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If You Would Be Well Consult a Specialist! SUFFERED FROM CATARRH. I have been sick nearly all my life and hardly knew what it wa to enjoy a well day. Nobody knows what I suffered, and 1 tried many physicians, of of whom failed to give me any relief. I finally decided try Dr. B. M. Doyle, and on the 16th day of May I took the first treatment. He found I was suffering from a bad case of catarrh of the nose, throat, bowels and stomach, and these have yielded to the treatment he gave and I feel like a new man. ' I cheerfully recommend Dr. Doyle as a capable physician and believe he can cure any chronic case he undertakes. Will Fortnberry. Blairsville, Ga., June 15, 1914. NO OPERATION NEEDED. I was pronounced incurable from gall stones in September, 1911. Without an operation, my physician told me that noth ing on earth would save me. I came to the conclusion that I had to die for that is what all operations mean. I was told about Dr. Doyle and went to see him at Copper hill. He gave me some medicine and now I am a well man, able to work and weigh 180 pounds. Dr. Doyle saved my life. Ansley Pittman. If you have any pains and your family physician can not cure you, come to me. I have made a special study of all chronic diseases. . M. Doyle, M. D. -SPECIALIST- invites THOSE SUFFERING WITH Rheumatism, Gall Stones, Appendicitis, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Female Troubles, Throat and Nasal Catarrh, Eczema and All Other Skin Diseases to consult him without delay. He has relieved and cured many cases after they had been abandoned by other physicians. You can not afford to take chances of a disease becoming chronic when it might yield to a few treatments. I have opened an office in Ducktown and will be pleased to have you visit me in my new quarters. My office hours are: Ducktown, 7:30 a. m. to 1 p. m. Copperhill, 2 to 6 p. m. B. M. DOYLE, M. D. - DUCKTOWN, TENN. COPPERHILL, TENN. CURED OF GALL STONES. Editor The Pols Covhtt Republican. I have been a very great sufferer for a number of years with a stinging, burning, biting, boring agony and torture caused by gall stone colic. I thought I had rheuma tism. Doctors examined me and some pronounced it one thing and some an other. I finally went to Dr. Doyle to get his ad vice. After I told him my symptoms, he told me my trouble was either gall stones or liver gall. This I could hardly believe - for my bowels wers regular every day. I insisted on him giving me his wonderful treatment for rheumatism, but he said he would treat me for gall stones or liver gall or not at all. As I had tried various treat ments and received medicines from several doctors and still had lha same old pains, I decided to place myself in his hands. I can not tell how many gall stones I passed, but they were many, and I now feel like a new man. I would not be back in my old miserable condition for anything on earth. Dr. Doyle is my physician from now on, wherever I am. He has had forty years' experience and knows his prefession. I would advise every sufferer to consult him. I am writing this of my own volition, be cause I feel it my duty to my fellowmen. Major Dunn. Jierceville, Ga., June 29, 1914. GOOD HEALTH THE AIM OF ALL To be strong and healthy is the aim of all, and yet how many we find who are neglecting their health by putting off from day to day the examination that will have to be made at last. Delays are always dangerous, and if you are a sufferer you owe it to your self and family to make an effort to be be restored to health. r X i I y '"""to ! v 7 ! if f i - J ! ! MEDICATED COMPRESSED AIR TREATMENT. No one can appreciate what this treat ment will do and actually does until it has been seen in operation. It is the only treatment for pulmonary diseases, such as nasal catarrh, consumption, ca of the stomach, bronchitis, etc. Come to my office and let me give you a trial treatment and you will soon be convinced of its merits. TO WHOSl IT MAY" CONCERN Mrs. William Burns, of Turtletown, was taken ill on Aprill 11, 1914. She called a physician who treated her untill May 12 with out results. She was afflicted with flooding and was so weak that she could not turn herself in bed without help. Dr. Doyle was called on May 12 and by 9 o'clock the next day he had stopped the flow. Today she is doing all of her own house work and is in perfect health.