Newspaper Page Text
The Filer Record VOL. I, NO. 4:: FILER. TWIN FALLS COUNTY. 11»AII<>, THURSDAY, JANUARY s. l'.OO suascRimoN $_>. FILER RURAL HIGH SCHOOL IS NOW AN ACCREDITED INSTITUTION; 4Tfl IN COUNTY 1 The Filer Rural High! 1 now f accredited institution ami all of 1 graduate* hereafter will l>c ail mitteil to any college or unlvi i .it> in the country without an entrance es amination. This was the re asi.-uring inform:« tlon contained in a wire that came to. local school officials this week and will be good news to local people who have long desired to see tin- local high school placed on the a. credited list Fourth In Fount) The word was conveyed kl. E. Hays by Ur. E. A. Bryan, coin-1 issiouei of education for Idaho, and • doctor added his congratulations to the local institution, saying that Flier was the fourth school in the county to attain the coveted honor Twin Falls. Buhl, and Kimberly, have! been on the accredited list for some Unie and now Filer is placed on an equal will, the balance of the high Sunt schools in the county. The action of Ihe st-ite comini -ion ur follows closely upon Ihe visit her on December 5 of Prof. I : 11 k E Howard of Ihe Albion Sial Normal School who suent l wo days inspect lug? the Rural High School with u view of recommending that it plaped in the accredited list - ; Filer Schools Advanced He told a representative of ihe Ttec ord that he found the Filer lioois most satisfactory and fnr hove th average of those in oth"i towns of this size, and he practically gave a stprance then that Filer w h/te un accredited school, d-.v.fvssor Howard was greatly Ini above ti pressed wxtij He made a cumpici -Hi o town. of the high school, visit ,1 ev i • ch aud familiarized himself with Hi-' p i sojinel of the school, incimhng denis, directors and teachers. survey of the Rural higii by the Record and published in lis isfcue of October 3o. was used by Pro fessor Howard In making hfs repovt slu Tin •bool made ta the state commissioner. Progressive Officials - That Filer has a high sell >ni offer int courses equal to unv In lids sec tlon of the state is amply evidenced ttv this recent certification. The law rd Of directors consist ing of A. A Davis. §• C Graves O H Shearer. W. A and W. A. Grieve, have been striving ever since they assumed of ed class by providing every requisite class by providing every requisite It is to needed in a modern school, them and to Supt. Fi. F. has worked zealously in the Interests of the local school, that ihe credit belongs for i.inking the Filerl Rural high school the splendid in stituticn of learning that il is. Hays, who bief POCATELLO SEED SHOW IS JANUARY 12 Agricultural Convention Predicted to be a Big One l.itlrles .J-tsl Boon Be in. Everything Is in readiness for the agricultural convention to be held in ^'tn 0 V' Shrahan 'field ü'rônôn.Dt ing ' ' . . lie i-'ion of the untversi y • x » 1 ^ who hu-> ieen »e, i confereme . , , t | ( , « T ah«ahl^ gr "the livestiM'k III«» have Mr. sneenan, _ . hj sa , ( their entries n..u > ' . ' _ , r 'tt.r.' 1 'recé'ivedM'ch dav l nu ml in ^terest is being shown in all ■ «-tm.i. lere ' . , n u . the state and the Pocatello < om " mercial club is making arrangeinenta " care for the many visitors that an! to be there during the week •For the seed show, some of the best ludges in the country' have been secured L F Gräber, of Wisconsin. recognized as a leading authority on alfalfa and clover, is to judge those exhibits. He also will make an ad G It Hyslop of Oregon is to dress. Judge the grain and speak on federal grain standards There is no better fn the west that wc could secure tor this work L. C. Ai cher, superinton dent of the experiment station at Aberdeen, will Judge the potnto ex hibits. Farmers of Idaho already arc aware of Mr. A.cbcr s ability. 