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The Camden chronicle. (Camden, Tenn.) 1890-current, August 25, 1899, Image 1

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.4 ! U
4 -ii -k-l 9
Whole No. 1H1
ii Vol. XIX. No. 11.
nir ii THi O
I i! H D f i K T
Interviewed by a Chrniilcln lloporter If
nJU bo a himIIiUIa Asulii.
11 1 i i 1
coincH up, Jaicit will run out on tlie
opposite side and by jumping ami
barking tin game is turned. At a
word from his master Buck will re-
Congressman T. W. Sims wan in main absolutely motionless, lie is
Uu city yesterday Blinking hands well trained, only 1 y (Mire old, and
with ins many friends. Ho lias in- can look after tho iramo when the
covered from his recent illness, and hunter makes a successful shot
it looking nmiarkablv well.
In an interview yesterday with ft u " V111' ot arll(,kh w 111
lit r i v r ii.
GiiUONlCLK reporter ho - oxpreHHed l"e Clty wonafty. Lie reports mat
the opinion that tho Democrats Uie ftr,,,y worm 18 troy in-young
should hold an earlv convention corn 5,1 t,mt locality- The worm is
next year-to 'nominate a national P'WK havoc with crops all over
ticket, as it may bo confidently ex
pected that both platform and nom-
nieo will nave been agreed upon
before the opening day's session of
tho national convention. IIo is
opposed, however, to tho plan eug-
gesteu to liold the convention in
February, as it savors 6f a "snap"
affair and this. tho Democrats can
not afford to tolerate.
Ha says- that tho next session of
Congress will bo a memorable one.
There are some knotty problems to
solve, and the session may continue
until summer comes again.
In reply, to tho question, "Will
you be a candidate for Congress
jigain?" Mr. Sims replied that that
was his present intention, and at
the proper time he will ask the vo
ters of tho Eighth Congressional
District for an endorsement of his
work in their behalf.
He informed us that he would
go to Washington some time next
month to get ready for the open,
ing of Congress.
the county. Many farmers will
pasturo their corn fields, as tho
worms are rapidly destroying late
corn. It is said by some that tho
worms are making a clean sweep
grass and all.
Routed the Filipino TV'lien the Regulars
Failed to Move Them.
LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. Mrs. Guh Totty, of Nashville, is
hero to attend the bedsid" of hr
A. N. Lmd.sey.of Li Sandy, was mother. Mrs. P. Melton, who has
in tho city Tuesday. been neriously ill this week.
. .
Johnny Hernn, of Wyly, is very Edgar Totty had a relapse last
sick at tho Dell House. Fridav and his condition was verv
J. II. Combs is confined to his critical for several days, but he was
bed with an attack of fever. . greatly improved yesterday
Miss Ida McRae ia spending a E. E. Thompson, of Cooleys, was
few days in towu this week. in the city Tuesday. Ho says a
Elmer Vick came up from Way new post-oflico will shortly bo cs-
Nnfnriln v. vof nrnino. KhiimW tabllSllOd at lllB lieW KtOVH SOUtll Ol
M. E. Byrn, of Dig Sandy, was 1,1,9 Plft(
in tho city a short whilo Sunday. Jugenco iravis came up
-,.11 TmvU W. in AVnverlv Ueiulorson baturday and returned
J n r . .. i it 1 i ; 1 j 1 'i 1 1
iuonuay. no is ueiiiruicu wun uis
ltiiiiin of T. M. Ilollnuil wit itroyit by
f ir Night Hrfore I.hhI.
The following is from a ifescrip
tion of one of tho skirmishes at
Manila as published by tho San
Francisco Chronicle:
" The regulars could not dislodge
some Filipinos from a network of
blind trenches one day, aud two
companies of the Tennessee regi
ment were sent around to flank the
natives out of their position. Not
until they had approached almost
to tho trenches did the Tennesse
ans make their presence known.
