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DEN CHI Li VOL. NO. 7 CAMDEN, TENNESSEE, AUGUST J 3. 1915 IE GAM ION Xorner Stones of the Coimrt Homse aed School at Gamden will be Laid -August 14 Building BOOST A LITTLE BIT, NEIGHBOR. -4l Anyone can aluiowt bo a knocker. Ita easier to tear down than to build; Then why not, neighbor, try to be a booster"? With pessimists the world's already filled. Yon cau't expect that things will always suit you. In melancholy judgment, then, you sit? No. Better far to help along a little; Better far to boost a little bit. It never pays to join the anvil chorus, Or spread unkind reports about your town; Mauy there are to hamper and retard it, Who do their level best to run it down. . What if our town has its little failings? It has its good points, also, hasn't it? Then why not to the wheel adjust your shoulder? Why not get out and boost a little bit? A churlish dog may bay the moon in auguish; The frog must croak, for nature willed it so; The mule was placed on earth to do the kicking As any good zoology will show) The good Lord has provided for the knocking, So if a wider groove you long to fit, Adopt this as a motto, "He a Booster" x And then get out and booBta littlerbit. FOR MIIS. PARNELL. V The John W. Morton Chapter U. D. 0. entertained at the home V of the president, Miss Nannie D. ' Odle, Tuesday evening iu honor of Mrs. A. D. Paruell of Nacodoches, Tex., who formerly served the lccal chapter two years as president. Sue hostess was assisted iu receiv ing by MrB. A. C. Steele. Mrs. W. M. Kincanuou served frappe at the door, and Miss Ilazel McAuley and Miss Helen Odle alternated at the pianoMutiug the evening. The chapter colors, red and white, predominated everywhere, the par lor, music room and dining hall being decorated in red and white J roses aud flags; red and white shaded lamps were deftly arranged in the parlor, the dining hall was lighted with red and white candles and the hair was festooned with Japanese lanterns. Mrs. Paruell, the houoree, being winner "in an historical contest, was presented a boquet of Rich moud roses, the chapter flower, by the president on behalf of the Daughters Refreshments, con sisting of brick cream and cake, ' decorated in colors of red and white, was served by the hostess in the dining hall, assisted by Mrs. ) Steele and Misses Maude Odle and Lottie Mai Phillips. Each Daugh ter was given a red carnation for a souvenir. ' A quartette of young gentlemen who serenaded later in the even ing were invited iu, aud after being served to refreshments, rendered several vocal selections, v . If you sit in a cool draft when you are heated and get a stiff neck or lame back, you will be looking for something that will ease the pain!. Fix your mind on Ballard's Snow Liniment and don't be talked out of it, because it is the best pain relieving liniment you can get any where. Price 22c, 50c cents and SI per bottle. Sold by all druggists. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. The Benton County Farmers' Institute is hereby called to meet in Camden Tuesday, August 17, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of electing delegates to the AVest Tennessee Farmers' lustitute at Jackson, which will be held Sep tember 1-2-3, aud also to elect president and secretary for the en suing two years. J. D. Johnson, assistant Commissioner of Agn crlture,and other notable speakers are on the program next Tuesday. We hope to have every district in the county represented. . A. N. Presso'n, Secretary. I SAW IT IN THE CHRONICLE. At a meeting of the Humphreys County Court at Waverly Monday the contract for the construction of about 200 miles of macadam roads was awarded to the Olliver Hill Construction Company of Knoxville. ' John Jenkins, aged 55, of the Faxon community, died of dropsy and was interred at the Croocked Creek Cemetery Sunday. Hex is survived by a widow and several children. Lem Thompson, clerk in the register division of the Memphis PostofEce, is t home on Cypress for a two-week's, vacation. - If you want to help a bit; If jou want to make a hit; If yon want a blessing on your head diurnal; If yon want to boost the town, Bring its citizens renown, Just mention that you saw it in this.joimial. It will help the advertiser; It will show that you arewiser, More considerate than tlmaverage man you -meet; It is just a little'favor, But it leaves a pleasant flavor If yon mention that you saw it in this sheet. You'll ene6u rage local trade, And the home-town merchant aid, While the editor will cut a merry caper, Aud the mail order concern Smaller dividends will earn, If you mention that you saw it in this paper. While chasing stock out of his crop J, E. Greer.