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17 12j r w i j u ; v VOL. XXII. iXO. 7. cam i)i :x. ti:xnj;ssi:k. j'liina aiiv m. iimi. A M 1) iii s I 1(1 1 JLL- ii ii m j J J I lLa V ii II j in. ill i'3 V " 1 't fc. "k- J L . U La j 4 OFFERS THESE BARGAIN! Next Thursday is St. Yaleutine's Day. N. J. Cuff will go to Memphis next week. C. II. Sullivan lias returned from a trip to Nashville. "Somebody paid tliey thought it snowed yesterday." Thomas Pafford returned to Lex ington Wednesday. Alex Dell returned Monday from a visit to Big Sandy. . Mrs. W. P. McGill has been very sick, but is some better. Thomas L. Bomar was over from Henry County yesterday. George II. Harper returned homo from Memphis this week. Percy Lowry is able to be out after several days illness. Ernest McCulIongh is afflicted with the "grip" this week. See our "Miscellaneous Adver tising" in another column A. It. Brooks is assisting Trustee G. W. E. Ilerrin this week Sterrell Rayborn of Big Sandy was in the city Wednesday. Mrs. J. W. rick ens is some bet d TRY THE "BEE HIVE" ONCE, AND YOU WILL DO SO AGAIN. i J. D. Bice and R. L. Walker o , i c . 'p i ii i. f ougar nee were in town una ween $ "Remember, we are at the Camden Depot for the present. We i Good White Sugar 15 pounds for 3i tight Brown Clarified Sugar 16 pounds for $ I a Turn DitLonao A.kilnLU'c CtnVfa 9 Fl refits " " Lion Head " 25 cents $ Two pounds Soda 5 cents Largte Irish Potatoes bO cents per dusiici Bacon and Lard 10 cents per pound n A . rr i l IR A I n a m notlAn 1 rure ttppie vinegar to cents gai.; tenia jjci a"UM Heinz's Best Apple Vinegar (30 cents gal.) 20 cents per gallon f Good New Crop Louisiana Molasses 45 cents per gallon f Fresh Cabbaae 2 cents pound d Fresh Navv Beans 5 cents pound i i Nice Evaporated Peaches 10 cents pound A A I III CO puuil'" van HiiO iicuiii i coviita Twa cans of same, 25. cents. f Three large boxes of Brutton's Snuff '. . . . 35 cents J D& GooAs, Pons, Shoes, Hats and fine glotfeiDj. i We can save you 20 per cent on your purchases. All kinds of Patent Medicines at ACTUAL COST. Grove's and Rich's Chill f Tonio, 35 cents per bottle. All other patent medicines in the same ? proportion. PERSONAL AND LOCAL NEWS. rrrvrte you all Come and se, us at the: bee: hive. 7 9 j Glide Hudson a Goipesj, proprietors. J CAMDEN, TENNES! LEADS THEM ALL? f he llev Rojal Sswinj Machine $18 to $20. SOLD BY T. H. BATEMAN, West Side, Camden, Tenn. DEALEK IN m 1 fm VIONUIVIENTS, TOMBS, H 'TABLETS Of the Best Quality American and Italian Marble aud Granite. FURNITURE, Carpets, Rugs, matting, Wall Paper, Curtains and Fixtures, PICTURES AND FRAMES, Household Goods, A 7 ETC., ETC. 1.00 A YEAR. - 10 CENTS A COrY. THE CRITERION Th-ebest Illustrated Montlity Magazine of the feiruT publiahed. ITS PAGES ARE FILLED f V. F. Morris and son, Marshall f of Sandy were in the city this f week. A I r .Joe Melton of Flatwoods has re turned from a visit in Eastern Ar kansas, J. II. Melton of Loneoak, Ark , is visitina relatives in the seventh district There M-as an enjoyable dance at the home of Lee Hargis Wedhes day night, Speaking of the weather, did you appreciate the snow, rain and sleet yesterday? Joe M. Gillespie was confined to his room the first part of the weeli with the "grip. . Hon. L. 11. "Watson entertained a coterie of friends at luncheon Sat urday afternoon Miss Eddie Hushing . returned home this week after an extended visit with relatives. C. V. Hawley and Arch Clement went turkey hunting yesterday just hunting, that's all John Jordan is sick this week. C. N. Cowell has charge of the for mer's dray during his illness, Miss Bettie Carrington wap the guest of 'Misses Bertha and Zula McElyea Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. A. Arnold aud Miss Pearl are visiting at Tullahoma, but are expected back before Valentine. Miss Pauline Brooks has return ed home from Eagle Creek, her school at that place haviug closed. A number of the young people in masquerade dress particpated in a storm party at the residence of F. E. McElyea Monday evening, George Tolliver has resigned his position with the "Bee Hive" and accepted a place with T. J. Dodd, The young men are planning ar rangements for a valfiitiiiH hall on the evening of February 11, and which promises to be the best of he season. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Dodd went o Holladay Tuesday in rcFpoiiHp to a telephone inessngt? stating the illness of the hitter's sibter, Mrs. Win. Stokes. Fire was discovered in the fine of Gorge W. Toliver's residence Wednesday morning in the nick of time by Robert L. Phillips, who promptly subdued the flames. Pkufe McAuley, colored, charged with violating the age of consent law, was given a preliminary hear- in: Monday and case continued un til to-morrow before Justice Cuff, Poles aip being puteed on the ground for the new telephone ex change and will bo erected next week. A switchboard of 50 drops capacity and telephone boxes have been purchased. The exchange will probably bo in operation with in six weeks. Among thenewstudents entering Benton Seminary this week were Thos. Cooper, Divider; Isaac Lau rence and Pearl Davidson, Liberty; Carl Thompson, Alma and Clarice Greer, Cowell's Chapel. The total enrollment exceeds 200 and the daily average in excess of 150. Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Hall returned Monday night from their bridal tour and are now at home to their friends at the residence of W. A. Lashlee. Mr. Hall has purchased half interest in the grocery busi ness of Mr. Lashlee and the firm name changed this week to Lash lee & Hall - The social affair at the Melton FHOM MclLLWAIN. rulur eiirriMi.iMiili'iic'i'. llev. Sanford Tippett has return ed hoinp. S. L. Peeler of Camden was hero one day last week. B. C. Flowers and wife of Holla- day visited here Sunday. W. F. Harriison of Holladay was here on busbies last week. Joe Melllwnin lost a fine blooded yearling bint week in the freshet. MisH Ella Wesson of Sugar Tree h spending a few days with friendi and relatives here. Mrs. Artie Thornton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Merrick, at Holladay this year. J. W. M fill wain closed his school hero Friday with an excellent pro gram. Professor Mclllwain is a good teacher, and all regret that the school was not of longer dura tion McIllwain, February 5. FHOM WIIITLEVVILLE. Spcrl.'il porrespoiulence. Elijah Phifer is improving slow ly, we are pleased to learn. J. C. Akeis and wife of Johnson ville visited here last week. J. B. Pierpont and son, Iloyal, were at Magnolia last week. The new school house near this place will soon be completed. Albert Melton, who cut, his foot receutly, is able to be out again. D. B. Thomas, the hustling stock man of Eva, was here last week. The timber industry is at a stand still, owing to the bad condition of the roads. G. W. Farmer has moved his saw mills from Sulphur Springs imilo north of here. Mrs. Dollie Farmer and children House Saturday evening was voted have returned to their home at La- one of the successful events of the ruthersville, Mo., after spending a new year despite the unfavorable few weeks here with relatives. weather. The bus was pressed into WhiTLEYVILLE, February 5. service and conveyed the guests to and fro. Games, music, recitatious and refreshments conimnsed the Special correspondence. ,,rmnt Alviu Bushing made a business CltllllJL. C J l'J LXl. UUi I rp, , , e i trip to Paris Friday. XLIt PLVUIUl VUwIlU nuo Willi iiV-W - . lt Don, little son oi Aivin lseman, FK03I POSTOAK. upon N.J. Cuff at Bayham Lodge, No. 8G, Knights of Pythias, Mon day evening. ' Robert W. Ayres and Eugene Travis are candidates for admission next Monday night, when the third degree will be im nosed upon Mr. uuir. me near future promises other aspirants. J. M. Waggoner has purchased the livery business of Saunders & Hnbbs and will be continued under the management of Frank Plant, who intends adding more horses and vehicles and be in shape to serve his customers promptly and satisfactorily. His advertisement appears in another column. While at work at the old Weeks' place east of town, Daniel Presson found some nails that are a curios- has been very sick, but is better. Rev. J. W. Wardlow failed to fill his appointment here Sunday, to the disappointment of many church goers. Its authoritative as salesman. T The temperance lodge meets reg ularly every Saturday uight. If all ;oes well, the lode will give an other entertainment here in the near future. There was a quilting at the home of T. T. Deatou Friday, followed by an entertainment at night iu which the young folks participated with much enjoyment. Postoak, February 5. FK05I LIBFttTY. by a brilliant array of writers and artists, .nA inrWnrlent reviews of Books. Plays, Music and Art, No improvement is reported in mmoc its clever stories, strong special articles, humor and verse, q fof with fine illustrations, make it a necessity in every intelli- several weeks. i gent home. The very low subscription price $1.00 a year Mrs. C. N. Travis entertained the .... ii n.i.-.i.T ' t. San Souci Friday evening. The DUtS It Wltiiin IU9 reacu tt aii. xusnauie agt-ms uuicu - - ' club will meet with Mrs. Tom C in every town. Extraordinary inducements. Write for par- piy6j tyfl evenjn ticulars. Write to-day for sample copy. Prof. 'A. Y. Bowles, of the Ben ton Seminary faculty, will organize r .bseripficn ' vkhkiu.m i'uuhwiiu w., . a ckgg in sbortiiami, typewriting Department. 41 East 21st street, New York City, and book-keeping Monday. Fcccular correspondence. Miss Dora Elmore is no better, ity to the present generation, three w0 regret to learn. of which are claimed to have been t N. Lawrence entered school at made in 1830 and of wood, probably Camden yesterday. oak, while those of iron (supposed ye want to hear from Holladay to have been made in 1810) resem- Evft ami Bio; Sandy. semble a hand forged article. t A. Totty, of Hustburg, has The old "Stock Store" on the been over on a visit. southeast side of the square, the A new girl arrived at the home of warehouse and vacant lot adjoining Horace Hargis last Sunday. were sold to Claude Hudson by D. W. H. Evans attended the tek- i G. Hudson for $1,100. The build- phone meeting at Springville. iug is now occupied by Fry & Cor- Carlos Fiidey is confined to his bett, hardware dealers. It was Mr. r0om at the home of R. W. Ayres Hudson's intention to erect a brick 1 with a case of the grip. building on the vacant lot adjoining Liberty, February o. TnE Ciironicle office and move his stock of general merchandise from the depot to the brick, but since le has made this purchase it is understood that he will build on the lot by the "Stock Store" build- CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Cbil&ren, Th3 Kind Yea Kr3 Aiviajs BwM Bears the fM stature c