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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
~ T— UMI ; ■ i A Most Prosperous New Year for all is the wish of. i * j v 1 j ! 1 1 : ! Filer Elevator - j j i M J m j w W i ! ^ i WM. BUNCH, Manager Copper Clad Ranges Simmons Tires-Tubes Harness and Collars Weed Chains Cole's Hot Blast Heaters Snyder Hdwe. Co. We Want Your Business We are earnestly endeavoring to merit your patronage by supplying you with fresh meats and meat pro ducts, w ell cured hams and bacon and a complete line of market accessories > —■ r The People's Market » Fowler & Ackerly, Props v B , 3MI ROOF GARDEN CAFE HAROLD MOORE. Proprietor MEALS SOc Open C < m. to A p. m. Commutation Tickets $7.00 for SS.50 Farm Bureau Nates Humcstrader» to Sell Timber outgrowth of the Benewah j county fa t in bureau a project on land As au clearing. the Hangman Valley Timber , Owners' association has been formed for the purpose. of at tanging a co operative sale axf the Umber owned! t*y it*® boniest*• der* of the »«Hey, ] Sanders and DeSiiiel are the com muuities Interested. They bare voted! to accept Uie assistance of me United ] States forest service in appraising the Umber. tluaadsr) Organizes farm Bureau Boundary county bas organised a farm bureau being the 28th county In tbe stale to perfect an oigamxn Uuu Enoch Torpen. who bus been county club leader. will become cuuu ty agricultural agent. fight Classes lu Buiue XsraJiif Eight classes la home nursing now are bring conducted lu Hooding coun ty. lu wblcb Miss Mgr v A Hust. burnt health demonstrator of the farm I bureau, »«ys jhe Interest is very : gratifying additional muuiUes have expressed desire fui the furiualhm of classes Tw com tin! Children tram lord In three days' work In Meridian 4u2 school children were examined by Miss Anna Eshenseu. Ada county nurse, and .Mrs Annabelle Bennett, home health demonstrator of the uni veisity extension division They sent 154 notes to parents suggesting that children be taken to Oregon the family physic Ian ■ New Payette ('«uni) Agent Philip T Fortner, from Agricult ill si college. is the new county agricultural agent for Pay ette county. tspecillcalluus for Nil«» Issued iustruettous for building concrete alios of tour different sixes have been issued by the university extension di vision. One Is a silo with inside di meusioua 12x32 feel, espacity 74 tons; the second. 14x22, capacity 100 tons; the third. 18x26 capacity 156 tons; the fourth, 10x26. capacity 28 tons The amount of concrete, reinforcing and form material, and of material for roofs and doors are glveu. to gather with apocltls'atious for con utructlon. v Oulllulug Hudeut (autrui Work W. E (.Touch, * state leader of ro dent control work, is now on a Irip ibiougb the southern and southeast era counties of the slate, meeting the vuuty project committees on rodent Clilfirol in the leapectlve coiinlle-, Ill plan* tbe work for the coining year He expects to devote January to field work <aud then to meet the north Idaho cvuuty committees in February This trlj/ is a part of a plan by which Is expeVled that all the extension specialists Will meet the county coui vmltlees In thetr ^eyeral lines of work, to outline the program for the year ' 1 Bread Balk tin Published A "bread Bulletin'' of 28 pages, toi I of first and second year bread clubs, has been published by tbe uni-j versity extension division The author is Miss Ina Schrlvaer, Fayette county dub leader. . Topics considered are classification of breads, essentials In bread making, directions for measur ing recipes, expérimenta with leaven ing agentts arithmetic of the milking bowl, score caxd for bread, outline for biscuit demonstration, outline for yeast b.ead demonstration score card fur demonstration teams, require ments for bread clubs and a sug gestive progiam of work Banner Plans Cuw Testing Flans are being formulated fur the organization of a cuw testing asso ciation among tbe farmers of Bonner county next year • Will Blew Stumps with TNT Arrangements are being made in Bonner county (or the co-operative ; j purchasing of a carload of powder i and half a ettr of TNT for blowing . use - -\ atumps BpceJalli«* on Idahu KuraU The Bonner, cuunty farm bureau (jiaux to distribute 200 sacks of Idaho ; Kura! seed potatoes tor next year's ! reeding Rupert ( herse Factory Busy A