1: 1 1: ItciuccI last night, mul ."a me it'h'i ,r,-l(. I ncccj.t. il it .IrhS you, (l,,ar? j; Ul0 tntt. luj.t to cut kIpm with twumon.i, ivi 1 ui.l, or you'll other uick in the Mono. way, that mako du Heat For Mm Ifotveln. Ko mnttHr whHt nll.i von. hendnphn in n you will nvr Kl well until your nrn .ut rllit. VkHCkhun help CUfi) VOU Willi lilt II I'rlt.u .!,. jToitui-n easy natural niovamunts, coat you luist 10 cuts f) ntur: gBttititf your health I'HOU. VArknKCn ('un.ly ('atlinrU the fcenulne, put up In metal boxe, every tut -M lian (.1.0.0. Htamprtil on It. Howard U imitations. ( nui'ttr, lowt h Lallllrt. Ntitn.lliin I'lr III ut. Sirlpimv iln Newsboy Siiy, il'voii know Bin t no Hlrli f.,.,- ii4 Situ'ii ( lnu? Milium- U'l ll.M.tlilll.-k (of i,n U'ulfn' Hlo") " "'y lu't hoy 1 l llMliow y! dcro MIr. Tlioro l more Catarrh In this eton of the roimtry limn (ill inner dlnt-aae put tmretln'r, ami until tlm hint few yearn was supo.il to li Incurable. I'nr a great many ji-ais (loctiirn pronounced It ft lo.-l illm-ami and prewi Ibec local remedli.w. and by eoi,ntantly lalllng to rurq with local treatment, pronounced ll In curable. Science ha proven catarrh to bo a constitutional (lineage, and therefore requires oiiHtliutloiiiil treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, inaiiuliicturud by F. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo, thlo, A the only ooimtltutl uihl cure on the murket. It la taken Internally In doses, from 10 drops to a tcaspoonful. It ai ts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the nyateut. Jliey otter one hundred dollars for any ca It falls to euro. Send for circulars and testl uionlals. Address K. J . CiiENltTr & CO., Toledo, O. hold by Driicglnm. 75.-. Hall's family 1'illu are the best. RritUH Roy! Succession, In Cire.it liritain tins royal nurrrs nion la in tins direct lino of le bccnt, nialcH ami the- ih Kccnilnnt.i of liiah h Ix'ln;? preferred to females or their tleseetidanta of tho name, dogno of conr.anK'ilnlty. It would havo made, no (IhTerenec, therefore. If the ISmprosa rroil.rlck of Germany, who In the eldest of the children of the late Queen Victoria, had remained unmarried; tho oldest male child of the (jueen, who was the I'llneo of Wales, and the Ikhiio of hl3 body would nevertheless havo been the heirs to the throne. The older daughter of Queen Victoria could havo succeeded only If all of her brothers had died before their mother and without leaving any descendants. Tho (Jerman constitution makes the rank and powers of tho Kaiser hereditary in the royal houao of Prussia. The rule of succession in Prussia not only pre fers males (as does that of Great Britain), but excludes females altogether. CURES BLOOD POISON. TREATMENT FREE. Havo you erit Ink', '' htf nores, mucous putchen, siiro llirotit or kuiui, ulcer. liu-I'l'-n. Itchlnj; kln, ache In bones or Joints, falling hair, boils, cancer, Hcrotulit, oflenMvo catarrh or old rheumatism I Then you liao contracted or Inherited blood poison. To cure, take JJotatil'! Jllood I'.altn (It. 1!. II.) w hli ti Is made chpeci.illy to euro tli worst Bint tlliiKt deep-Heated cases, even w lion tho bones arn affected. 1!. ll. It. heals every Horn, stops all aches, makes tie v, rich blood, jrlvltiKtho rleh (,'low of ln a th to tho nkln. ll. U. 15. Improves tho digestion. It. 1!. It. thorouKhly tested for years. It. It. It. kills or destroys the poison, drawing It froin tho system. ru;r stores, ?l. Treat ment of IJ. It. It. hont absolutely freo by writing Wood r.ulm Co., 2: Milohel) St., At lanta, (la, Inscribe trouble, and free medi cal advloo given until cured. Costs nothing to try 11. li. 1J. Medlduo sent prepaid. A CHILD'S QUESTION. "Papa, 13 It true that love Is a dis ease?" "That is the way certain wise ex perts have diagnosed it, my dear." "And, oh, papa, must we be vaccinat ed against it?" