111 17 MO N I (UjU J LiLlLU VOI XXVII. NO. 0. i j a m l i :x. t i :nx i :ss i : i ji:ci:mi!i;r iir,. wu. 7 , f I.OCAIi AND IMlKSONAIi MIXTION. '('In isli.niH, iiuhI.c! Milnti tile 1 1 : 1 1 ' 1 ' " IH( ru Whereon Hie S.tV lor of manlum! v;n Imni ; Ciiu Ik mloir Ilie nivilv i y .f Imn Wlileh ImM of iii'fH elinteil li ii nlo c ; Willi them 1 1 if .1'iyfiil l.'iiii.s llr-t hemm Of ;nl int'iii liiite HiMi Uii: liiu's Nhi." Vona Clement lias return- vit-.it on Lick Cieek. jOckT of Hollow Hock l buMiiem Saturday. F. .Maiden has been ill 1 days, but is convahs- t J 4 J "MJ .lbt of Ul'H ii IVUll III vi w i i ,..-- ho week from a trip to J Den mar to Dickson to spend Christmas with friends. Mrs. Dora McMackin has been quite sick since, Sunday, but she is some better. B. F. Davidson of "Way was in town Tuesday and paid this office i . j. . .. 1 1 pleasant can. Pet Fry of Nashville spent bat- urday and b'unday hero with rela tives and friends. Miss Alum Greer has dismissed "V school for a vacation during the Qhnstinas holidays. Jack Anderson of Huntingdon visited relatives nnd friends here the first of the week. S. H. Hall visited his daughter, Mrs. T. A. Ellington, at Knoxville last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Anna Lowry and children cl Hollow Rock are here to spend xi Christmas with relatives. ) Master Willie Clement of Dick ie on is spending Christmas here . with relatives and friends. Mrs. Will S. Corbett and child have returned from a visit to rela tives and friends at Ralston. j! Luther Ilollingsworth, who is !; intending school at Huntingdon, V ia at home to spend Christmas, l! Dauiel Clement returned home i j fro m Dickson the first of the week 1! to remain through the holidays. 'LV Miss Lucas Wyly, who is attend- g school at Huntingdon, return fl home Tuesday to spend Christ- , Master Tom McJJamel, wno is attending school at Murtreesooro, is taking Christmas with home. (Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Rushing ot Gainesville, Tex., are spending Christmas with, friends and rela tives near Wyly. Miss Helen O'Reillywho is at tending school at Nashville, came down yesterday to spend Christmas vrith her father, P. J. O'Reilly. 1 The Cheonicle will not loe pub- hed next week, but our job print . $t department will be run as usua and all orders will be given prompt attention. Isaac Lawrence, who has been V ccanected with the 6treet car ser 'sH rice at Memphis for sometime, is V'-,. t ni !.i 1. 111. ""UClinir iirisimaa ween wim tief oiks. 3 ' W . .- I The Cnr.ONiCLE wants' an- active i rrespondent in every locality in fienton County. WTrite to us for " "ircular letter of instructions, etc A7o want the news of the county. A boy by tne name oi umpsteu, cu-zr' wuo.resiues in me louiuu ui&niei, "was bitten by a mad dog one day l last week. His leg was so badly '''' lacerated he was taken to Union J City for surgical treatment. Cows and other domestic animals in that locality have gone mad and others are thought to be affected wit1 the rabies. w . i . . ii. t ii. .i:i...:i Clarence Pateman, who is at- ling school at llolladay, will take ChrUtmiti with homefolks. Mins CKmentine Ivio left last Monday to spend Christmas with homefolks and friends at Glass in Obion County. She dismissed school Saturday for a holiday of two weeks. TheCarrollCouutyltepublicans 1 heldadelegatedconventiouSatur- dayatlluutin-don and nominated i t Ar,m fnrtmdi.P ( W l..r M ' ' ish for circuit court chirk and Joe ' leWillianis for Klu.rifr' Owing to rain, Elder Clark did not hold quarterly conference at Postoak Saturday. He preached here on Sunday evening, and the business of the conference was dis posed of Monday afternoon. vT. J". Dodd and J. II. Whitfield arrived here the first of the week e uii . l ci ' i i irom itiiiiprfti rmrnifR. An.. i ' win remain someiime wnn irienus Til... i . . I.'