Then with n wild yell they swooped
upon the Filipinos and chased them
out in no time. The Tennessee
boys are the best yellers in the
Philippines. Wo were five miles
away, but we heard that yell and
knew it was the Tenneesseans on a
Tuesday, returning Wednesday.
W. E. Mediae is receiving ma
chinery for tho electric light plant.
Sheriff E. E. Fry went to Big
Sandy yesterday on official business.
We understand that the wood
man's picnio has been postponed
Messrs. D. G. Hudson and W. T.
Morris are attending the meeting
at Manlyville.
Mrs. J. F. Beaton continues very
sick, and her friends are alarmed
at her condition.
work there, and thinks Henderson
a great town.
W. F. Harrison, of Ilolladay, was
in the city yesterday. He is put
ting in a new stave factory plant at
"West port, which will be in opera
tion in about ten days.
Mrs. G. W. Bridges and children,
of Jackson, h-avo been visiting the
family of Bennett Bridges, in the
Cowell's Chapel community, re.
turning home yesterday.
Frank E. White, of Nashville
joined his wife here Sunday, am
will spend a few weeks with their
The idiosyncrasies-of cupid are
manifested in various ways, as Jus
tice W. R. Kee, of- the fourth dis
trict, will testify. His latest oxpe.
rience occurred one morning last
week when he was aroused from
i i I Regular correspondence.!
lldU blUmUCXB Ufc ii. ill. LU'LlUkllOl -WJ 1 K 1
'iii HBttiBmtviugeAueeuiuyiy ttiuui
uupuai kuou, wmcu. unueu nappy th fc t
v- i -C nni, j.i: l
utjurts lurover. xiiw testimony 01 tt t t: ,,,1 e :i c
.i i-!- . t LI A uuu mjr, uuai
uoumy wem ui i. . ureur must u ckud vigited here gund
uuuu-iu louu-euiiiuabis-io iuo v- Miss Lizzie Farmer, of Claud, has
rying moods of the god' of love. v:H:t:n rfiiat;VpR niul frida
i in "i ji. . I
iyouDuess it was me same morning . th community
o ciocn wueu ims gauant urn- The flt Bakei,8 ig
cial was called upon to issue the progressing nicey under the tutor.
necessary aocumonrs.anu mm xeaus ship of Lem Thompgon
io xne conclusion Uiou i gamoie on T p , f . n t
it, however) that relentless cupid Me visiti relatives mid old
lias passed, at least one resuess
ciiv ry Tiro n i
XUli l T ttLOVIJy VJ. XiltliVJUj ftttO III
A deliditf ul drive to the Sulphur our miasl iast weeK
Sixrinca was enioved bv a crowd of out a location ior a stave iactory.
x a " i -i r -i i i p. mi i n
OiuTiflenitea Sundav. Thev went nayes rooKS Je.IC mursuay or
nrenared to SDend the day. aud all last week for the Loue btar btate
1 " ' IT 1 1 1
had a pleasant time. Those who ayes is a most exemplary anu en
went were: Sidney L. Peeler and terprising young man, and leaves
ffemilv.W. A. Yarbroudi and fam- maiiy
j j . . C 1
R. II. Fryer, of Huntingdon, live uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. M
stock inspector for West Tenues- Holland, of the fourth district.
see, is in the city. Mrs. Cora Atchison camo up last
There was a fair attendance at Friday from Big Sandy, and wil
the teachers' association at Morris spend a few weeks here with rela
Chapel Saturday. tives and friends. Hermany friends
Attorney Siduey L. Peeler goes are Phased to note that her .health
to Trenton this morning on pro- is excellent.
J. W. Garrett has been making
new improvements on his dwelling
house, and is building an additiona
room this week. When completed
thev will have a very convenien
aud cozy home.
Mrs. W. P. Morris was called to
fessional business.
Miss Alice Barnes, of Bristow, is
spending the week with her sister,
Mrs. O. P. Lashlee.
A lawn party was given at the
home of Mr. aud Mrs. R. L. Phil
lips Tuesday evening.