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Iypepl In Its moat appravated form has been effectually cured with email does of Crab Orchard Water. I'uttinjj the Ocean to use. A poor little city child whoee mother was a washerwoman, seeing iho sea when It was very routrh for the first Umn. exclaimed: "My mother ought tube here. My. what a lot o' BUda!" If you want "good digestion to wait up on your nppetlto" you should always chew a bar of Adams' Pepsin Tutti Frutti. Consideration For the Fishes. Willie had been watching his father flshlnc, and presently asked: "Doe the dampness evor give tho llshes coughs, Uaddf ?" Wnnteit At Once! Traveling salesmen with or without experience $iiU 00 and expenses. For particulars write l'ouahontas 'lobaoco Works, Bedford City, Ya. Not Like It Uid to He. Mr. Hocorn-IIave any exclteiueut while you Journey of a Ticket. A recent number of the Railway Journal contains a well-authenticated Btory of a railway ticket which took a Budden journey on its own account. Aa a northbound train on the Colo rado & Southern road passed one of tho stations a passenger in a forward car raised a window and in an Instant his ticket was blown from his hands out of doors. The passenger naturally gave it up for lost, and was very much surprised when the baggagemaster handed it to him a little while later. It appears that when the ticket flew through tho window a southbound train was passing. The suction of that train, which was moving at a rapid rate, drew the ticket along with it, and as it passed the rear end of the north bound train it blew into the door of the smoking ear. There it was found by the baggagemaster. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Cures a cough or cold at once, Conquers croup, bronchitis, grippe Had couumplioa. 23c, w - SCREEN 3. :j Greatest, Ckespett Food to Etrtb lor She, Swine, Cattle, I'oultry, etc Will U wmik 1100 lomlo ru4 what BftlMr'f atelocaav about rap. i, CiSIion Dollar Crass 1 i.rs f jr u4 leu rmtkt ra tUihi 11 toot wl r 1 low 01 p,nr pwr mi.,,, hw 5 BromiM, rol, Bnlu (4'J0 bo. ooro, 260 tu.o4lipw.,)bi.,tc. For this Notio and lOo. nil lg caU of mvi 10 t trm 8m4 hoxltlM, fully wmU fiOM l (Hut Fr 14e. fTpUn.TlI rtM vi i Wt U.Wat flower aaod packif u ud catalog. RJ0IINA.5ALZER5EEDlO..lA55E nnnDQY NEW DISCOVERY; f j fX J 3 1 quick runf anil cures wmsi (aM, tiouK of testimonials and O (lays' uetUmmu rrre. Dr. H. H. OKEEH'B SONS. Box B. Atlanta. Qa jrtmm--." -. . m mi. -1 1 iiii.w iiji i ji uiiiiJiniw .i .a mn m iiiiii i iiii ii i ni il mm f ),.l ,i.,-JU,a..liMiH . ...... nm iiiMmMiWl.1" ' -' """ ' """" ' was in New York? Mr. Mt)ddorgrans None, these here electric lights a chance t' blow out th' gas. Sence they put in follor hasu't much The great public schools of the large cities tse carter's Ink. exclusively. It is the beat and coals no wore thaa the poorest. Uetit. Frizes For the Helpless. "Kdlth, this last china plate you painted Is awful-awful!" "Now, nevor mind about that. Edgar; I'll give a whist party one of those days." Dyeing is as simple as washing when you use 1 utnam fadeless JJ yes. bold by all druggists. A Woman's Way. lie I'm going to take a day off next week for thepurposeof celebrating the anniversary of my birth. She When I celebrated mine last month I took a year oil. Mrp.Winslow's Foothine; Syrup for children teething, soften s the gums, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Piso's Cure for Consumption Is an infalli ble medicine lor coughs and colds. N. V. Samuel, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 1", 1000. Her Definition. a nephew was. aiouy repnea, Asked whnt "It's when your niece In a boy." Iff B2 pspiiii DON'T RUIN YOUR STOMACH WITH MEDICINE. 