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COUNTY U ICAN H THE PO L P VOLUME I. DUCKTOWN, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 29. 1915. No. 49. EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS T THOSE rear admirals in the navies across the sea are mostly in the rear. Most appropri ately named. TT IS a pity that all the old barnacles in the Second district can not get their snouts into the County crib. TWO years is quite a long time, but Repub licans ought to begin talking about whom they will have for postmaster. TT LOOKS like the ouster bill was the means of bringing that Nashville gang to see the necessity of enforcing the law. HE "kindly manner in which England took our protests," is reflected in the manner in which they are kindly seizing our ships. IMITATION is the sincerest flattery, and the way the Democrats are passing Governor Hooper's measures is very gratifying; indeed. THE President is in doubt as to whether he will go to Frisco or not. Yes, they have heard of that Indianapolis speech all along the line. THE lauding of Rye and the excoriation of Hooper was hardly expected from a great independer.t paper that is so straight that it leans. THAT White House baby is entitled to no more consideration than is due the offspring of the humblest citizen in the land. Snobs, it would seem, think otherwise. DEMOCRATIC Attorney-General in Mem phis is to have his salary cut because he enforced the law. Democracy always punishes the unfaithful in the region of the pocketbook. DEMOCRATS were elected in 1912 upon the plea of Republican extravagance. Demo cratic extravagance and incompetency have cost the country enough to pay for Republican ad ministrations for ten years. rATCH ! Much more time will be expended in an effort to prove that 150IES Penrose bought his seat in the Senate than will be in the one "trying to prove that Secretary Bryan was mixed up in that San Domingo graft. STATEMENT that the Mayor, police force and Criminal Court Judge of Nashville now stand ready to enforce the law brings to mind the question : " Why were they not ready to do so during Governor Hooper's administration? THE sudden change in the Democratic attitude toward prohibition should not be taken too literally. The largest part of that party doesn't believe in such "foolishness." It was not what they worked and voted for and they will have to be reckoned with in future. A W I PROFESSOR says he can make butter without the aid of a cow. Perhaps it is a psycho logical butter. THE opinion of Democratic Congressman Whiteacre, of Ohio, as to the intelligence of his party, North and South, is not at all flat tering to the latter. THE more thinking Democrats study the work ings of the Underwood tariff, the more they see what is causing the business depression that is upon us today. rE ARE now informed that it is not a war tax. but iust a deficit tax a deficit due to Democratic blundering and extravagance. And the end is not yet. A DEMOCRAT proposing a tariff commission at this time is a long way from the home of his fathers. However, they all see the light, whether they want to or not. N AN attempt to make another attack upon unforti fied Enelish coast towns, the German fleet struck a snag and limped back into port, sort of dragging its hindparts. THE most striking need of this country is a navy to enforce our neutrality. Of what use would a merchant marine be without a navy that could afford it ample protection? WITH due respect for all the complimentary things said about Governor Rye's inten tions regarding law enforcement, we will reserve our opinion until one day next January. ONE of the shortest and most graphic descrip tions of a battle we have yet read was given thusly by a British soldier: "First you 'ears a 'ell of a noise and then the nurse says 'drink some of this.'" TN THE ship subsidy bill now before Congress, three commissioners, who will each draw $6,000 per year, are provided for. If this ad ministration has done anything but create ex pensive offices for partisans, will somebody name it. IF AN embargo is placed upon wheat, the farm ers will swat Democracy with an awful swat; if one is not so placed, the consumers of flour will attend to the swatting themselves. In the meantime, Democracy will spend the people's money for an alleged merchant marine. BALTIMORE platform: "We believe in fos tering by constitutional regulation of com merce the growth of a merchant marine, etc., but without imposing additional burdens upon the people and without bounties or subsidies from the National treasury." Is not the Presi dent demanding that they do something they pledged themselves not to do? T VISIONS of an extra session stare the Presi dent in the face and he can not see why the "salt has lost its savor." HE price of leaf tobacco in Kentucky is be low the cosi of raising, but the cost to the consumer remains the same. Why . DEMOCRACY'S conversion to the ship subsidy idea was almost as sudden as that of the Regulars of Tennessee to prohibition. THE President advises everybody to start buy ing ; but then everybody hasn't a $75,000-a-year income with which to begin. AS that 15,000 majority in Memphis for Rye given with the understand ing that the lid was to be clamped on tight? HILIARY HOWSE is not a Democrat, but a demagogue. A man who will violate his oath upon one pretext will do so on another. PRESIDENT'S idea in not wanting that baby named Woodrow was probably due to the conviction that it ought to be named after a real president. THE statement that the Underwood tariff has not had a fair show brings to mind the fact that it has "showed" more people than will ac knowledge it. THE same old story ! The present Democratic J- administration in Missouri has expended $257,000 more in -the past two years the its predecessor, which was Republican. TF THE President would expend the same 1 amount of energy in having the price of wheat investigated that was expended in the case of the railroads, it might help some. ITH England straining every nerve to build d. at the same time, de ft icuiivy j 7 - crying Germany's militarism, it would seem a wise policy for your Uncle Sam to make a few moves. T7AILURE to hit a Virginia rabbit leads a para A grapher to say that Secretary Bryan never hit anything but a chautauqua circuit. How about the toboggan, on at least three different occasions? TODAY Senator Sherman will, at Indianapolis, make reply to the speech the President re cently delivered in the same city. It is a fore gone conclusion that the Senator is loaded for bear and that somebody will get a panning. SAYS the Houston Post: "You have got to hand it to Great Britain. It induced Car ranza to raise the embargo on oil in about seven minutes after notifying him that British war ships would visit Tampico. But Bntajn is push ed for time and our government isn't." W1