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COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE CRASSY CREEK NEWS. The boys of Grace met Thursday night and or-u'izcd a baseball team, they electfd G. II. Hyde manager and S. B. Beckler c rctary end treasurer. A gooa many of the girls and boys of Gricu ended the commencement exer cises at Ducktown. Chas. Beckler, Nora Beckler and Carl C iastain, of Grace, visited the Singing C mention at Blue Ridge, Sunday. There is some talk of a phone line being put into Grace this summer, and if they do t ie petple of Ducktown and Copperhill can ta'!; to "Grace" over the phone. I tUnk s' me of the people of this place ought to talk more about Grace and less a out t!;. ir neighbors. . L. II. Presswood and his sister, Mary, wc-re isitors of Wm. Hyde, this week. Sweet Wiltjam. SPRINGTOWN. You will notice I have headed my letter with Sringtown, in place of Servilla. Our postoffice at Servilla has been discontinued and this country is better known as Spring town. The postoffice at this place was called Springtown until after the civil war. The Indians first gave this place the name of Springtown because we have so many good springs in this vicinity. Tom Lee, James Burchfield and Miss Marthon Burchfield were visiting in Engle wood, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. H. Lee who has been sick is im proving. W. N. Morgan made a business trip to Athens Sunday. Mr. Hood Demey, who has been very ill for some time, died Sunday. He was about 85 years old. nrrrn-rrn-wm- ,"""' MMIUiaawminM 3 SUITS FROM $9.00 TO $45.00 . GLOBE CLOTHES Carry out the modern Young Men's idea better than any others because they are designed, cut and made by young men who know how to make the present fashions look on any man. Let me take your measure four next suit. J. E. MARSHALL DUCKTOWN Dee Jenkins and family, were visiting J. M. Cheek and family, Sunday. Ben Carden of Prendergast, was visiting home folks on Towee, Sunday. 'Squire J. N. McBrayer passed through our burg, Sunday. Messrs. Lidge Brockett and Arthur Hid gon, was in our town, Sunday. James H. Burchfield and Jack Thompson went fishing, Saturday night, in Hiawassee river. Mrs. Ellen Morgan spent Sunday with her son, R. L Morgan and family. BENTON. Several young people went on May ramble Sunday evening. All report a good time. Mrs. E. C. Kilpatrick and son, I. T. Kil patrick was visiting in our burg, last Fri day. Lon Wiley had the misfortune of getting his bicycle torn up Sunday. Sunday school at this place is progress ing nicely. G. W. Kilpatick is painting his house. We understand the teachers examination will be held at Benton. May 14 and 15. CAMBRIA. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Hyatt, of Wetmore, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rymer, at Cambria. Earn Davis and wife, spent Saturday night and Sunday, with his sister. Mrs. Ethel Milton, of this place. The prospects for good fruit crops are fine in this section. Chas. Rymer has got the prettiist garden in Cambria. W. C. Pain of this place has purchased Globe Clothes Quality Insurance There is true satisfaction in the possession of a suit of clothes that will permanently retain its shape that's correct in style perfect in fit. .,.11 jf 15 a new piano look out we will have music, now. We are having a nice Sunday school at Wetmore, now. There is school going on at Prendergast. The children all seem pleased with their teachej. Miss Minnie Dixon. Local and Personal Mention. Waltet McMahon, of Etowah, who has beeu here under the treatment of Dr. B. M. Doyle, returned to his home, Wednesday, much improved. Traveling men who make Copperhill say that the Colonial Hotel is one of the best in East Tennessee. They always have a good word for Mine Host Hood, too. J. F. Anderson went to Knoxville, Tues day on business. W. A. Woody went down into the Fir&t dsitrict, Tuesday, to