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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
"I RED PEP am •i'/e Wire Philosopher : .e been hired fon52 ,r ee ks.TaJcc my a dvi ce h week be cheerful" C3C.' 8 ■ > *• Æsl PI 1 f. I I »/ i fl L L I .. i WE ARE INTRODUCING RED PEP LIVE WIRE PHILOSOPHER I J ■ This i* a New Advertising Feature which will appeal each week in this paper. . His appearance will ulway* be accompan ied by min« Philosophy, and also some Live Talk about our busine-s of selling Î)HÜUS, TUILE I ARTICLES. STATIONERY. MILLER SI KUEON GRADE Hl HHER GOODS, McDonald's and Johns ton's candies, sonoka pi it »nook\phs, BAUS AND SUITCASES WA 1 Kit MAN and CONK LIN'S FOUNTAIN PENS SENECA CAMERAS. WATCH FOR THESE ADS. read them and be cheerful. I Modem Drag Shop R. K. DILLINGHAM Idaho J P»Wr. .ai.j % TO TIE FARMERS AND BUSINESS MEN OF FILER AND VICINITY % l ? ♦:♦ : x : # : ♦:♦ : t X Aê the clone of the Year draw* naar, UtaOffloarsand Directors of this Bank tfMira to axpreawthoir thanks for your gonoroua patronage throughout tha yaar and to extend to you all our maat cordial Greeting» of the Season. Thlo Bonk, one of the Oideot and Strongest banka In the Twin Falls County, la Your Bank, and stands ready and willing at alltlmea to asalat you In your banking problems and re quirements. We always have a liberal supply of funds which we ure always glad to loon out to the citizens of this community at a reasonable rate. * If you ore not already one of our de positors Start the New Year right by opening an account with us now and •voll yourself of the support of a STRONG. AGGRESSIVE AND CON SERVATIVE BANK X : : X ? *:♦ ♦:♦ • 2 • 1 » : *:♦ : : ♦:♦ : ♦ ♦:♦ : ; v ♦:♦ : V : * : ❖ X : ; V : •* I. T ♦:♦ •:* ; : A ♦:♦ : ♦> : A X •i* 5 »*• A I ♦% : First National Bank of Filer : r .* l ? Interest paid on time deposits Bale Deposit Boxes Fur Rent. * V 1 1 Walter & Shearer, AUCTIONEERS Whirs We Lead Others Foliew*' Filer, Idaho l We Build Anything It Homes. Berm, (.»aretes. Shells, I'eni. Oranenea, Big Jobs, or Smell Job*—It will pay you to 1 1 CONTRACTORS NNGNAN & SMITH, SSCAeQUARTIRa AT NIBIEY CH ANN C U LUMSIS YARD I TED SIEREÜ AGAIN WINS CHAMPIONSHIP le I Sierer, -or. of Mr. and Mr# D. O. Sierer, of Mar. been jn Ige a champion junior farm bureau work. He has beer, np.ifl.t bv countv du„ ,»r.r V I O K.,Mv...... «. »a, has again in • the has captured second prize in the! state pig feeding project. Craig Eggleston of U >ise, taking pr ime, honors, led Snirer won at the county fair here. In won comity sweepstakes in the county farm bureau pig feeding project, and will go in Pocatello this month with sixteen oilier champions. Now he has captured the -late prize. He was the only boy in the county taking a stale prise in the junior club work. Three things are -aid to have been responsible for this remark able record: the ability of the boy himself, the pigs with which be worked, and the interesting and complete report which he made. The Record is glad to be able to publish a photograph of Ted Sierer, his prize winning pig, and the manuscript that helped ita author achieve such remarkable success. ' t * REPORT OF MY PIGS *• My father had wintered three old sow- and a male, on March 15th one -uw had nine pigs and laid on all but three. On April 3rd the la-t litter came. We -old all the sows and the male. We decided to feed the live pigs, throe from the first litter and two from the last titter. ■ On May 20th we took them away from the sows. The three older ones were all sows Pig number one had a spot on the right side. Pig number two had* hole and notch in right ear. Pig number three had a hole in left ear. The other two were later ones, one a