnt it* u«v*r ml iro|w nr# iinhummI tiulri Im* uiiII«h 1 )|| M COltllilUlt w«rt> •se to help the town and conn | to help each other, lo solve out KM.ii problem» and to promote Hie I mi Welfare Pi I this end, the Record opens Its nr tuple of generul Inleresl Aside I asking the residents of Hits iiunlly to regularly inform as news matter of general Inleresl ash that anyone and everyone I use of our columns We waul lei, contributions, reports on lo do things, bow you made of fainting or slock»; tow lug Want crop reports, nows Heins. si tuns. Ideas, suggest tuns, In and everything Ihal will of help and Interest to readers of FILER RECORH a t ton, ign your name In all utanuacrlpls •vblsnc* uf their validity H« will •MHessarlly use name ur Inltlalsl < ill nut pi lut un. us cum ilraltonn. lUlp the K. urd. help Flier! this m» of ('hr ini tin* a pr€M*itfi* •mt* lilghvr Hutu lh«)f h#vr| Y#l r« the Civil Mar reaching the (lovernniwnl In > ihal buying was heavier than » Ihm* ii for years would from these two ihal we «rer» enjoying an real proaperlly not In years have Ox As a ' financial ominous t by amrb tl«ikf*n lb# Mini htiriluu liKlrtV Willi (yrluuiv fury on dlrrntly (tillrl lii# j U» «>1 Ahlftlik# «Minld K» of (hi Ut« war tnlMiHtii it* ilrfvr (nl#i threatening foul I*** * • ,»iul with Kiting uuahlv lo bov j Civ« l»#t furtbvr * my«* nui hh»iv n# loot un I Tb#re m »•rttolu» our t«o w« miinilinral of | »(N^n RUM it n fctrwà# with j I by n »Mitd** I f our irMkt In , •Ci i of giHMls for j « of j Ihm ! and chavs* 1 gradual coal roe I ton . iww being j k*t TbU it Inn r lb«* priktfttnli fkmm ut It t¥. CAlat U «I any Boaurial Itbl Mini rut I* I «»•t practice III I national a*«H»»iirp t« hifh tu«N(ifl|p|y mu>k **«»u KwvIuk luiurU't! Hx lbk*a (ixttaa j • *r liàv Mini (iikv * H 19 «Mir lUUhPt r-.,«îd mm rioat Hrjm m» tupftml Birr th* » - #«Uai* oi ur . tHhar «otUi. wi » '«ml (Xk-optratlon mil tj lulUMM ikrtr pntdur ■ary to pMMtu.ej at tower it Leonard Wood in Cantata 1 I, ; aard Wood, well-known 'orme resident la taking as proiiimoi ft In the musical 'IrHes of Twm . as lie did while living here, ■ - ng to the fuudilory comments o Twin Kails natter llrech.r of the Mendelsohn "bora luh •>< Kiev whi produced "Wind I mills of Holland." and several othe . suinta» which delighted local mudi ars J 4 I * <ii i Mr Wi I I * A wrll f.rtl)*' ! im( nfficl^nt «boni* ' '' ■ . .* •■•.« 'he .11... -.n i»f i. !.. v. tt'i g IV»- ii t U im f n i i e mspL n g ch. .im. Cantata in -ht llap'lsl church Holiday «veiling,' ». lie i'wln Fulls Nows. "The I ; e.| Hal drew ■ ire nedous throng, many : bnng turned awav on account of lack of seating space " The cantata, "Salvation of Israel," by Wilson, while of light order as a ,,,, r ,. j rule, contains uany cherns. ■ nd solos of a caliber miking with the ■teller class of church anthem and solo selection. Throirthout ;he work is ai . .. >|y. „»»sing hrough an evclutuo, . 1 . »; n*» wi h rin- hl hl lim I #v«ntx prioi fo V . nat • \ 1 1 y and «*ri<lin« In .» oy./ii- ! and bout. g refrain .a praise of Hit »ilrfh of , nc Buvlor 1 M. », of :he aif.gera composing lb , ' i h.irus 'or the cantata wen taken from the rank and fll- i. , he ' chinch, but they showed egecllent 1 irnlelng a» lo tochalque uttaek mod j I 1 of I [ or I to lu ,p| W ilia' <oii and expression. Coninien'lallon accorded the dlr«iT>r of tbs per |a rornaneo for the excellent showing Soloists taking part ire: Mis-i Edna Graham, soprano: Mias Juant'a He,in. contralto; Mr» W G Smith, mezzo; Clarence Beatty, tenor; L L Wood rUan.v ♦il > 1II> 1 Ml MH> (Ml HOPKINS II ( THIN NALL HU tS This firm announces Hie following ale dales: Thursday, Jim Hi A A (Hodowskl. | farm sale. Hull I. .day, Juu Hi M P How, farm ami registered Holstein sate. Buhl Widnesday Jan 21 il Hwullow. big farm sal*. Hull I rn.'ulny, Jan Z? -Jertmns's. lärm sale. Bai.i IThurx.luy Jan 29 G Sommer, big 1 Closing out sale. Filer ( lues,!.