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COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE GRASSY R E N.-W3 Marriages are not er frequent here, l.i t it seems to be fn ra a lack ot oj p. in timity. Grassy Creek Sunday school will give a big picnic on Saturday, June 20. General speaking, good singing and plenty of fun. Come, everybody. The recent rain helped crops wonder fully. Peaches and grapes promise big crops. Cattle are doing exceptionally wel con sidering the dry weather we have had. I C. M. Hyde and' W. C. Chastain went to II awassee river, Monday, on a fishing ex pedition. Hope they lad good luck. Wil'hm Hyde w.-nt to work in the Mary mine, Monday of last week, underground. There was a big attendance at the grove meeting at the mouth of Silver Mine bianeh, last Sunday week. Rev. J. A. Craig, of Postelle, preached a good sermon and everybody was well pleased. Sweet William. SPRINGTOWN. H. F. Morgan and family were visiting relatives here, recently. Sam Chastain was in Etowah, Saturday. Mr. Reece, of Turtletown, visited his son. Arthur here recently. We had a good rain here, last Thursday, which was needed very badly. Gu ,sie end Robert Woody and Jesse An derson, of Ducktown, are spending a few days with friends and relatives at this place. P. F. Morgan and family of Ducktown, was visiting here recently. Sam Ghaitain made a business trip to Etowah, Thuraday. Mr. Reese of Turtletoun, was visiting his son, Arthur, here recently. We bed a pd ran lee Thursday which was badly needed. Gussie and RoLert Woody and Jesse An derson, of Ducktown, are spending a few. davs with relatives and friends at this place W. M. Lee has returned home after spending several months at work on Ball River. M. H. Chastain and Bill Lee was visiting in Prendergast, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Mike McGhee is very sick with fever. Misses Julia Burchfield, Mary and Delzia Chastain and Homer and Arthur Burchfield attended church at Reliance, Sunday. Mrs. Ida Woody was the guest of Mrs. Dossie Burchfield, Sunday. . Mike Burchfield attended an all-day meet ing at Coker Creek, Sunday. Mrs. Sam Collins returned heme, Satur day, after spending a week with her daugh ter, Mrs. Minnie Bonnine at Etowah. Misses Hallie and Martha Burchfield re turned from Prendergas Sunday, where they had been working in the cotton mill for a short time. Miss Alice Lee is visiting in Etoway. this week. COFPERHILL. Rev. Jones is shelling the camps of the backsliders and Pharasee church members. Go on, Bro. Jones ! Get the church mem bers right and the sinners will follow. Col. Jeff A. Hedden has been having a busy time, this week, in his chosen profes sion. He has not been to his fishing hole for some time, that anybody knows of, and he does not seem uneasy at all about any body bothering it as all other interested 1 tortr V1' m Globe Clothes Quality Insurance There is true satisfaction in the possession-of a suit of clothes that will permanently retain its shape that's correct in style perfect m fit. SUITS FROM $9.00 TO $45.00 GLOBE CLOTHES Carry out the modern Young Men's idea better than any others because lhey are designed, cut and made by loung men who know how to make he present fashions look on any nan. Let me take your, measure our next suit. J. E. MARSHALL DUCKTOWN parties are olhcrw i-e engaged. Cus Fain has been celebrating the Jew ish Passover since Saturday. Col. F.d Adams has been -to Blue Pudge every day this week, on professional busi ness. Christie Greer is contemplating opening a produce house in connection with his butcher shop. Thos. Crumley is in our city to day. Tom is looking just splendid. Williams Dooly is in our burg taking Dr. Doyle,s medicated air treatment. Bill says it touches the spot and is the idea for him. He claims to be much improved. Slag Toter. FOUND DEAD NEAR TRACK. Last Saturday morning, at an early hour, the dead body of Bob Godfrey, well-known in the Basin, was found lying beside the L. & N. track, about two miles from Copper hill. The body was t iken to Copperhill and a coroner's jury empaneled, and the investigation covered a period of several days, "While it was the opinion of some that he had been killed by the cars, many other things tended to show this was impossible, and the theory of foul play is advanced ,.mVi cePtnincrlv POod ETOUnds. 'Squire Bramlett conducted the inquest and every effort is being made to find the real cause leading up to his death. He left a wife and two children to whom much sympathy is due m this dark hour of bereavement. later. I nm an 1 Pete Mundy were arrested for the murder of Godfrey and were bound over to court. OUR CONTEST. There seems to be a mistaken idea in regard to the casting of votes in our Ppize-Voting-Contest! Many are of the opinion that it costs something to vote the coupons that appear in the paper. Once more we wish to say that every person who is now a subscriber can vote the coupon free for whom he or she pleases, Each new subscriber is entitled to cast 1025 votes the first time and 25 votes each week thereafter. LODGE ELECTIONS. Ducktown lodge No. 230 I. 0. 0. F., elected the following officers last Saturday night: A. M. O'Kelly, N. G., R. M. Gib son, V. G., M. L. Anderson, Financial Sec retary, K. J. Ta lor, Recording Secretary, Henry Worley, Treasurer. Watauga 'council No. 63 Jr. O. U. A. M., elected the following officers last Saturday ni-ht: M. L. Anderson, C, Henry Aber naUiy, V. C, R M. Gibson, Financial Sec jetary, W. D. Mason, Recording Secretary, E. F. Cutcher, Treasurer. Local and Personal Mention. Albert Howell is working for Center & Donald. Remember the box supper at the Y. M. C. A., next Monday night. Rev. Hunter, of Copperhill, was over come by the heat, Wednesday, and is quite ill from the effects. The Copperhill Steam Laundry is open for business and we bespeak for it a liberal patronage. It is a needed institution. Dr B H. Chastain, of Vero, Fla. who formerly worked for the Tennessee Cop per Co., is visiting in Polk county for a few weeks. He paid this office a pleasant vts it,Wednesday, and showed us several speci mens of curios he secured while in Florida. He expects to spend the summer in Duck-town. Son-Resident Notice. 0. A. PENCE w 111 In the Uw Court of Duoktown MELISSA PENCE J . ., ...:.:, he bill. hirn , In .hi, c.ue U .ppeT.K president of ,re .worn ,o. ha, the defendant Mel P ' . nf TVnnewee, so that ordinary proces. of law can d oon her U therefore ordered that publication be made .erved upon her. It Republican. Uy for four coeemve week, . Pw j" Tenn., requiring case .et (br hearing exp.rte to her. This June 11, 1914. G. G. Hyatt, Attorney for Plaint.ff. J. W CLANCY Has installed a Filtered Gasoline Supply Tank and is yrepared to supply the public with a good grade for - 1 PER 2C GALLON Filtered gasoline means that you will not always be having trouble with your cylinders, your re pair bills will be lessened and ' your engines will last longer. Orders will be filled at all hours, Family orders will be delivered. LOOK FOR THE RED PUMP DUCKTOWN, - TENNNESSEE Don't Stop to Figure Where to Buy To Buy the Best and Most Up-to-date Line of furniture, HardwareGlass, Paints, Oils, CENTER ,& M'DONALD They Have the Goods Wagons Buggies Harness Saddlery And Hundreds of Other Things Too Numerous to Mention. COME TO US ' We Make the Price WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Famous Estey Organs and Pianos NO BETTER INSTRUMENT MADE