15 A NATURAL LAXATIVE MINERAL WATER. Endorged and nsed by the most prominent physicians in th world an the best and safest remedy for dis- , ordered stomach, biliousness, liver troubles, gout and 1 A ! rueuiiiauasiii. It Cures Constipation! Take one-half glassful on arising in the morning and you will feel the remarkable effects in half an hour. at the label. Blue with Red Centre Panel. A 7IV full name "Uiv "Hunyadl Jino LOOK Sole Exporter, Firm ol Andreas 5axlehnr, 1 30 Fulton 5t.,N.Y 4A.A.AA.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.a.A.A.A.A.A.A.A,A,A.A,A,A,A,A.,A, 'iPJGMESTE ramnRV i nunrn SHfiTnnii rhfi i s 1 laf I I I fca)W fftaftV ialPw J IW fcJ jlafchaal W "navRfooI, 99 " Lczdar," and "Repeater 99 Insiat upon having tliem, take no other and you will get the beat shelli that money can buy. , ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM. . n i A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! w 1 1 M Y PICTURE. goes on every package of Make sure that there is a lion head on every package before purchasing. 'A teMK Qj'iMA .M That Mis you thai it is genuine, and not a glazed coffee, If you don't see my head on the package, don't buy it. If not at your grocer's try another store. All leading stores keep it. vQ) if f h is Watch our next advertisement.1 i now the leader of them all, and is used in millions of homes. In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fan to hud m the list some article which will contribuxe to their happiness comfort and con-enience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pouid tculcd packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). W00L50N SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. I. 4 .... i 1 i hJ SjUQD'DBQDUg nn l ama If 1 31 I 41 bMMaafl Com ete External and. internal ireatmei Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thick ened cuticle, CUTICURA OINTMENT to instantly allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT to cool and cleanse the blood, and expel humor germs. A SINGLE SET is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humors, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when the best physicians, and all other remedies fail. WONDERFUL CURE OF PSORIASIS, AS a sufferer for thirty years from the worst form of Psori asis, finally cureo by Coticora Soap and Cuticora.1 Ointment, I wish to tell you my experience, that others . may benefit by it. I was so grievously afflicted that thej matter that exuded from my pores after the scales had peeled) off, would cause my underclothing; to actually gum to my tody. After remaining in one position, sitting of lying;, down, for an hour or two, the flesh on my elbows and knees would split, so thick and hard would the crusty scales bee ne lThe humiliation I experienced, to say nothing of physical agony, was something frightful. r The detached scales would , fairly rain from my coat sleeves. - I have read none of your testimonials that appear to represent a case so bad as mine. But as to the cure. I commenced bathing in hot Cuti-' cura Soap suds night and morning, applied the Cuticura' i Ointment, and then wrapped myself in a sheet. In two j weeks my skin was almo'st blood red in color, but smooth1 ; and without scales. Patches