*', Fell to W I, Norr's, clos ing out sale, Halil tie. your ».lie dale early. If X»u ..h H.1» firm lo am Hoi. von, sale," | I | ii Hie advice of Col Karl Manyon I N «»»m* ii<* lit I u r« of l'iirhtrr* I). O of up lu I he files of the Bureau of Will ItUk Insurance, Washington, the the names and record« j wards of 4.r> soldiers, sallorrfl land marines. Insured under the War Risk Insurance Act. In the card In (teles are listed the name« ot K3.2l>il Johnsons. Hie most numerous family name In Hie Miirenn records Hume I uf these Johnsuna also spell their I names variously, ns Johnson and I Johnstone The Hmllh*. with 61.860, ) are not far behind nuinerlcallv. Th* a third, and .. -n. with I, .. . es Then In th. ! 'Hung; the Anderson«, 22.1100. (he ! Walkers, 18Mai (If the 63.200 Johlt« christened John, ami The favurlle I j Mis, S. 138 were; 3.042 William Christian name in (he Smith family la William borne by 3,412 Smith«; while is the given name uf 2.42 Of the 41.000 Browns who j„|iin Ml ... John wi smiHis (Din wore the uniform plum John Brown imo were named of the Williams family 3811 signed up as "Willie WII William WH There were »no "John An 1 » 0 *» were christened "Carl, Chnile«" hr] Were til There he Bureau of War Risk to ». the files of nur lighting ea Imheale that many prumtneni represented by namesake ge Washington»" there were and I7D Usui THOU«. H r„ (»j *r • if " Hub«'it l«*w. ' It#. ' John Qulti« y AiIriiii, " \l*i u tu« m Ütiioin." otilv 1 U»*u I till* til, Ut* 'Uenemt unhlnicURi." I; K nd! »CI III Welling loll « General Jackson, Bunapurte were oltbinigh Ihelr rank In « 0 ( 1-1 war was that of private-. A OUliavalihed Lamll) The loMlrlguet I lUeo. «• ' »nlliig to Bureau of War Itlsk Insurance, i men Into lb« American fore* and among this number, whh'h was PtckeO. v v Napoleon th n . y from Port. > fit«« of the »94 gin cl- rk in the Bureau of W b -k l-> uiauce finds from the curd Hoi * tues ol I a »le Sams fighie that th* nam» Alov «lu» la »pelled in forty ulus different waya. am! *itn**»t Urg« timuRh for • ballalkit* . lh»*|4= «PIP Dut ''Ml MJktkirw as iHMkklitgtt Kmitiidi'n, Joh Urn Th** «toruil uumtN«r »'.* lb** «(HMHNI Hi«« Mumj Ht)* !«• '(m TwttiH au4 c*f rat h m*u wa*« 'U* AnitiiiUi ■ ,\ £lv«u I« 1 * 1 ;.Me.» John Giovanni, Ivan, J.ic, Jack, J... > -.que». Jan. J. rif, Haï », Jean Jno., Jcahn, Jock, Johan, Johann. Joba.i ne», John!, Ji-hnie, Johnnie Jiibuuy, Johny, Jon. Juan .Soin» of (lie Orrai While (Vlliei'i Indian soldier* lw,r» melodious, complicated, descriptive uai lu s.gfa;»*,» v. ■./». halbe "John' cnty-fi.tir wsys, >.s follow»: if na u lUfrt A trw amour; many If : le. Ueaits-Bloey froni-Heuee, ■■min L'oniea-out Hear. Üt'.vid IJr.jpt a lllslam > Charles Owl Walk r ln-llje rtiîii fl u-.o, a«h Day Cloudy l-aac H llorsa-la*F««t The town ofbalmon. fur r,l»h-.i a Her v. 1th five given nam-i Hurry Adolph Thomas Richard Eugene Uul lock PAY YGUaR FINE IN W. S. S., SAY POLICE JUDGES ~ ...... _ rrancuco Court# Will iry Character-Building Meas ure» in Minor Ca»ea I pon the thesis Iha* a thrifty man i i..n • . i. l/en and that mauv ... ,.