T J T, .TnWn m1 familv. nf BiS Wednesday to the bed
t, n i -i i w i side of W. Caraway. A telephone
e i i i , v message stated that Mr. Caraway
friends hero last week. ?. ... .
. . was critically ill, but we trust his
Vj. Kj. XlOlllIlLISH Ol til UJJU VU1UIU
Tins dwelling house, stables and
mrn of T. m! (Filbert) Holland,
who resides in Flatwoods, wes dt
st roved by fire Wednesday r.ight
about 12 o'clock. Everything was
destroyed, an there was no one at
lome at the tiim Mr. Holland
and family were vi.Mtingthe family
of Justice F. E. Cuff, 1 milo north
of town. A iKMLrhbor of Mr. Hol
land came up and notified him of
his loss about 5 o'clock yesterday
The property was insnre'd, we aro
informed, for about $2,000. Mr.
Holland had about $300 in cash iu
the house, and this was destroyed.
Mr. Holland is satisfied that-it
was the work of an incendiary; but
if there is any cIuo.rs to who com
mitted the dastardly ..deed, wo have
not been informed.
condition is not serious.
D. G. Hudson returned home the
first of the week greatly improved
bpn.ltli. TTo is deliVhtod with
ry Ilubbs is behind the counter at y. . ia the qU
but is glad to return to old Tennes-
bus Arnold were prospecting in
Henry County last week.
The smiling countenance of Ber.
Kt'Kiil.ir con'esioii(U'ii(.f.l
Miss Ada Yester is -very -sick of
fever this week.
There are several cap.es oI chills
in our community.
T. N. Berry, of Danville, visited
here last Saturday.
Mrs. Delia Atchison -continues
very feeble in 'health.
J. I). Robins is making arrange
ments to move to laud.
M. M. Garner is spendiug a few
days v,'ith friends at Pine 331uff.
Rev. C. E. Brandon is conduct
ing a series of meetings at Rock
James Cheatham and wife, of
Enloe, were guests of John Waters
and family Sunday.
James Wheatley has returned
from Erin where he was under the
treatment of a railroad .physician.
Dr. J. R. Young and Justice J.
R. Stockdale, of Xick -Creek, were
lere Sunday and attended -church.
Wheatley, August 22.
Stigall & Potts this week
John Webb and wife, of Argenta,
Ark., are spending a few days here
with relatives aud old friends.
U. A. Potts left Tuesday morn
ily, Mr. and Mrs.' C. V. Hawley, G.
W. Arnold and family, Mrs. Mary
Yjnrbrough and little granddaugh-1
ter, Ciaura Yarbrough, Misses Lil-
lie Bruce, Bettie aud Hallie Whit
field, Neppie Rives, Kate Johnson
and Nell Rye and Messrs. William
Bowles and A. J. Fuller..
Carpenters have about finished
vrork on the dwelling of ex-Sheriff
W. A. Lashlee. The building has
been raised and remodeled through
out and an addition ot two rooms
Las been built to it. Numerous
friends hero wdio wish him
much success in his new home.
Again the death angel has visit
ed our community and claimed for
its victim Aunt Caroline Alsup,
aged 73 years. She. had been in
feeble health for some time, and
the end came last Saturday at 10 a
m. and her spirit was wafted back
to the God who gave it. We ex
tend sympathy to the bereaved.
Gueekbrier, August 22:
Fine cigars and choice tobaccos,
at the Fry Drug Company.
When you are in town come in
... -I. t I
roomy veranuas imve uwu huucu, ftud gee ug
and everything has been arranged
for comfort and convenience It Fresh roasted peanuts; present in
will be one of. the most attractive every package
homes iu Camden when completed
Travis & Hudson.
The fourth quarterly meeting will
be held at Cowell's Chapel Septem
ber 1G and 17.
Go to the Fry Drug Company
for pure, fresh drugs.