.. . '11 P 1 1 auu relatives, lurs. y nuueiu anci ..1- .l l- ir... UTI M.1l .. i Mrs. uoaa nave ueen nere several weeh.s. Rev. Mr. Beasley, who has been preaching at the court house sev- eral days, brought his meeting to 0 a close with the services Tuesday evening. The meetings have been very well attended and good inter est manifested. ni riu wt rk n l WUu M.v.uuna uam issued marriage licenses toi.u. ""lu .uv.iuU - x-ruHit anu manna ,vaxson,Dam xiicKs auu jjeia ureer, ueorge TTi-i- x-i- n r wampmi auu xurs. iuice xuaruu, Ti Ti ii "I ' r -tm . i I i1 . i otts and Jiary wneatiey, mi-.L t i i tii l uni, uowry anu xuary a. i nner, o. x. i'rince ana lxeine iiatiey, T 1 TT -T1I 11 1 O 1XT il o. u. Liaioream anu oara w eatn- erlv! W. S. Cox and Docia Hatlev. " ' J ' Alonzo Dickson and Frances Hoi- land. Colored-Joseph Wvlv and Lena Pate. ' : Wisconsin women were publicly warned that if they straddled their ,w iC"ulu veu A new telephone line is to be run Miss Susan Penick of Middle mounts they would not be given Jiere by telephone from each dis- from the home of J. T. Townsend brook visited here Saturday and prizes at , the Milwaukee horse show. Yet we hear occasional re- marks about the "emancipation of women in this progressive age." . The following has been going the rounds of the press: The country editor is a reliable encyclopedia. A subscriber sent him this query recently: "What ails my hens? Every morning I find one or more of my hena keel- ed over to rise no more." The re ply was:. "The fowls are dead. It is an old complaint, and nothing can be done except to bury them." Your Mississippi editor is a modest creature,, as will be seen irom this: "Wa h hAnmW rn in onrh.. Lmi, ' - q O I - sanctum a plain black baud of gen- erous dimensions, which appears to be somewhat too small for a belt andsomewhat too large for a sleeve lirlln? HPli x Of ft woo fj-n vi A rr wivi. .IMiuuuUUu i, r,i,4. ,1 : i iud oucot. auu in etietj ma uvviioi , . same will be turned over without 1 I I J the customary fee for advertising, It is not a dog collar.' Don't fail to read the advertise- ment3 in TnE Cheoniclb this week. The Cnr.ONiCLE and the weekly Memphis Commercial Appeal, ?1. FRY AND McCORD NOMINATED. I.alil- '.?l!lnlrw Kinm tlm f'oiitriit on the I r tif III I l. tlni. The priruary election Saturday to nomi nut e Democratic candidates for trustee and sheriff way held un der the most unfavorable circum stances fiom a weather standpoint, i i The rain continuously fell in torrents from early morning un- filiate at night, and the votingwas ,l"!it ft ovt r ,he county. In nmnv ditricta only a few who resided near the polling places had n(rve to take the rain. The tenth and eleventh districts t.how the lar-t-st per ceut of vote polled, 1' A T 1 1 ...ill 1 t vMinurew irom 111.., i i. l ii. l lut lul lIUhu:e ,u Ft i g ai i.ggvi i io l' iioay aneiuoon, 111... .1 1.. f ll. . i mi .' ' oeioro win primary, ims narrowed the contest down to two candidates, E. li Fry and A. R. 13 rook s. iho following is the unofficial vote for trustee: T.;.U 7?.., W T) l,a 10. Total, 4(3. Second district Fry 53, Brooks 7. Total, CO. Third district Fry 17, Brooks n rn.i.i n V. lOiai, ZO Fourth Frv 5 Brooks 0 " ' i.-rn, i;Pn 1HQ 1'!