-nt day »oriel unrest are due di- [ ■ rdly to thriftlosHuoss," Police and Superior Judges of Han Francisco are planning lo give persons convicted of j ninor Infractions of the law an alter : our economic Ilia and much of our I . ' ,4 " v# of '»''• dînent In (lovernioent tl ■ urltltf*. Much hh War Bavin#« | Hfttfup# ami Treamiry HhvIuk» Certifl- j "»'»K them Judge * Fll*p#lrlcfc. Presldln# Jud#o of I «»•<• I'oRce Oonrt here. a».d, T shall la | tt 1 " 1 * to assist In the movement In this i"r»> 'lun. keeping tu mind, however, 141 u11 ' hu provisions of the h * r * #r ut ,h « •'"T arit * fount) ." The alien .alive of Investment In Government securities will be offered whenever It h within the power of the Jud .o lo fine or sol f ,n th fendant In a mUdeinc mor case. "This i 11 temp ." said another Judge, will give su. h deft oduuts a chan- o to help themselves and their Government and cultivate a habit of saving, lae-k of which we feel Is often ut the bottom their transgressions " Family rows which find their way Into court and have many times us inelr fundamental cause lack of thrift spendthrift habits, are expected to furnish a rich Held fur the experi ment In penalization to be tried by Hie Han Francisco judges As a rule, the Judge has In such cases the right fine or release defendants with a ,b | *«*«re lecture, and hereafter It j probable that family rows In San , I' r tttlct»cu win really be beginnings I many bankfaccounts. 1 will attach only one i " p,ll,lu " levying a penalty of In vu,,, »""' rat h « r t.^an fining a defend U,, î; " nd Cün ' ,,,lwn *• t,1 " t ">*» ! "* '"•'■rnatlve must ">e 1.1. of maturity. dope lo lead the thriftless Into tho vays of thrift, sound living and bet ter citizenship In this way the Jurists Give your boy I i #»»P *or Christmas, J You only |4 2S and It will lead him along way« of thrift and sound In vest melt u War Savings It will cost I I I | „ ' h * ■ - ■ ... ' "• Christmas '' T!'* V' VV « ■***"*• Qlva a War dav | A War Havings Stamp Is the Ideal Chrlatmaa present. It brings pleas | are to the recipient and at the same time In ices him to save hl» money nnd buy more. A $u War Savings Stamp cost» $4 23 this month. : mgs Stamp for Christina» Your dollar will go further In buying Christmas presents this year If you give War Havings Stamps postuffice or bank : *9 An> will «ell you a War Havings Stamp for 14 23. The bank dueaa't make any profit on the deal j j ; Make your Christmas mean something thi« year presents Glv« I ulted Hinte« War Havings Stamps Five dollar Stamps cost »4 33 at any bank or p*>*t* fftce They increase In value constantly and Induce the re 11 ''''a ■ g um ... bov or girl I a ueeleee toy for OiiUtiuas. give him | or her a War Havings Stamp It will I i t«ach the lesson of saving and luvtsi- J tuen' c(p(#r t to buy moru j The Oovvrnment will continue Thrift ; d War Havlui 21», I he 183* bands uf the eagravc. damp vales thrwugb •v *r... «s are In the ■ or w a. «. T 1 j j of il,,. j W «SK« liiaho* IW W 1*»».« tisia* «i«M ial ime-ilav U«ho amernhueol «7, —1 ordere. I a S I». seisiun legislature for sotf rage Hie fornml rail for i i ojri»Iatl*«n ma v tie taken up. I T*.^ . t- . .. ... Tk* «fate w February 11 »nil llie j tforernor w;ll a«k tho ieiri«latiue ; coniine its appropriatiim for I espen J lUr# t „ t , )( . t , atn ., l|n j «* iwnded l»V MCbmgMr, Dot lb* lawful alUic.tnce of 2*1 cents per mile. th«' «ktl|U|la(|M tit«*t tl«» OthkT : It* ths, In H | ! I If Complete Protection By REV. B. B. SUTCLIFFE Litem Jon Department, Mood/ Bibi«, ( i ; TK.XT-Jrsii* who «lell. <-red ua from th« • C.J .1 .... 1 Th -.. ' ; • * In a recent magazine appeared a» un advertisement a picture entitled ''Complete Frofec-1 lion." In Hie pic ture vvu» shown life-insurance jail Icy, protection for the family ; n sav Inga bank book. protection against old age ; a fire in sura nee policy, p r o I e c 1 1 o n for property; and a revolver as protec* tii.ii for life. Hut something more is needed to . — 1 ! is •#f —h m ■ i. IÉ "complete * « y « protection." limn may he wine ! A - enough to protect bis family In ease) death, and have protection ^ ,,r 1*1« old age, hi- in p rly and Ids life; but his protertlou Is In complete until he cures for Ills soul. The grave of this pre-.