in '1 n Ail vol. xxii. no. :. ca.mddx. ti:.nm:ssi:i:. MAY -J I. inol. Rw 1 R (UJU i i ia id any a muum m n o r If a li, IN CAHHOI.L COUNTY. J). DODD, PROPRICTOR. Our Trade CoiilinucH heavy, and the f-nyinn that we "Poll more- JroccriiM than any other firm in the city" lri jlHtiiU' 1 1 farts. This is nut Kurjirinin, ns we have stated Ik fore. We continue to buy in luri r quantities t han any other house in town tlin, and (atrhin discounts, f;t enable? us to Hell to yon clier.per. We extend I'm invitation to eomc around and try us one time; then you'll keep coining. Listen ! You reineinber we bought a lar-n ciinwi-inncnt of pure Leaf Lard several weeks ao, when prices were down, villi the result that we can hell yon this lard at jnt what it is now worth in the whole tale market ? Well, we have a Hnall quantity left Ahirh we are selling at the same' price 10 cents per pound. It is the best lard on the maiket. We are still selling Flour hem -i-'S-M to if 1 10 per barrel. Our Warehouse On the north side of the square is fill ed with Hay the only first-clans No. 1 Timothy in the city Bran. Corn, Oats, and I he celebrated PURINA FEED. We hive leed stalls to -el 1 , and can quote you prices that will make it to your interest to call on us when you need anything in this line. Coffee. Do yon like a cup of jjjo )d Coffee? We hav-s it, and can supply your wants for roasted or "recti coffees. Our new roasted coffees, "Mocha and Java," "0. J. Blend," "Winner" and "Premium" can't be beat. Other brands in stock. We sell 11 pounds green coffee for if 1. FREE DELIVERY PHONE 2G-2. Once Our Customer Our Customer Ciga rs We buy tl.cni by the thousands, and that is the way we are sellirjj; them. We have the largest nnd best line of cigars in town, and our eir.r depart ment is equipped with p. new electric lighter for the use and cenvenit nee of our many customers. We also handle the popular brands of Tobacco and Snuff. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. PROMPT ATTENTION. Fruits. Large b nnchos of Bananas nice ?.n I J ripe. Oranges the good and sweet kind. Lemon?, too. Choice fruits of ail kinds the mar kets afford. We have a full line of canned fruits fresh and always ready to serve. Krportnl DUi o cry i.f Oil mi tho J ui iii of Mr, l'i kt-tt. A Huntingdon special of Inst Saturday to tho Nashville Banner bays: Considerable excitement prevail.- in the neighborhood of the farm of Y. 11. ricketl, two miles south of town, on the Purdy road, and also in this city, over the reported dis covery of oil on the farm of Mr. Pickett. Tuesday a man drove up to Mr. Pickett's housu and asked permission to inspect his land. The man was ft stranger and insist ed upon going alone. Permission was given and tin) stranger went directly to a meadow, where Mr. Pickett had some time ago dug a well and had to abandon it on ac count of its peculiar odor and the oiTcnsivenees of the water. The stranger was absent about an hour and upon his return told Mr. Pick ett that ho was an agent of the Standard Oil Company, lie would give no further information and drove away. The discovery of oil near Jackson gives col u' to the re ported find in this county and an investigation will be made at once. A peculiar fact in connection with this is that a direct line from the oil fields in Ohio to the newly dis covered oil wells at Beaumont, Tesas, passes through Carroll County in this vicinity, which would indicate that this line is the course of an immense vein of oil. their atlonii'v-i cntno before tho committees r:i railroad nuorneyH, and not, as k.bbv b,t?i. If any rail road in the Slate spent ft dollar to inlltienco legislation, or employed any other than their regular attor ney h, no evidence of the fact waft developed by either of the investi gating commit Ices. Fortunately for the State preju dice against railroads is rapidly dy ing out since the roads have slop ped the employment of prof of .eemil lobbyists and rely entirely -opo'z tho intelligence and fairness of the people and their representatives. The people are not afraid of the man who comes openly before a commitleo and pleads a cause upon its merits, but they have a right to fear tho lobbyist who interviews representatives privately and alone. Pulaski Citizen. A SXAKB KTOKX. Molasses and Syrup. We have the Country Sorghum, Caramel Drips, and Maple Syrup in quart bottles. Our specialty in this department is the genuine New Orleans Molasses the best you ever tasted. Make a sample purchase and you will be pleased. I am in the grocery business and do not intend to be undersold by any one. Y A Sugar., We still have some of the Granulated Snar the best on the market. Have you tried it? billet Seed. We have received a new consignment of Big Bot tom German Millet, which we are still selling at $1.2-) per bushel. 1'AYING OCK IiKIJT. Its Your Opportunity to Buy at Bottom Prices. OME AROUND AND SEE US, AND LET US PROVE TO YOU. THAT HAVE SAID AliE FACTS AND TO YOUR INTEREST. WHAT WE Messrs. James II. Whitfield and Georgo W. Toliver aro behind our counters, and will extend to you every eourtesjT. ' T. J. DODD, Nashville r.anncr State Treasurer Folk has receiv ed all of the New York exchange for which he made requisition cr. banks over the Slate and with which he will pay for the J?1G3,G00 of State bonds purchased a few days since. 