sow and one a male We did not mark them, their sea answering Wo put them in a little forest of black walnut trees, about one-fourth acre. I had to carry alt feed and water to them These pigs were for winter most and they were given to me to see what 1 could do in feeding so 1 joined the Pig Club and followed their instructions. They have had no milk they had some house slop the rest is wheat and mill feed with what alfalfa grew in the forest. On May 20th pig number one weighed 48 lb-. On May 20th pig number two weighed 43 lb-. Ou May 20th pig number three weighed 40 lbs. On May 20 pig number four weighed 2Ô lb-. (This is the male ) On May 2uth pig number five (in July 14th 50 dev- leter 11 ' weighed 24 lbs. weighed the » again having fed 155 Ibe. of wheal and 230 lb-, of mill feed at 12 0.» a hundred lbs. At thie time, July 14th, they weighed: Fig number one weighed loo 12 Iba. Fig number two weighed 08 1-2 1 Ibe. Pig number three weighed 01 Ibe. Pig nRuber four weighed 60 1-2 live. ( Thu is the male) Pig number five weighed 57 1-2 1 live. On August Sot, 17 days Inter, 1 weighed again: Pig number one weighed 133 lbs. Pig number two weighed 123 ! lbs. Pig number three weighed 111 1-2 lbs. j p itf Dum ber four (male) weighed I fed in these 17 days 84 lbs. of wheat and 16 lbs of mill feed. On Augu.t 13th 68 lb- of wheat, S piember 10th... 33 lbs of potatoes. MpUfflbif lltb.., 13 It», of abort*. .'»•plein ber mi»;.. 21 lbs. of wheat ,.ptemt>en7tb. I 2 lb- ofs».orta My father helped me to •««*£. ignum r two a ow |b, • ich time a very large gain on this last weighing, for thia unless we made a mistake he brat tim». We weighed twice We ca m it accouul this last lime and know it to be On this dale I decided correct. to cut out the smaller ones and will register the three older ones and enter the pure bred. Class the large amount of wheat fed on the last feeding is due to having no mill fted. Buhl Beanes « "Fighting . Barg Tuesday Night Buhl wea a place of considerable excitement on Tuesday night, when tome of the "local celebrit ies" got drunk on what is supposed to be e mixture of bard cider, and extracts flavored with raw meat. It is said that four tights were staged at one lime in the Allen Cigar Store, and on the sidewalk in front of it. But no one waa biliously hurt, aa they were too drunk. Marshal Baymiller and night marshall John Gordon arrested six of the men causing the disturbance end the excitement died down. The men were tioch brought up in police court bn Wednesday morn ing, end each fined $28.00. The city ia ahead about $168, as a re sult of the episode. The city officials did not find any booze, but they did find a jug of hard cider nixed with lemon extrade in it car owned by A Pruett, on the northeast corner of the lownsite.—Buhl Herald. Kusu Mu Refuses $25,00(1 For I Bull. Ü. E. Thamart, the popular booster tor the Buhl country, who muvad here from Sylvan Qrova. Kansas recently brought a clipping tu tha Herald office from tha Sylvan Grove News, which show« that they have good livestock in Kansas aa wall aa in Idaho. it contained an account of a Kegiatred Hereford bull Raised near Mr. Thamert'e former home that the owner refused $25,000.00 for Mr. Thamert knows the animal and the owner. The article follows; At the International Stock Show at Chicago last week a Lincoln county raised bull took the Grand Championship. This animal was Bonnia J , and was first exhibited at the Sylvan Fair two years ego by 0 M. Wrighk After its ex hibition it was sold to E. Ë. Mack, a prominent Hereford breeder for a good round sum. This bull is three years old end is an axcailaol example of the rest of Mr. Wrights herd, and ehows that bis herd is es fashionable bred as any in America. Bonnie J.'e owner refused $25,000 for him, and (bis section of the country ia feeling mighty proud over the record established by this annual. We real Humn. and Load. And Buyer*. ab 4 Recover Lost Article* ">»« >*•' West as column« BAfTIST CHURCH Stop 1 ! Luten t ! Sunday Service*: — 10 e. m Bible school. 