Newspaper Page Text
, . Camden's Great Bargain Place NEW YORK STORE, NAIFEH BROS., Proprietors. r ! Furnishings. ISSt tlie pick of the market. Wo aro always the first tu li'ecivo conseyvritivo new styles. Our line of SPUING AND SUMMER SHIRTS aro of the newest palli-riis and made up in the latest styles. Trices range from 20 cents to $1. New Spring Styles Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, etc, are also the Yery latest things out. Our line of Summer Underwear, Prices ranging from 25 cents a garment up, ia the best we ever owned. VAlVIVWl Sugars and Coffees, "Y aie maVwg & specialty of sugar and coffee, and can furnish you paokago coffee, bulk coffee, green or roasted, and white and brawn sugar. Our prices on these will interest yon. AVe will pay the highest market price for all your barter and country produce. C I nf" h i n o ero 3 011 fin wIvlLlIII 1 i very newest novelties in Men's, Boys' and Children's Spring Clothing, up-to-date in Style, down-to-date in price. You can find just what you want Don't have to compromise with Style, Quality or Price. Lookers will have the same courteous attention as purchasers. AVe want you to post yourselves. QllfVPC AVe think the new Spring and OiIUCD Summer styles in Men's, La dies', Misses' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords are the prettiest shown for several seasons. Have you seen them? You want to, don't you? We are anxious for you to see the new styles in foot wear. We prepared ourselves to furnish foot wear to one-third more people than ever before. Our shoe trade is increasing rapidly. Are you one of our regular shoo customers? You ought to be. Cocae and try us we will add you to the list. Granulated Sugar, 15 pounds for $1; Brown Sugar, 1G pouuds for $1; Arbuckle and Lion Roasted Coffee, two packages for 25 cents. Our goods are all new, and the above are just a few of the attractions found in our matchless stock. NAIFEH IIROS., Southwest Corner Tublio Square, Camden, Tenn. Telephone 19. ! t APPLE ROOT LOUSE. Frequent inquiries have come to the TJn,iver,sity this spring about a whitifik woolly substance found on the roots, and, sometimea in the bark crevices, of apple- trees, Tfhis is the woolly aphia or apple root louse and it is liable to become a serious, pest in apple orchards, es pecially where the trees are not making a vigorous growth. Being a sucking insect it is not affected by arsenical poisoning, and as it passes part of its life below the surface of the soil it is difficult to overcome. The aerial form does not do much damage, but below ground it causes swellings of the root, the injury resulting being similar to that caused by phyllox era in grapes. Hot water, at nearly the boiling point, applied round the collar of the tree after removing the surface soil, is an inexpensive remedy. Enough must be used to soak into the soil for a depth of a foot tobacco dust, from two to five pound per tree, scattered over the main roots after removing the surface of the soil, is reported a remedy, and is also a preventive,, while being a good fertilizer;. Tobacco dust can be bought at $20 per ton of the larger factories. The division of entomology has issued a valuable circular on this insect. Charles A. Keffer, Horticulturist. Tennessee Experiment Station, Kuoxville. Don't despair because you have a weak constitution. The vitaliz ing principle of Herbine will as suredly strengthen it. In every drop of Herbine there ia life. There is a stimulating, regenerat ing power, unequaled in the whole range of medicinal preparations. Price,. 50 cemts. Sold by all (hug-gists. Children who are weak, fretful or troublesome should be given a few doses of Whites Cream Vermi fuge. They will then become strong, healthy and active, have rosy cheeks, bright eyes, will be happy and laughing all the day long. Price, 25 cents. Sold by & druggists. One black and on& bay horse; black horse has cut on right hind leg by barbed wire and foretop is cut off; the bay horse is very old and anatural pace?. Will py reward for their recovery or for any ia formation leading to the same. 0. A Ri ff, Sugar Tree, Tenn. A GREAT NKWSPAl'Klt. . SALE OF LAND. Mrs. A, Y. Brown, Administratrix, vs. George Gaddy. By virtue of a venditioni exponas in my hands issued by L. It. Watson, clerk of the circuit court of Benton County, Tennessee, I will on Monday, the 3rd Day of June, 1901, expose to public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Camden, Ten