-ut life Is but the gateway to the life to come, and r his . ■ _ 'Ul«d»da on how one has prepared *° r » whether that Ilf»* to come has complete protection. All must stand '» 'ure (Jod to he Judged, for It Is written, "it Is appointed unto noun '«• « to die and after this the Jadg ment" (lieh. Il: 22). Wo will not be surprised, therefore, to hear the proph *»'• warnlug, "Prepare to meet your God." There is an instinct in every man w hl 'i warns of wrath to come, and . how. ver oue may stlth- It or give heed to ii fidel denials, this truth abides. even though a mini has doubts : concerning whether there Is any wrath ' I..C, to- IS unwise I,. Imw III. pip. tectlon against the possibility. He ! protects himself against the coming of old age when he Is uncertain of attain ing to old age. He pays money for tire lusnranee when he does not know If fire will ever devour his property. Even admitting, therefore, a doubt as to the wralh to come, neglecting to provide against the possibility is folly. The Means of Protection. Protection for his soul cannot ho found In anything a man has by Ids own efforts. He might have motley, property and all material good nmf still be unprotected. He might have all the learning ami wisdom of the world and still bo hi ihingor of tho wrath to corne. Whatever a man has or has nut In these things does not enter In here, for there Is no respect of persons with God. and God is the Judge. Our text declares It Is "Jo ■us who delivered us from the wrath In come, ' Gist has-given man the gos pel, and the gospel is that "Christ died for our sins according to the Scrip Hires and rose again tin* third day" (1 Cor. 1Q:4). "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Hon that whosoever belleveth on him should not perish hut have everlasting life" (Jno. 3:18). "Neither is there salvation In any oil., r, for there H none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must bs saved" (Acts 4:12). It Is written ol Jesus that "He hare our sins In hh own body on the tree" (I Pet. 2:24). and "He was wounded for our trau» gressluns and bruised for our Iniqui ties" (Isa fk'l tl). He was "the l.uinh of God who taketh away Hie sin of the world" (Juo. 1:2V). In this one, Jesus Christ. Is found the only protection from future Judgment, hut it Is found so surely and completely that the be liever can say of him, "Jesus, who de llvered me from the wrath lo come." Th« Obtaining of Protection. Many make the mistake of thinking taut protection Is found in a good life or charity toward one's fellow man. Some think It Is found in keeping cer tain laws, ami others In religion. But however uprightly one may live one still is a snmer. for "all have sinned'' j I Bum 3 23> mill "w lie bed ding of blood there Is no remission." However charitable a man might be to Bis fellow man It can never absolve I' 1 '» from his treatment of God. And however strict a man might be in obey- I mg the laws of the land it cannot «Urne » taws otL God. All IImm ibings are good and proper In their place, but turtle of them nor all of them together ent> give pro- ; tvrtlon to n nmn « soul in view of the wrath to P it . The IHM* declare* t aplo faith . of ..tit;.;nina in Jeans is the only m Ik e«us Christ und thon «halt he saved' c of the Bible. Tiwlay am the door, by me it la the mess Jesus says. any enter In he shnll b*- saved" (Jno : 10.