1 Seed entries shouîd be started early enough so thru they may reach "V 0t laler "" MOnda> - The catalogue of animais that arc to be put up for sale contains some of the best stock in the suite, i tie are to have more than TO animals on sale. The Shorthorns and Hereford breeders also are to have some splendid Mock." Dont forget the date of ihe Fire benefit to be held at the Gem ™ Den . anuarv -s ac,' Back to cid'* 'counlrr' 'i, the name oT'thc picture » be shown. swine men :: M» OL t'f TAAÇTMKTF'I? U/Ullllzlj 1 UflJI 1 JrtJ 1 Ll\ ! » 1 « ll/PIfftE 1 ! I MrrTINP A I nLlll/LLL ilLLllI'IU , .1 M Market, secretary of the Twin Fall- county fair, and piesidenl of it he Filer Commercial Club will pre! laide as toastmaster at a big banquet :,»J convention of stock raisers, farm bureau members and commercial -mb members of Wemlell and tiood-1 Col E. O. Waller will also be in at tendance ut the meeting as a repre tentative of the Twin Falls North and South Side Breeders" association, it is understood tliut quite a delegation from Hooding will be there headed by ip,, r, v . A. C. Evans, formerly pastor ,f the Presbyterian church of Moron Among those who will be present . , offer suggestions to the breeders will be F. It. Cammack. field ilniry and William Kerr, swim* expert mg county, to lie held at the Wen-j ,!c-ll Ini. this eveuing man. ,f the extension division. I'niv.-i ity ,,f |,| a ho. besides a number of Held! ,me extension work This gathering is for the purpose of lining some concerted move for tlie improved breeding of livestock io ibis of lituho. and no one who section received an Invitation should miss In addition lo this, it iiaa being present, . a jj| , l;a ,-|ç ihe formal opening of the AYndell Inn. width has been lifted up .iy proprietor, E. T William' as the finest hotels in Idaho Walter to Sell Shorthorns at Pocatello n m tie- uu< foot tered About fib head of purebred, régis shorthorn stock will be sold| •tlon block at the Black-1 fnirgrounds. Saturday. January !7. according to a statement mads this week by Assistant Farm Agent \V. Stephens, who is being assisted in handling the sale by H Taylor and R. A Parsons of Black foot This auction of purebred stock is being conducted ns the first annual sale of tie Sunt Inn slern Idaho Shorthorn Breeders' association and will bring to Hlackfoot some or the best owned by the leading breeders of this ection of the state. All of this stock has been tested I for tuberculosis and is guaranteed v " ' | of Ihe sale will he handled by two The j free from disease. of Ihe leading auctioneers of this ioction. Col. K. O. Walter of Filer ind Colonel Joseph Dickens of Cald vell. : Cattle Sale at Twin Falls ■ The Twin Foils North Side Breed ■rs have announced a sale of pure bred stor k to lie held in Twin Falls - The 19, 20. 21. 22 and 2 stock is consigned by the Twin ''alls " f ,hp !laeat 9,l,rk ,n ,his ' K ' n of " ,e '' ou *' , ry. Th"re will be lfin heail of -' .»*< h and Scotch top Shorthorns offered for the Ilrst three days of the sale ehlch t" lude 145 cows, heifers and 20 balls Twelve of the bulls are of Scotch blood of outstanding breeuing. This freutest offering of cow, breeders bave ever coll«*«-ted together. . . ' according to r. A. McMaster, sale i . manager, and many of the stock of " ■» h a ' Funilw'rlands, Pride of tjakdulc. Avon-1 an,i T ' :, ' f uul,h da >' ot ,he 93,0 ,he " r «"' b - ';'' ad ° Hereford bull, and hpWer< ot " number are grandsons and granddaughters of the noted bull. Beau Blanchard N'ortli and South Side Breeder-) of Southern Idaho and consist of some '° f thp sal * wiJ rpp a number of reginered hor "'"onr them the entire show herd of a ' a ' p •-•«:<* '-"nty f alr '•Entrions and »rand champions of the Walter Erothrrs cf Fncr T1 "' «««11*«™ will be CoKr.el E. ° Walter of Filer and Colons Anns MiI1 * r of Caldwell. C A. McMaster Is ma — pnu) Br , r whose advert B ment i ... . fo _ d ' ,_ th( , hllC! offered j,j E dosing out sale at his ranch Ecrth - est of lawn . Monday ) U6 a ] ar pr and splendid offering of stock ^ and {artn ,, qoi p. 1Ed , he ^ , honllJ draT t h ,ge «• rewd Free lunch will be serv ed at 11 o'clock, after which Messrs Walter A Shearer will start auction-j -g th» -ale V O Mad.and of the Farmers and Merchants bank will b", the clerk. ' Mr ** Î" the Census Enumerator ^ som * time b * !for '* the enumerator s ' n * ures ^ available The meu tuld womeu to * ''•""""•rajora of the tour ,een,h «•«"*<• " re 'barged ; bv law with the collection of alt facial 1 John H. Troendly of Hollister is! census enumerator for this district which comprises the Incorporated vil ] läge and Filer precinct .Mr Troendly started his tusk here Friday morning and is already well along 111 taking the census of File. Many predict that ti.e population here will reach the 1200 tlguie. but it will | I I °* ,he he "** ur j* 0 "* <J, ber member of ,be f,u "By 91,40 19 coniiietent to 1 necessary to dll out properly tl.e| ' printed census schedules which each j enumerator will carry when making ! the house-to-house canvas of the ter I rltory assigned to him. Each enumer i ator must visit personally each house in ills district and make hla inquiries Betritt fur the purpose) cf obtaining Knumeru answer Ihe census questions. The act of congress providing for the census gives each enumerator the right to enter every dwelling in his 1 * 1 « 1 Information required tors will curry with them at all time (heir ident lltialion cards and also their written commissions from Ihe government which they show when ever requested to'do so. They are in structed to be always courteous und considerate but in those rare in stances where Information necessary to till out the questions is denied them, they are empowered by law to insist on coi reel answers. There are legal penalties for refusing to answer Ihe census questions or willfully giv ing answers that are false. Each enumerator is prohibited by law from publishing or commun) ruling any information obtained through (he census regarding any in dividual or hla affairs. This obllga [lion lo secrecy likewise applies to all persons connected with the census. After the schedules are all filled out they are sealed up and sent lo Wash lugton where fF!e Information is tab Emulated by means of machinery, name# being discarded entirely. No person. therefore, need fear that his personal affairs will be disclosed or that the information given will be used lo harm him in mi y way it is expected thut the work of enumerating urban districts will be stock[completed in two weeks and for rural districts in one month, except where sever« weather makes It necessary to postpone activities _ , - -—-________ IDAHO BEET SUGAR FACTORY MACHINERY WAS PURCHASED IN THE EAST RECENTLY "All the steel and tnachiuery has been pur« based for the first and a part of the second beet sugar factory to be erected by the Idaho Beet sugar company on the Twin Falls tract," said K. Fk Holland of the Great West ;ern Mortgage and I-oan company. | tl a statement made to the Record this for some lime and Is now in storage in New York That this company means business is evidenced by the big transactions that have been made i u the last few weeks The Stone „ n d Webster company of New York nave been granted Ihe contract for tbe erwtion of the»« fa< lories and work Is going to be pushed "The beet seed has been purchased "Hansen is bhtdiiig strong for the Hiving Pleasant Weather! The balmy Italian climate which this *e< tion enjoyed last week was the topic of mu< h comment on the part of l«K'al resident*. The weather was comparatively warm and the sun was working overtime. Bnow which commenced falling Monday morning, came »9 a reminder that winter was - Totl _ ht «Thursday» at ths Gem th^tra. on. of th. foremost picture. eTer * ho,rn herp u bcln * off * red The picture Is "Little Women", drama tlzed from Louisa AJcott s well-knowr,, still upon us. and that it was not yet time to p«aat gardens or to tare spring remedies and tonics' AT THE OEM THEATRE if the bili. r!r .g dainty Marguerite Clark wUl be whether the skies are clear or not Then on Thursday Januar, U Two-Gun Blii Hart will be here In Breech of Men. while on Saturdaj comes The Man From Punera range", featuring handsome Wailnc Saturday r,ifnt Come On it. Out of Clear Sky", star boos Snyder Hardware Company Make Improvements ] north of the si ne will b a.