of natural colored' skin began1 ' to appear, and in less than a month I was cured. I am now(' : passed forty years of age and have skin as soft and smooth ; as a baby's. Hoping that others may benefit by my expert-' ence, and regretting that sensitiveness forbids me from dis closing my name, I am yours gratefully, J. H. M., Boston, Mass.. Sigtt 30. J90O. Trillions of People Use Cucicura Soap Assisted by Cuticura Ointment, ilie great eldn cure, for prescrvinp, purifying, and beautifying the skin, lor cleansing the 6ralp ol crusts, ecalep, and dandruff, and the stop, pliilt ol falling hair, lor softening, whitening, ami healing red, rousjh, and eore hands, lor baby lashea, itching, and dialings, and lor all the purposes ol the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions ol Women use Cuticura Soap lu the lorm ol baths lor annoying irrita tions, inflammations, and excoriations, or too Iree or offensive perspiration, In the form ol vashe; for ulcerative weaknesses, and lor many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily iuggest themselves to women, and especially mothers. Cuticuha &oir combines delf. C8t emollient properties derived Irom Cuticura, tho great skin cure, with the purest ol cleansing Ingredients, and the most refreshing ol flower odors. No amount ol persuaBlon can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautiflers to uso any others, especially lor preserving and purilylng the skin, scalp, and bair ol infants and children. No other medicated soap is to be compared with it lor preserving purifying and beautifying the skin, scalp, bair, and hands. No other lorelgn or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, Is to bo compared with it lor all the purposes ol the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in One Soap at Onb Prick, the bust sklu and complexion oap, and the best toilet and baby aoap In tho world. Sold by all druggists. 10! 13 a S8.B0 SHOES UNION MADE. The rt-nl worth of AY. I- Poutrlas S3.00 and 83.n0 shoes compared with other makes! Is &1.00 to Sj.(ii), Our S-t.OO Gilt Kdjre I-lno ennnnt ho equalled at any price. make and sell min e S:5.00 aud 4j.'!.r() shoes than any other tiro manufacturers in the United States. Til B II KA SO more W. h. Pnisilp. 1 find f,.rn slm-i are sold than any oth r make i because 'l'H B V A It K'i'il : It B.'iT. Your dealer uniinkl ki'p tlirtnt we give nup dealer exi'lt-Mvc sr.!'. iri arh toirn. 'Cuke lit ti!H(iiuf c! lmi,t tn l a"im: v. L. Di.icrhi. Bin'.-: vi:a name and p-ieo s'nrr.i'..-l on hottom. It r.-ur d' n'f r w i.l r,.t fet tht m l-r you, ff" (1 ui-r.-t lo i.u,i"'-v, eiiriouiiri fi-ire and eit,- lor catnap, btato kiixl of lenthrr, ur1. fvA wi;.tr., ( 1 m vr era r j". l"r fho s will r-nch 3 'iu BTivwIn-rr. H'rtte fur cat'.-vif? ihitu nui jiif ?rir.g si;n. We ne Vitit C'nlor W. I.. I.'irl:is Mine !'., j;yelot iu uil our urines. Iiruei, tun, flas. ' . - ...... w '!--- .' ,-. ' ,f ') 9. tmj Collection 6 tat'-w v ,! , .(' So mouf y r iuireu iu aviu:t4i. beii rp0 nkmi ut orr i?ui at io .u h and w will arod you our bir $i.C-jo'ltae- . - - -vT ' f of 8 oilier prenvu'iit, 'r.-.i.d:n Ml ver , fliicl wtU'h ari'i jit ot cifir.et. V'nta anltaul T. j, K1.C CO.,KVcbmond,Yo Our Sseds Aro Northern urcwntnf PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT If you cm (or think you can) s.ili-i i LIFE liNSU-RAMeE; S rtie (with ref.-re iv s l'..r terms to lo-al ninl ejid'lal ag-uts, t j R. F. S1IEDDEN. Gen." Agent, Atlanta, Gi TIIK .MUTUAL L1FK I N SI 1: N c ; o. of N. Y. Aetr4 v-r S.'t:i!,O)O.0(i(l.C(. f Use CEQTAin SCURL!. ituuiiiaiu.i iutr Aj,c-jia..;i.