'These bonds arrived to-day. This purchase makes the aggregate of bands bought by the Slate in tho last sixteen mouths !?317,-00. All the purchases were made with the sinking fund except 150,000, which was taken from the general fund under the amended law, the operation under this amendment of taking and selling surplus from the general fund at any time in this last purchase saves the State interest on the bonds pur chased for eight months, as under the old law. The surplus in the general fund passed into the sink ing fund only at tho close of a year, and the purchase would not have been made until next January. Kast Side of the Public Square, CAMDEN, TENN, LEADS THEM ALL! T? fiiB Hew Rcijal Sewing MacliiFiC $18 to $20. SOLD BT T. H. BATEHAN, West Side, Camden, Term. DEALER IN MONUMENTS, TOMBS, Of the Best Quality American and Italian Marble aud Granite. :iai?'--L- 'm A pfl TABLETS p You BteFested? Assured that all our readers should take at lens one iaii'i' from a metropolis or a great mnil.e center, we have arranged to furnish The Chronicle Jaekson Wlii;;. Capt. P. 13. Wilkinson, of tho Illinois Central Kail road, tells tho following snake story, aud most people, knowing tho natural mod esty of tho captain, will except it without the proverbial graiu of salt, lie said: "A friend of mine found a "large rattle-snake one day with a heavy rock lying upon its tail. lie did not kill the reptile, but released it, and was surprised to see the snake follow him. It went home with him, ate from his hand, and at night, in gratitude, would coil upon his feet and act as guard. On one occasion late at night he heard an unusual noise in his room, and upon striking a light found that -the snake had coiled around the leg of a burglar, and had its tail out at the window rattling for the police." We -will state for the benefit of those not go well acquainted with the captain, that he is not in the habit of "seeing snake?,," and his veracity is unquestioned. Ask .him about the story, he relates it on all occasions with more than pleasure. SONS OF VETERANS. RAILROADS AND POLITICS. AND V6 kpSilljj flLlUnUttil FOR SI.35. 1 , A FURNITURE, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Wall Paper, Curtains and Fixtures, PICTURES AND FRAMES, Household Goods, ETC., i:tc. If your subscription is sent in at onee you will he entitled to a ness in the Ainenran's great contest, awarding prizes amounting to $7iH) to tlie subscribers who correctly, or nioro m aiiy, finess the total number of ticket admissions into the Uuilalo exposition on rrcsitlent's day. about June !!0, l'JOl. The American isa liisli-ela!s, ekan newspaper, with news columns aiul departments of interest toevery one in any walk of life. Send for sample copy to the Weekly American, Nashville, Teun. Under this dubbins offer you THK CAM DEN CIIUONICLE one year, a guess in tlie prize contest, and tlie Weekly American 50 cents for Thl may mean IS.IOO to you. This is fur cah subscriptions only. All sub scriptions must be sent throu'li THE t'llUONI CLE oflice. MAGISTRATE'S WATMtANTS. Executions, and Slat Warrants for sale at Til k. ( iiuu.n-ici-.K oJiiee. other blanks pnuleU to order. Many newspapers profess sur prise at the prejudice sometimes shown in Tennessee against the railroads and kindred corporations, but when it was shown in a recent bribery investigation in Nashville that' the railroads used lobbyists and were expected to pay notes for members of the legislature so as to get a string on them, there is small wonder to the average man that there is not stronger feeling against such corporations who use corrupt means to effect legislation. Let the railroads keep out of politics and all feelings will die. Paris Press. If the Press had wanted to be perfectly fair it should have stated that a professional lobbyist who was not employed by the railroads went to them and asked for money :,to get a string" on Senator Eldridge, and the representative of the road declined to put up the money or have anything to do with the mat ter. "When bills were proposed atfecting the interests of railroads, Paris Parisian. Quite a deal of interest is being aroused in the prospective contest for cominander-in chief of the Sons of Veterans, when they meet at tho big reunion at Memphis. Last year after tu spirited contest Biscoo llindman of Louisville was elected to this place. There is a man in St. Louis who is making a very active .canvass, and Mr. Edwin P. Cox, of Itich mond, Ya., the first adjutant gen eral of the confederation, is also known to be a candidate. But it is Bishop Gailor who is to receive the loyal support of Tennesseeans. Paris- people know this notable preacher and will ho glad cf his election. FOUND. Oue buuty rooster, on the Cam den and Sugar Tree road, 1 niila from Sugar Tree. Said rooster is (probably) about 17 years, 3 months and 2 days old, and would be classed as a dominecker. The fowl i3 supposed to be the rooster won by Professor Brown during a prize contest given by the band at this place. Said bird will will be turned oyer to owner if he will put in his ap pearance here within the next tea days. AV. C. Wesson. 11. M. Fisiiek. P. JX. Ol-LE. Rumor hath it that an accomo dation train will soon be running from Camden to Nashville. AVe hope the Madame is right War erly Sentinel.