« the Une of ma. him ry now vk«d by ills company. Th f..n us Dee ring ami McCormi.k line .1 fsrt. .rnhis.r, j at« now being car., ., by M. Bnvder| and he announce that he will also The Snyder Hard-are company hat! | practically doubled its space by th« erection of a „'fixln brick sddu.oi. on the rear of its store The building will now extend fr.-n ! Main street clear through to the a* ; ley sod wed a in ure take .are 1 j the business of 1 1.i |*-'Pu it h-.rdw.rr i store. w.i • -ht 1 >e How. ver iur, » cutty u complete line of pa t* unJ ac ressortes. A basement extends under the en j tlr a length of the Snyder bio«-«, and Mr. concrete door has been put in. Snyder plans to utilize the buseme .l and the r. ur of hi lore for display ing samples of all the farm u. bl:u-i > that he carries. A big new electric sign bearing the words. "Snyder llarilwar e" wax placed in position over Ihe entrance of the »tore tilts week. The sign pro )ects ten feet over Ihe sldewulk and can ho seen from .1 ly place on Main .Mr Snyder will « .mtlnue to handle] the same lines of m rcbandlse, adding to his stock from time to time any thing that modern should have. street ha idwure mores Hr lias increased Ills sales force, and tin- substantial lu vestments lie ha made lu building Inn makes this hue addilion lo Ills store, bene fits. not only his business a distinct addilion lo the business sect lull of Ihe town Bave You Joined the Com mercial Club? A Ü 11 another page of this issue will' Ire found a membership blnnK for Joln Ing Ihe Filer Commercial tflub campaign for membership to this or gauizution is now bellif waged, but It will be impossible to Interview every citlsen in the Filer country, The memhershlp of redly interested in th eudvaucement of Filer ami the surrounding country is desired If you are not already s member of this community organisa tlon you are «U In the card and mall to seer. MiV VN't EHEST' JOIN HANDS FOB ry man dl-, uig'sl and asked to The Commercial club first fai tory there got behind the movement aud It' was no time until th« necessary acre nge had been signed up. "We have enough ucreage already signed for the ere« t ion of one factory. Now we want to get the necessary arrange so that Filer will be assured «it oar of these factories now for 22 cents p time lo , mu* To ply this demand, many f»< torlc- ar m iled and pni duetlon must la- mutated We hop" to ha. the united sup port of every ran- li<-r slid business man of F'lb-r in tlii : great enterprize «hat will ....-an .. .. urh to the town "The sugar situation Is getting Sugar is 'Ring in Buffalo IHiiind and the arcity is bound to last for some criibal anil «'oiintiy Registered Swine Sale The Idaho Swim Breeders' ai»««i« Hon has completed arrangements fur * cnuxigniucint Friday. January . The week of January ,mte for the sen« held al is «ale le to be held ou al Twin F'ails 19-22 is the fit saies being that place L, S Otto, who manager of the consignment beihC held by 'he yams organ! next Thursday The Record Jab d. partment ha« Just Swl-e Breeders'as»<«iatlon. who wlli conduct their second annual associa tion sale at Pocat« iio next Thursday x »cor« of chob-e animais are ration at Pocatei,', .-.