- To- i jl lit ii a. x y iuuii7iuuai3 s;vfi,Te..TT oo irtvD i To- tal, 23. Seventhdistrict Frv'21.Brooka Eighth district Fry 14, Brooks 51. TotaLCS. Ninth district Fry 13, Brooks 1. Total, 11. lenth district Irv bo. Brooks . . - Tota . C7. Eleyenth district-Fry 20, and urooks 2. Total, 22. Twelfth dish-ief Frv IS. nd Brooks 1. Total, 14. Thirteenth district Frv 10 and T3r0oks 0 Fourteentli district-Fry 5, and mj - oos q I Tr;ffQQi, ,i:er;,u-p,. if. 7 . , ' X10UKB XV. XUIHI, iO. a:n. j:J tp n L.ATo. IToT rvTSl ' c,,. ,oo. T i "r v ' -f or ks. ld). ry s majority, Od. 1 V " "u" . , L.. . im- . U1U imu "U"VP . tor, af J o tne party, i uuu lub umuiai leiurus wm snow r that his vote is about the same as luo loiai vote lor irusiee. STOCK JUDGING AND DAIRYING. , . . and dairying will be given in the School of Agriculture at Knox ville from Febrnary 1 to 13. This course will be free to all farmers of the State except for a registra tion fee of 82. Railroad fare and the cost of living in Knoxville for two weeks or more will not amount to very much. T1Q 1CU1U OUUUll tllO UCOII 111 C011UUO Ul feeding or handling beef and dairy cattle will thus have an opportun Uy to acquire much valuable and Useful information at a compara- I 1 1 - 11 i 1 l a 1 nveiy BLUU11 COBS BDU in a BUOri . KnaCG OI lime. L Tr -ii u i 1 1 n I O value of the score card and so im. prove his knowledge of animal form and quality and the produc ing capacity of the dairy cow as estimated by conformation. He will also have a chance to work ia the experimental barns and stables and assist in the feed Jing of beef and dairy catt.lehogs, etc. He will thus obtain a work ing knowledge of the needs of the different classen of f h rm fctock, the relat ivo value of the different food fitu ifn commonly produced in the State nnd the methods of combin ing IheHo in order to insure the most rapid gains with the least outlay of animal ener'rv and for a " minimum consumption of food There are hundreds of voung men who aro interested in the feeding ot beet and dairy cattle that are not making a hucccss of it today because they' are not ac- quainted with tho fundamental principles underlying their busi ness. Here is an opportunity to . .1 t ' 1 ' f . . get uxe oesired miormation at a li n ' i -nr.il. i "luingcosi. n m tne young men, m l i mi .1 or tor that matter the old men .1 f -l.i .i itie larmers ana siockmen 01 tne State, avail themselves of the t chance the School of Agriculture opens un to them through the me- j i dium of this course, JUMPED HIS IlOAltl). Will iam Williams, nn Alabama coon, "jumped" his board bill at Hnll ow T?nrlc Mondnv. nnd Slieri ff ft. D. McCon was advised by tel- ephone to look out for the negro. And he did. When the train from St. Louis rolled into the station here that evening the sheriff was on hand, He soon "spotted his man," and it is hardly necessary to add that he got the coin. FROM CEDAR GROVE. Kpriil:i,r (rnrrpsnnnilennp.l John Elmoro visited t Valo last i weeK. tt ttti ' i r, lasT week E. H. Cole will snend Christmas ; TlHtim'n George Presson is very sick with n,. w p rn;n p nQm,in,i X T I JL tk,A. ill VI VUUiUVU was here last Sundav. S. S. Aden of Hollow Rock was I . - re last week buying fur. I -trr T T tt T i ll W. L. Kyan of Unst-ow spent Upertai correspondence. Sanday here with relatives. J' W- IIastinS8 of BiS Sandy was here last week lookinS after timber to Buena Vista. Thomas Broughton and family moved today to 2 miles northeast of Hollow Ilock r:. i ,ifn I I lwinoe tn n. Iienw flOwntAll nr lin al, (ay