nessee, the one hundred acres of land of George Gaddy, the same being situated In the ninth civil district of said county and bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by Frank Cheatham, on the south bv Berrv, on the west by Cheatham and Garner and on the east by Brown. The said laud wiU be sold, subject to homestead rights. The s;ue was comtewned as the property of Georg Gaddy and ordered to he sniii hv n.D nir ctiit court of Kenton Coinitv. Tennpsspp. at tim April term, vm, to satisfy a judgment in favor of airs. a. i urowu and against tlie said George Gaddy for tlie sum orSSi-w and al cost. J. HIS April 23, 1001. 22-18 E. E. FRY, Sheriff. The Sunday edition of tlie St. Louis Republic Is a marvel of modern newspaper enterprise. The organization of its news service is world wide, complete in every department; in fact, su perior to that of any other newspaper. The magazine section Is Illustrated In daintily tinted colors and; splendid, halftone pictures. This section contains more high class literary matter than any of the moathly magazines. The fashions illustrated la natural colors are especi ally valuable to the ladies. The colored comic section is a genuine laugh maker. The funny cartoons. ai!e by the best ar tists. Tlie humorous stories, are high class, by authors of national reputation. Sheet music, a high class popular song, is fur nished free every Sunday in The Republic. The price of The Sunday Republic by mall one year Is. 32.00. For sale by all news dealers. WANTED To sell or tent Columbia Grapho plione. A fine fifty dollar outfit including 27 records of l!p-To-I)ate selections. Address ARTHUR FRINGE, Chaseville, Tenn. MAGISTRATE'S "WARRANTS, Executions, and State Warrants for sale at The Chhon iclb oftlce. Other blanks printed to order. Paris Machine Pops, PARIS, TENN. Lathe, engine, and boiler work a specialty. We make smoke stacks. All work guaranteed . We keep all kinds of supplies, and sell all kinds of machinery. Telephone 12G. Rheumatism, is conceded to have its origin, ia a. poisoned condition of the blood., and to be most sue s cessfully treated by Herbine which vacts tipon the liver, kidneys and other blood purifying organs, there by divesting the system of the of fending agents. Price 50 cents. Sold by all druggists CHANCERY SALE OF LAND. (No. 879.) In obedience to a decree of the chancery court at lamuen, leiuiessee, March term, 1901, in the case of W. G. Robinson et als. vs. W. II. Hyatt, administrator, et als., I will on Monday, the 6th day of May, 1901, at the east door of the court-house i 11 the town nf Camden offer for sale to the highest bidder two tractioi land, S. It. Harris, deceased, died, seized and possessed of. the court having n nrmint ail commissioners, to lay off dowry and homestead lor j, a. Harris, sue beinir the w dnw nf s ti Harris, deceased. That part assigned by com missioners win De sold subject to homestead and dowry; that part of the said tract tint. as homestead and dowry will be sold In bar of the equity oi noniestead and dowrv. A cnmniptoH,.. scrlption will be given on day of sale. TERMS OF SALE. oaiu tracts 01 land w 11 be sold on n. pruiii nt c and 12 months, In bar of the equity of redemp tion. except 20 ner cent. cash, ami interact tug notes taken for the two deferred payments approved personal security thereon and s lien will be retained on said land as further s curlty. The purchaser can pay cash and save uiieiest. This April the 8th, 1901. A. G. McDANIEL, Clerk and Master LAND SALE. DRUMMERS' ft" I . N UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. GOOD RIGS CAREFUL DRIVERS PROMPT ATTENTION FRANK PLANT Manager "CAM DEN, TENN. Of Turstiant to a decree of the county court of Ren v" county, leiuiessee, will on the 3rd day , June, next, at the east door of the said county offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder five tracts of land lying priucipal . ly on Eaule Creek and Tenn i first and thirteenth districts of Benton County, : i-uiiKuiiiiiK in me aggregate something like 1. acres, being the lands owned by E. T. Woods the time of his death, to n creditors of the said E. T. Woods and for parti tion among h.!s heirs unon terms f,tiinwa. r Ten perceut. cash the remainder in two equal luLuiuieiusi auu payaoie at nine and eight months, and free from t,ii rwht aad encumbrance except that the 144 acre tract s"! ieeK is encumbered with the dow