Justice W. R. Kee was in town
Wednesday, aud he gave a CnitON
IULE reporter a few facts concern
ing his celebrated squirrel dog,.
" Buck." Buck is a calico (circus) Don't fail to see those new lamps
our dog, and has been trained for at the Fry Drug Co They are reg
hunting squirrels. He will "tree" ular beauties, just the thing for the
-i Mpui rel. and when the huntsman parlor,
see and Benton County.
Miss Josye Brown, who has been
here on an extended visit to rela
tives aud friends, left Tuesday for
ing tor Ilockport to complete tlie her jlomo at Nashville. Her de
shortline (telephone) to Coxburgh. parture has left an aching void in
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Phillips, the heart of more than one Camden
of Hollow Rock, spent Tuesday swain.
with their brother, R. L. Phillips. N0a Cuff returned from Padu
M. Collins is engaged in making cah Wednesday to spend a short
improvements, including a veranda, vacation with his parents, Justice
on the city residence of Dr. E. M.
The many friends of Mrs. O. P.
Lashlee, who has been quite sick,
will be pleased to learn that she is
A good meeting is in progress at
Pleasant Hill, conducted by Revs.
William Evans, Joseph Allen and
WT. A. Brown.
George Florence, of Lexington,
is spendiug a few days with his
brother, Dr. J. B. Florence, of the
Liberty neighborhood.
Miss Lillie Bruce, of Kansas, who
has been here on an extended visit,
left Wednesday forenoon to visit at
McKenzie and Trezevant.
Mrs. Charles Atkins and little
daughter, Lois, left for Nashville
Wednesday to spend a few days
with relatives and friends.
Willie Troop, of Company G,
First Tennessee Regiment, passed
Camden Saturday en route to his
home in Middle Tennessee, having
received an honorable discharge.
He left Manila June 17, and said
all the Tennessee boys were well.
and Mrs. F. E. Cuff. The old boy
is delighted with his new vocation,
traveling on the river, aud he is in
tho best of health.
A site for a new saw-mill plant
has been selected near A. J. Hoi
land's, 4 miles southwest of here,
and the interested parties claim
that the mill will soon be in opera
tion. The mill will be convenient
for the people of that community
and is an opportunity for the em
ploy men t of idle labor.
Mrs. Mary Yarbrough was called
to Waverly Tuesday by the death
of her brother, William Sullivan
He was her only brother, and Mrs,
Yarbrough was prostrated by the
sudden-news of his death. Owin
to her feeble health, the family be
came alarmed and a physician was
called in, and she was revived am
made preparation to attend the
A. A
funeral at Waverly. The CiiRON
icle extends heartfelt condolence
to the bereaved relatives.
The Fry Drug Company handle
a complete Hue of mixed paints
oils, white lead, etc.
Special correspondence.
Mrs. Matilda Bane is dangerous-
y ill at present.
Mrs. May McGill 'is able to be
up a little at a time.
Mrs. Burnett went to Nashville
ast week to have Jier child treated
by a specialist.
S. A. Byrn has tobacco plants
that measure 7 feet from tip to tip,
and he says there are worms iu pro
portion to size aud quantity.
Rev. J. B. Bushart baptized 17
persons at Harper's Bridge Sun
day as a result of the meeting at
Old Prospect, which is in progress
as we write. It has been one of
the -most old-fashioned revivals
ever held in the community, and
really the only -good meeting since
the old Rushing1 s Chapel was torn
down and destroyed to rise again
when two or three prejudiced peo
ple can no longer rule the entire
Smith's College, August -23.
When public men act more like
patriots than like selfish men intent
upon grabbing everything in sight,
instead of benefiting the country at
large, there -will le great improve
ment in public morals.
I want to buy stave and cross-tie
timber in the woods. Parties hav
ing such wilt do well to eee me be
fore closing out with others.
II. L. BlilDGES.
The only place in town where you
can rest at a nice tabh and have ice
water furnished fren with a lunch,
is at Travis & Hu'iwou's. - tehees
and oysters on h t

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