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The Camden chronicle. (Camden, Tenn.) 1890-current, September 21, 1900, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89058013/1900-09-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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Bud Csin, in ullt-mpting lollop
fi runaway hum U-1 ..Saturday, wits
knocked down and run over by tho
trnin mid wri'f.n. Hi injuries nre
j a t n f ,i I, but not pcrioiiH. Ilia little
hod wan in tho vnon at the time,
but escaped with slight injuries.
Boih had a narrow fscnp".
Chairman 1). (J. Hudson, of tho
iiMa.!y Demoi ralio committee, ins
sent out a Idler to i -ach commit-
l einan in tho counly requesting
them to organize their respective
district i at once.
A central dub will br organized
hero the first Monday in October,
...i. -.ji i i ' i i i mi hi
vuieii i n (J s let r iiii'i will n n r,. .. i. f ...:n: i i. :..
riiuii. lit iiiuiiiii'iy oouui in
tniifed and become u part of tho t1(, eastern markets, and invites
:'!itional AHsociation of Democrat- the ladies to call mid see tliP new
:o Clubs. novelties in shnnes and trimmed
In order that each district of tho hat.
county may be fully represented in
iho central club to bo organized it
:h important that each committee
man perfect hi.s district or-'anizn-
.Mrs. S. J. Travis in rcceivim' her
Do not wait to get all the Dem
ocrats of your district to join your
club. Ten men can start a club.
lion at once and report tho same If 'our district member of the
lairmnn Hudson.
county Democratic committeo has
Do not wait to get a speaker to not nlrea(y tftkeu KtoP3 lo organize,
have yonr first meeting; organize cl ifc yourself. Call a mooting at
at onco. Get your speakers after- EOmo convenient place, and start a
wards. The Stato and tho county PnI for members to sign. Get
Democratic committees will help a11 tllQ signatures you can, elect
you to get ppeakers to address your yur officers, present, vico-presi-
club after it is organized. dent, secretary and treasurer, and
All Democrats aro urged to join then notify Chairman D. G. Hud-
theso elubfl, and uso their influence E0U of tho coullty committee.
in getting otherH to join. It ia a , , ,
,., , nn Corn-huskers sprained wrists,
patriotic v.'ork m which we should , , , , ,
. . . , barbed wiro cutn and sprains, or
all take an interest and nmko an . . . , ,
. , . ., cuts from any cause, aro quickly
euort to organize tho county aa it , i i i i n v u t- i
, b . . . ; healed when Dallard 8 bnow Omt-
I TYiniu ia tirnTYirit it ort in,' l-'ri'm ' i
and 50 cents. Sold by all druggists.
ti;OU 1VIJ E ATLli V.
riCul;ir correspondence.
Iloraco Benton visited relatives
at Claud Sunday.
II. F. Berry was at Faxon yes
terday on business.
B. T. Yickers is at Danville, in
the post-offico for a few days.
Bain is needed badly through
out this section of tho county.
Tho little son of "Wesley Gear-
heizor has been very sick, but is
thought to bo some bettor.
The November election is draw
ing near. It is time for Democrats
to organize and got ready to meet
the foe of the people.
IViieatley, September 18.
Chancery court will meet hero
next Monday.
J j. L. Vntiion, of Holladay, wrw
in tho city llonduy.
Yj. L Iludf-on and wife visited
r.etvr Coxburg this week.
1. J. O'Jleilly has been very nick,
but is now convalescing.
If. 1 Stigrdl tin il V,T. L. Morris
were at llolladay Tuesday.
V. H. rLoriran. ol liollaciav. was
----- - C '
down tho fust of the week.
Tom C. Byo and J. A. Clement
were at Nashville Tuesday.
"VFyly Coble, of Sugar Tree, wi3
hero last Friday and Saturday.
Miss llcster Bell haa relumed
homo from a visit at Big Sandy.
A new daughter arrived at tho
homo of A. M. Spicor yesterday
A Democratic club will be or
ganized here Saturday night, Sep
tembor 20.
Quito a number from thin county
aro attending the Sam Jone-3 meet
ings at Faris.
Guy Hall, of Huntingdon, is as
sisting in the clerk and master's
office this weak, and will remain
here through the session of chan
eery court.
Henry I'.itri-1 .'""1 t- mv,.-. ' ;
Arknn.sf , ( an.' in n-' S-ilur.! iy. i
They will remain in lh" counly for 1
h;for the 1
elh ,1
I of l
e.r I i,
h few v.'i
Mrs. Preset)), the wife rf Bill
Toor.i' r I'l''-on, who r .-:;de-- nil
Jiut.'iimr'rf Creek, di- d Vein.'.-d."y
v could 1H.1 gi t
UticMing' o
the ax of B-:io;i Comity,
board incic.i:-;ed the n.-r.-:-.-.men
Tier ceut.