-aged 40, bruised a carbuncle with which he had been suffering for several tjayo. Blood poison rapidly developed aud Mr. Greer died Saturday after two days of intense suffering. The body was buried at Pleasant Ridge buryiug grouud. Sheriff J. C. Parker was called to Nashville on business yesterday. Edward Caiu of Mcillwain was in the city Wednesday. s ts ts t& fiL fr iiT iSrf i;' fc if V V c f,c i i.c . 0 When you yawn a good deal in the day time, feel dull, achey and want to stretch frequently, it is an unmistakable symptom of malaria, and unless you do something at once you are, booked for a spell of chills. Herbiue is a chill medicine that will' prevent or cure the dis ease. It drives out tlie impurities on which the malarial germ thrves, strengthens the liver, and cleanses the bowels, Price 50c. Sold by all druggists. ' -" . ' ' . i t i Mrs. V. A.-flance aua uauguiers, Miss Grace Nance aud Mrs. Sidney Snyder, of Rector Ark., are guests of the family of Joe . oie. 1 CAS H ECO MM Y STORE I have moved to the corner where the postoffice- used to be on the south side of Court Square. Now accept my thanks for the trade yon have given me in the past, and at the same time ask you to kindly continue trad ing with me. To those who have not traded with me, allow to ask for just a little bit of your trade. I need your business, and will give you full value received for every penny invested. Up-to-Date Line of. Goods I have a new and up-to-date stock, including the best grades of flour such as "Gold Medal,-' "Dolly Varden" and "White City.-' Note These Prices Sugar 14 pounds for $1.00 Bacon, extra... .17 Smoked meat ,13 Pure lard .14 Compound 12 Oil .15 Vinegar (tipple) .35 Try our line of new coffees, Have You a Sweet Tooth? You should see ouFbeautiful line of CaudieB the purest, the freshest and the sweetest on the squarelOc, 15c and 20c per pound. ' Buy your Fruits, Peanuts and Popcorn at my store. A Swell Line ofyNotions, Etc. , I have a swell little line of Notions, and I have a few Nice Straw Hats I am offering at 85c. - . Yes, I keep Cheese, Bologna Sausage and "Pop" on ice. A 5c lunch . with a bottle of "Pop" is very refreshing when youare hot.' Try on?. v , Don't forget the place, near the corner ou the south side of Court . Square, where the postoffice used to be. CASH ECONOMY STORE W. D. SPENCER, Proprietor 45. r EVA CITY. ' y y y yt y y y yi y y y y js1 y. y y y y 1 7 7 7 7' 7 7 7 ? 7 7 7 7 7fs 7 7 7 1 7 7 7lfs 7 7j 7 Mrs. William Ingram is visiting iu Nashville. Hon. D. B. Thomas of Nashvillo was here Thursday. Mrs. Lindsey Melton is on the list of sick this week. W. R. Hamer and family spent Sunday in Flatwoods. Mrs. E. C. Farrar of Camden spent Sunday in Eva City. Mrs. Gilbert Ingram of Nask ville has been here on a visit. ' Chills are all the go here, and they are no inspectors of person. Aaron and Foster Melton of Harmon Creek were here Monday. H.L.Pierce has moved to the place recently vacated by George Dudley. , ' Joe Hamer aud Ira Galbreafk were iu Mauleyville on business the first of the week. Tlieo Terry is very Gtck, but his condition has been notably better for the past few days. We are pleased to chronicle the fact that "Uncle" John Holland, who has been ailing, is better. Mrs. D. B. Thomas of Nashville has been visiting the family of H. T. Browning, returning last-week. Millard Melton has 'returned from a two week1 -visit with hie sister, Mrs. Lou Boswell, in Nash ville. . , A. G. Farrar has moved to the Colley Holland place. We are glad to have good men move into our town. Mrs. Gertrude Browning and children of Nashville returned home last week after an. extended visit here with relatives. .A good rain is badly needed in this locality. We have not had season in seven weeks, and crope are showing the effects of it. Ernie Melton of Memphis is vis iting his parents on Harmon Creek. Mr. Mekong's a valued eraployeedE the Memphis Street Railway aui Light Co. Rally day was a great success, although some of the speakers were not present. 'Others were substituted and a nice program rendered. This is the first eveu4 of the kind ever pulled off iu Eva City, and we think everyone wilC vote for a rally next summer. The barbecxiH was simply fine, and or der could not have Wen better. Our citizens are always etad tn I. 1 r- extend a welcome to Ui people ct old Benton and adjoining counties