-S). He also says, "H eth unto me I will In no wi«c cast out' (Jno. 4:37). In the day of the flood the only protection w who had fulth went In an.' were saved ; I that com* ark. They The the other« perished ise man therefore will not only have prnteetlop f«>r hi* family in life in«uram-e, ami ' » »d«*'"« tor bla old age in the nr-j lu«» a.-count, but protection from wn *tb to mm in Jésus, who u God s j gift to all *Ko will receive him. j ——————— D, "y Theoflbt. What greater cmlamity can fall up a us 11 mi than the loss of worship' —Emerson. j PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS V. ! • ARTHUR E ANDERSON * • • ' Honesty 1» a ç ood thing tdcaoae • j • It maure» a better chance cf •**" I • cea» In today 's L islneea. " • Insurance That Insure» t Ail Kiuds • ! . hMBU • IDAHO • • n i.R W | a j 1 ( : I j m ! j B. F PHILBY Real Estate and Insurance Agent Twin Falla Mitual Fire Ins. Co. PHONE 174 FILER, IDAHO PIONEER FEED STORE * T. D. SMITH, Prop. AUTO LIVERY Flour, Hay. Grain, Seeds, and Coai. Oils and Cas TELEPHONE 43 ^ j . ~~ ■f J. L. EDWARDS BUILDER BETTER HOMES X . DAVIS BROTHERS J TRANSFER PHONE 182 ■* THE FILER HOTEL M. MIEYR, Prop. REASONABLE RATES DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION -4 4 •! ^ • 1 AUTO SERVICE STATION JOHNSON & MALLORY General Auto Repair Buttern » Charge. 1 FILER, IDAHO PHONE 97 4 Scotty the Tailor MEKt HAM TAILORING ' 'caning and Pressing MUNYON HOUSE «rs. J. I». ROGERS, Prop. Hot and Cold Water in E Room Steam Heal Transient a Specialty Plume 79 very J. S. McELUGOTT GENERAI, REPAIR SHOP "'TUIM M El.Ill M. In funnecllua Opposite Nihley-Chatinel DR. H. E. McMILI VN Graduate I eterlaati.ui Office and Resid :ce North Street Filer. Idaho _ wit an à rw v n/v»«, . .1*. * *""" f LUMP Axil • Phone 453 J. C RIECHERS, Prop. Dealers in Ford Cars * , , antl Automobile Supplies * . , IT you want to help nier end The I Record to acquaintances la the East Sea Level. ,09 •» scientific sense t '•«Bs the«retK-sl mean mm which elevs -.-ns or depmeaiaos o the enriK are ct.lculaled The coast ml ge-sletlc min. y. which is govern meut authority on -uch snb u-,. . Mean «ea level may be defi-i.'tl a« tha mrface which iroqld he a--vned by he water of the .w ins at rv<t If there >ere no actl.m by .he wind or by the Ides doe to the at. -ictloo of the moon !,u<l * un - The tea ievel surface Is at Point» at right angles »winging plunum to a fret» Dr. L. W. Hawkins, Osteopathic Physician - !.. 12 *t. J i L I, « Il «p orrict hours: k' l,! W.xxl* Building FILER. IDA Pkine 98 • F. 0. AIiDERSON • ßlacksmithing, • Horseshoeing, « Plow Work * FILEE, IDAHO t V L. M. SMITH PR( t DITE POTATOES IN CAR LOTS l; idence Phone 962 Phone 98 -♦ + EARL MURRAY HEAL ESTATE FIRST national BANK ULUU TELEPHONE 1102 Dr. H. H. ERSKINE V LTEBI.N AK1A> Residence 321 W Idaho Office Phone 438 J Twin Falls +• t Do You Know I Am Here? C. E. CLARK Peavcy Ccnsral I*, re!.: disc Open E >eningc. t HIGGINEOTS ' M & ELLIS Building Contractors FILER, IDAHO Opposite Nibley-Channel •+ It L. R. MUSSER Real Estate NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. FILER, IDAHO PHONE 2102 t CHARLES McCLEARY TRANSFER PHONE 103 4— D. I* PRODUCE J. E. PEWV, Prop. We Pay Cash t r Cream, Eggs, Poultry. Hides, Etc. ASHER D. WILSON LAWYER Practice in All Courts. First Natn mal Pack Building. Office Phone 96. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. 1 Residence 559w T J- L. BURKETT HARMSS \M> SHOE SHOP VI lit Act i SSORIES Now U the Um Harness fi) have your Oiled. C. H, BEWENDERFER GARAGE BATTER| E3 charged WELDING GENERAL REPAIR V + t ARTHUR L. SWIM FARM LOANS TW IN FALLS In the r'arning. eoa ,ha Pr \ h0Ur iB " ,0 ">on*lns sweet whu,e - -Louisa Olcott » i