-til also be in charge of tho Twin un will be an I ui Falla -raie, ne unccd inter will be offered at auction at Pocatelio, during the stork r.r. seed show to be held there during the week of Janu ary U-lc , L. S. Otto loca br eeder of Den>c-, Jerseys is the sale- manager of the, Bxrlne Breeders^ sale and Col. E. Walter wti be the auettonoor. listed In the catalogue, and all these — INTEREST AROUSED IN COMMUNITY DE VELOPMENT AT BIG MEETING TUESDA will I« K one but a few days 1 and ho aspects to rduru on Monday. ( _. J W* « , ,'^u .V' .a ' uliforola weie passable. Beam and his nephew, tlrover Beam 'hit (he trail" Sunday morning in the News Brevities 1 1 0 Henry K Lumm-rs. publisher he It cord left th* afternoon for tana li it Spring: where he iutend -o hove his tonsil., removed Mr Isaac former's Appersnu Six. bound for Los Angel Isaac He«» will spend the remainder of the winter in southern California while tlrover j J Mr. and will return within the muuih Bride and (.room Return Mrs tlruul Puget, who were married : at the home of .Mrs I'agai s parents j Christmas day. relumed Friday from ; a pleasant huueymoou spent in Bali They are at take and other points Home at (he Munvou r,MiiUs tiuest Lentes jf Sun Mateo, been Ihe Miss Anita Sudden California who buï guest of Mias Margaret (iourlev during the holidays, return : ed ou Monday to Cherry Creek. Ne whure she is un instructor in V uda. the public schuols. The» la Meal lie J O Tire writ from Seattle. Wusbli.gton thut he and 1 Mrs Tice are vlsittug it. that city j after having spent a week at Hot ; laikcs, Oregon, uud t«|o weeks ut He speaking of Beattie, I says that first it ralmf. and then It Portland shines." Skallug Heasen A large party 01 j young people enjoyed themselves skating on the lowline caual take Bun I day afternoon lr Is estimated that a hundred persona were al the lake ; on that day. und the Ice is reported ! as being In fine shape for skating j 1 rl< entertained the members of the p 1IU k le club at the home of Mr and Mrs George Patton. Friday evening Hari.rlse i'art» JJ d JJ , (urpr f M Kenslng.on party! given by Ue members of the Birthday bom , r ,, f Mr . L y| Bin I Hi Moonlight skating parties have been frequent during the past two weeks, and old and young ure taking delight in enjoying this pieasinahle sport. LHtertala .Mr sn/.Mrs Winn Deu Mrs. Ü O. Patton[ afternoon A musical u " ..* " £r$£=iS a holiday trip spent In Portland and u ' b *r Oregon points pro-j Blakely Here J F lttakelv. <d l.uvu Hot Springs is here on business Mr Blakely Is conducting ihe River side Hotel at the famous health ri sort and is an wnlhusiastl«' booster foi Lava ( •entry*! Wealth IliJ 1 * Per ( spits Washington, D ('.'—The artnai money wealth of the country amount» to 147 21 a person, according to th< Federal Reserve Board, which an noumes that money In rlriulutlon that held by the Treasurer, and that In ihe Federal Reserve amounts !• tl&.409 uoii ,oimi American Legion Nay Build Pis... have been la.d «ml II I. ex | pecte.1 th«t s «-ampnigu will s'»... « ou | niello 1 lo se< ure funds for the erectlo here of s modern .Inn a. to a decision reachr«l at a meeting id the Filer post of Ihe Ainerfi-an la gion at their regular meeting held at the t 'By ball Mou«tu> night The building cotfltniHee made a .re port and submitted a tentative design and plan of the building The pro posai «alls for the erection of a two story building 12S z io feet, the lower Boor to be rented and the uppsr to contais a gymca^Sfftn, club room. showar lotJFrs, and reading bave a permanent iiQtne and are) -trtvlng to Inaugurate a constructive Pr0fr " at tee Monday night meeting Leon ard Wink«« and R. V. Jones were ap pointed to serae with Ralph Cedar toim. Eari Munyon. and William Det room 7,Title the bunding of the local post are somewhat nehuius at the present tune, the members are anxious to Many other matters were discussed attending the minstrel show to bo given by the C.ark O Fox post of Tm ? 