! i I
mi!' :
joard of ((piali.ers
ed ilc; deliberavion:-', and in
io Stab.
11. J.
S ,' !
: i
VI. li.
: ,il
i: ; o
ic!:i U J e i
i r , i 1 1
and jVa.-venon Kjixv) o
S V.'et
S'!';l! : ""(
!e:i 'J i i i ! I l''V.
: on.--
addressed the Bry;-.n
dou, which held a large and enthu
siastic, meeting at that jilace la-t
Friday evening.
Daniel Holland was severely in
jured in a runaway accident !a 1
Monday. Ho is hurt badly, and it
will bo sometime before he will ha
able to get out again.
The ceremony of unveiling the
monument erected at the Camden
Cemetery by tho "Woodmen of tho
Yrorld to tho memory of tho de
ceased sovereign, Dr. C. S. Chan-
nn Co;i:i(3 ,
r axo:-:.
lion for
pillar rorr.
Mi-, M
r-eliorii lit;
I I'.!!1; i 2. A 1 V.'IKI'.IS
' ('.Ihi!''1 d!
j ha.': '.;.y o:i ace.oiinl: u
.! ".v;. lib.!;.- to r.!.:nn;-
in-y ;e:;';iy.
1 in : at C!e.stnut Hill
her dutie:
The in
1 1 C '
I'tou lm. end givauy revived
t;!o sp'.r:',;!;!! mteve.-.l ; tneve.
Xho.irctrn."led me( ting at "Wos-
rd.iy niglit. It was a
dler, will take place Sunday, Octo- C1-!P"1 viil l'n 1K V
bor 14, 1900, under tho auspices cf Kev- il V" :lor""re v',!l conduct
Fostoak Camp, No. 47. Tho camp '
extends a cordial invitation to ev
erybody to attend tho unveiling.
Lsm,J U
the ia"'jtix3j;. We hesio to see a
Tr(l Tl"i-r Iii nr nil,) o fi-vunt ivii-fil
t - l - J . ' lit H. . n. U X V. ? 1 V U. ft.
Joe "Fox" Mellon and family
came in from Arkansas Saturday.
They also say that Old Benton is
good enough for them. Notwith
standing there are juite a number
returning from Arkansas, it don't
seem to discourage others who con
template going there soon.
Flatwoops, September 1.8.
The Democrata of the fifth dis
trict are hereby requested to meet
in Camdea at tho court-house Sat
urday night, September 29, at 7
o'clock for the purpose of organiz
ing a Bryan and Stevenson club.
D. G. Hudson,
W. T. Hubbs,
Democratic Committeemen.
L EL n BUU BO 1 14 V 1 o
tl b r
Mrs. Judith Doherty died sud
denly Tuesday night, of congestion.
She. had been in bad health for a
long while, and only recently re-
Thousands suffer with torpid liv- turned hero from Jackson, where
er, producing great depression of sho resided for a number of years.
3pirits, indigestion, headache, con- She was tho widow of Judge W. F.
stipation, etc. Herbine will stim- Doherty, who died here away back
alate the liver, keep the bowels reg- in the seventies. J udge Doherty
-alar and restore a healthful buoy- is remembered by all the older in
ancy of spirits. Frice, 50 cents, habitants of the town. The remains
Sold by all druggists. of Mrs. Doherty were laid to rest
by those of hor husband in Camden
Is there a Democratic club m Cemetery Wednesday afternoon
your district?. If not, you ehould
rIco steDS to organize ono at once. The CiiBONICLE will be mailed
' to any address for 50 cents a year,
Tablet's Buckeye Pile Ointment payable in advance. Subscribers
is not a panacea, but is recommend- wm pleag0 promptiy notify UQ 0f
ed for blind bleeding or protruding any irreguarity in the delivery of
piles, and it win cure ine rnobi ou- TnB Chronicle.
stinato cases. Frice, M cents m
bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. Sold by The Chronicle and the Tlomo
?ill drut'cists. and Farm will bo mailed to you
If ycur district committeeman
has not already dons oo, ask him to
call a meeting at an early day to
) organize a Democratic club, and
thon go to work for a big club and
an enthusiastic meeting.
Take lifo as it comes, and make
lho most of all circumstances, but
tea- a bad cold or cough, take Bal
lard's Horehouud Syrnp, tho best
known remedy for quick relief and
sure cure. Frice. 25 e.sd 50 cent3.
one year for 80 cent3.
spirit8 I A .