recent report from the Minidoka - county (arm bureau said that d,« Ku pert cbeeee factory wa» receiving about 1500 pounds of milk a day and that the amount was Increasing dally Dairy cuwa are In demand Plans ItfK-l.ajlng Caulesl I.ewis county poultry have organised an egg production > club for the winter, and plan an egg members ; laying contest Will loiprutr Benewah Herds E T. Powell, deputy »tale : veterinarian recently tested 150 bead 1 of Benewah county cattle at Fern wood and plans to return In the spring to conduct further Stock raisers of Benewah county and of the upper St. Maries river valley f In particular are anxious to have tuberculosis eliminated from their herds before they make further prog ress In grading up the herds and in troducing purebreds. as they con template doing. Vaccination* AH Successful Mias Lydia Sinclair, home health ' demonstrator of the Lincoln county farm burenn, on inspection ot the vaccinated in the Richfield Shoshone Dr MU arms I Dietrich. Besselln and schools, found that the vaccinations »were 100 per cent successful, with no j infections. Are you reading your neighbor's paper? scrlptlon to the Record. If yon want to sell, buy or trade Land. Stock. Auto*. Farm Product* ! Furniture or anything. Invest a few i cents in a Record Want Ad. ( Then send In 12 for a sub . F? CALLS SPECIAL SESSION f OF IDAHO LEGISLATURE BOWK. Idaho, Dec 2 «. —Quv. D. W. Jt^via today ordered a special one-day gcss i on 0 j the Idaho le»i»lature for Umge amendment. Th„ formal call for the ltul<ll) «tipulaie» that no other ie*i*Uttsn may be taken up Th« iiat « i« t'ebruaiy 11 and th« gov cri nor wilt ask lhe Ifgtalwtiir« to. contl „, 8 pp <0 p iml , 01l ful eapenwa to the actual amount « 2 p«nd«d by ra«h xxAvtubtr not lb« lawful allow anca of «0 cants p«r mile D. S. IN BETTER HEALTH Inder America Hodges the 1.11 of Mouridiiiieoi. pivlars, U.« !.. a. Public Mralili SA-rvlcr, Tbe par and Ute if bot yeai bate had certain very det.mte effects ou health conditions in tbe toiled SlaltS according to I>r. Charles Bwlduan of the Vlilted Slates public health ear vice. Washington ... .puiemlc "With four million men under mili tary discipline certain principles of personal hygiene must hsve been learned by all of them,** Hr Holduaii say*. "Thm In a measure offset (be public health due to worry and »train on the people at home and disease actually acquired In the army." hud efferta on the general t "While the high cost of food would lead one to think that under nourleh ment would be one of the evil» fol lowing tbe war. this has not been oh served as yet In4this country. The high wages paid to labor have to aided tbe workers to keep up in a ui«*flur« with the cowl of food, whlla the »alatied claw» hu\« I »een able to ' make adjustments by saving on clotb l|1K aIlll othel Hems In the family budget to provide enough to ea(. "Wo are fortunate In Ibat respect Under dl,lon ln Huaula. and since reporta are available we find Germany and Aus r *a under-fed. compared to other countries nourishment was first observed in Belgium, and to some extent In Great Britain, but It 1» now markedl> a con "The increase In tuharculoals and other diseuses that physicians believ ed would follow the flu epidemic have pot yet appeared in the public health figures **Tiie r#curr«nr« of th« flu, for which health authority» were pre pared by the public health «ervice over the country, happily ha» not de* veloped." J 10°° Discount On All Heating Stoves ï I -. - • •• • •• Despite the fact that manufacturers have notified us that begin ning January 1, there 'will be a 20 per cent advance in the price of stoves, we offer for a short time 10 per cent discount on all heating stoves in our * store. best stoves made. ■ If you need a stove, buy it now. v I W 2 carry the I Filer Hdwe. Co \i k m I ' OOw Fancy Groceries tiOLIifclM WEST COFFEE HILL'S BHUS. COFFEE Oranges Candy Lemons Figs Celery School Supplies Bananas Filer Grocery Co. |. T. CAREY, Mgr. J "1 The Club Billiards Pocket Billiards Your Brand Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco Fountain — Candy, Lunches, Etc. Barber Shop in Connection LAUNDRY « !«^TT?VTTTTTTVyyTrTVV^Î > *^yy**' » ♦** Thanking you for your Business and patronage the past year, I wish for you a Most Happy and prosperous New Year--1920 • •* .** ♦** ❖ *> V ♦% : A e% : V Scotty—The Tailor v V ».