Saturday) the vote in this district was small. Miss Pearle McCutchon has nlnaol . lior oplinnl nf fTiA StirroU house for the holidays. I. S. Smith of Kentucky, who was here last week, has bought the farm of Rev. E. R. Conder, 1 mile north of Garfield, and will move to tives. it at once. Miss Pauline Brooks, who has Rev. E. B. Crump will preach at been teaching near Yuma, ha3 re Mount Zion the first Sunday in turned home to spend the Christ January and will hold quarterly mas holidays. ' meeting the second Sunday in Jan- P. L. Utley was run over by an Mr. Crump is the new pas I . , tor of the Camden circuit. Cedar Grove, December 22." FROM LIBERTY. lCPRUiar COrresiionilence.J I tt n t tt.. t. al. xvollio oil jlivuiu viaucu ii - n -r i , 1 ' Fridav and Saturday. He return ed home Sunday, accompanied by Miss Ppnrl T)nTM1srm a rlinrmino' bdle of this community, who will visit at llolladay during unrist mas and the holidays. A certain young man will b disconsolate until her return. LitEiiiv, December 22. CHARCLD WITH MUh'DLft. .J I ill II ll il I II li f II li ill fih rM I on ii I jr Klllr.l Mmi .VhiiiimI I'liirll. Jim Hardin, who is wanted in HumphreyH County, win re he is charged with murder, was captur ed by (.fllceiH in this county la&t Friday night and .taken to jail at Waverly. Last September Hardin killed a man named Pruetf. in Humphreys County, where they both lived. Hardin was tried la-fore a magis trate and discharged. He claimed the killing was accidental. About two weeks before his ar rest Hardin came to this county and was engaged with John Allen, who lives several miles southwest of Camden, and was getting cross- ties. Circuit court was in session at Waverly last week, and the grand hnrv found a true bill against ITar. i - - - , r- ' - din charging him with murder. Sheriff G. W. Fentress and over to Camden Fridav evening and they secured the services of Sheriff R. D. MeCord. who ioined them in the search for Hardin. They found the prisoner at Allen's, and had no trouble in making the arrest. The ofikers were delayed awhile after leaving town by tho hack breaking down, but the delay vras fortunate in one respect, for it saved them a long trip to the south end of the county. It was swift work, from start w 1. 1411.4 J U1JI JkM Tf IA verly found the indictment against Hardin Friday afternoon. The hnnpra wpi-a iinmL'ntftlr nln.T r-t rvvv in t1,A hnnrla of Rl.fF TVr,fvOCa By the aid of Sheriff McCord, who obtained a clue of the whereabouts 1 0 TT ! m, m t m. or iiarcnn alter tne omcers lett town' the Prisoner was arrested at f numptireys uounty omcers Jett w 1 " wua uieir V tor v averiy. I i 1 li . 0 ITT 1 FROM HUSTLETOWN. Eugene McDaniel closed his school at MorrisChapel Saturday. Geore Cwell taa closed his singing school at Morris Chapel. Sunday. The young folks enjoyed a sins- ing Sunday evening at the home of j Jordan nr- t rr i e nr I Mica iiTviA 1 lfinrntor nf W ow will make her home with the famU ly of H. A. Watford. Rev. G. B. Greer filled Rev. D. fl Tnlincnn'a onnnlnfmniit a TVTr- ns Chapel Sunday afternoon. Miss Lula Caneer of Senath, Mo., came home yesterday to spend I Christmas with friends and rela- ox wagon Tuesday and received slight injuries. He was haulipg wood, and fell down and the wagon ran over him. Hustletown, December 22. Wliein -cmi rronf a rvnnrl etinvo vnen you want a good snae, , i , . n -n n hair-cut or shampoo, call on R. G. I HniloAn rti tha timilli owlonf ATirt souare. 1 Q ASTO R 1 A . xcr Infants end Children. Tb KirJ Ycu Kan tkzn E::U the v I ;: c:c:. r