11 a m Preaching 7:80 p m Evening Preaching. Tnu radar evening 8 o'dock weekly praver meeting. All are cordially invited totbeve service*. John Chandler. Pastor. M At Blanche " aruer has re turned from a visit at lleiburu, Ntroa Nates. { Idaho. to bis £d De Mp» wi* 1 muVe home near Buhl soon. Mrs. Ed Greenwood visited on f rkJj ^ with ber parents Mr. and jg r# gtons. ' w|| , begin „ C.D.U. exiowu.K* Maroa precinct on Janurary 2nd. from this community fttUaded the i^uiuion of officers acd Eastern Star ^ fiIeron Saturday night began at Maroa Monday after a week's vacation. School New Years day. will be bald on Ted Sierer and father have just returned from e visit at Seattle, Washington. Miaa Mary Sherfy spent her vacation with her s.'ster at Mur taugh. Vira and Eraatus Deihl who hare been attending school at Logan, Utah, are spending their vacation at home. Ralph and Isa Brown of the Twin Falla High School are at boma during the holidays. The but lunch' being served by the Woman's club to the school children is a great success. One of the good features of this lunch ERNIE L.EE .'. BARBER SHOP BATH—SHINING CHAIR MODERN APPLIANCES AfenU for Twin Falls Steam Lau a dry — A a^aA A A A a^k A ^♦ ) a A A A afk kDk A A yW W V W V VV V V V W V W W V V V VV f A Happy New Year to All X X T ♦!♦ •( MEATS NEATS! ♦! ♦! * Wc always have nice, fresh and cured meats a good supply of l X X X x Let us fill your orders ♦:♦ x I t. ♦:♦ I The Filer Meat Market. x : A ♦ ▼ VVYV r 3 Now That Christinas t X ; and the holliday rush is over, we will giv e the repair end jewelry department special attention and prompt service. No job too large too small for our shop and or thy attention, guaranteed—as your years of experience with proven. Don t over-look buying a X SSACKktTI § CHAINS I ; n I n a • Y e a c c I o u * A • T O N t • I eiLVKAWAAK TOU.ST ears ^ ELGIN WATCHES of our f or All work V* V US has bave s fine bw'-on"! hTrh° t rreSP< I ndaD | C * c * rds —' ,f wl >ich wo gifts from your frigide. " ckoowle fi® 'hose Christmas «oie'frSod-wbv'm^^'idlt ^ nd ' n,r » Christmas gift to ÄS X whit« Ivory * üd U4Vt .|, r baling dish. Thermas bottles. Yuiif* for » ' t* tJ,.^u f headquarters. —--JJJ^_anujuorePro9p*ron» New Y ea r. l % Filer Pharmacy I V Os »,» »»» I is that it is free to every dûld. 'The ladies furnish what th y serve. ^ jjrjtem of contests has bei-u - aiiutfur#te( i by the county super intendent of schools leading to a contest in the spring. j county Maroaheld a local contest Dec. l'j. xhe following pupils were winner Arit hmetic, 1st Lillian Makous^j ; 2nd Velma Grim; Spelling, l.i George Bear; 2nd Velma Grim; S«, WJW. .« liUO. M.C ousky; 2nd Ihelma Greenwood, Map drawing, lat George Bear; 2nd Both Brown. - «MODIST announoembhÄ 10 a. m. Sunday the Bible schuo under the superintendency of L. 'Otto. 11 a. tn. Morning worship. 7:00 Evening Service. New Year's services were held Wedneaday evening at 8 o'clock. The subject being "Valedictory and Salutatory" Sunday Jan. 4, the Kev. J. E. Baker will be present ar. the morn ing service and will preach. At the evening service 'at 7 o'clock the pastor will give the brat of a series of addresses to young Christians on the Christum life. His subject; 'The Man Wno Made a Prison a Palace. Second Quarterly Conference Saturday evening at 7:30 at the :• parsonage. Ail are Welcome. C. E. Deal, Pastor.