interview the "boys in the trenches." B. K. Donaldson, of Isabella, was in Ducktown, Tuesday night, attending the installation of a D. and A. lodge. While here he paid this office a visit. Come again. M. M. Matlock, of the Copper City Ad vance, was in Ducktown, Tuesday, and made this office a fraternal visit. Rev. W. M. Jones leaves this week for Tellico Plains where he will hold a big re vival meeting. He has the good wishes of a host of friends for its success. Mr. and Mrs Mark Lilliard are rejoicing over the coming of a bright baby boy to bless their home, Wednesday morning. W. A. Codd, of Chattanooga is here for a few weeks, assisting S. W. Gibson in the business, for the firm of H. H. Spitler & Co. Hon. T. 0. Pack, of Benton, spent Wed nesday night and Thursday in this place. Mr. Pack and his family attended the funeral of his hrother's wife, Wednesday. ; Born to Mr. and Mrs. Felix Creasman, a boy, Thursday. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION CAL ENDAR FOR 1914. The publishers of The Youth's Compan ion will, as always at this season, present to every subscriber whose subscription is paid for 1914, a Calendar for the new year. It is a gem of calendar-making. The decorative mounting is rich, but it is sub ordinated to the main purpose to produce a calendar that is useful. Legal Blanks for Sale. We are ready to supply justices and con stables with garnishment blanks in any quantity. claorzDllolcioizzc Some Things You Ought To Know And Some Things You Ought Not Know CZIOEZZllOllCZZIOEZDC3 TAX SALE I will offer for sale and sell for cash in hand to the highest and Vst bidder, the following described re. estate, sit uated in Polk county, Tenn., the sale being for the taxes of 1913, hich are due and unpaid. Sale on first Mon day in June, 191 1, within legal hours. F. I). Copfxand, Trustee. THIRD DIrrjT mime AMoricr or TAXI Mrs J E McCamry. 4K) acres 20 02 rot mil Dis-rHH.T L W Haskina. 160 rir 6 Cu Thomi a. 40 a.rrs 2 jl Mr. Dora W right. 80 a.rrs 2 32 Sf VIMH DISTHICT W M Bradley. 20 acres 1 96 R E Blalock, 600 acres - U 0I J A Fuller. 812 acres 1 f Isaac Farrier heirs. 100 acres 1 85 Mm Elizabeth Kilpatrick, 40 acre. 1 39 93 Livingston heirs, 60 acres .- J P Plumley. 16 arre, 1 96 " 1 TO Jeff Vaughn, 40 acres 1 SIXTH DISTRICT J R Han by, 46 acres 1 49 R B Hammons, 40 acres 93 Mrs Mary Spurting, 40 acres R N Williams, 40 acres 7 EIGHTH DISTRICT 47 Brooks heirs, 4 acres -- Nancy Bell, one lot --- F H Craig, 25 acres - Jacob Carter, 40 acres. ' 2 18 PCronsn, l4 acre - ( W H Henson, 38 acres... James Holbrooks. one lot 4 64 J E Harris, 3 acres ... 2 88 Lee Hyatt one acre W C Holton, one lot - G W Hughes 120 acres - T L Johnson, one lot TA Killenbeck, 5 lots 17 Bill Keeler, 80 acres R R Ledford, 2 aces 1 o.J G W Lowery, one lot J L McAlasler heirs, 80 acres Catharine McAlaster, 40 acres Pillar Morgan, one lot J D Payne, one lot James Parks heirs, 80 acres - 4 tv Henry Parker, 27a acres Henry Thompson, one lot J W V enter, one lot C A Verner, one lot TENTH DISTRICT 4 Elbert Allen, 30 acres - H A Bryant, one lot J A Brown, one lot - Andrew Brown, one lot r. Caroline Bradford, 2 acres William Bell, one lot Copperhill Bank and Trust Co, one lot. W N Cole, one lot 5 W E Delano, 35 acres - James Elrod, one lot - Sam Gibson, one acre - Callie Hawkins, one lot - W B Hyde, 40 acres - - , Burt and OUie Ledford, 3 acres ' Levi Major, 214 acres Mrs J J Sanders, one lot - . Annie Scisson, 3l2 acres - Newt Spivy. one lot Mrs H W Walker, 12 acres.... - J T Westmoreland, 15 acres ' ELEVENTH DISTRICT 2 97 Hampton heirs, 160 acres C A Scott, 160 acres ?. E A Williams, 95 acres This paper is only $1. Subscribe" now Center & McDonald But you should know that we have the most complete line of COFFINS, CASKETS AND UNDERTAKERS SUPPLIES in the Basin. We are at your service, day or night. Call Man 29-2 Day and 29-3 Night Center & McDonald