4 * yrr *^ __ Adjuta at-fl u anc e Reichert reported that Urn local post has a total paid-up membership sreiler on the social committee. Many of the loca« members plan on * Ul * ihe surrounding count The uew memhei-M of the execui hoard are W T tie hardt. X). I, At a well attended und enthuain - leetlng of the Filer Commercial ci Tue*«! at the Odd Fellow's hull evening. w ** aroused, the board of direct made In much community inte Include nine memb< Iwenty-two names were added to memhershlp roll, public concern was many matters discussed, were I campaign Filer the publicity was Inaugurated t gi to which she dit led. and the organi/al ion'. ! F 0 " WUH promised to ail worthy . terprlaes affecting the udvuncetm 1 urge 1 I learner, and Wes Young Thus together with <leo. 1 Leonard. R K Dillingham. A (1 M I land. J .Vi Markel, und Juneau Sh. comprise Ihe board The Commercial club now In membership of *6 and li 1 . xpeci that Ihe list will exceed u hundred I a few days lake place at the odd Fellow's h Th® next meeting on February 3. were to lie present at the The speakers » Tuesd. night meeting will be here P C on dale, Meredith and May, Charles MiQuown. of liiilil. schcilix to la- here Tuesday nighl were rail to Boise and were unable In add ihe club. President J M Market 1 (resided ihr mceiit.g and outlined the bo. es of the reran «cope and 1 . : pt organised club, I* 14 * membership was left in the hand the exeeutive committee The mutter cf fixing dues, meet. expenses, providing literature, meetings, uud increasing J M. Penn ret retar. cf the l>. of Independent Ihe needs 1 ,,f directors district spek sch' 111: housing for the increasing ei m th« local guide 1 !.<w>L n od the neces.lly of fi allm bond issue of the board of lrn ,l , - of the \ ill flux anting Loan company c ,,m d 1 ! lug« of such -)., alzuHo«, - edh *-< I M.i; A () «Madlaml. Ui -n: of F")ler, outlined the plans for , mi 11 net ion the erection h i E. O. Walter propo of a mammoth st sale puvillon. u ii domed by sévi il. IBs plan » Inclmll, g Druke who urg d the c j. more homes 1 licit«» 1 iiuperiatendest U ibllc Itoyel of the F" r of the farm bureau club ivm He h< done here, W the Westen A Timm c on. i lluildlrg ' " " " " 1 " ' " Foliant urged hut turmei t lake in ! H J Weaver und Eu ri Mini) un domed the sewerage paving proj, and It was suggested llial heurty operatlou he given the census eue eruinr. In an » adauvor to show Fil> > x actual popular >n. At Ihe conclus!- n of the meetlfo lunch sua smoker was enjoyed In ( Odd Fellow*' dining hall The si stumm! lui.tll was served hy Hue W Moore of the Roof Gulden Cafe NIB F l<> MF VI WILL MF I I tlEMI MIOI s it Iflli Nearly twi lion pairs of men's oboes, of the ty ild to Washington. U ( Ui In the army, will be publlc through tlie War Departin' retail stov * in various <iti«>s ot t ■'his ts the first time t it has differed t< Country. Goveriim shoes direct to the public. The lot to be dis|>osetl ot liii-lude marching shot ell ar colale < olpred chi heavy, metulllc fastened si use and a wait »bo«' shoe will be e fu The i«»*tr | InW: , m , rfl)r | | , h , .. r< „ $7 M a pair It is plant «es over t > of th*** lo <Ii K| through p... el pool IS s and tlx«-* range from S's widths from A to KF li RI KU. IIHill M IIDOI >OT»w ni id-year The examinations The work ( emester will begin M being given this week Ihe second day The flr»t met of the Junior Piny, Liilian and Lucile Murray h entered school. They have been tending Barred Heart Academy Ogden. Utah David Parrot has entered sch ' He has been attesting school at P g«r Pair of Sixys ". was given before public Tuesday afternoon Marked the first anniversary of r Rural High School ' Il waa a y ago that school started after huv been delayed on account ot the epidemic. Tm In another part of tills paper w be found the announcement of v George Reed farm sale to be h Tuesday. This offering comprize fine assortment ot stock and f;> equipment. Walter and Shearer the auctlonetirs and Ouy H. Shearer the clerk. Read Mr Reed's ad.