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(i . .laaT-iB wtW" sk."1 k- jJ"" 5Wff ? i Presents Fourth Number Y. M. C. A. Saturday, February 27 THE BOSTON LYRBCS MIRTH, MUSIC AND SONG Admission, 50 Cents Season Ticket, 75c Work In a Warm Room T7S7HILE you are sewing let the Perfec tion Heater keep off the damp and chill PERF SMOKELE TION HEATERS A Perfection is ready whenever and wherever you want it Smokeless, odorless. Easy to clean and care for. For sale by all dealers or STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF LOUISIANA MEMPHIS CHATTANOOGA NASHVILLE KNOXVILLE Legislature Convenes in January THE NASHVILLE BANNER PRINTS THE BEST AND MOST COMPLETE REPORTS OF THE LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL OFFER Remit ' one dollar for The Daily Banner four months by mail, one extra month free if you will cut out this advertisement and return with your remittance. This offer does not apply in towns where paper is delivered at 10c week. INSURANCE! RESERVE YOUR BUSINESS On January 20, I will be in position to han dle this business through first-class companies. E. C. CRAWFORD. First National Bank 30 0 0 o A COOKING CLASS. Miss Mary Doney has just closed a two weeks' class in cooking at Wetmore. She reports an enthusiastic and willing bunch of workers consisting of forty members, of ladies and girls. They tried out four to seven recipes at each meeting. The members of the cooking class gave a dinner at the finish of the lessons, the pro ceeds were used to purchase a tent lor community meetings. Prof. F. Hines, county agricultural agent, of Benton, ad dressed the crowd. Miss Doney goes to Benton this week to give a series of lectures on gardening and Canning Club work. Miss Doney can give one week's course in cooking in one place provided ten ladies agree to attend the meetings. The only cost will be the in gredients for the demonstration. INDOOR BASEBALL. Clubs Played Won Lost Percentage Reds 6 6 0 1,000 Braves 4 2 2 .500 Giants 4-2 2 .500 Tigers. 4 0 Last Friday night the Tigers and Reds had a little set-to and what the Reds did to 'em was a shame. Just what the matter is with the Tigers, nobody seems to know as it is the strongest team in the bunch, but is playing in mighty hard luck. The score was 15 to 10. The Braves, all puffed up with the idea that the Reds in the person of J. O. Hun nicutt whojhad left town, had afall taken out of them, Tuesday night, by a score of 24 to 18, Just a little too much confidence, boys. NECROLOGICAL. Prof. Robert T. Rutherford for manv years a rural schohl teacher. He taught in Birch tvood and other points. He died at his sister's home, Mrs. Martin, at Cal houn, Bradley county. Friday. Prof. Rutherford was 65 years of age. He leaves a widow two sons and a daughter. Mr. Laurence Gorman died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Houstin II. Waxwell, Thursday. Mr. Gorman was 55 years old and had been ill several weeks. He was connected with the Cleveland Coffin Fac tory for some years as painter and it is thought his death wasdue to lead poison ing. Mr. Gorman was born in Georgia, and lived in Dalton for a number of years. He lesves a two sons and five daughters. Funeral services were held Saturday after noon. . Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hill have moved from Isabella to the Ocoee farm, where they have mighty cozy quarters. ENTERTAINMENT BY CLASS IN EXPRESSION. The pupils of Miss Kyles in Expression will give an entertainment, at the High scnool building Friday, Feb. 19. Every invited. The following ro rrarame will be rendered: Song "When Visitors Come to Our School" Expression Class. Reading "Mud " Cakes,". . .Zennalee Bell. ReadingThe Second Table," lUlamay Brooks. Reading "Karl's Crime," Mildred Marchant. Song "Don't" May So Rough Jim,".. b Ten Boys, Read ing "Pontius Pilate". Elma Lovelace. Reading "When Papa Shaves," William Swanson. Reading "At Our School," . Pat Hensley. Song "Cross The Great Divide," Ten Girls. Reading "Goblins," Hazel Lovelace. Reading "Meditations ot Jinny". . Earl Amburn. Reading "He'Said" An" Awful Thing," Elsie Johnson. "Bad'Whispering Bird,".. Six Little Girls. Rdading "The Chillin's Picture'... Willie Standridge. Reading "An Incident of a French Camp," Dollie McDowell. Reading "Old Mother Goose," Miss Kyle. poses-Z" Eight Expression Pupils. Bad Luck" Wendell Swanson. Good Night..;.! ..Ulamay Brooks. Especially do we wisv the parents of the pupils of the class to come as it will be an inspiration to the class. We want them to see what the pupils have been accomplish this year. Jessie B. Kyle. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of an execution issued by W. A. Woody, clerk of the Law Court at Ducktown, Tenn., on the 4th day of Feb ruary, 1915, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, on the 6th day of March, 1915, at the Courthouse in Duck town, Tenn., the following described real estate, towit: One house and lot bounded on the north by Burkhart; on the west by Fran cis Mull; on the south by Wes ley Beavers ; on the east by Wesley Beav ers ; situate and being in the Tenth civil district of Polk county, Tenn.; levied on as the property of J. L. Culberson to sat isfy a judgment in favor of the State of the State of Tennessee against M. C. Cul berson, et al. This Feb. 8, 1915. Joe Williams. Depaty Sheriff Polk County. Ducktown M. E. Church South. - Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. .Preaching 11 o'clock a. m. Preaching at 7 o'clock p. m. Mid- week prayer service, Wednesday 7 p. m. Will preach every second and fourth Sunday at Isabella. You are cordially invited to come to all of these services and worship with us. Will preach at Isabella Sunday. G. F. Thomas, Pastor. QUALITY S. C. White Leghorns TO LAY EXCLUSIVELY Eggs from large, strong, health, free range hens. Bred for vigor and egg-laying power. My Hoce is from the famous Georgia " Model" strain, winners at Atlanta, New Orleans and Tampa. Eges, $1.00 for 15. $5.00 for 100. Book orders early for future deiwery. r. v., rosieue, t nm. J. R. MILLER, Mgr. 2-M POULTRY YARDS