9 V-am,. m Ta IT l rm ' f ..T
lor Infants and Children.
Tfc3 Kind Ycu Have Always Ecught
Bears the if "
fignaturo of idlafZJ&C'
WANTKDIIoniist iti.'ui or woman to travel tir
lurw liouse, salary Srj iiiont lily ami rxpctnes,
wi'.ii iiu'ream;; positi'.m iiTinaiu'iit; 1ih'!'hi sli
dcinK.i'd s!.tii)p1 nveloe. MAN AUK it, 3J0
CaxlonHulKiint;, Cliieao.
Quarterly conference at Cowell's
Chapel Saturday and Sunday was
largely attended.
B. F. Brown was called home
from Sugar Tree Saturday by sick
ness in his family.
Elder G. W. Banks preached a
good sermon Sunday evening at the
Methodist Church;
We understand the second dis
trict Democrats will organize a club
at Holladay to-night.
Miss Bettio Carrington returned
Monday, and will occupy her old
stand on the west side.
The patriotic Democrats of the
eighth district organized a strong
club last Saturday night.
Mrs. I. J. Anderson, of Hunting
don, visited relatives in tho tenth
district the latter part of last week.
James Jeffreys joined his family
here Saturday, and they returned
with him to Memphis Wednesday.
Movers' wagons havo been going
through this week headed for tho
West. Next fall they will be going
through, but headed the other way.
Hon. E. E. Eslick, Democratic
elector for the State at large, will
address the voters of Benton Coun
ty at Camden Wednesday, October
10. Mr. Eslick is one of the most
entertaining speakers in Tennessee,
and you should not fail to hear hira
;,. on- that oocaHion..
There is somo talk of establish
ing a branch of the Benton County
Bank at Big Sandy. We under
stand, however, that a final decis
ion has not been reached in the
Twins, boys, arrived at the home
Regular correspintJcuoe. j
A cool wave struck lie re Sunday
night, and still continues.
Mrs. E. J. Byrn and a number of
others are on. the sick list. .
The people of this locality are
busy caving the late crop of hay.
G. W: Bucy and family, of near
Springville, visited here Sunday.
W. E. Wyatt was taken sick lust
Friday, and- w.r;s .-compelled to dis
miss his school.
I. E. Wygul f.nd family, 1. Mc
Neill and wif- and S. A. Hcrrin
and wife speirj Sunday at Sulphur
The protracted, meeting will be
gin at Baker's Chupel next Sunday.
Wo want to wo. a glorious revival
while the meeting is in progress.
Gheenbriei;, September 18.
Don't- delay organizing a Demo-
of Marshal E. G. Flowers Sunday eratie club in your district, if Iho
afternoon, and now "the old chief"
will need a new uniform, as he
seems to have grown taller by sev
eral inches.
Every Democrat and all other
patriotic citizens of the fifth dis
trict who are opposed to trusts and
imperialism are invited to come
out and join the Democratic club
to bo organized here to-morrow
night week.
Little Clarence FaiTord got his
foot run over while attempting to
swing on to a passing wragon last
Monday. This should bo a warn
ing to other boys who are permit
ted to run at large on the streets
of tho town. Tho accident might
have been more serious.
Sam Weatherly died suddenly at
his homo near Bristow last Friday.
lie was apparently in good health
until Thursday he was taken with
a chill, and tho nest day he com
plained of feeling badly and befor
tho family hardly realized that the
end was near lifo was extinct. He
i was a most substantial farmer, and
! will bo missed in that community.
organization is not already under
way. Start a club at once.
L'l-.o-1.! Vt'n jtlex vir.rs;
: cmitl'!- iioij.Ur'tice.l
;ood meeting is in progress at
HaH'b V;ii lev.
Felt Farmer is going to Missou
ri to visit relatives.
Wo had a good vain Thursday,
which v.7 a a badly needed. .
The "old sevent" will have a can
didate for sheriff two years hence.
Just keep that in mind.
Constable Bob Tonkins was at
Claud and Sulphur Spriugs Satur
day on professional business.
On account ct the school-housa
being burned last winter, there ii
no school at Harmons Creek this
John Bob' Waters and Wyly Bal
yew, of Big Sandy, were hero last
Sunday for , their health, wo pro
sumo. John Phifer and wife, who were
only marrbd: last Sunday, have
agreed to disagree, and he has re
turned to tho home of his father,
Wi:rr LrwiLLF, September 11
Sold by. all druggists.

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