ngiiioi Amanita Jiutton. Said lands will be offered first in five tracts aescrioeu in tins cause and then as a whole, we uiu or uius accepted which brines the price to the estate. The imi pha will be required to execute notes with personal aecui ny xor me aeierred payments and a lien ue reiameii on uie land to secure the same. The lands will be fully described by meets uuuims on aay oi sale. This the 15th day of April, 1901. Jo R. Hawkins, . B. ORKER. Clerk. Solicitor for complainant. a; 13 II. v. mm; A! I,. I . A. I'OTTH. ,000 at tthe er as and best isers 1 will i and STIGALL & POTTS, IN Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, FURNISHING GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Quccnsware, Tinware, etc., etc. WE BUY AND SELL COUNTRY PRODUCE. Vou are Inv ited you to call and inspect our new Roods and Ret our prices before buying elsewhere. Hardware. riown, Corn IrlllM Oliver, Yulcnn and II. F. Avery Kepnlm, and anything you need In ulielf good. Sole Leather, Hitmen, Galvanized Wire and Hulls, tuning Tackle. Jewelrij. Gold Watches Com Ilete, Gold Cane, all kind of ritm and IJut toim, Solid Gold Collar Mutton, Gold Fountain l'enk, Clock, etc. AUa all kind Kepuiilng. All work Guaranteed. Holions. Our Notion Depart nient li a good a the tow 11 affords- Hoilery. Handkerchief, Neck ware, Collar and Cuff, fain-all price -Trim, mlng, liuttuu, and all the little Notion. t Sboes and Hats. "Te are selling a line of Shoes that will do you good to see. Some bargains-S2 and $3 Shoes for i?l and 1.25. Slippers and Up-to-date Shoes for men, ladies and children at bargains. Men's Hats, in the latest styles, at prices that are sure to open your eyes. Drj Goods. The best thing; In Camden Is our. piece good!). A nice Scotch Lawn at 3 1-a cents per yard. Dregs Ging ham, 6 cent per yard. Kverythlug that goes to make a pretty Waiat or Lre-we have It. Spectacles. will fit Glae to your eye tUt V.U1 make you feel young and will be 11 pleasure to wear. ' W turuiiU any kind f Frame you desire. Our at oik 1 complete. DOH'T Til? TO BO WITHOUT 11 PAPER ESPECIALLY YOUR COUNTY PAPER - The n A19EI CHROUICLE. The Chronicle is devoted to printing all the county news of inter est that can be gotten together. It is all-home print. It has more colum,BS,devoted to reading matter than it has to advertising. It may not pt&ase you in all things no other newspaper does. It offers no premiums, not even wtwo pape'ss at the price of one," but its publish ers use every effort to give you a reliable county paper well worth the price asked for it. Are you a subscriber? If not, you should delay no longer, but subscribe at once. SUBSCRIPTION. Onfl Year Ji nn 1 1 . papie m Advance: Six Months Three Months.... .50 .25 4 ! t ! ! Address THE CHRONICLE. i TRAVIS BROS., Publishers. 1 CAMDEN, TENN " SALE OF LAND, F. G. Hudson vs. J. H, Combs. By virtue ol a venditioni exponas lu my bands, issued by L. R. AVatsou, clerk of the circuit court of IVenton Coainty, Tennessee, I will on Monday,, the 3rd Day of June, 1901, expose to public sale to Uie highest bidder, for cash, at the court-house door in the town of Cam den, Tennessee, the undivided interest of J. II. Combs in the following tract of land lying and being in the liftli civil district of Benton County and State of Tennessee and bounded as follows: On the north by the lands of Frazier, south by Hudson.'east by Evans and west by Sparks, the said land being in the name of O. G. Combs heirs and contains 3-'0 acres. The same was condemn ed as the undivided inteitst of J. II. Combs and oidered to be sold by the circuit court of Benton County, Tennessee, at the April term, 1901, to satisfy a judgment in favor of F. G Hudson and against J. II. Combs for the sum of $43 and cost. This April 23, 1301. 2vM5 E. E. FKY, Sheriff. TIME TABLE. Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway. Trains arrive at Camden dally on the Naihvllle, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway as follows: ' EAST BOUND. No. 1-express 6.38 am No. 3-mail M7pm No. 53-express 2.55 ara No. 15-accommodation (mixed) 1 1.43 am WEST BOUND. No. 2-express. 10.04 pm No. 4-mail 9.53 am No. 52-express 2.55 am No. 14-ftccommodation (mixed) iao pm Daily, except Sunday. OCR job printing facilities are first-class, and our specialty 13 pood work. Est! mates (and samples where tmssible) will be furnished on au iicatiou. Address The Chronicle, Camd ( ! t A r' 'f t4f ' e